Cahen Architectural Group P.C.
Southeast Corner of Monte Carlo Drive and Wheaton Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado
This project consists of the development of Lot 8 of the Harmony Marketplace. The 9900
square foot retail building shall house multiple tenants providing convenience services for
the surrounding neighborhood. The allowable building area and parking stalls provided
comply with the overall design guidelines for the entire shopping center.
The buildings are designed to compliment the existing shopping center, both the main
tenants as well as the out -parcels. Similar building materials and coloration shall be used
to create a cohesive design. Warm earth tone colors, strong horizontal elements and
pitched roof forms wil'I create a smooth blending of the multi -family residential structures
surrounding the site.
The site is to be fully landscaped in and around the perimeter and a strong buffer of plant
materials shall be installed between the rear of the structure and the neighborhood to the
north. Plant species and character shall match the existing plant schemes found
throughout the existing shopping center. No wetland areas on on -site and thus no
negative effects exist.
Pedestrian and bicycle traffic have direct access from the public way both from perimeter
sidewalks and the internal walking path which is existing and lined with decorative light
It is anticipated that the building will house approximately four (4) tenants at its initial
occupancy. Wall mounted signage shall be employed to identify each tenant on the
stucco band facing south towards Harmony Road. One ground sign is planned with
multiple tenant text to identify the buildings tenants from the adjacent traffic from the
existing Safeway Store. It is anticipated that this development will employ approx. 16-20
As part of the existing Harmony Marketplace, the Owners shall maintain all common areas
including all landscaped areas, traffic control, snow removal and other periodic
.TWO TAMARAC, 7535 EAST HAMPDEN AVENUE, SUITE 425, DENVER, COLORADO, 80231 • (303) 743-0002 • (303) 743-0005-
Transpo..ation Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
March 25, 1998
Katy Press
Safeway Inc.
6900 S. Yosemite
Englewood, CO. 80112-1412
Re: Harmony Marketplace P.U.D.
Traffic Circle
Dear Katy,
The City has provided your consultants with the traffic circle design parameters the City
believes meets the n_,ighhorhood desires, as approved by The Planning and Zoning Board for the
Safeway development, and the City's traffic and engineering policies. The City provided the
parameters to your consultants only to keep them informed of the City's recent decisions, not to
insn net them to proceed with design. Since completing the issues for the certificate of occupancy
for the Saicwav store. correspondence on all technical design issues has been conducted through
your technical consultants as vecll as attendance at neighborhood meetings. We were only
conducting the n of f is circic design correspondanee the same. We recognize that Safeway is the
only proper entity to insu uct your planning and design team. I would like to express, on the
City's behalf. our sincere apologies for any misunderstandings resulting from recent events. Any
future correspondanee regarding Salcway shall be directed to your attention.
Please find below the traffic circle design parameters the City believes is acceptable for the
Ticonderoga and Ncw Bedford intersection:
1. 17' diameter traffic circle
2. Instead of a normal 6" vertical curb around the circle's perimeter, a 2' wide concrete
%1pr0u" kill be constructed around the perimeter. The height of the apron will taper
from i" high at the outer most edge to 6" high at it's inner most edge. The apron is
less of au obstacle in the street that a vertical curb.
i. The remaining area inside the circle is for landscaping.
4. No curh bulb -outs. sidewalk changes, cross walk striping or crosspan changes.
5. Design, lnnclscape and irrigation plans for the circle will need to be submitted and
approved by the City, prior to any construction of the traffic circle.
IS forth College A%enuc • P.O. Box 580 • Port Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6605
A copy of the letter sent to the neighborhood is included.
I am going to let Gary Diede respond to your discussion regarding a Safeway contact person for
the neighborhood residents. Gary has been out of the office this week, but I understand he is due
back next week, but I am uninformed as to when.
I hope this addresses some of your concerns presented in your letter. Please fell free to contact
me with any further questions.
Ward Stanford
Project Review Engineer
l J 6900 S YOSEMIT E°
ENGLEWOOD, GO 80112-1412
(303) 843-7600
March 17, 1998
Gary Diede
City Of Fort Collins
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins. Colorado 80524
Re: Safeway Store Project #1532
Harmony Road & McMurray
Fort Collins, Colorado
Dear Gary,
Via Facsimile
P.O. BOX 5927 T.A.
DENVER, GO 80217
I understand from voice mail messages from you and Ward Stanford, that the
City of Fort Collins has decided on a design for the proposed traffic circle at
Ticonderoga and New Bedford. 1 still have not received a copy of the letter you
sent the neighborhood nor was I contacted directly before you sent this letter
informing us of your decision!
So that I may direct my consulting team in the right direction, please provide
Safeway with the specifics for which the traffic circle is to be designed. I will
expect this in my hands no later than March 30, 1998. And, so that there is no
more confusion, all correspondence in connection with Safeway should be
directed to my attention - not my consultants.
Regarding your request to have the neighborhood contact Safeway directly to
express their wishes for the traffic circle - i have no interest in fielding numerous
phone calls and letters on this subject. I suggest that the Golden Meadows
residents contact their neighborhood representatives and that group can get
together with Safeway and the City when they have reached a consensus. I
have offered to both factions my willingness to attend a neighborhood meeting
should they decide they would like to have one.
Sincere ,
Katy Press
Real Estate Manager
cc: Ward Stanford, City of Fort Collins
Eric Bracke, City of Fort Collins
Kathleen Krager, Krager & Associates
Dennis Wyatt, Wyatt & Associates
Tim Dolan, Golden Meadows Neighborhood Group
March 12, 1998
RE: Ticonderoga Traffic Circle
Dear Resident:
Since the initial field layout of the Traffic Circle at the intersection of Ticonderoga and New
Bedford, many neighborhood residents have expressed their opinions regarding the device.
The City held a :neighborhood meeting, received many letters, phone calls, and a petition that
expressed both support and opposition to the device.
As many of you are aware, a traffic calming device at this intersection was required as part of
the Safeway Planned Unit Development (PUD). A group of residents attended the Planning
and Zoning Board meeting with well -intended concerns about the long range impacts of
traffic in their neighborhood. With their input, the Planning and Zoning Board required a
traffic circle at Ticonderoga and New Bedford in addition to the median near Lemay and the
speed humps.
Transportation staff has considered a number of options for the Ticonderoga/ New Bedford
intersection and has reached a decision to build option 43 below. The alternatives that were
evaluated included the following:
1. Remove the traffic circle from the intersection.
2. Keep the traffic circle with curb extensions.
3. Reduce the size of the traffic circle slightly from the current 18' diameter to
17' and remove the curb extensions.
4. Remove the traffic circle and place raised cross walks at the intersection.
Option 93 was chosen for the following reasons:
o It will provide a physical barrier and identify a neighborhood entrance
o It will provide a visual barrier that will help discourage any pass through traffic
o It will allow for vehicles to drive the 25 mph posted speed
o It will allow for minimal delay for emergency vehicles (less than a couple
seconds and in emergencies, they will be allowed to make a left turn in front of
the circle which is an accepted practice)
o It will provide for the intended purpose of trying to keep the pass through traffic
out of the neighborhood
o The Planning and Zoning Board approved a traffic circle as part of the final
Safeway PUD for the shopping center and only Safeway can request an
amendment to the plans
We hope this solution will be acceptable to the neighborhood as a whole. In the next couple
of years, the City will be overlaying more of the streets in this neighborhood and we will
evaluate the effectiveness of the traffic circle at that time. City staff will be working with
Safeway to finalize the design and construct the traffic circle by early summer which will
include concrete curb and gutter around the perimeter and landscaping inside the circle.
If you have further questions, you can call me at 221-6340 or the Traffic Engineer, Eric
Bracke, at 224-6062. Thank you for all of your efforts and participation in this matter.
-2—"' z11/� -
Gary Diede
TOP's Group Leader
November 13, 1997
Mr. Ward Stanford,
Mr. Gary Diede
Development Review, Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins, Colorado
281 N. College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado
RE: Safeway - Harmony Marketplace
Completion of Public Improvements
Dear Ward,
As noted briefly during our meeting on November 7, 1997, it appears that portions of
required public improvements may not be completed at the time of a request for
Certificate of Occupancy due to various circumstances noted below. We herein request
that the City issue a temporary certificate of occupancy while these remaining items are
completed so that the store can open on December 20, 1997. Safeway can provide the
city with additional guarantees that the remaining work will be completed in the form of
a letter of credit. performance bond or other suitable guarantee as may be required by the
Noted below are the areas of concern and the reasons why work has not been completed
to date:
1. Pavement of Monte Carlo.
The contractor was staged to complete the final pavement lift in the areas adjacent
to the new curb work but the city inspector determined that the final pavement
extent and section be modified as a result of the "patchwork" nature of the work-
( Jpon this notification and subsequent discussions with the city we resurveyed the
"as -built" conditions to further define the extent of this work and presented this
information in a revised plan for to the City. The city has agreed with the revised
scope and we have issued change orders to Resource Construction to complete
the work_ "this came at the time of the heavy snowstorm in October and we have
been unable to complete this work. We are now facing inclement weather
conditions with temperatures below those required to pave the street and must
now wait until temperatures allow for the work to be performed. The contractor
is standing by to complete this work when possible and are making efforts to
complete the work prior to the store opening on December 20, 1997. We will
keep the city updated to the schedule as conditions allow.
1865 so. pearl st., deriver, colorado 80210 (303) 698-1717 fax (303) 778-6004
2. Pavement of Harmony Road turning lane.
We are completing final layout now and again due to weather conditions we are
delayed in paving this area. In addition, the City and Public Service Co. will be
relocating the power poles and signal poles between the 1 Oth and 12th of
December. Upon completion of this work at the intersection of McMurry and
Harmony, the adjacent curb work can then be completed. Changes to the curb
radius due to utility conflicts at the corner of Harmony and Wheaton are currently
being reviewed by the City upon submission of revised drawings from Northern
Engineering. We are hopeful that these decisions can be completed in the next
few days so that we can issue a clarification to the contractor and he can perform
the work and thus be ready for pavement at this corner.
3. Pavement of Mobile Home Park Turning Lane.
Plans have been approved and issued to the contractor for this work. Due to
weather conditions we have not been able to begin this work and are standing by
to do the work when weather allows.
4. Installation of Storm Drain System across McMurry near Harmony Road.
After several meetings with the applicable city departments, a revised plan has
been submitted for approval (1 1 / 12/97) and we are waiting for approval. These
design revisions have been in review for the past several weeks with little
progress thus causing severe time delays. The plans, when approved by the City,
will be issued to the contractor for installation_ We understand that a component
of this plan (manhole section) has a long lead order time which may further cause
problems. Again, we will make every effort to expedite this work when we
finally receive approved plans.
5. Median island at Ticonderoga and Lemay and traffic circle at Ticonderoga
and New Bedford.
A plan for the median island has been prepared by Northern Engineering and
while we await city approval of the final design we are asking Resources
Construction to stage up for the construction of this island. We feel that this
work can be completed prior to the opening of the store. At the same time, the
city is studying the final design layout for the traffic circle which still needs to be
reviewed and engineering drawings produced. Per our meeting last week,
temporary barricades will be set in this area by the city pending final approval
and construction of the permanent improvements. As a part of this approval, the
city has asked that the existing 4" roll-over curbs at each of the radius
intersections be replaced with a 6" vertical curb to act as abarrier to traffic and to
provide a safety factor for the sidewalk. This transition from a 4" roll over to a
6" vertical will result in the need to replace sidewalk and create other- difficult
engineering design issues and will result in considerable costs. Safeway was not
anticipating cost of the magnitude for the traffic circle as it may result in the
reconstruction of the entire intersection (ie: pavement patches, etc.) Please
carefully review the need to replace this curb as you review the design and
advise us as to your position.
In summary, Safeway Inc. together with Resource Construction is making every effort
possible to complete the required improvements and with some luck and good weather
we feel many of the above items can be completed. However, if we continue to get
freezing temperatures, or temperatures below 45 degrees the paving operations cannot be
completed. Therefore we want to begin any negotiations required to insure that we can
get the store opened on time and provide the city with surety necessary during the interim
period while we complete the outstanding work.
Please contact myself, or Cam Potter and Katy Press at Safeway, Inc. with your response
to these issues aa, soon as possible. We will continue to keep you abreast of our progress
during the next few weeks. Thank you in advance for your continued cooperation.
Wyatt & Associates, P.C.
17ennis W. Wyatt, Architect
cc: Katy Press, Safeway, Inc_
Cam Potter, Safeway, Inc.
Myron Baker, Safeway, Inc.
Bob Matucci, Resource Const.
Chuck Eker, Resource Const..
Steve Moser, Resource Const.
Bud Curtiss, Northern Eng.
Transpor ion Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
August 22, 1997
Chuck Ecker
Resource Construction Company
10065 E. Harvard Ave.
Suite 807
Denver, Colorado 80231 �-
The purpose of this letter is to notify you that; due to the extent of the damage to Monte Carlo
the City of Fort Collins will be requiring a partial reconstruction and overlay of Monte Carlo Ave.
Monte Carlo currently has seven utility cuts between Wheaton and McMurray. The curb, gutter
and sidewalk on the South side of Monte Carlo is being moved North into the existing street
approximately six feet, creating an off set crown and a quarter crown in the South half of the
roadway. Moving the curb and gutter will result in another patch running the entire length of
Monte Carlo.
In accordance with the General Notes on the cover sheet of the approved plans the following
repairs will required.
1. Patch all utility cuts
2. Remove the South half of Monte Carlo; from the new lip of curb and gutter to the new
roadway centerline
3. Pave the bottom lift of asphalt on the South side of the roadway
4. Taper grind the North edge of Monte Carlo V to accept an overlay
5. Overlay the entire width of Monte Carlo between Wheaton and McMurray
A pavement section for Monte Carlo will need to be submitted to the City of Fort Collins for
approval prior to beginning any paving.
Thank you for your cooperation in dealing with this matter. If you have any questions you can
contact me at 221-6605.
bras _
Todd Juergens
Lead Construction Inspector
'81 Vorth CAIeec Avenue • ('O. Bc,x :;80 • Fort Collins. CO 8052 -0580 • (970) =1-6616
Susan Joy - Harmony Market Lot 8
Page 1
Eric Bracke
Ted Shepard
10/17/02 8:08AM
Harmony Market Lot 8
I am waiving the TIS requirements for Lot 8 of the Harmony Market. All public improvements are in place
and it is my understanding that the development is within the parameters of the original plan. If this is not
the case, please advise.
Kind Regards,
Eric L. Bracke, P.E.
Traffic Engineer
CC: Tom Reiff
L le
G, I/Ct
June 5, 1997
Mr. Ward Stanford
City of Fort Collins Engineering Department
Development Review Division
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-0580
RE: Harmony Safeway Marketplace
Estimate of improvements adjacent to project site
Dear Ward,
This letter is intended to provide for your use an estimate of improvements within the public
Right -of -Way adjacent to the Harmony Safeway marketplace, as per your request. I understand
that this will be used for the development agreement.
As you know, this project was put out to bid by Safeway. The attached letter from Resource
Construction Company reflects those items and their bid prices. Their total estimate of
improvements was $105,018. Per City policy, 150% of these bid prices would be $157,527.
Please let me know if this satisfies your requirement for the completion of the development
agreement. Thanks for your cooperation. If you require additional information, please do not
hesitate to contact either myself (221-4158) or James Reiner at Resource Construction Company
Roger Curtiss P.E. - Northern Engineering Services, Inc.
cc: Dennis Wyatt - Wyatt & Associates
Cam Potter - Safeway
.Tames Reiner - Resource Construction Company
420 SOUTH HONES, SUITE 202, FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80521, (970) 221-4150, FAX (970) 221-4159
l JJ 6900 S. VOSEMfiE
ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112-1412
(303) 843-7600
May 8, 1997
Ward Stanford
City of Fort Collins
281 North Collage Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
Re: Safeway Store Project #1552
Fort Collins, Colorado
Dear Ward,
P.O. BOX 5927 T.A.
DENVER, CO 80217
Via Facsimile
Following are Safeway's comments on the draft Development Agreement::
1. Safeway is both the Owner and Developer. We purchased the property
in October 1996. A copy of the deed was sent to Carrie Ashbeck. Please
make this change throughout the agreement.
2. Section 11.2 The $16,050.00 security deposit required for the erosion
control plan has already been posted. Please note this in the agreement.
3. Section DA and D.2 - Streets Safeway had already planned to build the
8' sidewalks without reimbursement from the City. If we accept this partial
reimbursement we are then subject to the City's review of our construction
contract. It would be easier for us to just delete this portion of the
agreement and Safeway will agree to capsize the sidewalk at our cost.
4. Section DA Since construction of the speed undulations will be controlled
by the City, we do not want them tied to our Certificate of Occupancy.
5. Section D.5 and D.6 Discussion of the off -site traffic calming
improvements left us to believe that the City would design and construct
all of these improvements and Safeway would pay the City for the cost.
Please clarify this for us.
�� P
Page Two
Fort Collins, Colorado
Section N Notices should be sent to:
Developer & Owner:
With A Copy To:
Safeway Stores, Inc.
Real Estate Law
5918 Stone Ridge Mall Road
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Safeway Stores
Denver Division
Real Estate Department
6900 South Yosemite
Englewood, CO 80112
Signatures The signature block for Safeway should look as follows:
Safeway, Inc. a Delaware Corporation
Please fax me a copy of the revised draft as soon as possible. My fax number is
Area Real Estate Manager
cc: Dennis Wyatt (303)778-6004
Transpc tion Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
Date: March 14, 1997
To: John Duval, City Attorney
From: Kerrie Ashbeck, Civil Engineer II
RE: SAFEWAY HARMONY MARKETPLACE P.U.D. -Located on the north side of
Harmony Road between Wheaton Drive and McMurray Avenue
This project was granted final Planning and Zoning Board approval on October 7, 1996.
Since that time, the plans and development agreement have been in the City's process
for final approvals and both items are nearing completion for final signatures. However,
the approved P.U.D. includes a right-in/right-out access from Harmony Road between
Wheaton Drive and McMurray Avenue. The applicant (Safeway) has been aware since
at least conceptual review for the project on April 24, 1995, that the Harmony Road
Access Control Plan, executed between the City and the Colorado Department of
Transportation (C.D.O.T.) in March 1989, does not include any direct access from
Harmony Road to the property. The applicant was told that any land use proposal for
the property must either conform to the approved Access Control Plan, or proceed
through the process for amending the Plan - assuming that both C.D.O.T. and the City
would support such a request. (Note that the City has only processed one amendment
to an Access Control Plan which was the South College Avenue Access Control Plan
for access to a parcel that was completely landlocked). Safeway was also informed
that the process for amending the access control plan could be quite lengthy.
Last summer, both the City and the State agreed to consider an amendment to the
Harmony Road Access Control Plan to add a right-in/right-out per Safeway's request for
direct access to Harmony Road. However, to date, the applicant and C.D.O.T. are still
negotiating the terms of such an amendment (see the attached letter from C.D.O.T.) In
addition, C.D.O.T. requires that the applicant obtain an opening in the "A -line" (access
line) for Harmony [Road which is also a lengthy process. (This is required of all
developments which take access off the highway segment of Harmony Road. It should
be noted that the Symbios project at County Road 9 and Harmony Road just obtained
their A -line opening last month after submitting their request to C.D.O.T. in August of
1996. The Symbios project's access to Harmony Road is an approved right-in/right-out
location that is part of the adopted Harmony Road Access Control Plan). After an A-
281 North College Avenue • PO. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6605
line opening is granted, C.D.O.T. must to take formal action to amend the Harmony
Road Access Control Plan to allow a right-in/right-out at that location since the Safeway
access is not part of the adopted Plan. Eric Bracke currently has an item scheduled for
the March 18, 1997 City Council hearing to amend the Access Control Plan on the
City's behalf. However, Safeway and C.D.O.T. are still negotiating on the A -line and
the conditions of the subsequent C.D.O.T. amendment of the Harmony Road Access
Control Plan. At this time, City Staff has received no formal notice from C.D.O.T. that
either item has been approved and finalized. Staff has repeatedly informed the
applicant that formal notice from C.D.O.T. that both the A -line opening has been
granted and that C.D.O.T. has completed their amendment to the Harmony Road
Access Control Plan must be received by the City in order to record the P.U.D. In
addition, the utility plans, development agreement, and City amendment to the Access
Control Plan, which have been continuing through the process must be completed.
Once all those items are complete, Staff has told the applicant that the City can record
the P.U.D. docurrients and the applicant can obtain a building permit (subject to the
typical requirements in the Code and Development Agreement for building permit
issuance). Staff, however, has no control over C.D.O.T.'s requirements and process for
amending the Access Control Plan.
The applicant has been requesting that Staff record the P.U.D. upon completion of the
utility plans and development agreement, but prior to formal C.D.O.T. approval of the
Harmony Road right-in/right-out to the Safeway site. However, in my opinion, I believe
it would be a violation of our legally binding Harmony Road Access Control Plan
agreement with C.D.O.T. for the City to file, record, and release a building permit for a
P.U.D. which does not conform to the current Access Control Plan or an approved
amendment to that Plan. I recently told the applicant that even if the City Council
agrees to amend the Access Control Plan, we are only one party in a two party
agreement. In my opinion, the Access Control Plan is not "amended" until both parties
complete whatever actions are necessary to formally amend the Plan. For the City it is
the City Council Resolution, for C.D.O.T. I believe they have an advisory board that
reviews and votes on such requests after C.D.O.T. has negotiated the terms.
The other option City staff has given the applicant throughout the review of the project
is to proceed through the P.U.D. process with a plan that does not show access off of
Harmony Road and therefore conforms to the current Harmony Road Access Control
Plan. Instead, the applicant has chosen to proceed through the P.U.D. process
showing the right-in/right-out off of Harmony Road on the P.U.D. As recently as two
weeks ago, I informed the applicant that they could still amend the Final P.U.D. or apply
for an Administrative Change (whichever the Planning Department would require) to
eliminate the right-in/right-out from the currently approved P.U.D. However, in my
opinion, such a request would require going back to the Planning and Zoning Board for
approval since the neighborhood as well as Safeway wanted the right-in/right-out. If the
Planning and Zoning Board approved the request to eliminate the right-in/right-out from
the P.U.D., staff could record revised P.U.D. documents and utility plans and Safeway
could proceed with obtaining a building permit. This would allow the project to proceed
while Safeway continues to negotiate with C.D.O.T. for the access to Harmony Road.
If Safeway elects to pursue that option, there is probably a way for the Planning and
Zoning Board's approval to include a provision for construction of the right-in/right-out if
and when C.D.O.T. approves of it and amends the Access Control Plan. That way,
Safeway would not have to go back to the Planning and Zoning Board again to add the
access point back onto the P.U.D. plan. Originally, it would have been best if the
applicant would have proceeded to the Board without the right-in/right-out in
conformance with the current Access Control Plan and then later amended the P.U.D.
to add the right-in/right-out if it was eventually approved as a Harmony Road Access
Control Plan Amendment. This was suggested to the applicant but they chose to
proceed with the access as part of the P.U.D.
The condition of Preliminary Approval for the P.U.D. (April 22, 1996) states: "At the
time of submittal for a Final P.U.D., the applicant shall have obtained a State Highway
Access Permit from the Colorado Department of Transportation in order to allow the
access from Harmony Road. If a permit is not granted, then the access must be
deleted and the site plan amended accordingly." What is needed is not an "Access
Permit", but an Amendment to the Harmony Road Access Control Plan. The Planning
Department allowed the applicant to submit for Final P.U.D. without the Amendment
being in place. The project was granted Final Planning and Zoning Board approval with
only the standard condition that the development agreement and utility plans be
finalized. No mention was made that the right-in/right-out still requires final C.D.O.T.
approval, an A -line opening, and a formal Access Control Plan Amendment - all steps
which take a significant amount of time. The project planner incorrectly stated in the
Staff Report that the access had been granted. The attached letter from C.D.O.T. was
construed by the project planner to be C.D.O.T. approval of the access even though it
is clearly stated that there were additional negotiations necessary and a formal process
to complete. The letter does not constitute and Access Control Plan Amendment.
Therefore, it is my opinion - and I have repeatedly told the applicant - that the Access
Control Plan is a legally binding agreement that must be adhered to and the City cannot
and should not record any final P.U.D. or subdivision plans which do not conform to the
approved Plan or a formal Amendment thereto. As a result, the applicant cannot
receive a building permit since, for the reasons stated above, we cannot record the plat
and P.U.D. at this time. Therefore, the question raised in the attached letter from the
applicant requesting that a hold simply be placed on the certificate of occupancy in
order to guarantee completion of the Access Control Plan Amendment is not an option
in my opinion.
Safeway may be confusing the Access Control Plan Amendment which is required to
allow an access point to Harmony Road at that location, with the State Highway Access
Permit which permits construction of an approved access once it is allowed. However, I
have on several occasions explained the difference between these items to the
applicant. What the applicant has been told is that once the Access Control Plan
Amendment is complete, the P.U.D. is recorded, and the building permit is issued, the
certificate of occupancy will be held until a State Highway Access Permit is issued for
construction of the approved access and the access is completed in conformance with
the Permit and the approved P.U.D. This is the typical condition for all development
agreements which involve construction of approved State Highway access points.
In summary, in my opinion, unless the P.U.D. is revised to eliminate the right-in/right-out
as described above, Safeway must obtain an approved access to Harmony Road,
including the A -line approval process through C.D.O.T. and the execution of a proper
and formal Access Control Plan Amendment by and between both the City and
C.D.O.T., before the P.U.D. can be recorded and a building permit can be issued.
Based on Safeway's persistence in requesting recording of the P.U.D. and the issuance
of a building permit, I wanted to explain the background on the situation and my
position for your review. Feel free to forward this memo to Safeway for their use.
Please contact me with any further questions at x7656. Thank you.
cc: File
Mike Herzig, Development Engineering Manager
Gary Deide, TOPS Group Leader
Ron Phillips, Director of Transportation Services
John Fischbach, City Manager
Steve Roy, City Attorney
Krager and Associates, Inc.
1390 Stuart Street, Carriage House
Denver, Colorado 80204-1243
(303) 446-2626 FAX (303) 446-0270
March 11, 1997
Mr. Ron Phillips
Public Works Department
281 N. College
Ft. Collins, CO 80522-0580
RE: Harmony Marketplace 59OIrp.wps
Dear Ron:
As you are aware, Safeway has been attempting to receive approval from CDOT
and FHWA to amend the existing A -line on Harmony Road in front of their site.
While this has been a lengthy process to date, let me assure you that Safeway,
and the numerous consultants who are working on this project, have been
pursuing this approval in a timely manner. Unfortunately, responses and
assistance frorn CDOT have not been as timely.
Although we had numerous meetings with CDOT regarding the right-in/right-out
access to Harmony Road, the existence of an A -line along Harmony Road was
not discussed at these meetings. After receiving Planning Commission approval
for the PDP, Katie Press, Dennis Wyatt and myself were assured by Eric Bracke
that the next step in the process was the amendment of the access control plan
for Harmony Road, and that he would proceed with this amendment immediately.
On September 17, 1996, Tess Jones, CDOT, sent you a letter which discussed
for the first time the need to change the A -line on Harmony Road. This letter
was forwarded to my office by Kerrie Ashbeck dated October 1, 1996 and
received October 4, 1996. The letter also included a sample of an A -line
opening request with some additional directions from CDOT. Upon receiving
this letter, we requested that Northern Engineering, who was preparing the PUD
improvement plans for Harmony Rd., verify the width of the A -line opening and
complete their roadway improvement plans at the proposed access point. After
several weeks of work, Northern Engineering informed us that they were unable
to verify the location of any A -line on Harmony Road. At that point, we reviewed
the title information for the property and could find no indication of an A -line
existing. After several failed attempts to verify the details of an A -line, Jim
Winkler, of my office, called Bob Grube, CDOT Right -of -Way Engineer. Mr.
Mr. Ron Phillips March 11, 1997
Ft. Collins Public Works Page 2
Grube informed Jim that there might be a copy of the A -line somewhere around
CDOT, but he didn't know where it was at, and we would have to find it
ourselves from the deed. Over the next month, we continued to try to identify the
access line using Safeway's real estate lawyer in California. This research was
to no avail. In mid December, I contacted Tess Jones to inform her that we
were unable to find any verification of an A -line on Harmony Road and asked for
her instructions on what I should do. Tess Jones then transmitted a copy of the
original A -line deed for this property to my office on December 30, 1996.
On January 17, 1997, we submitted to Bob Grube our application for an
amendment to the A -line which included a legal description and use of the
proposed opening, a copy of the roadway improvement plan, references to the
original deed (book and page), references to CDOT project number and station
for the proposed opening, and a check for $300.00. On January 29, 1997 we
received a fax from Bob Grube indicating that the only part of our submittal that
CDOT accepted was $300.00. He further went on to explain that his office had
decided to change the format for application of A -line amendments since the
format was given to us in October. These changes required a new legal
description and other format modifications. On Feb 19, 1997, our application
was resubmitted to CDOT and accepted by Bob Grube on Feb 21. On March 4
Bob Grube indicated that he had submitted our application to Staff right-of-way
for processing
As you can see, this has been a lengthy and frustrating process for us and we
have tried to accommodate CDOT's requests. Phone calls to CDOT Staff have
often gone unanswered and unreturned. When we have reached CDOT Staff to
request information which would assist us in this submittal, it has not always
been forthcoming. The change in application format midway through this project
appeared both arbitrary and unnecessary. We are now further dismayed to be
told that it could be another 3 months before CDOT staff will finalize this
application. Considering that the sample application they gave us to follow was
submitted and approved in less than one month's time, these delays come as a
surprise to Safeway and the consultants. Had CDOT provided us with a copy of
the access deed, and if they had followed the same procedure they used in the
sample they provided us, the A -line amendment would have been approved by
mid -November.
Due to these unforeseen delays, Safeway is requesting to proceed with the
Harmony Marketplace project. The certificates of occupancy for all buildings
within the project could be conditioned upon receipt of the amended A -line and
Mr. Ron Phillips
Ft. Collins Public Works
March 11, 1997
Page 3
proper completion of the right-in/right-out access to Harmony Road. This course
of action puts Safeway at risk in not being able to receive CO's when their
buildings are complete if they have not completed the access work. However,
there appears to be no problem in receiving the amendment to the access line,
other than one of timing.
I will be out of town until March 20, 1997, so if you need to speak with someone
about these concerns, please call either Katie Press or Dennis Wyatt. Thank
you for your consideration.
�� /
Kathleen L. Krager, P.E.
Transportation Engineer
Susan Joy - Re: Lot 8 Harmony Safeway
Page 1
Ron Gonzales
Ted Shepard
4/9/03 2:31 PM
Re: Lot 8 Harmony Safeway
Hey Ted,
Thanks for the last chance to comment —upon a second look at my notes for this project, I found I had no
notes because the last submittal faxed to me was not to scale. I could not verify the conditions Mr. Tanner
addressed. However, I did call him, requested a scaled diagram for good measure (hat) and I concur with
the findings...
No fire lane is required: access is achievable from the street(s) due to corner location for this fully
sprinklered facility.
Ron Gonzales
Asst. Fire Marshal
Poudre Fire Authority
>>> Ted Shepard 04/08/03 01:56PM >>>
Ron, do we still have an unresolved issue with fire access and easements to the Lot 8 Harmony Safeway
building? What's the scoop?
CC: Susan Joy
ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112-1412
(303) 843-7600
March 5, 1997
Kerrie Ashbeck
City of Fort Collins
Transportation Services - Engineering Department
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-0580
Re: Safeway Store Project #1552
Harmony Safeway Marketplace PUD
Dear Kerrie,
P.O. BOX 5927 T.A.
DENVER, GO 80217
Via Facsimile
In my initial review of the draft development agreement, the first thing that
concerned me was General Conditions - Paragraph C.
This appears to be residentially oriented and not applicable to commercial
development. Can you please explain to me how this pertains to our specific
Thank you.
Real Estate Manager
cc: Dennis Wyatt, Wyatt & Associates (778-6004)
w Ra yd
O�� P.p.r
Transpr tion Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
March 3. 1997
Mr. Dennis Wyatt
Wyatt and Associates
1865 S. Pearl Street
Denver, CO 80210
Dear Dennis:
Attached for your information and preliminary review with the owner/developer is a copy
of the draft development agreement for the Harmony Safeway Marketplace P.U.D.
There are a few minor comments remaining on the utility plans and those will be
forwarded March 6 to Northern Engineering. Once those comments are addressed,
and the Ditch Company has signed the plans, Northern Engineering may submit the
final utility plan mylars for City approval. It is at this time that the various City
Departments will give me final language for their respective sections of the
development agreement. The enclosed draft is the City's boilerplate and all the items I
have been able to identify for the Special Conditions section to date.
The City will continue to refine the content under the Special Conditions section of the
agreement as the plans circulate for final signature over the next few weeks. Once all
items have been incorporated, a complete final draft is given to the developer/owner for
review and a copy is given to the City Attorney's office for review. Then I incorporate
any comments from those parties into the agreement. It is sometimes necessary to
have a meeting of a conference call between the developer/owner and the City to go
over items in question. Once all parties are ready to sign the agreement, the
owner/developer will be given 5 final copies to sign and return to us.
This process typically occurs over a period of 3 to 4 weeks during the routing and
approval of the final utility plan mylars. However, depending on the extent of the
developer/owner's concerns with our boilerplate language and the Special Conditions
(which are also fairly standard items) the process can take longer. Feel free to contact
me with any questions on the draft agreement to date to begin discussions of any items
of concern. Also, please complete and return the attached form for the information on
the developer and owner to be inserted into the agreement as soon as possible or
please fax it to me at (970) 221-6378. Thank you.
2SI NOIth Cnllct Lr AcenuC • P.O. Bov 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6605
Kerrie Ashbeck
Civil Engineer II
cc: File
Bud Curtiss, Northern Engineering
Transpc tion Services
I`nginecring Department
Citv of fort Collins
I .r
Date: February 24, 1997
To: Eric Bracke, Traffic Engineer
From: Kerrie Ashbeck, Civil Engineer lam'
Last week, Bud Curtiss of Northern Engineering submitted the attached sketch plan of
the proposed traffic circle on Ticonderoga Drive at Mt. Vernon Court. I told Bud I would
pass it on to you for your review and comments. Bud would like to set up a time to
meet with us to discuss the design with the neighbors. In addition, I think we need to
include Roger Buffington of the Water Utilities since the proposed traffic circle has
significant impacts on the accessibility of the existing water and sewer mains in
Ticonderoga Drive for repair and maintenance.
I would also suggest that Transportation meet separately with the utilities
to discuss traffic calming devices in the r.o.w. in general, including traffic circles,
chicanes, speed humps, etc., in order to develop some design guidelines for these
things since we are seeing more and more requests from developers as well as
neighborhoods for the installation of traffic calming measures. The utilities, on the other
hand, have often conflicting concerns about having to dig up curb and gutter and
landscaping to access their mains and services.
Please call me at x7656 with any questions and suggested meeting times. Also, let's
discuss the larger question 61 traffic calming vs. utilities in the r.o.w. at our weekly
coordination meeting on Thursday. Thanks.
�,v V'irtli l nllc��e Accnuc f'O. Bo, • R�rt Collin,, CO 80�'_3-O�RU • (970)'_31-660>
Transpe tion Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
October 1, 1996
Tess M. Jones
Colorado Department of Transportation
Region 4
1420 2nd Street
Greeley, CO 80632-0850
Dear Tess:
Ron Phillips forwarded your letter dated September 17, 1996 to my office last week.
Your letter identifies four items which must be completed for the access onto Harmony
Road (SH 68) from the proposed Safeway shopping center. For your information, I
have listed those items below and identified who I believe is the appropriate
individual/entity to process each item.
• Application for proposed changes to the access control line:
I called the applicant's traffic engineering consultant, Kathleen Krager, and told
her I think the developer/applicant should process this item through C.D.O.T. on
behalf of the project. She agreed, and I have forwarded the samples you
attached to your letter on to her for reference.
• Amendment to the Harmony Road Access Control Plan
The City has only had one other occasion to amend an access control plan. Eric
Bracke, the City's Traffic Engineer took the previous amendment through the
City Council. I will be working with Eric to take this amendment to the Council.
We will need to coordinate with you and with Safeway to determine the
necessary sequence of events to coincide with C.D.O.T.'s process and a
• Access Permit for construction of a standard eastbound left turn lane to Harmony
Road Mobile Home Park:
The plans for this turn lane must be submitted to the City for review along with
the plans for the Safeway center. After the City's review process for all final
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6605
plans is complete, I will prepare the Access Permit for this work simultaneously
with the Permit for the Safeway Access.
• Access Permit for the Safeway site defining the proposed right-in/right-out
access and all other improvements necessary at adjacent intersections along
Harmony Road:
I will prepare the Access Permit for this work in conjunction with the Permit for
the turn lane as described above
Please call me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.
Kerrie Ashbeck
Civil Engineer II, Development Review
cc: Kathleen L. Krager, P.E. - Krager & Associates, Inc.
1390 Stuart St., Carriage House, Denver, CO 80204
Eric Bracke, Traffic Engineer
Region Harmony Road Proposals OT
1420 2nd street Safeway & Harmony Road Mobile Home park
Greeley, Colorado 80032-0850
(970)353-1232 fort Collins
September 17, 1996
Ron Phillips - Director of Transportation Services
City of fort Collins
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Dear Ron:
Mr. Doug Rames' letter to you dated August 30, 1996, described a request for improvements
along I lrmony Road (SH 68) which the Department determined would be acceptable in
exchange for the possible allowance of a direct access to the proposed Safeway store. This letter
revises our request.
Since construction of the requested westbound right turn lane into Harmony Road Mobile Home
Park would require relocation of utilities and drainage facilities, we have revised our request to
IOCn9 on improvements to the existing eastbound left turn lane into that same site.
['he Department proposes the City ask the developer to bring the existing short eastbound left
turn lane into conformance with standard design criteria defined by the State Highway Access
Code. Fxtension of that short turn lane should include a standard left decel lane, adequate
storage for the current volume turning left in the evening peak hour, and a standard taper, along
with a four foot paved shoulder.
As Doug stated in his letter, the details of agreements for the Safeway store remain to be worked
out. 'I hosc processes include:
• application for proposed changes to the access control line
• an amendment to the Harmony Road Access Control Plan
• in Access Permit for construction of the standard eastbound left turn lane to Harmony Road
Mobile I tome Park
• an Access Permit for the Safeway site defining the proposed right-in/right-out access, and all
improvements necessary at adjacent intersections along Harmony Road
Please use the enclosed package as an example for the request for changes to the access control
line. That review and decision can take several months so I advise the developer begin that
process without delay.
Ron Phillips
]'age 2
September 19, 1996
Harmony Road Proposals
"Thank you for consideration of this change. I await your response to this revised request.
�� TL
Region Development/Access Coordinator
(970) 350-2163
copy: Kathleen L. Krager, P.E. - Krager & Assoc., Inc.
1390 Stuart St, Carriage House, Denver, CO 80204-1243
W. Reisbcck.
D. Raines
P. Demosthenes
J. Kullman
G. I lice -Idler
.1. Springer
1420 2nd Street
Greeley, Colorado 80631 August 30, 1996
Mr. Ron Phillips
Director of Transportation Services
City of Fort Collins
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
Dear Ron:
Since our meeting on August 1, CDOT has been trying to identify a
way to justify the granting of a right -in right -out access point on
Harmony Road that would serve the proposed new Safeway store. Our
goal has been to identify a plan of action that would grant the
access, while at the same time, mitigate any degradation of the
corridor caused by the additional access.
Yesterday I made a proposal to a representative of the developer
that seems to achieve this goal, and today I received word that the
proposal may be acceptable to the developer. Since CDOT and the
City of Fort Collins have an agreement in place that controls new
accesses in this corridor, it is necessary that the City concur in
this proposal as well. The terms of the proposal, for the City's
consideration., are as follows:
A. CDOT will concur in a right -in right -out only access and,
B. Developer will construct a westbound right turn lane into
the Harmony Road Mobile Home Park.
The details of the agreement remain to be worked out. CDOT will
insist that the process to apply for an access and to buy an
opening in the access line be followed closely.
CDOT will not: pursue this further without an indication from the
City that it concurs. Thank you for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
,-bougla Rames�
Regio Transportation Director
cc: Kathleen Krager
W. Reisbeck
T. Jones
P. Demosthenes
Transpo. don Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
June 14, 1996
Robert Pennock
ReMax Advanced, Inc.
1018 Centre Avenue
Ft. Collins, CO 80526
Dear Robert,
Enclosed is the Application for State Highway Access Permit you submitted to the City
last month with your business card attached. Since the cover sheet submitted with the
attached traffic study information is not dated nor addressed to anyone, I am not sure of
the exact date it was submitted. The Application was signed by the property owner on
May 9th. I received the packet of information from the City Traffic Engineer's office the
week of May 13 and called Kathleen Krager, the applicant's traffic engineering
consultant, on May 20 to discuss the Application and inform her that it is incomplete
and that the proposed access is not part of the Harmony Road Access Control Plan.
As the issuing authority for State Highway Access Permits in the City of Fort Collins, the
City is obligated to review all Applications for State Highway Access within 45 days of
the date the City accepts the Application for review and determine whether the
Application is complete or is incomplete.
The Application the City received is incomplete since there are a number of plans and
supporting documents which the City requires to prepare an Access Permit which were
not included with the Application. Those items, as a minimum, include the following
which are listed under section 17 of the Application: a) Highway and driveway plan and
profile; b) Drainage plan showing impact on the highway r.o.w.; c) Map and letters (or
plans) detailing utility locations before and after development in and along the r.o.w.; d)
subdivision or development plan (site plan); e) Property map indicating other access,
bordering roads and streets (site plan/overall development plan); f) proposed access
design (including width, radii, auxiliary lane design, pavement design, etc. - all
information necessary to construct the access); g) parcel and ownership maps including
easements (slope, construction, utility easements); h) signing and striping plan; i) traffic
control plan; and h) proof of liability insurance. The only item which may not apply is
item h). The City does not currently require proof of liability insurance, however,
C.D.O.T. may require it as part of the Permit Application. Also, the Application should
include justification for any variances to the State Highway Access Code which are
being requested.
281 North College Avenue • M Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6605
Citv of Fort Collins
July 28; 1998
Transpo..ation Services
IfnginecringDepartment of 1'
P 'r II ys oG,
l5 r^ f
f ��e CAS
Ms. Katy Press
Safeway, Inc.
P.O. Box 5927 T.A.
Denver. Colorado 80217
d Ca �
k "µ� �` C�
Re: harmony Safeway Marketplace P.U.D.
It has come to my attention that none of the remaining onsite public improvements associated
with this project have been completed nor has any construction for the same been started, save
one exception.
Mr. Chuck Fcker, of Resource Construction Company, meet with me on July 21 requesting the
City give some additional time to complete the improvements. I requested a detailed construction
schedule to outline his intent on completing the improvements, before the City would make any
further decisions regarding additional time. This schedule has yet been received.
The Amendment Agreement No. 1 between the City and Safeway. Inc. stated that Safeway
would complete all public improvements by July 31, 1998. The City is very concerned with the
lack of performance on meeting the terms stated in the above Agreement. "I he City requests
Safeway provide, by July 31, 1998, a detailed schedule of Safeway's plan to aggressively
complete the remaining onsite improvements. Failure to provide said plan may necessitate the
City explore actions to bring this project into compliance with the Agreements.
Nothing in this correspondence shall be construed to waive, remove, limit, or abridge in any
manner the terms and conditions of the Development Agreement nor the Amendment Agreement
Ward Stanford, F.I.T.
Project Engineer - City of Ft. Collins
cc: Todd Juergens, Cam McNair, Gary Diede, Dave Stringer, Matt Baker - City of Ft. Collins
Michael Davison - Wyatt and Associates
Chuck Ecker - Resource Construction
Bud Curtiss - Northern Engineering
281 B( ;S0 • Fort Collin., CO W7,22-01;RW • (970) 221-660 7
The City normally prepares State Highway Access Permits after final P.U.D. and utility
plan approval and' stipulates in the development agreement for the P.U.D. that the
Permit must be approved by C.D.O.T. prior to construction of the access. The
approved P.U.D. and utility plan documents typically serve as the design and site
exhibits described above that are necessary to accompany the Permit when it is
forwarded from the City to C.D.O.T.
However, since the site in question is along the part of Harmony Road which is subject
to the Harmony Road Access Control Plan, that Plan must be amended to allow the
access prior to the City preparing a State Highway Access Permit for construction of the
access. Please contact Eric Bracke, the City Traffic Engineer, at 221-6615 to discuss
the process for amending the Harmony Road Access Control Plan. If the proposed
right-in/right-out access is approved and adopted as part of the Harmony Road Access
Control Plan, then the Development Review Division of the City Engineering
Department will assist you and your consulting engineers in your preparation of the
documents necessary to accompany the Application for State Highway Access Permit.
If you have any questions, please call me at 221-6750. Thank you.
04w 014�-
Kerrie Ashbeck
Civil Engineer II
cc: File
xc: Kathleen Krager, Krager and Associates
Eric Bracke, Traffic Engineer
Ted Shepard, Senior Planner
Tran , ttion Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
November 18, 1997
Dennis W. Wyatt
Wyatt & Associates
1865 S. Pearl St.
Denver CO 80210
RE: Harmony Safeway Marketplace
Dear Mr. Wyatt
The City of Fort Collins Engineering Department is in receipt of your letter dated November 13,
1997, regarding completion of the public improvements prior to obtaining a certificate of
occupancy. As you. are aware the City code requires that all public improvements be completed
prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. It is our understanding that Safeway is
concerned that all of the public improvements will not be completed by the planned December 20,
1997 opening and are requesting that a temporary certificate of occupancy be issued. It is the
Engineering Departments policy not to issue temporary certificates of occupancy, but instead to
accept a monetary guarantee for non -essential public improvements and then issue a permanent
certificate of occupancy.
The following is a list of public improvements that as of November 17, 1997 had not been
completed. This list consists of major work items and does not necessarily represent a complete
listing of remaining public improvements, and in no way relieves the contractor, owner or
architect of their obligations with regards to punch list and warranty items.
Public Improvements that must be completed prior to the issuance of the Certificate of
♦ Wheaton and Harmony Intersection - Including all curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving.
Northern Engineering was given approval on 11-13-97 to use the 30' flowline radius,
lower the electric vault and relocate the access manhole.
♦ Harmony Road turning lane between McMurray and Wheaton - Including all curb, gutter,
sidewalk and paving
♦ Harmon Road left turn lane at the trailer park
♦ Monte Carlo between McMurray and Wheaton - Including all curb, gutter, sidewalk and
y milling and paving of all but the top lift.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6605
_ - ----- ---- � irk
♦ McMurray Ave. - Complete sidewalks
< <.
♦ Wheaton -Complete sidewalks
5 c ♦ -Lemay Avenue Center Island-at-Lemay andXiconderoga--
New Bedford and Ticonderoga - Construction of at least the N.E. and S. W. intersection
radius's to vertical curb and gutter, construction of the traffic circle in at least a temporary
i - ♦ ? Striping on all adjacent roadways - Coordinate with the City Traffic Engineer
/ d �rL `� �/♦ / Submit a partial Storm Drainage Certification - Shall certify all improvements that are
I complete at time of certification
Public Improvements that can be escrowed for prior to issuance of the Certificate of
♦ s= Storm sewer crossing at McMurray Ave. - Including street repair. Design revisions were
approved by the City on 11-17-97 and returned to Northern Engineering.
�. - ` ♦ Storm sewer crossing at Innovation - Including street repair
♦ Monte Carlo between McMurray and Wheaton -Profiling and Overlay only
j ♦ Harmony Road - Concrete trickle pans and grading of swales
♦ New Bedford and Ticonderoga - Construction of the N.W. and S.E. intersection radius's
to vertical curb and gutter. Construction of new detached sidewalks at all four corners.
♦ -p6`'r iifice plate in pond outlet structure
Public Improvements that will be completed by the City of Fort Collins (not tied to
Certificate of occupancy)
t; l
♦ Traffic Signal at McMurray and Harmony Road - City to be reimbursed by Safeway
A Raised crosswalks on Monte Carlo, McMurray, and Ticonderoga - City to be reimbursed
A by Safeway
♦ Handicap ramps at all raised crosswalks - City to be reimbursed by Safeway
♦ Speed humps - City to be reimbursed by Safeway
An itemized cost estimate shall be provided to the City of Fort Collins Engineering Department
for any public improvements Safeway wishes to escrow for, and shall be submitted one week prior
to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. This estimate shall be detailed enough to show
quantity and cost of each work item. The amount of the final guarantee shall be 150% of the cost
of the improvements.
I hope this clarifies the Engineering Departments position regarding the certificate of occupancy
for Safeway. If you have any questions or need further clarification please contact me at 221-
Todd. Juergens
Lead Construction Inspector
cc: Steve Moser - Resource Construction Co.
Chuck Ecker - Resource Construction Co.
Dan Kehn - Don Kehn Construction
To: Ward Stanford - City of Fort Collins
From: Bud Curtiss - Northern Engineering Services
Date: June 9, 1998
Subject: Harmony Safeway Marketplace
Traffic Circle - Ticonderoga & New Bedford
Northern Engineering has once again been authorized to work on the Traffic Circle at
Ticonderoga and New Bedford. On June 8, 1998, I sent 3 revised copies of the proposed median
and traffic circle to your office for distribution and review. Attached with this memo is the City
comments I got back regarding the median at Ticonderoga and Lemay. I have incorporated those
comments on the current design that you have.
As you can imagine., our client has a desire to have this new design approved and under
construction as soon as possible. Therefore, I am trying to streamline the process as much as
possible, and have tried to address specific questions I have in this memo. I would also like to
meet with the City (possibly to include Roger Buffington), to discuss additional
comments/suggestions to this design
Your letter of March 25, 1998 to Katy Press has been used as the basis of the horizontal
geometry used on this plan. I have also attached a copy of a letter from Kathleen Krager, Traffic
Engineer for Safeway regarding this concept. Kathleen has also recommended a 16' diameter for
the traffic circle based on existing street widths.
The irrigation and landscape plan is being prepared by V *F Ripley, and will be submitted to
your office by others.
Questions I still have regarding this design
Issues regarding the existing manhole, sanitary sewer main, water main, and
location of existing water main have been mentioned, but never fully explored
with Roger Buffington. Will they allow us to simply raise the existing ring and
My original design of the median included glue -down type curb. Your comments
stated that a std outfall vertical curb and gutter would be required. This has been
included in the current design for the median. I did however, retain the concept of
glue -down curb for the apron at the traffic circle. Will this be acceptable.
Per your letter, 2' wide apron type curb will be used for the circle, with the
remainder being used for landscape. On that basis, we have left off splash blocks
from around the interior of the island.
Per your letter, no additional striping will be required for crosswalks. Will any
additional signage be required, or parking restriction markings.
One irrigation tap is shown at the median, with the thoughts of sleeving to the
circle, to allow for a single meter. Will this be acceptable.
I'm sure that City staff will have additional comments regarding this current plan. That is why I
would like to have a meeting with City to discuss these ideas, and possibly expedite the approval
process. 1 will call you soon to discuss.
Thanks for your help regarding this issue. Please call if you have questions.
Roger A Curtiss, P.E.
cc: Michael Davison - Wyatt & Associates
Kathleen Krager - Krager & Associates
Linda Ripley - V*F Ripley
420 SOUTH HOWES, SUITE 202, FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80521, (970)221-4158, FAX (970)221-4159