6.69 60M
3620 vpzee Denver, Cclov� do i 8,_21.6
C1t;,of Fort
P.C. Box Kv,O
Fort Col -line,
Colorado 8i0j21
17.oY A. Bl.n� -oii
CT 1
Cz ter '; nq-,ineer
npPr war. Bingman,
October 11, 1971
File: A-'b-6
cc: Mr. DPve Shupe
Please be referred to your letters of Au€"ust
^1 , reoues . in ° T.r.oritY
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union Paoifio tRailroad
Indue.trial rn;Tineer
October 21, 1971
Mr. Gordon F. Hite
Industrial Engineer
Union Pacific Railroad
3620 Wazee
Denver, Colorado 80216
Dear Mr. Hite::
Regarding the sewer and water lines indicated on the map enclosed
with your letter of October 11. 1971, the City of Port Collins will own,
operate and maintain all of the indicated lines within Union Pacific
property. The lines within the mobile home parks are operated by the
individual owners, however, these lines are entirely off the railroad
Property. The existing six inch line in Hemlock would remain in service,
and would be operated and maintained by the City also.
It is our intent to enter into agreement with the Union Pacific
Railroad covering the indicated water and sewer lines.
At the present time, we have no plans to pave hickory Street west
of College Avenue. It may be desirable to improve Hickory in the next
several years if there is additional development in the area, or if
traffic conditions warrant it. A very rough estimate of cost (requested
by Poudre Valley Coop) is in the range of $13 to $14 per front foot.
Roy A. Bingman
City Engineer
;� A: C 1
P. O. Box 580 -`•#^m-�^_ _
300 West LaPorte Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado
October 25, 1972
Mr. Norman Ginley
Ginley Construction Company
2301 South Jason
Deaver, Colorado 80223
Dear D(r. Ginley:
Re: Hickory Village Mobile home Park, Fort Collins
Telephone 303 484-4220
In connection with ti>e installation of utilities in the second
phase of your mobile home park, as you know, you are to install
an 8 inch water main in hickory Street to the west. This line
should be installed as a part of the second phase, and this will
thus complete your obligation for utilities as submitted to the
Roy kk./Bingman
City Engineer
November 1, 1972
TO: Robert Brunton, City Manager
FROM: Charles Liquin, Director of Public Works
RE: Water Main Extension on Hickory Street
The utility drawings for the Hickory Village Subdivision show
a water main to be constructed on Hickory Street in connection with
the trailer court. This water main is of no value to the court and
has not been installed. We have advised Mr. Ginley, letter attached,
that no is to complete this line as part of the second phase of his
court development and it is anticipated that this line will be
completed by early spring.
Mr. Richard Bryant took out a water permit on October 25, 1972
and was disappointed when he found the main was not there. He was
advised that the main would be constructed by the trailer court
owner and should be installed by spring; in which case, he was
consoled and said fine and that he would plan accordingly.
The party you mentioned on Wednesday, November lst, has not
checked with this department and I am not aware of his desires.
Respectfully submitted,
Charles Liquy
Director of Public Works
ncz. hinda Niesent
Auilding inspection Dent.
City of Fort Collins
Fort- Collins, Co. 80521
Dear Linda:
This letter
letter of Ginley
line, inspection
this department.
December 4, 1972
in in answer to your note attached to the
Construction Co. concerning sewer and water
at the Hickory Village Mobile Home Park by
The Sewer and water Department did at the request of
Mr. Norman Ginley look at the water and sewer mains as they
,-ere installed by the contractor of Mr. Ginley. It was in
an advisory capacity only and was done bvmyself and Mr.
Chuck Liquin only in a hit and miss basis in that Mr. Ginley
and his contractor were not familiar with our standards in
Fort Collins.
Both Mr. Liquin and I assured Mr. Ginley the sewer and
water mains were apparently being installed all right, but
that the Water and Sewer Dopartment was not interested to
the installation of service lines or any lines that were
installed on private property that would be operated and
maintained by the owner. We did tell him that any service
Lines whether they were water or sewer would have to meet
the requirements of the Building Inspection Department.
This was concerning sewer taps for each home as well as
cater taps. These were all done by Mr. Ginley and his
He was informed not once, but many times that we would
not maintain nor be responsible for any lines except those
not located on private property or on an approved easement
Q ru an agreement with the City.
Please feel free to contact me if for any reason the
above is not clearly understood.
Very truly yours,
1' .h jr6G, >y
Edwin Hilgenberg
Supt. of Slater & Sewer Dept.
cc: Mr. Gordon Clyde
Mr. Chuck Liauin,= `-