HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Mail Packet - 8/22/2023 - Futures Committee Agenda – August 21, 2023 1 Futures Committee Agenda Monday, August 21, 10am-12:00pm REMOTE via Zoom Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://fcgov.zoom.us/j/91533678032 Or One tap mobile: US: +17209289299,,91533678032# or +12532158782,,91533678032# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 720 928 9299 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 Webinar ID: 915 3367 8032 International numbers available: https://fcgov.zoom.us/u/abwdB4CpBR For Technical Assistance please call: 970-221-6505 Call meeting to order 10:00am- 10:05am Facilitated by Tricia Canonico Roll Call, Approval of June 12, 2023, Minutes and Overview of Futures Committee Participation: 10:05- 10:15 Facilitated by Caryn Champine Think Tank Item 3-2023 10:15-11:15 The Future of Energy Transitions, Rushad Nanavatty, Managing Director of the Urban Transformation and the Third Derivative programs at the Rocky Mountain Institute • Q&A facilitated by Caryn Champine • Summary provided by Caryn Champine (graphic recording by Carrie Van Horn) Additional Committee Updates- Facilitated by Caryn Champine Committee Members Councilmember Emily Francis Councilmember Susan Gutowsky Councilmember Tricia Canonico Staff Liaison: Caryn Champine, Director Planning, Development and Transportation Staff Support: Megan DeMasters, Environmental Services; Melina Dempsey, FCMoves 1 CITY OF FORT COLLINS FUTURES COMMITTEE MEETING Date: June 12, 2023 Location: Zoom Time: 04:00pm-06:00pm Committee Members present: Councilmember Tricia Canonico Councilmember Susan Gutowsky Additional Council members present: City Staff: Caryn Champine Presenters: Caryn Champine Additional Staff present: Kelly DiMartino, City Manager’s Office Megan DeMasters, Environmental Services Melina Dempsey, FC Moves Ginny Sawyer, City Manager’s Office Carrie Daggett City Attorney’s Office Amanda King, CPIO Greg Yeager, Police Services Kristina Vencill, Human Resources Karen Burke, Human Resources Lockie Woods, City Manager’s Office Jacob Castillo, Sustainability Services Area Terri Runyan, City Manager’s Office Claudia Menendez, City Manager’s Office Others present: Kevin Jones, Fort Collins Chamber Meeting called to order at 4:05pm Approval of Minutes: Councilmember Gutowsky moved to approve the November 14 minutes. Councilmember Canonico seconded. Motion passed 2-0-1 Chairperson Comments: N/A Summary Think Tank Item 2-2023: Portraits of Democracy for the Future, Jake Dunagan Director of Institute for the Future (IFTF) Governance Futures Lab 2 Section 1: Why Futurist Thinking – Imagine we live in a divided city- develop a saying related to taxes • Better to be surprised by a scenario then blindsided by the Future • Where do we go for probabilities? • Where do we go for preferences for future? • Where do we go for possibilities for the future? – are there structures in place? o Space where we end up being blindsided because we don’t see the possibility • Where do we look for signals? o Art, media, religion- we have institutions to look at probabilities and projections- few things formally in place for possibilities  Look for non-linear connections • Consider how to institutionalize possibilities/signals scanning o Consider how to do signal scanning in the work Section 2: Visions for Democracy • Democracy is on the defensive- what are magnetic pulling visions of the future that can generate energy towards creating democracy • Signals of democracy’s decline o Voting restrictions o Low trust in government o Violent rhetoric and authoritarian leaders and styles o Hollowing out of civil-society institutions • Signals of hope for the future o Rise of worker movements o High profile celebrity activism o Republicanism in Barbados o Stronger voter access laws in many states o Grassroots initiatives like Boston Public Kitchen o Polls showing people are not antigovernment • Causal Layered Analysis- thought tool to help understand different dimensions that influence the future • What are the compelling images/metaphors that are compelling for democracy o Image of tree and root system with organization and how we get work done, nurture community. o An image with youth and children…. What is the civic imagination of Fort Collins o Open Space- Open minds o Be kind, open space, open minds • Space and imagination can be therapies- gives you some breathing room and moves out of the spaces of politics Additional Items N/A Meeting adjourned by Councilmember Canonico at 5:31pm 3 4