HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL - AGENDA ITEM - 07/18/2017 - RESOLUTION 2017-071 SUPPORTING THE GRANT APPLICATIAgenda Item 17 Item # 17 Page 1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY July 18, 2017 City Council STAFF Justin Scharton, Environmental Planner John Stokes, Natural Resources Director SUBJECT Resolution 2017-071 Supporting the Grant Application for an Inspire Grant From the State Board of Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this item is for Council to offer its support of an implementation grant application submitted by the City for Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) Inspire Initiative, a funding opportunity that focuses on connecting youth and their families to the outdoors in underserved communities. GOCO requires a resolution by City Council supporting the implementation grant application. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution. BACKGROUND / DISCUSSION Larimer County and the City of Fort Collins were awarded a planning grant through GOCO’s Inspire Initiative to create a plan in northwest Fort Collins to better connect youth to the outdoors. The planning effort, known as Project Outdoors, includes places for youth to better connect to nature, programs for students to receive environmental education PreK-12, and pathways for youth to explore careers in natural resources. The Project Outdoors planning effort focused in the neighborhood surrounding the Boys & Girls Club (B&GC) and Lincoln Middle School (Lincoln) in northwest Fort Collins. (Attachment 1) A coalition of partners is managing Project Outdoors including City of Fort Collins, Larimer County, Colorado State University (CSU), Poudre School District (PSD), and the B&GC. GOCO requires a community-driven and youth-focused planning process resulting in nature-based places for children to connect to nature as the project foundation. A suite of locations have been identified at neighborhood schools and the B&GC hub where youth and their families can more easily access nature. A highlight of the Places component is a parcel near Lincoln Middle School and the B&GC (known as "Narnia" by the youth) that will provide numerous outdoor recreation opportunities. The current model has Poudre School District donating this parcel to the City and the Parks department acting in the lead management role, with the potential of a park site on the parcel at some point in the future. Proposed capital projects include a trail connection between Lincoln Middle School and Poudre Trail through the “Narnia” parcel along with improvements to that parcel. In addition, other minor trail connections have been identified in the area, along with learning gardens at feeder elementary schools. (Attachment 2) Programs include a comprehensive student programming sequence that spans early childhood to college ages, and gradually moves from the backyard to the backcountry. The plan also includes career pathways to job opportunities in natural resources. The places component must support the programs/pathways and Agenda Item 17 Item # 17 Page 2 likewise, the programming must activate the places. There is a strong focus by GOCO on projects that are culturally relevant while removing community-voiced barriers to connecting to the outdoors. Programming highlights include programming for all students in the area from PreK-12th grade, a year-round outdoor club at the B&GC, and additional staff capacity for PSD for outdoor/environmental education. Inspire initiative communities were able to ask for up to $3 million in implementation from GOCO. There are 18 communities competing for $14 million and not all communities are expected to receive funding. The City is requesting from GOCO $2,992,581 of the $4,351,149 total project cost. The City and partners are contributing 31% match (cash and in-kind), or $1,358,568. GOCO requires a minimum of 25% match and at least 10% cash match with three budget proposals (50%, 75% and 100%). A draft grant application was due to GOCO June 26 (for their review) and a final application is due July 26. CITY FINANCIAL IMPACTS Funding for the development of Project Outdoors capital improvements and programming is subject to GOCO funding, in addition to Parks Planning, Parks, Nature in the City, PSD and other sources. Long term maintenance of the “Narnia” site will be led by Parks with minor support from Natural Areas subject to funding approvals through the City’s Budgeting for Outcomes process. The funding sources for the City’s contribution to the GOCO Grant have been identified and are already appropriated, and the City’s in-kind contributions would be provided by already existing City staff or resources. BOARD / COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Land Conservation & Stewardship Board will hear this item at its regular meeting on July 14, 2017. Board recommendation and minutes will be provided in the Read Before packet on July 18. PUBLIC OUTREACH Over nine months the project team has engaged over 800 students, parents, teachers, community members and other stakeholders during workshops, site visit, project surveys and a Youth Advisory Council. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location map (PDF) 2. Conceptual Plan (PDF) TAFT HILL RD. N. SHIELDS RD. LAPORTE AVE. FULLANA LEARNING CENTER PUTNAM ELEMENTARY SHIELDS ST. RIVER ACCESS W. VINE ST. WILLOX LN. IRISH ELEMENTARY POUDRE HS LINCOLN MIDDLE SCHOOL SOFT GOLD PARK MAGPIE MEANDER NATURAL AREA MCMURRY & SALYER NATURAL AREAS LEE MARTINEZ PARK NORTH SHIELDS PONDS NATURAL AREA POUDRE TRAIL POUDRE TRAIL KEY BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB EXISTING SIDEWALKS EXISTING TRAIL NARNIA TRAIL CONNECTION PROJECT OUTDOORS FOCUS AREA: PROPOSED PLACES 1/4 MILE PROPOSED PROJECT SCHOOL ZONE EXISTING SIDEWALK PROPOSED SIDEWALK PROPOSED TRAIL EXISTING GARDEN NEW GARDEN NEW GARDEN (Install Fall 2017) PUENTE VERDE FUTURE STORMWATER DETENTION AND scale 1”=60’ 0’ 30’ 60’ 120’ N OUTDOORTOWER CLASROOM LOOKOUT BIKE FIX-IT STATION SHADE PAVILION PUMP TRACK ENTRANCE GATE FORT FOREST COPAK PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENTAL ART THRESHOLD CON C EPTU AL PLAN F O RT COLLINS INS PIRE INITIATIVE NARNIA PARK TO GRANADA HEIGHTS TO TOO TOOO TTO TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOO LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN LINCOLN COL COOL COLL CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL OL N NM NMM NNM NNNNN M MM MMM MMMM MIDDLE IDD IDDD ID IIII IDD DD DDD LLE LE LEE LEEE LLLLL SCHOOL SCH SC SSSSS SCHH SCCC CH C CHH OOL OOLL OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOO OL OO OLL OUTDOOR CLASROOM SHADE PAVILION BIKE FIX-IT ENTRANCE GATE LOOKOUT TOWER FREE RANGE HABITAT ENVIRONMENTAL ART THRESHOLD FORT FOREST PUMP TRACK EXISTING SOFTSCAPE SOCIAL TRAILS WEST GROVE T O P O U D R E T R A I L OPEN PRAIRIE N E W P A V E D T R A I L A L I G N -1- RESOLUTION 2017-071 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS SUPPORTING THE GRANT APPLICATION FOR AN INSPIRE GRANT FROM THE STATE BOARD OF GREAT OUTDOORS COLORADO TRUST FUND WHEREAS, the City is applying for an Inspire Initiative Implementation Grant from the State Board of Great Outdoors Colorado (“GOCO”) Trust Fund for the development of a parcel adjacent to Lincoln Middle School and other proposed capital projects and programs related thereto (the “Project”); and WHEREAS, the Project requires a community-driven and youth-focused planning process resulting in nature-based places for children to connect to the outdoors as the project foundation; and WHEREAS, the City, with a coalition of partners that include Larimer County (“County”), Colorado State University (“CSU”), Poudre School District (“PSD”), and the Boys & Girls Club of Larimer County (“B&GC”) and various nonprofits (together, the “Local Coalition”), have identified a suite of locations at neighborhood schools and near the B&GC hub where youth and their families can more easily access nature; and WHEREAS, a highlighted proposed capital project under the Project includes PSD donating a parcel between Lincoln Middle School and Poudre Trail, commonly referred to by local youth as “Narnia,” to the City with the potential of a park site on the parcel at some point in the future; and WHEREAS, other proposed capital projects and programs under the Project include a trail connection between Lincoln Middle School and Poudre Trail through the “Narnia” parcel, other minor trail connections, learning gardens at three schools, and a comprehensive student programming sequence that includes career pathways to job opportunities in natural resources, a year-round outdoor club at the B&GC and additional staff capacity for the City, PSD and the B&GC for outdoor/environmental education; and WHEREAS, as part of its grant application process, GOCO requires that the governing body of any entity applying for grant funds pass a resolution to show that it is aware of and supports the application, and recognizes the financial and other obligations the grant creates; and WHEREAS, such resolution is to include an acknowledgement of the applicant’s obligation to provide matching funds, a statement verifying ownership of the real property necessary for the Project, and a commitment to maintain the Project in the future; and WHEREAS, the City, and the Local Coalition, are contributing a total 31% match (cash and in-kind contributions) of $1,358,568 and the City is contributing $630,000 made up of $535,000 in cash and $95,000 in-kind contributions; and WHEREAS, the City’s estimated annual cost to maintain its parts of the Project is $29,666 a year, with an additional amount of less than $15,000 a year to maintain crossing and pedestrian improvements. -2- WHEREAS, the City will enter into separate agreements with each member of the Local Coalition to ensure their contribution to the Project and to ensure they will own and maintain real property and improvements associated with the Project in accordance with GOCO requirements; and WHEREAS, should the City receive a GOCO grant for the Project and complete the Project as planned, the City intends to maintain its parts of the Project, including real property, in high quality condition, subject to the annual appropriation by the City Council in the City Council’s discretion; and WHEREAS, should the City receive a GOCO grant for the Project, staff will ask the City Council, by a separate resolution, to authorize the City to enter into a Grant Agreement with GOCO and separate agreements with each member of the Local Coalition; and WHEREAS, the funding sources for the City’s contribution to the GOCO Grant have been identified and are already appropriated, and the City’s in-kind contributions would be provided by already existing City staff or resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2. That the City Council strongly supports the application for the GOCO Project and will either provide any required matching funds or in kind contributions for the Project, or enter into agreements to ensure members of the Local Coalition provide any required matching funds or in kind contributions, so that no additional City funds will be spent on the Project. Section 3. That if the grant is awarded, the City Council strongly supports the completion of the Project. Section 4. That the City Council has authorized the expenditure of funds necessary to meet City’s obligations under the terms of any grant awarded. Section 5. That the Project site involves parcels owned by various Local Coalition members, including the City, and the City intends to be the owner of any of its Project sites for the next 25 years and further believes it is the intent of each Local Coalition member that it will own any Project site for the next 25 years. Section 6. That the City recognizes that, as the recipient of a GOCO local government grant, any Project site must provide reasonable public access. -3- Section 7. That, should the City receive a GOCO grant and the Project is completed as planned, the City will ensure it maintains any Project enhancement or improvements in a high quality condition and will appropriate funds for maintenance in its annual budget, subject to the discretion of the City Council, and will further enter into agreements, as applicable, with Local Coalition member to ensure each Local Coalition member continues to maintain any Project enhancements or improvements in a high quality condition and will ensure Local Coalition members appropriate funds for maintenance in their annual budgets, subject to the discretion of their respective governing bodies. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins this 18th day of July, A.D. 2017. _________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ City Clerk M E N T POUDRE TRAIL ROOSEVELT NATIONAL FOREST EXISTING JUMPS EXISTING JUMPS FREE RANGE HABITAT BACKCOUNTRY MOUNDSCAPE BACKYARD BACK ENTRY COPAK PROGRAMMING EAST GROVE BI BBBBI BBBBIKE KE KKE KKKKKE PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPAR AR AAR ARRR ARR ARKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK TH T E EE EEEEE HU HHHHHU HHHU HHUU HH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BA BBA BAAA BAA BB CK CKK C CO CCO COUN UN UNNNNN UNTR TR TRYYYYYYYYY MOUNDS PLANTED EDGE PLANTED EDGE PLANTED EDGE MOUNDS ATTACHMENT 2 NATURAL AREA N ATTACHMENT 1