HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo - Read Before Packet - 8/21/2018 - Memorandum From Delynn Coldiron Re: Agenda Item #23 - Ordinance 013, 2018 Amending Chapter 7 Of The Code Of The City Of Fort Collins To Amend Requirements And Procedures Related To Campaigns And CampaCOMPARISON OF VARIOUS TYPES OF COMMITTEES FOR ELECTION PURPOSES Definition Can Accept Contributions? Registration required? Required to report? Subject to “Paid for By” requirement? Candidate Committee a person, including the candidate, or persons with the common purpose of receiving contributions and or making expenditures under the authority of a candidate. Yes Yes Yes Yes Political Committee (1) Two (2) or more persons who are elected, appointed or chosen, or have associated themselves, for the purpose of accepting contributions or making expenditures to support or oppose one (1) or more (2) Any person that has accepted contributions for the purpose of supporting or opposing one (1) or more candidates. Yes Yes Yes Yes Small‐scale Issue Committee (accepts contributions/makes expenditures in an aggregate amount that do not exceed $200) a committee otherwise meeting the definition of issue committee that has accepted or made contributions or expenditures in an amount that does not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.) during an applicable election cycle for the major purpose of supporting or opposing any ballot issue or ballot question. Yes No No No Small‐scale Issue Committee (Accepts contributions/makes expenditures in an aggregate amount that are between $200 and $5000) Yes Yes No Yes Small‐scale Issue Committee (Accepts contributions/makes expenditures in an aggregate amount greater than $5000) Once a small‐scale issue committee accepts contributions/makes expenditures in excess of $5,000, the small‐scale issue committee must register as an issue committee and file reports about the contributions or expenditures it has made or received since the beginning of its existence as a small‐scale issue committee. (See Issue Committee) Issue Committee (1) Two (2) or more persons who are elected, appointed or chosen, or have associated themselves, for the purpose of accepting contributions andor making expenditures to support or oppose any ballot issue or ballot question; or (2) Any partnership committee, association, corporation, labor organization or other organization or group of personsperson that has accepted contributions or made expenditures to support or opposefor the purpose of supporting or opposing any ballot issue or ballot question. For purposes of this Paragraph (2), the term expenditure shall not include expenditures made by persons in the regular course and scope of their business or in connection with communications sent solely to their members. The term expenditure also does not include a contribution, as defined in this Section. Yes Yes Yes Yes Person making an Independent Expenditure the payment of money by any person for the purpose of advocating the election, defeat or recall of a candidate, which expenditure is not controlled by, or coordinated with, any candidate or any agent of such candidate. Independent expenditure shall include expenditures for political messages which unambiguously refer to any specific public office or candidate for such office. Independent expenditure shall also include the payment of money by any person for supporting or opposing a ballot issue or ballot question that is not controlled by, or coordinated with, an issue committee or a small‐scale issue committee. Independent expenditure shall include, but not be limited to, advertisements placed for a fee on another person's website or advertisement space provided for no fee or a reduced fee where a fee ordinarily would have been charged. No No Yes‐report all expenditures made after reaching aggregate amount (to be determined by Council) No “Person” ‐ Person shall mean any individual, partnership, committee, association, corporation, labor organization or other organization or group of persons.