HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo - Read Before Packet - 5/1/2018 - Memorandum From Delynn Coldiron Re: Item #17 � Consideration Of An Appeal Of The Administrative Officer Decision Regarding The Spirit At The River Project Development PlanCity Clerk
300 LaPorte Avenue
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.221-6295 - fax
Date: May 1, 2018
To: City Council
From: Delynn Coldiron, City Clerk
Re: Item #17- Consideration of an Appeal of the Administrative Officer Decision
Regarding the Spirit at the River Project Development Plan.
Attached please find the PowerPoint presentation provided by the applicant’s attorney,
Lucia Liley, in preparation for tonight’s appeal consideration.
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Spirit at the River
Spirit at the River PDP Appeal
May 1, 2018
Type 1 Administrative Decision
dated February 7, 2018
: :
Spirit at the River
Appeal Issues
▪ Height Modification
(partial 4th
▪ Parking/Vehicle Use Modification
▪ Buffer Width
2018.01.24 Spirit at the River
Zoning Map
Eroding river
6’ Security Chainlink
Existing platted
property line
2018.01.24 Spirit at the River
Existing Conditions
: :
Spirit at the River
Site Constraints:
▪ Site: 3.97 acres
▪ Additional Lincoln ROW
▪ Utility easement along ROW
▪ Utility easement along west boundary
▪ Address PFA emergency access requirements
▪ Address buffer width
▪ Existing 25 foot trail easement; 20 feet more needed
2018.01.24 Spirit at the River
Existing Conditions
In‐Situ Inc.
Bike share station
3rd St.
2nd St.
6’‐0” 17’‐0” 26’‐0” 17’‐
17’‐0” 26’‐0” 17’‐0”
Detention Area
03060 120’
Spirit at the River
2018.01.24 Master Site Plan
Lincoln Avenue
New Trail Connection
: :
Spirit at the River
Appeal Issue ‐ Height Modification
LUC 4.20(D)(3)(a)1: . . . maximum building height
shall be three (3) stories. If multi‐story buildings
. . . step down to one (1) story directly abutting
the natural area protection buffer.
Proposed: Three (3) stories / partial 4th
: :
Spirit at the River
Height Modification
■ the plan as submitted will not diverge from
the standards of the Land Use Code . . . except in
a nominal, inconsequential way when
considered from the perspective of the entire
development plan
2018.01.24 Spirit at the River
Modifications Requested
Height Modification
▪ Steps downs to 1 story
▪ facing Lincoln
▪ facing River
▪ 19% of building footprint
▪ Minimal visual impact
closest to
: :
Spirit at the River
2018.01.24 Spirit at the River
Modifications Requested
Historic Harmony Mill at
Willow and Lincoln
Height Modification
MR. MOCKE: . . . fourth story in the middle portion . . .
supports the unique qualities of the specific district . . .
design elements from surrounding businesses, the taller
historic buildings, and the single‐family residential cross
the street. . . . human scale at the street and riverfront . . .
. . . inspired by the Harmony Mills building on Lincoln. . .
symmetry is replicated . . . upper level with open balconies
. . . natural and quality palette. . . . sandstone from a local
quarry . . . dark accent…for a change of texture, which also
relates to the residential homes . . . stucco will be combined
with stone . . . dark bronze metal accents . . .
(Transcript, pages 8‐9)
2018.01.24 Spirit at the River
Modifications Requested
Height Modification
▪ Downtown Plan UD 2:
Allow taller buildings . . .
maximizing compatibility
through appropriate design
▪ Located in Innovation
Subdistrict - allows 3 – 4
▪ Consistent with future
character of Innovation
: :
Spirit at the River
Innovation Subdistrict ‐
Future Character along Lincoln:
▪An integral extension of Downtown
(many taller buildings located there)
▪Reflect history (modeled after Harmony Mills –
historic building)
▪ Contemporary semi‐industrial (compatible with
(Downtown Plan, page 174)
: :
Spirit at the River
Appeal Issue – Parking/Vehicle Use Modification
LUC 4.20(D)(3)(a)2: Buildings shall be sited so
that any new parking lots and vehicle use areas
are located in either: 1) interior block locations
between buildings that face the street and
buildings that face the River, or 2) side yards.
Proposed: Emergency / drive aisle and limited
parking not interior or in side yard
: :
Spirit at the River
Parking/Vehicle Use Modification
■ . . . exceptional physical conditions or other extraordinary and
exceptional situations, unique to such property, including, but not
limited to, physical conditions such as exceptional narrowness,
shallowness or topography . . . strict application . . . would result in
unusual and exceptional practical difficulties, or exceptional or
undue hardship . . . provided that such difficulties or hardship are
not caused by the act or omission of the applicant
■ . . . promote the general purpose of the standard . . . equally
well or better than would a plan which complies . . .
286’ 232’
235’ 185’
Lot with additional land from
Existing lot: extreme narrowness
03060 120’
Spirit at the River
2018.01.24 Modifications Requested
Parking/Vehicle Use
Exceptional conditions
▪ Exceptional narrowness
▪ 4.37 acre site
▪ Existing utilities
▪ Emergency access
Unique situation
▪ Infill site
▪ Grid streets precluded Access point
for PFA Emergency Access
Existing Utility Esement
PFA turn around
Additional land acquired
: :
Spirit at the River
MR FRICKEY: . . . the interior to blocks on a street standard came from when this
zone district was initially created many years back. Originally, this zone district
was created and contemplated to continue the development pattern of
downtown north of the river. And so this was done before Woodward had
purchased the old Link’n Greens site. And what happened was, with the
Woodward redevelopment, it really prevents the opportunity to create that
grid of streets that similar to downtown, and would place buildings between the
river and vehicle use areas. And then the side yards, the intent there is again to
keep vehicles away from the river and not pointing their headlights and things
like that into the natural habitat around the river.
. . . Poudre Fire Authority has requirements for providing emergency access . . .
you’re going to have to provide a turnaround, which is essentially a cul‐de‐sac, or
you have to provide a hammerhead, which would take up a significant portion of
the site . . .
(Transcript, pages 10 – 11)
Berm and
Poudre Trail
New Trails
03060 120’
Spirit at the River
2018.01.24 Modifications Requested
Parking/Vehicle Use
Equal to or better
▪ New buffer screening
▪ Dense landscaping
▪ Reduced lighting
: :
Spirit at the River
Parking/Vehicle Use Modification –
HO Conditions of Approval
a. Eliminate 13 parking spaces nearest to the
Poudre River and add to NHBZ.
b. Berm adjacent to NHBZ redesigned further
mitigate light nuisance from vehicle headlights.
(Hearing Officer, Decision, page 6)
Berm and
Poudre Trail
New Trails
03060 120’
Spirit at the River
2018.01.24 Modifications Requested
Parking/Vehicle Use
▪ No parking facing River/Buffer
▪ Adds 17 – 22 feet to Buffer
▪ Berm height doubled –
from 2 feet to 4 feet tall
Berm and
New Trails
03060 120’
Spirit at the River
Modifications Requested
: :
Spirit at the River
: :
Spirit at the River
Natural Habitat or Feature Buffer Zone Standard
Cache la Poudre River 300 feet
(west UGA boundary to College Avenue)
Cache la Poudre River in downtown 200 feet
(College to Lincoln Avenue)
Cache la Poudre River 300 feet
(Lincoln Avenue to east UGA boundary)
: :
Spirit at the River
Appeal Issue ‐ Buffer Width
LUC 3.4.1(E)(1) Buffer Zone Performance Standards. The
decision maker shall determine the buffer zones for each
natural habitat or feature contained in the project site. The
buffer zones may be multiple and noncontiguous. The general
buffer zone distance is established according to the buffer zone
table below, but the decision maker shall reduce or enlarge any
portion of the general buffer zone distance, if necessary in
order to ensure that the performance standards set forth below
are achieved.
Your guideto selecting, purchasing,
and planting native plants in Fort
Collins urban landscapes.
Discover easy-care, cost-effective,
beautiful native plants availableat
local and mailorder outlets.
For more information about native
plants, call the Natural Areas
Department at 970-416-2815.
In‐Situ Inc.
East Lincoln Ave.
3rd St.
2nd St.
All plants with the Natural
habitat Buffer Zone are found on
the City of Fort Collins Native
list and respond tostaff
recommendations for species
Large groupings of Cottonwoods provide extended riparian ecosystem
along river. Design team responded to concerns from staff and citizens to
create mid‐story in tree groups.
Design team provided 2’high berm along parking stalls with heavy
evergreen planting in response to staff and citizen concerns on
screening the building from the river corridor
All plantings south of the new Poudre Trail will be
selected and planted by the City of Fort Collins
after the bank stabilization has been completed.
Spirit at the River does not call for any trees to
be removed. However,if the City is required to
remove any existing trees it
will be their responsibility to mitigate for them.
Spirit at the River
Landscape Plan
03060 120’
▪ Ranges from 176.5 to 244.5 feet wide
▪ Average width – 201 feet
▪ 1.9 acre or 44% of site
: :
Spirit at the River
Buffer Width
LUC 3.4.1(E) Establishment of Buffer Zones. . . . The purpose of the
buffer zones is to protect the ecological character of natural
habitats and features from the impacts of the ongoing activity
associated with the development.
ECSR: “unvegetated, highly disturbed nature”
“unsuitable for each of listed species” “no wildlife observed”
“no native vegetation communities”
“no wetlands” “does not contain any open water habitat”
“fence . . . eliminates the site as migration corridor”
“provides very few ecosystem functions”
NHBZ ‐ Natural Habitat
Buffer Spirit Zone at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
Current condition:
▪ no existing ecological character, function
or wildlife use to protect or enhance
(1) Wildlife Habitat
The project shall be designed to preserve or
enhance the ecological character or function and
wildlife use of the natural habitat or feature and
to minimize or adequately mitigate the
foreseeable impacts of development.
Your guide to selecting,purchasing,
and planting native plants in Fort
Collins urban landscapes.
Discover easy-care, cost-effective,
beautiful native plantsavailable at
local and mail orderoutlets.
For more information about native
plants, call the Natural Areas
Department at 970-416-2815.
NHBZ ‐ Natural Habitat
Buffer Spirit Zone at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
▪ Create ecological character and function and
make wildlife use possible
▪ Contoured grading will provide new area for
plant and animal habitat
▪ Diverse plant palette
▪ Fort Collins Native Species List
(1) Wildlife Habitat
The project shall be designed to preserve or
enhance the ecological character or function
and wildlife use of the natural habitat or
feature and to minimize or adequately mitigate
the foreseeable impacts of development.
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
(2) Wildlife Movement
The project, including, by way of example and not by
way of limitation, its fencing, pedestrian/bicycle paths
and roadways, shall be designed to preserve or enhance
the existence of wildlife movement corridors between
natural habitats and features, both within and adjacent
to the site.
Current condition:
▪ 6’ tall chain link security fence
▪ impedes wildlife movement
Site opened
up for wildlife
New trail
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
(2) Wildlife Movement
The project, including, by way of example and not by way
of limitation, its fencing, pedestrian/bicycle paths and
roadways, shall be designed to preserve or enhance the
existence of wildlife movement corridors between
natural habitats and features, both within and adjacent
to the site.
▪ Remove 6’ tall security chain link fence
▪ No new perimeter fencing – wildlife can move freely
▪ New public trail through NHBZ to Poudre River Trail
▪ Direct route of trail limits human activity in NHBZ
NHBZ ‐ Natural Habitat
Buffer Zone
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
(3) Preservation of Existing Vegetation
The project shall be designed to preserve significant
existing trees and other significant existing vegetation on
the site.
Current condition:
▪ one existing tree on site
▪ existing row of junipers
Only existing vegetation on
developed portion of site
All river bank vegetation is called
out as to be protected. City of
Fort Collins will determine if any removal
is necessary for bank stabilization and
mitigate for trees removed
Natural Habitat
Buffer Zone
NHBZ ‐ Natural Habitat
Buffer Zone
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
(3) Preservation of Existing Vegetation
The project shall be designed to preserve
significant existing trees and other significant
existing vegetation on the site.
▪ No significant trees or vegetation to
preserve except along river bank
▪ City to stabilize and restore river bank
▪ Vegetation and trees along river to be
preserved by City
▪ City to mitigate any trees removed
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
(4) Special Habitat Features
The project shall be designed to protect from adverse impact species utilizing special habitat
features such as key raptor habitat features, including nest sites, night roosts and key
feeding areas as identified by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division (“CPW”) or the Fort
Collins Natural Areas Department (“NAD”); key production areas, wintering areas and
migratory feeding areas for waterfowl; heron rookeries; key use areas for wading birds and
shorebirds; key use areas for migrant songbirds; key nesting areas for grassland birds; fox
and coyote dens; mule deer winter concentration areas as identified by the CPW or NAD;
prairie dog colonies one (1) acre or greater in size; key areas for rare, migrant or resident
butterflies as identified by the NAD; areas of high terrestrial or aquatic insect diversity as
identified by the NAD; remnant native prairie habitat; mixed foothill shrubland; foothill
ponderosa pine forest; plains cottonwood riparian woodlands; and wetlands of any size.
Current condition:
▪ ECSR: no special habitat
▪ ECSR: unvegetated, highly disturbed . . . in
urban Fort Collins setting . . . unsuitable for .
. . listed species
▪ ECSR: fence eliminates migration; lack of
suitable habitat
New area for
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
(4) Special Habitat Features
The project shall be designed to protect from adverse impact species utilizing
special habitat features such as key raptor habitat features, including nest
sites, night roosts and key feeding areas as identified by the Colorado Parks
and Wildlife Division (“CPW”) or the Fort Collins Natural Areas Department
(“NAD”); key production areas, wintering areas and migratory feeding areas
for waterfowl; heron rookeries; key use areas for wading birds and shorebirds;
key use areas for migrant songbirds; key nesting areas for grassland birds; fox
and coyote dens; mule deer winter concentration areas as identified by the
CPW or NAD; prairie dog colonies one (1) acre or greater in size; key areas for
rare, migrant or resident butterflies as identified by the NAD; areas of high
terrestrial or aquatic insect diversity as identified by the NAD; remnant native
prairie habitat; mixed foothill shrubland; foothill ponderosa pine forest; plains
cottonwood riparian woodlands; and wetlands of any size.
▪ Existing trees preserved
▪ 1.39 acres of new habitat created
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
(5) Minimize Degradation
The project shall be designed so that the character of
the proposed development in terms of use, density,
traffic generation, quality of runof f water, noise,
lighting and similar potential development impacts
shall minimize the degradation of the ecological
character or wildlife use of the affected natural
habitats or features.
Current condition:
▪ no existing character or wildlife use
▪ storm water runs directly to river
without any filtration
Quality of Runoff Water: water is filtered & slowed
significantly before entering the Poudre River
Noise & Lighting: 2’high berm and dense landscapingto
mitigate light and noise
Use: Hotel and Restaurant
Entrances are a significant
distance from the buffer
Buffer Zone
Use: area of concentrated outdoor use
Density : area of highest site density
In Situ
NHBZ ‐ Natural Habitat
Buffer Zone
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards: (5) Minimize Degradation
The project shall be designed so that the
character of the proposed development in terms
of use, density, traffic generation, quality of runof
f water, noise, lighting and similar potential
development impacts shall minimize the
degradation of the ecological character or wildlife
use of the affected natural habitats or features.
▪ no degradation
▪ patio in interior horseshoe
▪ building blocks noise
▪ entrances on north / west
▪ building sited north
▪ building steps down
▪ permeable pavers
▪ raingarden / detention
▪ full cut off lighting
▪ 0.00 foot candles in NHBZ
▪ 2 ft by 15 ft berm / landscaping
▪ traffic / human noise blocked
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
(6) Preserve topography
The project shall be designed to integrate with and
otherwise preserve existing site topography,
including, but not limited to, such characteristics as
steepness of slopes, existing drainage features, rock
outcroppings, river and stream terraces, valley walls,
ridgelines and scenic topographic features.
Current condition:
▪ devoid of natural topography – nothing
to preserve
▪ graded out for parking and storage /
compacted dirt
▪ existing river bank edge eroding way
Eroding river bank
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
(6) Preserve topography
The project shall be designed to integrate with and
otherwise preserve existing site topography,
including, but not limited to, such characteristics as
steepness of slopes, existing drainage features, rock
outcroppings, river and stream terraces, valley walls,
ridgelines and scenic topographic features.
▪ 20 ft additional width for public access
easement for trail relocation
▪ easements for bank stabilization
▪ new raingardens and detention pond
create natural topography
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
(7) Enhance Ecological Character
The project shall be designed to enhance the natural
ecological characteristics of the site. If existing
landscaping within the buffer zone is determined by
the decision maker to be incompatible with the
purposes of the buffer zone, then the applicant shall
undertake restoration and mitigation measures
such as regrading and/or the replanting of native
Current condition:
▪ devoid of any significant vegetation
north of Poudre River Trail
▪ barren and desolate
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
(7) Enhance Ecological Character
The project shall be designed to enhance the
natural ecological characteristics of the site. If
existing landscaping within the buffer zone is
determined by the decision maker to be
incompatible with the purposes of the buffer zone,
then the applicant shall undertake restoration and
mitigation measures such as regrading and/or the
replanting of native vegetation.
▪ new landscape species and seed mixes
on City Native Plants list
▪ 54 new deciduous and evergreen trees
▪ over 190 new shrubs
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards:
(8) Human access
The project may be designed to provide appropriate
human access to natural habitats and features and
their associated buffer zones in order to serve
recreation purposes, provided that such access is
compatible with the ecological character or wildlife
use of the natural habitat or feature.
Current condition:
▪ no human access through or into site due
to 6 ft security chain link fence
▪ no trail access from Lincoln Avenue
Existing Poudre Trail New Trail
Existing Trail Access Point on North side of Lincoln Ave New Trail Access
Point on South side of Lincoln Ave
Spirit at the River
Buffer Zone Performance
Performance Standards: (8) Human access
The project may be designed to
provide appropriate human access to
natural habitats and features and
their associated buffer zones in order
to serve recreation purposes,
provided that such access is
compatible with the ecological
character or wildlife use of the natural
habitat or feature.
▪ existing Poudre Trail will be
widened and relocated farther
from stabilized river bank
▪ new public access easement to
allow pedestrian / bike access
from Lincoln Avenue to Poudre
Spirit at
2018.01.24 Spirit at the River
Performance Standards:
(9) Fencing
Fencing associated with the project shall be designed
to be compatible with the ecological character and
wildlife use of the natural habitat or feature.
Current condition:
▪ 6 ft chain link fence with security barbed
wire cuts off all land‐moving wildlife
2018.01.24 Spirit at the River
Performance Standards:
(9) Fencing
Fencing associated with the project shall be designed
to be compatible with the ecological character and
wildlife use of the natural habitat or feature.
▪ All perimeter fencing will be removed
allowing land‐moving wildlife to access
the new enhanced NHBZ
▪ No new perimeter fencing will be
Spirit at the River
Approved Neighboring Site Plan in
Relation to Spirit at the River
General Buffer Distance (300’)
Woodward: 210 – 600 feet
▪ buffer is Homestead Natural
▪ narrower Spirit’s buffer where
▪ site plans show “future phases”
with building envelopes in 300’
general buffer distance
In Situ : 150 – 220 feet
▪ existing parking in 300’ general
▪ building and parking expansions
approved in 300’ general buffer
←In Situ
: :
Spirit at the River
Other applicable requirements of LUC 3.4.1
(E)(2): Activity in NHBZ limited to allowed purposes
(F)(3): Preserve/enhance connections to adjacent natural areas ‐
Udall and Homestead
(G)(2): Grant easements for City bank stabilization project
(I): Design complements visual context
(J): Drainage and Erosion Control plans meet City standards
: :
Spirit at the River
Other applicable requirements of LUC 3.4.1
(L): Compatible with Udall Natural Area purpose of facilitating
wildlife habitat and movement
(L): Compatible with Homestead Natural Area restoration and
regeneration of wildlife movement corridors
(M): Widening of public access to Homestead Natural Area via
Poudre Trail
(N): Compliance with limits of development requirements during
: :
Spirit at the River
City Plans and Policies
▪ City Plan ▪ Downtown Plan
▪ Pedestrian Plan ▪ Climate Action Plan
▪ Poudre River ▪ Lincoln Corridor Plan
Downtown Master Plan
▪ Northsides Neighborhood
: :
Spirit at the River
City Plan
EH 3.1 – Support Programs Emphasizing Local Business
ENV 1.1 – Protect and Enhance Natural Features
ENV 4.1 – Improve Connectivity
ENV 4.2 – Enhance and Restore Streams
ENV 4.6 – Utilize Corridors
ENV 18.1 – Balance Environmental, Human and Economic Concerns
: :
Spirit at the River
City Plan
ENV 25.4 – Develop Trail/Path Linkages
ENV 27.4 – Restore and Enhance
LIV 5.1 – Encourage Targeted Redevelopment and Infill
LIV 5.4 – Contribute to Public Amenities
LIV 6 – Infill and redevelopment
LIV 11.2 – Incorporate Public Space
LIV 30.3 – Improve Pedestrian and Bicycle Access
: :
Spirit at the River
City Plan
LIV 30.5 – Parking Structures
LIV 32.7 – Allow Various Building Heights
LIV 35.2 – Mix of Uses
LIV 35.4 – Transform through Infill and Redevelopment
LIV 44.4 – Utilize Buffers
LIV 45.3 – River Segments
: :
Spirit at the River
Climate Action Plan
Stated goals: ▪ Bike share station to reduce car use
▪ Sustainably deconstruct site
Lincoln Corridor Plan
Goals: ▪ Improving mobility, safety, and experience for bicyclists
pedestrians, transit users, and vehicles
▪ Celebrating, protecting, and enhancing the Poudre River
▪ Creating an environment where businesses can thrive
: :
Spirit at the River
Pedestrian Plan
“Directness is a measurement of walking trip length. The measure of directness is simply how well an
environment provides direct pedestrian connections to destinations such as transit stops, schools, parks,
commercial areas, or activity areas. The grid pattern typifies the ideal system where a person can go north or
south, or east or west, to easily get to their destination. The common curvilinear residential subdivision which
may have cul‐de‐sacs that back onto a commercial center, transit stop, school, or park might be physically
proximate to a potential pedestrian destination. However, many areas often require a circuitous route which
deters pedestrian trips.” (page 33)
Northside Neighborhood Plan
“We aim to improve our trail connections to the Poudre Trail and to provide better links to Old Town and other surrounding
neighborhoods.”(page 18)
“The Northside Neighborhoods area has a dynamic mix of industry and neighborhoods. We will continue to ensure that commercial and residential
areas develop in a balanced way so that one type of use does not dominate the other.” (page 19)
“Provide a mix of industrial and residential uses that protects the residential character of the neighborhoods and honors the traditional coexistence of
small businesses, industry, and neighborhoods.” (page 24)
“T‐8. Provide Trails. Provide trail connections to the Poudre Trail from the neighborhoods and businesses.” (page 40)
“OL‐9. Cluster Jobs and Housing Together. Promote development of jobs and housing that are in close proximity to one another to minimize dependency on
energy resources for transportation.
: :
Spirit at the River
Downtown Plan
Spirit at
the River
Innovation Subdistrict (as defined within the 2017 Fort Collins Downtown Plan).
“Despite the Innovation Subdistrict’s proximity to the rest of Downtown, it has been somewhat disconnected physically, culturally and in public perception.
The ongoing, transformative changes are achieving Fort Collins’ longstanding Comprehensive Plan goals for Downtown‐ supportive uses and urban
improvements that weave the area into Downtown’s fabric.” (page 173)
“The term ‘innovation district’ generally refers to a cluster of incubator, research, startup, educational, and creative uses along with cultural and
recreational assets in a walkable, bikeable setting connected with collaborative spaces and technology.” (page 173)
“Development should include outdoor spaces such as patios, courtyards, terraces, plazas, decks and balconies to add interest and facilitate interaction.”
(page 174)
“Site design and landscaping should reinforce the character of the area with features and materials that reflect the industrial nature of the area and the
river landscape corridor setting.” (page 174)
: :
Spirit at the River
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
Spirit at
Adjacent to “Reach 6 ‐ Lincoln Avenue to Mulberry Street”
“emphasis in this river reach is placed on: restoration and enhancement of natural habitat, creating and improving sustainable access to the river” (page 2‐41)
“This leg of the trail is one of the least inviting sections within the entire master planning area due to the adjacent chain link fencing, outdoor storage of industrial equipment and
materials, and noise.” (page2‐43)
“Access to the river corridor between Lincoln and Mulberry is limited due to private ownership of adjacent property, the presence of the UP Railroad paralleling Riverside Avenue,
and a lack of intervening streets and bridges crossing the river. Where possible, trail connections to the Poudre Trail should be pursued.” (page2‐43)
: :
Spirit at the River