HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Read Before Packet - 3/14/2023 - Memorandum From Anissa Hollingshead Re: Leadership Planning Team Meeting Minutes – March 13, 2023 City Clerk 300 LaPorte Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6515 970.221-6295 - fax fcgov.com/cityclerk MEMORANDUM DATE: March 13, 2023 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Anissa Hollingshead, City Clerk RE: Leadership Planning Team (LPT) Meeting Mayor Jeni Arndt (by phone), Mayor Pro Tem Emily Francis, City Attorney Carrie Daggett, Deputy City Manager Tyler Marr, Assistant City Manager Rupa Venkatesh, and City Clerk Anissa Hollingshead met in the City Manager’s Conference Room on Monday, March 13, 2023. The following summarizes the discussions that began at 8:00 a.m. 3/14/2023 Work Session: The published agenda for this meeting was reviewed. • This Work Session will be conducted in person with hybrid remote participation options. Most Councilmembers will be present in person in the Colorado River Room at 222 Laporte Ave, with Councilmember Canonico participating remotely. There is no public participation at work sessions. The meeting is viewable in person, via Zoom, and on FCTV on cable television and via livestream. • There will be a staff report on Communications Strategy. • Two discussion items are planned. The first item focuses on planning for the future of the Hughes Stadium Site. The other discussion item is an overview of the Economic Health Strategic Plan. • Regarding the Hughes site property, it was noted railroad spikes were painted with messages about the land and land back specifically and left on the sidewalks/ramps leading to City Hall. These will be picked up and will be treated like an unattended political sign. It was also noted Hughes was mentioned at a recent meeting convened by the Equity Office with members of the Indigenous community and there was not a shared consensus around the value of this land to Native community members. 3/21/2023 Council Meeting: The draft agenda for this meeting was reviewed. • This Council meeting will be conducted in person with hybrid remote participation options. Councilmembers will be present in person in Council Chambers. Public participation for the meeting will Leadership Planning Team Meeting March 13, 2023 Page 2 of 3 be available in three ways: in person, via Zoom, and by phone. The meeting will be broadcast on FCTV on cable television and via livestream. • One proclamation is planned for this meeting, to be presented at 5 p.m. in Council Chambers. • The consent calendar was reviewed. There are four second readings of ordinances, six first readings, and six resolutions planned for the consent calendar along with several second readings. • The discussion agenda includes three first readings of ordinances. Tyler Marr and Blaine Dunn will be handling the presentation regarding the appropriation ordinance for the purchase of the Hughes site. The actual presentation is not expected to be lengthy. The other two items also have brief presentations, including the adoption of the Vision Zero Action Plan, and amendments to City Code relating to elections to make updates needed for the transition to regular November municipal elections. 6-Month Calendar: • Upcoming meetings were reviewed with particular attention to any shifts. • When the oil and gas ordinance returns for second reading in April, staff will be prepared to return with additional ordinances if necessary. It is planned to talk about the choice of moving forward with what has been prepared and returning with more later if more is desired, making clear it is possible to hold off on parts or all of what has been prepared thus far if that is the direction from Council at that time. • For April Council meetings, there are several proclamation requests that are being scheduled at this time. There remained consensus for looking to schedule no more than five proclamations prior to any meeting. Also reiterated was direction to look to schedule proclamations out in the community when possible and clarity on ensuring a proclamation is publicly read and presented at either a Council meeting or out in the community. • There was discussion regarding Public Service Recognition week and how to schedule this at a Council meeting. There was consensus to schedule a proclamation to be read prior to the May 16 Council meeting, before the City Works graduation and dinner, and then to conduct a presentation of awards to City employees at the beginning of the regular meeting at 6 p.m. • Interest was confirmed in scheduling a work session in July or August to discuss the recommendations that come forward from the Boards & Commissions Ad Hoc Committee. Staff will look at scheduling for either the July 25 or August 8 work session. • There was a request to also get time scheduled now on July and August work sessions regarding the Land Use Code. Leadership Planning Team Meeting March 13, 2023 Page 3 of 3 City Clerk Anissa Hollingshead • No additional items. Assistant City Manager Rupa Venkatesh • No additional items. City Attorney Carrie Daggett • Will be following up to arrange outside ethics legal counsel for screening and for outside legal opinions as needed and will update Council accordingly. Deputy City Manager Tyler Marr • Following up on the discussion about earmarks last week, noted an email went out last week to Council with what was being submitted on behalf of the City and also what we’re aware of that was submitted from other community organizations. Will keep Council apprised of what occurs with these, and they will be a focus of the upcoming National League of Cities (NLC) trip. It would also be helpful for Mayor Arndt to get talking points ahead of an upcoming meeting with Congressman Neguse. • Asked about the LPT meeting currently scheduled for March 27 and whether it should be cancelled. Confirmed it can be given several LPT members will be traveling for NLC and there is no work session that week. Mayor Pro Tem Emily Francis • Met with ECCLC about what they are wanting to put on the ballot regarding placing a childcare tax on the ballot. The County has indicated a likely willingness to support placing such a question if Fort Collins or Loveland are not in opposition. Mayor Jeni Arndt • Shared observations from watching the legislature around trends involving passing a range of bills leaving things to cities to execute that are increasingly political, often without clear guidance or support. Some of these things are not in the scope of what cities are equipped to do. Also noted some tensions with where the state does and does not choose to engage, and how opt in provisions are being used. Meeting adjourned at 8:36 a.m.