HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo - Read Before Packet - 2/7/2023 - 04 - Memorandum From Jason Graham Re: Draft 1041 Regulations Additional Information And Meeting With Councilmember Peel- February 7, 2023 Council Meeting - Agenda Item 20 Utilities electric  stormwater  wastewater  water 700 Wood St PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6700 970.221.6619 fax 970.224.6003 TDD utilities@fcgov.com fcgov.com/utilities MEMORANDUM DATE: February 6, 2023 TO: Mayor Arndt and City Council FROM: Jason Graham, Director of Water Utilities THROUGH: Kendall Minor, Utilities Executive Director Kelly DiMartino, City Manager RE: Draft 1041 Regulations Additional Information and Meeting with Council Member Peel Bottom Line On Friday February 3, myself and Kathryne Marko, Environmental Regulatory Affairs Manager, met with Council Member Peel. Councilmember Peel had some general questions regarding proposed 1041 regulations and their potential impacts to the Water Utility. This memo serves as a summary of the discussion as well as provide additional information requested. Summary Fort Collins Water Utilities recommended the following project thresholds in our comments, which were incorporated into Draft 3. 1. Recommendation - project exclusions based on pipe size: 12 inch and smaller for water and 15 inch and smaller for wastewater. These thresholds distinguish between transmission of the system rather than conveyance to end users and are necessary to continue to provide existing services to our customers. 2. Recommendation - a Right of Way (ROW) area threshold; a new or added ROW that is greater than 30 feet in width and 1320 feet in length. This was recommended to be consistent with Larimer County's thresholds and it is essentially equivalent to an acre, which is a common surface area threshold that triggers additional regulations and requirements. Fort Collins Water Utilities also reviewed our Capital Improvement Plans to evaluate 1041 impacts to identified projects. A summary sheet was put together that gives example project types and, to the best of our understanding, how Draft 3 would apply. Some of the project types are theoretical and used more to help with our understanding of where the 1041 thresholds may apply. Most of our projects are maintenance and repair to maintain existing service levels and regulatory compliance. This is work within the existing ROW and/or treatment plants without increasing rated capacity. Based on current plans, Utilities may only have a few projects in the DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BBE3C12-0E34-463E-910A-CB1F8F9AB1D0 next 10 years that would go through the proposed process. At this time, there is not a specific project identified that would have to go through the process however there could be some that come up that haven’t been identified yet such as pipe installation that needs new (or added) ROW/Easement or lift station. The project summary sheet is included as an attachment to this memo. Cost Implications If a Water Utility project does go through this process, there likely will be cost implications – especially if a full permit is required. At this time, because we don’t have any specific projects identified, it is difficult to estimate financial impacts. Depending on the project scope and needed progression through the 1041 permit process, costs will vary. Enclosure: Project Summary Sheet CC: Caryn M. Champine, Director, Planning, Development, & Transportation Paul S. Sizemore, Deputy Director, Planning, Development & Transportation Kirk Longstein, Senior Environmental Planner Kathryne Marko, Environmental Regulatory Affairs (ERA) Manager Jesse Schlam, ERA Senior Environmental Regulatory Specialist DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BBE3C12-0E34-463E-910A-CB1F8F9AB1D0 HIGH LEVEL SUMMARY Scenario Anticipated Draft 3 Known Projects in this Category with in the next 10 years Any project entirely outside of City Limits NO Halligan Water Supply Project SOS 24" Poudre Pipeline Replacement from Canyon to Bellvue 2nd Horsetooth Reservoir Tower Inlet New Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF)YES Decommissioning/Demolition/De-rating (lowering Capacity) of existing WWTF.NO MWRF if Nutrients is unobtainable in 2027 reg 85 changes. Upgrade of existing WWTF with no increase in capacity.NO DWRF Headworks Improvements Phase 2 - 2021 (Construction) DWRF Digesters 611 and 612 Mixer Improvements MWRF Blower Replacements DWRF Clarifier Replacements MWRF UV Disinfection System DWRF Non-potable Piping System (Eastside) Replacement Installation of new chemical feed system at WWTF to meet new permit requirements, with no increase in capacity NO DWRF Carbon Addition Phase II Replacing an existing chemcial feed system at an the Water Treatment Facility (WTF) with a newer more efficient brand. Inside fenceline. No change in capacity NO Adding an additional pump for redundancy at an existing WTF, all work is indoors and there is no change in capacity.NO WTF Solids Belt Press Building Installation of new sewer greater than 15" pipe or new water line greater than 12"YES Installation of new sewer less or equal to 15" pipe or new water line less than or equal to 12" pipe but adds less than 1320 LF x 3 Ft of easement/ROW NO Installation of new sewer less or equal to 15" pipe or new water line less than or equal to 12" pipe but adds at least 1320 LF x 30 Ft wide of Easement/ROW. YES Maybe one or two within the next ten years but hard to estimate at this time. Installation of a new lift station YES Annual replacement of aging wastewater mains, replace clay pipe, to current standards. *Assumes existing easement or ROW NO 212 W Mulberry St Alley (likely has clay pipe) Annual replacement of aging water mains, replace galvanized and lead to current standards. *Assumes existing easement or ROW NO Galvanized Service Replacement Replace existing water main with same size and pipe type. *Assumes existing easement or ROW NO Small Capital Repair/Replacement Projects too many to accurately count over the next 10 year Water Distribution Replacement Program Wastewater Collection Replacement Program Repair of a water main break in old town.NO Replacement of a water storage tank with new tank materials and configuration. *Assumes no increase in capacity.NO Installation of new water storage tank. YES New stormwater pipe (no other infrastructure)NO Oak Street Outfall Extension Magnolia Outfall Most SW Small Cap, and Minor Cap and Full Projects as few ever require moving water or ww outside of the ROW or require additional easements. New stormwater pipe through natural areas requiring relocation of drinking water main. New or expanded easement greater than 1320 LF x 30 FT YES Stream rehab project, no W/WW infrasturcture NO Poudre River Downtown Reach 2 DWRF Levee Modifying the diversion for irrigation/stormwater concerns.NO Lake Canal Diversion off the Poudre (Irrigation Canal) Enlarging of a park pond (irrigation water). No W/WW infrastructure.NO DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BBE3C12-0E34-463E-910A-CB1F8F9AB1D0