HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Read Before Packet - 6/19/2018 - City Council Regular Meeting Revised Agenda - June 19, 2018City of Fort Collins Page 1
Wade Troxell, Mayor City Council Chambers
Gerry Horak, District 6, Mayor Pro Tem City Hall West
Bob Overbeck, District 1 300 LaPorte Avenue
Ray Martinez, District 2 Fort Collins, Colorado
Ken Summers, District 3
Kristin Stephens, District 4 Cablecast on FCTV Channel 14
Ross Cunniff, District 5 and Channel 881 on the Comcast cable system
Carrie Daggett Darin Atteberry Delynn Coldiron
City Attorney City Manager City Clerk
Regular Meeting
June 19, 2018
(Amended 6/18/18)
Persons wishing to display presentation materials using the City’s display equipment under the Citizen
Participation portion of a meeting or during discussion of any Council item must provide any such materials
to the City Clerk in a form or format readily usable on the City’s display technology no later than two (2)
hours prior to the beginning of the meeting at which the materials are to be presented.
NOTE: All presentation materials for appeals, addition of permitted use applications or protests related to
election matters must be provided to the City Clerk no later than noon on the day of the meeting at which
the item will be considered. See Council Rules of Conduct in Meetings for details.
The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City services, programs, and
activities and will make special communication arrangements for persons with disabilities. Please call 221-
6515 (V/TDD: Dial 711 for Relay Colorado) for assistance.
Formal Swearing-in Ceremony for Police Chief
5:15 p.m.
Proclamations and Presentations
5:30 p.m.
No Proclamations or Presentations
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Regular Meeting
6:00 p.m.
City Manager Review of Agenda.
Consent Calendar Review
This Review provides an opportunity for Council and citizens to pull items from the Consent
Calendar. Anyone may request an item on this calendar be “pulled” off the Consent Calendar and
considered separately.
o Council-pulled Consent Calendar items will be considered before Discussion Items.
o Citizen-pulled Consent Calendar items will be considered after Discussion Items.
Individuals may comment regarding items scheduled on the Consent Calendar and items not specifically
scheduled on the agenda. Comments regarding land use projects for which a development application
has been filed should be submitted in the development review process** and not to the Council.
Those who wish to speak are asked to sign in at the table in the lobby (for recordkeeping
All speakers will be asked by the presiding officer to identify themselves by raising their hand,
and then will be asked to move to one of the two lines of speakers (or to a seat nearby, for those
who are not able to stand while waiting).
The presiding officer will determine and announce the length of time allowed for each speaker.
Each speaker will be asked to state his or her name and general address for the record, and to
keep comments brief. Any written comments or materials intended for the Council should be
provided to the City Clerk.
A timer will beep once and the timer light will turn yellow to indicate that 30 seconds of speaking
time remain, and will beep again and turn red when a speaker’s time to speak has ended.
[**For questions about the development review process or the status of any particular development,
citizens should consult the Development Review Center page on the City’s website at
fcgov.com/developmentreview, or contact the Development Review Center at 221-6750.]
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Consent Calendar
The Consent Calendar is intended to allow the City Council to spend its time and energy on the important
items on a lengthy agenda. Staff recommends approval of the Consent Calendar. Anyone may request
an item on this calendar to be "pulled" off the Consent Calendar and considered separately. Agenda
items pulled from the Consent Calendar will be considered separately under Pulled Consent Items. Items
remaining on the Consent Calendar will be approved by City Council with one vote. The Consent
Calendar consists of:
● Ordinances on First Reading that are routine;
● Ordinances on Second Reading that are routine;
● Those of no perceived controversy;
● Routine administrative actions.
1. Consideration and Approval of the Minutes of the May 22, 2018 Adjourned Meeting, May 29, 2018
Special Meeting, June 5, 2018 Regular Meeting and the June 11, 2018 Adjourned Meeting.
The purpose of this item is to approve the minutes from the May 22, 2018 Adjourned Council meeting,
May 29, 2018 Special Council meeting, June 5, 2018 Regular Council meeting and the June 11, 2018
Adjourned Council meeting.
2. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 069, 2018, Appropriating Prior Year Reserves in the Light and
Power Fund for the Light and Power New Circuits Project.
This Ordinance, unanimously adopted on First Reading on June 5, 2018, appropriates funds from Light
& Power Reserves to serve the newly annexed Water Treatment Facility ($1,300,000) and to meet
capacity needs at the East Harmony Industrial Park ($480,000) and the Southwest Residential Area
($230,000). The appropriation also includes $7,100 for Art in Public Places (APP). The previous
$1.3M appropriation from the Water Fund also included the associated $13,000 for APP. The total
amount being requested is $2,017,100, which will leave $3.2M available and unappropriated in the
Light & Power Reserves.
3. Items Relating to the Completion of the 2018 Spring Cycle of the Competitive Process for Allocating
City Financial Resources to Affordable Housing and Community Development Activities Utilizing
Funds from the Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, Federal HOME
Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, the City’s Affordable Housing Fund (AHF), and the City’s
Human Services Program (HSP).
A. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 070, 2018, Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue in the
Community Development Block Grant Fund.
B. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 071, 2018, Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue in the HOME
Investment Partnerships Fund.
Ordinance No. 070, 2018 appropriates the City’s FY2018 Community Block Grant (CDBG), Entitlement
Grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and CDBG Unanticipated
Program Revenue Jurisdiction Grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD),
and HOME Unanticipated Program Revenue from FY2017. Ordinance No. 071, 2018 appropriates the
City’s FY2018 HOME Participating Jurisdiction Grant from the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD), and HOME Unanticipated Program Revenue from FY2017. These ordinances
were unanimously adopted on First Reading on June 5, 2018.
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4. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 072, 2018, Amending Chapter 19 Regarding Civil Infractions.
This Ordinance, unanimously adopted on First Reading on June 5, 2018, removes the notification
requirement for violations of Chapter 19 to allow Code Compliance Inspectors the flexibility to issue
immediate citations for all properties, includes some identified and sustained egregious or chronic
offenders of the nuisance code.
Civil infractions are heard under the approved Municipal Court Rules. On Second Reading, the
Ordinance amends the heading for Chapter 19, Article V, to read “Civil Infractions” instead of “Rules
for Civil Infractions” to avoid any confusion with the Municipal Court Rules.
5. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 073, 2018 Annexing Property Known as the Aweida Annexation to
the City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
This Ordinance, unanimously adopted on First Reading on June 5, 2018, annexes an area of
approximately 0.862 acres in southwest Fort Collins. The property is situated on the southwest corner
of the South Taft Hill Road and West County Road 38E intersection. The Initiating Resolution was
adopted on the consent agenda on April 17, 2018. A related item to zone the annexed property is
presented as the next item on this Agenda.
6. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 074, 2018, Amending the Zoning Map of the City of Fort Collins
and Classifying for Zoning Purposes the Property Included in the Aweida Annexation to the City of
Fort Collins, Colorado, and Approving Corresponding Changes to the Residential Neighborhood Sign
District Map.
This Ordinance, unanimously adopted on First Reading on June 5, 2018, zones the property included
in the Aweida Annexation into the Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood zone district.
7. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 077, 2018, Amending Chapter 7 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins to Amend Requirements and Procedures for City Elections.
This Ordinance, unanimously adopted on First Reading on June 5, 2018, amends the Election Code
to clarify that expenditures for political advertising includes internet advertising; amend deadlines for
write-in candidates, nomination petitions, withdrawals and campaign reports; and adopt Code
language to align with the Uniform Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA). The Code
amendments will also require candidates and committees to keep samples of public communications
and revise the definition for independent expenditures.
Between First and Second Reading, the Ordinance has been amended to change the deadline for
political committees or issues committees to file a termination report from sixty days to seventy days
after the election. This deadline change will align the requirement for termination reports with the date
all final reports are due.
8. Items Relating to Poudre River Whitewater Park Fundraising.
A. Resolution 2018-061 Recognizing Revenues Received from Private Fundraising and Finding
Substantial Satisfaction of Conditions on Prior Appropriations for the Poudre River Whitewater
Park Project.
B. First Reading of Ordinance No. 078, 2018, Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue in the Capital
Project Fund for the Poudre River Whitewater Park Project and Transferring Appropriations from
the Capital Project Fund to the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund for the Art in Public Places
Program for the Poudre River Whitewater Park Project.
The purpose of this item is to acknowledge receipt of the full amount of fundraising dollars required to
release expenditure of the Community Capital Improvement Program (CCIP) funds appropriated for
the project under Ordinance No. 058, 2018, and to appropriate additional fundraising dollars secured
for the Whitewater Park Project.
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9. First Reading of Ordinance No. 079, 2018, Appropriating Prior Year Reserves in the Transportation
Capital Expansion Fee Fund and the Transportation Fund and Authorizing the Transfer of
Appropriations from the Transportation Capital Expansion Fee Fund and the Transportation Fund into
the Capital Project Fund for the Suniga Road Improvements Project and Transferring Appropriations
from the Capital Project Fund to the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund for the Art in Public Places
The purpose of this item is to appropriate $1,477,370 of Transportation Capital Expansion Fee (TCEF)
Funds into the Capital Project Fund for the Suniga Road Improvements Project. In addition, this item
will authorize the transfer of $14,774, one percent of the appropriated funds, from the Capital Project
Fund to the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund for Art in Public Places. This project will construct
Suniga Road to the City’s four-lane arterial roadway standards between North College Avenue and
Blondel Street as identified on the City’s Master Street Plan. Improvements include raised, protected
bike lanes, pedestrian facilities, transit facilities, utility infrastructure, roadway improvements, and
landscaped medians and parkways. The project will complement the existing section of Suniga Road,
providing connectivity for surrounding developments from North College Avenue to Redwood Street.
This project was approved during the 2017/2018 Budgeting for Outcomes (BFO) process.
10. First Reading of Ordinance No. 080, 2018, Appropriating Prior Year Reserves in the Parking Fund for
the Downtown Parking Sensor and Technology Project and Authorizing the Transfer of Appropriations
from the Parking Fund to the Cultural Services and Facilities for the Art in Public Places Program.
The purpose of this item is to appropriate $359,917 of additional funds from Parking Reserves into the
capital project fund to complete the Downtown Parking Sensor and Technology project and to
appropriate 1% of the project to Art in Public Places. The Project includes installing sensors and new
payment technology in the three downtown parking structures and in approximately 3000 on-street
parking spaces and 3 parking lots (the “Project”). This Project will allow Parking Services to collect
occupancy and turnover rate data to improve management of downtown parking. The sensors will link
to the FC Parking application (app) and show where available parking spaces are located. Phase I of
the Project was completed in 2017 and installed the sensor and payment technology in the Firehouse
Alley Parking Structure.
Finds for the remainder of the Project include: $750k in General Fund (appropriated in 2017 for this
purpose as a part of Ordinance No. 154, 2017); 2017-18 Budget Offer 73.3 ($84,692, and $90,083);
and Parking Fund Reserves.
The total estimated cost for the Project is $1.2M. Installation of parking sensors in the Old Town
Parking Structure and the Civic Center Parking Structure has been initiated with the previously
appropriated funds. The additional funds are necessary to complete the on-street and parking lot
portion of the Project. The anticipated completion date for the Project is by the end of 2018.
11. Items Relating to Combined Regional Information Systems Project (CRISP).
A. First Reading of Ordinance No. 081, 2018, Reappropriating Funds Previously Appropriated in
2017 but not Expended and not Encumbered in 2017, Appropriating Prior Year Reserves in the
General Fund and Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue in the General Fund for the Fort Collins
Police Services Combined Regional Information Systems Project.
B. Resolution 2018-062 Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with
Larimer County and the City of Loveland for the Purpose of Sharing in the Purchase of a Public
Safety Software Solution for the Combined Regional Information Systems Project.
C. Resolution 2018-063 Approving an Exception to the Use of a Competitive Process for the
Purchase of a Public Safety Software Solution from TriTech Software Systems.
The purpose of this item is to purchase a public safety software solution for the Combined Regional
Information Systems Project (CRISP). CRISP is a regional partnership with other Larimer County
public safety agencies and provides a reliable public safety software solution that allows regional
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agencies to share police and fire data, manage incidents and provide for redundancy and continuity
of operations. The current system is scheduled for replacement. The City of Loveland is joining CRISP
and with the addition of Loveland and other project changes, staff is also requesting an additional
appropriation of $1.98 million with the understanding that all but $288K will be reimbursed from both
CRISP partner and member agencies.
12. First Reading of Ordinance No. 082, 2018, Appropriating Unanticipated Grant Revenue From
Bloomberg Philanthropies in the Light and Power Fund for the Home Efficiency Loan Program/On-Bill
Financing Program.
The purpose of this item is to appropriate $100,000 in grant revenues from Bloomberg Philanthropies,
as part of the Bloomberg Mayor’s Challenge, into the Fort Collins Utilities Light and Power Enterprise
fund for the purposes of developing and capitalizing the Utilities On-Bill Financing program (OBF). The
OBF provides utility bill serviced loans for energy efficiency capital improvements, and the Bloomberg
project within this program will focus on funding improvements to advance efficiency in rental
13. Items Relating to Amending City Code, Chapter 17 - Miscellaneous Offenses.
A. First Reading of Ordinance No. 083, 2018, Amending Articles III, IV, VI, and VII of Chapter 17 of
the Code of the City of Fort Collins Pertaining to Trespass, Theft, Littering, Criminal Mischief,
Resisting Arrest, Throwing of Missiles, and Disorderly Conduct.
B. First Reading of Ordinance No. 084, 2018, Amending Article VII of Chapter 17 of the Code of the
City of Fort Collins Pertaining to Staying on Medians.
C. First Reading of Ordinance No. 085, 2018, Amending Article VII of Chapter 17 of the Code of the
City of Fort Collins Pertaining to Panhandling.
The purpose of this item is to amend certain Sections of Chapter 17 regarding trespass, theft, littering,
criminal mischief, resisting arrest, throwing of missiles, and disorderly conduct to be consistent with
state statutes; to amend Section 17-122 to make that section more specific to prohibit staying on
medians in locations where safety issues arise given median width, traffic volumes, and/or traffic
speed; and to eliminate Section 17-127 in its entirety pertaining to panhandling.
14. Resolution 2018-064 Approving an Art Project for the Riverside Bridge Project and Approving
Expenditures from the Art in Public Places Reserve Account in the Cultural Services and Facilities
Fund and the Art in Public Places Stormwater Utility Account to Commission an Artist to Create the
Art Project Pursuant to the Art in Public Places Program.
The purpose of this item is it to approve expenditures from the Art in Public Places Reserve Account
and the Art in Public Places Stormwater Utility Account to commission an artist to create art for the
Riverside Bridge Project. The expenditures of $35,000 will be for design, materials, signage,
fabrication, delivery, and contingency for Carolyn Braaksma to create the art for the bridge wall along
the trail.
15. Resolution 2018-065 Discontinuing the City Council Mall Redevelopment Committee.
The purpose of this item is to discontinue the City Council Mall Redevelopment Committee (the
“Committee”) established by Resolution 2014-056 in July 2014. The Committee was created by
Council to provide oversight and to be available to the City Manager to provide feedback concerning
his administration of the Redevelopment and Reimbursement Agreement. Section 3 of the 2014
Resolution provides that it was City Council's "intent that upon completion of the redevelopment of the
commercial portion of the Mall Project," the Committee would be discontinued. The commercial
development portion of the Mall is now complete. The Committee is, therefore, no longer needed.
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16. Resolution 2018-066 Making Appointments to the Cultural Resources Board, Parks and Recreation
Board, Landmark Preservation Commission, and The Women's Commission of the City of Fort Collins.
The purpose of this item is to appoint Liliane Francuz to fill a vacancy on the Cultural Resources Board
due to the resignation of Amy Cerevan, Sam Houghteling to the Parks and Recreation Board due to
the resignation of Scott Sinn, Anne Nelsen to the Landmark Preservation Commission due to the
resignation of Bud Frick, and Melanie Potyondy to the Women’s Commission due to the resignation of
Jennifer Harvey.
17. Resolution 2018-067 Reappointing Teresa Ablao as an Assistant Municipal Judge of the Fort Collins
Municipal Court and Authorizing the Execution of an Employment Agreement.
The purpose of this item is to reappoint Teresa Ablao as the Assistant Municipal Judge for the Fort
Collins Municipal Court. The City Charter provides for the appointment of an Assistant Municipal Judge
to serve in the absence of the Municipal Judge. Teresa Ablao has served in this capacity since mid-
2012. Municipal Judge Kathleen M. Lane recommends that Ms. Ablao be reappointed as the Assistant
Municipal Judge.
This is an opportunity for Councilmembers to comment on items adopted or approved on the Consent
Discussion Items
The method of debate for discussion items is as follows:
● Mayor introduces the item number, and subject; asks if formal presentation will be made
by staff
● Staff presentation (optional)
● Mayor requests citizen comment on the item (three minute limit for each citizen)
● Council questions of staff on the item
● Council motion on the item
● Council discussion
● Final Council comments
● Council vote on the item
Note: Time limits for individual agenda items may be revised, at the discretion of the Mayor, to ensure
all citizens have an opportunity to speak. Please sign in at the table in the back of the room.
The timer will buzz when there are 30 seconds left and the light will turn yellow. It will buzz again
at the end of the speaker’s time.
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A. Possible consideration of the initiation of new ordinances and/or resolutions by Councilmembers
(Three or more individual Councilmembers may direct the City Manager and City Attorney to initiate
and move forward with development and preparation of resolutions and ordinances not originating
from the Council's Policy Agenda or initiated by staff.)
Every Council meeting will end no later than 10:30 p.m., except that: (1) any item of business
commenced before 10:30 p.m. may be concluded before the meeting is adjourned and (2) the City
Council may, by majority vote, extend a meeting until no later than 12:00 a.m. for the purpose of
considering additional items of business. Any matter which has been commenced and is still pending at
the conclusion of the Council meeting, and all matters scheduled for consideration at the meeting which
have not yet been considered by the Council, will be continued to the next regular Council meeting and
will be placed first on the discussion agenda for such meeting.
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Wade Troxell, Mayor Council Information Center (CIC)
Gerry Horak, District 6, Mayor Pro Tem City Hall West
Bob Overbeck, District 1 300 LaPorte Avenue
Ray Martinez, District 2 Fort Collins, Colorado
Ken Summers, District 3
Kristin Stephens, District 4 Cablecast on FCTV Channel 14
Ross Cunniff, District 5 and Channel 881 on the Comcast cable system
Carrie Daggett Darin Atteberry Delynn Coldiron
City Attorney City Manager City Clerk
The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City services, programs, and activities and
will make special communication arrangements for persons with disabilities. Please call 221-6515 (V/TDD: Dial 711
for Relay Colorado) for assistance.
City Council Work Session
June 19, 2018
After the Regular Council Meeting which begins at 6:00 PM
1. Oil and Gas Buffers - Land Use Code Changes. (staff: Rebecca Everette, Laurie Kadrich, Cassie
Archuleta; 15 minute staff presentation; 30 minute discussion)
The purpose of this item is to provide information to City Council on Land Use Code changes related
to oil and gas well buffers, including the current staff recommendation and recommendations from
various boards and commissions. The current staff recommendation includes the following Code
1. Increase buffer for residential development near existing oil and gas operations from 350 feet to
500 feet
2. Add a new 1000-foot buffer requirement for high occupancy buildings near oil and gas operations
3. Allow a reduced setback (150 feet minimum) near plugged and abandoned wells if specific
requirements are met
4. Create an additional means of disclosure to future property owners via a property covenant.
2. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Overlay. (Staff: Cameron Gloss; 10 minute staff presentation; 30
minute discussion)
The purpose of this item is to create an optional Planned Unit Development (PUD) process and
regulations within the Land Use Code applicable to larger parcels being developed in multiple phases.