APP. A '001
970-225-9194 (Office) 970 225-9709 (Fax)
April 10, 2001 "]
Mr. Marc Virata
Civil Engineer
City of Fort Collins
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Dear Mr. Virata
I am writing to request the following change per our phone conversation on April
5`h, 2001. 1 would like to change the current location of the sidewalk adjacent to
Harmony Road. Currently, the sidewalk is shown with a telephone pedestal
located in the middle of it.
Estimates created at the beginning of this project assumed the cost associated
with moving this pedestal would be along the scale of $500-$1,000. As of last
week, I was informed that the actual cost for Qwest to move the phone pedestal
would be approximately $3000. 1 would like to submit the following change be
recorded on the as -built drawings submitted at the end of this project.
In speaking with Tricia Kroetch from North Star Design, I learned that this would
be the easiest method to make the necessary changes. I have enclosed an 8 Y2"x
11" copy of this area showing the proposed location of the sidewalk in red. The
moved sidewalk will maintain its current size of 6' and will also maintain the city
required 2'clearance from the base of the pedestal.
If you have any questions or comments, please call me at (970) 225-9194.
Thank you for your time on this matter.
Felix Rojas
Project Manager
Marc Virata - Overlook Convenience Stc 'Harmony at Seneca) Page 1l
From: Cam McNair
To: Bob Blanchard, Dave Stringer, Marc Virata, Stev...
Date: Mon, Nov 22, 1999 4:27 PM
Subject: Overlook Convenience Store (Harmony at Seneca)
I've had some further discussions with Scott Griffin concerning this development, in particular regarding
the disposition of old Harmony Road and future access to Harmony Ridge, 2nd Filing. Where we are
seems to be as follows:
- The City agrees that the old Harmony ROW can be vacated, but prefers to wait and vacate it after all
development has occurred, thereby preserving our options for any secondary access that may be required
for Harmony Ridge 2nd Filing (based on new LUC requirements).
- The City can issue encroachment permits for the C-store and multi -family encroachments into the
existing Harmony ROW.
- The City can waive the public street development fees for Light & Power as well as Engineering, in
anticipation of the street reverting to private street classification when the ROW is vacated.
- The developer is concerned about the potential for secondary access to Harmony Ridge, saying it
affects the value of the multi -family project they are proposing.
- The developer also feels that it has vested rights based on previous approvals, which supposedly
guaranteed that the ROW would be vacated when they are ready to proceed with their development, and
which supposedly guaranteed that any secondary access to Harmony Ridge would be emergency access
I've asked for another meeting to discuss this. Scott and I tentatively agreed to Dec 3rd at 9:00 AM.
Before that time, I would ask for your help in determining what the actual commitments are, based on
previous P&Z actions or any other decisions. Please copy your responses to all addressees. Thanks for
your help
CC: Doug Martine, Gary Diede, WPaul Eckman
1'a itSC3?ir 3t'oil SprYtces
1,?LV of :-ort CoI11.1s
June 20, 2000
Patricia Kroetch. P.E.
North Star Design
1 194 W. Ash Street, Suite B
Windsor, CO 80550
RC.: Overlook 1 Seneca Center Variance Request
Dear Tricia,
II his letter is to inform ,you that on June 20"' the City Engineer granted the variance
requests you submitted dated April 26. 2000. As no objection was received from the
pertinent utility companies. the City Engineer felt comfortable granting the request to
reduce the utility easement along the .vest side of Seneca Street from nine feet to six feet.
As is typical with most variance requests, the granting of this variance does not set
precedence or change the application of our design standards in other situations.
Please inform me of any questions or concerns you might have
Marc P. Virata
Development Review Engineer
North Star
April 26, 2000
Marc Virata
City of Fort Collins Engineering Department
281 North College Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80522
On behalf of Wheeler Commercial Property Services, 1 would like to request a variance
to the City of Fort Collins design standards in conjunction with the Overlook / Seneca
Center development on west side of Seneca Street. The request is to reduce the required
utility casement width from 9' to 6' on the west side of Seneca Street south of Harmony
Road for a distance of approximately 165'.
This variance is being requested because there has been a change in required right of way
for Seneca since the preliminary approval. With the approval of the preliminary plans for
this development, a 68' right of way width for Seneca Street was required. At the time of
preliminary, uses for the property were chosen and a layout for the site was completed.
With the final plans, the City requested a 76' right of way width for Seneca which
encroaches on the planned uses. We are currently in the final planning phase and at this
point, the site layout would require significant modifications to accommodate this
encroachment. We are willing to meet with the utility companies to negotiate locations
for their utilities and/or provide easements through the site for their use if the 6' casement
cannot accommodate all of the utilities.
If you have questions regarding this request, please contact me at 686-6939.
Patricia Kroetch, P.E.
Cc: Dave PietenpoI, Wheeler Commercial
194 W. Ash Street, Suite B Windsor, Colorado 80550
Phone ^ :.: Fax