THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this th day
of Jam.. _ i A . D. 19 65 _I by and bewtween THE CITY OF FCRT
COLLINS, a mu.'_:'ipa. corp:raticn, hereinafter designated as first party,
and grad A. Hmphrey, Robert N. H.jmphrey and Larimer County Conunissioners
He rc _n^.f, ^r d( si.g;—.ted as second party, WITNESSETH:
1i R15, c..i.^nd party has heretofore submitted a subdivision
Plat of the _a i.r ^ion to be knoUm as Humohrev Medical r'antar
Fe--- a -,✓ l by 1;e Municipal Planning and Zoning Board and
the City Cou:,e_._ of the C_.ty of Fort Collins, and
n pl.,.t is e,cceptable to first party
and first partyls Pia^ning a d Zoning Board, subject to construction of
u.ti' ities "1 aa. tc be ..:bdivided,
NChJ, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the terms
of this agr,or:^'rt•, ' t L;3 mutcally cgreed as follows:
1. F'.rst party agrees that said subdivision plat shall be,
and the same s ::crety approved.
2, Jr., cm?sider t ^n of the approval of said plat by first
party. a,J firr;t parlor`s Pl-.nning and Zoning Board, second party agrees
as fellcrc.
(A.) To si:mit to first party the following detailed
improvemera p'.....^, _ ^'oIe to the first party:
r'..n cf the proposed water distribution system
ir.clud p'_p-^=i_nes to the points of connection to the
first party's c:`_^`-rg e'_-er distribution system and showing all valTes
arl fire
(;') Planc and profiles of the proposed sanitary sewer
system incl_:' rl.l man':oles and connections to the first party's
existing sanitary sewer sy tem.
!;) A plan of the proposed electrical distribution system
including co- cetirg lines to the first partyts existing electrical
di.strib,ltior t=., including all street lights.
(''F) P2 7a and profiles of all street improvements.
and profiles of the proposed street drainage
system sh.carit. ''.a cc'-,.-,='.'-^'ls to the first party's storm sewer system
_._1 irc'.ud _g all stcrm se.•.,er ets and manholes.
(G) Items A (1) to A (5) inclusive are to be financed by the
p_rty of the second part, exc;,pti.ng only -tem (3) electrical distribution
;;.-steno All material required for street lights are to be paid for by
party of t'.ie seo=2 part to the Light & Power Department of the City.
In the evert the City of Fort Collins shall require larger
:cr m.it_s, a.rita_y sower m^_.:.r er storm sewer mains to be constructed
t,_Lhi.n t`_}e subdi _ica than i,-o,1d be required by standard engineering
-i-�tic^s to sorve the in crder to properly extend these
-rvices to other areas, t'le City of Fort Collins w_11 pay a portion of
cost cf su.^i er.2rgc3 f^ci,_i''y based on prorat-'oa of the cost of the
ity aa-r.11.y c n ',r.;:c'•; d r 1 the est-_na'od cost, of such facility as
^..;z c-i t' suhdivider's a.pprc.red plan, Su^h prorati rn. of costs between
City of Fcrt Collins and t',. s:bdivider shall be determined in advance
of r.gr.r'ruc'.;cn by t.,e City E^gineer and in the event of any dispute this
sub-ru-ttcd to the City Council for final determination.
T°?.i;:P�CC pa_ty has caused these presents to
i;;ucd 'oy t; Mayer and its corpe_rate seal to be here' ttest
to cy its City Clc:k, p__reu..nt to motion of the Council of the City of
2 nd
day of July
A. D,, 1Sf)5, <�n t second par'.y rz.o hereto set his hand and seal the day
and year �-1 t h.er.._.,....-cve writtc:.
._-� ?ST.
Cit.,,, F.nF ineer
A Nunici.ral Corporation
First Party
.second arty
l �