HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES-01/12/1914-RegularRecords of the City Council, Day 191 519 12th of January, 1914 At a regular meeting of the City Council held at the City Hall on the 12th day of January A. D. 1)14 the following proceedins were had. Present, Samuel H. Clamner, President Commissioners Armitage and Edwards Absent Attorney F. J. Annis. On motion the reading of the minutes of January 5th were approved. On motion the conunication from the Jewell Filtration Co. was ordered referred to the City Attorney. On motion the co:mrnunic_Aion from the Telephone Co. accepting the resolution of the Council accepting the offer of the Telephone Co. to have a private audit of the I books in Fort Collins office, was accepted. On motion time communication from Mr. Fry in regards early high water was a(cep and City Clerk ordered to acknowledge receipt of letter thanking Mr. Fry. Moved by Com;nissioner Edwards and seconded by Commissioner Armitage, that the report of the Commicsioner of Works be accepted in regards to estimate on building I a shop and eto. up to $500.00 , and further the Commissioner of Works be instructed to proceed with the building. On motion the matter of the City Clerk handling all licenses and permits was referred to the City Attorney to report next meeting. On motion the Denver and Interurban RR. Co. was given time privilege to con- struct rest rooms with toilet in connection with rest room said building to be not less than 8 x 10 on Pitkin Street and Whedbee St. said toilet to be connected with sewer. On motion permission was given to the Richards Coal Cc to install a pair of scales on Walnut street far enough back form Linden Street so as not to interfere with traffic on the sidewalk s,,id sclles to be put in under the direction of the City En ineer. Moved by commissioner Armitage and seconded by commissioner Edwards that the Commissioner of Finance be instructed to purchase a Cemetery Register. The roll bein- called the vote stood as follows. Ayes Coimaissioner, Clammaer, Armitage and Edwards Nays Commissioner .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. All commissioners voting in the affirmative the motion was carried and so •'.eclared by the Pre,•-_ieent. Un motion the matter of the C. & S. RR. Cc switching' across North Sherwood Stref be referred to President Clammer with porter to act. On motion Commissioner of Works was instructed to sell the old Sprinkling Cart for the sum of n 25.00 and to purchase a new Sprinkler. The roll being called the vote stood as follows. Aye: Comrissioners, Clammer, Armitage and Edwards. Nays Commissioner.. .. .. .. All c:mmissior_er voting in the affirmative the motion was carried and so declared by the President. on motion, Purchase a new set of scale ticket, and further to purchase all coal weighted over the City Scal 9- The roil being; called the vote stood as follows. Ayes Commissioners, Clammer, P.rmitage and Edwards Nays Commissioner— . .. .. .. .. .. . All commissioners voting in the affirmative the motion was carried and so declared by the President. On motion Roy Ginter was appointed tc the position of Janitor at $ 25.00 per me The roll being called the vote stood as follows. A;; es Commissioners Clammer, Armitage and Edwards. Nays Commi•ssioner.. .. .. .. .• All commis.1ioners voting in the affirmative the motion was carried and so de- clared by the President. On motion :he following, report was accepted. Fort Collins, Colo. January,12th, 1914. To the Honorable Cite Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado Gentlemen I beg to sybmit the following report of the following bills, which have been submitted to me, and would recommend the payment of the some and that the City Clerk be instructed to draw warrants on the respective funds in payment of the same. 251 52 Water works 293 41 Library 584 75 Salaries 135 g0 Police Dept 29 35 Park 75 o5 public Grounds and Buildings 414 65 Lights 78 50 Grand View Cemetery 63 75 public Health 599 13 Fire Department 65 45 permanent Streets 1 319 87 Streets Alleys & Bridges 246 33 General Expense 3157 66 Respectfully submitted Alfred A. Edwards, Coruar, of Finance. The roll being culled the vote stood as follows. Ayes Commissioners Clammer, Armitage _:.nd Edwards Nays Commissioner.. " •in the affirmative the motion was carried and so Ali conEnissioners voting declared by the President. 520 Tl Records Of the, City Council, 12th day of Day January, A. D. 1914. 191 On motion the following report was spread upon the minutes. Monthly statement, Alfred A. Ed*ards, Cite Treasurer. Port Collins, Colo, December,'31st. 1914 Trial Balance. Account Debits Credits General Fund to prorate 6156 23 General Expense, 558 76 Grand Viea 'emetery 165 10 Salaries 144 38 Sidewalks 100 00 Lights 320 64 Firedepartment 157 96 Public Grounds & Bldgs $2 37 Streets & Alleys 76 82 Permanent Streets 8624 39 Park Maintenance 737:82 Interest on Park Bonds 53 07 Park Bond Sinking Fund 7701 50 Sewer 28 94 04 Sewer 29 629 74 Sewer 30 550 76 Sewer 31 156 52 Whiter Corks to propate 5768 10 Water Works Salary and Maintenance 1668 35 Interest on Water Bonds 890 00 Sinking Fund, First Series 776 03 Sinking Fund, second series 15000 b0_ Libr.Lry 1 65 Perpetual Care of Lots, Grand View Cemetery 585 70 Play Grounds 25 46 Outlet Sewer District 29 45 Tile Fund 25 50 Special Election 1221 99 Jefferson St. Improvement 221 56 City Scales 7 60 Balance, Cash on hand 50342 85 51412 67 51412 67 Receipts Disbursements Balance Cash on hand Nov.29.13a 62099 76 Sundry City Accounts 11365 05 Water Rents etc. 2838 23 Interest Coupons 3970 00 County Treasurer 739 91 Balance 50342 85 65677 90 65677 90 Balances in Banks Poudre Valley National Bank ° 11646 64 First National Bank 14695 60 Fort Collins National Bank 13635 65 Commercial Bank & Trust Cc lo364 96 Total 50342 85 Interest received from banks Poudre Valley National Be k 23 30 First National Bank 23 35 Fort Collins National 20 73 Commnercial Bank and Trust Cc 21 08 8a 46 The purchase of the Park lands.from Mr. A. W.'Scott, was consumated and closed on Dececpber 316t 1913, by the issue of bonds in the sum of $ 10000.00 which vras purchased by funds standing to the credit of the Water Bonds Sinking Fund, (second series) and the money turned over to Mr. Scott in full considera- tion. Respectfuliy submitted Alfred A. Edwards, City Treasurer. On motion a 11 bids were rejected on the legal printing. The roll being called the vote stood as follows. Ayes Commissioner Clammer, Armitage and .'Edwards. Nays Commissioner — All commissioners voting in the affirmative the motion was carried and so declared by the President. On motion Fred Wade appointed, Fire Chief, Robt. Cameron Driver and L. G. Harris Asst. Driver, The roll being called the vote stood as follows Ayes Com Clammer, Armitage and Edwards, Nays Commr.. .. All commissioners voting in the affirmative the motion was carried and so declared by the President The matter of widening the sidewalks on south College Ave, referred to City Atty. On motion all three commissioners were instructed to prepare their list of supplies before next regular meeting. Whereupon Council adjourned. President Attest: r City Clerk. L