Mr. Mel Johnson
Rhoades Agency
Savings Building
Oak at hooves
Fort Collins, Colorado
Dear Hr. Johnson:
DThe left turn bay improvements at the intersection of
Parker ,aid College Avenue into the Fox Shopping Center have
been installed accepta7uly.
Very truly yours,
Roy A. Bingman
City Engineer
December 3, 1968
To. won Reynolds, Director of Planning
FROM: Roy A. Bingman, City Engineer
RE: Preliminary plat of Fox Shopping Center Subdivision.
�I! The above preliminary plat indicates approximately 30 feet
t!Jj' from street centerline to the right-of-way line for Prospect
Street. The subidivision ordinance calls for a 100-foot
street right-of-way (50 feet from centerline) for an arterial
street. I would recommend obtaining the additional right-
of-way width so that it will be available in the future when
l; l Respectfully submitted,
FILD f Roy A. Bingman
City Engineer
RtU /bkm
June 17, 1983
1. The Fox Center I I P.U.D., a pr i vate I y owned parce I, i s
located at the southwest corner of College Avenue and west
Prospect Street. It is bounded on the west by Colorado
Southern Railroad, the south and east by Fox Shopping Center
P.U.D., and the north by Prospect Street.
2. The project involves the conversion of the existing Fox
Theater building into retail space. This conversion will
cons i st of add 1 ng a second I eve I f I oor i n the i nter i or of
the theater structure, and refacing the east and north sides
of the building along with the existing attached shops.
3. Utilities on the site will remain unchanged from that
presently existing. It is anticipated that a new fire
sprinkler service and perhaps one new sanitary sewer tap
w i l l need to be instal led from the existing ut i I i t i es on
site to serve the remodeled building.
4. All existing utility and access easements will remain as
presently platted. The leased access easement west of the
theater on the railroad right-of-way will remain in affect.
5. Vehicular movement on the site will be confined to existing
paved surfaces. Some re-routing of traffic patterns will
occur in this conversion. Since the (2) existing curb cuts
along Prospect Street are no longer required to handle the
large traffic demands of exiting theater traffic, a singular
35 foot wide curb cut will be constructed, thus replacing
two of the three existing curb cuts. This revision to the
Prospect Street access will consolidate traffic providing an
orderly ingress/egress which will relieve much of the
existing confusion presently associated at this point.
Traffic will be routed south from this access via a 35 foot
wide two-way aisle. East -west circulation branches will
occur in proper alignment with patterns presently estab-
lished in the Safeway parking lot.
6. Landscape islands will be constructed between parking rows,
around the existing theater building and along Prospect
Street. These landscape features are to break up the
existing expanse of paved surface. The new landscape areas
halve been keyed both in plant materials and design to
continue the recently established patterns of the adjacent
parking lot.
7. Signage for the remodel structure Is to be surface applied
directly to the new building fascias.
A part of Lot 3, Fox Shopping Center Subdivision, Fort Collins, Colorado
which begins at the Northeast corner of said Lot 3 and runs thence S 01003'W
495.g0 feet; thence N 82016'45"W 104.06 feet; thence N 45038'W68.00 feet; thence
S 89 22'W 54.00 feet to a point on the West line of said Lot 3; thence N 00038'W
244.00 feet; thence East 116.99 feet; thence North 190.00 feet; thence East 100.50
feet to the point of beginning, containing 76,811 square feet more or less.