MEETING DATE: November 16, 1987
ITEM: Auto Dealership
APPLICANT: Gefrah/Hattman Inc., 135 W. Swallow Road, Fort Collins, CO.
LAND USE DATA: Request for an auto dealership with a 10,000 SF building
located northwest of the intersection of Collie Avenue and Colboard Drive.
1. Water and sewer service are available at the site. There is an existing
3/4 inch Fort Collins -Loveland Water District Line which could be used for
irrigation purposes.(Water and Sewer)
2. There is power available at the site. Completion of a Commercial One
form is needed to determine the associated development charge.(Light and
3. All parts of the structure must be accessible to fire emergency vehicles
within 150 feet or the building must be equipped with a sprinkler sys-
4. The building must be 10 feet from the north property line to avoid rated
construction. The canopy is considered an M-Occupancy, therefore it needs
to be included in the overall building square footage for Building Code
calculations. (Building Inspection)
5. The existing traffic study needs to be updated to reflect new develop-
ment plans. Since there is no parking allowed on Colboard Drive all parking
needs have to be handled on site. Your submittal should demonstrate that
the plan has an. adequate number of parking spaces. (Traffic)
6. Our records show that the east driveway shown on the Conceptual Review
Sketch does not align with the existing drive to the north. Access and cir-
culation between these two properties needs to be addressed. The City owns
50 feet of frontage road R.O.W. to the north of this property. Staff recom-
mends that the applicant set up a meeting with the owners of the property
to the north, the owners of this parcel and City Staff to discuss the cir-
culation and access potentials for both properties.
7. A drainage report will be required. This property has a .5 cfs release
rate and the detention for this property needs to be tied into the existing
stony sewer. (Stone Drainage)
8. The plan needs to show landscape islands at the ends of parking bays.
9. Additional landscape setback will be required along College Avenue.
ITEM: 14-83B MORELAND PUD - Preliminary & Final
No Problems
✓_ Problems or Concerns (see below)
7 Dec 87
ITEPA14-83B MORELAND PUD - Preliminary 31
No Problems
Problems or Concerns (see below)
Date Signature_,�,/
P.O. Box 850
Greeley, Colorado 80632-0850
303 353-1232
December 16, 1987
Ms. Linda Ripley
Office of Development Services
City of Ft. Collins
P.O. Box 580
Ft. Collins, CO 80522
Dear Ms. Ripley:
Larimer Co., S.H. 287
Moreland P.U.D.
N.W. Cor. Colboard Dr.
and 287 (Ft. Collins)
DOH File 45100
We have reviewed the Moreland P.U.D.-Preliminary and Final, and
we have the following comments.
This P.U.D. was reviewed in 1983 as the Mason Street P.U.D. Our
comments addressed the following issues: Additonal right of way for
State Highway 287; construction of the Colboard Dr. access; and cross -
access between this P.U.D. and the property to the north via a frontage
road concept. We note that the current P.U.D. is an amendment to the
eastern portion of the Mason Street P.U.D. which should reduce the overall
traffic impact; however, we would like to re-examine the right of way and
access issues.
The Preliminary/Final Site Plan shows a 112-foot right of way for
S.H. 287 along this property, and 100 feet to the north and south. It
appears that an additional 12 feet of width was dedicated by this P.U.D.
to accommodate the widening for the right -turn deceleration lane at
Colboard Dr. and the sidewalk. Since our 1983 review comments, we have
determined that: a 140-foot total right of way is appropriate for S.H. 287
in cases where turn lanes are added to the existing highway. The 70-foot
half right of way width should be provided by reservation or, preferably,
dedication of the necessary additional width along this P.U.D.
As indicated in our 1983 comments, the construction of Colboard Drive
and its right -turn deceleration lane was to have required an Access Permit.
This access was to have allowed right turns in and out only according to the
"South College Properties Master Plan." This plan has been used as a guide
for reviewing access to S.H. 287 since 1978. The right -turn lane needed a
"Variance" from the State Highway Access Code due to the substandard length
proposed at that time.
The Colboard Drive access has been constructed without an Access Permit,
and the right -turn lane and taper were installed to a substandard length.
December 16, 1987 Moreland P.U.D.
Page Two
The taper crosses an existing access to the auto dealership north of this
property resulting in an undesirable condition. Display vehicles parked at
that access are creating a visibility problem.
The Colboa.rd Drive access needs to be properly documented by an Access
Permit. A charmelizing island and signage will help this access to function
as it was originally intended, as a right -turn -only access. The condition
involving the gaper and the acce^s to the neighboring auto dealership also
needs to be corrected by either moving the taper further south or, preferably,
by closing that; access. Since Colboard Drive is now an existing public
access, application for the permit should be made to this office by the City
of Ft. Collins.
Thank you for the opportunity to review this P.U.D. Please contact
Wally Jacobson at 350-2168 if you have any questions_ _.
Very truly yours,
J K. Crier
Dist ict Planning/Environmental Manager
cc: D. Yost
Area Foreman
File: Crier -Jacobson via Chotvacs —
��J�INI `12I�t-%ta
December 17, 1987
James A. Gefroh
Gefroh Hattman, Inc.
145 West Swallow
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear Mr. Gefroh:
Staff has reviewed the Moreland - Preliminary PUD k14-836, and has the fol-
lowing comments:
N 1. Past experience with automobile dealerships has shown that emergency
access as required by the Fire Code is seriously impaired due to access
ways being obstructed by parked cars. Legally public access ways cannot be
blocked, but experience has shown enforcement is extremely difficult. If
the developer chooses not to sprinkler the building, all access ways must
be 24 feet wide and posted "No Parking Fire Lane" on both sides.
2. The public access ways shared by this development with Colorado State
Offices and Foothills Chrysler need to be unobstructed at all times.
3. Provide for pedestrian accesg �o the site interior at the northeast cor- 7
ner of the site and at the entrance along Col'board Drive. Pedestrian access '
ramps are required at all street and driveway intersections, including the
corner of College and Colboard Driva,�
V--�4. Indicate' curb radii on the interior driveways.
L.,�A 20 foot driveway aisle is too narrow for perpendicular parking both
sides. Standard parking space depth is 19 feet.
1f6. Label and dimension all access and utility easements on the site plan.
N� 7. The State Highway Department has concerns about the deceleration lane
and access to Foothills Chrysler which will impact this project. I will
forward additional comments concerning this issue as soon as possible.
8. The dimensions shown on College Avenue are incorrect. Give correct
t�Ct;0 W,0 dimensions for the College Avenue ROW and curb to curb distance.
300 La Pole Ave. • P O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
(303) 221-WH)
Page 3
This concludes Staff comments at this time. Please note the following dates
and let me know if there are any problems in meeting the deadlines:
Plan revisions are due January 6, 1988.
PMT's, colored renderings, and 10 prints are due January 19, 1988.
Final mylars and documents are due January 21, 1988.
As always, please call if there are any questions or concerns.
Linda Ripley
Project Planner
xc: Joe Frank, Assistant Planning Director
Mike Herzig, Development Coordinator
Project; Planner