HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Mail Packet - 2/14/2023 - 02 - Council Futures Committee Agenda – February 13, 2023 1 Futures Committee Agenda Monday, February 13 4:00-6:00pm REMOTE via Zoom Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/99774321396 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +12532158782,,99774321396# or +13462487799,,99774321396# Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 Webinar ID: 997 7432 1396 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/ackbXizkqn For Technical Assistance please call: 970-221-6505 Call meeting to order 4:00- 4:05 Facilitated by Tricia Canonico Roll Call, Approval of November 14, 2022, Minutes and Overview of Futures Committee Participation: 4:05- 4:15 Facilitated by Caryn Champine Chair Selection Facilitated by Caryn Champine The Future of Futures Facilitated by Caryn Champine 4:15-4:45: • How best to organize Futures topics? • Topic ideas • Check-in on day/time of Futures Additional Items Committee Members Councilmember Emily Francis Councilmember Susan Gutowsky Councilmember Tricia Canonico Staff Liaison: Caryn Champine, Director Planning, Development and Transportation Staff Support: Megan DeMasters, Environmental Services; Melina Dempsey, FCMoves Futures Committee Items 2022 1-2022 Community member skills needed for the Future 2-2022 Growing Forward: Population Trends Impacting the State, North Front Range and Fort Collins 3-2022 The Future of Community Architecture 4-2022 The Future of 15 Minute Communities 5-2022 The Future of Sharing Cities 6-2022 The Future of Alternative Modes of Transportation 1 CITY OF FORT COLLINS FUTURES COMMITTEE MEETING Date: November 14, 2022 Location: Zoom Time: 04:00pm-06:00pm Committee Members present: Councilmember Tricia Canonico Councilmember Susan Gutowsky Additional Council members present: City Staff: Caryn Champine Presenters: Councilmember Canonico Courtney Geary, City of Fort Collins Active Modes Manager Additional Staff present: Kelly DiMartino, City Manager’s Office Megan DeMasters, Environmental Services Melina Dempsey, FC Moves Aaron Iverson, FC Moves Anna Kelso, FC Moves Chad Crager, Broadband Ginny Sawyer, City Manager’s Office Kendall Minor, Utilities Carrie Daggett City Attorney’s Office Claudia Menendez, City Manager’s Office Tyler Marr, City Manager’s Office Terri Runyan, City Manager’s Office Michelle Finchum, Environmental Services Teresa Roche Others present: Kevin Jones, Fort Collins Chamber Dave Dixon Ed Peyronnin Kevin Krause Greg Boiarsky Marcia Richards Sandy Lemberg Todd Dangerfield, DDA Tim Anderson Whitney Allison Meeting called to order at 4:05pm Approval of Minutes: Councilmember Gutowsky moved to approve the July 11 minutes. Councilmember Canonico seconded. Motion passed 2-0-1 2 Chairman Comments: N/A Summary • Discussion was focused on Council member Canonico’ s recent visit to the Dutch Cycling Embassy and lessons learned that can be applied to future of alternative modes of transportation in the City of Fort Collins • Discussion on how bike infrastructure can integrate into future investments in community, and we can rebalance the transportation system to allow for diverse modes of transportation • It is important to collaborate with school systems and businesses and to be innovative as the City develops alternative modes plans • Active modes planning should be done with the 15-minute City in mind • Action: Bring back the group from the Netherlands for another workshop • Action: Consider how updates to the active modes plan can help address issues with infrastructure, etc. Think Tank Item 6-2022 The Future of Alternative Modes of Transportation, Cortney Geary, Manager of FCMoves and Councilmember Tricia Canonico • Councilmember Canonico visited the Dutch Cycling Embassy: a network of public and private organizations who support cycling o The Netherlands shifted to a more resilient transportation system in the 1970s • Key lessons learned from Utrecht, Netherlands: o People bike for joy o Cars are “guests” to bikes o Cycling is a central component to the transportation system o Focus on cycling highlights the ease and convenience of biking in the Netherlands  There are not enough bike racks for number of bikes o There is a focus on creating safe conditions for biking  Most Dutch don’t wear helmets because safety is such a large part of the culture  How to make bike bells “cool” • For the future of alternative modes planning in Fort Collins o In alternative modes planning, consider how to leverage technology to make it easier and more convenient to pursue other transportation  i.e. bike parking spaces o Consider how to ensure bike infrastructure allows us to be in City center and the core corridor- consider user experience- plan and design for the future we ant o Important to be collaborative and innovative- work with partners and business communities o Importance of making it easy and convenient for people to travel via bikes  Infrastructure is an important component- it takes a comprehensive approach to programs, polices and how to partner with business community Q&A and Additional Discussion N/A Additional Items Future of Futures Committee 3 • Explore more about density • Age-friendly community as a topic • Regionalism **Support to cancel Futures in December Meeting adjourned by Councilmember Gutowsky at 5:59pm