27 October, 1978
Project No. 35-4-1
Mr. Tom Hayes
Water and Sewer Department
300 La Porte
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Re: Harmony 'Village Mobile Home Park
Dear Tom:
We hereby request in behalf of the Owners of the above project that they
be allowed to use P.V.C. Cl. 200 water mains within the park.
The mains approved for the exisi;ing first phase of this project was A.C.P.
Cl. 150, for 6" and above and P.V.C. for 2" and 4" lines. The Owners of
the park are completely responsible for the maintenance of the lines with-
in the park and have maintained them for the past 5 years. The park is fe
by a single master meter with the Owner paying the water fees. The Owner
^^"'has other mobile home parks in the State and feels they have less mainten-
ance, repairs, and installation costs with the P.V.C. pipe than with the
A.C.P. pipe.
Also, the Owners request that they be allowed to use 3/4" plastic service
lines, minimum Cl. 200, high molecular weight polyethelene from the
corporation stop to the water riser. Copper service line would be used
from the main to the corporation stop.
Your consideration on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Please
advise if you have any questions on the above.
Respectfully submitted,
J. L. Walter
cc: Sid croaks and Associates
P. O. Box 580
300 West LaPorte- Avenge
Fort Collins, Colorado
September 25, 1970
L. & W. Investment Company
2700 West Evans, Suite 19
Denver, Colorado 802.19
Attention: Mr. Roy G. White
Telephone 303 484-4220
I have reviewed a preliminary draft of an agreement relative to the transfer
of certain real properties in the vicinity of the Harmony Road School, and I make
the following comments on the draft agreement.
1. Paragraph A states that the City has determined water rights on the land
to be adequate, and have agreed that this land may be served with a single sewer
and water tan, and that individual sewer and water taps and the fee connected
therewith will not be required by the individual trailer units.
2. Paragraph C refers to the annexation of this property to the City of
Fort Collins. Such annexation can be accomplished at any time at the request of
the owner, subject to the property at that time complying with the annexation
provisions as spelled. out in the laws of Colorado.
3. Paragraph D refers to offsite water and sewer installations. The
developer is responsible for a basic 6 inch water main and a basic 8 inch sewer
main, and the City will agree to reimburse the developer for said basic utilities
as other properties adjacent to the utilities are served by said utilities. This
separate agreement will have a ten year duration. If the City should desire a
sewer or water main larger than the basic main refered to above, the City will
nay for such over size at the time of construction.
The City has reviewed sewer drawings as prepared by Hogan & Associates, and
has anoroved said sewer construction drawings. Subsequent to said approval, it
now appears beneficial to both the developer and the City to reroute a portion of
said sewer line.
L. & W. Investment Company
September 25, 1970
Page 2
offsite water facilities have been discussed with Hogan & Associates, and
it is our understanding that plans are complete based on our recommendations;
however, these plans have not been reviewed by the City..
Charles Liqu
Director of Public Works