HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL - AGENDA ITEM - 02/06/2018 - RESOLUTION 2018-014 APPOINTING MAYOR PRO TEM GERRYAgenda Item 21 Item # 21 Page 1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY February 6, 2018 City Council STAFF Mark Jackson, PDT Deputy Director Chris Van Hall, Legal SUBJECT Resolution 2018-014 Appointing Mayor Pro Tem Gerry Horak to the Policy Advisory Committee of the Regional Transportation Coordination Task Force. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this item is to appoint Mayor Pro Tem Gerry Horak as the City of Fort Collins’ representative on the newly formed Regional Transportation Coordination Task Force Policy Committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution. BACKGROUND / DISCUSSION The benefits of regional collaboration to address large-scale transportation issues has been proven by efforts related to Interstate 25 and US-287 improvements, as well as regional transit solutions. Identified needs far outweigh available resources, necessitating the need for structured prioritization and funding solutions. Larimer County proposes forming a Regional Transportation Coordination Task Force to collaboratively address key regional transportation needs. Larimer County proposes formation of two separate committees within the task force - a policy advisory committee (PAC) made up of an elected official from each community and a technical advisory committee (TAC) that would include an employee from each community. The TAC would also include representatives from the business community, chambers of commerce, Colorado State University and others having a specific interest in regional transportation. Larimer County requested that local agencies identify both a PAC and TAC representative. Mayor Pro Tem Horak has been suggested as PAC representative for Fort Collins, based upon his regional experience with the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (NFRMPO), as well as his leadership in developing funding partnerships along the North I-25 Corridor. Planning, Development and Transportation Deputy Director Mark Jackson has been identified as the TAC (staff) representative for this effort. CITY FINANCIAL IMPACTS There are no direct financial costs to the City of Fort Collins with this appointment. Participation in this Task Force may lead to future City financial contributions towards regional improvements of benefit to Fort Collins. Partnering in a regional framework may allow the region to address critical transportation infrastructure needs. BOARD / COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION This item has not yet been presented to City boards or commissions. The concept was proposed and discussed at the December 18, 2017 Regional Elected Officials Meeting. The proposal received unanimous support from those in attendance. Agenda Item 21 Item # 21 Page 2 PUBLIC OUTREACH No public outreach specific to this request was conducted. Numerous public presentations and conversations have taken place over recent years related to regional transportation needs and opportunities and mechanisms to address them. ATTACHMENTS 1. Task Force Member Letter to Communities (PDF) 2. Regional Transportation Elected Officials Meeting, December 18, 2017 (PDF) LARIMER COUNTY | ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 1190, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-1190, 970.498.5700, Larimer.org January 5, 2018 Re: Regional Transportation Coordination Task Force Larimer County Municipal Managers/Administrators: We appreciate the unanimous support for continued pursuit of regional transportation coordination that was expressed by all those in attendance at the Regional Elected Official Meeting, held on Monday, December 18th. The next step is to develop a task force with representatives from each of the communities. We propose having two separate committees within the task force – a policy advisory committee (PAC) made up of an elected official from each community and a technical advisory committee (TAC) that would include an employee from each community. The TAC would also include representatives from the business community, chambers of commerce, Colorado State University and others having a specific interest in regional transportation. The current Larimer County Wasteshed Study – focused on the future of solid waste management in Larimer County – has successfully used this PAC/TAC approach and we believe it worth replicating for this regional transportation coordination effort. Larimer County will retain a consultant to provide facilitation, technical analyses, legal input and, as needed, public polling support, to the task force. Initially, the committees are expected to meet together as the goals and objectives for regional transportation coordination are defined. The TAC would then focus on technical elements and details that would support policy considerations being examined and direction being given by the PAC. In terms of a time commitment, we anticipate that monthly meetings will need to occur at the onset as we agree on the goals and objectives of the task force. Once this has occurred, it is likely that monthly meetings will continue for TAC members, whereas PAC meetings may occur somewhat less frequently through the term of this effort. We expect that the task force member’s involvement will extend throughout 2018, or about one year. We would request that you identify both a PAC and TAC representative from your community. If you have additional recommendations for representatives serving on the TAC from other business or economic groups, we would appreciate that input as well. ATTACHMENT 1 December 22, 2018 Regional Transportation Coordination Page 2 Please respond with contact information for your representatives to either Suzette Mallette (970- 498-5731 or smallette@larimer.org) or me (970-498-5714 or mpeterson@larimer.org). We would like to have participants identified by January 26th, so that we can schedule the first task force meeting for early February 2018. Again, we appreciate your support and involvement in this effort and look forward to working with your community on this important regional issue. Sincerely, Mark R. Peterson, P.E. County Engineer Attached: Regional Elected Official meeting powerpoint >Z/DZKhEdzWh>/tKZ<^/s/^/KE Z'/KE>dZE^WKZdd/KE Z'/KE>>dK&&//>^Dd/E' DZϭϴ͕ϮϬϭϳ ATTACHMENT 2 5(*,21$/75$163257$7,21 /$5,0(5&2817<(1*,1((5,1* /$5,0(5&2817<)81',1*678'< )RUW&ROOLQV&RORUDGRDQ 5(*,21$/75$163257$7,21 /$5,0(5&2817<(1*,1((5,1* /$5,0(5&2817<)81',1*678'< $JHQGD 5HJLRQDO7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ'LVFXVVLRQ %DFNJURXQG,QIRUPDWLRQ6WDII3UHVHQWDWLRQ ‡ /RFDO3ODQQLQJYV5HJLRQDO&RRUGLQDWLRQ ‡ &RXQW\7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ3ODQQLQJDQG)XQGLQJ ‡ 3HHU5HYLHZDQG)XQGLQJ&RPSDULVRQV 5HJLRQDO$SSURDFK(OHFWHG2IILFLDOV ‡ 3DVW5HJLRQDO6XFFHVVHV ‡ 5HJLRQDO7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ3URMHFWV ‡ 6XSSRUWIRU1H[W6WHSV 2SWLRQV 5(*,21$/75$163257$7,21 /$5,0(5&2817<(1*,1((5,1* /$5,0(5&2817<)81',1*678'< 5HJLRQDO&RRUGLQDWLRQ&KDOOHQJH &RRUGLQDWLRQRI7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ'HPDQGV ‡ (LJKW  5(*,21$/75$163257$7,21 /$5,0(5&2817<(1*,1((5,1* /$5,0(5&2817<)81',1*678'< 5(*,21$/75$163257$7,21 /$5,0(5&2817<(1*,1((5,1* /$5,0(5&2817<)81',1*678'< 5HJLRQDO7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ&ULWHULD ³5HJLRQDO´&ULWHULD'HILQLWLRQ 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needs; and WHEREAS, Larimer County proposes the formation of two separate committees within the Task Force, which will include a policy advisory committee (“PAC”) made up of an elected official from each participating community and a technical advisory committee (“TAC”) that would include an employee from each community, amongst various other stakeholders; and WHEREAS, Mayor Pro Tem Gerry Horak has been suggested as the PAC representative for Fort Collins, based upon his regional experience with the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (“NFRMPO”) as well as his leadership in developing funding partnerships along the North I-25 Corridor; and WHEREAS, Council has determined that appointing Mayor Pro Tem Horak to the PAC is in the best interests of the City and will assist the City to effectively participate in the Task Force. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2. That Mayor Pro Tem Horak is appointed as Fort Collin’s PAC representative within the Task Force until such time as Council may reconsider and modify the same. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins this 6th day of February, A.D. 2018. _________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ City Clerk 3HU&HQWHU/DQH0LOH&RPSDULVRQ &RXQW\ 6WDWH +87) 5RDG  %ULGJH0LOO /HY\ 6SHFLILF 2ZQHUVKLS 6DOHV 7D[ 2LO  *DV 5HYHQXH 2WKHU6RXUFHV /DULPHU2QO\ *UDQW )XQGV 7RWDO $UDSDKRH         %RXOGHU         'RXJODV         :HOG         3HHU $YHUDJH        /DULPHU         /DULPHU&RXQW\¶V5RDG %ULGJH0LOO/HY\UHYHQXHGRHVQRWLQFOXGHUHYHQXHIURPWKHWHPSRUDU\,PLOOOHY\ 2LO JDVUHYHQXHLQFOXGHVVHYHUDQFHWD[ 2WKHUVRXUFHVLQFOXGH&DEOH)UDQFKLVH)HHV7UDIILF)LQHV6HYHUDQFH7D[3D\PHQWLQ/LHXRI7D[HV)RUHVW5HVHUYH$FW)HHV 0LQHUDO/HDVH)HHV5HJLRQDO5RDG)HHV&DSLWDO([SDQVLRQ)HHVDQG0RWRU9HKLFOH7D[ 5RZVPD\QRWVXPWRWRWDOGXHWRURXQGLQJ  ZHUHVHOHFWHGEDVHGRQ VLPLODUXUEDQUXUDOVSOLW ‡ ,QWHUYLHZHGFRXQW\UHSV ‡ ,QWHUYLHZHG(O3DVR&RXQW\ DVDQH[DPSOHRIDSRWHQWLDO IXWXUHFRQGLWLRQIRU/DULPHU &RXQW\ PLOOLRQ PXQLFLSDOLWLHV ‡ 6WDWH'27&RXQW\1)50328)5735 ‡ 3RSXODWLRQ*URZWK6WDWH'HPRJUDSKHUV2IILFH ‡ /DQG'HYHORSPHQW3DWWHUQVDQG*0$V 1HHGEHWWHU&RRUGLQDWLRQ )RFXVRQ5HJLRQDO1HHGVDVDVWDUWLQJSRLQW 6XEVHWRIDEURDG FRPSOH[LVVXH