HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo - Read Before Packet - 11/6/2018 - Memorandum From Phil Ladd, John Phelan Re: Read Before - Agenda Item #16 - Clarification On Energy /Cap Offers In The BudgetEnvironmental Services 222 Laporte Ave. PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6600 fcgov.com/environmental services 1 MEMORANDUM Date: November 6, 2018 To: Mayor and City Council From: Phil Ladd, Utilities Finance Manager John Phelan, Energy Services Senior Manager Thru: Darin Atteberry, City Manager CAP Executive Team1 Re: Read Before: Agenda Item 16 - Clarification on Energy/CAP Offers in Budget Purpose: The purpose of this memo is to respond to questions raised at Leadership Planning Team on November 5, 2018:  provide a list of all Climate Action Plan offers and indicate the source of funds, identify which offers are being funded by the proposed rate increase, and which are currently below the line.  consider demand charge revenue to fund additional transformer purchases if needed due to reduction of 8.7 (Capital Replacement - Utilities: Light & Power - Electric Distribution Transformer Replacement). Bottom Line:  CAP-related offers that are included in the budget recommended for Council consideration on November 6, 2018 include energy efficiency, demand response and solar rebate programs.  Two of the budget offers added for consideration at Council’s request are proposed for funding at 25% of their original requested amount; o 9.90 (Utilities Enhancement - Energy Efficiency), now proposed for $237,500/yr o 9.92 (Utilities Enhancement – Non-Residential Solar Rebates, now proposed for $125,000/yr  The funding for these two offers uses 0.3% of the proposed 5.0% Utilities rate increase. If approved, the 5% Utilities rate increase in 2019 will also fund these two offers in 2020.  With all the offers recommended for funding, the 2020 CAP inventory is forecast to be 20.4% below baseline, just over the target of 20%. This includes the impacts of funding Ongoing offers, the 25% scaled enhancement offers for energy efficiency and solar rebates, and Platte River’s completion of the 20 MW solar project in 2019. The CAP offers are listed in Table 2 on page 2.  Most of the population of aging distribution transformers serve residential customers. The majority of residential customers are not currently subject to demand charges, therefore, funding for additional transformers replacement would need to come from other electric revenue sources. Background: To add Utilities offers 9.90 and 9.92 at 25% of their original requested amount, three other Utilities offers are proposed for reduction, as summarized in Table 1 below. A Council memo from October 25, 2018 (Councilmember requests and questions about the 2019-2020 City Manager’s Recommended Budget – Part 7) discussed rationale for this recommendation. Note that the reduction in 2019 of offer 9.82 is not a 1 Includes Deputy City Manager Jeff Mihelich; Utilities Executive Director Kevin Gertig; Chief Financial Officer Mike Beckstead; Director of Planning, Development, and Transportation Laurie Kadrich; Chief Sustainability Officer Jackie Kozak Thiel; and Environmental Services Director Lucinda Smith DocuSign Envelope ID: 19FF44C0-3E94-44CF-8EB0-AC79344E8019 2 reduction in services or purchases, but simply reflects a delay in several SPE solar projects which will not be completed until around mid-year 2019. Table 1 – Energy offers added to budget at Council suggestion Budget Offers 2019 2020 Additions based on Council direction Offer 9.90 – Utilities enhancement – Energy Efficiency $238k $238k Offer 9.92 – Utilities enhancement – Non-Residential Solar Rebates $125k $125k Budget Offset Reductions Offer 9.82 – Core Renewable Energy ($140k) Offer 8.17 – New Feeder Capacity – Circuit 576B ($458k) Offer 8.7 – Distribution Transformer Replacements ($223k) $95k Net Impact $0k $0k Table 2 below provides a summary of CAP-related offers and their status in the budget recommended for Council consideration on November 6, 2016. DocuSign Envelope ID: 19FF44C0-3E94-44CF-8EB0-AC79344E8019 3 Table 2 – Climate Action Plan offer status CC: Lance Smith, Utilities Strategic Financial Director Lisa Rosintoski, Utilities Deputy Director Lindsay Ex, Interim Director, Environmental Services Recommendation Offer # Name 2019 2020 Funding Source Funded 9.80 Light and Power Energy Services $ 4,394,748 $ 4,439,633 Light and Power Funded 9.81 Residential Solar Rrbates $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Light and Power Funded 9.82 Core Renewable Energy $ 3,428,300 $ 3,671,500 Light and Power Funded 9.83 Utilities - Demand Response $ 629,460 $ 638,663 Light and Power Funded 43.10 Road to Zero Waste Plan Update (KFCG) $ 15,000 $ 15,000 General Fund Funded 43.12 2030 Climate Action and Energy Policy Update –Optimizing Policy, Targets & Strategies $ 40,000 $ 80,000 Split GF/L&P Funded 45.11 Electric Bus Pilot $ 880,000 $ - Transit Svc/GF Funded 9.73 Bio Gas to CoGen $ 800,000 $ - Wastewater Funded 43.6 Municipal Electric Lawn and Garden Equipment Fund $ 20,000 $ 20,000 One Time GF Optional rate increase 9.90 Utilities: Light & Power - Energy Efficiency $ 237,500 $ 237,500 Light and Power Optional rate increase 9.92 Utilities: Light & Power - Non-Residential Solar Rebates $ 125,000 $ 125,000 Light and Power Unfunded 6.7 Hampshire Low-stress Bikeway (KFCG) $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Unfunded 6.11 Transportation Options Plan and Program $ 150,000 $ 100,000 Unfunded 7.2 1.0 FTE Contractual - Plans Examiner - Expedited Plan Review for Green Building $ 93,560 $ 91,260 Unfunded 8.22 Utilities: Light & Power - Arterial & Collector Street LED Streetlight Conversion $ 1,115,000 $ 572,000 Unfunded 9.91 Utilities: Light & Power - Cold Weather Pump Demonstration $ 150,000 $ 150,000 Unfunded 9.93 Utilities: Light & Power - Solar Power Purchase Program (SP3) $ - $ 200,000 Unfunded 9.94 Utilities: Light & Power - Bring Your Own Thermostat (BYOT) $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Unfunded 9.95 Utilities: Light & Power - Battery Storage Demonstration $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Unfunded 9.96 1.0 FTE Contractual to Classified - Energy Code Compliance Specialist $ 4,269 $ 4,397 Unfunded 43.11 Road to Zero Waste Enhanced Outreach (KFCG) $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Unfunded 43.3 Innovate Fort Collins Challenge Fund (KFCG) $ 210,000 $ 210,000 Unfunded 43.4 Expanded Municipal Sustainability Innovation Fund (KFCG) $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Unfunded 43.8 1.0 FTE Conversion from Contractual to Classified - Green Building Program Coordinator $ 5,500 $ 5,500 Unfunded 57.3 1.0 FTE Forestry Specialist and Forestry Emerald Ash Borer Pre-Infestation $ 289,050 $ 412,419 Unfunded 58.12 Theatrical LED Lighting $ 538,715 Unfunded 92.1 Municipal Renewable Energy Fund $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Unfunded 92.2 Municipal Energy Efficiency Fund $ 75,000 $ 75,000 DocuSign Envelope ID: 19FF44C0-3E94-44CF-8EB0-AC79344E8019