HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLOCK 77 LOTS 7 AND 8 - Filed RV-ROW VACATION - 2004-03-22111111111111lllllllllllllllllllllll 11111 LARIMERDOYLE RCPTN10/21/20 " 2004-0102625 12:46:0004 PAGES - 2 FEE $11.00 DOC $0.00 #395525 I.ESOLUTIO',I OI' '1'?n' CITY C:-7J:'CIL OF 1I1; CITY OF PORT COLLINS, IN THE-;i,AT'I'ER OF' 1I i1 , P"2ITIO?I C'F' GRACE ?". V I'21i .OT FOR I'LELEA"E AIII) DI`C'HIRCTE ..r'. i�rn, ,s. .,n r T ..rq r'.IT1 STR p OF ALTC.LSI,, , OF CI _ L n � 1'0,._ MT ,I.. I11 '10 A L. OF Lf,'.'Th 15 X 100 'F' PC OSO I,OTC 7 11 3, IId BLOCK 77, AC ^FiDI1G TO ', 1jr �;rJ37I�'IUIOII PLI_'1' OF' '3LOC:;". 70, 77, S5, � 0, and L;7, OF THE CIi'Y OF F03T COLLIIM. I' HFEA^, It appears from the petition of Grace . Withrow that on the 30th da.y of ?arch, 1505, one Jawes H. Feeney executed a deed of.wnvel!anceto one Della C. :.filler of a tract of land in Block 77, �xherein and whereby he conveyed to her a strip 15 x 100 feat, which extended across Lots 7 and 8, statini therein, "dedicatin to the City of Fort Collins for ucc as a public alley said strip of land." From the date of the e.ecution of this instrument and the recordinG thereof to the present tiwa, there never has been any use ]made of the strip of land as an alley or for any public purpose whatever, and since said ,:late the said Della C. ::killer has released .and quitolaii4ed all her interest in and to said strip of land to tha present o;.n:r of Lot 7, and the said Grace VI. h;ithro:^r has secured frou Ja1i,es H. Feen--y a quitclai;., deed for all his rillit, title and interest in and to said strip of land so far as the smae affects Lot 8, and the only cloud on the title to Lots 7 and 8 now existing; grows out of the attempted dedi- c: ticn of this strip of land to the City of Fort Collins for use as a l;ublic alley, and the s,u,ie never having; been accepted, opened or usad as a public alley by the City of Fort Collins, the City has no clai,,, of any riht title or interest therein; therefore ✓CITY CLERK , CI dam! OF FORT COLLINS BE TT RESOLVED :�y the City Council of the City of Fort Collins that the City of Fort Collins hereby renounces and disclairs any right, title or interest in and to said strip of l nd 15 x 133 feet across Lots 7 and 6, in Block 77, accord— inb; to the subdivision plat of Blocks 76, 77, 65, U6 and 167 in the City of Fort Collins, and tiUs resolution shall be taken as a coi,iplete release and disc:. urge of all claims arising out of said deed of conveyance of J cs ri. Feeney, e,earin date ':.arch 30th, 1905. Passed and adopted this 16th day of July, A.D. Corunissioner of Safety ad Ex Officio :::ayor. e ATTEST: City Clerk.