HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOUTH COLLEGE HEIGHTS FOURTH - Filed OA-OTHER AGREEMENTS - 2004-11-08t11 T'?la r,�„^(-n::, �n-d_e and entered i_n'�o 1;h=s �3 dar- oll�RRc1� • \• �'i ;�g ! r rend bet.� I - ell iT;:, (:1Ti /jF 7,.,T (,o T: S, a "lun ic: desll-nated as first 'part and !".ili,nate.d as second pp-r't,', 1171 ^.tr,.S, second 1 :r -yr has heretofore cUonitted a su 1'-,is_Lcn tc o, known as T 11 s= 1, u 14 l S CO0I:_714 Si'(3f)/v LSl C ILI t1"1 c', Pt1Un=LC an (" Yid Council oi' i;h_; Ci t,j of 1+ort Collins, .end '1 'fir 1-,„_=, st;.1Cl Sri1-1 " is:i_nn 4,lat is rlccep L.:`. 'bi— to £t;:'st r;:,rtr- •ind firsl. p.,pty's Pl^nr-n1- and Zoning Bo^l z, subject to ern- s t-, i,1on o' ut.11it,ies in t'ye aroa to be Subdivided, '?r'!1'r�-� f in considerf3 t iOn of the 'P F7In1or;, and the o f t hi> aF count, it is mutually aFrec.rl as folly. s 1. F-rUt part;; agr-,,,s th!-t slid subdivis on plat and hhe sane is hereby apirrovod. 2. In considera`lon of tho approval of said plat bar first rr!.: , nn(. N,'st rt,rl s Pl-,nning and Zoning Board, second pr.rty 1follows: ( ) Tj submit t'D first Harts a det-v.iled utiLty cl n L.' r I I- 1 7 Y t' � /J /,, 177 accertable to first part;, /_Lg_ ace, lit -P N+"t'2eyL D IkIH(2oyr l3, 1ry s' ,, (b) T-) ccnsl-,ru_ct the utilities in ac3ord..nco ::lth the r°on<d uti�?ty r;l n, :�ritnin siY (6) rnOnths £rein the d-.te of aporov".1 of th; subdivision, subject t0 e;{t(;2sion of i,! 1 s, first part;- ,, i.hin its discr<,ti:)n, ror good C lr l- e S hown. (3) The utilities shall be constructed and insl.,lled in accord -nee rith the approved methods of cons trtzc!a_ n of tL.a City of Fort Collins. �� ,—i,� < < f , r, � � ��, �� , <� 4 w. � � � A, e ,C., , r , In t,.. -r-nt ^_n;7 utility required b,r 1;he Ci.'I; of Fort Collin is n; i'ici .I to or us.-( by another area ahlch is lot ;r subr11 -idod, h'uon such )er(of j r,l>il a>e shall be prorate] ur'tt'r^an the two sub- dL�d_;'z, or Chi averal subd�tij_3.ers concrrxjed, as 1,, the th first, subdivider installirl€ s��tc11 �til a shall r::inlnarsod ti �; l;rr ,rrt ion of the cost raid b r i;h� :cnnd or oth::r su.xli�riders for bhp: use, n�� such utility as so d i in case of ,in, l 'lspu th, m..t:tur shall ba snbmittcd to t'� Cit;y Ccunc,il fnr f'inul tion. TII a I l^L7first st hr, c; resod r �;nts o b ; siF;*i; i by its ;:T .ynr :nd its c;nr: or seal to '. . hor;to ff'=xed 'ny i_ts C Lt Cl-3°1r, p,.zrsu:.-mot L-o motion of the Co,zncil of tlr. C i of Fort Collins d-.-id the 13th d'.y of MFRRC H i.7., 1g58 and se- �conl rtv hws h(,r-to s�� t his 1i nd znd is,.�' tho 1`y -end ger'.r firer: hor,:in'!bovo vtritt,cn. C iClsrk 2ur.icin:l Co'-"x�r .t .on Icy l! 2 . ✓ `%ya .1 a or __'st I' -rty Ss06nd P-rty