February 28, 2017
Lance Smith, Utilities Strategic Finance Director
Randy Reuscher, Utility Rate Analyst
City Council
Residential Electric Time of Use Pilot Study.
The purpose of this item is to present the results of the 12-month residential electric time of use (TOU) pilot study.
The study showed that when compared to the current tiered rate structure both TOU rate structures reduced
energy use by 2.5% and load was shifted from the on peak periods to the off peak periods, thereby reducing our
community’s contribution to the Platte River Power Authority’s (PRPA) coincident peak. The additional complexity
of the tiered TOU rate over the basic TOU rate did not provide any statistically significant difference from the basic
TOU. Based on the pilot staff is recommending that Council consider adopting a TOU rate without the tier for all
residential customers.
Does Council support a time of use rate structure implementation plan?
City Council passed Ordinance No. 078, 2015 in July 2015 to pursue a 12 month residential time of use pilot
study. Customer outreach began and an open house was held in August and September of 2015. The official
pilot study kicked off in November of 2015 and concluded in October of 2016. At that time a survey was sent to
all participants and the best bill guarantee analysis and customer notification was completed ahead of any credits
being applied to the customer’s bill in December 2016. Results from the pilot study were presented to the Council
Finance Committee on January 23, 2017 (attached).
The purpose of the pilot study as outlined in Ordinance No. 078, 2015 was to assess if a TOU rate structure could
better achieve each of the following objectives than the current tiered rate structure:
Objective 1 - Determine energy conservation impacts
Objective 2 - Measure potential demand reductions
Objective 3 - Gauge customer preference for different rate structures
Objective 4 - Ensure revenue requirements are met
Two time-of-use rate structures were considered during the pilot study. The first TOU was a time of use rate
structure with an on-peak window when electricity costs more and a much wider off-peak window when electricity
costs substantially less than the current tiered rate. In this TOU rate structure all of the expenses associated with
energy efficiency programs and PRPA’s demand charges were included in the on-peak window. The second rate
structure, labeled below as TOU w/Energy Efficiency (TOU_EE), was very similar, with the same on-peak and off-
peak hours, but rather than including the costs associated with the energy efficiency programs in the on-peak
charge, these costs were collected through an additional tiered component.
February 28, 2017 Page 2
For the pilot study, 1,200 customers were randomly selected to be on each rate. Roughly 10% of the customers
opted out at the beginning of the pilot study. After removing any customers that moved households during the 12
month study period, approximately 850 customers remained throughout in each study group.
Objective 1 - Energy Conservation
Based on the rigorous statistical analysis, both TOU rate structures effectively encouraged energy conservation
better than the current tiered rate structure.
The TOU rate realized a 2.5% reduction in energy consumption.
The TOU_EE rate structure did not provide any additional energy conservation over the TOU rate without a
Objective 2 - Potential Demand Reductions
The statistical analysis also showed both TOU rate structures reduced the probability that a residential customer’s
daily peak occurred in the “on peak” window.
The TOU rate structure without a tier showed an 8.5% reduction in the probability that a customer’s daily peak
occurred in the “on peak” window.
The TOU_EE rate structure showed a 2.8% reduction in the probability that a customer’s daily peak occurred
in the “on peak” window.
This shift of the customer’s daily peak reduced the contribution from the residential rate class as a whole to the
system coincident peak hour used in the assessment of PRPA’s wholesale demand charges each month.
Specifically, looking at the single coincident peak hour during the summer months,
The TOU rate showed a 7.5% reduction in the contribution to the system coincident peak.
The TOU_EE did not show any additional reduction.
Objective 3 - Gauge Customer Preference
A survey was sent to all participants at the end of the pilot study. In total, 1,450 customer surveys were received
out of 7,000 sent (20% return rate). Below is a summary of the responses from each of the four survey questions.
Attached is another document which captures the additional comments provided by customers.
February 28, 2017 Page 3
Question 1 - Select the description which you think best explains the price you pay for electricity.
From the results of Question 1, where customers were asked to identify their rate structure, it is clear that most
customers do not understand how they are being charged for electric use. As such, an extensive public outreach
effort is recommended before any rate structure changes are made.
Question 2 - Select the description which best describes how frequently you seek out information about your
energy consumption
February 28, 2017 Page 4
Question 3 - In your view, what should be the primary objective of electricity rates (please choose one)
Question 4 - During the last 18 months, did you respond to your electricity bill by (choose all that apply)
Objective 4 - Revenue Adequacy
Both TOU rate structures, like the tiered rate structure, were designed to pass through the full wholesale
generation and transmission charges and to collect adequate revenue to maintain the distribution system. Both
TOU rate structures resulted in less revenue than the current tiered rate structure. However, because 30% of
wholesale energy charges are determined by Fort Collins Utility’s contribution to the system coincident peak and
that contribution was reduced, adequate revenues were still generated to meet the cost of service for the
residential rate class. Below is a table summarizing the revenue impacts separating out the impact to those
residential customers who either have all electric heat and are on the Residential Demand (RD) rate or have
rooftop solar installed (Net Metering customers):
Original Rate Pilot Study Rate Count % Difference on TOU
Avg $ Change per
Tiered Rate TOU 880 1.6% less ($1.14)
TOU w/ EE 851 1.9% less ($1.38)
All Electric Homes TOU 18 1.8% more $2.44
TOU w/ EE 16 7.9% more $10.27
Net Metering TOU 5 12.4% more $2.82
TOU w/ EE 9 0% $0.07
February 28, 2017 Page 5
Rate Structure Impacts (utility perspective) (check mark shows more favorable option)
Rate Structure
Tiered TOU TOU w/tier
Revenue Requirements Met
Promotes Energy Conservation No 2.5% 2.5%
Promotes Load Shifting No 8% 3%
Considered Equitable (cost-basis) No
Benefits Low Income Households
Net Metering None
Electric Heat No No
Addresses Electric Vehicle Charging No
Staff proposes implementing the standard TOU rate as a default rate to all residential customers, including current
tiered rates customers, demand rate customers, and net metering customers.
There are many considerations in proposing the standard TOU rate, which is ultimately considered a fairer and
equitable rate structure. The pilot study shows this rate provides a reduction in the probability that a customer’s
peak happens during the on peak hours, and also realized energy conservation over the current tiered rate
structure. In general, a TOU rate structure is easy for customers to understand, as well as react to. A TOU rate
also encourages the use of electric vehicles and provides an incentive to charge during off peak hours, which is in
line with the City’s climate goals.
A TOU rate structure would negatively impact those customers who are on the Residential Demand rate
financially ($2.44 / customer / month on average), but it better aligns the costs of generation and this customer
group’s demands for electricity. This rate structure is available only to customers in all electric housing and is
intended to recognize the increased electric demand of such housing. The current demand rate does not
distinguish when that increased demand occurs. A TOU rate structure could encourage energy efficiency
improvements by providing a price signal that recognizes when heating is primarily done.
Both TOU rates better align with the marginal cost of electricity than the current tiered rate structure. Either TOU
rate would reduce the compensation to net-metering customers for energy pushed back onto the distribution
system in the off peak hours of the early afternoon. A TOU rate would encourage configuring solar arrays to
generate more energy when the community needs it the most.
The study shows that adding the energy efficiency tier to the standard TOU rate structure does not statistically
improve the energy conservation and load shifting objectives. Thus, staff is recommending the standard TOU
rate structure without the additional tiered component.
If Council supports implementing a TOU rate, staff would begin developing an implementation plan and a
communication outreach plan for all residential customers. Staff would then return to Council in the fall to discuss
these efforts and to seek further direction on when the rate structure change would be brought forward for Council
consideration. The 2018 rate Ordinances will be considered by Council in November or December of 2017,
allowing this rate structure change to a residential TOU rate to be implemented in early 2018.
Further consideration will be needed to implement TOU to a small group of customers that opted out of the AMI
implementation, referred to as “option 2” customers (those that don’t want the utility to see 15-minute data) and
“option 3” customers (those that don’t want a meter which transmits monthly reads via radio frequency). There
are approximately 426 customers combined in these two groups.
February 28, 2017 Page 6
1. Finance Committee Agenda Item Summary, January 23, 2017 (PDF)
2. Powerpoint presentation (PDF)
Staff: Lance Smith, Utilities Strategic Financial Director
Randy Reuscher, Utilities Rate Analyst
Justin Fields, Utilities Rate Analyst
Date: January 23, 2017
SUBJECT FOR DISCUSSION – Residential Electric Time of Use (TOU) Pilot Study
The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Council Finance Committee with the results of
the residential electric time of use pilot study. The study showed that when compared to the
current tiered rate structure both TOU rate structures reduced energy use by 2.5% and load was
shifted from the on peak periods to the off peak periods, thereby reducing our community’s
contribution to the Platte River Power Authority’s (PRPA) coincident peak. The additional
complexity of the tiered TOU rate over the basic TOU rate did not provide any statistically
significant difference from the basic TOU.
1) Does the Council Finance Committee support moving to a default residential time of use
rate in the future?
2) What data or background information would be useful for including in the presentation at
the Council work session on February 28th?
City Council passed Ordinance No. 078, 2015 in July 2015 to pursue a12 month residential time
of use pilot study. Customer outreach began and an open house was held in August and
September of 2015. The official pilot study kicked off in November of 2015 and concluded in
October of 2016. At that time a survey was sent to all participants and the best bill guarantee
analysis and customer notification was completed ahead of any credits being applied to the
customer’s bill in December 2016.
Two time-of-use rate structures were considered during the pilot study. The first TOU was a
basic time of use rate structure with an on-peak window when electricity costs more and a much
wider off-peak window when electricity costs substantially less. In this TOU rate structure all of
the expenses associated with energy efficiency programs were included in the on-peak window.
The second rate structure, labeled below as TOU_EE, was very similar, with the same on-peak
and off-peak hours, but rather than including the costs associated with the energy efficiency
programs in the on-peak charge these costs were collected through an additional tiered
For the pilot 1,200 customers randomly selected to be on each rate. Roughly 10% of the
customers opted out upfront. After removing all additional customers that moved households
during the 12 month study period, approximately 850 customers remained throughout in each
study group.
The purpose of the pilot study as outlined in Ordinance No. 078, 2015 was to assess if a TOU
rate structure could better achieve each of the following objectives than the current tiered rate
Objective 1 - Determine energy conservation impacts
Objective 2 - Measure potential demand reductions
Objective 3 - Gauge customer preference for different rate structures
Objective 4 - Ensure revenue requirements are met
Objective 1 - Energy Conservation
Both TOU rate structures effectively encouraged energy conservation better than the current
tiered rate structure. The TOU rate realized a 2.5% reduction in energy consumption. The
addition of a tier in the TOU_EE rate structure did not provide any additional energy
conservation over the TOU rate without a tier.
Objective 2 - Potential Demand Reductions
Both TOU rate structures reduced the probability that a residential customer’s daily peak
occurred in the “on peak” window. The TOU rate structure without a tier showed an 8.5%
reduction in the probability that a customer’s daily peak occurred in the “on peak” window. The
TOU_EE rate structure showed a 2.8% reduction in the probability that a customer’s daily peak
occurred in the “on peak” window. This shift of the customer’s daily peak reduces the
contribution from the residential rate class as a whole to the system coincident peak hour used in
the assessment of the wholesale demand charge each month. Specifically, looking at the single
coincident peak hour during the summer months, the TOU rate showed a 7.5% reduction in the
contribution to the system coincident peak.
Objective 3 - Gauge Customer Preference
A survey was sent to all participants at the end of the pilot study. In total, 1,450 customer
surveys were received (roughly 20% returned). Below is a summary of the responses from each
of the four survey questions. Attached is another document which captures the additional
comments provided by customers.
Question 1 - Select the description which you think best explains the price you
pay for electricity.
From the results of Question 1, where customers were asked to identify
their rate structure:
Question 2 - Select the description which best describes how frequently you seek
out information about your energy consumption
Question 3 - In your view, what should be the primary objective of electricity
rates (please choose one)
Question 4 - During the last 18 months, did you respond to your electricity bill by
(choose all that apply)
Objective 4 – Revenue Adequacy
The TOU rate structures, like the tiered rate structure, were designed to pass through the full
wholesale generation and transmission charges and to collect adequate revenue to maintain the
distribution system. Both TOU rate structures resulted in less revenue than the current tiered rate
structure. However, because 30% of wholesale energy charges are determined by Fort Collins
Utility’s contribution to the system coincident peak and that contribution was reduced, adequate
revenues were still generated to meet the cost of service for the residential rate class. Below is a
table summarizing the revenue impacts separating out the impact to those residential customers
who either have all electric heat and are on the Residential Demand (RD) rate or have rooftop
solar installed (Net Metering customers):
Staff proposes implementing the standard TOU rate as a default rate to all residential customers,
including current tiered rates customers, demand rate customers, and net metering customers,
with an effective date of January 1, 2018.
There are many considerations in proposing the standard TOU rate, which is ultimately
considered a fair and equitable rate structure. The pilot study shows this rate provides a
reduction in the probability that a customer’s peak happens during the on peak hours, and also
realized energy conservation over the current tiered rate structure. In general, a TOU rate
structure is easy for customers to understand, as well as react to. A TOU rate also encourages
the use of electric vehicles and provides an incentive to charge during off peak hours, which is in
line with the City’s climate goals.
A TOU rate structure would negatively impact those customers who are on the Residential
Demand rate. This rate structure is available only to customers in all electric housing and is
intended to recognize the increased electric demand of such housing. It does not distinguish
when that increased demand occurs. A TOU rate structure could encourage energy efficiency
improvements by providing a price signal that recognizes when heating is primarily done.
Both TOU rates better align with the marginal cost of electricity than the current tiered rate
structure. Either TOU rate would reduce the compensation to net-metering customers for energy
pushed back onto the distribution system in the off peak hours of the early afternoon. A TOU
rate would encourage configuring solar arrays to generate more energy when the community
needs it the most.
The study shows that adding the energy efficiency tier to the standard TOU rate structure does
not statistically improve the energy conservation and load shifting objectives. Thus, staff is
recommending the standard TOU rate structure without the additional tiered component.
Staff will be presenting the results of the study at the Council Work Session on February 28
Discussion from that meeting will determine future rate implementations. If Council supports
implementing a TOU rate, staff would return to Council in March or April to ask for Council
direction and approval (possibly in the form of a Resolution) in order to begin the public
outreach process. The actual rate ordinance would be brought to Council in the fall, along with
all other general rates and fees changes, normally in October or November. Again, staff would
propose that the TOU rates take effect in January 2018 to allow for the proper outreach and
education process to bring all residential customers up to speed on TOU rates ahead of
PowerPoint Presentation
Backup slides - Powerpoint
Council Work Session
February 28, 2017
Pilot Rate Study
8.24 8.64
0 500 1000
Monthly kWh Use
Tiered Rate (Non summer)
0 500 1000
Monthly kWh Use
Tiered Rate (Summer)
TOU off peak TOU on peak
Monthly kWh Use
TOU (Non summer)
TOU off peak TOU on peak
Monthly kWh Use
TOU (Summer)
TOU Rates
Timeline to Date
078, 2015
pilot study
•Pilot study
•Best bill
PILOT Study Objectives
1. 1.impacts Determine energy conservation impacts
2. Measure potential demand reductions
3. Gauge customer preference for different rate structures
4. Ensure revenue requirements are met
Study Design
Opt-out study with 1,200 customers randomly assigned to each group
~ 850 customers in each group after opt-outs and customer turnover
Study design allows us to measures components of study and rates separately
factors in
pilot study
of study
Best bill
Objective 1
Time-of-Use (TOU) rate showed a 2.5% reduction in energy consumption
Adding a tier to TOU rate had no statistical impact on energy consumption
Since 2012, the current tiered rate has shown no reduction in energy consumption
Energy Conservation
Objective 2
Lighting Appliances
Demand Reductions
Objective 3
Sent to all 7,000 participants, roughly 1,450 responded (~20%)
Customer Survey
Energy Consumption Rate Structure Rate Knowledge Conservation
47% infrequently or never
seek out information
51% seek information when
they receive their monthly
42% agree rates
should balance
equitable cost
recovery with
25% correctly
identified their rate
38% are conscious of
their energy use
8% use without concern
for cost
31% use energy efficient
bulbs and/or appliances
Objective 4
Revenue Requirements
Original Rate Pilot Study Rate Count
on TOU Rate
Avg $ Change
per Month
Tiered Rate
TOU 880 1.6% less ($1.14)
TOU w/ EE 851 1.9% less ($1.38)
All Electric Homes
TOU 18 1.8% more $2.44
TOU w/ EE 16 7.9% more $10.27
Net Metering
TOU 5 12.4% more $2.82
TOU w/ EE 9 0% $0.07
Staff Recommendations
• Standard TOU rate realized a 2.5% reduction in energy consumption, as
compared to the tiered rate
• Better aligns benefits of solar production with costs
• Encourages use of electric vehicles and charging during off-peak hours,
consistent with community climate goals
• Considered a more “fair and equitable” rate structure
Transition to a standard TOU rate for residential customers,
including residential demand and solar net metering customers
Next Steps
Mar / Apr
• Council approval requested to begin public outreach
Mar / Apr
• Council approval requested to begin public outreach
May - Oct
• 6 month outreach / communication
May - Oct
• 6 month outreach / communication
• Time-of-use deployment to all residential customers
• Time-of-use deployment to all residential customers
Council Direction
Does Council support a Time-of-Use
rate structure implementation plan?