HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Read Before Packet - 3/6/2018 - Memorandum From Delynn Coldiron Re: Leadership Planning Team Minutes - March 5, 2018City Clerk 300 LaPorte Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6515 970.221-6295 - fax fcgov.com/cityclerk MEMORANDUM DATE: March 5, 2018 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Delynn Coldiron, City Clerk RE: Leadership Planning Team (LPT) Meeting Mayor Wade Troxell, Mayor Pro Tem Gerry Horak, City Manager Darin Atteberry, Deputy City Manager Jeff Mihelich, Sr. Assistant City Manager Kelly DiMartino, City Attorney Carrie Daggett, and City Clerk Delynn Coldiron met on Monday, March 5, and the following summarizes the discussions that began at 7:37 a.m. March 6 Regular Meeting The March 6 meeting agenda was reviewed. Prospect/I-25 Interchange – There was discussion around what is accomplished through these items. Staff is asked to prepare a read before memo that outlines the benefits/justification for the agreement and proposed metro districts, as well as timing considerations. Halligan – Staff reported that there is no need for an Executive Session on this item based on current status and information still in development. Six Month Calendar 1. March 20 – • URA Meeting to consider Whitewater Park funding – Staff should be prepared to speak to how this expenditure benefits the URA. This item may be rescheduled to allow staff to complete board and commission outreach as requested at the February 27 Work Session. Staff will provide a memo for Thursday’s packet that provides an overall schedule for funding discussions for this project. 2. March 27 – • West Nile Virus Management Policy Review – Added to calendar. 3. April 3 – • Energy Efficiency Portfolio Evaluation staff report moved from March 20. Leadership Planning Team Meeting March 5, 2018 Page 2 of 4 4. April 24 – • Historic Preservation Code Review – There was discussion about the breadth of the current historic preservation conditions, and the need for the upcoming review was discussed. 5. May 1 – • Dark Skies staff report – Added to calendar. 6. May 15 – • IGA between the City and DDA governing use of a line of credit was moved from May 1. 7. May 22 • City Park Refresh – Staff is asked to provide an overall schedule for this project. Staff is also asked to respond to whether there are any plans for a children’s putt-putt area. • Regional Wasteshed Project was moved from March 27. Other Discussion Items Assistant City Manager DiMartino noted: • Staff finished researching live music at City Council meetings. Most of the cities researched allow for live music as part of public participation, similar to Fort Collins. Two cities, Denver and Austin, have initiatives that include these opportunities prior to Council meetings. The Mayor mentioned that Bloomberg Philanthropies has a Public Art Challenge that may be applicable. Staff is asked to follow up on this opportunity. Additionally, staff will explore options to integrate with other community efforts. Deputy City Manager Mihelich noted: • Staff had a good and thoughtful discussion with the Parks and Recreation Board related to the Whitewater Park. The Board made a recommendation to fund all alternatives presented. Additional Board meeting outreach is planned. It was suggested that this would be a good topic for a CML session to talk about the collaboration and cooperation of the numerous entities that have been a part of this project; good news item for the City. City Manager Darin Atteberry noted: • A game day operations summary was provided in Thursday’s packet. There were many great accomplishments and many learning opportunities. The information was forwarded to CSU staff as well. Leadership Planning Team Meeting March 5, 2018 Page 3 of 4 • He received a copy of the LaPorte Area Plan from County Manager Linda Hoffman. It was last updated in 2004 and is scheduled for a new review. Staff is asked to provide a memo on what efforts are made with surrounding jurisdictions to collaborate on planning efforts and to integrate plans. Transportation and affordable housing were highlighted as items that should be explored with all. A copy of the LaPorte Area Plan, with a memo regarding the points relevant to the City, will be provided in a Thursday packet. • The process to select the new Police Chief has gone very well. To date there have been several meet and greets, including one with the community, a Council breakfast and two panel interviews. Next steps were briefly discussed. Mayor Pro Tem Horak noted: • Saturday’s strategic planning session went very well. He noted that the structure of the meeting, the continuity of the facilitator and the collaboration shown amongst Council members were key to this success. Staff is asked to provide a summary of the work done at the meeting. Staff is also asked to look at accessible parking spaces around 222 LaPorte Avenue and ensure they are adequate. The Mayor supported Mayor Pro Tem Horak’s comments. • When there are significant projects occurring within an area, an overview should be provided to Council prior to public engagement/outreach so the District Councilmember can be prepared to answer questions that follow. • Progress has been made for defining criteria for the Infra Grants. • An article in the Denver Post related to the decrease in the need for parking being experienced in San Diego due to Uber and Lyft services. He also noted an article in the Denver Post related to standing desks and how they are potentially harmful to users. Mayor Troxell and Mayor Pro Tem Horak commented on the following items from the May 1 packet: • The format of the Historic Preservation update was good. • The format used for the Shelter Plan was good and should be used as a template for similar updates. It was noted that this type of summary is important to have a history of various projects/efforts. • The homeless/transient call information is helpful. Staff is asked to report back on whether marijuana violations are tracked separate from others. • The Thornton Pipeline information was helpful. Leadership Planning Team Meeting March 5, 2018 Page 4 of 4 • The Mayor will respond to the letter from Don Brown. Staff is asked to note on top of these types of items who the document was distributed to. • There was brief discussion around the cable franchise memo related to customer complaints. There was also discussion about posting requirements for rates and related consequences when this is not done. Mayor Troxell noted: • That Walnut Street is reopening today. It was again noted that this project should be a model for others. Aesthetics and outreach to business partners was exceptional. • As part of Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Mayor’s Challenge, the City of Austin is piloting blockchain technologies to identify and track homeless individuals. • There is a potential state ballot initiative coming to voters in November 2018 that is intended to limit growth along the Front Range by allowing counties to usurp municipal authority on land use items. Staff is asked to keep a watch on this item. The meeting ended at 9:43 a.m.