,'.IF' i (9/0) 223-1820
May 19, 1995
Planning and Zoning Board Members
c/o Ted Shepard
Planning Department
281 N. College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
RE: Planning Objectives for: Parcel E of Oak/Cottonwood Farms,
Hamlet Condominiums at Miramont P.U.D.
Hamlet Condominiums is a preliminary P.U.D. at the Miramont P.U.D. located on the corner of
Boardwalk Drive, a collector, and Highcastle Drive a neighborhood street and bordered on the South
by Mail Creek Ditch. The site of 11 .681 acres is to include the design of 108 1 ,2, and 3 bedroom
condominiums to include 1 2-6 plex buildings and 9-4 plex buildings. A unique feature of this project
is the design of 2 car attached garages for each unit. With a density of 9.2 units per acre, this site
is situated perfectly to meet the City's planning criteria and objectives. It is close to Werner
Elementary School, Preston Junior High School and the new Fort Collins High School. It is within
walking distances of a retail center and the Oakridge Industrial Center, a high employer area. As well
as these amenities, there is a City neighborhood park planned for the area across from the
development on Boardwalk Drive.
Planning Objectives for the property include:
1 . Access to the site from Boardwalk Drive, a collector, to minimize traffic onto Highcastle. Only
fire access will be allowed off of Highcastle.
2. There is little vegetation located on the site. One large cottonwood located in the Mail Creek
Ditch easement will be maintained.
3. Minimize the impact of the buildings along Boardwalk and Highcastle by orienting the majority
of the buildings with the shorter facades of the buildings facing the streets.
4. Development of 108 units with common open space areas to be maintained by a Home-
owner's Association.
5. No detention area is required of this site. Detention is located across Boardwalk Drive and is
diverted to this; location via a culvert.
6. Trash removal will be per individual unit. Each homeowner will he required to place trash out
on a given day of the week.
7. Architectural design and material selections will be compatible with the surrounding
We believe that the Hamlet Condominiums at Miramont offers the mixed use the City is seeking.
Incorporating these units increases the density of housing in the Miramont development and meets
the intent of this P.U.D. The traffic study shows that increasing the previously planned duplexes into
higher density condominiums will not have a great impact on Boardwalk Drive. Thank you for your
consideration, and we look forward to working with you during the development review process.
Michael L. (Mick) Aller