HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Read Before Packet - 9/18/2018 - Memorandum From Delynn Coldiron Re: Leadership Planning Team Minutes - September 17, 2018City Clerk 300 LaPorte Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6515 970.221-6295 - fax fcgov.com/cityclerk MEMORANDUM DATE: September 17, 2018 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Delynn Coldiron, City Clerk RE: Leadership Planning Team (LPT) Meeting Mayor Wade Troxell, City Manager Darin Atteberry (phone), Deputy City Manager Jeff Mihelich, City Attorney Carrie Daggett, Senior Assistant City Manager Kelly DiMartino and City Clerk Delynn Coldiron met on Monday, September 17, and the following summarizes the discussions that began at 7:38 a.m. September 18 Regular Meeting The September 18 agenda was reviewed. • Time-of-Day Rates – It was mentioned that comments continue to be received based on misunderstandings about the time-of-day rates and how they affect overall rates charged. Many in the public still are working from the understanding that the changes will triple their electric rates. • Metro Districts – There was discussion about a change in the way hearings for the Plans would be done to ensure that they satisfy the procedural due process requirements for quasi-judicial proceedings. • Montava Metro District – Staff intends to recommend that this item be continued to the September 25, 2018 meeting. Six Month Calendar September 25 • H25 Pre-Application Hearing – Details for this project continue to be worked out; the item has been postponed. October 1 • 2019-20 Budget #2 added to the calendar, pending confirmation of Council availability. The four remaining outcome areas will be presented and discussed, including: Economic Health, Environmental Health, Transportation and High Performing Government. Dinner for Council is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. The meeting will start at 6:00 p.m. This will allow Council to discuss Leadership Planning Team Meeting September 17, 2018 Page 2 of 4 the overall Recommended Budget and desired funding changes at the October 9 and October 16 work sessions. October 2 • Design Compatibility and Character Land Use Code Amendments moved to December 4 to allow more time to incorporate public comments and boards and commissions feedback. • Collective Bargaining Agreement – The Fraternal Order of Police has ratified the contract. An update memo will be provided in the upcoming Thursday packet. October 9 • 2019-20 Budget #3 – This item was revised to be an opportunity to discuss any remaining outcome areas, to discuss the overall budget and requested changes in items to be funded, and to give further direction to staff. November 20 • 2018 International Building and other Codes moved to December 4 to allow more time to incorporate changes. Other • Annual Reviews for City Manager, City Attorney and Chief Judge – It was noted that there is interest in scheduling these by year end. Staff will follow up. • Council Priorities – There was discussion about when Council can expect an update on Council priority items. Staff will follow up. Staff is asked to get Council priority items scheduled on the six-month calendar if they are not already. City Clerk Coldiron: • Noted that staff would be visiting LaPlata County on October 23 and 24 to view the electronic signature verification equipment that is being installed. This will inform our decision on whether to purchase the same equipment. • Noted that staff has been asked to consider a request for a liquor license for a common area as part of a potential entertainment district. Staff will work with the City Attorney’s office to determine whether this is possible. Sr. Assistant City Manager DiMartino: • Noted the Race and Equity Leadership training held on Friday went well; approximately 60 employees attended. Conversation about how this information applies to Fort Collins and next steps is anticipated. Leadership Planning Team Meeting September 17, 2018 Page 3 of 4 Deputy City Manager Mihelich: • Noted that the public input on the 100% Renewable Resolution has been generally favorable. The item was presented at a CEO roundtable discussion, to the Local Legislative Affairs Committee, and to the Fort Collins Sustainability group. A commitment on pricing was requested, as well as including “existing” prior to hydro versus general hydro. An article forwarded by Councilmember Martinez was also discussed. It is attached for reference. • Noted camping issues that are occurring in the Library Park neighborhood. Staff may propose Code amendments that may help with this issue. • Noted that Platte River Power Authority (PRPA) is terminating cellular leases on all of its transmission towers due to the issues created by, for example, the need to de-energize transmission lines when maintenance of a cell facility is needed. PRPA is currently working with the impacted cellular providers to find appropriate resolution. • Noted the memo regarding items that could be funded if State Proposition 110 (the transportation tax) passed included staff’s recommendation; the items presented were in priority order. • Noted a comment received at the last Council meeting on the Sanctuary at the Greens annexation and concerns about asbestos. Staff was able to contact the County and was informed that all State processes have been followed and a permit was issued to allow the removal of asbestos. City Manager Atteberry: • Noted a Habitat for Humanity 25th Anniversary event on October 11. Staff will reach out to Councilmembers to see if there is interest in attending. • Noted a concern he received from a board member on the lack of parking available for them to attend board meetings; he received a ticket. Staff is asked to follow up on this item and to find solutions for board members who are attending meetings. • Noted a potential strategic operations process being considered for broadband. This may be something like a ½ day conversation with broadband staff, executive leadership and Council and would be similar to what was done for the airport. More information will be provided once it is available. • Noted that staff has responded to Fred Kirsch regarding his question about employee benefits, and staff is working on a response to a Council request for related information. This relates to a petition that is circulating for a Charter change that would establish full-time pay and benefits for Councilmembers. A memo responding to the Council request is expected to be included in Thursday’s packet. Leadership Planning Team Meeting September 17, 2018 Page 4 of 4 Mayor Troxell: • Toured Judge Lane’s court to see the improvements that had been made and observed operations. It was informative; the Judge does a great job in helping the Council understand court operations and concerns. • Attended the Colorado Municipal League (CML) Mayor’s Summit on Friday where they discussed various initiatives and amendments. He noted that CML is opposing Propositions 109 (fix our damn roads) and 112 (oil and gas setbacks) and Amendment 47 (new laws and regulations as takings). CML is supporting Proposition 110 (transportation tax). He suggested the Legislative Review Committee provide recommendations on these items. • Attended the Race and Equity Leadership training on Saturday. He noted that the training was good and that he learned a lot. He is interested in receiving additional information on how this is relevant for Fort Collins and looks forward to staff follow up on this item. • Noted Anheuser Busch’s actions to can emergency water and stated that this has been integral in Hurricane Florence recovery efforts. • Noted that the Horsetooth and College intersection is open and commended staff for all of its work. The intersection looks great and increases safety for our community. • Noted issues regarding debris, trash and abandoned property accumulating between the Mission and Mawson Lumber on Linden Street. Although staff has made some cleanup efforts, he has continued to observe trash, broken bicycles, tires and storage of items occurring in this area. He added that the overflowing trash cans have been addressed but problems remain. City Manager Atteberry confirmed this based on his experience with the area over the weekend. He also noted a concern about keeping sidewalks in this area clear and freely passable later in the evening as well as concerns about maintaining a safe atmosphere. Staff is asked to follow up with any appropriate cleanup and enforcement efforts. • Attended an Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) demonstration showing how Xcel uses drones to inspect power lines. This was the first beyond line of sight use for drones in this type of application. Work continues with the FAA to get approvals. He noted a conversation on smart connected cities that occurred at the recent Futures Committee meeting and stated that drones fit in to this work. • Attended an event where City Utilities staff recognized Revive Properties for utilizing the Integrated Design Assistance Program (IDAP) to construct high performance, net-zero energy homes. He noted that the highlighted project went way above standards for water conservation and energy reduction. Although not affordable housing, the housing was priced well and demonstrated that incorporating these items is possible. Meeting adjourned at 9:43 am.                          !"#$ "#% &% # ''(  ) )  ) )#))$   *+ ,    -./0112345637189:16          !"#$ "#% &% # ''(  ) )  ) )#))$   *+ ,    -5;<?.141/1/9;/<012113/3614@4@<4A156/5.4D24D<@A9/96B63C63C1;317/456137647637.8/<517<?4D</8/34A;9;51A<C65:18619:<7/;514414@64A;3:;1306<87.4/11/9;</;83D591/:GGGHIJK <6;7.26;/3:9;<C?E/1306</471@3:;4.131<3=619:137/C?63C8;F<9456135148;19/<71: 4A/51 <>> L<C1;GM/9;C647@=14N;/3:35//A<64/;81446;31OA1<3/94A1/7;3131<P1<GQ;C?@3D591/99;E.6=</;3:3RE6771<:6<7?2;ST6==24@/5;A9/35/317//3:<411 ? 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