HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL - AGENDA ITEM - 02/20/2018 - FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 032, 2018, APPROPRIAgenda Item 15
Item # 15 Page 1
AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY February 20, 2018
City Council
Mark Jackson, PDT Deputy Director
Chris Van Hall, Legal
First Reading of Ordinance No. 032, 2018, Appropriating Prior Year Reserves in the Transportation Fund for
Regional Contribution to Larimer County for North I-25 Improvements.
The purpose of this item is to appropriate Transportation Reserve funds in the amount of $453,158 to be
remitted to Larimer County as part of an annual (five-year span) regional contribution of local matching funds
for CDOT’s North I-25 Improvements Project. With Resolution 2016-077, Council authorized Mayor Troxell to
enter into an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Larimer County and participating local agencies,
including the City, to contribute local matching funds for this purpose. This is the second annual installment of
these payments to Larimer County. Local matching fund commitments accelerate the improvements to I-25 in
Northern Colorado.
Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinance on First Reading.
Council adopted Resolution 2015-100 (Attachment 1) on November 17, 2015, stating its support for a Larimer
County proposal to use increased County mill levy funds as a method to facilitate funding for Interstate 25 (I-
25) improvements. Larimer County proposed to temporarily reapportion part of its General Fund mill levy funds
to the County’s Road and Bridge Fund for a period of five years. These reapportioned funds are estimated to
generate a total of $10 million over the course of the five-year period. The increase in the County Road and
Bridge Mill Levy revenues received by the City and the other municipalities will be available to fund
construction of roads and streets within their boundaries, making funds from the City’s general fund or other
funds available for contribution to the I-25 improvements. The County proposed using these contributions for
improvements and local match opportunities on the I-25 Corridor within Larimer County. All eight Larimer
County municipalities passed Resolutions supporting the proposal.
Council adopted Resolution 2016-077 on October 4, 2016 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an IGA with
Larimer County and other local agencies for the purpose of providing local funds back to Larimer County to be
used in contribution to the North I-25 Corridor Improvements Project as described above. This regional
collaboration and agreement will result in $10 million of matching funds to help accelerate the project. The IGA
was fully executed on December 27, 2016 (Attachment 2). Fort Collins’ total contribution to this five-year
funding commitment is $2,229,730.70. Fort Collins’ annual share of funds is approximately $450,000 in each of
the five years. The first annual payment of $445,946 was approved by Council March 07, 2017.This
appropriation request authorizes fulfillment of the second annual payment per the IGA. Larimer County’s
request for the second annual payment was received January 26, 2018 (Attachment 3).
Agenda Item 15
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The North I-25 Improvements project will begin construction in summer 2018 and is scheduled to be completed
by December 2021. The $255 million project is funded using federal, state and local dollars. The project
boundaries are State Highway 14 (Mulberry Road) on the north and State Highway 402 in Loveland to the
south. It will add a third managed lane in each direction, make key improvements to bridges, connect the
regional bicycle/pedestrian trail under I-25, and provide an additional park and ride with bus slip ramps at
Kendall parkway in Loveland. Improvements will help ease congestion, provide additional multi-modal capacity
for auto and bus traffic, make key bicycle/pedestrian trail linkages, and improve safety and stormwater issues.
Larimer County’s proposal does not modify the total mill levy, and does not decrease the amount of Road and
Bridge Levy funds currently received by the City of Fort Collins. Creation of a source of local match funding is
advantageous in order to take advantage of funding partnerships and grant opportunities that may arise to help
improve the I-25 corridor. This contribution, combined with additional commitments from regional agencies and
private development, results in over $25 million identified and committed for local match. This regional
collaboration and commitment helped accelerate the schedule for I-25 improvements in Northern Colorado by
fifteen years.
The City of Fort Collins’ Transportation Reserve Fund’s estimated balance at year end 2017 is $13.8 million
(note: some of these funds are assigned for specific purposes such as Harmony Road maintenance). The local
share amount of Larimer County Road & Bridge Levy funds received by Fort Collins in 2017 was $1.09 million,
reflecting an increase of approximately $509,000 over that received in 2015 (pre-IGA). The increase in Road
and Bridge Funds received covers the amount of Fort Collins annual contribution, with no negative financial
impact to the City.
Staff presented information related to the IGA with Larimer County as well as overall North I-25 Improvements
Project updates to the Transportation Board at its February and November 2016 meetings. Board response
was positive and supportive. Staff continues to regularly update the Transportation Board on progress of the
North I-25 Improvements Project.
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) held numerous open house meetings and provided
project information for many years about I-25 improvements, including the I-25 Environmental Impact
Statement (2011), and more recent improvements including the I-25/SH-392 interchange, Berthoud Hill
Climbing Lane project and Crossroad Boulevard Bridge Improvement project. The City of Fort Collins has been
an active partner in CDOT efforts impacting Fort Collins.
1. Resolution 2015-100 (PDF)
2. Intergovernmental Agreement for Funding I-25 Improvements (PDF)
3. IGA billing for Fort Collins, January 26, 2018 (PDF)
WHEREAS, Interstate 25 (:'I-25") serves as the primary north-south highway connection
for Northern Colorado including Fort Collins; and
WHEREAS, I-25 is the primary roadway route for regional connectivity to commerce,
health care, education and employment; and
WHEREAS, 1-25 is designated as a federal freight route; and
WHEREAS, 1-25 in Northern Colorado suffered damage and prolonged closure as a
result of the September 2013 floods; and
WHEREAS, it is critical that 1-25 roads and bridges be made more resilient to impacts
from weather emergencies and natural disasters; and
WHEREAS, the Colorado Department of Transportation ("CDOT") is making an
application for a Risk and Resiliency grant, through a Presidential Challenge, to replace the
Cache la Poudre Bridge, the Big Thompson Bridge, and the Little Thompson Bridge and to
repair the Saint Vrain Bridge (collectively, the "Bridges"); and
WHEREAS, CDOT has identified these Bridges as 'pinch points' that currently restrict
expansion of the number oflanes on 1-25 in northern Colorado; and
WHEREAS, the Risk and Resiliency grant for the Bridges is a portion of a larger grant
application for the entire State of Colorado that is scheduled to be evaluated and awarded by the
end of2015; and
WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that the grant request' will need matching local
funds to be viable and that Larimer County should provide a portion of that match; and
WHEREAS, the City Council understands that the increased property valuations for
Larimer County property owners in 2015 provides an opportunity to temporarily increase the
Road & Bridge Mill levy for a period of five years without detriment to other County programs,
without decreasing the amount currently shared back to local agencies, an_d without modifying
the total mill levy; and
WHEREAS, assessed valuations on properties in munidpalities are shared between the
municipality and Larimer County and assessed valuations on properties in the unincorporated
areas go to Larimer County; and
WHEREAS, on October 22, 2015, the Larimer County Board of Commissioners
presented at the Larimer County Joint Regional Meeting to the eight communities within
ORDINANCE NO. 032, 2018
WHEREAS, on November 17, 2015, City Council passed Resolution 2015-100 stating its
support for a Larimer County proposal to use increased County mill levy funds as a method to
facilitate funding for Interstate 25 (I-25) improvements; and
WHEREAS, on October 4, 2016, City Council passed Resolution 2016-077 authorizing
the Mayor to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Larimer County (the “IGA”) and
other local agencies for the purpose of providing local funds to Larimer County to be used as a
contribution to the North I-25 Corridor Improvements Project; and
WHEREAS, the IGA was signed by the parties and dated December 27, 2016; and
WHEREAS, the $237 million North I-25 Improvements project began construction in
late 2017 and is scheduled to be completed by December 2020; and
WHEREAS, the project boundaries are State Highway 14 (Mulberry Road) on the north
and State Highway 402 in Loveland to the south and the project will add a third managed lane in
each direction, make key improvements to bridges, connect the regional bicycle/pedestrian trail
under I-25, and provide an additional park and ride with bus slip ramps at Kendall Parkway in
Loveland; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of this item is to appropriate Transportation Fund reserves in the
amount of $453,158 to be remitted to Larimer County as part of an annual (five year) regional
contribution of local matching funds under the IGA for CDOT’s North I-25 Improvements
Project; and
WHEREAS, this is the first of five annual payments to Larimer County under the IGA,
with a total funding commitment from the City of $2,229,730; and
WHEREAS, Fort Collins received approximately $1.09 million in 2017 from the Larimer
County Road and Bridge Fund representing an incremental increase in revenue from increased
property valuations of approximately $509,000 for 2017; and
WHEREAS, the increase in the City’s share of the County Road and Bridge Mill Levy
revenues will be utilized to fund construction of roads and streets within its corporate boundaries
in accordance with C.R.S. §43-2-202(4), making other funds available from the City’s
Transportation Fund reserves for contribution to the Project; and
WHEREAS, Article V, Section 9 of the City Charter permits the City Council to
appropriate by ordinance at any time during the fiscal year such funds for expenditure as may be
available from reserves accumulated in prior years, notwithstanding that such reserves were not
previously appropriated; and
WHEREAS, this appropriation benefits public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens
of Fort Collins and serves the public purpose of enhancing roadways and other transportation
related infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, the Financial Officer has determined that the appropriations as described
herein are available and previously unappropriated in the Transportation Fund.
FORT COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and
findings contained in the recitals set forth above.
Section 2. That there is hereby appropriated for expenditure from prior year reserves
in the Transportation Fund the sum of FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE THOUSAND ONE
HUNDRED FIFTY-EIGHT DOLLARS ($453,158) for regional contribution to Larimer County
under the IGA for North I-25 Improvements.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 20th day of
February, A.D. 2018, and to be presented for final passage on the 6th day of March, A.D. 2018.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading on the 6th day of March, A.D. 2018.
City Clerk