HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo - Read Before Packet - 4/25/2023 - Memorandum From Ginny Sawyer Re: Council Priorities – April 2023 Update City Manager’s Office City Hall 300 LaPorte Ave. PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6505 970.224.6107 - fax fcgov.com MEMORANDUM DATE: April 25, 2023 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FM: Ginny Sawyer, Project and Policy Manager TH: Kelly DiMartino, City Manager Tyler Marr, Deputy City Manager RE: Council Priorities –April 2023 Update Bottom Line: The Council Priorities Update Reports and Calendarization spreadsheet is available at https://www.fcgov.gom/council/. Priorities and milestones are tracked and reported through Clear Point and updates are provided every-other month. This update is being provided a few days early to coincide with the Council work session on April 25, 2023. Background: Every two years, following a Council election, the newly seated Council participates in a planning retreat to identify priorities and confirm strategic direction. City Council identified 31 items as priorities for its 2021-2023 term. Regionalism Highlights: Homelessness and Mental Health  The Community Update and Homelessness Update to Council has been postponed to the Sept. 12 Work Session. NoCO CoC Director Kelli Pryor will join staff at the work session.  The CoC and partners have created a Lived Experience Advisory Panel for people with lived experience of homelessness to give input to programs and projects across the County. Tentatively the group will have its inaugural meeting in May. Air Quality  Funds remain pending for EPA award to support regional collaboration on air toxics monitoring.  An additional regulatory ozone site was approved for installation at Fossil Creek Reservoir and is expected to be in place by Fall 2023. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A  The County has purchased an Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) camera for detection of oil and gas leaks and is in the process of training staff on operation. Water  Staff continue to meet with our surrounding water districts to build our relationships.  Work underway to start developing a handout that coalesces resources and information on development review and fee requirements between the different water providers in the GMA. Colorado Communities for Climate Action (CC4CA)  Continuing partnership with CC4CA in the 2023 legislative session, currently 36 bills are being tracked; a biannual policy statement will be considered at the June retreat and shared with the LRC at their April meeting. Regional Wasteshed & Recycling  Staff and Councilmembers Ohlson and Gutowsky continue to engage in the Regional Wasteshed Coalition. Next Policy Council meeting will be on May 11, 2023, where meaningful engagement and outcomes will be further defined and discussed.  Fort Collins is supporting state legislation that would support development of more compost facilities, engaging in the Construction and Demolition Recycling Council and supporting the implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility legislation. Caroline Mitchell, Waste Reduction and Recycling Program Manager, is on the Producer Responsibility Advisory Board. Housing  NoCoHousing NOW held a virtual event taking a high level look at Housing Legislation and Policy at the State level. It was well attended. An in-person event for fall is in the planning stages.  The steering committee met in April to plan the June meeting which will focus on SB 213 if it passes or Prop 123 if SB 213 does not pass. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Milestone Data Report 2021-23 Council Priorities Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis 0. Key to Council Priorities Dashboard 1. Gray = Not Started 9/1/21 12/31/23 0 % 2. Green = On Target 9/1/21 12/31/23 0 % 3. Yellow = Caution 9/1/21 12/31/23 0 % 4. Red = Below Plan 9/1/21 12/31/23 0 % 5. Blue Star = Completed 9/1/21 12/31/23 0 % 1. More stringent penalties for animal cruelty and neglect Provide memo to Council describing current state and issues 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Memo "Review of Animal Cruelty Penalty Provisions" was sent to City Council on January 14th, 2022 and resent following May check-in. Decision was made to pursue this Priority through the Legislative Policy Agenda. Previously scheduled work session has been removed from calendar. Council follow up questions/possible work session or other dialogue 1/1/22 10/31/22 0 % This Initiative is being marked complete as it will be pursued through the Legislative Agenda process. Public outreach 7/1/22 9/30/22 0 % This Initiative is being marked complete as it will be pursued through the Legislative Agenda process. Consideration of Code/policy/program changes 10/1/22 12/31/22 0 % This Initiative is being marked complete as it will be pursued through the Legislative Agenda process. Draft ordinance/policy/program changes 10/25/22 12/31/22 0 % This Initiative is being marked complete as it will be pursued through the Legislative Agenda process. 2. Juvenile diversion Reallocate dollars to Launch program 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % Restorative Traffic Circle is a great success! 18 new participants for Q1 of 2023. At this time, no interest in a smoking/vaping diversion program from any stakeholders. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 1 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis 3. Advance transit initiatives that remove barriers 3a. Funding & Fare Study begins 10/1/21 12/31/21 95 % Project concluded, waiting on the final report from vendor. 3a. W. Eliz. BRT prelim design complete 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Concluded. 3a. North College Transit Oriented Development Plan complete 4/1/22 6/30/22 100 % Adopted by City Council in February 2023. 3b. Transfort & PSD Coordination Study begins 4/1/22 6/30/22 5 % Appropriating funds in April 2023, begin project in May 2023. 3a. Funding & Fare Study complete 10/1/22 12/31/22 95 % Project concluded, waiting on the final report from vendor. 3a. North Transit Facility Design and Study complete 10/1/22 12/31/22 5 % Seeking funding for land acquisition & identifying potential sites. Design will follow. 3b. Transfort & PSD Coordination Study complete 1/1/23 3/31/23 5 % Appropriating funds in April 2023, begin project in May 2023. 4. Improved traffic compliance Determine high-risk locations and formulate strategy 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % The following intersections have been identified for increased enforcement: College & Trilby Shields & Horsetooth College & Drake Boardwalk & Harmony Shields & Prospect College & Mulberry Lemay & Vine Shields & Plum Lemay & Drake Timberline & Carpenter Traffic Operations will kick off the Vision Zero action plan work in Q3. Council Work Session scheduled on December 13. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 2 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis Deploy strategy 1/1/22 6/30/22 60 % Red Light Cameras: • Currently working on solidifying the contract and securing subcontractors for installation. There is a deadline for Verra for September 1st pending all permits are issued on time by the City. Camera Radar Vehicles: • Vehicles have been ordered and are awaiting delivery at this point. Targeting July from initial conversations with Verra but this is also dependent on supply chain and upfitting. Camera Radar Administrator FTE: • All required documentation and steps from PD have been taken and waiting on HR to post the position. Once the position is posted we can proceed with the hiring process. 5. Advance Regionalism - collaboration regionally while maintaining the unique character of Fort Collins Create matrix of collaborative groups' meetings/purpose/goals 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Following May work session, regionalism focus areas have been narrowed and will be highlighted in update cover memo. 6. Look into changing the April election to November with School Board years to have all local elections at once Develop background information 10/1/21 12/31/21 0 % Organize Election Code Committee 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Meetings started August , 2021, and the Committee meets every third Monday monthly from 12:00-1:30. Discussion begins. Completion of tasks to allow voter consideration 5/1/22 11/11/22 0 % 7. Advance gender equity in City Sales Tax Code October adoption of Code Changes 9/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Ordinance passed on 2nd reading - October 19th City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 3 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis 8. Attract and retain competitive and diverse talent to meet the needs of the community: provide child care options for City employees. EPIC to submit final report with recommendations by the end of December. 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % EPIC/Human Resources to present to ELT in May/June with specific recommendations. Consideration of recommendations with funding requirements. Deploy strategies where funding not a factor. 1/1/22 12/31/22 100 % Work to ensure the right strategies to attract and retain caregivers as talent in our City will be an ongoing journey. To keep the momentum going into 2023, the following is on our plans: • We met with Christina Taylor, CEO of the Early Childhood Council of Larimer County, to see about optimizing our partnership with them, particularly as they have a database of providers for parents to find care. We have begun communications of this invaluable resource and welcome further dialogue with ECCLC in 2023. • We have decided to keep the employee co-pay for emergency care through Family Care Connection the same, even though our costs are increasing in 2023. • Katherine Bailey, the chair of our employee resource group, Caregivers’ Alliance, will be a featured speaker at our spring 2023 All Managers Meeting as we continue to promote ways to support caregivers at work. 9. Help bird species recover Create inter-departmental team 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % The team is established and meeting regularly. The Bird City USA application has been submitted. The team is led by the Natural Areas Department and includes the Gardens on Spring Creek, City of Fort Collins Parks Department, Audubon Fort Collins, Audubon Rockies, and Bird Conservancy of the Rockies. All is on track. Develop education program for Migratory Bird Day 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % World Migratory Bird Day events were held on Saturday, May 14 in collaboration with Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, Northern Colorado Wildlife Center, the City’s night sky program, Fort Collins Audubon, and City of Fort Collins Utilities and Natural Areas Departments. Activities included bird walks and migratory bird banding, bird box building/decorating, and a night hike with information about night sky-friendly lighting. One hundred and fifty seven community members participated. This is complete. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 4 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis Resolution for World Migratory Bird Day 4/1/22 6/30/22 100 % The Bird City designation is a prestigious award given by Environment for the Americas, a Boulder-based non-profit organization. The application consists of 64 questions/criteria, across six categories: Habitat Creation, Protection and Monitoring, Community Forest or Grassland Management, Limiting or Removing Threats to Birds, Public Education and Inclusion, Climate, Energy, and Sustainability, and World Migratory Bird Day. Application was submitted and a site visit with Environment for the Americas to Fossil Creek Reservoir Natural Area was held August 19 hosted by staff from City of Fort Collins Natural Areas and Audubon Rockies. The official designation letter is expected in September. Presentation of the Bird City award is scheduled as a Community Report at the October 18 City Council meeting. A memo outlining current efforts to help bird species recover and opportunities for future work was submitted to City Council in their August 2 packet. Bird City Award presented to City Council 10/1/22 10/31/22 100 % Bird City Award presented at October 18, 2022 Council Meeting. Staff will continue to work with partner agencies to consider and address awareness activities regarding outdoor cats. 10. Accelerate composting - (Curbside and business) Work toward compost facility via Regional Wasteshed Project 10/1/21 4/30/23 20 % Infrastructure: Staff and Councilmembers Gutowsky and Ohlson continuing to engage in Regional Wasteshed Coalition. Larimer County is reviewing responses to their Request for Proposals seeking private partners to construct facilities including the compost facility. More information about potential compost facility timing may be clearer after the County's Request for Proposals (RFP) process concludes, which is behind schedule and does not have a committed decision date (hence the yellow status). If Larimer County decides to not build a food scrap compost facility, staff will seek other partnerships for facility needs. Policy: The contracted residential solid waste collection program was adopted. It presents an opportunity for a 78% - 130% increase in residential curbside yard trimmings composted and is a more affordable way to add this compost service for residents than the current system. Staff shared a roadmap for additional compost policy and infrastructure at the Our Climate Future topic at the October 11, 2022 Work Session. Feedback from that Work Session will be incorporated in future work planning and Council onboarding. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 5 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis 11. Adopt graywater statute to allow graywater systems in new buildings November Council Work Session 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % • Council Work Session completed on Nov. 21, 2021, resulting in: • Direction to staff to create a graywater ordinance that aligned with Colorado law and water right limitations. Ordinance Development 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % Stakeholder Outreach 4/1/22 6/30/22 100 % Present Ordinance to Council 7/1/22 9/30/22 100 % Implement Ordinance and revised building code 10/1/22 12/31/22 100 % Staff are completed final tasks to prepare for implementation on effective date of ordinance - Nov. 1, 2022. These items, such as website updates, training, design criteria document, and GIS map showing the graywater boundary are complete. As of Jan. 2023, all water and wastewater providers in the City Limits have agreed to allow graywater in thier service area. 12. Districted system for garbage, recycling and compost Project scope and plan 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Memo of project outline and timing sent to Council on 12/28/21. Research, modeling, metrics 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % Complete Hauler and resident engagement 4/1/22 9/30/22 100 % Staff engaged extensively with haulers and the community throughout this project. Staff is working with haulers and HOAs (Homeowners Association) to conduct the HOA contract compliance check and will engage more with the community in early 2024 regarding cart size selection and setting up billing with Republic. Council review of engagement findings and RFP approach 10/1/22 12/31/22 100 % Complete Determine next steps with Council 1/1/23 3/30/23 100 % The contract and related ordinances were adopted on February 21 and March 7 and will be re-adopted on April 4 and 18, 2023 due to procedural issues. 13. Explore climate emergency messaging and action Begin update of OCF tactical plan 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % Complete: Workplan created for '23-'24 Tactical / Next Moves update City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 6 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis Continue update OCF tactical plan 4/1/22 9/30/22 100 % Complete: Next Moves Workplan being developed by staff and community leaders that lays out strategies to be implemented over the next two years supporting the Council OCF Action Roadmap and OCF outcomes (Big Moves) overall Test messaging with community; evaluate Climate goals; update Council 4/1/22 9/30/22 100 % Council received PRPA (Platte River Power Authority) overview of IRP to reach ~90% RE by 2030; Council confirmed OCF Council Action Road Map to reach 80% reduction in greenhouse gases below 2005 levels by 2030; Council adopted an interim greenhouse gas reduction goal of 50% below 2005 levels by 2026. Complete update of OCF tactical plan; recommendations for goals and messaging to Council 10/1/22 12/31/22 90 % OCF Next Moves Plan for 2023-24 to be finalized in Q2; Council adopted new interim greenhouse gas reduction goal in Q4 of 2022 Implement recommendations 1/1/23 6/30/23 50 % Staff working to advance Big Move priorities within Council-confirmed OCF Road Map (shared during Q4 2022 Work Session); Council considering Sustainable Revenue options for scaling and accelerating climate initiatives at April 25, 2023 Work Session; OCF update memo/staff report to Council in Q2 or Q3 14. Effective soil amendment policies and compliance (water usage) Research best practices and coordinate internally 10/1/21 10/1/22 100 % Deliverables: • Third-party best practice report • Initial set of proposals, developed with staff and external stakeholders Initiate and complete outreach 6/17/22 6/1/23 75 % Internal/External engagement is on track to wrap up in June 2023. Upcoming activities include internal/external focus groups to present and vet the topic, cross-departmental feasibility and resources studies, and presentations to boards and commissions. Draft code updates for consideration of adoption and implementation 7/1/22 12/31/23 20 % • Clarion Associates is working to complete an official audit of LUC landscape standards (3.2.1). Expected delivery date is June 1, 2023 • Rounds of revisions to the proposal will continue through May 2023. Staff has started working with City Attorney's office to draft code language for adoption (first reading) on Nov. 21, 2023. • First reading was rescheduled from Sept. 19 to Nov. 21, 2023 to accommodate additional engagement activities including feasibility and resources studies with staff, implementation planning, and better alignment with other City-led projects. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 7 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis 15. Protect and Enhance Instream River Flows Discussions with Northern Water, 1041 Regulatory Development, & Regional Water Discussion 10/1/21 12/31/21 0 % Begin implementation of BFO Offers accepted 1/1/22 3/30/22 0 % 1041 Regulatory Development and Regional Water Discussion 4/1/22 9/30/22 0 % First reading of 1041 regulations is scheduled for May 2, 2023. Regional water conversation scheduled for May 9, 2023 work session 16. Reduce Plastic Pollution Distribution of free reusable bags 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Initial round of bag distribution was completed in December 2021. Staff distributed an additional 5,500 free reusable bags in Q2 2022 to the general public, low-to-moderate income households, and LatinX/Hispanic community members. Stakeholder engagement 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Stakeholder engagement has taken place from 2021 to today and will continue through the end of 2022 through the stages of preparing for and rolling out the Disposable Bag Ordinance. (Stakeholders include grocers, community organizations, and community members.) Council work session 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % Completed on 3/1/2022 Ordinance implementation and outreach 4/1/22 6/30/22 100 % Staff conducted 18 outreach events to distribute free reusable bags as well as multiple grocers check-ins in Q2. Two community groups servicing historically underrepresented community members distributed free reusable bags in Q2. Additional Community engagement 7/1/22 12/31/22 100 % Additional community engagement at Earth Day events on April 20th, 22nd, and 23rd. Will be giving away reusable bags, have information on the changes to share, and have tips on remembering reusable bags when shopping in Fort Collins. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 8 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis Possible Council work session to review policy options 1/1/23 3/30/23 0 % Given Council direction at May 10, 2022 Council Priorities Work Session to focus implementation of local and state single-use plastics policies are implemented, staff does not recommend an additional Work Session at this time Review current microplastics reduction technology with consultant support 6/1/23 9/1/23 100 % Complete 17. Improved Air Quality Council work session on oil and gas regulations 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Complete EPA grant 10/1/21 12/31/21 80 % • The EPA awarded the Air Quality team a two-year environmental justice grant that is focused on how best to align and integrate our indoor air quality program with energy efficiency programs. • Conducted 12 Healthy Homes assessments in target neighborhoods, 5 for Spanish-Speaking households and 7 for English-speaking households. • Planning weatherization installation events and accompanying volunteer training • Contracted with an HVAC servicing company to provide furnace health and safety checks for participants. Collaborating with Energy Services to create a participant resource guide on the various local programs and organizations that can assist with energy efficiency and air quality. Consider oil and gas code revisions 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % Land Use Code updates adopted April 4, 2023. New work stream for existing operations noted above (Work Session to discuss options to be scheduled). Create interagency task force 1/1/22 3/30/22 25 % County and City staff were notified of a $500K EPA grant award which will support the task force. Award allocation has been delayed, so continues to be deferred to align and use new grant resources. Anticipate award in place by Q2 or Q3 2023. Lawn and garden equipment rebate program 4/1/22 9/30/22 100 % The RAQC Mow Down Pollution Program is live and accepting applications as of April 5. The City's CPIO (Communications and Public Involvement Office) is supplementing advertising through social media. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 9 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis State considers updated State Implementation Plan (SIP) re: ozone non-attainment 10/1/22 12/31/22 75 % As with the prior update, portions of the SIP were adopted and the RAQC (Regional Air Quality Council) continues to work on those areas that required amendments. There is also a pending bill in the legislature to advance work on ozone that staff will track via the LRC and CC4CA (Colorado Communities for Climate Action). 18. Make real progress on the road to Zero Waste (with focus on multi-family and commercial recycling and construction and demolition recycling) Multifamily and commercial Community Recycling Ordinance compliance sweep. 10/1/21 1/1/22 100 % The compliance sweep is complete. Staff is working with the hauler and the national accounts team of the one remaining non-compliant business. If there is not a concrete timeline to resolution within the next week staff will issue a citation. Complete. Successfully worked with haulers and businesses to add recyling service. Achieved 100% compliance with multi-family housing developments and commercial businesses. Hire C&D staff (if funded), or continue C&D recycling complaint response and compliance inspections as time allows. 1/1/22 3/1/22 100 % Complete Memo to Council on compliance sweep. 1/1/22 3/1/22 100 % Update memo sent to Council on 4/7/22. C&D staff (if funded) works to increase proactive C&D recycling compliance. 3/1/22 4/30/23 100 % New step: staff is has issued warnings and is laying the groundwork to issue citations where needed. Ongoing work: staff is distributing educational materials, conducting visits to C&D sites, has identified and is implementing program improvements. C&D staff (if funded) engages in C&D market development projects at state & regional level. 6/1/22 4/30/23 100 % C&D staff member is participating in state-level market development work through Recycle Colorado C&D Council. Assisting with policy brief to be distributed to state legislators. Assisting with policy toolkit for local governments. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 10 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis C&D staff (if funded) provide update and impact memo to Council on C&D recycling. 1/1/23 3/31/23 100 % C&D staff provided an update and impact memo to Council on C&D recycling in March 2023. Compile research on deconstruction ordinance and determine next steps if applicable. 4/1/23 6/30/23 0 % Share outcome of deconstruction ordinance and recommendations via memo to Council. 4/1/23 6/30/23 25 % Memo to be provided to City Council with recommendations for next steps by the end of Q2. 19. Xeriscape – Increase rebates and education, less green lawns with new development Increase Xeriscape rebates and incentives 9/1/21 12/31/23 75 % The 2022 Xeriscape Incentive Program year ended with a record 94 residential projects and 6 commercial projects completed. The Xeriscape Incentive Program (XIP) application for commercial and residential customers launched in September 2022. Current efforts: • Appropriating federal and state awarded grant funds for rebates • Discussions with ELCO and FCLWD to explore opportunities to expand xeriscape rebates to customers in those water districts • Exploring options for how to use funding from State Turf Replacement Program (CO House Bill 22-1151) • Engaging with managers to apply for funding for turf replacement projects on city-owned properties Improve Xeriscape literacy and increase education opportunities 10/1/21 12/31/23 75 % Staff continues to explore ways to educate customers about xeriscape. Utilities has partnered with the Gardens on Spring Creek to offer subsidies for adult education classes in 2023 that promote water conservation. The 2023 Xeriscape Garden Party and community plant swap will take place on June 17. Over 700 people attended the educational event in 2022. New in 2023, the Xeriscape Incentive Program is offering three hybrid landscape design classes taught by local landscape designers. 66 people attended the first class in March 2023 and nearly 100 are signed up for the April 2023 class. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 11 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis Update Xeriscape regulations 10/1/21 12/31/23 75 % Internal/External engagement is on track to wrap up in June 2023. Upcoming activities include internal/external focus groups to present and vet the topic, cross-departmental feasibility and resources studies, and presentations to boards and commissions. Clarion Associates is working to complete an official audit of LUC landscape standards (3.2.1). Expected delivery date is June 1, 2023 Rounds of revisions to the proposal will continue through May 2023. Staff has started working with City Attorney's office to draft code language for adoption (first reading) on Nov. 21, 2023. First reading was rescheduled from Sept. 19 to Nov. 21, 2023 to accommodate additional engagement activities including feasibility and resources studies with staff, implementation planning, and better alignment with other City-led projects. Water Supply Requirement modification 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % • On Oct. 5, 2021, Council adopted Ordinance No. 119, 2021 which brings changes to Fort Collins Utilities Water Supply Requirements. These changes will encourage efficient landscaping in new developments by linking cost to water use (e.g., higher water use landscapes will pay more and lower water use landscapes will pay less). • Changes go into effect on Jan. 1 2022. • Staff is actively finalizing the implementation plan and working with developments that will take place in 2022. 20. Enhanced recycling education Barriers to Recycling engagement and benchmarking 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Complete Analyze engagement feedback 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % Feedback from historically underrepresented groups compiled and analyzed. Implement and track new education elements 4/1/22 12/31/22 65 % - Shared a memo to Council in March with updates on progress made on Barriers to Recycling/Recycling Education and included a progress tracker. - In collaboration with Our Climate Future, crafted posting for a Community Consultant (i.e., paid community member who advises on City projects) to review recycling education materials from a cultural relevance lens and further the initial findings of the Barriers to Recycling work. This work will take place in Q2-Q4. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 12 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis Memo to Council on engagement findings and recommendations 4/1/22 6/30/22 100 % June 2022 Memo sent to Council on May 4, 2022. Memo to Council summarizing changes made and next steps 1/1/23 3/30/23 100 % Complete. https://records.fcgov.com/Coun... 21. Improved and accelerated stream (riparian) restoration Review options for work acceleration with Council Finance 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Stream (riparian) restoration Off-Cycle Budget Offer 1/1/22 12/31/22 0 % Stream (riparian) restoration 2023-24 BFO Offer 1/1/23 12/31/23 0 % 22. Raise the minimum wage Issue RFP and Select Consultant 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Completed Complete Survey and Engagement 1/1/22 3/30/22 90 % Staff has engaged a number of partners in the community that work directly with low wage earners, including the County Workforce Center and some non-profits. Engagement is still on-going and will be included in the next work session on this topic scheduled for April 11, 2023. Present Findings to City Council 4/1/22 6/30/22 60 % On November 15, 2022, City Council voted to postpone consideration of a local minimum wage ordinance until May of 2023. Based on feedback from Council staff has conducted additional analysis on the potential impacts to low wage earners and their social safety net benefits. This information as well as additional information will be shared with Council on April 11, 2023 at a work session. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 13 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis Council Consider local ordinance 7/1/22 9/30/22 0 % On November 15, 2022, City Council postponed consideration of a local minimum wage ordinance to May 16, 2023 instructing staff to conduct additional targeted outreach and analysis. Council will be able to review the additional input from the engagement at the April 11, 2023 work session. Consideration of a local ordinance to set a minimum wage higher than the state's level is scheduled on Council's calendar. Local minimum wage effective [Depending on Council Action] 1/1/23 3/30/23 0 % 23. Develop a Circular Economy Plan (EHSP) Issue RFP and select Consultant 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % Engage Community 4/1/22 9/30/22 30 % • Additional engagement is being developed in partnership with the City's Communication and Public Involvement Office (CPIO) team, including the restart of ourcity.fcgov.com. • Survey utilized with one-on-one interviews are also being developed to stay consistent with the SWOT analysis questionnaire. • Continue to explore additional options for focus groups, outreach and events to diversify and ensure outreach to diversified sectors and demographics. Prepare Existing Conditions Analysis 4/1/22 6/30/22 0 % Present Big Moves and Strategy Update to Council 10/1/22 12/31/22 30 % • Second Council Work Session is scheduled for August 8, 2023 to discuss big moves. Develop Implementation Plan 1/1/23 3/30/23 15 % Early outreach and SWOT analysis has been performed. Economic Health anticipates additional outreach and engagement to develop the community's Economic Health Strategic Plan. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 14 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis 24. Partner with Poudre School District (PSD) for workforce development On-going support of PSD for workforce development through partners, including assistance in siting the Future's Lab. 10/1/21 4/30/23 50 % Next Gen is an established program with our Volunteer Management Program, and we have expanded the number of students participating in 2023. Posted NextGen on their Xello platform, and all of our participants have come from PSD. We have 23 teens signed up. Continuing the partnership with the PSD Transition Team to find work-based learning experiences for students with disabilities. Working on a targeted effort to develop a high school internship program. Next Gen is currently 25% complete and ends in August. The other components of this work are ongoing. 25. Affordable, Quality and Accessible Childcare Infrastructure Periodic memo updates to Council as appropriate and necessary 4/1/22 6/30/22 100 % Memo submitted to Council in May 2022 detailing activity, status and progress occurring within the community and the City organization re: childcare Periodic memo updates to Council as appropriate and necessary 10/1/22 12/31/22 100 % Prior milestones have been met. An additional update memo will be provided in the Fall of 2023. 26. Create a targeted, specific plan for community recovery Draft Recovery Plan: Work session (Oct 26), and Council adoption (Dec 7) 10/1/21 12/31/21 100 % Completed and Council adopted. Implementation 1/1/22 12/31/22 100 % Q4: All $28.1M of federal ARPA funds awarded to the City of Fort Collins have been appropriated to recovery programs, with 60+ programs expected to run and/or launch in 2023. 27. Access funding for parks (maintenance and operations, refresh, and new parks) Council Finance Committee 10/1/21 12/31/21 80 % • This item has been to the Council Finance Committee in six times in the last 1 1/2 years. • Options and alternatives were discussed with CFC for the next presentation to the full Council. Convene internal team. 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % • The team has been formed and is made up with representatives of Budget, Finance, CMO, City Gives, Parks, Park Planning and Community Services. • Materials were prepared for the Jan, Mar, June and Sept CFC meetings. • Materials were prepared for the June and Dec. Work Sessions. 1. 2. 3. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 15 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis Council work session. 1/1/22 3/30/22 75 % • Preparing for the next Council Work Session on April 25th. • Seeking direction on funding alternatives to close the funding gaps on the four priority areas. • Recommendations include a 2023 funding initiative for P&R Infrastructure Replacement supported by a Property Tax Mill Levy increase. Develop & implement plan following direction clarification 4/1/22 6/30/22 50 % • Feedback has included the direction to develop solutions for the Medium and Full funding approach. The Low funding option was removed from consideration per Council direction. • December Work Session will include options that address climate focused options per direction in the Sept. CFC meeting. • Several options being presented at the 4/25 Council Work Session. 28. Improve tree policies Complete evaluation of current pertinent code 10/1/21 12/31/22 100 % • Staff has evaluated current pertinant code and brought code update themes to the January 24, 2023 council work session. Present potential code updates at Council Work Session 12/1/22 3/31/23 100 % • Staff brought proposed tree-related land use code updates to the January 24, 2023 Council Work Session. • Staff will continue internal and external stakeholder engagement to draft new code and are planning to bring code changes forward in Q3 2023 for adoption. • In conjuction with other Land Use Code changes related to LUC 3.2.1 Landscape Standards (Xeriscape, soils, irrigation and trees). Draft code updates 1/1/23 10/31/23 10 % • Clarion Associates is working to complete an official audit of LUC landscape standards (3.2.1) • Staff are in beginning stages of working with City Attorney's office in drafting code updates • Staff are also scheduling boards and commissions meetings to inform and seek support for code updates over the course of the summer • Council adoption (first reading) scheduled for November 21, 2023 29. Tree planting subsidy Implement offer and order trees if funded 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % Offer was funded and 1000 trees have been ordered through Fort Collins Wholesale Nursery for a September 2022 tree sale. Staff has begun planning on how to prioritize underserved areas of the community and create better access to all, to increase canopy equity through this program. 100% of trees sold to residents for planting 7/1/22 9/30/22 100 % The 2022 Community Canopy Program was a success in that all 1000 trees were sold and picked up to be planted on private property within the GMA. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 16 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A Initiatives Milestones Milestone Start Date Milestone End Date Milestone Percent Complete Milestone Analysis 30. Implementation of 15-minute community concept Develop a set of needs/strategies-funding dependent 4/1/22 12/31/22 100 % Council Work Session 4/20/22 10/25/22 0 % Create draft plan 7/1/22 9/30/22 0 % Finalize plan for approval 10/1/22 12/31/22 100 % This effort has been completed. Staff presented a draft analysis to Council in October, and has since then incorporated their feedback. Then final report has been shared back to Council via a memo. The findings of the analysis will be used to inform efforts throughout the City. 31. Homelessness Initiatives Shelter "inform" campaign 11/1/21 12/31/21 100 % • Conducted Homelessness Awareness Month campaign in November via social media. • Collaborated with six partner agencies to share posts throughout the month. • Proclamation at City Council on November 16 had over 50 representatives from partner agencies! • Staff spoke with the Coloradoan and KCSU-TV about current conditions and future 24/7 shelter. Community Engagement for future 24/7 shelter-funding dependent 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % In preparation for their future 24/7 shelter facility, Fort Collins Rescue Mission conducted engagement and information-finding by: • Holding trauma-informed design interviews with diverse stakeholders • Completing a geotechnical survey and report • Completing a conceptual review • Conducting a traffic study This information has helped informed next step, which include a neighborhood meeting and development review process, and ongoing refinement of shelter services and design. Outreach Fort Collins midtown planning. 1/1/22 3/30/22 100 % Outreach Fort Collins has completed their planning for the midtown expansion and will officially begin serving this area on September 6. Implementation of OFC midtown expansion. 7/1/22 9/30/22 100 % Outreach Fort Collins officially begin serving midtown Fort Collins on September 6, 2022. They are fully staffed and, after conducting much outreach to midtown businesses and residents, have set their service area boundaries as the entire College corridor from Mulberry to Trilby, and a couple blocks east and west. City of Fort Collins, CO Apr-23 Report Generated 4/25/23 @ 8:58 AM, Page 17 of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5CD23BCC-9D2F-4966-A8D4-CDF2C698329A