HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo - Read Before Packet - 10/17/2023 - Information From Noah Beals Re: Updated Power Point For Agenda Item #13- Items Related To The Adoption Of A New Land Use CodeFrom:Noah Beals
To:Sylvia Tatman-Burruss; CCSL
Cc:Caryn M. Champine; Paul S. Sizemore; Meaghan Overton; Clay Frickey
Subject:Land Use Code - Update Power Point
Date:Friday, October 13, 2023 5:13:23 PM
Attachments:Power Point Presentaition_LUC_SecondReading_LUC.pdf
Good afternoon, Councilmembers –
Attached is an update to the Power Point presentation for 2nd reading of Land Use Code. Two new
slides have been added. These can be found as slide 9 and 10.
Thank you all and have a good weekend,
Noah Beals, AICP
Development Review Manager | City of Fort Collins
nbeals@fcgov.com | 970.416.2313 direct
Land Use Code Phase 1 Updates: Second Reading
October 17, 2023
Housing Strategic Plan Implementation
Purpose of the Land Use Code Updates:
To Align the LUC with Adopted City Plans and Policies with a focus on:
•Housing-related changes
•Code Organization
Revisions to the code will
continue to support the
five guiding principles
confirmed by City Council
in November 2021 with an
emphasis on Equity.
1.Increase overall housing capacity
(market rate and affordable)
and calibrate market-feasible incentives for
deed restricted affordable housing
2.Enable more affordability
especially near high frequency
transit and growth areas
3.Allow for more diverse housing choices
that fit in with the existing context
4.Make the code easier to use
and understand
5.Improve predictability
of the development permit review
process, especially for housing
4Summary of Topics to Carry Forward
No proposed changes to:
•Basic Development Review (BDR)
•Type 1 Review (Hearing Officer)
•Type 2 Review (Planning and Zoning Commission)
•Site Plan Advisory Review (SPAR)
•Existing 12-step review process
•Level of review required for residential
development (except Affordable Housing)
•Non-residential uses
•Historic Preservation requirements
•Environmental/Natural Resources requirements
•Landscaping requirements
•Street design requirements
•Engineering requirements
•Planned Unit Development (PUD) requirements
•Addition of Permitted Use (APU) requirements
•Modification and Variance standards
•Adequate Public Facilities
•Occupancy Regulations (i.e., U+2)
1.Increase overall housing capacity
(market rate and affordable)
and calibrate market-feasible incentives for
deed restricted affordable housing
Summary of Code Changes
•Increasing housing types and number of units allowed in residential, mixed-use,
and commercial zones
•Reducing parking requirements for studio, one-, and two-bedroom units in multi-
unit developments and for affordable housing developments with 7 or more units
•Requiring parking for ADUs
•Allowing ADUs in all residential and mixed-use zones (with some requirements)
•Creating a menu of building types with zone-specific standards
•Adding form-based regulations to enhance compatibility in RL, NCM, NCL, and NCB
•Clarifying language related to HOAs and private covenants
•Allowing Affordable Housing projects to be reviewed through a BDR process
•Using a consistent, graphic and form-based approach to code standards
•Reorganizing code content and sections to consolidate and simplify information
•Updating definitions and rules of measurement for consistency
•Expanding Affordable housing incentives
•Updating and modifying Affordable housing definitions + requirements
•Requiring 60 years of deed restriction instead of the current 20 years
2.Enable more affordability
especially near high frequency
transit and growth areas
3.Allow for more diverse housing choices
that fit in with the existing context
4.Make the code easier to use
and understand
5.Improve predictability
of the development permit review
process, especially for housing
Discussion Items from
First Reading
7Items for Discussion
Items for Council Discussion
In RL, Allow duplexes under one of the following site-specific conditions:
•100ft wide lots
•Duplex integrates an existing structure
•Duplex includes one unit of deed-restricted affordable housing
•Lot located within 1/4 mile of current or future high-frequency transit
In OT-A (NCL), allow three units on lots 6,000 sf or larger under one the following site-specific conditions:
•Combination of a duplex + ADU
•Triplex integrates an existing structure
•Triplex includes one deed-restricted affordable housing unit
•A 3-unit Cottage Court includes one deed-restricted affordable housing unit
3.In OT-B (NCM), allow six units on lots 6,000sf or larger under the following site-specific condition:
•Approved building types that both integrate with the existing structure and includes a deed restricted affordable housing unit.
4.In OT-B (NCM), allow six units on lots 9,000sf or larger with under the following site-specific condition:
•A six-unit Cottage Court includes one deed-restricted affordable housing unit
5.Allow a Private Covenant/HOA to regulate site placement of all structures (additional setbacks, separation requirements)
6.Require properties with a new ADU to have a resident manager.
7.Did Council intend the Short Term Rental prohibition to apply to the ADU and primary house or just the ADU?
Amended - removed from
draft LUC at First Reading
8Housing Capacity in Proposed LUC by Zone Type
Breakdown of Zone Types:
•Mixed-Use: 71% (often commercial and
residential mixes, either stacked as a single
building or within a larger development,
including Low-Density Mixed Use (LMN) and
Medium Density Mixed Use (MMN))
•Commercial: 23% (Different mix of commercial
zone districts, including Community Commercial
(CC), General Commercial (CG), etc.)
•Residential: 6% (Lower-density, residential-only
zones, such as Residential, Low-Density (RL),
Neighborhood Conservation Districts (NCL,
NCM), and Urban Estate (UE))
9Housing Capacity in Proposed LUC by Zone Type
Commercial 23%Mixed Use 71 %Residential 6%
0Peer Cities Analysis: Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
Reviewed 33 Front Range jurisdictions
for ADU regulations:
•Larimer, Boulder, Adams, Arapahoe,
Weld, and Jefferson Counties
•28 jurisdictions (85%) allowed
ADUs; 5 (15%) did not allow
•23 jurisdictions (70%) adopted ADU
regulations between 2020-2023
•56% of Colorado population lives in
a jurisdiction that allows ADUs
Common ADU Regulations (N=28)
1Investor and Out-of-State Ownership (2021 data)
•About 5% of all single-unit,
townhouse, and duplex/triplex
units are owned by out-of-state
•The vast majority (85%) of
investors are located in
•About 90% of investors (both
in- and out-of-state) own 1
property in addition to their
own residence.
•About 0.2% of investors own
more than 10 units
Investor Owned
Out of
Single-unit 29,148 7,117 1,464 37,729 77%23%
Townhouse 1,329 4,714 601 6,644 20%80%
Duplex/Triplex 164 866 115 1,145 14%86%
Total 30,614 12,697 2,180 45,491 67%33%
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000
Owner Occupied Colorado Investor Out of State Investor
# units
12Low Density Residential (RL) Zone
Base Housing Types:
Detached house;
detached accessory
Max Density: 1 dwelling
unit per lot
Lot Size: 6,000sf or 3
times house size min.
Height: 28ft for
detached house and
accessory structures. 3-
stories for all other uses
Parking: 1 space per
Other: No incentive for
affordable housing. May
have multiple accessory
structures. No STR
Base Housing Types:
Detached house; duplex;
ADU; detached
accessory structure
Max Density: 3 dwelling
units per lot
Lot Size: 6,000sf or 3
times house size min.
Height: 28 ft max; 24 ft
for ADU
Parking: 1-3 spaces per
unit depending on
number of bedrooms. No
additional parking for
Other: Affordable
housing allowed 3-unit
apartment; 3-unit
rowhouse; and cottage
court housing types
Base Housing Types: Detached
house; duplex; ADU; detached
accessory structure
Max Density: 2 units per lot
(detached house + ADU only)
Lot Size: 6,000sf or 3 times house
size min.
Height: 28 ft max; 24 ft for ADU; 15 ft
for detached ADU with no alley
Parking: 1 space per house; 1 space
for ADU (tandem space may count
toward requirement)
Other: No additional housing type
incentive for affordable housing;
HOA may limit to internal ADU only;
require resident manager
Character: Remove
duplex, apartment,
rowhouse, and cottage
court; reduce maximum
density to 2 units per
lot; reduce ADU height
where there is no alley;
require resident
manager; prohibit short
term rentals (STR)
Parking: Require
parking for ADUs
HOA: Permit HOAs to
limit ADU types and
site placement
13Neighborhood Conservation, Low Density (NCL / OT-A) Zone
Base Housing Types:
Detached house;
carriage house on lots
>12,000 sf; and
accessory structures for
any size lot
Max Density: 1 unit or 2
units for lots >12,000 sf;
lot coverage limits
Lot Size: 6,000 sf min.
Height: 2 stories; 24 ft
for carriage house
Parking: 1-2 spaces per
Other: No incentive for
affordable housing. No
STR allowed
Base Housing Types:
Detached house;
duplex; ADU; triplex
detached accessory
Max Density: 3 units per
lot; 2,400 sf floor area
cap for detached house;
lot coverage limits
Lot Size: 4,500 sf min.
Height: 35 ft max; 24 ft
for ADU
Parking: 1-3 spaces per
unit. No additional
parking for ADU
Other: Affordable
housing allowed 3-unit
apartment, rowhouse,
and cottage court
Base Housing Types:
Detached house; duplex; ADU; triplex
detached accessory structure
Max Density: 3 units per lot; 2,400 sf
floor area cap for detached house; lot
coverage limits
Lot Size: 4,500 sf; 6,000 sf for 3-unit
apartment/rowhouse; 9,000 sf for 3-
unit cottage court
Height: 35 ft max; 24 ft for ADU; 15 ft
for detached ADU with no alley
Parking: 1-3 spaces per unit; 1 space
for ADU (tandem space may count)
Other: Affordable housing allows 3-
unit apartment, rowhouse, and cottage
court. Requirements to integrate
existing structure; HOA may limit to
internal ADU only; require resident
Character: Increase
required lot size for 3-
unit housing types; add
requirements to
integrate with existing
structures; reduce ADU
height where there is
no alley; require
resident manager;
prohibit short term
rentals (STR)
Parking: Require
parking for ADUs
HOA: Permit HOAs to
limit ADU types and
site placement
14Neighborhood Conservation, Medium Density (NCM / OT-B) Zone
Base Housing Types:
Detached house; duplex;
multi-unit up to 4 units;
carriage house on lots
>10,000 sf; detached
accessory structure
Max Density: 4 units per
lot; lot coverage limits
Lot Size: 5,000 sf min.
Height: 2 stories; 24 ft
for carriage house
Parking: 1-3 spaces per
Other: No incentive for
affordable housing.
Primary-STR only
Base Housing Types:
Detached house;
duplex; multi-unit up to 5
units; ADU; detached
accessory structure
Max Density: 6 units per
lot; 2,400 sf floor area
cap for detached house;
lot coverage limits
Lot Size: 4,500 sf min.
Height: 35 ft max; 24 ft
for ADU
Parking: 1-3 spaces per
unit. No additional
parking for ADUs
Other: Affordable
housing allowed 6-unit
apartment and 5-unit
Base Housing Types: Detached house;
duplex; multi-unit up to 5 units; ADU;
detached accessory structure
Max Density: 6 units per lot; 2,400 sf
floor area cap for detached house; lot
coverage limits
Lot Size: 4,500 sf min.; 6,000 sf for 4-
unit apartment/rowhouse; 9,000 sf for
3-6 unit cottage court
Height: 35 ft max; 24 ft for ADU; 15 ft
for detached ADU with no alley
Parking: 1-3 spaces per unit; 1 space
for ADU (tandem space may count)
Other: Affordable housing allows 6-unit
apartment, 5-unit rowhouse, and 3-6 unit
cottage court. Requirements to
integrate existing structure; HOA may
limit to internal ADU only; require
resident manager; prohibit all STR in
Character: Increase
required lot size for
housing types with 4 or
more units; add max of
6 units to cottage
courts; add
requirements to
integrate with existing
structures; reduce ADU
height where there is
no alley; require
resident manager;
prohibit short term
rentals (STR) in ADUs
Parking: Require
parking for ADUs
HOA: Permit HOAs to
limit ADU types and
site placement
15Private covenants/Homeowners’ Associations (HOAs)
HOAs are prohibited
from creating or
enforcing provisions that
Prohibit or limit:
-The installation or
use of xeriscape
-The installation or
use of
collectors on roofs
-The installation or
use of clothes lines in
back yards
-The installation or
use of odor
controlled compost
Or requiring:
-Turf grass yards/lots
In addition to current
code, HOAs were also
prohibited from creating
or enforcing provisions
Prohibit or limit:
-The City’s
regulations to
implement its
housing policies, as
supported by the
Housing Strategic
-Including but not
limited to provisions
for increased
density, height and
In addition to current code, HOAs are also
prohibited from creating or enforcing
provisions that
Prohibit or limit:
-The number and/or type of dwelling
units permitted on a lot when that
number and/or type of dwelling unit(s)
would otherwise be permitted
-The ability to subdivide property
when that subdivision would
otherwise be permitted
HOAs may enforce covenants that
-External aesthetics including (but
not limited to) site placement/
setbacks, color, window placement,
height, and materials
-If the ADU is internal or detached
-Other unrelated covenants (e.g. pets,
maintenance of properties, fees, etc.)
Character: Permit
HOAs to determine
ADU type (internal or
detached); permit
HOAs to regulate site
placement of all
structures (additional
setbacks, separation
HOA: Provide more
clarity about where
HOAs have authority to
regulate (aesthetics,
site placement)
Consideration of Adoption
Does Council wish to adopt Ordinance Nos. 136, 2023;
137, 2023; and 138, 2023, for the proposed Land Use
Code updates on Second Reading?