Fuller Texaco
Convenience, Gas and Car Wash Facility
The subject property is located just west of the existing Jiffy Lube store located
at the northwest corner of South College Avenue and West Drake Road. The
Texaco project is planned to replace the gas pumps that where displaced by the
recent street widening at South College Avenue. In addition, the existing car
wash currently housed in the Jiffy Lube building will be relocated as a part of the
new Texaco building. The remaining space in the Jiffy Lube building will be
used as an additional lubrication bay. Automobile access into the new site is
planned to utilize the existing points of access off Drake Road. No new curb
cuts are being requested. Vehicular circulation is arranged to flow in an east -
west direction between the two sites.
A modification to the "build -to -line" for Mixed Use and Commercial Building
standards is requested. This modification is based on the pre-existence of the
site planning arrangement of the Jiffy Lube building. That structure is set back
from the property lines with its entrance facing Drake Road. The Texaco
building orientation will compliment that approach and will likewise be setback
and face Drake Road. This plan enables the new site to utilize the existing
Drake Road curbcuts and provide vehicular access between sites. It also
accommodates an enjoyable landscaped plaza between buildings with
pedestrian walks connecting both facilities.
Since four parking spaces per one thousand sq. ft. (4/1000sf) would result in
eleven (11) cars, and the site plan requests sixteen (16) cars, the Alternative
Compliance section of the Land Use Code will be used. Currently there are
seven (7) parking spaces on the Jiffy Lube site. The new plan has made slight
modifications to the parking areas and accommodates eight (8) spaces. This is
two (2) less than the four per one thousand sq. ft. (4/1000sf). The net increase
in parking spaces requested is three (3) cars. There are an estimated peak of
five (5) total employees for the Texaco facility and a peak of thirteen (13) for the
Jiffy Lube facility. In addition, the nature of the customers for the fuel sales,
convenience and car wash facilities are all short-term, high turnover in parking
demand. Employee parking will be designated to the out of the way locations.
Customer parking is designated for the ten (10) more convenient locations in
front of the entrance. In addition, it is anticipated that the Jiffy Lube employees
will use the three (3) parking spaces located near the east property line of the
Texaco site. 11: is clear, based on the Traffic Impact Study and owner projections
Post Office Box 580
Fort Collins, Colarado 80521
December 17, 1974
Mr. Bob L. 'Tatman, associate architect
W.A. Flickinger & Associates
7290 Samual Drive, Suite 301
Denver, Colorado 80221
Dear Bob:
Telephone 303 484.4220
This letter is to summarize our discussion of last Friday, the
thirteenth of December, 1974 concerning the City's expectations for site
improvements indicated on the K-Mart Plaza P.U.D. site plan as amended
to be completed prior to occupancy of the enlarged supermarket building.
We would anticipate the following:
1, addition and replacement of plantings in existing land-
scaped "islands" in the existing K-Mart Plaza parking
lot as indicated on the approved landscape plan;
2. construction of all new landscape islands to be added to
LAC existing K-Mart Plaza parking lot, i.e. areas G, M, N,
U and 7 R's as indicated on the approved landscape plan;
3. paved extension of the "access drive" north to the property
line of K-Mart Plaza as indicated on the approved site plan;
4. installation of the parking and paved drive area between
the "market" and "Retail Space ail" as shoran on the approved
site plan (but not to include the "drive to Mason Street
when built.")
The basis for requiring the above improvements is that they are
all primarily related to either the already developed parts of K-Mar.t
Plaza or to the "narket" extension areas. We would not anticipate in-
stallation of the parking area or landscaped islands (i.e. areas B, C,
u, E, F, 11, 1, d, K, L and P) that correspond to additional future develop-
ment until that development is undertaken. Thus the only improvement
beyond the existing developed area and the "market addition" area to
be completed prior to occupancy of the expanded supermarket would be
extension of the access drive alone north to the property line because
this link relates primarily to the already developed facilities in K-Mart
If this raises any questions, please do not hesitate to call..
Paul A. Deibel
Planning Associate
cc: Ted Rodenbeck
Roy Bingman 1 ,;1 .; 1!:..
x� 4
Post Office Box 580
Fort Collins, Colarodo 80521 Telephone 303 484-4220
December 19, 1974
Mr. Ralph Miller
Vice President, Construction
Naredel, Inc.
1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2050
Los Angeles, California 90067
Dear Mr. Miller:
This letter is to clarify the situation regarding the relocation of
the utilities in the Extension of K-Mart Plaza Subdivision. As you know, the
easement in which utilities are currently located must be partially vacated
before a building permit for extension of the supermarket building in K-Mart
Plaza can be issued. As I am sure you understand, the City cannot vacate
any portion of the easement until the utilities therein are relocated. We
discussed the situation with the Planning and Zoning Board at its December 2,
1974 meeting, and they agree that we will not be in a position to present
favorably your request for a utility vacation to the City Council until the
Planning Office is in receipt of letters from the utilities involved (City of
Fort Collins Light and Power Department, Public Service Gas Company, and
Mountain Bell. Telephone Company) stating that their facilities have been
adequately relocated in the Extension of K-Mart Plaza Subdivision.
In addition, the Board expressed its dissatisfaction with Naredells
lack of action this past summer and fall in replacing and upgrading the
existing landscaping as indicated on the revised landscape plan approved
last spring. Several members of the Board i-ndicated they would not vote
to recommend a partial vacation of the utility easement until such remedial
landscaping was actually installed (or a bond for its installation posted
with the City.) The chairman of the Board instructed us to inform you that
he did not thank. the Board would vote to recommend approval of: the easement
vacation unless there were a written agreement between Naredel and the City
concerning completion and maintenance of the remedial landscaping as in-
dicated on the landscape plan for the K-Mart Plaza P.U.D. as approved by
the City Council on May 2, 1974.
If you need further information,"do not hesitate to call us.
L�L�. (.��(. 1, X_,
Paul A. Deibel
Planning Associate
cc: George R. Mock Chuck Mabry Ted Rodenbeck
Tom M. Sutherland Bonnie Titley Roy Bingman
Lynn Anduss Gordon Moderhak Bob Kost
Phil Riddell :10; CdrollAgee i 11 Gordon Clyde
Jack Williams Warren A. Flickinger & Associates
(�_4111 //l1
Post O fi,a Box 580
Fort Collins, Colorado B0521
Michael Lasalla
7901 Avenue of the Stars
Suite 2050
Los Angeles, California 90067
Dear Mr. Lasalla:
'f ele phone 303 484-4220
10 January 1975
We have received two copies of the performance bond executed by Naredel. The
bond is deficient in the following ways:
1. Exhibit A, a property description of K-Mart Piaza should be labelled
"Exhibit A."
2, Exhibit B should include a detailed description of the landscape
improvements to be covered by the bond. (Each of the copies you
sent us had a single different page of the approved two page land-
scape plan, with no description of the areas covered by the bond.
This would seem to make the amount of the bond cover the whole job,
not just the parts intended.) Enclosed with this letter is a format
for Exhibit B, which would fulfill the City Council's intent on this
We have already supplied you with this format once (ref. my letter of January
23 to you).
Please note that the landscape plain to be attached to the description of
improvements in Exhibit B consists of two pages.
Please call us if you have more questions.
Paul lleibel
Planner I
cc: Les Kapian
Roy Bingman t'
Art March
Jack Wi1.Liams
Rolf Kleeberg,
Enclosure: Sample Exhibit B and Approved Landscape Plan
Post OffiCe Bon 580
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
January 23, 1975
Mr. Mike LaSa11a
Naredei, Inc.
1901 Avenue of the Stars
Suite 2050
Los Angeles, California 90067
Dear Mr. LaSalla:
Talephane 303 484-4220
Enclosed is a redrawn landscaping performance bond which when signed
by Naredel and by an authorized attorney for Central Mutual insurance Company,
with the proper exhibits attached, will meet the City Council's requirements
regarding the bond.
As you know, it will also be necessary for Naredel to relocate the
involved utility lines, to the satisfaction of the owners, into a new ease-
ment dedicated by Naredel. At that time the City Council will vacate the
relevant portion of the old easement, whereupon a building permit for
expansion of the supermarket building can be .issued.
As you should also be aware, the enclosed performance bond guarantees
landscaping improvements whether the supermarket expansion is completed or
not. When the supermarket expansion is in fact completed, additional site
improvements will be required prior to legal occupancy of the enlarged
building. These improvements would include paved extension of the "access
drive" north to the property line of K-Mart Plaza as indicated on the approved
site plan. improvements would also include installation of the parking and
paved drive area between the "market" and "Retail Space Ill" as shown on the
approved site plan. The basis for requiring the above improvements is that
they are all primarily related to either the already developed parts of K-Mart
Plaza or to the "Market" extension areas. We would not anticipate installation
of the parking area or landscaped islands (i.e. areas B, C, ll, E, F, H, i, J,
K, L and Q th ae correspond to additional future development until that develop-
ment is undertaken. Thus the only improvement beyond the existing developed
area and the "market addition" area to be completed prior to occupancy of the
expanded supermarket would be extension of the access drive alone north to the
property line. We discussed this with the City Council at its January 7 meeting
and it met with their approval in as much as this link relates primarily to
the a.Lready developed facilities in K-Mart Plaza.
I am also including the two unapproved bond proposals previously sub -
mined to us.
1f this raises any questions, please do not hesitate to call.
l It /I _
P60 A. ei'be1, PYanning-ssociate
encl. Bond with exhibits A & B
Two prior bond proposals
Krnv V `.rl Mir K. lack Will fnms
1i2;ftic, le
Post Office Box 580
Fort Collins. Colorado 80521
TO: Roy Bingman
FROM: A. E. March, Jr.
DATE: June 10, 1976
REMason Street Right -of -Way
Telephone 303 484-4220
I have vour memo of June 8, 1976, forwarding a copy
of the request of the First National Bank for vacation of a
part of the right-of-way vacated for Mason Street in connec-
tion with the plat of K-Mart Plaza. I question the advisa-
bility of vacating this portion of the dedicated right-of-way.
The City has made a determination not to attempt to extend
Mason Street as a through street from Prospect to Drake.
However, this does not mean that portions of Mason Street
would not be installed as a local street. In particular,
it appears quite possible that Mason Street may at some
time be needed from Drake to the Bankcenter corporation
property just south of the Sherwood Ditch.
I IIIi. I �n
i'I I;(�'I lin nI1111L^p1
October 29, 1976
City of Fort Collins
300 LaPorte
Fort Collins, Colorado 90521
K-M Plaza Associates. Inc.
Los Angeles, California 90067
K-Mart Plaza North Ltd., the present owners of Lot 1, Extension of K-Mart
Subdivision as recorded in Book 1712 at Page 351 of the Records of the
Clerk and Courly Recorder of Larimer County, Colorado, does hereby convey
to the Citv of Fort Col Tins, Colorado, a municipal corporation of BY
Plaza Associates the right of entering onto said property and causing
construction activities as is reasonable necessary to perform earth -grading
and install asphoult; paving at proposed driveway connecting existing
parking lot paving on said property to the north boundary of said property
and a; shown on On replat, of K-Mart Plaza PUD approved by the Fort Collins
City Council on June 22, 1976. Permission to construct said driveway
improvements ,hall he contingent on the followinn conditions:
1. Said driveway improvements shall be constructed to lines and
grades ciptermined by engineering design and drawings as prepared
by an engineering firm in the joint employ of K-Mart Plaza
North Ltd.and King Soopers Discount.
2. Construction will be initiated only at such time that final
cngineerina design considering over-all site drainage and
grading for said property and adjacent properties has been
completed and approved by the Fort Collins Engineering
Department. Said engineering to be completed by or before
March 1, 1977.
3. Construction of said driveway improvements shall be concurrent
with construction of additional driveway improvements
Wending north to the existing pavinn at Century Mall.
DaLcd this r� day of cvJ-'�r-l}-V V 1976.
- .�
- C-`�'vo� �lGc-
liughkley �
K-Mart Plaza North I_td., General Partner
Nags ?
City of Fort Collins and
K-IHn,t Plaza Associates, In(-
0 c t o 1) E, r 29, I(176
Thy, foregoinn instrument was asknowledged before me this
d,iy of 1976, by Hugh U. Shockley, General
-- ------ ---
Partner anal vji mess my hand and official sea].
Ply Commissi on I x1)i res
Hotary Public
of customer and employee parking requirements, that each space provided will
be needed.
The landscape/open space concept is unusual for this type of facility. A restful
landscaped plaza is planned and located between the facilities giving customers
and employees a pleasant place to sit for lunch or a snack while waiting for their
service or on a break. Three picnic tables with seating have been provided
within the plaza. A walkway is designed to connect both facilities and the
surrounding public sidewalks. Care is taken to designate the walkway with
special paving where it crosses vehicular circulation per the new Land Use code.
Such crossing areas will be "stamped concrete patterns." The plaza area will
have colored concrete slabs with specific score patterns. These hard surface
areas will be embellish and surrounded with canopy trees for shade, shrubs and
ground covers. A six feet (6-0") high, redwood screen wall will be provided
towards the north end of the plaza. Additionally, the trash enclosure is planned
to screen the dumpsters. Although an area west of the west property line of the
Texaco site is not within the Texaco property, it is proposed to be landscaped
and maintained by the Texaco property. An agreement with adjacent land owner
will be established.
A variety of plant materials are used providing species diversity, color change,
maintenance considerations, screening and buffering. An effort has been made
to retain and protect a maximum number of existing trees. This includes an
existing, mature ash tree at the front of the Texaco building and an existing,
mature maple tree near the south east property corner of the Texaco site.
Two light poles twenty feet (20'-0") high are placed in the plaza area to provide
night time illumination and security. Lights on the underside of the fuel pump
canopy will be flush with the soffit of the canopy. All lighting on the site will be
down directional with sharp cutoff characteristics.
The new building modifies the standard Texaco architectural treatment to
provide compatibility with the existing adjacent structures. Likewise, exterior
detailing, colors and materials of the Jiffy Lube building will be adjusted to
provide a stronger tie-in with the new building. Exterior materials include brick
and stucco. The Texaco roof profile will be complimentary and will usually
screen mechanical equipment. The colors will be a subtle combination of beige,
buff and tans.
One of our goals when proposing a new commercial building at Kmart Plaza
is to create an urban environment built to human scale, to screen existing parking
and provide an attractive street front elevation. Our plan provides a tower element
that identifies the pedestrian entrance to the proposed commercial building. We
hope that this architectural element and the walkway connections proposed will
enhance the urban appearance along College Blvd. We are also proposing to
create a pedestrian access point to the shopping center from the existing bus stop
along Drake.
Our landscaping goals are:
A. To preserve as many of the existing mature trees as possible
B. To screen and soften hard surfaces.
C. To enhance the pedestrian experience
The existing owners will maintain ownership and provide maintenance for the
proposed building and site modifications.
Retail tenants will lease the proposed building. The no. of employees
will depend on the type of retail use.
Our reason for proposing a new 6500 S.F. retail building is to increase the income
of the existing shopping center. The location of the building on the site is
determined for many reasons, including:
A. College Blvd. Exposure
B. Planning dept. goals
C. Kmart tenant approval
May 28, 1971
Mr. Jack J. Cook
Naradel Corporation
1901 Avenue of the Stars
Suite 880
Los Angeles;, California 9U067
Dear Mr. Cook:
To confirm our understanding regarding the water and sewer
lines at the K-Mart property: the lines will be extended to ;,,
the north line of the present development. When the remainder
of the property is developed, the utility lines will be extended
through the remainder of the land.
Roy A. Bingman
City Engineer
May 19, 1971
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
ATT: Mr. Roy Bingman
City Engineer
Dear Mr. Bingman:
This is to acknowledge the telephone conversation
we had with Chuck of your office on Wednesday, May 19,
It: is our understanding that we have your depart-
ment's permission to stub -off the sanitary, sewer and
water line in the public easement on the backside of
the K-Mart property. This stub -off will be made up-
stream from the last connection to the sewer and the
water line. This will not affect the commitment for
future, extension of these lines, when the development
to the north is realized.
We wish to take
and your department
in the development
this opportunity to thank you
for the cooperation we have had
of. the K=Mart project.
Very truly yours,
Jack Cook
Mr. Jack Cook
Naredel Corporation
6380 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California
Dear Mr. Cook.
August 12, 1971
In connection with the latest unit development plan for the
additional building at the K-Mart site in Port Collins, a Utility
Plan will be needed to cover the additional fire protection
required for this addition.
Also, the curb and gutter plan for the entire site is not
complete, in that a 50 foot section of curb has not been included
on both the Drake Road and College Avenue sides of the development
at the Enco Service Station. This must be included to complete
the Utility Plan.
We will finish the processing of the unit development as soon
as these utility plans are filed.
Roy A. Bingman
City Engineer
cc; Don Reynolds, Planning Department
September 1, 1971
Mr- Roy A. Bingman,
City Engineer
Post Office Box 580
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Re: Curb and Gutter
College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado
Dear Roy:
Please be advised that it is Naredel's intention to
install the curb and gutter for the full front footage
of the retail development that we plan to install
between K-Mart and King Sooper on College Avenue. As
this section of curb and gutter is not included in the
K-Mart filing, we would appreciate your consideration
in allowing us to install with the retail center that
we are going to build.
In reference to the fifty foot section of curb on
College and the fifty foot section of curb on Drake
Avenue, if it is your desire for us to install this
section we would be happy to comply.
As we are approaching the final stages of completion of
the K-Mart project, I would appreciate it if there are
any requirements that we have failed to supply at the
present time being noted. I am aware of the as -built
aspects of the requirement and these will be fulfilled
as Empire Laboratories Is in the process now of con-
ducting the as -built requirements.
Roy, I am scheduled into Fort Collins on or about the
seventh or eighth of this month, I will make it a point
to check in with you at this time.
Very truly yours,
,Jack J. Cook
October 22, 1971
Mr. Jack Cook
Naredel Corporation
6380 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90048
Dear Mr. Cook:
In regard to the sidewalk at the undeveloped portion of the
Naredel property on South College Avenue in Fort Collins, you may
omit the sidewalk, curb and gutter pending completion of plans
for development of that property. However, if plans are not
completed; within six months, the sidewalk, curb and gutter will
have to be installed by Naredel.
The asphalt pavement up to the curbing must be installed at
this time, of course, to prevent a dangerous driving situation
from occurring.
Eby A. Bingman
City Engineer
scs her.. K-Martz sate
P.,t Off;,. Bo. 580
t _, Coll;.... r'„[,_,j , 9P571
September 1' 1914
Mr. Ralph Miller
Vice President - Construction
1901 Avenue of the Stars
Suite 2050
Los Angeles, California 90067
Dear Mr. Miller:
1 . "I ill ., '01 IV
We received last May a request from your office to vacate parts of existing ease-
ments in. the Extens�ion of the K-Mart Plaza Subdivision. This letter is to explain
why your firm's request has not as yet been considered by the City Council.
As you know, the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Council are quite concerned
about the landscaping in K-Mart Plaza. For this reason, the Planning and Zoning Board
recommended approval of Naredel's proposal to further develop the area only upon the
submission of a suitable landscape plan. This plan indicated landscaping not only
for the area of proposed additional construction but also an upgrading of landscaping
in die already developed areas. Furthermore, the City Council approved the proposal
conditionally upon receipt by the City of a letter from Naredel committing itself to
install and maintain the landscaping according to the approved plan. We subsequently
received such assurances from Mr. Friedman.
The City Council has indicated that it was their expectationthat efforts to upgrade
the existing landscaping according to the approved plan in the already developed area
would be undertaken this summer. They have also indicated to us that they will not
favorably consider your requests for easement vacations until they see some improve-
ment of this landscaping as planned. Please contact us if this presents question or
Paul. A. Deibel
Planning Associate