Attorney and Counselor at Law
P.O. Box 2003
David L. Osborn Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
(970) 484-2928
Fax: (970) 484-2620
E-mail: dosbom@verinet.com
July 3, 2001
City of Fort Collins
Planning, Zoning, and Plat Mapping
281 North College
Fort Collins. CO 80524
Re: Richie's Express Carwash Subdivision
217 West Olive
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
Enclosed is the mylar for Richie's Express Carwash Subdivision. The mylar has been
sinned by .lames R. Frank as Manager, and by myself as attorney. You will note that our
signatures are not dated inasmuch as the Certificate of Ownership and attorneys opinion _are not
aulid until the_cl_osing since "Richic's will not oNkn the property until closing. w'c would
respectfully request that you obtain the ❑eeessary signatures by the City and return it to me
office. After the closing where the signatures will be dated and notarized, we will have the title
company (Land Title) deliver the Plat to the Clerk and Recorder for recording or to the City for
recording, as you ma,y direct.
Please call if you have any questions.
Yours very truly.
xc: Mr. Tom Frank
Mr. Jim Frank
Jim Sell Design, Inc., Attention: Vaughn
9703502198 CDOT TRAFFIC
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Mr. David Stringer
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
P O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Dear Dave,
This is regarding the proposed RICHMS EXPRESS CARWASH SUBDIVISION at 3141
South College Avenue
Dick Rutherford at Stewart and Associates, Inc. has given me a copy of the Grading,
Drainage and Erosion Control Plans. The existing site has the Tire Shoppe on it and the proposed
site plan has a significant decrease in hard surface. The proposed sites two-year runoff rate is
decreased by 15.01/a and the I00-year runoff rate has a 33.1% reduction.
The existing site and the proposed site have the same drainage patter, The runoff from most
of the site flows to the Northeast comer of the site and then flows North in the West gutter of the
existing frontage goad. The runoff flows across Foothills Parkway in a concrete pan and cotttinues
North to an existing curb inlet near the Southeast corner of Dellenbaugh Chevrolet
As long as the runoff is not being increased and is not discharging into the College Avenue
gutter and is not changing the drainage pattern, the Colorado Department of Transportation will
approve the proposed drainage plan.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call.
Tess Jones
Colorado Depa ment of Transportation