HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Read Before Packet - 8/28/2018 - Memorandum And Attachment From Delynn Coldiron Re: Leadership Planning Team Minutes August 27, 2018City Clerk 300 LaPorte Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6515 970.221-6295 - fax fcgov.com/cityclerk MEMORANDUM DATE: August 28, 2018 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Delynn Coldiron, City Clerk RE: Leadership Planning Team (LPT) Meeting Mayor Wade Troxell, Mayor Pro Tem Gerry Horak, City Manager Darin Atteberry, Deputy City Manager Jeff Mihelich, City Attorney Carrie Daggett, Senior Assistant City Manager Kelly DiMartino and City Clerk Delynn Coldiron met on Monday, August 28, and the following summarizes the discussions that began at 7:00 a.m. August 28 Adjourned Meeting and Work Session The August 28 agendas were reviewed. • Fort Collins Connexion – It was determined that this item should be added to the adjourned meeting agenda versus the work session agenda. The public presentation on this item will occur in Council Chambers, followed by public participation and Council discussion. Consideration of a motion to enter executive session on this item will follow. • Natural Areas Purchase – Staff is asked to include information on timing needs/constraints in the read before information provided to Council. September 4 Regular Meeting The September 4 agenda was revised. • Adequate Public Facilities – There was discussion about the changes proposed; eliminates different but overlapping requirements between the Land Use Code and the Larimer County Urban Street Standards related to transportation levels of service. • Extend Tiered Electric Rates – It was noted that this item requests an extension of the Residential Energy Rate for a subset of customers who have manually-read electric meters. This is due to a delay in shipment of the new meters needed to implement TOD rates. The request applies to approximately 200 customers. • Additional Items – It was noted that a resolution to correct a financial disclosure provision in Chapter 2, and if the Ethics Review Board approves a proposed ethics opinion when it meets tomorrow, a resolution approving that opinion will be added to the agenda. Leadership Planning Team Meeting August 28, 2018 Page 2 of 4 • Waterfield and Montava Metro Districts – It was noted that these items could result in build out of 300-350 affordable housing units. This will help the City meets its goal of 188 affordable housing units per year. Six Month Calendar October 16 • Entertainment Districts – It was noted that this item will adopt Code provisions establishing a process for accepting applications for entertainment districts. Staff is asked to ensure that the Economic Advisory Commission, the Downtown Development Authority and the Downtown Business Association are kept apprised of these efforts. October 23 • Outdoor Residential Burning – There was discussion about the need to provide some analysis and different options such as limits or bans for days where there is poor air quality. On a separate note there was also discussion about the survey results and the concerns received about second hand cigarette and marijuana smoke. Staff is asked to consider these issues in connection with the outdoor residential burning analysis and discussions. Assistant City Manager DiMartino: • Provided an update on the collective bargaining process. Things are progressing in a positive and constructive way. Additional information will be shared in a written update to Council and an additional executive session may be necessary. It was noted that Chief Swoboda has been helpful with these efforts and overall leadership in the agency. Deputy City Manager Mihelich: • Mentioned that there was a joint meeting between the Energy Board, the Natural Resources Board and the Water Board to talk about the Northern Integrated Supply Project (NISP) and the Enyo transmission line. There was good participation and conversation. Related to NISP, there was discussion about river flows throughout the various seasons and corresponding augmentation that occurs from storage areas and other basins. Staff is asked to provide a hydrograph or other information that shows current river flows and the various diversions that currently come out of the river from time to time to illustrate flow fluctuations. • Provided an update on game-day efforts; things are working well. There were 28 tows from neighborhoods, 64 contacts made by staff out in the neighborhoods, 16 violations for parking on yards, 6 open container violations and 2 clear-bag policy violations. He noted some issues with Uber/Lyft as well. Leadership Planning Team Meeting August 28, 2018 Page 3 of 4 City Manager Atteberry: • Noted that West Nile spraying operations occurred last night without incident. The second round of spraying is scheduled for Wednesday night. Staff is asked to add a legend to the live GIS tracking map and to provide clarification for the blue path, red path, and dotted and solid lines. • Provided an update on a meeting that he and the Mayor had with ASCSU. • Noted that the City is working with Platte River Power Authority (PRPA) to transition ownership of fiber as part of broadband efforts. It is anticipated that related agreements will come to Council for approval sometime in September. • Noted the upcoming National League of Cities Race and Equity training scheduled for September 15. There was also discussion about the National League of Cities summit scheduled during the week of November 7. The November 6 council meeting will be held; events for Councilmembers at the summit are anticipated to start on Wednesday afternoon. • Mentioned plans to present one dashboard metric at each regular council meeting under staff reports. Presentations will range from 5-8 minutes. There was interest for doing this. • Noted that a date for the 2019 Council retreat needs to be scheduled to ensure that the facilitator is available. Staff is asked to send out a Doodle Poll to establish some dates. • Mentioned an invitation he received to participate in a working group that the County is putting together to discuss the Thornton pipeline project. A copy of the invitation is attached. • Provided an update on the Seaman Water Supply project. He has invited Greeley staff to present to Council on this topic once they are ready. Mayor Pro Tem Horak: • Appreciated the update on the Police training facility. There was discussion about the DOLA grant mentioned. • Noted the correspondence received from Anderson Associates on fluoride in the City’s water supply. Staff is asked to draft a response for the Mayor. • Noted that at his last listening session a resident suggested that photo evidence of code compliance violations be sent with notices. Staff is asked to follow up. • Noted the draft Resource Diversification Policy item included in the PRPA Board Agenda packet; the work was well done. Leadership Planning Team Meeting August 28, 2018 Page 4 of 4 • Asked when the policy related to purchasing natural areas and related contributions and partnerships would be coming to Council. Staff anticipates this will occur sometime in November. • Noted that additional work needs to be done with the new Urban Renewal Authority members to help them understand related processes, steps, timeframes, etc. He also mentioned that work should be done to understand the processes of each entity represented as well to help navigate engagement, approvals and alignment. Holding a retreat was suggested. Mayor Troxell: • Asked about Transfer Development Units (TDUs) and whether the City uses these. Staff is asked to provide thoughts on this and to describe our current policy as well as any similar tools that are being used. • Provided an update on a meeting held with a group of non-profit organizations. They were seeking additional funding for their efforts. Follow up meetings are scheduled. • Noted a meeting he attended for People for Bikes; good conversation. • Attended the Whitewater dedication/ground breaking event. • Provided an update on a meeting he had with a representative from the Chamber on 100% renewable efforts. • Noted he is assisting with today’s Baldrige events. Baldrige is piloting doing site visits online; several virtual category meetings are occurring to give judges an opportunity to learn more about this. • Asked if the Council would be considering resolutions for any of the ballot issues moving forward in November. He asked specifically about Issues 97, 108, 153 and 167. He noted that CML has opposed all of these except for one. It was suggested that the City’s Legislative Review Committee meet and give recommendations. Meeting adjourned at 9:21 am.