HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo - Read Before Packet - 5/2/2023 - Memorandum From Anissa Hollingshead Re: Leadership Planning Team Meeting Minutes – May 1, 2023 (3) City Clerk 300 LaPorte Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6515 970.221-6295 - fax fcgov.com/cityclerk MEMORANDUM DATE: May 1, 2023 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Anissa Hollingshead, City Clerk RE: Leadership Planning Team (LPT) Meeting Mayor Jeni Arndt, Mayor Pro Tem Emily Francis, City Manager Kelly DiMartino, City Attorney Carrie Daggett, Deputy City Manager Tyler Marr, and City Clerk Anissa Hollingshead met via a Teams online conference on Monday, May 1, 2023. The following summarizes the discussions that began at 8:00 a.m. 5/2/2023 Council Meeting: The published agenda for this meeting was reviewed.  This Council meeting will be conducted in person with hybrid remote participation options. Councilmembers will be present in person in Council Chambers. Public participation for the meeting will be available in three ways: in person, via Zoom, and by phone. The meeting will be broadcast on FCTV on cable television and via livestream.  Prior to the meeting, there will be the presentation of a proclamation for Fort Collins Archaeology and Historic Preservation Month at 5 p.m., followed immediately by the Friend of Preservation Awards in Council Chambers. Prior to these presentations, a reception beginning at 4:30 p.m. will be held in the Xeriscape Garden. The Colorado Room in the 222 Building is the back up location for this reception in the event of inclement weather.  Representatives of ASCSU have rented space in Washington Park to host a gathering prior to the Council meeting. They have also indicated it is likely a large contingent of students may be planning to speak during the public comment period at the beginning of the meeting regarding U + 2.  The consent calendar was reviewed. There are three second readings of ordinances, five first readings, and four resolutions planned for the consent calendar along with approval of one set of minutes.  Item 6 on the consent calendar relating to the rezoning of the North College Mobile Home Park is a public hearing. The Mayor’s script will notate the need to ensure anyone present to comment regarding this item, or wishing to have this item removed from consent calendar for discussion, will need to be heard. Leadership Planning Team Meeting May 1, 2023 Page 2 of 4  The discussion agenda includes one item, the ordinance relating to amendments to the Land Use Code to include 1041 regulations for first reading. This ordinance was postponed on first reading at the Council’s February 7, 2023, meeting. Deputy City Manager Marr noted this item will follow a similar flow to the presentation of the Land Development Code last November. Staff has identified five decision areas that Council will be asked to consider in the adoption process. It was noted one of the biggest questions for Council may be extra-jurisdictional considerations. Staff is recommending that section of the ordinance be approved as it is currently written in regards to that topic. 6-Month Calendar:  Upcoming meetings were reviewed with particular attention to any shifts.  It was noted at next week’s work session, staff will be prepared with the conclusion of the legislative session to talk about occupancy regulations in light of any action taken or not taken by the State.  For June 13, it was confirmed the time being held for discussing Sustainable Funding will be needed as part of a work session in addition to holding the adjourned meeting that night for midyear reviews of Council direct reports.  There will be one or more executive sessions on June 20 as part of the regular meeting that night. Topics will be confirmed closer to the date of the meeting.  There was a question regarding whether Council will get a draft version of the East Mulberry Plan prior to it returning for adoption in late summer. It was noted it has been some time since Council last reviewed this plan and having materials in advance will be helpful.  July 31 has been identified as the likeliest date for rescheduling the August 1 Council meeting being shifted due to Neighborhood Night Out. Planned for that evening will be the potential consideration on first reading of any ballot questions requiring action by ordinance as well as a work session discussion regarding the Land Use Code. City Clerk Anissa Hollingshead  Shared the form of petition has been approved, effective Friday, April 28, for the proposed initiative is to amend Land Use Code § 3.8.16 (A), commonly referred to as U+2. The initiative seeks to place the proposed ordinance on the November regular election ballot. The petition representatives have 60 days to circulate the petition, with Tuesday, June 27 being the final date a petition can be submitted. A successful petition requires valid signatures from registered voters equal to at least 10% of the voters participating in the last regular municipal election. This is just under 4,300 signatures total. Deputy City Manager Tyler Marr Leadership Planning Team Meeting May 1, 2023 Page 3 of 4  On the proposed ordinance relating to water adequacy planned for first reading on May 16, noted the Planning and Zoning Commission did not recommend approval of the ordinance yet. It will still be coming forward at this time as staff does not view the points of disagreement at issue likely to change, and noted as well time constraints from direction from the Water Court to codify specific provisions no later than the end of June.  Good news from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) - most of our CDOT Highway Safety Improvement Projects were funded for CDOT FY 2026, including 21 signal location upgrades totaling $350k and four locations for pedestrian safety improvements totaling $433k: City Attorney Carrie Daggett  No additional items. City Manager Kelly DiMartino  Good news item: of the two vacant assistant chief positions originally, one remains to be filled and is close to being finalized. Adam McCambridge has now been identified as the top finalist and will start on the 15th pending background checks.  Regarding the appointment to the Boxelder Stormwater Authority, provided some clarification on the appointment process given the last set of terms has expired. Larimer County and the City each appoint a representative and jointly appoint a third board member. The City’s representative is recommended to continue to be Mayor Arndt. In keeping with previous practice that has proven helpful, the County has agreed to appoint a City Staff member, Jen Dial in the third/joint spot. That is the recommendation of staff, and will be presented to Mayor pro Tem Francis and Councilmember Pignataro, as the two councilmembers responsible for making a recommendation, prior to coming to the full Council for approval.  Shared 281 N College is going to be open again on Fridays. Based on customer feedback, those customer counters are reopening again starting this Friday. Mayor Pro Tem Emily Francis  Noted she has been getting a lot of questions about the walking tours regarding the Land Use Code, some perceived issues with the transparency of how they are being planned and promote, including a belief that you have to know a host in order to go on a tour. It was noted that hosts are needed for these tours to occur and there are attendance caps set in order to maintain a positive experience, but it is not the intent that an individual who does not know a host cannot participate. There was a Leadership Planning Team Meeting May 1, 2023 Page 4 of 4 commitment made to further follow up with details on the specific questions around how to sign up to participate in a tour and that this will be looked at to ensure maximum clarity on the website.  Shared FoCoMX was great over the weekend. Noted it was probably the most excited proclamation crowd she has ever presented to and that it was nice to see everyone out. Mayor Jeni Arndt  The City Summit of the Americas was last week in Denver and was quite an event. Noted the staff who attended were all great – John Phelan, Lindsay Ex, and Honore Depew all did a great job for Fort Collins. Shared it was the best conference she has ever been to in her life and was dynamic and amazing. It is exciting how national governments are understanding where the work gets done at the municipal level. It was a working conference and great.  Did a proclamation yesterday for the Global Village museum which was a nice event. They were very appreciative.  Shared that she is grateful that work continues on the airport governance study.  Good community weekend. Noted among events attended, it was really fun to celebrate the lives of Donna and Donald Beard and remember how much tireless work they both had done on behalf of the community, providing a sense of history and time for Fort Collins.  Attended the North College Business Association meeting last Wednesday. Noted they would like more councilmembers there more often, although the 7 a.m. timing after Council meetings can be a challenge. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m.