HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo - Mail Packet - 7/18/2023 - Memorandum From Amani Chamberlin Re: Leadership Planning Team Meeting Minutes – July 10, 2023 MEMORANDUM City Clerk 300 LaPorte Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6515 970.221-6295 - fax fcgov.com/CityClerk DATE: July 10, 2023 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Amani Chamberlin, Assistant City Clerk RE: Leadership Planning Team (LPT) Meeting Mayor Jeni Arndt, Mayor Pro Tem Emily Francis, City Attorney Carrie Daggett, Deputy City Manager Tyler Marr, Assistant City Manager Rupa Venkatesh and Assistant City Clerk Amani Chamberlin met via a Teams online conference on Monday, July 10, 2023. The following summarizes the discussions that began at 8:01 a.m. 7/18/2023 Council Meeting: The Draft agenda for this meeting was reviewed. • This Council meeting will be conducted in person with hybrid remote participation options. Council members will be present in person in Council Chambers. Public participation in the meeting will be available in three ways: in person, via Zoom, and by phone. The meeting will be broadcast on FCTV on cable television and via livestream. • Prior to the meeting, there will be the presentation of a proclamation for Declaring July 2023 as Smart Irrigation Month. • The consent calendar was reviewed. There are five second readings of ordinances, nine first readings, and three resolutions planned for the consent calendar along with approval of one set of minutes. • Item #10 - Parking of Shared Mobility Devices and Electric o It was noted that there have been public concerns expressed about the parking associated with the scooters, including some questions about how locations are being selected and residents are being notified about designated parking locations and any recourse they have if they disagree with a location. A request was made for information to be added to the AIS Providing this information. Leadership Planning Team Meeting July 10, 2023 Page 2 of 3 • The discussion agenda includes two first readings of the proposed Charter Amendments for ballot question; (Item #16) and (Item #17) In response to questions relating to the sequence of the Charter Amendments it was decided that the numbering of Ordinance Question numbers for the ballot in Item #16 and #17 ordinance language would be left blank, and the sequence will be decided by Council in the order of their preference. Staff are to be prepared to explain sequencing and how it works in case there are questions. 6-Month Calendar: • Upcoming meetings were reviewed with particular attention to any shifts. • August 8th Work Session – A question was asked about the addition of the Water Supply Requirement and its relation to the Water Adequacy Requirements item recently discussed by Council. Staff indicated they would follow up at next week’s LPT meeting with a response and suggestion of scheduling if a change proves necessary. • September 12th Work Session – There was a question about the Oil and Gas Operational Standards discussion item and its difference from the discussions on the Reverse Setbacks. It was clarified that for reverse setbacks staff already has enough Council direction to bring forward an ordinance, but with Oil and Gas operational standards a there was much discussion left to have around policy direction, and thus the need for a work session. It was noted that it would be helpful to have a holistic overview to see how everything works with the County and the State upon the presentation of this discussion. Staff is prepared to do this. • October 10th Work Session – Noted that the addition of Landscape Standards was in relation to xeriscape policies and the need for additional direction in advance of the first reading of code changes on the topic in November. • December 12th Work Session – Considering the End of Term Reports, a preference was stated for the report to be given as a presentation due to the uniqueness of this Council term, and the upcoming transition to a new Council. • Unscheduled – there was a request that a date be selected for a reading of the Land Use Code potentially for mid-September or October. In the interest of helping the public plan to attend. o The date will be clearer after the July 31st discussion on the Land Use Code. Assistant City Clerk Amani Chamberlin • Noted present absences in the Clerk’s Office and the prospective coverage for the upcoming Executive Leadership Team meetings, Leadership Planning Team meetings and Council meetings. Assistant City Manager Rupa Venkatesh • July 11th at 5:30 p.m. will be hosting a candidate information session for people interested in being an elected official and high-level duties associated with an elected official. • Old Town Media has been contracted by the City to perform a website audit and assessment. Council received a survey for completion by July 31st with an option of also meeting virtually or in-person with OTM to provide feedback. • Given questions that have come up, noted staff is currently working on formalizing protocols ahead of Council elections for utilizing city resources only for official Council duties and to ensure that city Leadership Planning Team Meeting July 10, 2023 Page 3 of 3 resources cannot be perceived as advertising for incumbent candidates. Guidelines will be shared with individual Councilmembers. City Attorney Carrie Daggett • Noted that she is out this week. • Noted that inquiries to the Clerk’s Office about the referendum process as it relates to the rental registration ordinance did not lead to a notice of protest being filed. Deputy City Manager– Tyler Marr • There was a correction regarding the titling of the Land Use Code memo from last Thursday. The memo with the correct title (Land Use Code Potential Alternatives) was re-sent last Friday. • Shared good news; City received notice of a $2.5M CDOT grant for Laporte multimodal project which includes protected bike lanes, expanded sidewalks and a center turn lane for a mile stretch of the road. Mayor Pro Tem Emily Francis • No updates. Mayor Jeni Arndt • Mentioned Policy for Elections. • Made a note regarding CORA requests and wanted to give a heads up about the election coming up and expressed the importance of being protective of the process. • Noted she will be sending a spreadsheet to display the Council expense from the development fund. • Met with constituents to hear feedback on the historic preservation appeals process and Maren Bzdek and Councilmember Peel attended as well. It was a good conversation and needs to be looked at closer. o Marr added that an appeals process conversation will be coming to a Work Session in November. Mayor suggested that those attendees of the meeting she was in be tapped for their thoughts and expertise in formulating options. • Flagged the Elections page for Clerk’s Office to ensure it is readable and ready. o Venkatesh responded elections page is coming soon. • Mentioned a National Disability Employment Awareness Month proclamation is in the works for the month of October. Human Relations Commission (HRC) to potentially submit. Meeting adjourned at 9:01 a.m.