English Ranch South P.U.D., Second Filing
Landscape Architecture
Urban Design
Planning Objectives
February 24, 1997
1113 Stoney Hill Drive
Fort Collins. Colorado 80525
PHONE (970) 224-5828
FAX (970) 224-1662
The English Ranch South Second Filing is a combined preliminary and final submittal and consists
of the remainder of the single family lots in the English Ranch South subdivision. The English
Ranch South O.D.P. was originally approved in October 1995 and updated administratively in
January 1997. This filing contains 133 single family lots ranging in size from 5200 s.f. to 12,000
s. f.
Primary vehicular access to the development will be from Kingsley Drive and Paddington Road,
both classified as collector streets. A pedestrian connection has been made to the park and school
areas between lots '79 and 80. 75% of the lots meet the solar orientation criteria. Phase two of
the project (west of'Kingsley) is designed to the new street design standards and has detached
sidewalks and a landscape parkway.
This P.U.D. is in conformance with the following policies in the Land Use Policies Plan:
Policy 14. Urban development standards shall apply to all development within the urban
growth area.
Policy 78. Residential development should be directed into areas which reinforce the
phasing plan in the urban growth area.
Policy 79
Lowy density residential uses should locate in areas:
a. Which have easy access to existing or planned neighborhood and regional/
community shopping centers. (Tower Shops/ planned neighborhood center
at southwest corner of County Road 9 and Harmony.)
b. Which have easy access to major employment centers; (Hewlett Packard)
C. Within walking distance to an existing or planned elementary school;
(Linton Elementary)
d. Within walking distance to an existing or planned neighborhood park and
within access to a community park; and (adjacent neighborhood park)
e. In which a collector street affords the primary access.
Building homes. Building "Tradition.
.June 1, 1998
Mr. Dave Stringer
Director olEngineering
City of Fort Collins
281 N. College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Dear 1Ir•. Stringer,
1,(( 9ox 277 Tu,i [-I,, CO 80S4i • (970i )29-]629
I herebi request that eve be permitted to construct the detached iide-walh oil
the west side of hin#?dev Deice and the south side of PaddinL�tnn Read in %.far,, Fnarlish
Ranch South, Second Filing, Phase 1, at a later (late.
The west side of hin2slev Drive -will be completed with English Ranch Soud)
Second Film(3, Phase fI %�]Jicla NA -ill conunienc,", development Au(_1u t 1, 1998.
Fhe South >ide ohPaddin:?ton Road will be completed wilth what hill be called
Vn<olish Ranch South, Third Fi'in�!. Submittal fol. final Pint ,%ild Commence October
L 1998.
Leavin these walks out until they are developed will eliminate a lot of extra
utility work and prevent damage to this walk durin the develr)Pnient of these area,;
Thank you for you consideration in this matter.
William 1). Farran
Bartran and Companv, Inc.
Transpor,.dtion Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
July 23, 1998
Mr. Bill Bartran
Bartran and Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 277
Timnath, Co. 80547
RE: Sidewalks on Kingsley Drive, English Ranch South, 2°d Filing
Dear Mr. Bartran:
This letter is in response to your request to delay the construction of the detached sidewalk on the
westside of Kingsley Drive, and the south side of Paddington Road in the English Ranch South,
Second Filing, Phase I development, It is my understanding that these improvements will be
installed at the time the English Ranch South, Second Filing, Phase II project is begun and with
Filing 3, of the English Ranch South development.
After considering this request and reviewing the utility plans, and our subsequent meeting of
Thursday July 23rd , I believe it is appropriate to delay the construction of these sidewalks with
the following conditions.
1. The Kingsley sidewalk will be installed with the Phase II construction of the English Ranch
South Second Filing.
2. This phase is scheduled to begin around August 1, 1998 .
3. The sidewalk on the south side of Paddington Road must be shown on the English Ranch
South, Third Filing, utility plans, with a notation that it is to be to be constructed with that filing.
4. The English Ranch South, Second Filing, utility plans must be revised to reflect that the
Paddington sidewalk will be built with Filing 3.
�1 \orth Cr,lle A%-rnue • PO. Bov 75SO • Fort Collins, CO 5052?-05S" • (970) 221-h(0
Page 2
Kingsley sidewalks
It is my opinion that your request to delay these sections of sidewalk makes sense. Therefore,
the sidewalk on the westside of Kingsley Drive adjacent to phase II may be delayed until such
time as the sidewalks are being constructed with Phase II of the English Ranch South, Second
Filing. At this time it is anticipated that the construction of these sidewalks will occur after
August 1, 1998. In addition the sidewalk on the south side of Paddington Road will be required
at the time the English Ranch Third Filing development is constructed.
Hopefully, this letter addresses your concerns.
Sincerely, \
David Stringer
Development Review Supervisor
cc: Tim Blandford
Rick Richter
Todd Juergens
English Ranch South 2nd Filing
Trainspor' �tion Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
July 17, 1998
Mr. Bill Bartran
Bartran and Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 277
Timnath, Co. 80547
RE: Sidewalks on Kingsley Drive, English Ranch South, 2' Filing
Dear Mr. Bartran:
This letter is in response to your request to delay the construction of the detached sidewalk on the
westside of Kingsley Drive, and the south side of Paddington Road in the English Ranch South,
Second Filing, Phase I development, ( see attachment). It is my understanding that these
improvement will be; installed at the time the English Ranch South, Second Filing, Phase II project
is begun and with Filing 3, of the English Ranch South development.
After considering this request and reviewing the utility plans, I believe it is appropriate to delay
the construction of these sidewalks with the following conditions.
1. Monies are to be held in escrow by the City, equal to the amount of the construction costs
associated with the installation of the Kingsley sidewalk plus Fifty Percent (50%) .
2. The money to establish this escrow shall be submitted to the City Engineering Department
prior to August 1, 1998 .
3. The sidewalk on the south side of Paddington Road must be shown on the English Ranch
South, Third Filing, utility plans, with a notation that it is to be to be constructed with that filing.
4. The English Ranch South, Second Filing, utility plans must be revised to reflect that the
Paddington sidewalk will be built with Filing 3.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6605
Page 2
Kingsley sidewalks
It is my opinion that your request to delay these sections of sidewalk makes sense. Therefore,
the sidewalk on the westside of Kingsley Drive adjacent to phase II may be delayed until such
time as the sidewalks are being constructed with Phase II of the English Ranch South, Second
Filing. At this time it is anticipated that the construction of these sidewalks will occur after
August 1; 1998. In addition the sidewalk on the south side of Paddington Road will be required
at the time the English Ranch Third Filing development is constructed.
Hopefully, this letter addresses your concerns.
David Stringer
Development Review Supervisor
cc: Tim Blandford
Rick Richter
Todd Juergens
English Ranch South 2' Filing �'