City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
COMMENTS TO: Casey Stewart FROM: Engineering
TYPE OF MEETING: Board of Adjustment
PROJECT: Eckerd Drug Store Sign Variance
THRU: City of Fort Collins Planning Department
PLANNER: Steve Olt
City comments must be received in the Current Planning Department by:
May 30, 2003
❑ No Problems
❑ Problems or Concerns (see below or attached)
h Lod-, ,,tiU�h ���Cr.,✓ .
City of Fort Collins
Eckard Drug Store
Engineering coments — November 24, 2003
Tilby Road — Per a conversation with the City Engineering Inspector Trilby road will
need to be patched overlayed from the western edge of the utility cut to the pan on
College. It would be helpful if it was shown this way — and the sections reflected that as
Sheet 10 - the college ave entry detail. Need to add a note or more information to
indicate that the drainage flows can not go thru the sidewalk cut. There should be the
slight lip or a rise that is provided here to keep the trickle flows from going thru this cut.
Need something indicating that the row and slope easements for College Ave will be
dedicated to CDOT and when that is to occur.
Need row and slope dedication documents for the improvements on Trilby Road outside
of the property boundaries. Also need dedication documents for any other easements that
will be dedicated to the City outside of the property boundaries. Not sure ii'therc are any
as 1 don't know what other easements are needed, but it looks like there will be at least a
drainage casement that is needed to the north of the site. As you were informed with the
other Eckard Drug store site the City Attorneys department has determined that in
accordance with our codes and criteria we can not approve a project without receipt of
the easements that are needed for the project. "Thus I doubt we will be able to sign off on
the utility plans until these easements that need to be dedicated to the city can be
provided to us.
We will accept rnylars with the easement/ row dedications.
Let me know if you have any questions. Sheri Wamhoff 221-6605
Community Planning and Environmental Services
Current Planning
Citv of Fort Collins
September 5, 2003
Lorimer County
Planning and Building Services Division
c/o Matt Lafferty
P.O. Box 1190
Fort Collins, CO. 80522-1190
Re: ECKERID DRUG STORE @ South College Avenue & Trilby Road
Dear Matt,
City staff has reviewed your request for Site Plan Review for the proposed Eckerd
Drug Store at the northwest corner of South College Avenue & Trilby Road and
would like to offerthe following comments:
Transportation Planning:
A copy of the comments received from Tom Reiff (dated 8-29-03) and a red -lined
Site Plan are attached to this comment letter.
Stormwater Utility:
Glen Schlueter has indicated that they have not received any detailed grading plans
to review. Therefore, it is difficult to verify that the developer can really do what
the drainage report says they are going to do. Is Lorimer County able to issue a
building permit with the little information that has been provided? A copy of the
comments received from Glen is attached to this comment letter.
Engineering Department:
Sheri Wamhoff has indicated that not much street design has been provided to
review. City Engineering will be expressing their concerns at the weekly County -
City meeting on Tuesday, September 9, 2003.
.' l \"T HI (ull�• ,r Aconuo • I'O. liox 5M • Fort Collins, CO 80522-05811 �-p)''� I-n-SU • P:AY 070)4I0-3021l
Planning Department:
1. The site layout for the Eckerd Drug Store does not satisfy many
requirements set forth in the City's Land Use Code (LUC), most notably:
a. There are absolutely no pedestrian connections from the building
entrance to surrounding public sidewalks. This requirement is set
forth in Section 3.5.3(B)(2) Orientation to Build -to Lines for
Sfree tfront Buildings of the LUC.
b. The building placement on the site does not satisfy the City's "build -
to" line standards set forth in Sections 3.5.3(B)(2)(b) & (c) of the
C. Bicycle parking should be located in a safe, convenient place near the
building entrance, as set forth in Section 3.2.2(C)(4)(b) of the LUC.
The proposed bicycle parking location on the south side of the
building, away from the front entry, would not satisfy this
d. The site layout does not satisfy the PedestrianlVehicle Separation
standard set forth in Section 3.2.2(D)(1) of the LUC. Overall, the
pedestrian circulation on the site layout as proposed is very poor.
2. The Site Plan graphically shows a total of 134 parking spaces. The Parking
Data on the plan indicates a total of 81 spaces to be provided. What is
creating the discrepancy?
The City's LUC allows a maximum number of parking spaces for non-
residential land uses. The table in Section 3.2.2(K)(2) shows the maximum
parking allowance for General Retail (Eckerd Drug Store) to be 4 spaces per
1,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area of the building. The Site Plan
shows the proposed store to contain 13,813 square feet. With this size
building the LUC would allow no more than 56 parking spaces.
3. In some cases, how do people get from their parked cars to the building
entrance without having to walk through landscaped areas? This is especially
true from the 3 parking spaces directly in front of the building.
4. There are 4 planting beds with shrubs in the parkway along South College
Avenue. These planting beds are in the (proposed) street right-of-way
(ROW). 'The City does not maintain planting beds in street ROW.
5. The tree; on the east side of the entry drive into the site from West Trilby
Road may be placed a little too close to the drive. It should be at least 8'
from the edge of drive.
6. All of the shrubs in the planting beds around the outside perimeter of the
parking areas are deciduous shrubs. There is question as to whether or not
they can satisfy the screening requirement from the adjacent streets
(South College Avenue & Trilby Road) during the Winter months when most
shrubs are devoid of foliage. Please reference Section 3.2.1(E)(4)(b) of the
7. At this time staff is recommending denial of the Eckerd Drug Store Site
Plan Review based on non-compliance with numerous City LUC requirements
and insufficient information provided regarding off -site street
improvements associated with this development. It appears that this
property could possibly be annexed into the City of Fort Collins within 1 to
1-112 years from this date.
City staff is looking forward to meeting with you and Lorimer County staff on
Tuesday, September 9th to discuss our concerns about this development proposal.
Steve Olt,
Current Planning
cc: Cameron Gloss
Sheri Wamhoff
Dave Stringer
Glen Schlueter
Tom Reiff
Pete Wray
Doug Moore
Eckard Drug at Trilby and College September 10, 2003
1. It needs to be noted on the site and utility plans that the access point off of Trilby will
be a right -in right -out access point in the future.
2. On Trilby Road the sidewalk needs to be placed with the back of the sidewalk on the
3. the bollards in front of the store need to be placed 2 feet in from the back of the curb
to meet parking depth requirements. There is no way for the people parking in these
stalls to get to the store other than walking thru the landscaping or down the drive
4. The area adjacent to these 3 parking stalls is shown as a planting area on the site plan,
but is shown as hardscape on the utility plans.
5. There is no pedestrian connection from the street sidewalk to the building.
6. Street pavement cuts and patching need to meet Latimer County Urban Area Street
Standards (LCUASS). Add the following patching note to the plans. Limits ofstreet
cut are approximate. Final limits are to be determined in the field by the City
Engineering Inspector. All repairs to be in accordance with City street repair
7. Is CDOT okay with the water that is draining onto the highway out the driveway?
8. Need easements for all work outside of the lot or row boundaries and for all on -site
utilities and drainage facilities.
9. Need to identify what is to be done with the inlet on College that is impacted by the
right -in right -out median.
10. The following details need to be provided: CDOT Truncated dome detail, City
Details 4702 — curb, gutter and sidewalk, # 1606 — ped ramp (need info for ramps at
driveway), and 41607- ped ramp scoring (for ped ramps at driveway).
11. The Concrete Pan detail — Why would the City Engineer determine the reinforcement
in the pan, ,you are designing it. It is onsite and not within the row, the City will not
be determining the design of this pan. Remove the note.
12. The College Ave typical section is incorrect. There should be a 7 foot walk at the
back of the row with a 22 foot parkway that goes to the flowline of the curb and
gutter, a 2 foot gutter, a 12 foot right turn lane, a 6 foot bike lane, two 12 foot thru
lanes and 9.5 feet to the section line/ center of the roadway (part of the left turn lane).
It does not appear that the curb line you are planning on constructing is shown in the
right location
13. Need to provide a detail for the right -in right -out island. Need to have dimensions
and elevations for this. The drive areas to the back of the row need to be in concrete.
A sidewalk: needs to be built thru this island.
14. Need information for the flowline design. There is no slope or design elevations
provided or curb return information provided. What is the radius at the connection
between the taper and the decel lane for the right turn lane on College?
15. Trilby Road — The sidewalk needs to be placed at the row line, with a 10 foot
parkway to flowline. The curb is not being shown to be constructed in the right
16. A full design of Trilby Road is needed. Does this curb and gutter design work with
the full intersection improvements. Need north and south flowline design, centerline
profile, off -site design for at least 1000 feet (how does this design tie into the existing
curb and gutter on both sides of the street to the west), and x-sections every 50 feet.
Need to make sure that the curb and gutter placement works for the ultimate
configuration of this intersection — No design has been done to show this. How do
we know this won't have to be redesigned and rebuilt at the City taxpayers' expense?
17. Three 10 foot travel lanes are not acceptable, nor are 3 foot bike lanes acceptable. A
minimum width of 11 foot for the travel lanes is acceptable and a minimum width of
6 foot for the bike lanes is acceptable. If the row and/or easements to acquire this can
not be obtained, the developer can ask the City to condemn the property in
accordance with City Resolution 2001-40. This resolution has been attached for your
information. You will need to show that you have made efforts to acquire the land/
easement and have not been able to do so and all costs associated with the
condemnation will be the developers to bear.
18. Is the design of the right -in right -out adequate to control traffic. It doesn't really
seem severe enough to control traffic.
19. If a right turn lane is needed in the future for the access point on Trilby additional row
will need to be dedicated and the sidewalk placed at the back of that row.
20. The striping; plan needs to show the striping being tied into, edge of pavement and the
property lines.
21. The intersection transition plan does not show the striping all around the intersection
or the signal poles.
22. An access easement should be provided somewhere along the west side of the
property to facilitate a future connection to the property to the west. This will be of a
benefit to this property when the adjacent property develops and the access point into
this site becomes a right -in right -out access point.
23. Per a stormwater site visit — it appears that there is an irrigation line/ ditch that is
within the site. Need to provide easements for this line. Locate the line outside of the
public row and public easements other than perpendicular crossings, obtain signatures
of approval from the ditch owner(s), show that minimum cover over this line is being
meet in the road section. A minimum of 2 feet from the top of pipe to the top of
scarified su.bgrade is required. What type of pipe is it that runs under the roadway?
Eckard Drug at Trilby .and College October 14, 2003 and October 24, 2003
City of Port Collins Engineering Comments by Sheri L. Wamhoff
1. An easement exhibit would be a good idea. It would help to identify what easements and row
are to be dedicated and if there are any that need to be vacated. This wouldn't have to be a part
of the set, but would be nice if it was for future reference.
2. Need easements for all work outside of the lot or row boundaries and for all on -site utilities and
drainage facilities.
3. If a right turn lane is needed in the future for the access point on Trilby additional row will
need to be dedicated and the sidewalk placed at the back of that row.
4. An access easement should be provided somewhere along the west side of the property to
facilitate a future connection to the property to the west. This will be of a benefit to this
property when the adjacent property develops and the access point into this site becomes a
right -in right -out access point.
College Ave
1. Need to provide- more spot elevations and dimensions for the right -in right -out access point.
2. The City does not want the trench drains in the row.
3. The right -in right -out access point needs to be concrete to at least the property line.
4. Need to identify what is to be in;low and what is to be outflow curb and gutter on the r-in r-out
5. Need to show the new cross pan that will need to be constructed across the intersection and
what the grade are to be.
6. Per table 8-2 in LCUASS the r,..':i Ibr an arterial arterial intersection is to be 25 feet not thel30 '
foot that you have shown.
7. Need to identify that the curb :r an,l pedestrian ramps on College Ave needs to comply
with CDOT standards. Identiljurc curb type to be used.
8. Street pavement cuts and patching need to meet Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards
(LCUASS). Add the following patching note to the plans. Limits of street cut are
approximate. Final limits are n) hc, deterrnined in the field by the City Engineering Inspector.
All repairs to be in accordant. t.t p unreel repair standards.
9. The driveway to the north wi!! � .,i to ,o away (per CDOT). They need to take access thru the
r-in, r-out access point.
io. The access point (r-in, r-out) nccus to be designed to accommodate a WB-40 vehicle. It is
pretty tight, may need to widen w revise the design somewhat.
11, The State Highway Access Permit will be processed thru the County. A waiver will be needed
for the right decel lane (coordi: �:,' CDOT).
12. Need to address what is to be .s I',i. the siphon.
College Ave x-sections
1. Need to identify the existineIpcs.
2. In the area off -site, need to p.. \ .cl.crc the new row is to be and the limits of the easements
needed for this construction. i 'p..; rc road, including curb and gutter has to be within row. It
appears that slope easemew cd along portions of the roadway. A 2 foot
approximately flat area is ne, 1 1 the curb.
3. For those areas where the proposed x-slope is less than 1.5% the point at which the new
pavement ties into the existing roadway needs to be moved further east so that a minimum of a
1.0% proposed x-slopcis provided.
4. A minimum of 1.0% for the proposed x-slopes needs to be maintained. At the northern end,
may need to tie the new pavement further into the roadway to achieve this.
Trilby Road
I . The driveway here needs to be concrete to the property line and built to the high volume
driveway detail. with a 20 foot radii not the 30 foot shown.
2. For the new drainage pipe going under the road. The inlet on south side needs to be rebuilt and
the pipe running under the street lowered to meet minimum cover requirements. More than
likely when you try to lie the new pipe into the structure it will need to be rebuilt anyway — it is
best to just plan on that occurring and getting it to work properly.
3. It looks like the entire street area where the driveway is to be located will need to be rebuilt due
to the waterline connection and the stormpipe replacement. This should be shown on the x-
4. One of the vertical curves does not meet minimum lengths.
5. Street pavement cuts and patching need to meet Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards
(LCUASS). Add the following patching note to the plans. Limits of street cut are
approximate. Final limits are to he determined in the field by the City Engineering Inspector.
All repairs to he in accordance with City street repair standards.
6. A full design of Trilby Road is needed. Does this curb and gutter design work with the full
intersection improvements. Need north and south flowline design, centerline profile), and x-
sections every 50 feet. Need to make sure that the curb and gutter placement works for the
ultimate configuration of this intersection— No design has been done to show this. How do we
know this won't have to be redesigned and rebuilt at the City taxpayers' expense?
Trilby Road x-sections
1. Need to lower the curb line, tie in further to the south or repave to the centerline, so that
minimum x-slopes are met.
2. How do we know that the curb placement works with the ultimate x-section of the intersection.
Is what you are putting in work with the ultimate paving that will be needed when the
intersection is expanded.
3. Need to show that the curb and gutter is being placed so that it works with the ultimate section
and that the x-slopes of 2.0-3.0% are achieved at ultimate. Are you anticipating that the
centerline will be raised? The flatter than allowed x-slopes maybe agreed to if the curb
placement is where it needs to be for ultimate. They are a big concern if this is not the case. It
is hard to achieve asphalt paving at I.0'% or less where Flat spots do not accur because of the
tolerances in the paving process.
4. Where there is no curb and gutter being placed, minimum x-slope requirements should be met.
Since this is an interim edge it is more important that the x-slopes be maintained versus the
flowline standards be met completely.
Striping plans
1. These will need to be reviewed by Tral tic.
Future flowline design and layout.
l . Not sure that the future street connection meets the spacing identified in the State Access
Control Plan. The plan also indicates that there will be an access point in the same location on
the south side of the street, so there will probably need to be a left for that as well that is not
2. A right turn lane will eventually be needed on Trilby at College. You have not shown this.
3. Need off -site design for at least 1000 feet (how does this design tie into the existing curb and
gutter on both sides of the street to the west.
Site and Landscape Plans
1. It needs to be noted on the site and utility plans that the access point off of Trilby will be a right -in
right -out access point in the future.
Provide the additional details that will be needed as noted.