DATE: May 13, 1998 TO: Engineering
PROJECT: #31-83H Stanton Creek, Filing Two - (LUC)
Final Compliance Review
All comments must be received by Steve Olt no later than the staff
review meeting:
Wednesday, June 3,1998
Stanton Creek Filing Two June 8, 1998
Site Plan
4,l The emergency access easement for the multifamily is shown differently on the site plan
and the utility plans
• The general notes state that utility easements are to be defined and common grounds will
not be dedicated as a blanket easement. The common ground around the lots is defined
/ as a blanket easement on the plat.
7• Parcel D general notes indicate that direct dwelling access is to be from local and
collector streets only. I believe you meant to say local and connector only, as there is to
be no access to collector streets from residential units.
Parcel D general notes also state that lots 40, 56 and 57 may not take access off of the
traffic circles. These lots do not abut the traffic circles. Lots 12, 17, 24 and 25 maybe?
The temporary turnarounds (between phases 2 and 3) are not shown on the utility plans.
tr Lot 17 shows an alternative driveway location. The alternative location needs to be
moved to the east so that a car parked in the drive will not obstruct the sight distance
Move the ramp at the corner of Nassau Way and Barbuda Drive off of the comer and to
the north so that it will line up with the ramp on the east. Also provide a sight distance
easement on Lot 97 to provide for visibility for crossing of the street. It would also be
better if this lot was defined as a type P rather than a R if possible.
Continued on next page)
Date: CcZ—R99 f' Signature:
tqW _✓Site _ _ ply
✓Utility ✓Redline Utility _ Iandsape City of Fort Collins
June 8, 1998
Stanton Creek Filing Two (page 2 of 2)
act Plat
In the dedic Tr
Tract B is not On el Block I u is to tTraat whatByou want to reference9
is for the use of the residents
of block 1.
�I Need ownership statements for the remaining tracts.
The centerline radius of Barbuda Drive is still not meeting the standards and no variance
• has been requested or considered yet.
Show the emergency access easement and indicate that it is to be provided by separate
Show the grading easement that is needed at the southern end of Stanton Creek Drive.
—,,frol ids alight distance easement on lot 97.
Utility Plans
access easement for the multifamily is shown differently on the site Plan
The emergency
and the utility plans.
Sheet 7
The utility plans are calling the common area around the multifamily as Tract B - It is
called Tract A on the plat.
Indicate what the emergency access easement is to be. Is it to be paved or just road base.
Is it intended for emergency access only, ie will it be gated or chained?
Sleet 8
With the phasing shown and no temporary turnarounds (as indicated on the site plan),
Lots 115, 122, and 121 will not be allowed building permits until Phase 3 and lots 127
and 39 will not be allowed to be built with access coming off of the north south roads
until Phase 3. If temporary turnarounds are provided the above conditions are not needed.
Move the ramp at the corner of Nassau Way and Barbuda Drive off of the corner and to
the north so that it will line up with the ramp on the east. Also provide a sight distance
easement on Lot 97 to provide for visibility for crossing of the street.
Sheet 12 and 22
• Off site grading is not shown being needed on the grading plan at the southern end of
Stanton Creek Drive, but the profile sheets show that the finished street to be lower than
the existing grade at the property line therefore requiring off site grading to lower the
grades to match. This grading needs to be shown on the grading plan and an off site
grading easement provided. It also needs to be shown on the profile how the final street
grade is going to be graded up to meet the existing grade.
Plan and Profile sheets
• The minimum K value for a 30 mph design (local streets) is 30 for a crest vertical curve
and 40 for a sag vertical curve. There are many of these within the designs that do not
meet the minimums.
• Provide the high point elevation in the cul-de-sacs and indicate what the slopes are.
• Provide the curb return slopes on the profiles.
„✓- Provide detail 44
Provide a midblock detached ramp detail for detached sidewalk.
• The driveway cut detail should indicate that they are also for the driveways off of Stanton
Creek Drive
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: July 2, 1997 DEPT: Engineering Pvmt
PROJECT: #31-83G Stanton Creek - Type I Final (LUG)
PLANNER: Steve Olt
All comments must be received no later than the staff review meeting:
Wednesday, July 30, 1997
This Soils Report is only the preliminary report. A final report will need to be submitted as required. See comments that
need to be addressed with final report.
❑ specifications to mandate thourough mixing and processing of all fill material generated on site so that uniform
embankments are constructed. This also holds for areas where utility trenches would generate potentially
expansive backfill, such as the Western portion of the site.
❑ water content may need to be specified higher, such as 0 to 4 percent over optimum to ensure embankments
remain wet long enough to permit swelling to occur prior to construction of pavements and/or foundations.
❑ Additional drilling, sampling and testing is warranted after grading and utility work to fully define the problem.
❑ Some information on the geology, including a map showing the Pierre Shale would be very helpful in defining
the problem as well.
❑ Mitigative measures need to be included in addition to the addition of water during construction.
In summary, this is exactly the type of situation we were anticipating in developing the new soils standards. Now we
know there is a potential problem and can require further analysis to avoid problems such as those becoming apparent at
Paragon Pt. This is a situation where it will be very important to require the final soils investigation after the earthwork
has been completed. Expansive soils exist under the entire site at relatively shallow depths (< 10 feet). And need to be
Date: / _Signature:Hl
_ Pit _af& ppS"i�a._ ii _ Drainage Rq d _ Odier
UWdy U4 _ I,md * City of Fort Collins