HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES-02/03/1981-RegularFebruary 3, 1981 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO Council -Manager Form of Government Regular Meeting - 5:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins was held on Tuesday, February 3, 1981, at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City of Fort Collins City Hall. Roll call was answered by the following Coun- cilmembers: Bowling, Gray, Kross, Reeves, Wilkinson, and Wilmarth. Absent: Councilman St. Croix. Staff Members Present: Arnold, Liley, Lanspery, Krajicek, Lewis, and Mabry. Prior to the beginning of the meeting, representatives of PRPA gave a slide presentation to update Council on the progress at the Rawhide Plant. 1 Agenda Review: City Manager City Manager John Arnold asked that Item #18, Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 21, 1981, Amending Article IX of t e o e o t e City o Fort ollins Relatingto Firemen's and Policemen's Pension Funds, and Item rc 9, eso ution Increasing the ity s ontribution to the Retirement Plan of the itv o ort o ins, e wit raven ram t e agen a. Councilman Wilmarth asked that Item #25, Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Intergovernmental Aarwit arimer ounty for t e rovision of Government Facilities, be withdrawn. Consent Calendar This Calendar is intended to allow the City Council to spend its time and energy on the important items on a lengthy agenda. Staff recommends approval of the Consent Calendar. Anyone may request an item on this calendar be "pulled" off the Consent Calendar and considered separately. 6. Consider approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 20, ' 98 . 34 F February 3, 1981 7. Second Read in of Ordinances Relatingto the Establishment of a Landmarkreservation ommittee. A. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 6, 1981, Establishing a Landmark Preservation Commission. B. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 7, 1981, Amending the Code Relating to the Duties of the Cultural Resources Board. These Ordinances were adopted unanimously on First Reading on January 20th. 8. Second Readin of Ordinance No. 10, 1981, Pertaining to Contracts ro essiona ervices. This Ordinance was unanimously adopted on First Reading on January 20th and incorporates the selection procedure for professional firms as a part of the City Code. 9. Second Readingof Ordinance No. 11, 1981, Rezonin a Replat of Ever- ' green Park Second Filing, Lots 46- 9, Block 4. This Ordinance was unanimously adopted on First Reading on January 20th and is a request to rezone Lots 46-49, Block 4, Replat of Ever- green Park, Second Filing, from RLP, Low Density Planned Residential, to RLM, Low Density Multiple Family, located on Conifer Street, east of Redwood, consisting of 1.41 acres. 10. Second Readin of Ordinance No. 12, 1981, Relating to Revisions to BL, IL, IP and C Zones to Al ow Day Care Centers in these Zones. This Ordinance was unanimously adopted on First Reading on January 20th and is a staff -initiated change to the Zoning Ordinance to add child care centers as a use by right in the B-L, C, I-L, and I-P zoning districts. 11. Second Readin of Ordinance No. 14, 1981, Submittin the Question of the sta is ment o a Downtown Develop ut ority to a ote o t e Qualified Electors of the District. This Ordinance was unanimously adopted on First Reading on January 20th and establishes March 17, 1981 as the date of the Downtown Development Authority election. I 35 r- February 3, 1981 12. Hearin and First Readin of Ordinance No. 15, 1981, Appropriatin Prior Year Reserves in t e even Year apital Fund. During 1980, it was estimated that $29,200 would be needed in City matching funds once the Section 18 grant was received. These funds were available in the Seven Year Capital Fund and were set aside for this purpose. Because the Section 18 grant was not received until 1981, these funds were not spent in 1980 and are now available in the Seven Year Capital Fund balance. The actual amount needed at this time for City matching funds is $28,823. This Ordinance appropriates the $28,823 in the Seven Year Capital Fund for transfer to the Transfort Fund. 13. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 16, 1981, Appropriatin n0 anticipated Ttevenues in t e iranstort un . This Ordinance appropriates $72,443 in grant monies and $28,823 in City matching funds for a total appropriation of $101,266 in the Transfort Fund. 14. Hearing and First Readin of Ordinance No. 17, 1981, Appropriatin Unanticipated Revenues in the Community Development Block Grant Fund. This Ordinance appropriates the $59,685 in the Community Development Block Grant Fund for the purpose of providing additional housing rehabilitation loans. 15. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 18, 1981 Authorizinc Ap p p cation to tre ort ,in Colorado Water Conservancy Districtor a Permanent Allotment Contract for 598 Acre Feet of Water. This Ordinance authorizes the City to apply for a permanent allot- ment contract for 598 units of NCWCD water which the City currently owns under temporary use permits. 16. Nearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 19, 1981, Being an, m in9the 1�T9�d-ition of the Uniform Bui7ing oC�dde as —it Relates to the Builainq Board of Apoea s. This Ordinance contains amendments to the 1979 Edition of the Uniform ' Building Code insofar as it relates to a Building Board of Appeals. It is the intent of this ordinance to adopt comprehensive provisions 36 February 3, 1981 to govern the Building Board of Appeals while at the same time making such comprehensive provisions consistent with the 1979 Edition of the Uniform Building Code. 11. Hearin and First Ree in of Ordinance No. 20, 1981, To Exclude P atte ever Power uthority From the EeVMents of Art. I, ChapteF 48. of the Code Reauirina the GrantinQ of a rant ise. The purpose of this Ordinance is to clarify the City's intention that Platte River Power Authority be included in the definition of "City Electric Utility" and not be required to obtain a franchise for the operation and maintenance of transmission lines necessary for the supplying of electricity to Fort Collins and the other member cities. Platte River Power Authority would, of course, be subject to all rules and regulations of the City pertaining to the operation, construction and maintenance of such transmission lines. 18. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 21, 1981, Amending Article 7X ofi —£he Cif Fort Collins-7elating to firemen s an Policemen's Pension Funds. This Ordinance increases the employees' contribution from 7-112% to 8% and the City contribution rate for Police and Fire pension plans to 18.15% and 22.11%, respectively. This is consistent with the current State pension plan and Poudre Valley Fire District rates. 19. Resolution Increasing the City's Contribution to the Retirement Plan An actuarial study completed by Tom McComb in May, 1980, recommended that the normal contribution rate for the Municipal employees pension plan be increased from 9.68% to 11.59% for 1981. Based upon this analysis, the 1981 budget was developed with the new rate increases. This resolution implements Mr. McComb's recommendation for 1981. 20. Resolution Adopting the Finance Department Report on Costs in Street morovF ement istric 3 and rb derino that be Given —to Prooertv This Resolution- adopts the Finance Department's report on costs for Street Improvement District #73 (formerly Mason Street now designated as McClelland) to be assessed against the property. H 3 February 3, 1981 21. Resolution Makinq an Appointment to the Senior Citizens Board. A vacancy is open on the Senior Citizens Board because of the resig- nation of Darryl Farrington. At the January 20th meeting, Council informally appointed alternate Lucy Tackle as a regular member of the Board. This Resolution makes that appointment official. 22. Resolution Appointing a Representative to the Larimer County Community Action Board. This Resolution appoints Gail Woods, the City's Volunteer Coordinator, to the Larimer County Community Action Board. 23. Two Resolutions Authorizing the Sale of Certain Lands and the Granting o Certain Easements to atte iver ower Minority an ut orizin9 the Usaae. by PRPA. of a Portion o the Capacity of the Soldier Canyon The first Resolution authorizes the sale of a tract of land and 2 easements near the Soldier Canyon Outlet of Horsetooth Reservoir. The second Resolution would entitle PRPA to use up to 3 c.f.s. of the capacity of the Soldier Canyon Outlet upon payment to the City of $35,000 and a yearly operation and maintenance fee of $1,500. 24. Routine Deeds and Easements. A. Power line easement from Ben and John Connolly located at 156 North College Avenue needed for the Old Town Redevelopment Pro- ject. Consideration: $1.00. B. Agreements representing negotiated settlements on the three remaining parcels obtained by.immediate possession awards for the West Mulberry Street Improvement District No. 74 Project: 1. Lillian Hamilton (Parcel 15.01) Fee Simple Consideration $950.00 Slope Easement Consideration 60.00 Temporary Construction and Permanent Easement Consideration 10.00 Settlement 880.00 Total $1,900.00 m 2. Opal Wilson (Parcel 15.02) Fee Simple Consideration Slope Easement Consideration Settlement Total 3. Lillian Hamilton (Parcel 15.03) Fee Simple Consideration Slope Easement Consideration Settlement Total February 3, 1981 $600.00 50.00 250.00 $900.00 $450.00 60.00 390.00 $900.00 C. Easement agreements with Poudre Pre -Mix, Inc., described as follows: 1. Water line easement from Poudre Pre -Mix to service STP #2. Consideration: $1.00. 2. Access easement from Poudre Pre -Mix adjacent to STP #2 to formalize commitments made at the time the land was purchased for the treatment plant in 1974 and 1976. Consideration: $1.00. 3. Access easement from the City to Poudre Pre -Mix in connection with the above access easement. Consideration: $1.00. 25. Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement wisfi�imerounty for the Provision o overnment aciT- ities. The City Council has previously discussed entering into an agreement with the County to provide intergovernmental facilities for the benefit of both the City of Fort Collins and Larimer County. This Resolution adopts such an agreement and authorizes the Mayor to enter into said agreement. Ordinances on Second Reading were read by title by City Clerk, Wanda Krajicek. Item #7. Second Reading of Ordinances Relating to the Establishment of a an mar PreservationLoommittee. Item #8. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 10, 1981, Pertaining to Contracts for P— r sional-services. 1 39 February 3, 1981 Item #9. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 11, 1981, Rezoning a Replat of Evergreen Park, Second Filing, Lots 46-49, Block 4. Item #10. Second , Reading of Ordinance No. 12, 1981, Relating to RRevyi;i2onss to an ones o ow ay areUenters in these Item #11. Second Realinj of� Ordinance No. 14, 1981, Submitting the Questi o t e sta ts6lThme o a owntown eve opment uthortty to Vote of the Oualified Electors of the District. Ordinances on First Reading were read by title by City Clerk, Wanda Kra- jicek. Item #12. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 15, 1981, Appropriat- ing Prior Year Reserves inn teve�ar Capital Fund, Item #13. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 16, 1981, Appropriat- ing 5 tictpated evenues in the Iranstort Fund. Item #14. Hearing and First Reading of Or No. 17, 1981, Appropriat- ina Onanttctoate Revenues in the ommuntty Deve ooment B oc�c Item #15. Heaving and First Reading of Ordinance No. 18, 1981, Authorizing pp tcatton to t e Nort ern Colorado Water Conservancy tstrict for a Permanent Allotment Contract for 598 Acre Feet of Water. Item #16. Hearin and First Readin of Ordinance No. 19, 1981, Being an Ordtnance Amendtnq the 979 Edition o the Uniform Building Code es to the butltltnq boaro oT Appeals. Item #17. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 20, 1981, To Exclude atte iver ower ut ortty rom the Requirements of Art. I, Chapter 48, of the Code Requiring the brantinq ot a Franchise, Councilman Wilkinson made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Reeves, to approve all items not removed from the Consent Calendar. Yeas: Council - members Bowling, Gray, Kross, Reeves, Wilkinson, and Wilmarth. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. 40 February 3, 1981 Ordinance Adopted, As Amended, on First Reading Relating to Firemen's and Policemen's Pension Funds Following is the City Manager's memorandum on this item: "An actuarial study completed by Tom McComb in May, 1980, recommended that the normal City contribution rate for Police and Fire pension plans be increased to 18.15% and 22.11% respectively. In addition, it was recommended by the Police and Fire Pension Boards to increase the employees contribution from 7-112% to 8%. This is consistent with the current State pension plan and Poudre Valley Fire District rates." City Attorney Liley distributed copies of this Ordinance and the related Resolution noting that they had been amended to include retroactive provi- sions. On the Ordinance and the Resolution the employer's contribution needs to be made retroactive to January 5, 1981. In addition, payments for ' new hires (fire and police hired after April 8, 1978) should be excluded from the contribution levels. She further noted that the contribution levels set in the Ordinance and Resolution fund current operations costs and do not fund the accrued unfunded liability of the pension plans. Councilman Wilkinson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Bowling, to adopt Ordinance No. 21, 1981, as amended, on First Reading. Yeas: Coun- cilmembers Bowling, Gray, Kross, Reeves, Wilkinson, and Wilmarth. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Resolution Adopted, As Amended, Increasing City's Contribution to Retirement Plan Councilman Wilkinson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Bowling, to adopt the Resolution, as amended. Yeas: Councilmembers Bowling, Gray, Kross, Reeves, Wilkinson, and Wilmarth. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. 41 February 3, 1981 Resolution Adopted Relating to Intergovernmental Agreement Following is the City Manager's memorandum on this item: "The City Council has previously discussed entering into an agreement with the County to provide intergovernmental facilities for the benefit of both the City of Fort Collins and Larimer County. Attached please find a resolution adopting such an agreement and authoriz- ing the Mayor to enter into said agreement." Councilman Wilmarth expressed concern about Section 2 of the agreement. He felt the paragraph was making a commitment that he was not sure Council consensus was to adopt this course of action. He expressed concern that this committed the City without knowing the costs involved. City Attorney Liley recommended that the paragraph be amended if Council was not prepared to have the City committed to proceed to purchase the property now. Councilman Wilmarth made a motion, seconded by Councilman Wilkinson, to amend Section 2 of the agreement by deleting the words "agrees to imme- diately proceed" and replacing them with "may begin to proceed". Yeas: Councilmembers Bowling, Gray, Kross, Reeves, Wilkinson, and Wilmarth. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Ordinances Adopted Relating to the Regulation of Group Homes ` Following is the City Manager's memorandum on this item: "A. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 13, 1981 Amending the Zoning Ordinance Relating to Group Homes. B. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 22, 1981 Amending Chapter 2 of the City Code Relating to Planning and Zoning Board Authority on the Special Review of Group Homes At the January 20, 1981 Council meeting, a majority of the Council indi- cated support of "Alternate B" of proposed Ordinance 13, 1981, regulating group homes. 42 February 3, 1981 1 The item was tabled, however, to allow revision of the legal language so that decision -making authority for the special review of group homes could be delegated to the Planning and Zoning Board (with appeal to the City Council). Specifically, these revisions entail: (a) changes in the proposed wording of the "group home ordinance" (13-81); and (b) an amendment of Chapter 2 of the City Code which delegates authority on specified planning items to the Planning and Zoning Board." Councilwoman Reeves made a motion, seconded by Councilman Kross to adopt Ordinance No. 13, 1981, on First Reading. Yeas: Councilmembers Bowling, Gray, Kross, Reeves, and Wilmarth. Nays: Councilman Wilkinson. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Bowling made a motion, seconded by Councilman Kross to adopt Ordinance No. 22, 1981, on First Reading. Yeas: Councilmembers Bowling, Gray, Kross, Reeves, and Wilmarth. Nays: Councilman Wilkinson. THE hlOTION CARRIED. 1 Report from DMJi1 City Manager John Arnold gave a brief recap on the development planned for the downtown area by the Burlington Northern Land Development Company. He then introduced representatives of DMJM, who presented the first phase of their report, the program about the hotel/convention center complex. They presented models of the area and noted that they expected the financing feasibility and alternatives phase to be ready in the very near future. They added that the project would probably end up being an integrated public/private project. The next meeting is expected to be in approxi- mately 2 months. Citizen Participation A proclamation naming February B-14 as Distributive Education Clubs of America Week was presented to members of the Poudre R-1 DECA staff. Mayor Gray presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Linda Mahan for her contribution to S.A.V.E. program. Dorothy Waum, State Director of Action for Colorado and Wyoming presented Mayor Gray with a presidential award for energy efficiency. She noted that Fort Collins was selected to receive this award in connection with project ' S.A.V.E. 43 February 3, 1981 Tony Giacopelli, 3701 Post Road, LaPorte, appeared and informed Council of his desire to hold a Mayor's Charity Ball to reproduce the big band era. He noted that the committee he had formed would be holding a meeting to begin to put the affair together. A more detailed report will come to Council after the committee has met. Request for Approval of Blue Angels Air Show at Fort Collins/Loveland Airport Following is the City Manager's memorandum on this item: "The Loveland Sertoma Club has scheduled the Navy's Blue Angels for an air show on June 20 and 21 at the Fort Collins/Loveland Airport. The net profits of this show will go to charity. The Blue Angels previously performed at our airport in 1976 and 1978, ' Although the field will be closed to other aircraft traffic during the performance, in the past, the Navy purchased 12,500 gallons of gas in 1976 and an estimated 14,100 gallons in 1978. This resulted in a total $8,000 profit for the FBO(s) and $1,508 to the airport. In addition to the Blue Angels, the Army Parachute Team, the Golden Knights, will also perform. The air show is tentatively titled "Rocky Mountain Air Festival". Council is requested to approve the air show for the Fort Collins Loveland Airport on June 20 and 21." Councilman Bowling stated that the ad hoc committee had recommended ap- proval of the air show. George Lee, past president of the Loveland Sertoma Club appeared in support of the air show. Councilman Wilkinson disagreed stating that he felt air shows, parachu- tists, etc., are detrimental to establishing a business airport. Councilman Bowling made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Reeves, to approve this request. Yeas: Councilmembers Bowling, Gray, Kross, Reeves, and Wilmarth. Nays: Councilman Wilkinson. I THE MOTION CARRIED. EA February 3, 1981 City Attorney's Report City Attorney Liley noted that she had a number of memos distributed that were litigation updates. City Manager's Report City Manager John Arnold suggested that the Loveland and Fort Collins Councils meet jointly on February loth at 4:30 p.m. or 5:00 p.m, to have a briefing on the airport issues. He announced that Bill Waldo would be Acting City Manager during the staff retreat. Councilmembers' Reports Councilman Kross reported on the Poudre Fire Authority meeting. I Ordinance Adopted on First Reading Calling for a General City Election to be held April 7, 1981 Following is the City Manager's memorandum on this item: "Attached please find the ordinance calling for a general city election to be held April 7, 1981. We have included in this ordinance all charter amendments as they will appear on the ballot. However, we anticipate the possibility of citizen initiatives; the dead- line for submitting such initiatives is February 6. We will come before . Council at the second meeting in February with these initiatives in their appropriate format. Also, at the meeting of February 17, 1981, we shall have prepared the Council initiative relating to the General Obligation Bond issue for park development." City Attorney Liley explained the changes that have been made to the amendments. #5: language was added to address Councilman Wilmarth's concerns that Council not be limited in their ability to terminate a grant or I project. 45 I February 3, 1981 #10: this amendment was added to increase the size of the Library Board from 5 to 7. She asked for a decision on Amendment #1 regarding the runoff election. Council consensus was to move the election date to March, seat the Council in March if there was no runoff but seat them in April if there was a runoff and to forego combining the City and School Board elections. City Attorney Liley made the.following amendments to the Ordinance: page 2: Article XVI, Section 2, change the date of the General City Election from April to March. page 2: Subparagraph c, Section 2.2, change 60 days to 30 days. page 3: Article II, Section 1, Subsection d, delete last sentence and add "the term of members of Council shall begin at 10:00 a.m. on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in March of the year in which such Councilmembers have been elected provided that in the event a runoff election is required pursuant to Article XVI, Section 2.2 of this Charter, the term of members of Council shall begin at 10:00 a.m. on the first Tuesday ' after the second Monday in April." The ballot language would be amended as follows: page 4: add, "changing the date of the election from the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March providing that terns of the Council commence on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in March except where a runoff election is required." Councilman Wilkinson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Bowling, to amend the Ordinance as stated above. Yeas: Councilmembers Bowling, Gray, Reeves, Wilkinson, and Wilmarth. Nays: Councilman Kross. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Kross made a motion to delete Charter Amendment #1 from the Ordinance. The motion.died for lack of a second. Councilman Wilkinson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Bowling, to adopt Ordinance No. 23, 1981, as amended, on First Reading. Yeas: Coun- cilmembers Bowling, Gray, Kross, Reeves, Wilkinson, and Wilmarth. Nays: None. I THE MOTION CARRIED. February 3, 1981 Resolution Approved Appointing Members to the Landmark Preservation Commission Following is the City Manager's memorandum on this item: "The Ordinance establishing the Landmark Preservation Commission appeared on the Consent Calendar of this meeting. Council should hear the recommendations of the committee and then adopt the Resolution appointing the five members selected to serve on the Commission." Councilman Kross recommended the following persons: Term Expires Ronald Carsten July 1, 1983 Richard Beardmore July 1, 1984 Janet Zemeckis July 1, 1984 Susan McMillen July 1, 1985 Wayne Sundberg July 1, 1985 In addition, he suggested Philip Friedman be appointed as an alternate to the Commission. Councilman Bowling made a motion, seconded by Councilman Wilmarth, to approve this Resolution inserting the above names. Yeas: Councilmembers Bowling, Gray, Kross, Reeves, Wilkinson, and Wilmarth. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Resolution Approved Creating Quality of Life Committee and Appointing Members to Serve Following is the City Manager's memorandum on this item: "The interview committee will present their recommendations to Council at Tuesday's meeting. 47 1 February 3, 1981 Council should then adopt the Resolution inserting the names of those selected to serve on the Quality of Life Committee." Councilman Kross recommended the following persons: 1 Richard Siever Margaret Mitchell James Banning Betty Cummings E.J.F. Early Curtis Cole Robert Martino Councilman Wilkinson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Bowling, to approve this Resolution. Yeas: Councilmembers Bowling, Gray, Kross, Reeves, Wilkinson, and Wilmarth. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Other Business 1 Mayor Gray Transfort Discussion recapped the work session discussion by saying that staff was asking for authorization to apply for the grant. If authorization to proceed is given, staff will come back with facts and figures to enable Council to give definite direction on whether there is a commitment or not. Councilwoman Reeves made a motion, seconded by Councilman Kross, to autho- rize staff to pursue the option of obtaining federal grants for 10 buses and a bus garage service center complex with additional information coming back to Council. Yeas: Councilmembers Kross, Reeves, and Gray. Nays: Councilmembers Bowling, Wilkinson, and Wilmarth. No action was taken. Adjournme The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. iCity Clerk In