HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL - AGENDA ITEM - 02/21/2017 - ITEMS RELATING TO THE OLD TOWN NEIGHBORHOODS PLANAgenda Item 20 Item # 20 Page 1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY February 21, 2017 City Council STAFF Pete Wray, Senior City Planner SUBJECT Items Relating to the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Resolution 2017-022 Adopting the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan as an Element of the Comprehensive Plan (City Plan), and Repealing the 1986 East Side Neighborhood Plan, and the 1989 West Side Neighborhood Plan. B. Resolution 2017-023 Adopting the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines, Representing an Implementation Action of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan. C. First Reading of Ordinance No. 036, 2017, Repealing Ordinance No. 013, 1996, Regarding Adoption of the Neighborhood Character Design Guidelines for the Eastside and Westside Neighborhoods in Fort Collins. The purpose of this item is to adopt the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan (Plan) and the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines (Guidelines). The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan represents a combined update of the original East Side and West Side Neighborhood Plans developed in the 1980s. The Old Town Neighborhoods generally encompass the predominantly residential neighborhoods to the west and southeast of Downtown. The Plan provides a renewed vision and policy guidance for the two neighborhoods, and incorporates details on programs, strategies, and actions to support and implement the neighborhood vision. Extensive public engagement was conducted over the course of the planning process beginning in 2015. The process involved continuous feedback from residents in the neighborhoods, stakeholder groups, community organizations, and City leadership. The Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines represent a follow-up implementation item from both the 2013 Eastside Westside Character Study, and the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan. The Guidelines provide illustrations, ideas, and guidance on compatible design for historic resources, new construction, and home additions in the Neighborhood Conservation Low Density (NCL) and Neighborhood Conservation Medium Density (NCM) zone districts of the Old Town Neighborhoods. The application of the Design Guidelines is voluntary and advisory, not regulatory. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution and the Ordinance on First Reading. BACKGROUND / DISCUSSION I. The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan will become an element of City Plan, and is an important policy road map that provides a clear but flexible framework to guide positive neighborhood enhancements over the next 20 years. The Plan is an update and builds upon the original 1986 East Side Neighborhood Plan and the 1989 West Side Neighborhood Plan, which represented the first sub-area plans implemented by the City. The Agenda Item 20 Item # 20 Page 2 adoption of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan will repeal and replace the original East Side and West Side Neighborhood Plans. Relationship to City Plan and Other Plans City Plan, last updated in 2011, provides the citywide policy direction for specific neighborhoods, with key policies highlighted below that are pertinent to the Old Town Neighborhoods: Principle LIV 20: Subarea and corridor planning efforts will be developed and updated as needed, tailoring City Plan's citywide perspective to a more focused area of the community, such as individual neighborhoods, districts, corridors and edges." Policy LIV 6.1 - Types of Infill and Redevelopment in Residential Areas: Infill and redevelopment in residential areas may occur through: a. The addition of new dwellings on vacant lots and other undeveloped parcels surrounded by existing residential development b. Dwelling units added to existing houses (e.g., basement or upstairs apartments) c. Small, detached dwellings added to lots of sufficient size with existing houses (e.g., “alley houses or “granny flats”) d. Expansion or redevelopment of properties e. Neighborhood-related, non-residential development Policy LIV 6.2 - Seek Compatibility with Neighborhoods: Encourage design that complements and extends the positive qualities of surrounding development and adjacent buildings. Policy LIV 17.1 - Preserve Historic Buildings: Preserve historically significant buildings, sites and structures throughout Downtown and the community. Ensure that new building design respects the existing historic and architectural character of the surrounding district by using compatible building materials, colors, scale, mass, and design detailing of structures. Principle LIV 26: Neighborhood stability should be maintained and enhanced. Most existing residential developments will remain largely unaffected by these City Plan Principles and Policies. Policy LIV 26.3 - Promote Compatibility of Uses: Encourage low intensity residential uses within predominantly residential neighborhoods, including but not limited to single-family, low density multi-family, and group homes. Allow other compatible uses to the extent that they reinforce and do not detract from the primary low density, residential function of the neighborhoods. Other related plans that contributed to the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan include the Bicycle Master Plan (2014), Pedestrian Plan (2011), Climate Action Plan (2015), and the update to the Downtown Plan (2017 adoption pending). The intent of this Plan is to build on the recommendations from the previously adopted plans to further support enhanced livability in the Old Town Neighborhoods. The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan is consistent and aligned with the City Plan Policies listed above. The Plan is somewhat unusual compared to other subarea plans in that there isn’t a lot of vacant land or the potential for large redevelopment areas. The Old Town Neighborhoods are unique, representing the community’s original residential tracts and gridded street blocks. As a result, the Plan reinforces existing neighborhood character, supports compatible future changes and ways to enhance livability. Main Components of the Plan The plan document is organized by each phase of the planning process using four topic areas for consistency and more user-friendly formatting. The primary topic sections include Neighborhood Character and Compatibility, Land Use and Transitions, Circulation and Mobility, and Sustainability. Agenda Item 20 Item # 20 Page 3 1. Overview  Background  Assessment of existing conditions, trends, related planning efforts  Key issues and opportunities  Summary of public outreach 2. Neighborhood Vision  Overview and structure  Vision/values by topic area 3. Plan Framework  Framework Map  Opportunities for change by topic area 4. Implementation  Policies, strategies and implementation by topic area  Action item summary tables 5. Appendix  Summary information  Technical data The Plan document containing the appendix is available at the following link: http://www.fcgov.com/planning/otnp/index.php> Implementation Recommendations The Implementation chapter outlines the key policies, implementation strategies and action items to support achieving the neighborhood vision. The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan identifies action items for four time horizons: immediate, short term, midterm, and ongoing. Immediate actions will take place within 120 days of plan adoption. Short term actions target a completion date of 2018. Midterm actions have a target completion date of 2019-2026. Ongoing actions consist of items already in progress or actions that have no specified timeframe for completion that require ongoing coordination to implement. Some of the immediate action items stemming from this plan include:  Coordinating the restriping of Shields Street, north of Laporte Avenue in conjunction with the repaving project to accommodate buffered bike lanes.  Initiation of a further outreach and re-zoning process for select pockets of Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN), Downtown (D), and Limited Commercial (CL) zoning within the neighborhoods to one of the Neighborhood Conservations zones to better match the existing and desired land use patterns.  Examination of signal timing at existing intersections in the neighborhoods to reduce excessive waiting and ensure adequate and safe crossing times.  Identification of additional locations for new or enhanced crossings along the Mulberry Street and Shields Street corridors.  Further outreach to explore Land Use Code options for allowing greater flexibility for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in the neighborhoods.  Implementation of an update to design guidelines for the Neighborhood Conservation, Low Density (NCL) and Neighborhood Conservation, Medium Density (NCM) zone districts. Of this list of key Plan implementation actions, the Design Guidelines are the only action being considered for approval concurrent with the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan item. Additional follow up implementation action recommendations (2017-2018) in the Plan include: Agenda Item 20 Item # 20 Page 4  Develop new design guidelines and standards for compatible design and transitions for the areas near the Downtown and Neighborhood buffer areas.  Install new pedestrian push-button signal (or other appropriate crossing treatment) at Shields Street and Magnolia Street.  Complete additional outreach to review new standards for Carriage Houses or other Accessory Dwelling Units in the NCB, NCM, and NCL zone districts to support opportunities for additional housing options while maintaining neighborhood character. II. Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines The Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines (Guidelines) provide updated voluntary guidance for compatible rehabilitation, additions, and new construction projects in the Eastside and Westside Neighborhoods. The effort to update the Guidelines began in January 2015. The Guidelines represent an implementation action included both the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan and the 2013 Eastside Westside Character Study. The project was managed by Planning Services alongside consultants from Winter & Company. The Design Guidelines will replace the 1996 Neighborhood Character Design Guidelines and reflect conclusions from the 2013 Character Area Study. Because the 1996 Neighborhood Character Design Guidelines were adopted by ordinance, their repeal is by ordinance. Outreach for the Design Guidelines was integrated with the public engagement process for the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan. In each phase of the planning process, residents and stakeholders provided feedback and input about the Design Guidelines. The Design Guidelines are an implementation action of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan. In particular, the Design Guidelines help implement the vision for neighborhood character and compatibility: “Celebrating and enhancing the qualities that make the neighborhoods unique and which foster ‘Old Town Charm.’” Policy NCC3 in the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan sets policy guidance to “support compatible building design for new construction and remodels” and contains three action items specific to the development and implementation of the Design Guidelines. The overarching goal of the Design Guidelines is to encourage and support both the rehabilitation of historic structures and the compatible design and construction of new homes and additions in the Neighborhood Conservation, Low Density (NCL) and Neighborhood Conservation, Medium Density (NCM) zone districts. The Design Guidelines are a voluntary and advisory document, and are intended to be a user-friendly resource for neighborhood residents, design and building professionals, realtors, boards and commissions, City staff, and others. The guidelines supplement, but do not replace, the existing Land Use Code design standards that were adopted in 2013. To ensure that the Design Guidelines are a useful resource to the community, staff plans to promote and publicize the document following its adoption. City departments including Zoning, Building, and Historic Preservation will distribute the Design Guidelines in electronic and print formats. The Design Guidelines will also be shared with realtors, design professionals, building professionals who work in the Old Town Neighborhoods and with neighborhood leaders and the stakeholder group for the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan. Staff will broadcast promotion on Next Door, fcgov.com, with the Design Assistance Program, and to the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan email list. Copies of the guidelines will be made available to the development community during the early stages of the development review process so that the recommendations can readily be incorporated into building and site designs. CITY FINANCIAL IMPACTS Most of the action items identified in the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan Implementation Summary can be accommodated within the existing budgetary framework for the various departments and service areas. Action items are spread out into a variety of timeframes (immediate, short-term, mid-term, and ongoing), so there remains flexibility on the funding sources. Agenda Item 20 Item # 20 Page 5 Smaller capital projects may seek to leverage opportunities afforded by grants from a variety of state and federal sources or from existing programs such as the Street Maintenance Program, Pavement Management Program, and annual Pedestrian Plan implementation. Additional funding could also be pursued as upcoming Budgeting for Outcomes (BFO) offers, or from existing funded capital projects wherever a rational nexus allows. No direct financial impacts are associated with the voluntary Design Guidelines. BOARD / COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Plan has been presented to the City Council at two work sessions in conjunction with the Downtown Plan and the Design Guidelines items in August, 2015 and March, 2016. Summaries of these two work sessions are included in the list of attachments. The Transportation Board and the Landmark Preservation Commission have taken formal actions to support the Plan. (Attachments 3 and 4) On February 16, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Board will meet to make a recommendation to City Council. Results of the Board's decision will be provided to the Council prior to the Council meeting. On December 1, 2016, the Affordable Housing Board met to discuss this project. Results of the Board’s decision will be provided to the Council prior to the Council meeting. PUBLIC OUTREACH The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan effort began in early 2015. The project was managed collaboratively between Planning Services and a consultant team led by MIG, Inc. The planning process included the continuous involvement of representatives of numerous City departments and outside agencies in the form of a Technical Advisory Committee, as well neighborhood representatives forming a dedicated Neighborhood Stakeholder Group. Outreach activities were varied, from traditional open houses and workshops, listening sessions and surveys, to more interactive events like neighborhood walking and bike tours, online wiki- mapping, and events at festivals. In total, outreach for the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan included 21 workshops, open houses, or general events, 10 stakeholder meetings, 4 technical advisory committee meetings, 6 coffee chat get-togethers, and thousands of individual interactions, survey responses, and comments. The Plan’s Neighborhood Stakeholder Group was comprised of neighborhood residents, property owners, renters, landlords, design professionals, and employees from both the Eastside and Westside Neighborhoods. The group met on a regular basis to help review and guide the renewed neighborhood vision, policies, strategies, and implementation actions. Plan outreach also included numerous updates and consultations with community organizations and City boards and commissions: City Boards and Commissions  Affordable Housing Board  Building Review Board  Bicycle Advisory Committee  Landmark Preservation Commission  Planning and Zoning Board  Transportation Board Agenda Item 20 Item # 20 Page 6 Community Organizations  Board of Realtors, Government Affairs Committee  Chamber of Commerce, Local Legislative Affairs Committee ATTACHMENTS 1. Work Session Summary, August 11, 2015 (PDF) 2. Work Session Summary, March 16, 2016 (PDF) 3. Landmark Preservation Commission Recommendation (PDF) 4. Transportation Board Recommendation (PDF) 5. Powerpoint presentation (PDF) ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 2 Community Development & Neighborhood Services 281 North College Avenue P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522.0580 970.416.2740 970.224.6134- fax fcgov.com Planning, Development & Transportation MEMORANDUM DATE: February 7, 2017 TO: Mayor Troxell and City Councilmembers TH: Darin Atteberry, City Manager Jeff Mihelich, Deputy City Manager Laurie Kadrich, Planning, Development, and Transportation Director FR: Tom Leeson, Director of Community Development & Neighborhood Services Cameron Gloss, Planning Manager Pete Wray, Senior City Planner Maren Bzdek, Historic Preservation Planner RE: Landmark Preservation Commission Recommendation of Old Town Neighborhoods Plan and Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines At its January 18, 2017 Regular Meeting, the Landmark Preservation Commission conducted a review of the proposed Old Town Neighborhoods Plan and the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines, with the following results. The Landmark Preservation Commission adopted the following motion on a vote of 9-0: That the Landmark Preservation Commission recommend to City Council adoption of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan, finding that it promotes the retention and enhancement of the defining neighborhood character. The Landmark Preservation Commission adopted the following motion on a vote of 9-0: That the Landmark Preservation Commission recommend to City Council adoption of the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines, finding that the guidelines support the goals of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan and promote retention and enhancement of the defining neighborhood character. ATTACHMENT 3 Eric Shenk, Chair Annabelle Berklund, Vice Chair Transportation Board DATE: November 17, 2016 TO: Mayor Troxell and City Councilmembers FROM: Eric Shenk, Transportation Board Chair, on behalf of the Transportation Board CC: Darin Atteberry, City Manager RE: Old Town Neighborhoods Plan The Transportation Board reviewed the Old Town Neighborhood Plan presented by Aaron Iverson and Pete Wray at our November 16, 2016 meeting. The Transportation Board voted to endorse these recommendations on a 7-0 vote and we look forward to ongoing updates of the plan if adopted. Respectfully submitted, C. Eric Shenk, Transportation Board Chair ATTACHMENT 4 1 Items Relating to the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan ATTACHMENT 5 2 Resolution 2017-022 Adopting the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan as an element of the Comprehensive Plan (City Plan), and repealing the 1986 East Side Neighborhoods Plan and the 1989 West Side Neighborhoods Plan Resolution 2017-023 Adopting the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines, representing an implementation action of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan First Reading of Ordinance No. 036, 2017, Adopting the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines and Repealing Ordinance No. 013, 1996 Items Relating to the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 3 Plan Overview § Combined update of the 1980s Eastside & Westside Neighborhood Plans § Address ongoing & emerging neighborhood issues § Updated neighborhood vision & framework § Neighborhood-level policy guidance § Implementation recommendations 4 Community Engagement § 21 - Listening Sessions, Workshops, Open Houses § 10 - Neighborhood Stakeholder Group Meetings § Online questionnaires and wiki-mapping § Neighborhood walking/bike tours § Property owner outreach § Community presentations § Coffee chats and personal outreach § 6 - Boards and Commissions review § 2 - City Council Work Sessions 5 Achieving the Neighborhood Vision § Consistent with City Plan Policy § Maintain existing Single- family neighborhoods § Support limited strategic mixed-use designations § Strengthen transition/buffers with Downtown area § Improve bike and pedestrian connections/street crossings City Plan Policies - Infill & Redevelopment § Policy LIV 26.1 – Maintain existing neighborhoods § Policy LIV 26.3 – Promote compatibility of uses § Policy LIV 5.3 – Support design standards to protect character of neighborhoods § Policy LIV 7.3 – Encourage accessory housing unit development 6 7 Strategic Infill/Redevelopment § Low Density Mixed-use Neighborhoods § Transition/Neighborhood Conservation Buffer § Downtown, Community Commercial, General Commercial, MAX Corridor (TDU Overlay) NCC 3 8 Neighborhood Policy Direction Neighborhood Character & Compatibility Preserve and enhance the character of the neighborhoods NCC 1 NCC 2 Protect historic resources within the neighborhoods Support compatible building design for new construction and remodels Provide more options for allowing accessory dwelling units within the neighborhoods NCC 4 Sample Policies: 9 Key Action Items Neighborhood Character & Compatibility § Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines § Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Review & Outreach § 2013 Design Standards – New Construction Monitoring and Evaluation 10 Land Use & Transition Areas LUT 4 LUT 2 LUT 3 Sample Policies: Improve transitions between the established single- family neighborhoods and Downtown/CSU Identify ways to improve neighborhood safety Establish neighborhood identity features Neighborhood Policy Direction 11 Key Action Items Land Use & Transition Areas § Neighborhood Rezoning § Downtown Transition Areas Standards/Guidelines § Property Owner & Neighborhood Support for Designation of Eligible Historic Buildings & Districts 12 Circulation & Mobility C 4 C 1 C 2 Sample Policies: Pursue opportunities to enhance the safety & convenience of arterial street crossings Enhance bike and pedestrian infrastructure along Mulberry & Shields Streets while maintaining appropriate vehicle levels of service Monitor & promote the Residential Parking Permit Program where appropriate to reduce parking conflicts Neighborhood Policy Direction 13 Key Action Items Circulation & Mobility § Bike & Pedestrian Enhancements along Shields & Mulberry § Arterial Street Crossing Improvements § Ongoing Sidewalk Improvements 14 Sustainability S 6 S 2 S 3 Sample Policies: Encourage connectivity to green spaces, urban gardens, and nearby natural amenities… Promote environmental stewardship and support implementation of the Climate Action Plan in the Old Town Neighborhoods Protect people and property from the impacts of flooding Neighborhood Policy Direction 15 Key Action Items Sustainability § Neighborhood Promotional Materials & Education on Efficiency & Green Building Programs § Neighborhood Greenways § Support Ongoing Stormwater/Floodplain Improvements 16 Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines Background § Update to 1996 Design Guidelines § Outcome of 2013 Character Area Study § Old Town Neighborhoods Plan implementation Advisory Document § NCL & NCM Zones § Contextual approach § Helps review process § Provides predictability 17 Neighborhood Character • Community identified features • Architectural styles • Character Areas Historic Preservation • Character defining features • Maintenance of historic homes • Energy efficiency Building and Site Design • Mass and scale of new buildings • Additions/Alterations • Site design, landscaping Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines 18 Resolution 2017-022 Adopting the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan as an element of the Comprehensive Plan (City Plan), and repealing the 1986 East Side Neighborhoods Plan and the 1989 West Side Neighborhoods Plan Resolution 2017-023 Adopting the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines, representing an implementation action of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan First Reading of Ordinance No. 036, 2017, Adopting the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines and Repealing Ordinance No. 013, 1996 Items Relating to the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan -1- RESOLUTION 2017-022 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS ADOPTING THE OLD TOWN NEIGHBORHOODS PLAN AS AN ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (CITY PLAN) AND REPEALING THE 1986 EAST SIDE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AND THE 1989 WEST SIDE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN WHEREAS, by Resolution 1986-058, the Council of the City of Fort Collins adopted Chapters 1 and 2 of the East Side Neighborhood Plan as an element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City; and WHEREAS, by Resolution 1989-135, the Council of the City of Fort Collins adopted the West Side Neighborhood Plan as an element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City; and WHEREAS, the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan (the “Plan”) is a combined update of the adopted East and West Side Neighborhood Plans; and WHEREAS, the Plan applies to the area generally comprised of the predominately residential neighborhoods to the west and southeast of downtown Fort Collins (the “Old Town Neighborhoods”); and WHEREAS, the Plan provides a renewed vision and policy guidance for the Old Town Neighborhoods and incorporates details on programs, strategies, and actions to achieve the vision; and WHEREAS, the Plan vision is composed of four neighborhood vision topic areas reflecting the defining physical and social elements of the Old Town Neighborhoods: Unique, Livable, Connected, and Sustainable; and WHEREAS, the Plan Framework that guides new and modified neighborhood elements to achieve the Plan vision is organized around the four neighborhood vision topic areas. The Plan Framework is organized into four main topics: neighborhood character and compatibility, land use and transitions, transportation and mobility, and sustainability; and WHEREAS, the staff conducted extensive public outreach over the course of creating the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan including open houses, workshops, and tours involving a broad range of citizens, a stakeholder committee, a technical advisory committee, two work sessions with the City Council, and numerous City boards and commissions and community organizations; and WHEREAS, on February 16, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended that Council [ADOPT/NOT ADOPT] the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan as part of the Comprehensive Plan of the City; and -2- WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interests of the City that the Plan be adopted as an element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City and that the West Side Neighborhood Plan and the portions of the East Side Neighborhood Plan previously adopted be repealed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2. That the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, be adopted as an element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City. Section 3. That the West Side Neighborhood Plan and the portions of the East Side Neighborhood Plan previously adopted be repealed as an element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins this 21st day of February, A.D. 2017. _________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ City Clerk 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 1 The Fort Collins Old Town Neighborhoods Plan EXHIBIT A 2 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan Adoption: February, 2017 For more information, or to share questions or comments, please contact us. Fort Collins Planning Services: 970.221.6750 fcgov.com/planning This Plan online: fcgov.com/otnp 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 3 Acknowledgments City Council Wade Troxell, Mayor Gerry Horak, Mayor Pro Tem, District 6 Bob Overbeck, District 1 Ray Martinez, District 2 Gino Campana, District 3 Kristin Stephens, District 4 Ross Cunniff, District 5 City Leadership Darin Atteberry, City Manager Jeff Mihelich, Deputy City Manager Laurie Kadrich, Director of PDT Tom Leeson, CDNS Director Boards and Commissions Affordable Housing Board Bicycle Advisory Committee Landmark Preservation Commission Planning and Zoning Board Transportation Board Consultant Team MIG Jeff Winston Jay Renkens Cole Gehler Fox Tuttle Hernandez Carlos Hernandez Molly Veldkamp Brendle Group Shelby Sommer Economic & Planning Systems Andrew Knudtsen Matt Prosser Project Management & Staff Team Pete Wray, Project Manager Emily Allen Shane Boyle Spencer Branson Sue Beck Ferkiss Sarah Burnett Delynn Coldiron Rebecca Everette Aaron Fodge Clay Frickey Cameron Gloss Aaron Iverson Tim Kemp Dean Klinger Jill Marx Karen McWilliams Ryan Mounce Joe Olson Meaghan Overton Amy Resseguie Paul Sizemore Martina Wilkinson Ralph Zentz 4 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Neighborhood Stakeholder Group Al Kulenski Tami Agne Roland Baschmann Margo Carlock Michele Christensen Mike Coley Kelly Deligio Sheila Dielman Paulette Dolin Meg Dunn Patrick Flynn Michelle Haefele Margit Hentschel Catherine Cole Janonis Seth Jansen Kristina Kachur Chris Kelly Lisa Kohl Hugh Mackay Lisa Moravan Jack Mullen Kevin Murray Doug & Denise Newberry Jodie Riesenberger Greg Rittner Kendra Spanjer Tamela Wahl Gayle Wernsman William Whitley Zach & Laura Wilson 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 5 Table of Contents Overview Background About the Old Town Neighborhoods Neighborhood Issues & Opportunities Vision Vision at a Glance Neighborhood Vision Themes & Values Framework Neighborhood Character & Compatibility Land Use & Transition Areas Circulation & Mobility Sustainability Implementation Policies & Strategies Policy Assessment Implementation Action Tables Appendices A - Existing Conditions Report B - Public Engagement Summaries C - Sustainability Assessment D - Neighborhood Construction Update 6 10 13 25 30 32 34 42 46 50 53 57 60 62 95 97 6 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Overview 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 7 Introduction The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan (Plan) is a combined update of the Eastside and Westside Neighborhood Plans developed in the 1980s, and provides a renewed vision and policy guidance for the two neighborhoods. This plan seeks to address new and ongoing neighborhood issues and opportunities and provides details on programs, strategies and actions to support neighborhood quality of life in topic areas such as land use, transportation, housing, sustainability, and more. City Park Cache la Poudre River DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD 287 287 14 14 287 Lee Martinez Park Mulberry St 287 Prospect Rd Vine Dr Taft Hill Rd Shields St College Ave Lemay Ave 14 14 Riverside Ave The Plan study area includes both the Eastside and Westside neighborhoods, which border Downtown and extend further south and west. Encompassing many of the earliest residential blocks in Fort Collins, the neighborhoods are unique, offering a historic connection to the community’s founding, distinctive architectural styles, and a favorable location close to Downtown, Colorado State University and the Poudre River. Neighborhood Boundaries Parks, Natural Areas & Open Space Water Features N 8 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Planning Process & Organization The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan was developed throughout 2015 and 2016 in four distinct phases. The Plan document organizes information and recommendations around each of these phases: Phase 1 – Overview The project’s first phase included research and evaluation of current neighborhood and community conditions, trends, related planning efforts, and exploration of key issues and opportunities identified by neighborhood stakeholders. Phase 2 – Vision The second phase involved extensive neighborhood outreach and dialogue to understand and articulate stakeholders’ ideas and preferences for the future. From this dialog, a renewed neighborhood vision was developed to guide future decision making for the area. Phase 3 - Framework The framework design phase included mapping the physical elements of the neighborhood vision and expressing proposed changes to neighborhood character, land-use, mobility, and sustainability through the use of a neighborhood framework map. Phase 4 – Implementation The final plan phase included the development of new policies, strategies and programs to achieve and implement the neighborhood vision and framework plan. The neighborhood policies and strategies provide direction, and specific implementation tasks are summarized in action tables organized by immediate, short, and mid-term timelines. 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 9 Outreach In addition to research and analysis of neighborhood conditions and trends, the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan also included extensive public outreach to better understand the key issues and opportunities identified by neighborhood residents and stakeholders. Outreach activities were varied, from traditional open houses and listening sessions, online surveys, and wiki-mapping, to more interactive events like neighborhood walking and bike tours. A complete list and summaries of outreach activities can be found in the Community Engagement Summary in the Plan Appendix. A key focus of Plan outreach included a neighborhood stakeholder group. Neighborhood residents, property owners, real estate and development professionals, renters, and landlords from both neighborhoods were represented. As an ongoing and consistent neighborhood voice, the stakeholder group helped interpret feedback and trends, and provided guidance in the creation of the neighborhood vision, framework, and policies. Outreach, by the numbers... public workshops, meetings & events stakeholder group members stakeholder group meetings of interactions, comments & survey responses 10 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 BACKGROUND Plan Predecessors The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan is a combined update of the 1986 Eastside Neighborhood Plan and the 1989 Westside Neighborhood Plan. The 1980s plans were the first neighborhood plans in Fort Collins, and their goal was the enhancement of the two neighborhoods and the preservation of their unique and defining elements. This vision is carried forward in the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan update. The policies and implementation strategies from the original neighborhood plans focused on the preservation of the lower-density character and efforts to redirect traffic and traffic-generating uses outside the neighborhoods. Other key recommendations and policies included: • Establishment of three new conservation zoning districts delineating areas for low-density and medium-density housing, and a buffer zone providing a transition between neighborhood edges and Downtown / CSU. New Conservation Zoning Districts Westside Neighborhood Plan Eastside Westside Design Guidelines Carriage House Standards Eastside Westside Old Town Neighborhoods Plan & Design 1986 1991 1989 1996 2004 2013 2017 Eastside Neighborhood Plan g Guidelines Character Study & Design Standards Timeline of Neighborhood Planning Efforts & Zoning Changes • Development of Eastside Park in the Eastside Neighborhood. • Ongoing construction, replacement and maintenance of neighborhood sidewalks. 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 11 Relationship to Other Plans City Plan is the comprehensive plan for Fort Collins, providing a vision and priorities for the next 10-20 years. City Plan provides overarching guidance for the entire community, while allowing neighborhood and subarea plans to articulate more specific policies and actions within targeted geographic areas. The last update in 2011 provides the following direction and guidance to incorporate into the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan: • Cohesive, distinct, vibrant, safe, and attractive neighborhoods • Quality and attainable housing options for all household types and income levels • Preservation and enhancement of historic resources and neighborhood character • Investment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency • An interconnected network of parks and recreational facilities • A collaborative and community-based approach to problem-solving • Inclusive and accessible to all people • Multiple modes of safe, affordable, easy, and convenient travel The Eastside Westside Character Study was initiated to help address concerns about the scale and placement of some residential additions and new construction. Key recommendations and implementation actions included adjustments to the Land Use Code measurements for building height, building size (floor area ratio), and solar access provisions. Land Use Code standards were also altered to reduce the maximum size of structures based on lot size. The character study also recommended updates to the 1996 neighborhood design guidelines by providing examples d promoting compatible development and additions within the neighborhoods. City Plan (2011) Eastside Westside Character Study (2013) 12 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Bicycle Plan (2014) Climate Action Plan (2015) Downtown Plan (2017) The Bicycle Master Plan envisions policies, programs and projects to achieve an enhanced level of bicycling in the community and development of a community-wide low-stress bicycle network. The low-stress network includes routes through both the Eastside and Westside Neighborhoods, and many of the recommendations and implementation actions from the Bicycle Master Plan have been incorporated into the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan. The Pedestrian Plan addresses citywide pedestrian needs like gaps in the sidewalk network, safer ways to cross the street, and better ramps at street corners. The purpose of the Pedestrian Plan is to promote a pedestrian-friendly environment that encourages options for walking and a comfortable environment where public spaces, streets, and paths offer a high level of convenience, efficiency, and safety. The Climate Action Plan identifies Fort Collins’ current level of greenhouse gas emissions and commits to reducing future emissions below a 2005 baseline. By 2030, the community seeks to reduce emissions by 80% of the baseline, and to be carbon neutral by 2050. A large portion of the communities’ emissions derive from powering and heating/cooling buildings. As the area of the community with some of the oldest structures, energy efficiency of buildings is an important element in helping the neighborhoods achieve a proportionate reduction in emissions. The Downtown Plan was updated concurrently with the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan, and represents a comprehensive review of issues and opportunities facing the commercial core of the community. Some of these issues overlap or affect the nearby Old Town Neighborhoods, including parking, development and design along Downtown edges, and transportation choices and options. Pedestrian Plan (2011) 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 13 About the Old Town Neighborhoods The Old Town Neighborhoods comprise the Eastside and Westside Neighborhoods bordering Downtown to the west, east, and southeast. The neighborhoods represent some of the earliest residential blocks in the community and their history of growth and development are closely tied to founding and initial growth of the community and Colorado State University (CSU). Located on either side of Downtown and CSU, the neighborhoods feature close proximity to many other nearby amenities such as City Park, the Downtown Library, the Poudre River, and numerous historic landmarks. Short and direct neighborhood blocks provide easy connections that help facilitate alternative travel options, and the neighborhoods contain a large population of transit, pedestrian and bicycle commuters. Although both neighborhoods are widely recognized for their many examples of late 19th and early 20th century residential architecture and styles, the neighborhoods also feature a great collection of homes constructed as late as the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, such as those found in the Hanna Farm, Mantz, and Circle Drive subdivisions. Ranch style homes in the Circle Drive subdivision Very little vacant or developable land remains within the Old Town Neighborhoods. While large-scale redevelopment is not anticipated in the study area, the neighborhoods continue to experience home additions, remodels, and limited demolition and replacement of existing homes with new structures. Opportunities for small and medium-sized multifamily projects also continue to attract interest, especially across from CSU along Laurel Street in the Westside Neighborhood and along College Avenue in the Eastside Neighborhood. With their historic home styles, mature trees, and short blocks, the neighborhoods cannot be recreated elsewhere in the community. An ongoing neighborhood concern is how best to preserve, protect and enhance neighborhood character while still allowing opportunities to adapt to shifting community and social needs/goals. State-champion American Elm (Westside Neighborhood) 14 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Blooming flowers on display at the CSU Trial Gardens A mix of retail, restaurants, and professional offices front College Avenue The life-sized chess board at Library Park Eastside Neighborhood The 350 acres of the Eastside Neighborhood spans both sides of Mulberry Street, east of College Avenue. The neighborhood includes a predominance of single-family homes, with small-to-medium sized multifamily and commercial developments near Library Park and the CSU campus. Prominent destinations and amenities include the South College commercial frontage, the CSU University Center for the Arts, the CSU Trial Gardens, and Library Park. The Eastside Neighborhood features many of the oldest homes in the community, including homes dating as far back as 1868. Much of the neighborhood is also located within the nationally designated Laurel School Historic District. The Laurel School Historic District features many examples of late 19th and early 20th architectural home styles, such as Bungalow, Craftsman and late Victorian. 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 15 Trolley running within the Mountain Avenue Parkway Beavers Market at Shields Street & Mountain Avenue Westside Neighborhood The 800-acre Westside Neighborhood also features primarily single-family homes and a collection of small to mid-sized multifamily projects close to Downtown and the CSU campus. Key amenities and destinations include City Park, Lee Martinez Park, the Mountain Avenue parkway and trolley, and the neighborhood-serving Beavers Market. The restored trolley segment is a the last-running segment of the larger Fort Collins streetcar system, which also traveled through the Eastside Neighborhood. Providing transportation from Howes Street near Downtown to City Park, the trolley runs along the median of Mountain Avenue and past many examples of locally-designated homes, Beaver’s Market, and one of the best examples of the Old Town Neighborhoods’ urban tree canopy. Sheldon Lake, City Park The Farm at Lee Martinez Park (Credit: Grant Smith) 16 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 An important focus of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan is an assessment of the transition areas located along the edges of the neighborhoods where they abut Downtown and CSU. Most of the neighborhood transition areas are defined by the presence of the Neighborhood Conservation Buffer (NCB) zone district, which was implemented following adoption of the first neighborhood plans. The NCB district is present in two areas of the Westside Neighborhood. The first area is a half-block strip along the west side of Meldrum Street between Cherry Street and Mountain Avenue, and the second area is located south of Mulberry Street between Whitcomb Street and the eastern block of Meldrum Street. The first NCB area is predominantly residential, with a mix of single-family and multifamily buildings. Small- scale commercial uses are present near Mountain Avenue. The second NCB area features many multifamily structures catering to college students. Within the past 10 years, several larger multifamily projects have been constructed along Laurel Street across from the CSU campus. In the Eastside Neighborhood there are three primary areas with NCB zoning. The first is along Mulberry Street from the alley between Stover and Cowan Streets on the east to Mathews Street on the west. This area features single-family homes, many of which have been converted to use as professional offices. Since 2005, very little development activity or new buildings have occurred in this area. The second transition-area occurs along Remington Street from Pitkin Street on the south to Laurel Street on the north. This area features a mixture of single-family homes, duplexes, and small multifamily structures and professional offices. Many of the units in this area are renter-occupied, with a large population of CSU students. The final Eastside transition area is located between Downtown and Library Park, along Mathews Street and Oak Street. The proximity to the core of Downtown is evident within the area, which tends to feature more professional offices and institutional land-uses. The Mathews Street block west of Library Park is currently experiencing renewed interest in new multifamily and commercial redevelopment. City Park Cache la Poudre River DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD 287 14 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 17 Neighborhood Demographics Approximately 11,500 people live in the Old Town Neighborhoods, a decrease of several hundred since 2000. The decreasing population is the continuation of a long-term trend of decreasing household sizes, and not a loss in units or higher vacancies. This loss has been offset partially by an overall increase in the number of new dwelling units, many of which are located close to CSU’s campus along Laurel Street or College Avenue. Median age in the neighborhood is close to the community average; however, specific age cohorts tend to skew away from younger children and towards the 25-to-34 year old age groups due to the large college-student population within each neighborhood. Approximately 30% of residents in the Old Town Neighborhoods are enrolled in undergraduate or graduate education, with many additional residents working at the university as staff and faculty. Most students tend to cluster in the southeast corner of the Westside Neighborhood and the westernmost blocks of the Eastside Neighborhood. Many of the properties found in these sections of th neighborhood are rentals with fewer long-term residents. The large CSU student population also skews neighborhood income statistics. Although home prices in the neighborhoods are among the highest in the community, median household income is approximately $17,000 less than the community- wide median of $53,000. 7,500 4,000 > 15 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ Old Town Neighborhoods Fort Collins 12% 16% 23% 18% 12% 11% 10% 6% 5% 23% 25% 14% 10% 9% 4% 4% Westside 18 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Neighborhood Design & Character The Old Town Neighborhoods feature a diverse mix of building ages, sizes, and styles. Many residents identify building style as one of the most defining features of the neighborhoods. However, other elements such as gridded streets, narrow rectangular lots, mature trees, and the presence of alleys also contribute to the unique neighborhood character. This combination of elements is unique in Fort Collins and gives a distinct feeling to the neighborhoods that is difficult to find or recreate elsewhere in the community. These design elements are also an important consideration in discussions involving the perceived compatibility of additions, remodels and new construction in the neighborhoods. City Park DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY 287 14 14 Mulberry St Prospect Rd Vine Dr Taft Hill Rd Shields St College Ave Lemay Ave 14 Riverside Ave The 2013 Eastside Westside Character Study identified six distinct character areas comprising the NCL and NCM zone districts of the Old Town Neighborhoods. Character districts were determined based on building age, size and height, as well as lot size, lot coverage and floor area ratio. Additional information about the neighborhood character districts can be found in the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines, available for download on the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan webpage: www.fcgov.com/otnp Character Areas: 1 2 3 4 5 6 As part of the 2013 Eastside Westside Character Study, a range of variables were analyzed to understand patterns of consistency and diversity within the Old Town Neighborhoods. While the larger study area exhibits many common elements, variations and diversity exist in various subareas and at different block levels. Using information on building age, building size, building height, lot size, lot coverage and floor area ratio, six character areas were identified. These character areas are a key consideration in recognizing unique block-by-block differences, and offer a foundation for the development of new neighborhood design guidelines. N 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 19 Old Town Neighborhood Character Areas The Old Town Neighborhood Design Guidelines, adopted concurrently with the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan, provide information on each Character Area 1 Character Area 2 Character Area 3 Character Area 4 Character Area 5 Character Area 6 Common Styles: • Queen Anne • Classic Cottage • Vernacular • Craftsman Typical Years of Construction: 1882-1920 Vernacular Classic Cottage Typical Years of Construction: 1901-1920 Common Styles: • Craftsman • Classic Cottage • Vernacular • Bungalow Large porches are common in Character Area 2 Classic Cottage Min. Traditional Vernacular L-Cottage Typical Years of Construction: 1901-1920 Common Styles: • Minimal Traditional • Classic Cottage • Vernacular • Small lots Common Styles: • Minimal Traditional • Classic Cottage • Vernacular • Large lots Typical Years of Construction: 1901-1960 Common Styles: • Minimal Traditional • Vernacular • Small footprints Typical Years of Construction: 1941-1960 Modified Minimal Traditional Minimal Traditional Typical Years of Construction: 1950-1970 Common Styles: • Minimal Traditional • Ranch Ranch homes in Character Area 6 20 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Neighborhood Tree Canopy A defining feature of the Old Town Neighborhoods is their mature tree canopy, comprised of a network of both public and private trees. Public trees can be found within the tree lawns between streets and sidewalks along most Old Town Neighborhood streets. Extensive plantings can also be found in City, Lee Martinez, Library, and Eastside Parks. Even more numerous are the collection of mature trees planted on private property throughout the neighborhood contributing to the urban tree canopy. W ELIZABETH ST CONSTITUTION AVE W PLUM ST S TAFT HILL RD N TAFT HILL RD LAPORTE AVE W VINE DR CHERRY ST E MOUNTIAN AVE RIVERSIDE AVE BUCKINGHAM ST E LINCOLN AVE LINDEN ST WILLOW ST JEFFERSON ST WALNUT ST S HOWES ST N HOWES ST S LOOMIS AVE S COLLEGE AVE N COLLEGE AVE S LEMAY AVE S MASON ST N MASON ST REMINGTON ST STOVER ST W LAUREL ST W LAKE ST E LAUREL ST E ELIZABETH ST E PITKIN ST W PROSPECT RD E PROSPECT RD W MOUNTIAN AVE S SHIELDS ST N SHIELDS ST W MULBERRY ST E MULBERRY ST NN Lee Martinez Park Udall Natural Area LIND LINDE NDEE NNDE D Buckingham Park North Shields Ponds Natural Area City Park Red Fox Meadows Natural Area airbrooke 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 21 Development Activity Located near community economic generators, the Poudre River, and cultural facilities, the Old Town Neighborhoods are some of the most attractive and desirable in the City. As a result, home prices in the neighborhoods are steadily rising, alongside concerns over neighborhood affordability. Although the neighborhoods are built-out, many permits are issued each year for home additions, detached accessory structures like garages, and new home construction that replaces an existing structure. Between 2005 and 2014, an average year featured permits for 8 new homes, 14 secondary buildings, and 27 home additions. The Westside Neighborhood experiences a majority of new permit activity. While most activity is focused on single-family homes, between 2005 and 2014, a number of larger multifamily student-oriented projects were also permitted near the CSU campus along Laurel Street, and such developments were largely responsible for the net addition of new dwelling units within the neighborhood. The average size for all homes in the neighborhoods are 1,266 square in the Eastside and 1,123 square feet in the Westside. Newly-constructed homes in both neighborhoods average 2,018 square feet in size, and the average size of home additions is approximately 630 square feet. After renovations, homes with additions tend to approach 2,000 square feet in size, similar to new construction. Over the past decade, the larger size of new home construction as well as home additions has increased the average size of all homes and plays an important role in affecting neighborhood values and affordability. Between 2011 and 2016, home price increases were particularly dramatic, and meant that some of the smallest neighborhood residences were not attainable for large segments of the community. Homes from both neighborhoods also continue to experience conversion from owner-occupied Average Household Size Old Town Neighborhoods (existing) Old Town Neighborhoods (new construction) Fort Collins / Larimer County (new construction) 1,200sf 2,000sf 2,400sf Construction Activity 2005-2014 Unit Type Annual Permits Total Permits 73 Average 22 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Transportation & Mobility The Old Town Neighborhoods reflect a unique pattern of homes in close proximity to commercial, educational, and occupational destinations, on short blocks with a gridded street network, which provides multiple travel routes and great options for travel by walking and biking. As a result, the Old Town Neighborhoods, Downtown, and CSU feature the highest proportion of transit, bike and pedestrian commuters in the community. Bicycle-usage heat map, 2014 Bicycle Master Plan. The warmer yellow, orange and red colors indicate higher bicycle traffic. Social trails often mark missing sidewalks in the neighborhoods, such as in this location along East Mulberry Street. While a higher proportion of trips in the neighborhoods take place using non-vehicular methods, the infrastructure supporting these travel options is aging and tends to be constrained by limited rights of way and older infrastructure. Many streets in the neighborhoods feature attached or missing sidewalks, non-continuous or narrow bike lanes, and arterial streets without turn lanes, medians, or convenient crossing locations. Arterial streets such as Mulberry Street and Shields Street are particularly representative of the challenge of accommodating all travel modes in a limited street right of way. Portions of these corridors must accommodate four vehicle travel lanes, bike lanes and sidewalks within a 60-foot right of way. Modern arterial street standards with four vehicle travel lanes, bike lanes, detached sidewalks, and tree lawns would utilize a 115-foot right of way cross section. Traffic congestion and safety issues are recognized as a challenge for both West Mulberry Street and North Shields Street as two constrained arterials that bisect the neighborhoods. Balancing vehicular level of service requirements with non-vehicular modes of travel is particularly challenging in these segments. In addition to space constraints, land-uses and development patterns along these arterial streets differ from elsewhere in the community. Neighborhood arterial streets tend to be lined with single-family homes rather than commercial development. Mulberry and Shields Streets must serve a dual purpose as important community commuting corridors and local neighborhood streets, providing access to individual homes with numerous curb cuts and driveways. Even as they act as local access for single-family homes, their larger widths and higher traffic volumes still represent a barrier to intra-neighborhood connectivity. 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 23 W ELIZABETH ST LAKE ST CONSTITUTION AVE W PLUM ST S TAFT HILL RD N TAFT HILL RD LAPORTE AVE W VINE DR CHERRY ST E MOUNTIAN AVE RIVERSIDE AVE BUCKINGHAM ST E LINCOLN AVE LINDEN ST WILLOW ST JEFFERSON ST WALNUT ST S HOWES ST N HOWES ST S LOOMIS AVE S COLLEGE AVE N COLLEGE AVE S LEMAY AVE N LEMAY AVE S MASON ST N MASON ST REMINGTON ST STOVER ST W LAUREL ST W LAKE ST E LAUREL ST E ELIZABETH ST E PITKIN ST W PROSPECT RD E PROSPECT RD W MOUNTIAN AVE S SHIELDS ST N SHIELDS ST W MULBERRY ST E MULBERRY ST NNN Lee Martinez Park Udall Natural Area LINNN LIN LIND NNNNNDE ND NDD NND NDE Buckingham Park City Park Red Fox Meadows Natural Area Fairbrooke Pond S TAFT HILL Avery Park Legacy Park W WM M Sheldon Lake Cache la Poudre River Cache la Poudre River Spring Creek DOWNTOWN COLORADO 24 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Flood Risk in the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan Boundaries High Risk Floodplain (Acres of 100-year floodplain) Structures Greater than 500 sq. ft. in High Risk Floodplain Old Town 104 441 Canal Importation Basin 10 0 West Vine 11 38 The Fort Collins Stormwater Master Plan includes several major capital stormwater infrastructure projects within the Old Town Neighborhoods. When implemented, these improvements will move structures out of the floodplain and mitigate potential flood risks. Future storm sewer improvement projects include Magnolia/Myrtle, Oak Street, Mulberry/Riverside, LaPorte/Cherry and Whedbee. In addition to storm sewer improvements, incorporating low impact development (LID) practices into development and redevelopment projects helps reduce the quantity and improve the quality of stormwater runoff. Overview of Floodplain Regulations Life, safety and property protection from flooding are key goals of the City of Fort Collins Utilities. Development within the floodplain must comply with the floodplain regulations in Chapter 10 of the Fort Collins Municipal Code. A sample of these regulations are listed below: • No residential structures in the floodway. • New structures must be elevated 18-inches above the 100-year flood elevation. Non-residential structures or mixed-use structures with all residential uses on upper floors may substitute floodproofing for the elevation requirement. • Additions must be elevated 12-inches above the 100-year flood elevation. • Any structure that is substantially improved (improvements more than 50% of the value of the structure) must be brought up to code including elevation 12-inches above the 100-year flood elevation. • Critical facilities are prohibited. • Any work in the floodway must document no-rise in the 100-year flood elevations. Floodplain requirements often result in new construction that is raised or elevated above base flood elevations, which may interrupt the established character of a block as new construction “sits” higher than adjacent homes. The table below summarizes the size of floodplains and impacted structures that currently exist in the Old Town Neighborhoods: 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 25 Neighborhood Issues & Opportunities During initial outreach activities, stakeholders were frequently asked to share their opinions about the most important neighborhood issues and opportunities. While individual responses varied, the overall collection of ideas tended to feature several recurring themes and topics. Frequently mentioned themes were further refined by the neighborhood stakeholder group and staff to use as organizational elements throughout the remainder of plan document: Neighborhood Character & Compatibility Land Use & Transition Areas Circulation & Mobility The defining characteristics of the neighborhood, such as home size and design, mature landscaping, and historic resources. The type and location of neighborhood land uses, as well as buffer zones near the edges with Downtown and CSU. Ease of travel options and safety throughout the neighborhoods, whether on local or arterial streets. The social, environmental and economic wellbeing of the neighborhoods, both now and into the future. Sustainability 26 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Frequently heard issues and opportunities: • Balancing development and design standards with private property rights • Developing and promoting information and incentives on compatible development • Design and size of new construction and home additions • Recognizing and celebrating historic resources and districts • Protecting and enhancing the tree canopy New construction size and style Although homes in the Old Town Neighborhoods feature diverse architecture and building sizes, concerns remain that some new construction looks or feels incompatible with the existing neighborhood character. At the same time, many stakeholders voiced concerns that new design standards would restrict property rights further, and that opportunity exists to promote and encourage compatible development through education and incentives. Neighborhood Character & Compatibility “Old Town is a mosaic of home styles each relevant to the decades in which they were designed…styles come and go. It’s great to be able to look through a neighborhood and see multiple decades represented in design styles.” - survey respondent Neighborhood Charm & Historic Resources The architectural styles, street pattern and tree canopy are unique features of the neighborhoods that cannot be recreated. Residents have expressed that care should be taken to protect and enhance these neighborhood features, through landmark designations and the application of design guidelines and standards. Many also feel there may be opportunities to identify and celebrate the many historic properties and districts located within the neighborhoods to share the history of the area. Neighborhood Pride Areas of the neighborhoods continue to see increases in rental housing, which some believe may lead to relaxed property maintenance. Neighbors expressed interest in finding solutions to incentivize maintenance to keep the neighborhoods beautiful for all neighbors. The tree canopy in particular was highlighted as important for monitoring and maintenance, both by the City and residents alike. 406 Stover Street, one of the oldest homes in the Old Town Well-maintained properties in the Eastside Neighborhood. Neighborhoods, was constructed in the late 1870s or early 1880s. 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 27 Land Use & Transition Areas Frequently heard issues and opportunities: • Impacts of growth and larger buildings near neighborhood edges with Downtown and CSU • Lack of flexibility for new accessory dwelling units • Protecting the integrity of the single-family neighborhoods • Education about neighborhood zoning and development standards • Proactively anticipating changes near Downtown and CSU Integrity of the Residential Neighborhoods With continued growth near Downtown and CSU, there has been an increase in multifamily and non- residential development abutting traditional single- family areas. Finding ways to compatibly transition between lower density residential areas and higher activity or intensity found near Downtown and CSU is an important focus for many neighborhood residents and property owners. Accessory Dwelling Units Some residents highlighted that accessory dwelling units like carriage houses or in-law apartments could be a way to help long-term residents age-in-place, care for family members, or increase the supply of smaller, more affordable units. However, current development standards restrict smaller accessory units from being constructed except only on the largest of neighborhood lots. Transition Areas Both staff and stakeholders questioned what types of land-uses, standards, incentives, or requirements might be appropriate to help create better transitions between the residential neighborhoods and the edges of Downtown and CSU featuring taller buildings, higher intensity, and busier commercial retail, and institutional land-uses. “The buffer areas between the two neighborhoods will be the focal point of residential vs. commercial. The integrity of the Eastside/Westside Neighborhoods needs to spill over into these areas.” - survey respondent Development Standards Education Neighbors, builders and design professionals voiced that standards for buildings and construction in the neighborhoods have changed frequently and are confusing or difficult to understand. Clearer and more concise information is needed. If more compatible development is sought, all parties could benefit from additional education on specific standards and their intent and purpose, as well as ideas on how to incorporate modern amenities into older structures. Businesses occupying former homes in the NCB district along East Mulberry continue the residential look and feel of the area. New mixed-use residential development in the transition area 28 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Circulation & Mobility Frequently heard issues and opportunities: • Missing or insufficient bike and pedestrian facilities on Mulberry and Shields Streets • Safety and convenience crossing arterial streets • Spillover parking near Downtown and CSU • Improving safety and convenience for all travel modes • Improved access and connections to nearby natural areas, trails, and parks • Congestion Intra-Neighborhood Travel and Trail Connections Travel within the neighborhoods functions well for most modes, but there are still opportunities to continue filling in missing sidewalk gaps, performing routine maintenance, and improving connections to nearby parks and trails (often across arterial streets). Many residents cited the need for easier connections to the Spring Creek Trail and Poudre River Trail (Eastside Neighborhood), as well as sidewalks to Lee Martinez Park (Westside Neighborhood). Parking For many living near Downtown, CSU, or the library, spillover parking is a frequent and frustrating occurrence. Many close to these daytime parking generators are worried about parking conditions worsening over time, or expanding further into the neighborhoods, which could be addressed with additional tweaks or flexibility to the Residential Parking Permit (RP3) program, and other parking management efforts. Mulberry and Shields Streets Many issues and opportunities identified by residents specifically focused on travel conditions along the Mulberry and Shields corridors: • It feels uncomfortable to walk or bike along many segments of these streets • Both streets lack consistent bike lanes and feature missing or narrow sidewalks • With no center turn lanes, left-turning vehicles can create backups and safety issues • Adding additional crossings or enhancing existing crossings would improve connectivity • Congestion and roadway safety Wait times & short crossing durations were identified by residents who use the Whedbee and Mulberry Street intersection. 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 29 Sustainability Frequently heard issues and opportunities: • Decreasing affordability and ability to age-in-place • Maintaining the diversity of neighborhoods ages, incomes, family situations, and housing choices • Aging neighborhood infrastructure and utilities • Ease of home energy retrofits and energy generation and compatibility with existing character • Impacts of additional development on human health and well-being (e.g. noise, smoke, privacy) • Supporting existing neighborhood and Downtown businesses Affordability and Diversity As desirable neighborhoods, rents and home prices in the Old Town Neighborhoods are rising faster than the rest of the community. Many are worried rising prices are slowly leading to a lack of diversity in home sizes and that the neighborhoods are becoming more unaffordable for families with children or those with lower or fixed incomes. “Old Town has charm that isn’t found in newer developments. It is interesting, unique and beautiful with its wide streets and diverse appearance.” - open house comment Diversity of home styles, sizes, and ages in the Eastside Neighborhood Home Energy Retrofits Community goals such as the Climate Action Plan call for reducing neighborhood and community greenhouse gas emissions. One of the largest sources is from the energy used to heat and cool buildings. With some of the oldest structures in the community, opportunities exist to provide information and guidance on programs and ideas to retrofit existing structures to increase efficiency, while maintaining their traditional look and feel. Health & Well-Being Along with interest for more flexibility to see smaller, more affordable units come potential concerns about increasing the impacts on the well-being of neighbors from additional backyard fires, noise from animals, traffic, reduced privacy, and the loss of more open-feeling backyards and alleys. 30 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Vision 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 31 Vision Overview The Old Town Neighborhoods are Unique, Livable, Connected and Sustainable. As mature, established neighborhoods, many of the ideas and opportunities expressed by stakeholders in support of the neighborhoods’ vision emphasize preserving and enhancing the qualities that already make the neighborhoods a wonderful place to live. Developed with the aid of residents, a stakeholder group, City staff and elected officials, the vision for the Old Town Neighborhoods reflects a collection of values, opportunities and feelings about the neighborhoods as they exist today and as they are envisioned in the future. The vision also builds upon many of the ideas expressed in the original neighborhood plans developed in the 1980s. While the neighborhoods have evolved and face new challenges and opportunities, the ideas of celebrating their one-of- a-kind elements, enhancing mobility, and promoting neighborhood pride remain relevant. Vision Structure The Old Town Neighborhoods vision is composed of four topic areas: Unique, Livable, Connected, and Sustainable. These topic areas represent the defining physical and social elements of the neighborhood, and are supported by value statements that relate to specific ideals and principles. Combined, the vision statements and values for each topic area outline specific neighborhood elements to preserve or enhance the present and future. The vision provides the foundation for future neighborhood policies, strategies, and implementation projects or actions. UNIQUE Neighborhood character, history and design LIVABLE Neighborhood land-use and transitions CONNECTED Neighborhood travel and mobility SUSTAINABLE Social, environmental and economic vibrancy POLICIES STRATEGIES PROJECTS 32 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Unique Diversity of Building Styles Historic Context Compatible Design Single-Family Character Landscaping and Tree Canopy Livable Anticipate and Manage Change Smooth Transitions Neighborhood Identity Social Interaction High Quality of Life Connected Enhanced Arterial Corridors Improved Connectivity Safe Travel Environment Walkability and Bikeability Grid Street Pattern Sustainable Variety of Housing Choices Socioeconomic Diversity Connected Open Space Network Environmental Stewardship Adequate Infrastructure Vision at a Glance Summarized below are the key concepts within each topic area. The following pages illustrate and articulate these vision concepts and neighborhood values. 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 33 What we heard... “Historic properties are what make Old Town unique, but retaining the character of Old Town is more about variety than it is about sameness.” “Preserving the character of these neighborhoods is important in keeping Fort Collins as we know it, but it is also important to allow home owners to express themselves and have the homes of their dreams.” “We have gridded streets which are great for multi-modal transportation. Let’s make that even better.” “I feel sensitivity and care should be taken for the past when planning for the future, but I don’t think these needs should supersede the social, environmental, and economic sustainability needs of these communities within which we are planning .” Top Responses: Vision Questionnaire: What do you like most about the Old Town Neighborhoods? Mature Trees & Landscaping Diversity of Home Sizes & Home Styles Walkable Street Pattern 34 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Neighborhood Character & Compatibility Vision: Celebrating and enhancing the qualities that make the neighborhoods unique and which foster “Old Town Charm.” Values: • Recognizing and protecting historic resources • Celebrating the diversity of home sizes, styles, and residents • New construction that is sensitive to neighborhood character and context • Well-maintained landscaping and tree canopies Diverse home sizes, styles, and unique landscaping Neighborhood Character & Compatibility 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 35 Neighborhood Character & Compatibility Recognizing and protecting historic resources Celebrating the diversity of home sizes, styles, and residents New construction that is sensitive to neighborhood character and context, and well-maintained landscaping and tree canopies 36 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Land Use & Transition Areas Vision: Neighborhoods designed for friendly interactions and a high quality of life. Values: • Maintaining the stability of single-family neighborhoods • Compatible non-residential and buffer areas adjacent to the neighborhoods • Front porches, urban gardens and quiet streets which promote friendly interactions, evening strolls and neighborhood pride Compatible transitions from Downtown to the neighborhoods 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 37 Land Use & Transition Areas Maintaining the stability of single-family neighborhoods Compatible non-residential and buffer areas adjacent to or within the neighborhoods. Front porches, urban gardens, and quiet streets which promote friendly interactions, evening strolls, and neighborhood pride 38 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Circulation & Mobility Vision: Neighborhoods integrated into the community with safe and convenient travel options. Values: • Multiple travel options that take advantage of the historic street grid pattern and short neighborhood blocks • Easy-to-cross arterial streets that balance functionality as both commuting corridors and neighborhood streets • Continued enhancement of the neighborhood bicycle and pedestrian networks • Arterial street system that provides mobility, minimizes neighborhood cut-through traffic and supports safety Safe and convenient travel options to nearby destinations Circulation & Mobility 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 39 Circulation & Mobility Multiple travel options that take advantage of the historic street grid pattern and short neighborhood blocks Easy-to-cross arterial streets that balance functionality as both commuting corridors and neighborhood streets Continued enhancement of the neighborhood bicycle and pe- destrian networks Arterial street system that provides mobility, minimizes neighbor- hood cut-through traffic and supports safety 40 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Sustainability Vision: Neighborhoods with the resources and knowledge to help maintain and improve their economic, social and environmental vibrancy Values: • A variety of housing choices to sustain the capability to live in the neighborhoods for all ages, income levels, and family situations • Connected green spaces, urban gardens, and access to nearby natural amenities • Efficiency and environmental stewardship • Renewed neighborhood infrastructure for the present and future Sustainable neighborhoods with multiple housing options, urban agriculture, and energy retrofits Sustainability 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 41 Sustainability A variety of housing choices to sustain the capability to live in the neighborhoods for all ages, income levels, and family situations Connected green spaces, urban gardens, and access to nearby natural amenities Efficiency and environmental stewardship Renewed neighborhood infrastructure for the present and future 42 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Framework 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 43 PLAN FRAMEWORK Framework Topic Key Framework Elements Related Vision Theme Neighborhood Character and Compatibility 1) Design Guidelines 2) Neighborhood Identity Features 3) Development Activity Monitoring Unique Land Use and Transitions 1) Areas of Preservation and Enhancement 2) Neighborhood Zoning / Mixed Use Pockets 3) Buffer and Transition Areas Livable Transportation and Mobility 1) Neighborhood / Local Streets 2) Mulberry & Shields Street Improvements 3) Parking Connected Sustainability 1) Neighborhood Greenways 2) Housing Choices & Affordability 3) Urban Tree Canopy Sustainable Overview The Plan Framework is the central piece of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan and represents a guide to new or modified neighborhood elements designed to achieve the neighborhood vision. The Plan Framework includes recommendations about preserving and enhancing neighborhood character, land use, connectivity, and the tenets of sustainability. The Plan Framework is organized around the four neighborhood vision topic areas, highlighting key recommendations. Additional strategies and implementation actions are outlined in the implementation chapter. The Plan Framework Map on the following pages visualizes the key physical characteristics proposed for the neighborhoods. 44 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 WHITCOMB STREET SHEELY DRIVE S LOOMIS AVE N ROOSEVELT AVE W MOUNTAIN AVE W MAGNOLIA ST S SHIELDS ST N SHIELDS ST W MULBERRY ST 1 2 3 4 4 5 W ELIZABETH ST CITY PARK AVE W LAKE ST CONSTITUTION AVE W PLUM ST S TAFT HILL RD N TAFT HILL RD LAPORTE AVE W VINE DR S HOWES ST N HOWES ST W LAKE ST W PROSPECT RD CHERRY ST Lee Martinez Park City Park COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD Disc Mu Lincoln Center Dunn Elementary Putnam Elementary Fullana Elementary The Lab School St. Joseph’s Catholic School 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 45 MAX MAX LAUREL SCHOOL OLD TOWN Prioritized Bike Routes1 Interim Alternative Bike Routes Neighborhood Greenway Improvements Enhanced Crossing Max Transit Line 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 MILES N 1. Routes taken from the Fort Collins Bicycle System Wayfinding Plan 2. Locations taken from Colorado Tree Coalition’s Notable Tree Tour in Fort Collins Plan Framework Areas of Preservation and Enhancement Arterial Street Improvements Parks & Open Space Buffer Transition Downtown Plan Boundary CSU Main Campus Boundary Legend EXISTING ELEMENTS FUTURE ELEMENTS Neighborhood Boundary City Boundary Trails Roadway Building Steams, Rivers, Lakes Potential Rezonings Designated Historic Districts Employment Zone Notable Trees22 Trees Greenway Designations Key Projects Shields Corridor Improvements Mulberry Corridor Improvements Buffer Transition Area Future Zoning Changes 1 2 3 4 5 Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhhood REMINGTON ST E LAUREL ST E PITKIN ST WHEDBEE ST E MULBERRY ST 4 3 5 E MOUNTAIN AVE 46 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Neighborhood Character & Compatibility The Old Town Neighborhoods comprise an eclectic mix of older homes of various sizes and styles, along with mature landscaping, and a grid-street block pattern. These elements collectively establish a neighborhood character not found elsewhere in the community. It is this uniqueness that residents commonly refer to as “Old Town Charm.” The blocks within the Old Town Neighborhoods are diverse, with a range of existing character and contexts. These conditions help shape development and influence the perceived compatibility of new developments. Each block contains different physical characteristics, such as architectural styles, alley configuration, block size, or building age, and compatibility varies throughout the neighborhood. The updated neighborhood vision captures this uniqueness, and supports preserving and enhancing neighborhood character and compatibility in building additions and new construction. The Plan Framework incorporates neighborhood character and compatibility elements by illustrating the physical attributes that are most important in achieving compatibility between existing and proposed development and additions. The physical design of public spaces, including streetscape amenities, neighborhood entryways, parks, and historic districts may also help to define the unique nature of the neighborhoods for residents and visitors alike. Throughout the Plan process, residents voiced their goals to encourage compatible building design to maintain or enhance the existing neighborhood character. This continues feedback heard during the 2013 Eastside Westside Character Study, which created new Land Use Code standards related to mass, scale, solar access, and recommendations for new neighborhood design guidelines. Diversity of residential building size, styles, and ages can be found throughout the neighborhoods, or on the same block. Locating large additions in the rear help maintain existing streetscape proportions from public streets and sidewalks. The Plan Framework for Neighborhood Character and Compatibility includes the recommendation for three key projects to preserve and enhance neighborhood charm, including new voluntary Neighborhood Design Guidelines, neighborhood identity features, and ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of the 2013 Eastside Westside Character Study design standards. In addition, smaller neighborhood projects such as continued maintenance of the tree canopy and education on alternative streetscape landscaping alternatives will be employed. 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 47 Design Guidelines The 2013 Eastside Westside Character Study identified six different character areas around the neighborhoods based on factors such as lot size, building age, and architectural styles. New neighborhood design guidelines are being developed concurrently with the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan to provide information, ideas, and resources on compatible design for neighbors and design professionals when they consider home additions or new construction. New neighborhood design guidelines should help residents identify common neighborhood styles and features when considering home additions or new construction. LAUREL SCHOOL WHITCOMB STREET OLD TOWN Lee Martinez Park Udall Natural Area City Park Cache la Poudre River Eastside Park DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD Discovery Museum University Center For The Arts At CSU Public Library Lincoln Center Designated Historic Districts Potential Gateway Feature Location Historically-Designated Properties Colorado Tree Coalition Notable Trees N 48 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Compatibility in the Old Town Neighborhoods: Voluntary guidelines or regulatory standards? Of all the issues, opportunities, and strategies discussed throughout the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan process, none elicited more split opinion than design compatibility of additions and new construction. While nearly all agree it is important to protect the existing character of the neighborhood, opinion is divided on whether voluntary design guidelines or regulatory standards are the most appropriate solution. Many strong opinions were expressed on this subject throughout the planning process, and the split opinion extended to the neighborhood stakeholder group. Many members of the stakeholder group advocate for additional design standards, while others maintain the City should not have a role in the design or style of single- family homes, and that the 2013 Eastside Westside Character Study Design Standards adequately addressed neighborhood compatibility concerns. Unlike considerations for other Plan policies and strategies, the lack of middle ground between voluntary guidelines and regulatory standards leaves little room for compromise and presents a challenge for staff to develop an appropriate solution. Ultimately, this Plan recommends proceeding with the use of voluntary design guidelines, with more emphasis on their ongoing promotion, incentives, and continued monitoring of the 2013 Eastside Westside Character Study Design Standards on new construction. Factors affecting the decision to proceed with voluntary guidelines include: • Discussion of compatibility and appropriate solutions was highly contentious during the 2013 Eastside Westside Character Study. Ultimately, City Council approved new design standards and supported follow-up implementation to develop new voluntary design guidelines, which are an immediate action item of this Plan. • There are new opportunities to promote the use of design guidelines than in the past, such as financial incentives included as part of the Design Assistance Program. The new design guidelines also feature a more visual, easy to understand format that is user-friendly for neighbors, builders, and design professionals. • An implementation action of this Plan includes ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the 2013 Eastside Westside Character Study Design Standards to ensure their purpose and intent are being met. Stakeholders have specifically requested more information and evaluation of the standards related to design compatibility, solar access, and how the City measures wall and roof height at the side yard setback. Staff proposes to compile and release 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 49 Identity Features Features, such as markers, monuments, specialty landscaping, and signage can further enhance neighborhood identity, improve wayfinding, or celebrate important places. Several markers already exist, but a more consistent approach could strengthen their purpose to highlight unique aspects of neighborhood history and the built environment. Development Activity Monitoring Ongoing monitoring of development activity and home sizes within the neighborhoods will follow implementation of the Eastside Westside Character Study design standards. The new standards implemented in spring 2013 added new requirements for solar access, home size (floor area ratio), and front house design for new construction and home additions. In the next several years, after additional examples of new home construction have been completed, a case-study report exploring the impact and potential issues of the new standards will be compiled to help determine if the purpose and intent behind the standards are being met. Potential neighborhood identity features, wayfinding signage, and streetscape improvements could be incorporated at select neighborhood locations. Case studies of new construction can help determine if recently- adopted design standards are meeting their intent and purpose. 50 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Land Use and Transitions Much of the appeal of the neighborhoods lies in walkable, tree-lined streets near Downtown and CSU that, despite their proximity to denser areas of town, still retain a distinctly residential feel. The residential blocks adjacent to the central social, commercial, and educational hub of the community make the neighborhoods a uniquely livable area. The Old Town Neighborhoods’ predominantly residential character is reflected in their zoning pattern. Neighborhood Conservation zone districts make up the majority of the neighborhoods with small pockets of other zoning reflecting the potential for more varied development patterns. Neighborhood Conservation, Low Density (NCL) zoning is characterized by single-family detached homes in the neighborhood furthest away from Downtown. Neighborhood Conservation, Medium Density (NCM) contains mainly single-family detached homes but with small multi-family buildings within the interior of the neighborhoods. Neighborhood Conservation, Buffer (NCB) districts define a transition from the neighborhoods to Downtown or CSU. NCB features a mix of uses and building types that contain single-family homes alongside transitional uses such as medical or professional offices. In addition to the conservation zoning comprising a majority of the neighborhoods, in the Westside, pockets of Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN) zoning permit smaller scale, neighborhood serving commercial uses and multi-family developments typical of newer neighborhoods in Fort Collins. In the Eastside along Riverside Avenue, small, triangular-shaped areas of Limited Commercial (CL) zoning allows a range of commercial and industrial uses. While the neighborhood conservation zone districts are suited to maintaining the traditional low and medium residential density in the neighborhoods, several of the LMN and CL zone districts may be disruptive to neighborhood character if redevelopment occurs in the future. These pockets permit land-uses, densities, and building sizes beyond established neighborhood expectations. The Plan Framework designates the core NCL and NCM zone districts as neighborhood preservation and enhancement areas while adjusting several pockets of commercial (CL), and mixed-use (LMN) zoning to better reflect existing development patterns, adjacent neighborhood uses, and future redevelopment character. A new mixed-use (townhomes & coffee shop) under construction in 2016 in a Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN) zoning pocket located at Mountain Avenue and Shields Street. The types of uses and building design standards in LMN differ from the conservation zoning found throughout the majority of the Old Town Neighborhoods. The design is intended to reflect the residential character of adjacent single-family houses. 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 51 S LOOMIS AVE N ROOSEVELT AVE REMINGTON ST E LAUREL ST E PITKIN ST W MOUNTAIN AVE W MAGNOLIA ST WHEDBEE ST S SHIELDS ST N SHIELDS ST W MULBERRY ST E MULBERRY ST W ELIZABETH ST CITY PARK AVE W LAKE ST CONSTITUTION AVE W PLUM ST S TAFT HILL RD N TAFT HILL RD LAPORTE AVE W VINE DR E MOUNTAIN AVE RIVERSIDE AVE VINE DR BUCKINGHAM ST E LINCOLN AVE LINDEN ST S HOWES ST N HOWES ST S COLLEGE AVE N COLLEGE AVE S LEMAY AVE N LEMAY AVE S MASON ST N MASON ST STOVER ST W LAKE ST E ELIZABETH ST W PROSPECT RD E PROSPECT RD CHERRY ST DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD Areas of Preservation & Enhancement Proposed Rezoning: Low Density Mixed Use Neighborhood to Neighborhood Conservation Medium Density Proposed Rezoning: Downtown to Neighborhood Conservation Buffer Neighborhood Preservation & Enhancement Areas The original Eastside and Westside Neighborhood plans identified the need to preserve the existing mix of architectural styles, street layout, and quality of life within the neighborhoods. These plans initiated the creation of the Neighborhood Conservation zone districts, which aimed to conserve the existing character of the neighborhoods. Citizens have confirmed their desire to preserve this character, stressing the importance of protecting the historic charm while allowing for small changes and enhancements to allow the neighborhood to thrive in the years to come. The core of the Old Town Neighborhoods, represented by the NCL and NCM zone districts, 52 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Buffer and Transition Areas As Downtown and CSU continue to grow and evolve, maintaining a clear edge and transition between the residential character of the Old Town Neighborhoods and Downtown is important to residents. Many of the blocks in these transition areas are already zoned as part of the Neighborhood Conservation Buffer (NCB) district, which attempts to achieve transitional land-uses, building heights, and design between Downtown and the neighborhoods. In coordination with the Downtown Plan, one block of the Downtown zone district bounded by Olive Street, Sherwood Street, and Canyon Ave is proposed to be rezoned to the Neighborhood Conservation Buffer (NCB) zone district. While buffer zoning exists along nearly all other Downtown edges, this block is unique in transitioning directly from Downtown to Neighborhood Conservation Medium Density zoning. The rezoning recognizes the primarily residential nature of the block and the request by property owners and nearby neighbors to consider alternative zoning while maintaining the medical and professional office uses that exist at one corner. Stakeholders indicated the types of land-uses found in the buffer zone district, such as larger homes, professional and medical offices, and multifamily dwellings, are appropriate. However, specific issues related to site layout, building design, and activities or nuisances in rear parking areas are crucial to ensure a smooth and functional transition to the smaller structures and homes found in the neighborhoods. As part of the effort to clarify design and site planning intent, new transition-area design guidelines and standards will be explored within neighborhood transition areas. The effort will be coordinated along both sides of transition areas (neighborhoods and Downtown) for future redevelopment and new construction. Potential focus areas include parking, building height, building materials, ground-floor character, and roof form. This multifamily building in the Neighborhood Conservation Buffer zone district near CSU represents many of the qualities neighbors suggested for design in transition areas, including the use of materials and roof form that are consistent with the neighborhoods, a traditional front porch that maintains the existing streetscape pattern,, and well-maintained rear parking areas. 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 53 Circulation and Mobility The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan Framework highlights new or improved elements of the transportation system designed to support the neighborhood vision for enhanced connectivity and safety for all travel modes within the neighborhoods and beyond. The Plan Framework Transportation enhancements encompass changes to both the local transportation network and arterial corridors. The local transportation network includes city streets classified as collector and local roads. Local roads operate with low volumes of traffic and speeds, while collector roads collect traffic from local roads and distribute it to arterials. Within the neighborhoods, Mulberry and Shields Streets represent the primary east-west and north-south arterial corridors for travel in, through, and out of the Old Town Neighborhoods. S LOOMIS AVE N ROOSEVELT AVE REMINGTON ST E LAUREL ST E PITKIN ST W MOUNTAIN AVE W MAGNOLIA ST WHEDBEE ST N SHIELDS ST W MULBERRY ST E MULBERRY ST W MAGNOLIA ST N SHIELDS ST W MULBERRY ST E MULBERRY ST W ELIZABETH ST CITY PARK AVE W LAKE ST CONSTITUTION AVE W PLUM ST S TAFT HILL RD N TAFT HILL RD LAPORTE AVE W VINE DR E MOUNTAIN AVE RIVERSIDE AVE VINE DR BUCKINGHAM ST E LINCOLN AVE LINDEN ST S HOWES ST N HOWES ST S COLLEGE AVE N COLLEGE AVE S LEMAY AVE S MASON ST N MASON ST STOVER ST W LAKE ST E ELIZABETH ST W PROSPECT RD E PROSPECT RD CHERRY ST DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE 54 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Local Streets Each mode of transportation should be accommodated within the local transportation network. The focus of residents’ goals and improvements included additional attention on pedestrian and bicycle amenities, as many felt the local street network already functions well for drivers and vehicles. The local street network must function primarily as a resident serving system. Streetscape design can positively influence people’s overall perception of a place and can leave a lasting impression. At the same time, these streets must respect and celebrate the history of the neighborhoods. The following objectives represent the intent of streetscape improvements for the local street network. Traffic calming effectively slows automotive traffic, creating safer streets for pedestrians and bicyclists. The creation of bulbouts or curb extensions at wide, trafficked intersections may help slow vehicles at intersections and improve safety for pedestrians by decreasing crossing widths. These improvements can be paved or landscaped, and could incorporate artistic sculptures or other identity features. Improving walkability of streets in the neighborhoods can be achieved by establishing important pedestrian connections and improving existing walking conditions. Safely connecting residents to destinations and amenities can be accomplished by ensuring the existing sidewalk network is complete and accessible for all abilities. Creating safer crossings at intersections of the local street network that cross arterial or collector roads will improve the mobility of residents. Improvements such as pedestrian refuges, complete ADA intersection ramps, and enhanced signals would further increase pedestrian safety at crossings. Retrofitting bike lanes from arterial streets to adjacent local streets identified as alternative low-stress routes would further enhance bike and pedestrian mobility and safety. Improving aesthetics along the local street network can help establish more distinguished neighborhoods and can be achieved with the addition of landscaping, site furnishings, and art. Urban agriculture is already a popular phenomenon in Fort Collins. Providing opportunities for activities to occur along streets is recommended given the locations are accessible and easy to maintain. The Street Maintenance Plan and Sidewalk Improvement Programs help maintain and construct missing sidewalks and curbs throughout the community based on funding and prioritization. Building upon the findings from the Pedestrian Plan, many areas of the Old Town Neighborhood receive high priority for future improvements due to higher pedestrian usage and proximity to Downtown / CSU. Funding for these programs remains critical to 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 55 Arterial Corridors Shields Street and Mulberry Street are two primary arterial streets serving the Old Town Neighborhoods, but also represent a barrier for intra-neighborhood travel. Both streets feature missing or sub-standard bike, pedestrian, and vehicle infrastructure. Both streets are congested and heavily constrained by existing development and limited right-of-way, so compromise is necessary to enhance travel and safety in the near future in lieu of a costly capital improvement project. Stakeholder interest throughout the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan process was consistent in the desire to see improvements to bike and pedestrian infrastructure on Mulberry and Shields Streets, while maintaining each as an important commuting corridor for vehicles. There are many existing and expected demands for Mulberry and Shields streets. Most importantly, these streets are expected to function as arterial corridors while supporting existing residents and businesses and minimizes cut-through traffic on local streets in the neighborhoods. Balancing various trade-offs related to traffic calming, throughput, right-of-way constraints, and access is critical. The following objectives represent future considerations for streetscape improvements on Mulberry Street, Shields Street, and the surrounding street network. Mulberry & Magnolia Streets Recommended Mulberry corridor options include: Taft Hill Road to City Park Ave: Reduce the number of vehicle travel lanes from four to three, with one travel lane each direction and a center turn lane. Lower traffic volumes means traffic can continue to flow smoothly with the addition of center turn lanes allowing for safer and more convenient left turn movements. Space gained from the reduction in lanes will be utilized to enhance bike and pedestrian mobility with new buffered bike lanes and sidewalks. City Park Ave to Riverside Ave: Due to higher traffic volumes, improvements along this segment of the corridor will consist of widening and construction of missing sidewalks and enhanced crossing treatments. One block to the north, Magnolia Street can create an alternative and comfortable experience for bicyclists and pedestrians. Magnolia Parallel Route (Jackson Ave to Riverside Ave): New buffered bike lanes will be added along with potential adjustments to intersections to emphasize east-west travel. Existing detached sidewalks, mature landscaping, and lower traffic volumes and speeds will create a safer and more pleasant travel environment, while an enhanced crossing of Shields Street can offer an convenient and safe options for travel to City Park. 56 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Shields Street Recommended Shields corridor options include: Laurel Street to Magnolia Street: The existing four vehicle travel lanes should remain in place, but a reduction in lane widths will allow the street curbs to be moved inward, creating additional space for wider sidewalks and a shared bike / pedestrian path. While one of the most constrained sections of any arterial corridor in the Old Town Neighborhoods, this segment also represents the best opportunity for additional right-of-way improvements as redevelopment occurs along the west side of the street. Until this option is implemented for Shields Street, alternative bike routes are identified on City Park Avenue and Washington Street. Magnolia Street to Laporte Street (approximate): The function and need for travel lanes are being evaluated to determine whether changes could allow for a center turn lane and potential bikes lanes in this street segment. Laporte Street to Vine Drive: The width of the existing two vehicle travel lanes can be reduced while still providing parking on one side of the street. The additional space gained from the lane reduction and parking will be used to create buffered bike lanes. Parking Monitoring, expansion, and continued refinement of the Residential Parking Permit Program (RP3) will remain the primary actions to resolve neighborhood parking concerns. Recent expansion of RP3 parking zones near CSU and Downtown have improved resident parking availability. Ongoing monitoring and feedback will continue to shape the program to ensure adequate usage of on-street parking while balancing program inconveniences, such as parking for guests or contractors within RP3 zones. W ELIZABETH ST CONSTITUTION AVE W PLUM ST LAPORTE AVE CHERRY ST E MOUNTIAN AVE BUCKING LINDEN ST WILLOW ST JEFFERSON ST WALNUT ST S HOWES ST N HOWES ST S LOOMIS AVE S COLLEGE AVE S MASON ST N MASON ST REMINGTON ST STOVER ST W LAUREL ST W LAKE ST E LAUREL ST E ELIZABETH ST E PITKIN ST W PROSPECT RD E PROSPECT RD 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 57 S LOOMIS AVE N ROOSEVELT AVE REMINGTON ST E LAUREL ST E PITKIN ST W MOUNTAIN AVE W MAGNOLIA ST WHEDBEE ST S SHIELDS ST N SHIELDS ST W MULBERRY ST E MULBERRY ST W ELIZABETH ST CITY PARK AVE W LAKE ST CONSTITUTION AVE W PLUM ST S TAFT HILL RD N TAFT HILL RD LAPORTE AVE W VINE DR E MOUNTAIN AVE RIVERSIDE AVE VINE DR BUCKINGHAM ST E LINCOLN AVE LINDEN ST S HOWES ST N HOWES ST S COLLEGE AVE N COLLEGE AVE S LEMAY AVE N LEMAY AVE S MASON ST N MASON ST STOVER ST W LAKE ST E ELIZABETH ST W PROSPECT RD E PROSPECT RD CHERRY ST DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD Prioritized Bike Routes (Bike Wayfinding Plan) Proposed Neighborhood Greenway Routes & Enhancements Sustainability The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan effort has been guided by the three primary aspects outlined in the Sustainable vision theme: environmental, social, and economic. Each element of sustainability is an integral part of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan, although not every element of sustainability represents a physical change. Key Plan Framework enhancements or changes include development of the Neighborhood Greenways travel and design network, Land Use Code standard changes to permit greater flexibility for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and ongoing monitoring, maintenance, and replacement of the neighborhood tree canopy. Neighborhood Greenways 58 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Housing Choice & Affordability Housing costs are rising rapidly in Fort Collins, and especially in the Old Town Neighborhoods. High desirability and limited supply of units make home- ownership for median earners in the neighborhoods more difficult and are also pushing up rental prices. While housing affordability should be addressed at a larger geographic and policy scale, small changes to zoning and Land Use Code requirements for accessory units could offer new housing options within the neighborhoods for smaller units, workforce housing, family-care, and opportunities to age in place for existing residents. This plan proposes some additional flexibility for backyard carriage houses and defining a new type of internal accessory unit located within existing homes. To ensure neighborhood character and compatibility is preserved, a slight reduction in the minimum lot size for a detached carriage house is proposed. Additionally, internal accessory units in existing structures would cause no externally visible changes to the neighborhood. Additional restrictions to ensure the protection of neighborhood parking and privacy would also be implemented as part of a future package of potential land use changes. Neighborhood Tree Canopy Unique neighborhood landscaping and the mature tree canopy are some of the neighborhoods’ greatest assets. Maintaining the tree canopy and replacement of lost street trees will be an ongoing neighborhood priority, working through the City’s Street Tree Replacement program and the potential to participate in Forestry’s Neighborhood Tree Canopy Project by planting free trees at selected residences. Additional education materials will be promoted to help sustain the current tree canopy, showcasing resources and guides for notable trees, proper maintenance and trimming, and ideas for alternative tree lawn landscaping or front and back yard xeriscaping. Eligible Parcel Newly Eligible Parcel Carriage House Parcel Size Eligibility (conservation zone districts): A reduction in the minimum-required lot size to construct a carriage house from 10,000 sf to 9,500 sf in the NCM and NCB zone districts results in approximately 300 newly-eligible lots. N 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 59 This page intentionally left blank 60 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Implementation 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 61 POLICIES, STRATEGIES & IMPLEMENTATION Overview The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan policies determine how we can best achieve the values and ideals expressed in the Neighborhood Vision. Policies represent desired outcomes and provide guidance for strategies, which are more specific ideas and tasks that help to directly implement the overall vision or policy. The OTNP policies form the foundation for implementation of the plan. The vision themes guide and organize the policy sets. Each set establishes a general policy and multiple strategies that identify a clear direction for implementation. Strategies that can be immediately implemented into more specific implementation actions and are summarized in tables at the end of this chapter. Implementation Timeframes • Immediate Actions (Within 120 days of adoption): Items adopted concurrently with or immediately following adoption of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan. • Short-Term Actions (2017-2018): Items completed within the current Budgeting for Outcomes (BFO) budget cycle. • Mid-Term Actions (2019-2026): High- priority items that should be initiated and implemented in alignment with upcoming budget cycles. • Ongoing Programs & Actions: Items that are already in progress, do not have a specified timeframe, or require ongoing coordination to implement. The roundabout and curb extensions at Laurel and Remington Streets, recently constructed as part of the Remington Greenway improvements, also feature stormwater improvements, curb extensions, and new landscaping. 62 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Neighborhood Character & Compatibility Preserve and enhance the character and “Old Town Charm” of the neighborhoods. Policy NCC 1 Strategies: Encourage the use of adopted City streetscape and xeriscape design criteria for alternative planting options in front yard and parkway areas. Support well-maintained front yard landscaping to enhance the streestscape environment and attractiveness of the neighborhoods. Educate neighbors about City programs and initiatives, such as free mulch for residences and the Street Tree Replacement and Neighborhood Tree Canopy Programs. Encourage the use of front porches in new construction and additions. Encourage additional neighborhood communication through Nextdoor, social media, and the Neighborhood Connections project. Support and enforce the International Property Maintenance Code to encourage well-kept NCC 1.1 NCC 1.2 NCC 1.3 NCC 1.4 NCC 1.5 Common Street Trees in the Old Town Neighborhoods Linden Oak Elm Maple Policies, Strategies & Implementation properties NCC 1.6 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 63 Protect historic resources within the neighborhoods. Policy NCC 2 Strategies: Support property owner and neighborhood-initiated requests for historic designation of eligible properties. Monitor, evaluate, and educate the community about the impacts of the 2013 Eastside Westside Character Study design standards implemented through the Land Use Code. Provide educational materials on financial incentive programs for maintaining designated landmarks, and promote the new Old Town Neighborhood Design Guidelines as part of outreach efforts and the development review process. NCC 2.1 NCC 2.2 NCC 2.3 Neighborhood Character & Compatibility Encompassing some of the first residential blocks in the City, the Old Town Neighborhoods feature a large collection of historic resources, ranging from the stately homes for the community’s early business and political leaders, to modest but distinctive cottages and bungalows, as well as the early infrastructure, amenities, and institutions that supported the growth of the City. The Stover Residence at 503 Remington Street is a designated landmark that has been adapted for use as professional offices. William Stover was a prominent local businessman and served as a representative at the State Constitutional Convention. The 1887 Italianate-style home was designed by Hiram C. Pierce. The Park View Apartments at 221 Mathews Street is one of the older multifamily buildings in the Old Town Neighborhoods. Originally crafted with an Art Deco/ Mission facade, in 1936 it was updated with the current Tudor design shortly after completion. The location for the Grandview Cemetery, on the far western edge of the Westside Neighborhood was chosen for the abundant water rights from nearby canals. The first interment at the cemetery was Felix Scoville, a three month old baby in November, 1887. Policies, Strategies & Implementation 64 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Neighborhood Character & Compatibility Policies, Strategies & Implementation Support compatible building design for new construction and remodels. Policy NCC 3 Strategies: Develop and promote the updated Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines for the Neighborhood Conservation Low Density and Neighborhood Conservation Medium Density zone districts. Promote and encourage the use of the design guidelines and design resources early in the development review process and as part of neighborhood outreach efforts. Incentivize the use of the design guidelines through the existing Design Assistance Program. NCC 3.1 NCC 3.2 NCC 3.3 Policy NCC 3 Implementation What: The Old Town Neighborhood Design Guidelines will be adopted to provide information on neighborhood character areas, building patterns, common architectural styles, and ideas on how home alterations, additions, and new construction can be compatibly integrated with the existing neighborhood context. The Design Guidelines build upon the Eastside Westside Character Study and provide a comprehensive resource for homeowners, neighbors, design professionals, decision-makers, and City staff. How: The Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines will be adopted within several months of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan, and can be immediately used to help guide and inform decisions on additions, new construction, and how to compatibly integrate energy-efficient home upgrades. Who: Fort Collins Planning When: Immediate The Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines can help guide local design professionals and homeowners planning to use the Design Assistance Program. 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 65 Policies, Strategies & Implementation The Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines will highlight common features of the architectural styles found throughout the Old Town Neighborhoods and include information on compatible repairs, alterations, and new construction. Provide more options for allowing accessory dwelling units within the established single-family neighborhoods. Policy NCC 4 Strategies: Conduct a review of existing Land Use Code standards for carriage houses and develop new internal accessory dwelling unit standards that support opportunities for additional housing while maintaining neighborhood character; NCC 4.1 Complete additional outreach with neighbors and stakeholders prior to Land Use Code changes; include evaluation of proposed changes to short term rental rules and requirements when developing potential code changes. NCC 4.2 Alignment with City Plan: City Plan policies and principles encourage the important role of historic properties and historic preservation programs and incentives in the Old Town Neighborhoods and community-wide: Policy LIV 16.3 - Increase Awareness (Historic Preservation) Increase awareness, understanding of, and appreciation for the value of historic preservation in contributing to the quality of life in Fort Collins. Policy LIV 16.3 - Utilize Incentives Use incentives to encourage private sector preservation and rehabilitation of historic resources. Policy LIV 16.5 - Encourage Landmark Designations Actively encourage property owners to designate their properties as historic landmarks. Neighborhood Character & Compatibility 66 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 What: The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan includes a recommendation to revise or develop Land Use Code standards and requirements for accessory dwelling units (ADU) in the neighborhood conservation zone districts. Both neighbors and Boards and Commissions indicated interest in enhancing flexibility for accessory units, such as carriage houses or new subordinate, internal units. These units can be utilized as smaller dwellings for existing residents to age-in-place, family care, or more attainable units for those earning median incomes, while maintaining the traditional visual character of the neighborhoods. Locating new accessory units internal to existing homes or using rear carriage houses helps to maintain the visual character of the neighborhoods while permitting additional units that could be used for aging-in-place, family care, or that are more attainable for those earning median incomes. Policy NCC 4 Neighborhood Character & Compatibility Policies, Strategies & Implementation Implementation How: Although stakeholders expressed strong interest in ADU flexibility, additional outreach will be required to identify the specific level of flexibility or changes desired. Preliminary feedback and ideas discussed during the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan process included the following elements, which may help form a basis for follow-up outreach and implementation. Potential code changes include: • Reduce the minimum lot size required for carriage houses in the NCM and NCB zone districts from 10,000 square feet to 9,500 square feet. • Define internal accessory dwelling units as a new land use permitted in the NCM and NCB zone districts. • Limit internal ADUs to 40% of the maximum size of the existing unit to ensure subordination. • Allow only one type of ADU per lot. • Require both the primary dwelling and ADU to meet existing design standards for floor area ratio. • Require additional parking for internal ADUs. • Questions remain about whether greater flexibility for ADUs should apply to the NCL zone district; further evaluation and feedback is necessary. Who: Fort Collins Planning Timeline: Immediate or Short Term 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 67 Alignment with City Plan: Previously-adopted policies and principles in the City’s comprehensive plan support potential accessory dwelling units changes as part of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan: Policy LIV 6.1 - Types of Infill and Redevelopment in Residential Areas Infill and redevelopment in residential areas may occur through: a. The addition of new dwelling on vacant lots and other undeveloped parcels surrounded by existing residential development. b. Dwelling units added to existing houses (e.g., basement or upstairs apartments) c. Small, detached dwellings added to lots of sufficient size with existing houses (e.g., “alley houses or “granny flats”)... Policy LIV 6.2 - Seek Compatibility with Neighborhoods Encourage design that complements and extends the positive qualities of surrounding development and adjacent buildings. Policy LIV 7.3 - Encourage Accessory Housing Unit Development Recognize accessory housing units as a viable form of additional, and possibly more affordable, housing and encourage their development provided such development is consistent with existing residential neighborhood character. Neighborhood Character & Compatibility Policies, Strategies & Implementation Requirements and standards for rear or alley- loaded dwelling units like carriage houses have become stricter over time. The last major changes to standards occurred in Spring 2004 and included: • Eliminated the construction of duplex/ multifamily units along alleys or in rear lots • Reduced the maximum footprint and overall size of carriage houses • Reduced the maximum height and eave height of carriage houses • Required a public hearing and neighbor notification for approval of a carriage house Minimum lot size requirements for carriage houses were incorporated in the early 1990s when the Neighborhood Conservation Zone Districts were established. Future accessory units or storage spaces are often designed above new garage units throughout the neighborhoods. 68 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Land Use & Transition Areas Preserve the character and compatibility of the Old Town Neighborhoods. Policy LUT 1 Strategies: Support and maintain conservation zoning throughout the Old Town Neighborhoods. Review the purpose and intent of the pockets of Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN) zoning in the neighborhoods; maintain LMN zoned areas in strategic locations to allow for housing variety and neighborhood-serving businesses. Review the purpose and intent of the Limited Commercial (CL) zoning along Riverside Avenue. Define short term rentals as a new land use in the Land Use Code and allow the use in appropriate locations based on zone district. Support neighbors interested in historic designation of their properties or larger historic districts. Support and enhance urban agriculture as an accessory use in the neighborhoods. LUT 1.1 LUT 1.2 LUT 1.3 LUT 1.4 LUT 1.5 The character of the neighborhoods should continue to remain largely residential, with mostly single-family homes. Some commercial and multifamily can be found scattered throughout the neighborhoods, especially near neighborhood edges or along busier streets. Policies, Strategies & Implementation 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 69 Land Use & Transition Areas Policy LUT 1 Policies, Strategies & Implementation Implementation What: The original Eastside and Westside Neighborhood Plan visions to preserve and protect neighborhood character will be continued and reinforced, designating the core NCL and NCM zoning districts in the neighborhoods as areas of preservation and enhancement. The designation reinforces expectations for residents and City staff that the neighborhoods should not experience large, sudden changes. In addition, the plan recommends rezoning several pockets, or areas of zoning, to better align current and future land-uses and development patterns to match their surrounding neighborhood context. Not all commercial or mixed-use zoning pockets would be rezoned. Several pockets along neighborhood edges and busier streets would remain, as well as areas where collection of nonconforming uses would be created by a change in zoning. These areas can continue to function as smaller centers providing neighborhood services. How: In the Westside Neighborhood, staff has identified several Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN) pockets for potential rezoning to a neighborhood conservation zone district based on their similarity of land-uses and development pattern to adjacent blocks. The LMN zoning in these pockets also represents a potential interruption of neighborhood character if commercial uses or larger buildings were to be proposed. Similarly, the Eastside Neighborhood includes several areas of Limited Commercial (CL) zoning near Riverside Avenue where existing residential land-uses and character could shift to nontraditional neighborhood uses such as retail, auto-repair, or parking based under the present zoning. These areas are proposed to be rezoned to a more consistent form of neighborhood conservation zoning. Who: Fort Collins Planning Timeline: Immediate Westside Neighborhood: Potential rezoning of Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN) zone pocket near the Fort Collins Utility Service Center Proposed Rezoning Areas Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN) Zoning Districts: Neighborhood Conservation Medium Density (NCM) Neighborhood Conservation Low Density (NCL) Neighborhood Conservation Buffer (NCB) 70 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Land Use & Transition Areas Policies, Strategies & Implementation Westside Neighborhood: Potential rezoning of Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN) pockets west of Shields Street Eastside Neighborhood: Potential rezoning of select Limited Commercial (CL) parcels near Riverside Avenue Proposed Rezoning Areas Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN) Zoning Districts: Neighborhood Conservation Medium Density (NCM) Neighborhood Conservation Low Density (NCL) Neighborhood Conservation Buffer (NCB) Public Open Lands (POL) Proposed Rezoning Areas Limited Commercial (CL) Zoning Districts: Neighborhood Conservation Medium Density (NCM) Neighborhood Conservation Low Density (NCL) Neighborhood Conservation Buffer (NCB) N N 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 71 Land Use & Transition Areas Improve transitions between the established single-family neighborhoods and Downtown/CSU. Policy LUT 2 Strategies: Explore options to create new or expanded Neighborhood Conservation Buffer (NCB) zoning between Downtown and the neighborhoods. Develop new design guidelines and standards for neighborhood transition areas and the Neighborhood Conservation Buffer (NCB) zone district to improve compatibility between residential blocks and more intense nearby development. Limit new commercial development within the established residential areas consistent with neighborhood conservation zoning. Encourage neighborhood-supportive services and compatible commercial activity along neighborhood edges or within transition areas. LUT 2.1 LUT 2.2 LUT 2.3 Policies, Strategies & Implementation Policy LUT 2 Implementation What: New transition-area design guidelines and standards will be developed to ensure smoother transitions between the edges of the neighborhoods and Downtown/CSU. During outreach efforts, many stakeholders felt the existing land-use mix in the transition areas of low to medium density residential, professional offices, medical clinics, and community and civic institutions represented an appropriate mix. Most concerns centered on building design, scale, and materials, parking, and the relationship of rear facades and alleys to single-family homes. Given this set of issues, an important focus for the new transition-area guidelines and standards should center on site and building design. Opportunity exists to explore new guidelines or standards relating to building mass, bulk, and scale, roof form, building materials, ground floor character, and more. The new guidelines and standards could also be specifically tailored to the individual context between the neighborhoods and the new Downtown character areas established as part of the Downtown Plan update. How: The new transition-area design guidelines or standards will be developed as a follow-up implementation action to both the Downtown and Old Town Neighborhoods Plan, and feature additional public outreach, and consultant participation and expertise. Responsibility: Fort Collins Planning Timeline: Short or Medium Term. 72 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Recent example of a new multifamily development in a transition area of the Eastside Neighborhood. The transition areas near the Library feature many examples of offices in converted residences, and multifamily structures. Land Use & Transition Areas Policies, Strategies & Implementation Future design guidelines and standards for larger buildings in the transition areas between the neighborhoods and Downtown will address common building design and siting concerns raised by community members, including: Landscape Setbacks Ground Floor Character Roof Form Upper Floor Stepbacks 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 73 Converting existing single-family homes to commercial uses is viewed favorably by stakeholders within neighborhood transition areas. Required building and site upgrades during conversion can be substantial and may include finding additional space for parking, ADA-accessibility, floor loading, and more. Land Use & Transition Areas Policies, Strategies & Implementation Larger setbacks and additional landscaping help set commercial properties in transition areas apart from their Downtown counterparts and fit in with residential surroundings. The confluence of Downtown and the neighborhoods can be seen near the intersection of Magnolia Street and Canyon Avenue, where offices and retail businesses abut single-family homes in the Neighborhood Conservation Medium Density (NCM) zone district. 74 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Land Use & Transition Areas Establish neighborhood identity features at primary neighborhood entrances. Policy LUT 3 Strategies: Enhance key intersections and pedestrian crossings to provide inviting entrances and safety measures for the neighborhoods. Work with Art in Public Places on place making initiatives involving local artists that will enhance key neighborhood entryways. Propose new streetscape design improvements at entryways. Develop and implement a signage and wayfinding program. LUT 3.1 LUT 3.2 LUT 3.3 LUT 3.4 Identify ways to improve neighborhood safety. Policy LUT 4 Strategies: Coordinate with Police Services, Utilities, and Poudre School District to improve enforcement and lighting in Eastside Park. Improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles at street crossings along high-volume streets and intersections. Encourage foot traffic in public places by adding or augmenting paths, landscaping, and activity spaces. Ensure collaboration between the Safe Routes to School and Sidewalk Improvement Programs to continue reducing or eliminating missing and damaged sidewalks near school sites over time. LUT 4.1 LUT 4.2 LUT 4.3 LUT 4.4 Policies, Strategies & Implementation 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 75 Circulation & Mobility Pursue opportunities to enhance the safety and convenience of arterial street crossings. Policy C 1 Strategies: Identify appropriate locations for new or enhanced arterial crossings. Continue to evaluate signal timing to fully support safety for all users while enhancing pedestrian and bike comfort where possible. Explore a full range of crossing treatments and signal options at current or future intersections. C 1.1 C 1.2 C 1.3 Relatively few signalized crossings exist for pedestrians across Mulberry and Shields Street in the Old Town Neighborhoods. Policies, Strategies & Implementation Future crossing enhancements and intersection improvements will be tailored to their context, users, and site opportunities. Stakeholders identified the following locations and intersections for future focus and study. These locations represent current popular crossings, or where future neighborhood greenways intersect arterial streets. Crossing / Intersection Locations: • Shields St & Magnolia St • Shields St & Mulberry Ave • Mulberry St & Loomis Ave • Mulberry St (Mulberry Pool) • Mulberry St & Whedbee St • College Ave & Elizabeth St • Prospect Rd & Stover St S LOOMIS AVE N ROOSEVELT AVE REMINGTON ST E LAUREL ST E PITKIN ST W MOUNTAIN AVE W MAGNOLIA ST WHEDBEE ST N SHIELDS ST W MULBERRY ST E MULBERRY ST W ELIZABETH ST CITY PARK AVE KE ST CONSTITUTION AVE W PLUM ST S TAFT HILL RD N TAFT HILL RD LAPORTE AVE W VINE DR E MOUNTAIN AVE RIVERSIDE AVE 76 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Enhance bike and pedestrian infrastructure along Mulberry and Shields Streets while maintaining appropriate vehicle levels of service. Policy C 2 Strategies: Identify locations where traffic volumes permit fewer or narrower vehicle travel lanes to support new or expanded bike and pedestrian amenities, such as wider sidewalks and buffered bike lanes. Explore short and medium-term solutions for bike and pedestrian options using the existing right-of-way. Create complementary parallel routes on nearby adjacent streets where the costs, vehicle efficiency, or timelines for arterial improvements are prohibitive. Connect to a network of low-stress bicycle routes throughout the neighborhoods with enhanced bicycle, pedestrian, and streetscape amenities. Improve connections from the neighborhoods to nearby parks, natural areas, and trails. Coordinate future restriping and potential Shields and Mulberry Street enhancements with upcoming resurfacing improvements as part of the Pavement Management Plan. C 2.1 C 2.2 C 2.3 C 2.4 C 2.5 C 2.6 Policies, Strategies & Implementation Circulation & Mobility Mulberry Street east of College Avenue features a more comfortable walking experience with detached sidewalks and street trees, but lacks on-street bike lanes found along many other arterial streets in the community. 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 77 Mulberry Segment 1 Mulberry Segment 2 Mulberry St Magnolia St Shields St Taft Hill Rd Washington Ave Pioneer Ave Jackson Ave Sheldon Dr Bryan Ave Cook Dr Crestmore Pl Laurel St Olive St Woodford Ave Oak St Oak St Mountain Ave Laporte Ave Columbine Ct Maple St Maple St Cherry St Sycamore St Elm St Vine Dr Magnolia Parallel Route Shields Segment 1 Shields Segment 2 Shields Segment 3 City Park Ave Sheldon Lake To Riverside Ave Dunn Elem. Lab / ECC Policy C 2 Policies, Strategies & Implementation Implementation Circulation & Mobility What: The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan recommends consideration of incremental changes to the Shields and Mulberry corridors to appropriately accommodate a balance of vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian users. The long-term vision of the Master Street Plan for each corridor consists of four vehicle travel lanes, bike lanes, detached sidewalks and tree lawns. The neighborhood vision and stakeholder input indicated a willingness to explore short and medium-term implementation solutions for enhanced bike and pedestrian improvements at strategic locations, without having to expand the street right-of-way, and that could be implemented without larger capital investments. Further evaluation is needed to determine specific opportunities. How: Each arterial corridor includes potential 78 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Mulberry Street Taft Hill Road to City Park Ave (Segment 1): Reduce the number of vehicle travel lanes from four to three, with one travel lane each direction and a center turn lane. The lower traffic volumes on this segment means traffic can continue to flow smoothly, while the new center lane allows for safer and more convenient left turns to residential driveways and local streets. Space gained from the reduction in lanes will be utilized to enhance bike and pedestrian mobility with new buffered bike lanes and wider sidewalks. • Short-term recommendations: restripe from 4 vehicle lanes to 3 vehicle lanes (including center turn lane); add new buffered bike lanes. • Mid-term recommendations: Potential crossing enhancement at City Park Ave; coordinate improvements with updates to the City Park Master Plan. • Long-term recommendations: sidewalk widening. City Park Ave to Riverside Ave (Segment 2): Higher traffic volumes in this segment make a reduction in vehicle lanes prohibitive. Instead, improvements will consist of the construction and widening of sidewalks and enhanced crossing treatments to make it safer and more convenient to cross from one side of the street to the other as a bicyclist or pedestrian. Bike and pedestrian travel will be encouraged along Magnolia Street as a parallel route, one block to the north. • Short-term recommendations: 4 vehicle travel lanes & center turn lane (existing now) to remain; Identify locations for crossing enhancements. • Mid-term recommendations: implement Magnolia Street parallel route for pedestrians and bicyclists; install missing sidewalks (Mulberry near Riverside Ave). • Long-term recommendations: sidewalk widening. Policies, Strategies & Implementation Circulation & Mobility This Streetmix cross-section represents the conceptual striping recommendation for West Mulberry between Taft Hill Road and City Park Avenue (Segment 1), including one vehicle travel lane each direction, a new center turn-lane, and buffered bike lanes. Future sidewalk widening may also occur. 6’ Bike Lane 8’ 2’ Sidewalk 10’ Drive Lane 10’ Center Turn Lane 10’ Drive Lane 2’ 6’ Bike Lane 8’ Sidewalk 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 79 Magnolia Parallel Route Lower traffic volumes and wider streets create an excellent opportunity for improved bike and pedestrian infrastructure and operations. New buffered bike lanes will be added along with potential adjustments to intersections to support east-west travel. Existing detached sidewalks, mature landscaping, and lower traffic volumes and speeds will create a safer and more pleasant travel environment for bicyclists and pedestrians. • Short-term recommendations: Restriping of Magnolia Street with buffered bike lanes; parallel parking remains. • Mid-term recommendations: new/continuous buffered bike lanes; potential intersection management changes (e.g. 4-way to 2-way stop); potential activated-crossing at Shields Street. The Magnolia Parallel Route, located one block north of Mulberry Street, will offer an improved pedestrian and bicycling experience with lower traffic volumes, continuous detached sidewalks and street trees, and buffered bike lanes. Recent and planned restriping of the street will continue to accommodate vehicle lanes and parking. The numbers on the striping plan above represent anticipated vehicle, parking, and bike land widths. Mulberry Street between City Park Avenue and Riverside Avenue (Segment 2) features higher traffic volumes that make lane restriping impractical. Installation of missing sidewalks along East Mulberry Street near Riverside Avenue are a priority, along with crossing enhancements and the implementation of the Magnolia Street parallel route one block to the north. Circulation & Mobility Policies, Strategies & Implementation (within 120 days) 80 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Policies, Strategies & Implementation Circulation & Mobility Shields Street Laurel Street to Magnolia Street (Segment 1): Four vehicle travel lanes will remain in place, but a reduction in lane width could allow curbs to be moved inward, creating additional space for wider sidewalks. The wider sidewalks can act as shared bike and pedestrian paths as an interim enhancement. While one of the most constrained segments in the neighborhoods, it also represents one of the only opportunities for future right-of-way acquisition from redevelopment along the west side of the street. • Mid or long-term recommendations: reduction in vehicle travel lane widths and sidewalk widening (approximately 8-feet), with a shared bike and pedestrian path on the sidewalks (bikes one-way only on each side of the street). Magnolia/Mountain to Laporte Ave (Segment 2): The number of vehicle travel lanes will be reviewed to determine whether a reduction is possible. For example, one alternative is to reduce from four to three lanes, with one travel lane each direction and a center turn lane. Space gained from the reduction in overall travel lanes will be dedicated to buffered bike lanes and long-term sidewalk widening. Some adjustment to parking on Shields Street north of Laporte Avenue may be needed. • Short-term recommendation: Detailed evaluation • Mid-term recommendations: new center turn lane and reduction in vehicle lane widths • Long-term recommendations: sidewalk widening; new configuration based on direction of travel: Northbound: 2 vehicle travel lanes Southbound: 1 vehicle travel lane; 1 new 6-foot bike lane Shields Street near Maple Street 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 81 Circulation & Mobility Policies, Strategies & Implementation Shields Street from Laurel Street to Mulberry/Magnolia Streets (Segment 1) features high traffic volumes. A potential option for pedestrian and bicycle enhancements could include decreasing vehicle lane widths to create wider sidewalks acting as shared-use bicycle and pedestrians paths. Additional study of final options on Shields Street between Magnolia Street and Mountain Avenue/Laporte Avenue (Segment 2) is needed. Conceptually, the constrained street right-of-way may be able to accommodate reduced vehicle lanes and a bike lane in one direction of travel, as well as a new center turn lane. 11’ Drive Lane 10’ Drive Lane 10’ Turn Lane 10’ Drive Lane 11’ Drive Lane 8’ Sidewalk 8’ Sidewalk 4’ Sidewalk 6’ Bike Lane 10’ Drive Lane 10’ Center Turn Lane 10’ Drive Lane 11’ Drive Lane 4’ Sidewalk 82 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Laporte Street to Vine Street (Segment 3): Two lanes with parallel parking is the current configuration of this segment. The width of these two lanes would be reduced while still providing parking on one side of the street, where overall parking is underutilized. The additional space gained from the lane and parking reduction will be used to add buffered bike lanes. • Short-term recommendations: 2 vehicle travel lanes; reduction in vehicle lane widths; new on-street bike lanes; explore existing on-street parking (adding on-street bike lanes requires removing one side of on-street parking) Who: Fort Collins Planning, FCMoves, Traffic Operations, Fort Collins Streets Timeline: Immediate, Short and Mid Term Actions Circulation & Mobility Policies, Strategies & Implementation Lower traffic volumes along Shields Street between Laporte Avenue and Vine Drive (Segment 3) could allow for buffered bike lanes and on-street parking on one side of the street. Homes and walls/fences are extremely close to Segment 1 & 2 of Shields Street, stressing the importance of finding ideas and solutions that utilize the existing street right-of-way. 4’ Sidewalk 5’ Bike Lane 2’ 10’ Drive Lane 11’ Drive Lane 2’ 8’ Parking Lane 4’ Sidewalk 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 83 Circulation & Mobility Improve intra-neighborhood travel for bikes and pedestrians. Policy C 3 Strategies: Prioritize improvements near schools in support of the Safe Routes to Schools program. Implement wayfinding to guide bicyclists and pedestrians to low-stress bicycle routes, parks, open spaces, or notable locations within the surrounding neighborhoods and community. Continue funding for the installation of missing or degraded sidewalks Ensure bike routes and neighborhood greenways are plowed during/after snow events C 3.1 C 3.2 C 3.3 Monitor and promote the Residential Parking Permit Program (RP3) within the neighborhoods where appropriate to reduce parking conflicts. Policy C 4 Strategies: Support neighborhood-initiated requests to participate in the Residential Parking Permit Program (RP3), especially in and near the neighborhood transition areas. Ensure neighborhood coordination and communication in conjunction with potential Downtown and CSU parking changes. During the review of new or redevelopment projects, ensure adequate on-site parking is provided that does not contribute to neighborhood parking impacts. C 4.1 C 4.2 C 4.3 Policies, Strategies & Implementation Segments of missing sidewalks can be found throughout both neighborhoods. One concentrated area of missing sidewalks is located in the Eastside Neighborhood near Riverside Avenue and Mulberry Street. New or replacement sidewalks should focus on areas near schools, parks, and transit. Missing Sidewalk Locations Mulberry St Riverside Ave Cowan St Stover St Smith St C 3.4 84 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Circulation & Mobility Encourage the use and convenience of transit throughout the neighborhoods. Policy C 5 Strategies: Identify improvements and enhancements at neighborhood transit stops meeting Transfort’s Bus Stop Design Standards and Guidelines. Ensure adequate infrastructure and space for transit facilities when redevelopment occurs, especially along arterial and collector streets. Coordinate future connections between transit and new car and bike share locations, street crossings, and intersection improvements. C 5.1 C 5.2 C 5.3 Policies, Strategies & Implementation 19 18 18 18 10 10 10 10 9 9 81 6 6 6 1 MAX MAX S LOOMIS AVE N ROOSEVELT AVE REMINGTON ST E LAUREL ST E PITKIN ST W MOUNTAIN AVE W MAGNOLIA ST WHEDBEE ST S SHIELDS ST N SHIELDS ST W MULBERRY ST E MULBERRY ST Downtown Transit Center CSU Transit Center W ELIZABETH ST CITY PARK AVE W LAKE ST CONSTITUTION AVE W PLUM ST S TAFT HILL RD N TAFT HILL RD LAPORTE AVE W VINE DR E MOUNTAIN AVE RIVERSIDE AVE VINE DR BUCKINGHAM ST 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 85 Circulation & Mobility Policies, Strategies & Implementation Alignment with City Plan: Old Town Neighborhood Plan policies, strategies, and implementation actions have been developed to align with existing City Plan principles and policies for vehicles, bikes, pedestrians, and transit: Policy T 4.4 - Attractive and Safe Neighborhood Streets Neighborhood streets will provide an attractive environment and be safe for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers as well as having a well-designed streetscape, including detached sidewalks, parkways, and well-defined crosswalks. Policy T 11.1 - Bicycle Facilities Ensure safe and convenient access by bicycle in neighborhoods and other pedestrian and bicyclist- oriented districts Policy T 11.2 - System Design Provide a comprehensive, citywide system of on- and off-road bicycle transportation facilities. Policy T 12.6 - Safe and Secure Develop safe and secure pedestrian settings by developing and maintaining a well-lit, inhabited pedestrian network and by mitigating the impacts of vehicles... Principle T13: Driving will be a safe, easy, and convenient mobility option. Principle T 16: The transportation system will be managed to minimize environmental impacts. Policy T 24.4 - Street Design Criteria Keep street design standards current with community values, new modes of travel, and new technical standards such as green streets and reshaping existing streets. The Old Town Neighborhood Circulation & Mobility policies and strategies support and encourage the use and mix of travel choices and options found throughout the study area and nearby destinations. 86 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Sustainable Encourage a variety of housing choices for all ages, income levels, and family situations. to sustain the capability to live in the neighborhoods. Policy S 1 Strategies: Develop new standards for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) to compatibly expand the number of smaller units suitable for family-care, aging-in- place, or workforce housing. Maintain Low Density Mixed-Use zoning in strategic locations to preserve housing choices and existing neighborhood-serving businesses. In the Neighborhood Conservation Buffer zone district, encourage compatible scale and design when redevelopment or infill construction occurs. S 1.1 S 1.2 S 1.3 Many residents expressed a desire for greater flexibility for accessory dwelling units, either internal to an existing home or as a carriage house, often combined with an alley garage. Standards for carriage houses, accessory units, and alley-loaded buildings have shifted over time in the neighborhoods. Current standards exclude a majority of lots from constructing carriage houses. >4,000 4,000 - 4,999 5,000 - 5,999 6,000 - 6,999 7,000 - 7,999 8,000 - 8,999 9,000 - 9,999 10,000 + 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% >4,000 4,000 - 4,999 5,000 - 5,999 6,000 - 6,999 7,000 - 7,999 8,000 - 8,999 9,000 - 9,999 10,000 + 5% 10% 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 87 Sustainable Improve connectivity to green spaces, urban gardens, and nearby natural amenities and enhance existing green spaces within the neighborhoods. Policy S 2 Strategies: Implement neighborhood greenways featuring streestcape and stormwater improvements along key neighborhood routes that connect to nearby green spaces and the community low-stress bicycle network. Add more bicycle parking facilities in City Park as part of the City Park Master Plan update, and ensure safe and convenient access to other nearby parks and natural areas. Maintain the existing mature tree canopy in medians and parkways and mitigate impacts from pests and disease; consult the City Tree Inventory system to identify areas susceptible to pests to recommend alternative species during redevelopment. Promote educational information for neighbors regarding maintenance and Forestry programs. Identify opportunities to provide smaller public gathering spaces and community gardening within the neighborhoods. S 2.1 S 2.2 S 2.3 S 2.4 The neighborhood entrance to Lee Martinez Park along Elm Street currently lacks sidewalks. Stakeholders suggested purchasing the former railroad right-of- way north of Cherry Street as a formal natureway or trail. Policies, Strategies & Implementation 88 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 What: To further encourage local neighborhood trips by pedestrians and bicyclists, a connected network of neighborhood greenways will be implemented. Neighborhood greenways are residential streets with low volumes of traffic and enhanced bike, pedestrian, and streetscape amenities. The neighborhood greenways in this Plan are modeled after the Remington Greenway project along Remington Street and will help implement the 2014 Bicycle Master Plan’s low-stress network. S LOOMIS AVE N ROOSEVELT AVE REMINGTON ST E LAUREL ST E PITKIN ST W MOUNTAIN AVE W MAGNOLIA ST WHEDBEE ST S SHIELDS ST N SHIELDS ST W MULBERRY ST E MULBERRY ST W ELIZABETH ST CITY PARK AVE W LAKE ST CONSTITUTION AVE W PLUM ST S TAFT HILL RD N TAFT HILL RD LAPORTE AVE W VINE DR E MOUNTAIN AVE RIVERSIDE AVE VINE DR BUCKINGHAM ST E LINCOLN AVE LINDEN ST S HOWES ST N HOWES ST S COLLEGE AVE N COLLEGE AVE S LEMAY AVE N LEMAY AVE S MASON ST N MASON ST STOVER ST W LAKE ST E ELIZABETH ST W PROSPECT RD E PROSPECT RD CHERRY ST DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD Prioritized Bike Routes (Bike Wayfinding Plan) Proposed Neighborhood Greenway Routes & Enhancements How: Each greenway may incorporate multiple design elements over time and as funding becomes available. While most improvements such as restriping or street-tree maintenance can be accomplished in shorter time frames, elements such as curb-extensions will require additional planning 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 89 STREET TREES - The pedestrian experience along urban greenways is vastly improved under the shade and shelter of deciduous street trees, and their presence may also encourage slower vehicle traffic. BIO-SWALES - Bio-swales are landscape improvements that help alleviate stress on existing stormwater infrastructure by capturing water on-site. RAIN GARDENS - Rain gardens are landscapes in low lying areas that collect stormwater runoff. Native plantings in rain gardens also function as urban habitats for birds and insects. URBAN AGRICULTURE - Existing vegetation strips, medians, tree lawns and front yards can be used to produce vegetables. Raised beds create better soil conditions and an ordered aesthetic. BULB-OUT CROSSWALK - Bulb-outs and curb extensions enhance safety by increasing pedestrian visibility, shortening crossing distances, slowing turning vehicles, and visually narrowing the roadway. PARKLETS - Transformation of un- programmed spaces into gathering places can offer respite in appropriate neighborhood locations. Sustainable Policies, Strategies & Implementation Potential Neighborhood Greenway Design Elements 90 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Sustainable Policies, Strategies & Implementation INTERSECTION TREATMENTS - Neighborhood intersections with higher or unique traffic flows could benefit from exploring alternative traffic control and intersection treatments, such as special paving, medians, or roundabouts. INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE - Special signage helps educate and engage passersby about the benefits and features of urban greenways, nearby destinations, routes, historic places, and neighborhood history. DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE - Directional signage along urban greenways can aid pedestrian navigation through neighborhoods and districts. An important element of neighborhood greenways, and the comfort and aesthetic of travel along all neighborhood streets, is the presence of street trees. When accidents, disease, or old age cause an interruption in the street tree network, Forestry helps fill the gaps throughout the community by planting replacement trees as part of the Street Tree Replacement Program. In 2016 alone, Forestry planted 120 new street trees in the Old Town Neighborhoods. Forestry rotates to different areas of the community each year; in this portion of the community, coming years will focus on replacement street trees north of Mountain Avenue. W ELIZABETH ST CONSTITUTION AVE W PLUM ST S TAFT HILL RD N TAFT HILL RD LAPORTE AVE W VINE DR CHERRY ST E MOUNTIAN AVE RIVERSIDE AVE BUCKINGHAM ST E LINCOLN AVE LINDEN ST WILLOW ST JEFFERSON ST WALNUT ST S HOWES ST N HOWES ST S LOOMIS AVE S COLLEGE AVE N COLLEGE AVE 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 91 Sustainable Promote environmental stewardship and support implementation of the Climate Action Plan in the Old Town Neighborhoods. Policy S 3 Strategies: Identify high-priority actions that can help achieve CAP goals by analyzing neighborhood- scale utilities data and conservation of existing energy and materials associated with choosing rehabilitation and additions over demolition and redevelopment. Coordinate with Historic Preservation to streamline information and process for optimal energy performance, and retrofit options for older and historic homes. Educate homeowners and renters within the Old Town Neighborhoods about home energy and sprinkler audits. Develop a comprehensive list of energy efficiency, water conservation and xeriscaping programs offered by the City targeted toward neighbors and businesses. Investigate methods to encourage landlords to implement energy efficiency improvements. Consider a backyard fire ban to improve air quality and reduce emissions consistent with the Climate Action Plan. The ban could be modeled after similar policies in Denver with the aim of reducing exposure to harmful irritants and particulates in wood smoke. S 3.1 S 3.2 S 3.3 S 3.4 S 3.5 Fort Collins Utilities offers a variety of services and programs to help residents and businesses improve their energy usage, from audits, to online monitoring, and prizes and incentives. Policies, Strategies & Implementation S 3.6 92 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Sustainable Upgrade critical neighborhood infrastructure to ensure adequate services for both the present and future. Policy S 4 Strategies: Continually monitor and assess the capacity of existing infrastructure systems (stormwater, wastewater, electricity, streets, etc.) to meet current and expected neighborhood needs. Work with Utilities to identify key upgrades and timelines for implementation. Coordinate alley maintenance and improvements to mitigate impacts from increased use from new accessory dwelling units or other redevelopment. Integrate stormwater retention and filtration measures into roadway, alley and parkway planting strips as part of long-term neighborhood greenway improvements. S 4.1 S 4.2 S 4.3 Encourage small-scale, neighborhood supporting businesses where permitted by existing zoning along neighborhood edges and transition areas. Policy S 5 Strategies: Maintain Neighborhood Conservation Buffer zoning at neighborhood edges and transition areas and encourage more focus on development form, parking, and design, rather than use. Continue to allow home occupation licenses for home-based businesses where allowed by the Land Use Code Support existing, long-standing small businesses in the neighborhoods. S 5.1 S 5.2 S 5.3 Policies, Strategies & Implementation 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 93 Sustainable Policy S 6 Policies, Strategies & Implementation Protect people and property from the impacts of flooding. Strategies: Integrate the concept of flood protection as an integral part of building design at all stages of the planning process. Further integrate floodplain regulations into the planning process and emphasize the importance of flood protection in building design to create a resilient community. Promote the Fort Collins: Be Flood Ready program and continue to work with community stakeholders to educate the community on flood safety and property protection techniques. S 6.1 S 6.2 S 6.3 What: An important aspect of sustainability is recognizing the impact natural disasters can have on a community. Flooding is the natural disaster that poses the highest risk to the Old Town Neighborhoods. Integrating flood protection into the planning process is critical. The Fort Collins: Be Flood Ready campaign promotes flood awareness in Fort Collins. The City has teamed with other stakeholders such as CSU, the Board of Realtors, and the Red Cross to provide messaging related to flooding in the community. The goal is to continue to become more flood resistant when events occur to ensure the community is safe, damage is limited, and the area is able to recover quickly. How: The City’s floodplain regulations in Chapter 10 of City Code provide a comprehensive set of criteria to make structures more flood resistant. The importance of these criteria should be more strongly promoted. Education and outreach programs, such as the annual Flood Awareness Week, offer opportunities to inform and educate citizens on flood safety, and property protection. Who: Fort Collins Utilities, Fort Collins Planning (development review) and other stakeholders Timeline: Ongoing and short-term Policy S 6 Implementation Fort Collins and stakeholder partners provide consistent messaging and promotional materials throughout the community to raise awareness about flood hazards, risks, and best practices. 94 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan DRAFT 2.1.17 Alignment with City Plan: The following City Plan policies and principles align with recommendations in the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan: ENV 4.1 - Improve Connectivity Explore opportunities for land conservation partnerships between Stormwater, Parks and Recreation, Transportation, and Natural Areas departments to provide and enhance trail corridors to connect open lands, to enhance wildlife habitat and corridors, and to improve bicycle and pedestrian access to schools, parks, natural areas, rivers, shopping areas, and neighborhoods. Policy ENV 4.5 - Support Community Horticulture Encourage and support the establishment of community gardens and other horticultural projects throughout the City to provide food, beautification, education, and other social benefits... Policy ENV 5.5 - Provide Information and Education Provide information and education to raise awareness, trains stakeholders, and encourage net energy use reduction in all new construction. Policy ENV 18.4 - Manage Floodplain Require structures and facilities that are unavoidably located in the floodplain to be designed to be consistent with the intent of the standards and criteria of the City of Fort Collins and the National Flood Insurance Program. Policy ENV 5.7 - Offer Incentives Offer a variety of monetary and other incentives to encourage new construction to substantially exceed minimum code requirements for energy efficiency and renewable energy use. Sustainable Policies, Strategies & Implementation 2.1.17 DRAFT Old Town Neighborhoods Plan 95 Policy Assessment A triple bottom line (TBL) evaluation tool was created to help understand the potential impacts of the plan policies on the economic, social, and environmental characteristics of the neighborhoods, community, and City organization. Adapted from the City’s Sustainability Assessment Considerations Checklist and public survey results, the specific evaluation criteria were developed jointly by the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan Stakeholder Group, City staff, and project consultants. The result was a list of evaluation criteria uniquely applicable to the Old Town Neighborhoods. The purpose of the TBL evaluation was to ensure alignment between the plan’s policy recommendations, neighborhood feedback, existing City plans, to help prioritize implementation actions. TBL Evaluation Criteria Economic • Access to Neighborhood Businesses • Aesthetic Improvements • Cost to Implement • Funding Availability • Reinvestment Opportunities • Housing Choices Social • Access to parks, trails, nature & recreation • Cultural and historic preservation • Property maintenance • Public support • Safety • Sense of place and community Environmental • Energy efficiency, building performance, retention of embodied energy • Greenhouse gas reductions • Ability to use alternative travel • Mix of land uses • Reduce vehicle miles traveled • Traffic flow The complete assessment tool evaluation data can be found in the plan appendix, and the evaluation criteria by topic area may be found in the table below. The evaluation results revealed the following policies will likely achieve the highest overall TBL outcomes: • NCC 2: Protect historic resources within the neighborhoods. • LUT 1: Preserve the character and compatibility of the Old Town Neighborhoods. • C 3: Improve intra-neighborhood travel for bikes and pedestrians. • S 2: Improve connectivity to green spaces and natural amenities. • S 3: Promote environmental stewardship and support implementation of the City’s Climate Action Plan. 96 Implementation Actions A summary of Plan implementation actions, are summarized on the following pages. The actions are organized by timeframe for expected completion, using the following metrics: • Immediate Actions (Within 120 days of adoption): Items adopted concurrently with or immediately following adoption of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan. • Short-Term Actions (2017-2018): Items completed within the current Budgeting for Outcomes (BFO) budget cycle. • Mid-Term Actions (2019-2026): High-priority items that should be initiated and implemented in alignment with upcoming budget cycles. • Ongoing Programs & Actions: Items that are already in progress, do not have a specified timeframe, or require ongoing coordination to implement. 97 Immediate Action Items (within 120 days) Strategy Implementation Action Responsibility Potential Funding Sources Land Use & Transitions LUT 1.2 Initiate additional public outreach and review of potential rezonings in the neighborhoods to enhance consistency with neighborhood conservation zoning districts. Areas being considered for rezoning: Westside Neighborhood: • Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN) pockets • Triangular Downtown (D) district block bounded by Canyon Ave, Sherwood St, Olive St Eastside Neighborhood: • Limited Commercial (CL) district located half a block in from Riverside Ave Planning Staff Time LUT 1.3 Develop a system to register and regulate short-term rentals on a City-wide basis by defining short term rental as a land use in the Land Use Code; allow the use in appropriate locations based on zone district. Planning, City Manager’s Office Staff Time Circulation & Mobility C 1.1 C 1.2 C 1.3 Identify additional locations for new or enhanced arterial crossings that could include a variety of potential crossing treatments; evaluate signal timing to support safety and convenience for all users. Specific crossings to evaluate: Eastside Neighborhood • Pitkin/College • E. Elizabeth/college • Stover/Mulberry • Whedbee/Mulberry Westside Neighborhood • S. Loomis/Laurel • Shields/Magnolia • Shields/Maple Traffic Operations, Streets, FCMoves, Planning Staff Time C 2.6 Coordinate restriping of North Shields Street between Laporte Avenue and Vine Drive with upcoming repaving projects. Restriping may include adjustments to travel lane and parking lane widths to create new bike lanes. Traffic Operations, Streets, FCMoves, Planning Street Maintenance 98 Short Term Action Items (2017-2018) Strategy Implementation Action Responsibility Potential Funding Sources Land Use & Transitions LUT 4.1 Coordinate with Police Services & Utilities to improve enforcement and lighting in Eastside Park. Planning, Police Services, Utilities Staff Time, General Fund LUT 4.2 Develop new design guidelines and standards for compatible design and transitions for the areas near the Downtown- Neighborhood buffer areas (the guidelines/standards will cover the Neighborhood Conservation Buffer zone district and nearby adjacent zoning) Planning Old Town Neighborhoods Plan, Downtown Plan Reserves, Staff Time Circulation & Mobility C 1.1 C 1.2 C 1.3 Install new pedestrian push-button signal (or other appropriate crossing treatment) at Shields Street and Magnolia Street Traffic Operations, Streets, Planning General Fund Sustainability S 3.1 Analyze neighborhood-scale utilities data and monitor energy efficiency progress over time to help identify enhancements that can help improve neighborhood energy efficiency. Planning, Utilities, Sustainability Services Staff Time S 3.3 S 3.4 S 3.6 Develop a comprehensive list of energy efficiency, water conservation, energy audit, outdoor air quality, and xeriscaping programs offered by the City to share and promote with neighborhood residents and businesses. Planning, Utilities, Sustainability Services Staff Time S 3.2 Coordinate with Historic Preservation to streamline the process for energy retrofits in potentially historic homes. Historic Preservation, Planning 99 Mid Term Action Items (2019-2026) Strategy Implementation Action Responsibility Potential Funding Sources Land Use & Transitions LUT 3.1 LUT 3.2 Explore working with the Art in Public Places board on place making initiatives involving local artists that will enhance key neighborhood entryways Planning, Art in Public Places BFO, General Fund, Art in Public Place Project Funding Requirements LUT 3.4 Coordinate on future neighborhood signage (e.g. greenways) to include enhanced wayfinding or signage, such as boundaries of historic districts Planning, Streets, FCMoves, Historic Preservation BFO, General Fund LUT 4.4 Coordinate with the Safe Routes to School and Sidewalk Improvement Program to reduce and eliminate missing or inadequate sidewalks in the Old Town Neighborhoods and Mulberry and Shields corridors. Planning, FCMoves, Streets, Engineering Staff Time, Sidewalk Improvement Program, Safe Routes to School Circulation & Mobility C 2.1 C 2.2 Identify locations for narrower vehicle travel lanes to provide wider sidewalks for bikes and pedestrian travel utilizing the existing street right-of-way. Traffic Operations, FCMoves, Streets, Pavement Management, Planning Staff Time, Street Maintenance Program C 2.6 Coordinate restriping of West Mulberry with future repaving project. Traffic 100 Mid Term Action Items Strategy Implementation Action Responsibility Potential Funding Sources Sustainability S 1.1 Develop new standards for Accessory Dwelling Units to support housing choices and options (see NCC 4.1, 4.2) Planning Staff Time S 2.1 Implement neighborhood greenways featuring streetscape and stormwater improvements and streetscape amenities along key neighborhood routes (see C 2.4) FCMoves, Planning, Traffic Operations BFO, General Fund S 2.2 Add more bicycle parking facilities in City Park, and ensure that other City parks and natural areas have adequate pedestrian and bicycle access, such as Sherwood Street entering Lee Martinez Park or Eastside Park connections. FCMoves, Parks, Planning Sidewalk Improvement Program, General Fund, BFO S 2.3 Maintain the existing mature tree canopy in medians and tree lawns and mitigate impacts from pests and disease; consult the City Tree Inventory system to identify areas susceptible to pests and disease; identify blocks with minimal tree canopy for enhancements Forestry, Planning Neighborhood Tree Canopy, Nature in the City, Staff Time, General Fund S 4.1 Assess the capacity of existing systems (stormwater, wastewater, electricity, streets, etc.) to meet current and expected neighborhood needs. Utilities, Stormwater Staff Time S 4.2 Coordinate with Engineering to mitigate street and alley impacts from potential ADU changes that could result in increase alley vehicle/pedestrian use. Planning, Engineering Staff Time S 5.1 Maintain NCB zone district at the edge of the neighborhoods and encourage a mixture of uses within these districts with focus more on the development form and parking rather than use. Develop new guidelines or standards for development in the NCB zone district (see LUT 4.2) Planning Staff Time 101 Ongoing Action Items Strategy Implementation Action Responsibility Potential Funding Sources Land Use & Transitions LUT 1.4 Support property owners and neighbor interest in designating historic properties/districts where appropriate. Historic Preservation, Planning Staff Time Circulation & Mobility C 3.1 C 3.3 Implement sidewalk gap improvements along the Mulberry and Shields corridors and other neighborhood streets, with an emphasis near schools. Engineering, FCMoves, Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Improvement Program C 4.1 C 4.2 Support neighborhood-initiated requests to participate in the Residential Parking Permit program (RP3), especially in and near transition areas and CSU. Parking Services Staff Time, General Fund C 4.3 Coordinate redevelopment and new development projects to ensure they provide adequate on-site parking and do not contribute to neighborhood parking concerns. Planning Staff Time Sustainability S 4.3 Integrate stormwater retention and filtration measures into roadway, alley, and parkway planting strip improvement projects. Utilities, FCMoves, Planning, Engineering General Fund, BFO, Stormwater Fees S 6.2 Continue requiring new development and redevelopment to be protected from flood damage by complying with the floodplain regulations in Chapter 10 of the Fort Collins Municipal Code. Utilities, Planning Staff Time S 6.3 Coordinate with Utilities to promote the Fort Collins: Be Flood Ready program and enhance community knowledge of existing floodplain regulations. Utilities, Planning Staff Time -1- RESOLUTION 2017-023 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS ADOPTING THE OLD TOWN NEIGHBORHOODS DESIGN GUIDELINES, REPRESENTING AN IMPLEMENTATION ACTION OF THE OLD TOWN NEIGHBORHOODS PLAN WHEREAS, the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines (the “Guidelines”) have been created to provide voluntary guidance for compatible rehabilitation, additions, and new construction projects in the East Side and West Side Neighborhoods, the predominately residential neighborhoods to the west and southeast of downtown Fort Collins; and WHEREAS, the Guidelines are for the use of applicants in the development review process and are voluntary and advisory in nature; and WHEREAS, the Guidelines replace the Neighborhood Character Design Guidelines for the Eastside and Westside Neighborhoods in Fort Collins adopted by Ordinance No. 13, 1996, and supplement existing Land Use Code design standards adopted by Ordinance 2013-033; and WHEREAS, the Guidelines are an implementation action of the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan which is being concurrently considered for adoption by Council; and WHEREAS, the Guidelines are intended to implement the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan vision for neighborhood character and compatibility by encouraging and supporting the rehabilitation of historic structures and the compatible design and construction of new homes and additions in the Neighborhood Conservation, Low Density (N-C-L) and Neighborhood Conservation, Medium Density (N-C-M) zone districts; and WHEREAS, the staff conducted extensive public outreach regarding the Guidelines in conjunction with the public outreach associated with the Old Town Neighborhoods Plan; and WHEREAS, on February 16, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended that Council [ADOPT/NOT ADOPT] the Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interests of the City that the Guidelines be adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2. That the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, be adopted. -2- Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins this 21st day of February, A.D. 2017. _________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ City Clerk OLD TOWN NEIGHBORHOODS - DESIGN GUIDELINES EXHIBIT A Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines Final Draft | February 7, 2017 City of Fort Collins Planning Services 281 North College Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80524 (970) 221-6750 www.fcgov.com/planning For additional copies, please download from our website, or contact us using the information above TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 How This Document Is Used .............................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Design Guidelines Format ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Design Guidelines Steps ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Neighborhood Character Areas ........................................................................................................................ 11 Community Identified Features .......................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Historic Architectural Styles .............................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Character Areas ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................23 Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic Resources ......................................................................41 General Preservation Principles .....................................................................................................................................................................................................42 Character-Defining Features ............................................................................................................................................................................................................44 Materials and Finishes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................46 Windows ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................48 Doors and Entries ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................52 Porches, Decks and Balconies ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................53 Historic Roofs ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................56 Exposed Historic Foundations .........................................................................................................................................................................................................57 Paint .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................58 Color .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................58 Accessory Buildings and Carriage Houses ....................................................................................................................................................................................59 Existing Additions ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................59 Enhancing Energy Performance........................................................................................................................................................................................................62 Maintaining Energy Efficiency ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................62 Using Energy Generating Technologies ..........................................................................................................................................................................................63 Building Design: Guidelines for New Construction .......................................................................................67 Designing in Context .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................67 Building Design ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................68 Building Mass and Scale .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................71 Building Articulation ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................73 Porches, Entry Features, Balconies and Decks .............................................................................................................................................................................75 Doors and Windows ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................78 Materials ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................80 Eaves .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................82 Additions ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................84 Connectors ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................88 Accessory Buildings and Carriage Houses ....................................................................................................................................................................................89 Green Building and the Climate Action Plan ................................................................................................................................................................................91 Site Design: Guidelines for New Construction ..............................................................................................95 Building Location ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................95 Parking ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................96 Vehicular Access .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................96 Landscape and Site Features .............................................................................................................................................................................................................97 Urban Gardens ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................99 Service Areas ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................................101 Character Area Summary Charts ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 103 Resource List .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 107 Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 108 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Fort Collins City Council Wade Troxell, Mayor Gerry Horak, Mayor Pro Tem, District 6 Bob Overbeck, District 1 Ray Martinez, District 2 Gino Campana, District 3 Kristin Stephens, District 4 Ross Cunniff, District 5 City Leadership Darin Atteberry, City Manager Jeff Mihelich, Deputy City Manager Laurie Kadrich, Planning, Development, and Transportation (PDT) Director Tom Leeson, Community Development and Neighborhood Services (CDNS) Director Cameron Gloss, Planning Manager Project Management Team Pete Wray, Senior City Planner – Project Lead Meaghan Overton, City Planner – Project Manager Cassandra Bumgarner, Historic Preservation Planner Maren Bzdek, Senior City Planner, Historic Preservation Clay Frickey, City Planner Karen McWilliams, Historic Preservation Manager Ryan Mounce, City Planner Joshua Weinberg, Senior City Planner, Neighborhood Services Boards and Commissions Planning and Zoning Board Landmark Preservation Commission Consultant Team Julie Husband, Winter & Company Christopher Ball, Winter & Company ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Old Town Neighborhoods Plan Stakeholder Group Westside Al & Janeen Kulenski Zach & Laura Wilson Meg Dunn Kevin Murray Hugh Mackay Roland Baschmann Doug & Denise Newberry William Whitley Kelly Deligio Michelle Haefele Catherine Cole Janonis Gayle Wernsman Jack Mullen Tami Agne Michele Christensen Chris Kelly Eastside Mike Coley Kendra Spanjer Tamela Wahl Margo Carlock Patrick Flynn Kristina Kachur Jodie Riesenberger Lisa Moravan Greg Rittner Paulette Dolin Seth Jansen Lisa Kohl Sheila Dielman 1 INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 Introduction PURPOSE The Old Town Neighborhoods are among the most cherished residential sections of Fort Col- lins. Extending east and west of Downtown, these neighborhoods support a high quality of life with walkable streets and buildings that convey an eclectic mix of character and scale that is unique as compared to the entire community. Many homes in the Old Town Neighborhoods date from the early years of the city and are recognized for their historic significance. Most of the homes in the Eastside neighborhood are contained within the Laurel School National Reg- ister Historic District. Some individual buildings in both the Eastside and Westside neighborhoods are also listed as local landmarks under the City’s preservation ordinance, and others are identified in cultural resources surveys as being eligible for listing on the National Register or as Fort Collins Landmarks. Other residences may not be individually eligible for historic designation but contribute to the sense of continuity in scale, character, form and materials that exists in the neighborhoods. These structures, along with those of historic significance, define the context for building in the Old Town Neighborhoods. In recent years, residents have voiced their desire to maintain the traditional character of the Old Town Neighborhoods while encouraging renova- tion of existing buildings and accommodating compatible new construction. City Council up- dated the Land Use Code for this area in 2013, in which certain standards related to mass and scale were adopted to promote compatibility. Recent neighborhood planning efforts also have identified objectives for encouraging compatible infill. While change continues to occur, retaining the existing character and embracing sustainability remain primary goals for the Old Town Neighborhoods. This document represents an update to the origi- nal Design Guidelines developed in 1996, and is an implementation action of the 2016 Old Town Neighborhoods Plan. It provides design guidelines and identifies neighborhood character areas to consider when rehabilitating existing buildings and for new infill construction. This document also builds on the policies established in other plan- ning documents. Finally, it provides more detailed guidance to help property owners find compatible solutions that respond to the existing neighbor- hood context. HISTORIC REVIEW Historic review is required for exterior changes to buildings fifty years old and older and for land surface changes, including new construction on 4 Introduction CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION City Park DOWNTOWN Mulberry Laporte Ave Mountain Ave Cherry St Laurel St. St Vine Dr Taft Hill Rd Lau Lauu LL Shields St WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD ZONING MAP - WEST OF COLLEGE AVE Neighborhood Conservation - Medium Density Neighborhood Conservation - Low Density Legend Neighborhood Boundary Colorado State University 5 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 DOWNTOWN 287 14 14 Elizabeth St Pitkin St Mulberry St Laurel St. 287 Prospect Rd College Ave Lemay Ave 14 Riverside Ave EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD ZONING MAP - EAST OF COLLEGE AVE ZONING DISTRICT MAPS These Design Guidelines apply to the Neighborhood Conservation, Low Density (NCL) and Neighborhood Conservation, Medium Density (NCM) zone districts. Neighborhood Conservation - Medium Density Neighborhood Conservation - Low Density Legend Neighborhood Boundary Colorado State University 6 Introduction CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION HOW THIS DOCUMENT IS USED Preparing for Home Improvement These guidelines are for voluntary and advisory use. Property owners, designers, and contractors are encouraged to draw upon the principles set forth here when planning improvements to homes in the neighborhoods. The City’s Design Assistance Pro- gram provides funding for approved professionals to apply the guidelines to achieve compatible plans for alterations and new construction. Evaluating Real Estate Potential home buyers and real estate agents can use these guidelines to understand the value of character-defining features in homes available for purchase and to understand the best options for repair, renovation, or additions. Design Review Guidance City staff and the Landmark Preservation Commis- sion use the guidelines as a tool for understanding options that are compatible with the character of the district and the particular building type when conducting historic review. For example, the re- view process for proposed changes to properties located in the Laurel School Historic District, or other properties that are listed or eligible for his- toric designation, may benefit from the information provided in this document. Similarly, designated landmark property owners who wish to apply for the City’s zero-interest loan program or State tax credits will also find the Design Guidelines useful for planning compatible improvements or repairs that could be eligible for these incentive programs. Additional Resources Historic Preservation Programs and Processes: http://www.fcgov.com/historicpreservation/ Design Assistance Program: http://www.fcgov. com/historicpreservation/design-assistance.php Landmark Rehabilitation Loans: http://www.fcgov. com/historicpreservation/landmark-rehabilita- tion.php DESIGN GUIDELINES FORMAT This document is intended to be user-friendly. Users can navigate through the document by fol- lowing “Design Review Tracks” that correspond to the type of work being proposed. Illustrations provide multiple options for compatible designs to help convey the intent of the Design Guidelines. Neighborhood character area descriptions are also included in this document to describe more detailed characteristics of particular areas within the Old Town Neighborhoods. The character area sections illustrate how building components like roof forms, porches and side-yard setbacks can be combined to create designs that fit the context of a character area. Compatible and Less Compatible Solutions In many cases, images and diagrams through- 7 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 DESIGN GUIDELINE STEPS When using the Design Guidelines there are two “steps” to aid in identifying which chapters apply to a specific project. (See the chart on the follow- ing page.) Follow these steps to get started: Step 1: What Type of Improvement? Determine the nature of the improvements that are planned. There are three categories: Historic Property If improvements are planned to a historic building, determine if the project will be a rehabilitation of the structure, or an addition to the historic struc- ture. If an addition is desired, the New Construc- tion Guidelines will apply to the project. New Construction Will the planned improvements include construc- tion of a new building or accessory building? Or will the planned improvements apply to an existing non-historic building? See the chart on the follow- ing page to identify which chapters apply to these two types of projects. Other Improvements Other improvements including site work, place- ment of a new building on the lot, driveways, landscape, fences and other miscellaneous project improvements should follow the Character Areas Guidelines chapter and the Site Design Guidelines chapter. Step 2: What Type of Existing Building? Historic Property A “historic” property is one that is more than fifty years old and that possesses sufficient integrity to convey its history, or is capable of yielding impor- tant information about a significant historic period in the city. Note that some properties may have experienced some degree of alteration from their historic designs. These alterations may include window replacement, cornice removal, a porch enclosure or covering of a building’s historic materials. Nonetheless, these altered properties may retain sufficient building fabric to still be considered his- torically significant. For all historic properties, the Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic Resources Chapter should be considered when planning improvements. Nonhistoric The classification of “nonhistoric” applies to exist- ing buildings that are less than fifty years old, or do not possess sufficient significance and/or exterior integrity necessary for historic designation. The Building Design Guidelines for New Construction Chapter applies to these properties. Design Guidelines Organization Terminology Note: The term “remodel” is often used in common 8 Introduction CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION WHAT IS THE BEST APPROACH, AND WHAT CHAPTERS SHOULD I USE? The document is organized into chapters that address different types of projects, including: historic building, non-historic building, new construction and other types of improvements. Use the chart below to identify which chapters apply to your type of project. PROJECT TYPE Historic Property Rehabilitation of a Historic Property  Addition to a Historic Property  New Construction Improve a Non-historic Property   Construction of a New Building   Other Improvements New Site Work   (+) Guidelines could apply to some projects in this category. CHAPTER TO USE: 1. Introduction 3. Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic Resources 2. Neighborhood Character Areas 5. Site Design: Guidelines for New Construction 4. Building Design: Guidelines for New Construction Figure 1: Applicable Chapters Chart. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS 2 Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 11 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS Neighborhood Character Areas Community Identified Features: This section identifies a list of the most commonly identified qualitative and physical neighborhood features of value to residents of the Old Town Neighborhoods. These features should be considered when rehabilitiating a historic house or developing a new project. Note: The community identified features contained in the Design Guidelines were developed in collaboration with residents of the community in an earlier planning project to develop zoning updates for the Old Town Neighborhoods. Architectural Styles: This section identifies the historic architectural styles found throughout the neighborhoods. A list of the character-defining features for each style is provided. It is supplemented with annotated sketches and photographs. A key objective is to maintain the character-defining features of individual historic properties. Character Areas: This section maps the character areas and identifies the variables for each area. In addition, photographs are provided to assist the user in understanding each of the variables that have been identified. The key objective is to retain the overall character of the area while accommodating creative, yet compatible new buildings and additions. Note: the character areas were developed in collaboration with residents of the community in an earlier planning project to develop zoning updates for the Old Town Neighborhoods. COMMUNITY IDENTIFIED FEATURES The 2012 Eastside and Westside Neighborhoods Strategy Report included an extensive community engagement process. As a part of the process, members of the community were asked to identify and describe a series of features that make the Old Town Neighborhoods unique and desirable. Feedback from residents was largely consistent and included both physical and social characteristics. The most common traits described included friendly neighbors, walkability, and diversity in people and buildings. The most commonly identified qualitative and physical neighborhood features of value to residents are summarized below. Valued qualitative aspects of neighborhood character include: › Old charm and character of houses › Friendly/neighborly sense of community › Family/kid-friendly › Modest homes › Socioeconomic diversity › Evident pride of ownership › Diversity in ownership patterns › Does not have an HOA The Old Town Neighborhoods are diverse, with a range of existing architectural styles, building sizes, features and contexts. These conditions reflect historic development patterns and influence how we perceive the compatibility of new development and alterations. Understanding neighborhood characteristics, including physical conditions and dynamic aspects such as past and future changes, is important for retaining the unique character of the neighborhoods. This chapter identifies the Old Town Neighborhoods character areas and the variables that define them. It is organized under the following sections: 12Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS Valued physical aspects of neighborhood character include: › Walkability and bikability › Proximity to amenities (including parks, schools, playgrounds, Old Town, trolley, CSU, etc.) › Historic character and homes › Integrity within blocks › Wide streets › Detached sidewalks › Variety in lot types › Alleys › Front porches › Views through lots › Not all fenced › Trees › Relative low density › Diversity of house style, age and scale › Uniqueness of character among Fort Collins neighborhoods › Less car-oriented design › Orientation towards neighbors › Houses designed with sustainability aspects already built into them HISTORIC ARCHITECTURAL STYLES This section provides a brief overview of various historic styles found in the Old Town Neighborhoods character areas. Use the styles section to determine an existing building’s historic style and its character-defining features. Ultimately, the information contained in this section will aid in choosing appropriate design solutions for any proposed work. Note that styles are rarely pure in form, and a wide range exists within individual styles. In some cases, alterations may have occurred that make some of the features less characteristic of the building’s styles. Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 13 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS FOURSQUARE (C. 1895-1930) The Foursquare architectural form is recognized by its square plan, two-story height and simplicity. The majority of these houses were built during the first three decades of the twentieth century. Character-defining features: » Square plan » Full, open one-story porch with hipped roof » Hipped roof » Simplified Doric or Tuscan columns » Broad, overhanging eaves » Two or two-and-a-half stories » Minimal decoration » Central dormer » Adaptable to many stylistic treatments FULL, OPEN PORCH SIMPLIFIED DORIC OR TUSCAN COLUMNS HIP OR GABLE ROOF FORM BROAD, OVERHANGING EAVES 14Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS CLASSIC COTTAGE (C. 1910-1930) FLARED EAVES CENTRAL DORMER DOUBLE HUNG, MULTI-PANE WINDOWS TUSCAN COLUMNS LOW PORCH WALL HIP ROOF FORM The Classic Cottage features a hipped roof with central dormer and flared eaves, and a front porch, often full-width, with Tuscan columns supporting the porch roof. Sometimes the porch is inset beneath the house roof. Architectural features of a Classic Cottage are similar to the features of a Foursquare, with the primary difference being a Classic Cottage is one-story. Character-defining features: » Central dormer » Hipped roof » Flared eaves at dormer and/or roof » Masonry porch posts or simplified Tuscan columns » Brick and wood frame Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 15 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS CRAFTSMAN (C. 1905-1930) EXPOSED RAFTERS DORMER DOUBLE HUNG, MULTI-PANE WINDOWS PORCH COLUMNS LOW PORCH WALL HIP OR GABLE ROOF FORM The Craftsman style structure emerged from the Arts and Crafts movement, a philosophy which stressed comfort and utility through the use of natural materials and a lack of pretension. Elements such as low-pitched roofs, wide eaves, exposed roof rafters and porches with tapered columns were common. In more elaborate designs elements such as half-timbering, knee braces at eaves, and clipped gable roof forms were present. Character-defining features: » Exposed rafter ends » Hip or gable roof form » Divided upper window lights » Tapered or squared porch columns » Baluster or low porch wall » Overhanging eaves 16Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS QUEEN ANNE (C. 1880-1910) Queen Anne is perhaps the most ornate style of the Victorian period evident in Colorado. The style varies from the highly decorative to a more restrained version found throughout the Old Town Neighborhoods. Character-defining features: » Vertical orientation » Asymmetrical massing » Corner towers and bays » Prominent decorative porches » Projecting gables » Contrasting materials, particularly brick and wood » Turned spindles » Bargeboard CONTRASTING MATERIALS PROMINENT, DECORATIVE PORCHES TURNED SPINDLES BARGEBOARD PROJECTING GABLE Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 17 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS VERNACULAR (C.1885-1940) Sometimes referred to as “folk houses,” vernacular residential types are constructed of simple designs, some of which remained common for decades. Simplified elements from other styles may appear on vernacular buildings. Character-defining features: » Gable and hipped roofs » Front facing open porch » Simple columns » Wood, double-hung windows » Clapboard wood siding or shingles » Simple detailing DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOWS FRONT FACING, OPEN PORCH SIMPLE COLUMNS HIP OR GABLE ROOF FORM 18Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS TUDOR REVIVAL (C. 1910-1930) The most recognizable features of the typical Tudor Revival style are false or ornamental half- timbering and a steeply pitched roof. Exterior texturing through the use of brick, stone, or stucco, together with the half-timbering and asymmetrical massing, gives a Tudor Revival style building a picturesque composition. Character-defining features vary but may include: » Half-timbering » Steeply-pitched roof » Casement windows with mullions » Decorative chimney detailing » Stoop entry » Textured exterior STEEPLY-PITCHED ROOF HALF-TIMBERING STOOP ENTRY TEXTURED EXTERIOR DECORATIVE CHIMNEY Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 19 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS DUTCH COLONIAL REVIVAL (C. 1900-1925) The gambrel roof is the distinguishing feature of the Dutch Colonial Revival. Primarily a residential style, it was popular in Colorado between 1900 and 1925. Other characteristic elements include wide overhangs, dormers, and a porch under the overhanging eaves of the gambrel roof, supported by columns. Character-defining features: » Gambrel roof » Wide overhangs » Gable end chimneys » Porch under overhanging eaves » Dormers WIDE OVERHANGS GAMBREL ROOF PORCH UNDER EAVES 20Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS MINIMAL TRADITIONAL (C. 1930-1950) These simple homes were built in large numbers immediately preceding and following World War II; this form represented an economical choice for development pre- and post-war. In the Minimal Traditional form, the narrow deep footprint of the bungalow or period cottage was transformed to a square, boxy plan with small rooms situated around a core. Character-defining features: » Boxy appearance » Minimal architectural or decorative details » Usually one story » Rectangular plan » Low or intermediate pitched roof » Simple roof, typically side-gabled » Closed eaves (little or no overhang) » Front-facing gable section or gabled projection over entry LOW OR INTERMEDIATE PITCHED ROOF STOOP ENTRY FRONT FACING GABLE SECTION BOXY APPEARANCE CLOSED EAVES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 21 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS RANCH (C. 1945-1970) By the late 1940s, Ranch houses were appearing in expanding suburbs and came to dominate residential construction for several decades thereafter. The Ranch house is noted for its elongated, close-to- the-ground profile. Character-defining features: » Primarily one story » Low slope hipped or gabled roof » Attached garage » Stoop entry » Stucco, brick, or wood exterior material » Wide overhanging eaves » Picture windows » Low chimneys OVERHANGING EAVES ATTACHED GARAGE PICTURE WINDOWS STOOP ENTRY LOW-PITCHED HIP OR GABLE ROOF FORM 22Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 23 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS CHARACTER AREAS While the Old Town Neighborhoods exhibit many features that could be considered universal, there are in fact distinct differences in development patterns that exist in particular areas. These differing characteristics are important to consider when developing a design for new construction that will be compatible with its context. Some character areas, for example, have a very consistent range of building sizes, or lot coverage percentages. In other places, diversity exists, but within a defined range. Other variables, including building height, building size, lot size and building age also contribute to the differing contexts among character areas. All of these variables were considered when defining the different character areas described in this section. For more information, see the Appendix on page 103 for detailed Character Area Summary Charts. The following neighborhood character area descriptions establish a clear understanding of the characteristics of an area that are valued by residents. This includes the basic physical framework of the character area, similarities of design, and a description of the degree and types of diversity that appear in the character area. This analysis helps determine how best to apply the Design Guidelines to proposed improvements to ensure that neighborhood compatibility is maintained. A total of six distinct character area types were defined in the Old Town Neighborhoods. ABOUT THE CHARACTER AREA BOUNDARIES The maps that identify the location of the character areas use a hard line, which follows the edges of streets, alleys and property lines. But these boundaries may in some cases be more “fuzzy” where transitions in character occur. In this sense, the boundaries help to define general concentrations of distinctive characteristics, but should not be considered to be definite, in contrast to zone district boundary lines. USING THE CHARACTER ANALYSIS INFORMATION Many qualitative features of the Old Town Neighborhoods are described for the individual character areas in this section. In addition, some statistical information is provided in the Appendix (pg. 103). The data is presented for each character area and shows the range of distribution of certain measurable factors. 24Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREA MAP - WEST OF COLLEGE AVE Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 25 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD EASTSIDEAREAS NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREA MAP - EAST OF COLLEGE AVE CHARACTER 26Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS Description: This character area includes portions of the neighborhoods with richly-detailed homes that are somewhat larger in scale than those found in other parts of the Old Town Neighborhoods. Much of the portion of Mountain Avenue that is close to Old Town is an example. Figure 2: Old Town Character Area Map - West of College Avenue Wood St Maple St Cherry St W Magnolia St S Grant Ave Jackson Ave S Loomis Ave S Meldrum St S RooseveltAve W Laurel St Laporte Ave W Vine Dr N Shields St W Mountain Ave Westside Neighborhood MULBERRY POOL THE FARM AT LEE MARTINEZ PARK CITY PARK LINCOLN CENTER Mathews St E Laurel St E Magnolia St E Elizabeth St Whedbee St Stover St Remington St Riverside Ave E Mulberry St S Mason St S College Ave Eastside Neighborhood FT COLLINS PUBLIC LIBRARY KEY FEATURES › Homes typically date from 1882-1920. › Richly-detailed homes with full or nearly full width front porches. › Building scale and style are typically consistent within individual blocks. › Variety in home scales within character area, with largest typical building size (height and square footage). Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 27 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS Figure 7: Character Area 1 Classic Cottage SITE FEATURES › Uniform front yard setbacks. › Lawns are predominant. › Fences or site wall occur infrequently, and are low in scale. › Lot sizes vary between blocks but are more consistent within an individual block face. › Combined side yards are typically 10 or more feet. Figure 8: Character Area 1 Queen Anne Figure 9: Character Area 1 Vernacular with an altered porch and Craftsman detailing at the eave Figure 10: Character Area 1 rehabilitated cottage and vernacular two-story residences Figure 11: Character Area 1 Queen Anne with Italianate detailing and addition. In this case, it would have been more appropriate to set back the addition from the front façade. Just less than half of homes are one story. Many primary structures are one-and-a-half stories with the upper floors expressed with dormer windows; some are a full two stories. A typical house has a substantial, one-story front porch, which when aligned with others along the block, establishes a consistent sense of scale, even when the overall building heights vary. Building sizes vary widely. BUILDING SCALE FEATURES ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES CHARACTER AREA 1 › Most homes have sloping roof forms, in a mix of gable and hip shapes. › A combination of brick and wood siding. Many homes include both materials. › Front entries are defined with porches, and these are relatively large and in proportion to the building. › Trim details with contrasting colors add a sense of scale and provide visual interest. › As some of the earliest parts of the neighborhoods, a general consistency exists in building age (typically before 1920). ARCHITECTURAL STYLES › Queen Anne › Classic Cottage › Vernacular › Craftsman 28Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS Description: Most of the homes in this character area were built prior to 1940, and their sizes are in a “middle” range with respect to the Old Town Neighborhoods as a whole. Homes exhibit a moderate to high degree of architectural detail, which contributes to a sense of scale. Building and lot characteristics can vary within the character area. However, individual blocks are more consistent. Some larger-scale homes are located on corner lots. Character Area 2 is similar to Character Area 4, but with a greater level of consistency in building styles and lot and building sizes. Figure 12: Old Town Character Area Map - West of College Avenue Figure 13: Aerial Image of Character Area 2 Wood St Maple St Cherry St W Magnolia St S Grant Ave Jackson Ave S Loomis Ave S Meldrum St S RooseveltAve W Laurel St Laporte Ave W Vine Dr N Shields St W Mountain Ave Westside Neighborhood MULBERRY POOL THE FARM AT LEE MARTINEZ PARK CITY PARK LINCOLN CENTER Mathews St E Laurel St E Magnolia St E Elizabeth St Whedbee St Stover St Remington St Riverside Ave E Mulberry St S Mason St S College Ave Eastside Neighborhood FT COLLINS PUBLIC LIBRARY KEY FEATURES › Homes typically date from 1901-1920. Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 29 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS Figure 17: Character Area 2 A variety of roof forms occur along the street. Figure 18: Character Area 2 A variety of building heights occur along the street. Figure 19: Character Area 2 Uniform front yard setbacks are a strong site feature in the area. SITE FEATURES › Uniform front yard setbacks. › Prominent street wall. › Lawns are predominant. › Fences or site wall occur infrequently, and are low in scale. › Lot sizes and widths are in a “middle” range. › Combined side yards vary in width. Many primary structures are one- to one-and-a-half stories with the upper floors expressed with dormer windows. A small percentage are a full two stories. A typical house has a substantial one-story front porch, which when aligned with others along the block, establishes a consistent sense of scale, even when the overall building heights vary. BUILDING SCALE FEATURES ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES CHARACTER AREA 2 › Most homes have sloping roof forms, in a mix of gable and hip shapes. › A combination of brick and wood siding. Many homes include both materials. › Front entries are defined with porches, and these are relatively large and in proportion to the building. › A general consistency exists in building age before 1940. (Many are between 1901 and 1920.) ARCHITECTURAL STYLES › Craftsman › Classic Cottage › Vernacular › Bungalow 30Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS Description: This character area includes homes with the lowest typical building scale. These are generally small pockets of development with very distinct character. Architectural details are more limited than in other areas, though they still help establish a sense of human scale. Homes appear consistent in character and size across one or more block faces. The majority of homes in these areas are predominantly one story, with a limited number of one-and-a-half and two-story structures. Many primary structures are one- to one-and-a- half stories with the upper floors expressed with dormer windows. A small percentage are a full two stories. A typical house has a substantial one- story front porch, which when aligned with others along the block, establishes a consistent sense of scale, even when the overall building heights vary. Figure 20: Old Town Character Area Map - West of College Avenue Figure 21: Aerial Image of Character Area 3 Wood St Maple St Cherry St W Magnolia St S Grant Ave Jackson Ave S Loomis Ave S Meldrum St S RooseveltAve W Laurel St Laporte Ave W Vine Dr N Shields St W Mountain Ave Westside Neighborhood MULBERRY POOL THE FARM AT LEE MARTINEZ PARK CITY PARK LINCOLN CENTER Mathews St E Laurel St E Magnolia St E Elizabeth St Whedbee St Stover St Remington St Riverside Ave E Mulberry St S Mason St S College Ave Eastside Neighborhood Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 31 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS ARCHITECTURAL STYLES › Minimal Traditional › Classic Cottage › Vernacular SITE FEATURES › Building fronts generally align and front yards are similar in depth. › Prominent street wall. › Lawns are predominant. › Fences or site wall occur infrequently, and are low in scale. › Lot sizes and widths are small. › Combined side yards are varied. ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES CHARACTER AREA 3 › Most homes have sloping roof forms, in a mix of gable and hip shapes. › A combination of brick and wood siding. Many homes include both materials. › Front entries are defined with moderate porches in proportion to the building front. › Building age is varied within a narrow range (1881-1920). › There have been few remodels in this area; architectural character is consistent throughout. BUILDING SCALE FEATURES Many primary structures are one story. A limited number are one-and- a-half stories with the upper floors expressed with dormer windows. A typical house has a moderate, one-story front porch, which when aligned with others along the block, establishes a consistent sense of scale. Home size is small relative to the Old Town Neighborhoods as a whole. Figure 25: Character Area 3 Minimal Traditional Figure 26: Character Area 3 Classic Cottage Figure 27: Character Area 3 Vernacular - L Cottage Figure 28: Character Area 3 modified Minimal Traditional Figure 29: Character Area 3 with hints of Tudor building form 32Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS Description: In these areas there is no dominant style, rather the full variety of development in the neighborhoods is represented. Homes date from early development of the neighborhoods through the mid-twentieth century. There is a large variety in building style and form across individual blocks in these areas. However, the homes are all of a similar scale with a moderate level of detailing. These areas have a greater degree of diversity, in terms of building age, scale and architectural styles and character than others. This character area category includes large portions of the Old Town Neighborhoods. These areas are similar in scale to those of Character Area 2, but with a much greater diversity in lot and building characteristics and house styles. Figure 30: Old Town Character Area Map - West of College Avenue Figure 31: Aerial Image of Character Area 4 Wood St Maple St Cherry St W Magnolia St S Grant Ave Jackson Ave S Loomis Ave S Meldrum St S RooseveltAve W Laurel St Laporte Ave W Vine Dr N Shields St W Mountain Ave Westside Neighborhood MULBERRY POOL THE FARM AT LEE MARTINEZ PARK CITY PARK LINCOLN CENTER Mathews St E Laurel St E Magnolia St E Elizabeth St Whedbee St Stover St Remington St Riverside Ave E Mulberry St S Mason St S College Ave Eastside Neighborhood FT COLLINS Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 33 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS ARCHITECTURAL STYLES › Minimal Traditional › Classic Cottage › Vernacular › Craftsman SITE FEATURES › Building fronts generally align and front yards are similar in depth. › Prominent street wall. › Lawns are predominant. › Fences or site wall occur infrequently, and are low in scale. › Side setbacks allow for significant sun exposure. › Large lot sizes compared to other areas. › Combined side yards are generous. BUILDING SCALE FEATURES ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES CHARACTER AREA 4 › Most homes have sloping roof forms, in a mix of gable and hip shapes. › Primarily frame construction › Front entries are defined with porches in proportion to the building. › More diversity in character; built throughout 1901-1960 The majority of homes are one story. A small percentage of primary structures are also one- and-a-half stories, with the upper floors expressed with dormer windows, or they are a full two stories. Building sizes are in a “middle” range, with respect to the Old Town Neighborhoods as a whole. Figure 35: Character Area 4 variety of one-story buildings with generous side yard setbacks. Figure 36: Character Area 4 Minimal Traditional Figure 37: Character Area 4 variety of altered one-story buildings; the building on the right has been altered inappropriately with the addition of a deck and the removal of the porch. Figure 38: Character Area 4 Craftsman; the addition and some of the modifications on the building to the right are inappropriate. Figure 39: Character Area 4 Craftsman in the foreground has been appropriately rehabilitated. Note the retention of building fabric and detailing. 34Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS Description: This character area represents the post-war home styles built in areas with older lot and block patterns. Homes are typically one story, with minimal detailing. Due to older lot shapes being narrow and deep, homes tend to be rectangular with street-facing front-gable roofs. These areas exhibit a relatively high degree of consistency in overall development patterns and building characteristics. These are small, distinct enclaves. These areas are similar in scale to Areas 2 and 4, but have distinct building patterns and styles unique to the time period they were built. Figure 40: Old Town Character Area Map - West of College Avenue Figure 41: Aerial Image of Character Area 5 Wood St Maple St Cherry St W Magnolia St S Grant Ave Jackson Ave S Loomis Ave S Meldrum St S RooseveltAve W Laurel St Laporte Ave W Vine Dr N Shields St W Mountain Ave Westside Neighborhood MULBERRY POOL THE FARM AT LEE MARTINEZ PARK CITY PARK LINCOLN CENTER Mathews St E Laurel St E Magnolia St E Elizabeth St Whedbee St Stover St Remington St Riverside Ave E Mulberry St S Mason St S College Ave Eastside Neighborhood FT COLLINS PUBLIC LIBRARY KEY FEATURES › Homes typically date from 1941-1960. Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 35 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS ARCHITECTURAL STYLES › Minimal Traditional › Vernacular SITE FEATURES › Building fronts generally align and front yards are similar in depth. › Street wall is predominant. › Lawns are predominant. › Fences or site wall occur infrequently, and are low in scale. › Combined side yards are varied. BUILDING SCALE FEATURES ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES CHARACTER AREA 5 › Most homes have low sloping roof forms, in a mix of gable and hip shapes. › A combination of brick and wood siding. Many homes include both materials. › Front entries are defined with porches or landings which are relatively small in proportion to the building. › A high level of consistency exists in building age (predominantly between 1941 and 1960). Most primary structures are one story and have small footprints. A typical house has a moderate one-story front porch or stoop. Building fronts align with others along the block, establishing a consistent sense of scale. Most houses have very small footprints, well under 1,000 square feet. Figure 45: Character Area 5 Minimal Traditional with low sloping roof Figure 46: Character Area 5 modified Minimal Traditional. Low site wall feature Figure 47: Character Area 5 modified Minimal Traditional 36Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS Description: This character area includes the mid-century modern subdivisions. Ranch style homes predominate, typically with limited, simple detailing, and rectangular forms with shallow roofs running parallel to the street. Houses are predominately one story in height, with a few split-level homes, and are low to medium scale. Street patterns include cul-de-sacs and curvilinear layouts, with no alleys and wide, shallow lots. Figure 48: Old Town Character Area Map - West of College Avenue Figure 49: Aerial Image of Character Area 6 Wood St Maple St Cherry St W Magnolia St S Grant Ave Jackson Ave S Loomis Ave S Meldrum St S RooseveltAve W Laurel St Laporte Ave W Vine Dr N Shields St W Mountain Ave Westside Neighborhood MULBERRY POOL THE FARM AT LEE MARTINEZ PARK CITY PARK LINCOLN CENTER Mathews St E Laurel St E Magnolia St E Elizabeth St Whedbee St Stover St Remington St Riverside Ave E Mulberry St S Mason St S College Ave Eastside Neighborhood FT COLLINS PUBLIC LIBRARY KEY FEATURES › Homes typically date from 1941-1960. › Architectural details are limited. › Building scale is typically consistent within individual blocks. Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 37 CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS SITE FEATURES › Building fronts generally align and front yards are similar in depth. › Street wall is predominant. › Lawns are predominant. › Fences or site wall occur infrequently, and are low in scale. › Combined side yards are 10 or more feet. BUILDING SCALE FEATURES ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES CHARACTER AREA 6 › Most homes have low sloping roof forms, in a mix of gable and hip shapes. › A combination of brick and wood siding. Many homes include both materials. › Front entries are defined with landings, and these are relatively small in proportion to the building. › Very consistent in building age (typically between 1950 and 1970) Many primary structures are one story. Others are split-level; few are a full two-story height. A typical house has a moderate stoop but typically does not have a porch. Building fronts align with others along the block, establishing a consistent sense of scale. Many buildings in these areas have been remodeled. Figure 53: Character Area 6 Ranch with porch front addition Figure 54: Character Area 6 Ranch with low sloping roof and attached garage Figure 55: Character Area 6 Row of aligned Minimal Traditional homes with side driveways to parking in the rear Figure 56: Character Area 6 Minimal Traditional Figure 57: Character Area 6 Ranch with wide building fronts ARCHITECTURAL STYLES › Minimal Traditional › Ranch 38Areas Neighborhood Character CHAPTER 2: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER AREAS 3 DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES 41 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic Resources The City seeks to preserve the historic integrity of properties of historic significance in the Old Town Neighborhoods. This means employing best prac- tices in property stewardship to maintain the key character-defining features of individual historic resources, as well as maintaining the character areas in which they exist. What is historic preservation? Preservation means having properties and places of historic and cultural value in active use and accommodating appropriate improvements to sustain their viability while maintaining the charac- ter-defining features that contribute to their sig- nificance as cultural resources. In addition, historic preservation means keeping cultural resources intact for the benefit of future generations. Why preserve historic properties? Fort Collins’ historic neighborhoods are essential components of the city’s identity. They enhance quality of life, economic vitality and environmental sustainability. Investment in these assets ensures that the social, cultural and economic attraction of the city is maintained and enhanced. This section provides guidelines for the treatment of historic resources in the Old Town Neighbor- hoods. It focuses on the rehabilitation and mainte- nance of historic properties. Figure 58: One-and-a-half story gable front Vernacular. Figure 59: One-story, cross gable roof Minimal Traditional residence. Figure 60: One-story cottage homes are a common style throughout the Old Town Neighborhoods. Figure 61: One-story Craftsman style residence.     42Resources Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Figure 62: Retain and treat exterior character- defining features and examples of skilled craftsmanship with sensitivity. Important features include turned columns, upper porch spindles and zipper brick corners. Figure 63: Maintain significant character-defining features, including: projecting cornices, decorative moldings and brackets and dentils and shingle siding at dormers. GENERAL PRESERVATION PRINCIPLES The following design guidelines translate general principles for historic preservation for the treat- ment of individual buildings and site features that are typically found in the Old Town Neighbor- hoods. These design principles should be considered when making improvements to a historic property. 3.1 Respect the individual historic character of a property. › The basic form and materials of a building, as well as architectural details, reflect the design trends, available materials, local vernacular and building techniques of a particular era that together make up each home’s historic character. › Restoration returns a building to its original condition--a painstaking process typically reserved for buildings of exceptional histori- cal and architectural significance. › Rehabilitation retains and repairs the valuable, character-defining features associated with the architectural style, while also allowing for sympathetic modernizing elements that maintain the visual integrity of the original building. › Remodeling constitutes alterations and building redesign that obliterate the basic character of the original architecture. 3.2 Seek new uses that are compatible with the historic character of the property. › Converting a building to a new use different from the historic use is considered to be an “adaptive reuse,” and is a sound strategy for keeping an old building in service. For Maintaining Historic Materials Primary historic build- ing materials include masonry (brick, mortar, stone, and concrete), wood and metal. These should be preserved and repaired. Appropriate treatments to protect specific materials from deterioration include: Masonry › Maintain the natural water-protective 43 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 Character-defining features Typical character-defining features to preserve include: › Eaves › Windows and doors and surrounds › Surface ornamentation › Columns › Porches › Please see the Architectural Styles section that identifies additional character-defining features. example, converting a residential structure to offices is an adaptive reuse. A good adaptive reuse project retains the historic character of the building while accommodat- ing a new function. › Every effort should be made to provide a compatible use for the building that will require minimal alteration to the building and its site. › Changes in use requiring the least alteration to significant elements are preferred. In most cases designs can be developed that respect the historic integrity of the building while also accommodating new functions. 3.3 Protect and maintain significant features and stylistic elements. › Character-defining features and other examples of skilled craftsmanship should be preserved. The best preservation procedure is to maintain historic features from the outset to prevent the need for repair later. Appropriate maintenance includes rust removal, caulking and repainting. › Character-defining features should not be removed. Figure 64: This palladian window with wood tracery is a character-defining feature that helps to convey the building’s architectural style and should be preserved.  Figure 65: The thick, brick columns on this porch help to convey the architectural style of the building and should be preserved.  Figure 66: The corbeling, keystone detailing at windows and splayed roof eaves are character- defining features that help to convey the architectural style of the Avery House and should be preserved.  Figure 67: This reconstruction of a historic window maintains the significant features and stylistic elements that were present in the original 44Resources Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES CHARACTER-DEFINING FEATURES Character-defining features help convey the historic and architectural significance of historic properties, and should be preserved. The method of preservation that requires the least interven- tion is expected. 3.4 Maintain character-defining features. › Retain and treat exterior character-defining features and examples of skilled craftsman- ship with sensitivity. › Employ preventive maintenance measures such as caulking and repainting. 3.5 Repair , rather than replace, significant architectural details if they are damaged. › Do not remove or alter character-defining features that are in good condition or that can be repaired. › Document the location of a historic feature that must be removed to be repaired so it may be repositioned accurately. › Patch, piece-in, splice, consolidate or oth- erwise upgrade deteriorated features using recognized preservation methods. › When necessary, upgrade existing materials, using recognized preservation methods. If disassembly is necessary for repair or restoration, use methods that minimize damage to historic materials and facilitate reassembly. › Protect character-defining features that are adjacent to the area being worked on.    Figure 68: Do not remove damaged materials that can be repaired. In this case, loose shingles may be re-secured while missing ones may be replaced. Figure 69: Document the location of a historic feature that must be removed and repaired so it may be repositioned accurately.  Figure 70: Before: A deteriorated railing should be repaired, not replaced, when feasible. Figure 71: After: Railing has been repaired and the base of the post has been replaced in-kind. This is an appropriate approach. 45 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 3.6 Reconstruct a character- def ining feature if it cannot be repaired. › Use a design that is substantiated by physical or pictorial evidence to avoid creating a misrepresentation of the building’s history. › Use the same kind of material as the historic feature. However, an alternative material may be considered if it: › Has proven durability › Has a size, shape, texture and finish that conveys the visual appearance of the historic feature › Is located in a place that is remote from view or direct physical contact › Do not add features that were not part of the historic structure. For example, decorative millwork should not be added to a building if it was not a historic feature as doing so would convey a false history. For More Information See web link to Pres- ervation Brief 47: Main- taining the Exterior of Small and Medium Size Historic Buildings http://www.nps.gov/ tps/how-to-preserve/ briefs/47-maintaining- exteriors.htm   Figure 72: Replace missing original details in kind.   Figure 73: Do not add features that were not part of the historic structure. For example, decorative millwork should not be added to a building if it was not a historic feature as doing so would convey a false history.  Figure 74: When reconstruction of a historic feature is impossible, develop a new design that is a simplified interpretation of it. This detail in the porch bracketing has simple vertical and horizontal elements rather than the historic curvature detail. 46Resources Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES MATERIALS AND FINISHES Historic materials should be preserved in place. If the material is damaged, limited replacement to match the historic material should be considered. Historic building materials should never be cov- ered or subjected to harsh cleaning treatments. Preserving historic building materials and limiting replacement only to pieces which are deteriorated beyond repair also reduces the demand for, and environmental impacts from, the production of new materials and therefore supports the City’s sustainability objectives. 3.7 Maintain historic building materials. › Protect historic building materials from deterioration. › Do not remove historic materials that are in good condition. › Use a low pressure water wash if cleaning is necessary. Chemical cleaning may be considered if a test patch does not have a negative effect on the historic fabric (test patch should be reviewed by City preserva- tion department). › Do not use harsh cleaning methods, which can inhibit the function and/or appearance of the historic material. An example is sandblasting, which can damage the protective coating on historic materials. 3.8 Repair historic building materials when needed. › Repair deteriorated building materials by patching, piecing-in, consolidating, or other- wise reinforcing the material. › Replace only those materials that are deteriorated, and beyond reasonable repair. For More Information See web link to Preservation Brief 1: Assessing Cleaning and Water-Repellent Treatments for Historic Masonry Buildings http://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/1- cleaning-water-repellent.htm See web link to Preservation Brief 2: Repointing Mortar Joints in Historic Masonry Buildings http://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/2- repoint-mortar-joints.htm Figure 75: Re-point mortar joints where there is evidence of deterioration. Use correct mortar to prevent problems and match the historic design.  Figure 76: Do not use harsh cleaning methods, such as sandblasting, which can damage historic materials.  Alternative Window Material If it is not possible to match the historic design and materials of a window, then an alternative design may be appropriate in the following locations: 47 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 For More Information See web link to Preservation Brief 16: The Use of Substitute Materials on Historic Building Exteriors. http://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/16- substitute-materials.htm 3.9 Replace historic building materials in kind. › Use the same material as the historic mate- rial to replace damaged building materials. › Also use historic materials to replace damaged building materials on a non-primary façade. › Replace only the amount of material that is beyond repair. › Use only replacement materials that are similar in scale, finish and character to the historic material. › Use only replacement materials with proven durability. › Do not replace building materials, such as masonry and wood siding, with alternative or imitation materials, unless no other option is available. 3.10 Preser ve the visibility of historic materials. › Consider removing later covering materials that have not achieved historic significance. › Once a non-historic material is removed, repair the historic, underlying material. › Do not cover or obscure historic building materials. › Do not add another layer of new material if a property already has a non-historic building material covering the historic material. Figure 77: Consider removing later covering materials that have not achieved historic significance. Figure 78: When necessary, upgrade existing materials, using recognized preservation methods.  Figure 79: Patch, piece-in, splice, consolidate or otherwise upgrade deteriorated features using recognized preservation methods.    48Resources Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES WINDOWS Historic windows are very important character- defining features that help convey the significance of historic structures, and should be preserved. They can be repaired by re-glazing and patching and splicing elements such as muntins, the frame, sill and casing. Repair, weatherization, and instal- lation of interior storm windows is usually the most energy efficient and least expensive solution. If a historic window cannot be repaired, a new replacement window should be in character with the historic building. 3.11 Maintain and repair historic windows. › Preserve all historic window features including the frame, sash, muntins, mullions, glazing, sills, heads, jambs, moldings, opera- tion and groupings of windows. › Repair and maintain windows regularly, including trim, glazing putty and glass panes. › Repair, rather than replace, frames and sashes. › Restore altered window openings to their historic configuration. › If necessary, install interior storm windows to preserve exterior appearance. Figure 80: Repair and weatherization is often more energy efficient, and less expensive, than replacement. Figure 81: Preserve historic window features including the frame, sash, muntins, mullions, moldings, glazing, sills, heads, jambs and groupings. Figure 82: Historic windows help convey the significance of historic structures and should be preserved. Figure 83: Roof overhangs and eave details are important to maintain the character of the building. Figure 84: This three pane window alteration is inappropriate and should be restored to its original historic configuration. Figure 85: The windows and siding have both been inappropriately replaced with vinyl.        49 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 3.12 Replace a historic window with a matching design if repair is not possible. › Replace with the same material. › Match the type of the historic window design (i.e., replace a casement window with a new casement window, or a double-hung window with a new double-hung window). › Maintain the historic size, shape and number of panes. › Match the profile of the sash, muntin and its components to the historic window, including the depth of the sash, which may step back to the plane of the glass in several increments. › Use clear window glazing that conveys the visual ap- pearance of historic glazing (transparent low-e glass is preferred). › The use of vinyl and unfinished metals as window replace- ment materials is inappropriate. › The use of metallic or reflective window glazing is inap- propriate. › To reduce a historic opening to accommodate a smaller window or increase it to accommodate a larger window is inappropriate. For More Information See web link to Preservation Brief 9: The Repair of Historic Wooden Windows http://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/9-wooden-windows.htm See web link to Preservation Brief 13: The Repair and Thermal Upgrading of Historic Steel Windows http://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/13-steel-windows.htm Figure 87: Preserve the size and proportion of a historic window opening. Figure 86: Double-hung window Upper Sash Glazing Muntin Lower Sash Sill Trim  1x  2x  50Resources Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES 3.13 Use special care when replacing a window on a primary façade. › Give special attention to matching the historic design and materials of windows located on the primary or secondary façade. 3.14 Design a storm window to minimize its visual impacts. › If a window did not historically have a storm window, place a new storm window internally to avoid exte- rior visual impacts. › Use storm windows designed to match the historic window frame if placed externally. › Place a storm window internally to avoid the impact upon external appearance. › Use insect screens with painted wooden frames where wood windows exist. 3.15 Restore a historic window opening that has been altered. › Restore a historic window opening that previously existed. › Place a new window to fit within the historic opening.    For More Information See web link to window retrofit article from the Na- tional Trust for Historic Preservation web site http://www.preservationnation.org/who-we-are/press- center/press-releases/2012/new-windows-study.html Web link to window treatments National Park Service Tech Notes. Scroll down page to window to secure links http://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/tech-notes.htm  Figure 88: Place storm windows internally to avoid exterior visual impacts (right). Use storm window inserts designed to match the historic frame if placed externally (left). Figure 89: Use storm windows designed to match the historic window frame if placed externally. Figure 90: The storm windows match the opening; however, it would be more appropriate if the frames were wood to match the original material. Figure 91: The storm windows match the opening; however, it would be more appropriate if the frames matched the historic window sash similar to the image shown above. 51 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 3.16 When necessary, locate and design a new window opening to preserve the overall rhythm and arrangement of windows on a secondary building wall. › Locate a new window opening to match the general arrangement of historic windows in a building wall. › Design a new window opening to match historic window proportions on the same façade. 3.17 Enhance the energy efficiency of historic windows and doors. › Make the best use of historic windows; keep them in good repair and seal all leaks. › Maintain the glazing compound regularly. Remove old putty with care. Figure 92: Design a new window opening to match historic window proportions on the same façade. The image above illustrates the historic building. The image below shows an appropriate location for a new window in the historic building. Historic building Historic building with new window and addition Historic building   52Resources Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES DOORS AND ENTRIES The design, materials and location of historic doors and entries helps establish the significance of a historic structure and should be preserved. When a new door is needed, it should be in char- acter with the building. 3.18 Maintain a historic primary entrance. › Preserve historic and decorative features, including door frames, sills, heads, jambs, moldings, detailing, transoms and flanking sidelights. › Do not alter the historic size and shape of a door opening. › Do not change the historic locations of door openings on primary façades. › Do not add a new door opening on a primary façade. 3.19 Repair or replace a damaged door to maintain its general historic appearance. › Use materials that are similar to that of the historic door. › When replacing a historic door on a primary façade, use a design that is similar to the historic door. › When replacing a historic door on a non-primary façade, use a design that is in character. 3.20 Locate and design a new door and entry to preserve the historic composition. › Locate a new door to be consistent with the historic architectural style of the structure. › Design a new door or entry to match historic door propor- tions. Figure 93: When necessary, a simple wood half glazed door with paneling below is an appropriate replacement door for many of the modest historic styles.     Figure 94: Simple wood screen doors are appropriate additions. Figure 95: Simple wood screen doors are appropriate additions. Figure 96: This three-pane replacement door is not typical for most of the historic styles located within the neighborhoods. A simple single-pane window door should be used instead. Figure 97: This simple door design complements the minimal traditional building form.  53 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 PORCHES, DECKS AND BALCONIES Preserve a porch in its original character and form. A porch is one of the most important character-defining features of a façade. A porch provides visual interest to a building and shelter from the elements. It also defines building scale and establishes social hierarchy of space from the street to the house interior. Decks and balconies on residential buildings weren’t traditionally found in the Old Town Neighborhoods. Adding them to the front of a historic building impacts its existing architectural style and character. 3.21 Preserve an original porch or stoop. › Preserve the existing height, location, shape, details and posts of the porch. › Do not remove an original porch from a building. › Avoid enclosing a historic porch, particularly on a highly-visible façade. 3.22 If necessary , repair or replace damaged porch features. › Replace missing features and repair damaged features to match existing historic features. › Maintain the overall composition when replacing porch features (i.e., when replacing balusters, match the original proportions and spacing). Figure 98: Typical porch features. Balustrade Bottom Rail Newel Post Pilaster Post/ Column Skirting Top Rail Brackets Decking Eave Base Post Balustrade Bottom Rail Newel Post Pilaster Post/ Column Skirting Top Rail Brackets Decking Eave Base Post Stringer Figure 99: Preserve a porch in its original character and form. Figure 100: Design a replacement porch feature to relate to the overall scale of the primary structure. In this case the porch columns are excessively sized and therefore 54Resources Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES 3.23 When porch replacement is necessary , it should be similar in character, design, scale and materials to those seen traditionally. › Design a replacement porch or stoop to be appropriate to relate to the overall scale of the primary structure. › Detailing a porch with non-traditional elements creates a false sense of history and is inappropriate. 3.24 Minimize the appearance of decks and balconies added to existing buildings. › Locate decks and balconies on the rear elevation to respect the privacy of adjacent homes as well as the historic context and character of the property and the neighbor- hood. › Balconies and decks should fit the style and Figure 102: Locate decks and balconies on the rear elevation character of the existing building. to respect the privacy of adjacent homes as well as the historic context and character of the property and the neighborhood.  55 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 Figure 106: Existing Altered Condition: A vernacular style house with the original porch enclosed. Figure 107: Preferred Approach, when historic documentation is available: A Craftsman style house with a replacement porch designed similar to that seen historically. Figure 108: Acceptable Approach, when historic documentation is not available: A Craftsman style house with a simplified interpretation of a traditional porch design.    Figure 103: Existing Altered Condition: A vernacular style house with the original porch removed. Figure 104: Preferred Approach, when historic documentation is available: A vernacular style house with a replacement porch designed similar to that seen historically. Figure 105: Acceptable Approach, when historic documentation is not available: A vernacular style house with a simplified interpretation of a traditional porch design.    56Resources Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES HISTORIC ROOFS Many roofs in the Old Town Neighborhoods are hip and gable roofs. These provide a visual continuity created by a pattern of similar roof forms along a block. The form, size, shape, pitch and materials of a historic roof help define the character of the building as it is perceived from the public way and should be preserved. 3.25 Preserve the form, materials and features of an original historic roof. › Maintain the perceived line and orientation of the roof as seen from the street. › Maintain roof overhangs because they contribute to the perception of the building’s historic scale. › Preserve functional and decorative roof features, including original dormers, chimneys and eaves, especially when they are character-defining features of the structure. › Avoid altering the angle of a historic roof. › Do not cut back exposed roof rafters and soffits. Figure 109: Clipped, side-gable roof form with loft dormer     Figure 110: Gable roof with dormers Figure 111: A hip roof with boxed eaves and brackets tops the primary form, and a hip roof form tops the porch. Figure 112: A gable roof with shallow eaves tops the primary form and a splayed gable roof form tops the one-story projecting entry feature. For More Information See web link to Preservation Brief 17: Architec- tural Character - Identifying the Visual Aspects of Historic Buildings as an Aid to Preserving Character. http://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/17- architectural-character.htm 57 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 3.28 Maintain and repair a historic foundation. › Re-point historic masonry foundations to match the historic design. › Design landscaping and other site features to keep water from collecting near the founda- tion. › Do not cover a historic foundation with newer siding material. › Do not install windows, window wells or an access door on the front façade of a historic foundation. 3.29 Replace a foundation wall using new material that is similar in character to the historic foundation. › For example, if a stone foundation must be replaced, a material that conveys the scale and texture of the historic fabric may be considered. › Use materials and details that resemble those used in foundations on similar nearby historic properties. 3.26 Repair original roof materials and features, and replace only when necessary. › Check roof flashing for open seams and look for breaks or holes in the roof surface. › Retain and repair roof detailing, including gutters and downspouts. › If replacement is necessary, use materials similar in color and texture to the original. Low profile asphalt shingles, for example, are appropriate replacements for wood shingles. 3.27 Minimize the visual impacts of rooftop alterations. › Do not visually overwhelm the original roof, particularly street-facing elevations, by altering the rooftop. › Do not remove or alter sizes of historic dormers on street-facing elevations. › Do not install a dormer or skylight on a front-facing roof plane. › Do not install a bubble skylight, or other form that does not have a low profile. EXPOSED HISTORIC FOUNDATIONS A historic building foundation contributes to the character of a historic structure and should be preserved. Altering or replacing historic foundation walls is discouraged. However, it may be necessary to replace historic foundation walls with compatible new materials where the historic foundation is deteriorated beyond repair.  Figure 113: Do not install a dormer or skylight on a front-facing roof plane. 58Resources Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Maintenance Tips: › Look for breaks or holes in the roof surface and check the flashing for open seams. › Watch for vegetation, such as moss and grass, which indicates accumulated dirt and retained moisture. › Patch and replace areas with damaged roof material. Often, repairing a roof can be much less expensive than complete replacement. PAINT Historically, most wood surfaces on the exterior of a building were painted to protect them from weathering. Stucco structures were also some- times painted. 3.30 Plan repainting carefully. › Seek professional advice and properly prepare surfaces before painting. › Do not paint unpainted masonry. › Do not use destructive paint removal methods such as torches, sandblasting or water blasting which can irreversibly damage historic materials. COLOR Choosing the right combination of colors for a historic rehabilitation project can unify building elements with the façade and highlight important architectural detailing. Paint color selection should be appropriate to the architectural style and complement the building and its surroundings. Us- ing the historic color scheme is an option, but new schemes that are compatible are also permitted. 3.31 Retain historic colors. › Retain the historic or early color and texture of masonry surfaces. 3.32 Use a color scheme that is compatible with the historic character of the structure. › Repaint with colors that relate to the period of historic significance of the building. › Use color schemes that are simple in charac- ter (generally one to three accent colors for trim elements). Figure 116: When designing a color scheme, consider the entire composition: The back plane of the main façade is a major surface for which a scheme should be devised. A color scheme for the front plane, composed of a porch in this case, should also be designed. Figure 117: Apply a base color to the main plane of the façade (A). Apply a primary trim color to window and door frames, and edge boards (B). Figure 118: Apply a color to the front porch plane of the façade; if a solid porch wall 59 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND CARRIAGE HOUSES The Old Town Neighborhoods have alleys that provide automobile and service access to many of the residential properties. As a result, most ac- cessory buildings and carriage houses are located to the rear of the property, along the alley. While buildings in the rear generally have little impact on the character of the street, they do contribute to the character of the alley context and should be preserved. 3.33 Preserve original accessory buildings and carriage houses when feasible. › Keep historic accessory buildings and carriage houses in good repair, similar to the primary building on the lot. › Avoid removing a historically-significant accessory building or carriage house. › When additional space is needed, consider constructing a modest addition, or adding another accessory building or carriage house (when allowed by code), rather than remov- ing the historic accessory structure. › Preserve character-defining features of a historic accessory building and carriage house. EXISTING ADDITIONS Some existing additions may have become his- torically significant in their own right. Unless the building is being accurately restored to an earlier period of significance, additions that have taken on significance should be preserved. However, more recent additions may detract from the character of the building and could be considered for modi- fication or removal. 3.34 Preserve an older addition that has achieved historic significance in its own right . › Respect character-defining building features of a historically-significant addition. › Do not demolish a historically-significant addition. 3.35 Consider removing an addition that is not historically significant. › Ensure that the historic fabric of the primary structure is not damaged when removing these features. Figure 119: This one-and-a-half-story carriage house is oriented with the roof plane parallel to the alley. This building has been appropriately preserved. Figure 120: Keep historic accessory buildings and carriage houses in good repair, similar to the primary building on the lot. Figure 121: Accessory buildings have little impact on the character of the street; however, they do contribute to the character of the alley context and should be preserved.  60Resources Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Planning for Energy Efficiency These standards address maintaining and improv- ing resource and energy efficiency in historic buildings, as well as methods for approaching energy conservation and generation technologies. The guidelines in this section apply to projects involving historic buildings. Other sustainabil- ity guidelines throughout this document will also apply. Objectives for historic preservation and commu- nity sustainability are often in alignment. Follow these basic steps when considering a rehabilitation project for energy efficiency: Step 1: Establish Project Goals. Develop an overall strategy and project goals for energy efficiency to maximize the effectiveness of a project. This will establish a broad view that can help place individual actions into context. Focus on minimizing use of resources and energy, mini- mizing negative environmental impacts and retain- ing the historic integrity of a property. Strategies should maximize the inherent value of the historic resource prior to considering alterations or ret- rofitting with new energy generation technology. Step 2: Maintain Building Components in Sound Condition. Maintaining existing building fabric reduces nega- tive environmental impacts. Re-using a building preserves the energy and resources invested in its construction, and removes the need for producing new construction materials. Step 3: Maximize Inherent Sustainable Qualities. Typically, historic buildings in the Old Town Neighborhoods were built with resources and energy efficiency in mind. Construction methods focused on durability and maintenance, resulting in individual building features that can be repaired if damaged, thus minimizing the use of materials throughout the building’s life cycle. Buildings were also built to respond to local climate conditions, integrating passive and active strategies for year-round interior climate con- trol, which increases energy efficiency. Passive strategies include building features such as roof overhangs and windows to provide both natural day lighting as well as management of solar heat gain. Active strategies typically include operable building features such as double-hung windows. Identify a building’s inherent sustainable features and operating systems and maintain them in good operating condition. In some cases these features may be covered, damaged or missing; repair or restore them where necessary. Step 4: Enhance Building Performance. A historic building’s inherent energy efficiency should be augmented using techniques that 61 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 A B C E D F G Attic & Walls › Insulate internally Awnings & Porches › Restore porches and awnings Doors › Maintain original doors › Weatherstrip › Install a storm door A B C Roof Material › Retain & repair Solar Panels › Set back from primary façade to minimize visibility from street Chimney › Install draft stopper D E F Windows › Repair & retain original or early windows › Retain original glass › Enhance thermal & acoustic efficiency with storm win- dows (preferably interior) › Weatherstrip G Figure 122: This diagram summarizes a general strategy for energy conservation on a traditional residential building. These measures can enhance energy efficiency while retaining the integrity of the historic structure. : Quick simple fixes that will increase the energy efficiency of a historic building. Historic Residential Building Energy Efficiency Strategy A B C E D F G 62Resources Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES ENHANCING ENERGY PERFORMANCE Improvements to enhance energy efficiency should complement the historic building. The structure, form and materials should be sensitively improved in energy efficiency terms to preserve the build- ing’s character. 3.36 Use noninvasive strategies when applying weatherization improvements. › Use cost-effective weather-stripping, insula- tion and storm windows to improve energy efficiency while preserving historic character. › Install additional insulation in an attic, basement or crawl space as a simple method to make a significant difference in a building’s energy efficiency. › Provide sufficient ventilation to prevent moisture build-up in the wall cavity. › Install weatherization strategies in a way that does not alter or damage significant materi- als and their finishes. › Use materials that are environmentally friendly and that will not interact negatively with historic building materials. › Maintain historic windows; keep them in good repair and seal all leaks. › Use operable systems such as storm windows, insulated coverings, curtains and awnings to enhance performance of historic windows. › Use passive design strategies to increase the energy performance of the building, such as an appropriate eave depth that allows sun exposure in the winter and provides shade in the summer. MAINTAINING ENERGY EFFICIENCY The historic sustainable building features and sys- tems of a historic building should be maintained in good operating condition. 3.37 Preserve the inherent energy efficient features of the historic building in operable condition. › Identify a building’s inherent sustainable features and operating systems and maintain them in good condition. Figure 123: Consider using a storm window to enhance the energy efficiency of an existing historic window, rather than replacing it. Figure 124: Double-hung windows found in many historic structures allow for transferring cool air in and warm air out during the summer months.   63 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 USING ENERGY GENERATING TECHNOLOGIES Integrate modern energy technology into a histor- ic structure while maintaining its historic integrity. Use of energy-generating technologies should be the final option considered in an efficiency reha- bilitation project. Utilize strategies to reduce en- ergy consumption prior to undertaking an energy generation project. Consider the overall project goals and energy strategies when determining if a specific technology is right for the project. As new technologies are tried and tested, it is important that they leave no permanent negative impacts on historic structures. The reversibility (returning the building fabric to its historic condi- tion) of their application is an important consid- eration. 3.38 Locate energy-generating technology to minimize impacts to the historic character of the site and structure. › Locate technology where it will not damage, obscure or cause removal of significant features or materials. › Maintain the historic character of the building. › Install technology in such a way that it can be readily removed and the historic character easily restored. › Use materials which are environmentally friendly and that will not interact negatively with historic building materials. 3.39 Install solar collectors to minimize potential adverse effects on the character of a historic property. › Place collectors to avoid obscuring significant features or adversely affecting the perception of the overall character of the property. › Size collector arrays to remain subordinate to the historic structure. › Install collectors on an addition or accessory building where possible. › Minimize visual impacts by locating collectors back from the front façade on the primary building. › Ensure that exposed hardware, frames and piping have a matte finish, and are consistent with the color scheme of the primary structure. › Use the least invasive method to attach solar collectors to a historic roof. Energy Audit To inform an energy efficiency project strategy, conduct an energy audit. Energy audits can give a comprehensive view of how energy is currently managed in the daily and 64Resources Design Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic CHAPTER 3: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Locating Solar Panels on Historic Buildings Existing Building » Gable facing street, side is south facing Preferred Location When should I use this approach? » Panels are set back from the front façade. » Panels are flush with the roof. » The building is highly significant. » The context has many intact his- toric buildings. » The roof is highly visible. Acceptable Location When should I use this approach? » Panels are set back from the eave, but closer to the front façade. » Panels are flush with the roof. » The building is a contributor to a district. » Site constraints restrict solar access. » The roof is not highly visible.   BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 4 67 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 Building Design: Guidelines for New Construction New construction helps the Old Town Neighborhoods remain a vital part of the changing city. As change occurs, however, new construction should be designed to reinforce the context of the character areas and historic districts. This section provides design guidelines that promote new construction that is compatible with its historic context. It includes design guidelines for new residential buildings and accessory buildings. This chapter also includes design guidelines that address green buildings. DESIGNING IN CONTEXT The Old Town Neighborhoods are not frozen in time. They continue to evolve while maintaining their essential historic character. A new building in a historic context should be compatible with the surrounding historic fabric, but also express its true age. A key objective is to retain the overall character of the neighborhood while accommodating creative, yet compatible, new buildings. It is important to understand how new construction will affect the ability to perceive the historic sense of time and place. Ideally, a new building will contribute to an understanding of the area, or at least incorporate a neutral design that has little impact. When designing a new building within a character area it is important to understand the heirarchy of context that influence the design. Each character area has unique design aspects that should be considered (See Chapter 2.) The surrounding context and block should determine design conditions such as setback, mass and scale. Adjacent properties define the appropriate design of building features including materials, articulation, porches, windows and doors. Relationship to Zoning The Fort Collins Land Use Code sets forth the funda- mental requirements that apply to new construction throughout the city. New construction projects must also meet standards for the applicable zone district. For the Old Town Neighborhoods, this includes the Neighborhood Conservation, Low Density (NCL) and the Neighborhood Conservation, Medium Density (NCM) zone districts. Design standards that apply include, but are not limited to: minimum setbacks, maxi- mum height, maximum floor area, maximum height and articulation. For More Information Visit the Fort Collins Land Use Code to learn more about the requirements that apply. https://www.muni- code.com/library/co/fort_collins/codes/land_use. Figure 126: Design a building to be compatible with the context of the Old Town Neighborhoods. Consider how the building will convey similar design attributes of a historic building and appear 68Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION  Balancing Design Variables with the Surrounding Historic Context The design guidelines promote use of similar forms, materials and details to those used histori- cally. However, this does not mean that total uniformity with the historic context is the objective. Rather, compatibility is achieved when a new building has a sufficient number of design variables which are similar in execution, but not necessarily identical, to typical design variables in the sur- rounding historic context. For example:  A new building with a form, height, roof, windows, materials and details that are identical to buildings in the surrounding historic context may be difficult to differentiate from its historic neighbors, and thus confuse the history of the neighborhood.  A new building with a form, height, roof and windows, placement on the lot or setbacks that are different from buildings in the surrounding historic context will contrast too much and impede interpretation of the historic context.  A new building with a similar form, height and roof, but that incorporates new (but similarly-proportioned and located) window designs and contemporary materials is more likely to achieve a successful balance between relating to design variables in the surrounding historic context and expressing its true age with simplified or contempo- rary features. There are many other combinations of these variables that may be used to accommodate new, creative designs while also achieving compatibility with the historic context. BUILDING DESIGN Design a building to be compatible with the context of the Old Town Neighborhoods. Consider how the building will convey similar design attributes of a historic building and appear in scale, while expressing its true age. 4.1 Design a new building to be recognized as current construction, while respecting key features of the character area as well as the surrounding block. › Use a simplified interpretation of historic designs found in the neighborhood, or use a contemporary design that is compatible with historic siting, massing and forms found in the neighborhood. At a minimum, an acceptable design should be neutral and not detract from the historic context. › Include features that relate to the surrounding block, such as front porches. › Use contemporary details, such as window moldings and door surrounds, to create interest and convey the period in which the structure was built.  Figure 128: This building is not com- patible with the Old Town Neighbor- hoods. Its windows and entry features are out of proportion with others in the context. It is also too wide. Figure 129: Design a building to be compatible with the context. A gable roof form and front porch are appropriate features; however, the porch should be raised similar to others in the context. 69 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 Impact Considerations for New Construction Impact considerations address the visual and physical impacts of a new building on the integrity of the character area. Some impact-related factors to consider include: » The impact on abutting historic properties • Is one’s ability to interpret the historic character of the abutting properties retained? Particular attention should be given to the perception of their original mass, scale and relative prominence on the street or from other public vantage points. » The impact on the block as a whole • Are the rhythm and alignment of buildings and their key features typical of the block retained? • Is the perception of the scale of structures along the block retained, as experienced at the street level? • If the character of an alley wall is also a key feature, is its scale also retained?    Figure 130: Design a build- ing to be compatible with the context of the Old Town Neighborhoods. Consider how the building will convey similar design attributes of a historic building and appear in scale, while expressing its true age. Figure 131: Design a building to be compatible with the context. Providing a gable roof and one-story elements that step down to the street are appropriate features on this building. Figure 132: This two-story building is compatible in several contexts. It has a similar roof form, window pattern and porch proportion to historic buildings in the neighborhood. 70Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION    Figure 133: This building has several compatible features such as the traditional massing, porch, articulation and materiality. Figure 134: Design a building to be compatible with the context. A hip roof, simple building form and raised porch are appropri- ate features on this building. Porch and eave height are scaled appropriately.  Figure 135: New designs should relate to the funda- mental characteristics of the historic houses on a block while also conveying the stylistic trends of today. Figure 136: This building is not compatible with the Old Town Neighborhoods context. The flat roof is inap- propriate; however, the scale would be appropriate in several contexts. Overall Compatibility Considerations To achieve compatibility, a new building should: » Relate to the character area design features, including set- back and open space patterns, mass and form, entries and porches, materials and other features. » Relate to features in the surrounding historic context and on adjacent historic properties, including setbacks, foundation, porch and window heights, the proportions of windows and architectural features, as well as roof forms. » Express its true age, rather than directly imitating a historic style, or using faux historic treatments, to avoid confusing historic interpretation of the context. 71 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 BUILDING MASS AND SCALE Each historic residential building exhibits distinct characteristics of mass, height and a degree of wall articulation that contributes to its sense of scale. As groupings, these buildings establish a definitive sense of scale. A new building or addition should express these traditions of mass and scale, and it should be compatible in height, mass and scale with its context. 4.2 Design a new residential building to incorporate heights and proportions that reference those on historic buildings in the surrounding context. › Design a new building to be within the range of lowest and tallest heights in the surround- ing historic context. › Locate and proportion building features to reference similar features on historic build- ings. For example, match window heights, door height, porch height, foundation height, floor-to-floor heights and other vertical pro- portions to those on nearby historic buildings. › Design a new façade to respect the propor- tions of height to width in the surrounding historic context. One-and-a-half story building steps down to one story The massing of this new infill building is compatible with the existing context. It reflects similar form, height, wall lengths and massing as historic buildings in the context. Note the simple primary and secondary volumes; the sec- ondary volume appropriately steps down to the back yard. Two-story building with wall offset to one-and-a- half story The massing of this new infill building is compatible with the existing one and two story context. It reflects similar form, height, wall lengths and massing as historic buildings in the context. Note the simple primary and secondary volumes; the sec- ondary volume appropriately steps down to the back yard. One-and-a-half story building steps up to two-story The massing of this new infill building is compatible with the existing context. It reflects similar form, height, wall lengths and massing as historic buildings in the context. Note this building form is comprised of a central primary mass with secondary volumes stepping down to the street and back yard. This is an appropriate form for many one and two story contexts.    72Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 4.3 Use residential building forms that are compatible with the mass and scale of surrounding historic buildings. › Use simple building and roof forms that ap- pear similar to historic buildings in the sur- rounding context. › Avoid “busy and complex” building forms. › Subdivide the mass of a larger building into a simple primary volume with additional sec- ondary volumes, similar to historic buildings in the surrounding context. › For buildings with more than two units, de- fine individual units in modules that express typical historic dimensions. › Avoid using boxy building forms when they are not typical of the surrounding historic context. Figure 137: Do not use “boxy” building forms when they are not typical of the surrounding historic context. Figure 138: Use simple building and roof forms that appear similar to historic buildings in the surrounding context. This form is appropriate in a majority of the contexts.       Figure 139: Use façade articulation techniques to help a building fit within the scale of the surrounding historic context. Figure 140: Use façade articulation techniques to help a building fit within the scale of the surround- ing historic context. Figure 141: Subdivide the mass of a larger building into a simple primary volume with additional secondary volumes, similar to historic buildings in the surrounding context. Figure 142: Avoid “busy and complex” building forms. 73 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 BUILDING ARTICULATION Providing articulation in the building mass will minimize impacts on the neighborhood context and neighboring buildings. For example, creating offsets in long walls and stepping down height on all building façades are good design choices. 4.4 Use façade articulation techniques to help a building fit within the scale of the surrounding historic context. › Use vertical and horizontal wall offsets (changes in the wall plane) to reduce the overall scale of a building as viewed from the street. › Use vertical and horizontal wall offsets to re- duce the visual impact of long side wall areas on neighboring properties and the street.    Figure 143: Use façade articulation techniques to help a building fit within the scale of the surrounding historic context. Figure 144: This contemporary building applies appropriate vertical and horizontal articulation techniques along the front and side wall planes. Figure 145: This building wall is inappropriate; it is too long and does not have any wall offsets. 74Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION One-and-a-half story building with vertical and horizontal articulation This new one-and-a-half story building reflects a similar mass and scale to historic building forms located in the neighborhood. To help break up the mass the wall plane is offset and the height steps down to a one-story mass. There is also some modest articulation at the dormer that breaks up the roof plane. One-and-a-half story building with vertical and horizontal articulation This new one-and-a-half story building reflects a similar mass and scale to historic building forms located in the neighborhood. To help break up the mass the wall plane is offset and the height steps down at the midpoint of the building mass. Two-story with vertical and horizontal articulation This new two-story building reflects a similar mass and scale to historic building forms located in the neighbor- hood. To help break up the mass the wall plane is offset and a one-and-a-half story building mass projects from the front wall plane and a one-story mass projects from the rear wall plane.    75 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 PORCHES, ENTRY FEATURES, BALCONIES AND DECKS Entries, including porches and stoops, are important character-defining features. When oriented to the street, a front entry helps to establish a connection with the neighborhood and a sense of scale at the building front. An entry should be designed to be in scale with the building and compatible with the context. Decks and balconies on residential buildings weren’t traditionally found in the Old Town Neighborhoods. In recent years, however, they have become an amenity enjoyed by some residents. Decks and balconies can provide additional opportunities for outdoor living space. As these types of outdoor improvements are introduced, property owners should minimize impacts to the historic context, historic buildings and privacy of neighboring residents. 4. 5 Use a front porch to provide a visual and functional connection between the building and the street. › Use a front porch to define the entry. › Orient a front porch toward the street and sidewalk. Figure 146: Character-defining features of a historic porch include height alignment along the street, balustrades and column to roof proportions. The proportions in this contemporary porch are inappropri- ate for most contexts with historic front porches since the porch is too tall, the porch floor is too close to grade and a balustrade is not provided. Figure 147: Use similar porch compo- nents to those seen historically with some contemporary interpretation.    Figure 148: Proportion a front porch and its key features to be compatible in size, height and scale with the building and surrounding historic context. 76Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 4.6 Design a porch to be compatible with the historic context. › Proportion a front porch and its key features to be compatible in size, height and scale with the building and surrounding historic context. › Locate a front porch in alignment to those seen in the neighboring context. › Using materials and detailing similar to those seen historically with some contemporary interpretation is appropriate. Wood balus- trades and porch posts were common on many styles. 4.7 Minimize the appearance of outdoor balconies and decks. › Locate decks to the rear of the property to respect the historic context. › A small balcony may be appropriate on the front of a new building if it is modest in size and incorporated into a gable end or porch roof. Figure 149: A small balcony may be appropriate on the front of a new building if it is modest in size and incorporated into a gable end or porch roof.  77 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017  Figure 150: Use a front porch to provide a visual and functional connection between the building and the street.  Figure 151: Use a front porch to define the entry. This porch uses Craftsman detailing.  Figure 152: Simple detailing of a porch on a new Vernacular building appropriately displays the building’s age and stylistic influence.  Figure 154: Orient a front porch towards the street and sidewalk. Figure 155: The addition of a trellis on a simple vernacular building at the porch stoop is appropriate.  Figure 153: This porch is not in proportion with the historic context since the porch columns are oversized.  78Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION DOORS AND WINDOWS Windows and doors are important character- defining features of buildings in the Old Town Neighborhoods. They provide a sense of scale and visual interest to the composition of a façade. They should be designed to be compatible with the surrounding context and their materials should be durable. 4.8 Design windows, doors and other features to be compatible with the historic context. › Incorporate windows, doors and other open- ings at a ratio similar to those found on nearby historic buildings, especially those with public visibility. › When using contemporary window patterns and designs, ensure they respect the charac- ter, alignments and proportions of windows in the surrounding historic context. › Use window and door widths, heights and materials that are similar to doors on historic buildings in the surrounding historic context. › Use simplified configurations of historic doors rather than replicating a historic door exactly. › Use clear or near clear low-e glass in windows. › Set back a window or door from the outside wall plane so a reveal is evident, resulting in a shadow line around the opening. The window or door should not appear flush with the outside wall plane.   Figure 156: Use window and door widths, heights and materials that are similar to doors on historic buildings in the surrounding historic context. Figure 157: Design windows, doors and other features to be compatible with the historic context. Figure 158: When using contemporary window patterns and designs, ensure they respect the character, align- ments and proportions of windows in the surrounding historic context.  79 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 Figure 159: Design windows, doors and other features to be compatible with the historic context. This can be achieved by using window and door sizes similar to those found on historic buildings. The pattern of window and door styles shown here illustrate appropriate proportions. Figure 160: Set back a window or door from the outside wall plane so a reveal is evident, resulting in a shadow line around the opening. Figure 161: A window should not appear flush with the outside wall plane.  4.9 Use durable window materials. › Permitted window materials include metal and wood frame. › Inappropriate window materials include synthetic materials that do not have proven durability, such as plastic snap-in muntins.   80Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Historic primary building materials in the Old Town Neighborhoods include masonry (mostly brick), wood lap siding and board and batten siding. Metal and asphalt are used as roofing materials. There is also some use of stone, mostly at the foundation. Today, these materials are key to the character of the neighborhood. New building materials should reflect the range of textures, modularity and finish of those employed historically. They also should contribute to the visual continuity of the area. They should be durable in their application. 4.10 Use building materials that appear similar in scale, color, texture and/ or finish to those seen historically in the context. › Use materials that are proven to be durable in the local climate. For example, all wood siding should have a weather-protective finish. › Use historic materials, including wood and brick. Stucco may also be considered; how- ever, it should be applied in a similar manner as it was historically, employing a similar texture and finish. › Use masonry with a modular dimension simi- lar to typical masonry materials. › Imitation or synthetic materials, such as aluminium or vinyl siding, imitation brick or stone and plastic are inappropriate. New Historic Addition Building The wood lap siding material on the new addition complements the masonry in the following ways: it is a subordinate material, the brick joints and siding width are similar scale, and the use of color is also complementary. Figure 162: The combination of brick and wood material is appropriate; brick is typically the base material and wood is used as an accent.  Figure 163: Wood siding is an ap- propriate material. Note this addition uses a narrow wood lap to differenti- ate it from the existing building.  Figure 164: The combination of stucco and wood material is appropriate. In this example stucco is the base mate- rial with a wood accent in the gable. The reverse is also appropriate.  Figure 165: This combination of hori- zontal and vertical wood siding is an appropriate application. Note how the 81 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 EXTERIOR SIDING SHINGLE PATTERNS MASONRY JOINTS Tongue & Groove  Ship Lap  V-Shaped  Clapboard  Struck  Beveled  Weathered  Rabbeted  Concave  Staggered  Coursed  Chisel  Sawtooth  Fish Scale  Diamond  Beaded  82Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION EAVES Eaves are character-defining features of a historic roof. Their design often varies with the building style; however, they mostly have a generous overhang. The overhang protects the wall material and also assists in cooling the building in the summer. This feature is important to the neighborhood context and should be incorporated in the roof design of new construction. 4.11 Provide overhanging roof eaves that appear similar in scale to those seen in the historic context. › Boxed eaves, exposed and enclosed rafters are appropriate eave configurations.  Figure 166: This eave is inappropriate because it does not provide an overhang.  Figure 167: Provide overhanging roof eaves that appear similar in scale to those seen in the historic context. Figure 168: An eave overhang protects the wall material and also assists in cooling the building in the summer. Summer sun Winter Sun Figure 169: Boxed eaves with generous overhangs are appropriate.   83 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 General Design Guidelines for Additions to Historic Buildings Impact Considerations for Additions Impact considerations address the visual and physical impacts of the addition on the integrity of the property, and one’s ability to perceive its historic character, as well as that of its context. Some impact-related factors to consider include: » The impact on the historic building • Is the addition visible? • Does the addition remain visually subordinate to the historic building? • Is one’s ability to interpret the historic character retained? (Especially in terms of perceiving the original mass, scale and prominence of the property) • Are alterations to key character-defining features avoided or at least minimized? • Is the structural integrity of the property retained, or even improved? » The impact on abutting historic properties • Is one’s ability to interpret the historic character of the abutting properties retained? Particular attention should be given to the perception of their original mass, scale and relative prominence on the street or from other public vantage points. Design Variables for an Addition Design variables include basic scale and proportion considerations that relate to the compatibility of the addition with the primary building and surrounding historic context. Design variables to consider include: » The height of the addition Keeping floor heights in the range of those on the historic building, or even lower, may help keep an addition visually subordinate to the historic building. » The degree of setback Does the original primary façade (front) remain visually prominent? An addition should be set back from the façade and other key walls that contribute to the character of the property. The setback should be a sufficient distance such that the historic building remains prominent. » Simplicity of design Is the design of the addition subordinate in character? The design should be relatively simple in architectural character and detailing, such that it does not call undue attention to itself. The historic building should remain the prominent feature, when feasible. This section provides guidelines for designing compatible additions to historic buildings. The General Design Guidelines for New Construction on the previous pages also apply to new additions. 84Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 60s Style Ranch and One-Story Addition This rear addition is similar in height and form to that of the original building and is compatible with the historic building and context. 60s Style Ranch and One-Story Additions These modest additions step down in height to the side and rear yard, and achieve an acceptable level of compatibility with the historic building and context. 60s Style Ranch and One-and-a- Half Story Addition This rear addition is taller than the original building but is still clearly differentiated with a connecting element. A key element is its small size. Classic Cottage with Small Addition This modest rear addition steps down in height to that of the original building, and achieves an exceptional level of compatibility with the his- toric building and context.   ADDITIONS For many properties, an addition to the rear or side of the historic building is the best approach to gain additional living area. A compatible addition maintains the general appearance of a historic building especially from key public vantage points, minimizes damage to the original building by preserving character-defining features and ensures the addition relates to the fundamental characteristics of the block while also appearing as new construction. 4.12 Locate an addition to be subordinate to the original structure. › An addition should be the same height or lower than the existing structure whenever possible. › Place an addition to the rear of the original structure whenever possible. › Design an addition to have minimal visual impact to the existing structure. › Consider a compatible side addition if a rear addition is not possible. 4.13 Locate an addition to retain open space patterns. › Retain original open space at the sides and rear of the structure. › Avoid the excessive loss of existing open space with a large addition. 85 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 4.14 Design a n a ddition t o a h i s t o r i c building to respect the character- defining features of the surrounding historic context, and the original primary structure. › Design an addition to be compatible with the scale, massing and rhythm of the historic building and context. › Align porch eaves, roof lines and other fea- tures with adjacent structures, when possible. › Use materials that complement the color and scale of the historic materials along the street. › Design windows and doors to be compatible with the primary structure and surrounding historic context, particularly when visible from public vantage points. › Consider locating additional square footage to the rear and below grade. Figure 170: Consider locating additional square footage to the rear and below grade as illustrated in this sketch.  Classic Cottage and One-and- a-Half Story Addition with Accessory Building This rear addition is taller than the original building but is still clearly dif- ferentiated with a connecting element. L-Shaped Building and One-and- a-Half Story Addition This rear addition is similar in height to that of the original building, but is still clearly differentiated with a con- necting element to achieve an accept- able level of compatibility with the historic building and context. L-Shaped Building with Modest Addition This modest rear addition steps down in height to that of the original build- ing, and achieves an exceptional level of compatibility with the historic building and context. Four Square and Two-Story Addition plus Carriage House This Carriage House addition is locat- ed along the alley and achieves an exceptional level of compatibility with the historic building and context.     86Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 4.15 Design an addition to be recognized a s current construction. › Do not design an addition to be an exact copy of the existing style or imply an earlier period or more ornate style than that of the original structure. › Differentiate an addition from the original structure with an offset, change in material and/or connector. › Use simplified versions of building components and de- tails found in the surrounding historic context. These may include: • Window, moldings or other features • Porches   Figure 171: This addition steps down from the historic building, is a contemporary design, uses complementary materials and is a subordinate mass. Figure 172: Differentiate an addition from the original structure with an offset and change in material. Figure 173: Use simplified version of building components and details found in the surrounding historic context on additions, such as the arched windows and deck detailing on this addition. Figure 174: Differentiate an addition from the original structure with an offset and change in material. Figure 175: Design an addition to be recognized as current construction.    87 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 4.16 D e s i g n a d o r m e r a d d i t i o n t o minimize impacts on the building. › A new dormer on a historic building should be visually subordinate to the overall roof mass and should be in scale with those on similar building styles. › Locate a new dormer to the rear and/or the side (set back from the front façade) to help preserve the existing roof form and historic building materials. Also, the dormer should be located below the ridge line. › When a new dormer is visible from the public way the roof form should complement the character of the primary roof form. › The number and size of dormers should not visually overwhelm the scale of the primary structure. › Minimize the height of a dormer addition to ensure the historic structure remains visually prominent. › Do not obscure, cover or remove historic features when adding a dormer.   Figure 176: Locate a new dormer to the rear and/or the side (set back from the front facade) to help preserve the existing roof form and historic building materials. Also, the dormer should be located below the ridge line. 88Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION CONNECTORS Additions to historic residential buildings should respect the existing building characteristics of mass, height and form. One approach to transition a new addition to a historic building is to use a connector. A connector can provide a compatible transition that retains the integrity of the historic building. 4.17 Consider incorporating a compatible connector between a historic building and new addition. › Use a one story or one-and-a-half story con- nector. Stepping the height down from the historic building is preferred. › Position the connector where it will have the least impact on the historic fabric of the existing building, typically at the rear of the building. › Use compatible mass, scale, materials, and windows and doors. One-story connector to one-story addition The subordinate connector provides a com- patible transition to the new one story addi- tion. The height of the connector steps down and the wall plane is offset from the historic building. One-story connector to one-and-a half story addition The subordinate connector provides a com- patible transition to the new one-and-a half- story addition. The height of the connector steps down and the wall plane is offset from the historic building.   89 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND CARRIAGE HOUSES Accessory buildings and carriage houses are historically subordinate in scale and character to the primary building and are typically located to the rear of the lot. Accessory buildings are primarily used for storage and parking, while carriage houses provide a living unit with or without storage and parking. While these buildings in the rear generally have little impact on the character of the street, they do have an impact on the character of the alley and the neighbors to the rear. This character should be maintained. 4.18 Locate an accessory building and carriage houses to reinforce surrounding historic development patterns. › Locate a new accessory building and/or car- riage house similar to the range of locations in the surrounding context. This is typically to the rear of the primary building and along an alley (where they exist). › On a corner lot, set back a new accessory building and/or carriage house from the side street to minimize impacts on the historic streetscape. › Avoid making new curb cuts for driveways when they are not part of the historic pattern along the block. Accessory Buildings and Carriage Houses One-and-a-half-story accessory building accessed from the street In some character areas, accessory buildings are accessed from the street (e.g., in recent past neighborhoods). The new accessory building is compatible with the primary building on the lot since it has a subordinate mass and is set back to the rear. One-story accessory building accessed from the street In some character areas, accessory buildings are accessed from the street (e.g., on the narrow end of the lots where an alley is not present). The new accessory building is compatible with the primary building on the lot since it has a subordinate mass and scale and similar roof form. One-story accessory building accessed from the alley In most character areas an accessory building is accessed from the alley. The new accessory building is compatible with the primary building on the lot since it has a subordinate mass and scale and similar 90Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 4.19 Design a new accessory building and/ or carriage house to be compatible with, and subordinate to, the primary building and surrounding historic context. › Design the mass, form and roof shape of a new accessory building and/or carriage house to be compatible with the primary building and sur- rounding historic context. › Use materials that are of a similar color, texture and scale to materials of the primary building and in the surrounding historic context. › Use simplified versions of the primary build- ing’s features or other complementary details found in the surrounding historic context. › In most cases, the accessory building or car- riage house should be subordinate in size to the primary building on the lot; however, there may be an exception to this approach. For example, if the existing primary building on the lot is very small, generally less than six hundred square feet, there may be an opportunity to build a larger accessory building or carriage house. Figure 177: Design the mass, form and roof shape of a new accessory building to be compatible with the primary building and surrounding historic context.  Figure 178: Use materials that are of a similar color, texture and scale to materials of the primary building.  Figure 179: This new compatible accessory building with a living unit above provides similar materials found on other historic accessory buildings.  Figure 181: This new accessory building with a living unit above may be too large for most contexts; however, it is a com- patible scale for some historic contexts.  Figure 180: This new compatible acces- sory building with an office space uses a similar character, form and parking loca- tion of historic accessory buildings.  Figure 182: Alleyway access or a driveway along the side of the building to the accessory building in the rear (when an alley does not exist) is appropriate.   91 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 Energy Efficient Design GREEN BUILDING AND THE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN Existing Fort Collins building codes include many elements that support green building. The building code green amendments represent next steps along the path of integrating green building practices into mainstream construction. The amendments apply to single-family detached housing, duplexes, townhomes and low-rise (one to three story) multifamily housing. Energy efficiency guidelines are included in Chapter 3, which relate both to historic buildings and new construction. These guidelines address maintaining and improving resource and energy efficiency in a historic building, as well as methods for approaching energy conservation and generation technologies. For in-depth descriptions of each individual practice in the package, visit the Residential Package At-a-Glance: http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/img/site_specif ic/ uploads/Residential_APAAG_2011-03-29.pdf The Building Code Green Amendments are available at the link below: http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/residential/green- building/amendments When introducing sustainability improvements, it is also important to maintain compatibility with the historic context. › Ensure that the sustainable design features of a new building are compatible with the historic context. › When using sustainable building materials, such as locally-sourced materials, recycled materials and materials with long life spans, ensure that they are compatible with typical materials seen in the surrounding historic context. › When designing a building to maximize passive solar potential (solar gain during the winter and deflection of summer sun), ensure that the build- ing orientation remains compatible with typical orientation patterns in the surrounding historic context. › When orienting roofs to allow for the installa- tion of solar collectors, ensure that roof forms and orientation remain compatible with typical orientation patterns in the surrounding historic context. 92Construction Building Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN: GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION SITE WORK: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 5 Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 95 CHAPTER 5: SITE WORK: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Site Work: Design Guidelines for New Construction This section provides site planning design guide- lines for historic properties and new construction projects in the Old Town Neighborhoods. Site planning involves any work not directly related to a primary or accessory structure on a site. Impor- tant site considerations include building location, vehicular considerations, historic site features, landscape, urban gardens and service areas. BUILDING LOCATION It is important to place and orient new residen- tial construction to be compatible with historic development patterns. This will help retain the character of the neighborhoods. 5.1 Locate a new building to f it within the established setback (front and side) and yard patterns seen in the neighborhoods. › Locate a structure to maintain the side yard spacing pattern on the block as seen from the street. › Where front yard setbacks are uniform, place a new structure in alignment with its neighbors. › Where front yard setbacks for historic buildings vary, place a new structure within the established range of front yard setbacks on the block. 5.2 Preserve the traditional orientation of buildings along the street. › Orient a new building front to face the street. 5.3 Locate a new building to maximize passive solar potential.  Figure 183: Locate a new building to fit within the established setback (front  and side) and yard patterns seen in the neighborhoods. The sketch above shows appropriate placement, while the one below is placed inappropriately. Figure 184: A variety of spacing occurs between buildings throughout the neighborhoods. Locate a structure to maintain the side yard spacing pattern on the block as seen from the street. Figure 185: Preserve the traditional orientation and setback of buildings along the street. Figure 186: Where front yard setbacks are typically uniform, place a new structure in alignment with its neighbors. Figure 187: Locate a new building to maximize passive solar potential. This example illustrates a building (top) imposing on its neighbor’s solar access.      x ft. x ft. 96Construction Site Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 5: SITE WORK: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PARKING In order to enhance the pedestrian-orientation of the neighborhoods, the visual impacts of cars should be minimized. On-site parking should be subordinate to other uses, and the front yard should not appear to be a “parking lot.” 5.4 Parking areas should not be visually obtrusive. › Parking areas should be located to the rear of the property, when physical conditions permit. › Parking should not be located in the front yard except in the driveway, if it exists. › The front of a garage should be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the primary front of a building, measured from behind the porch. VEHICULAR ACCESS Traditionally, most parking was accessed from alleys in the neighborhoods. As a result, many blocks have very few curb cuts. This approach is preferred. In more recent subdivisions, however, access is some- times provided from the street. In all cases, the visual impacts of driveways and curb cuts should be minimized. 5.5 Minimizing the visual impacts of curb cuts is encouraged. › If allowed through other city regulations, only one curb cut should be provided on a lot. › The width of a curb cut should be from 10 to 12 feet on a historic lot when accessed from the street. 5.6 Minimizing the visual appearance of driveways and other paved surfaces is encouraged. › Provide auto access from an alley. › Use a single lane driveway when physical conditions permit. › Locating a driveway to the side of the house is also acceptable. Figure 188: Parking areas should be located to the rear of the property, when physical conditions permit.  Alley Alley Street Street Figure 190: Traditionally, most parking was accessed from alleys in the neighborhoods; however, Character Area 6 reflects a development pattern where much of the parking access is off of the street leading to an attached garage.  Figure 191: Provide auto access to a garage from an alley whenever feasible.  Figure 189: Minimizing the visual appearance of driveways and other paved surfaces is encouraged. When access from the alley Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 97 CHAPTER 5: SITE WORK: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION LANDSCAPE AND SITE FEATURES Site features and landscapes are an important part of the Old Town Neighborhoods. Proper treat- ment of these features helps retain the unique qualities that make the neighborhoods special and assists with the preservation and interpretation of historic buildings and character areas. It is impor- tant to ensure that new site features maintain and enhance the character of the neighborhood. It is also important to maintain a strong relationship between buildings and the street through sensitive site design. 5.7 Retain and restore historic site and landscape features. › Preserve original landscape and features, such as walkways, fences, site walls, street trees, historic stairways and special plant- ings or ornamental site features that are character-defining features of the property. › Retain original open space patterns at the sides and rear of a structure, whenever possible. › Sites should reflect the traditional topog- raphy on the block. Significant berms, fills and/or low entry swales in the front are inappropriate. 5.8 Preserve established trees › Preserve established and specimen trees in the front yard area. 5.9 Plan new site and landscape features to respect the character-defining features of the neighborhoods. › Landscape the street-facing portion of a lot to be consistent with historic landscape patterns on the street. › When introducing a new site feature, such as a stairway, fence or retaining wall, respect historical patterns in terms of placement, proportions and design compatibility with surrounding historic context. › When designing a new sidewalk or path, use colors, styles and finishes similar to those seen in nearby historic sidewalks. › Avoid introducing new site features that convey a false sense of history, such as faux historic street lights. 5.10 Maintain front yard landscape areas. › Reserve most of the front yard as open lawn, and/or designed xeriscape that uses low-water plantings. Urban gardens are also appropriate when they maintain the appear- ance of a traditional landscaped front yard. Figure 192: Preserve original landscape and features. Figure 193: Reserve most of the front yard as open lawn, and/or designed xeriscape that uses low-water plantings.   98Construction Site Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 5: SITE WORK: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION › Locate a rear yard fence along traditional lot lines; however, smaller fenced in areas are also appropriate for dog runs, gardens, chicken coops, etc. 5.13 Locate and design a new retaining wall to minimize impacts on the historic context. › Use a low wall to help stabilize the yard while maintaining most of the historic slope. › Design a new retaining wall to minimize visual impacts on the character-defining features of the historic property and context. › Use materials that are common to the historic context or that relate to the historic property. For example, if a stone wall is a part of the design tradition, the wall should be stone, or stone-faced. CMU and railroad ties are inappropriate in the front yard. › Avoid using terraced retaining walls. › Do not completely replace the slope with a tall retaining wall. 5.11 Design a new front yard fence to minimize impacts on the historic context. › Design a new front yard fence to be simple, open and low. › Use historic fence and wall materials present in the surrounding historic context. Do not use vinyl, chain link or other nontraditional fence materials. › Do not install opaque fencing along the street. A fence should typically be at least 50% open. 5.12 Design a new rear yard fence that is compatible with the surrounding area. › Locate a rear yard fence to have minimal visibility from public view. › Situate a rear or side yard fence back from the front façade. › Use a rear yard fence type and materials traditionally found in the historic context, such as simple iron, wood, or open picket fence. When installing a wooden fence, ensure that the pickets face to the exterior, and the framing faces to the inside.     Rock Brick Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) Ashlar stone is appropriate; however, this wall is too high for most contexts Figure 195: Use materials that are common Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 99 CHAPTER 5: SITE WORK: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION URBAN GARDENS Urban gardens are encouraged on traditional family lots to promote sustainability. However, the landscape plan should consider the traditional context of the neighborhoods. Front yards are typically planted with larger/higher plant materials located closer to the house, and often end in low scale plant materials such as grass and/or ground cover at the sidewalk edge. 5.14 Locate and design urban gardens to complement traditional planting patterns. › Traditional front yard planting patterns are encouraged. › Large plant boxes should be located in the rear of the yard. › Frame front yard vegetable gardens with flowering plants or low shrubs to buffer the maturing plants over the season. › Consider a permaculture environment when planning a garden. Figure 196: Locate and design urban gardens to complement traditional planting patterns. This photograph showcases a compatible urban garden design that is located in the rear of a property and preserves traditional sideyard setbacks.  ALLEY STREET  Figure 197: This plan illustrates the context of the image to the left. Note the traditional front yard lawn and the rear/side yard urban garden. 100Construction Site Design: Guidelines for New CHAPTER 5: SITE WORK: DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION SERVICE AREAS Service areas include locations for trash con- tainers, transformers, electrical equipment and other mechanical equipment that may require an exterior facility. In all cases, these features should remain visually unobtrusive from the street. 5.15 Minimizing the unpleasant visual appearance of service areas is encouraged. › Locating dumpsters and other service equip- ment to the rear of the lot, when physical conditions permit, is encouraged. › Service areas should be screened from the street with fences, walls and plantings, or a combination of these elements.  Figure 198: Service areas should be screened from the street with fences, walls and plantings, or a combination of these elements. A APPENDIX Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 103 APPENDIX Distribution of Properties Within Character Areas This line in the chart indicates that Character Areas 2 and 4 contain relatively high numbers of properties out of the total for Old Town, that Character Areas 1 and 6 each have a moderate amount and that Character Areas 3 and 5 have fewer than the others. This may be useful to consider when evaluating the potential impact a project will have on its surroundings. Lot Size This table presents lot sizes in 1,000 square foot increments for each Character Area. It illustrates that some areas tend to have a concentration of lots in the higher size categories, while others have concentrations in the smaller sizes. Still oth- ers have a focus on middle lot sizes. This should be considered when anticipating the impact that building mass and scale for a new project may have. It also may indicate areas where a wider diversity of house size correlates with a wider range of lot size. CHARACTER AREA SUMMARY Character Area 1 Character Area 2 Character Area 3 Character Area 4 Character Area 5 Character Area 6 Distribution of Properties Within Character Areas Total Properties 11% 24% 4% 36% 5% 19% Lot Size Typical Range Varies Varies 4,000 - 5,999 sf Varies 4,000 - 6,999 sf 6,000 - 6,999 sf 4,000 sf or less 7% 6% 5% 6% 4% 1% 4,000- 4,999 sf 9% 10% 26% 7% 12% 1% 5,000- 5,999 sf 8% 20% 12% 12% 24% 8% 6,000- 6,999 sf 15% 13% 5% 12% 17% 43% 7,000- 7,999 sf 12% 14% 3% 13% 10% 14% 8,000- 104Appendix APPENDIX CHARACTER AREA SUMMARY Character Area 1 Character Area 2 Character Area 3 Character Area 4 Character Area 5 Character Area 6 Lot Width Typical Range 26-75' 26-75' 26-50' 26-75' 26-75' 51-75' 25' or less 2% 15 3% 3% 2% 1% 26'-50' 52% 61% 75% 45% 36% 13% 51'-75' 33% 28% 17% 35% 45% 68% 76-100' 3% 6% 1% 11% 11% 14% 101' + 7% 3% 5% 6% 6% 4% Average 57 feet 53 feet 48 feet 60 feet 60 feet 65 feet Lot Coverage Typical Range 11-40% 11-40% 11-30% 11-30% 11-30% 21-30% 0-10% 1% 3% 3% 7% 7% 2% 11-20% 23% 22% 28% 31% 28% 22% 21-30% 45% 45% 53% 41% 49% 58% 31-40% 21% 23% 12% 17% 15% 16% 40% + 10% 7% 4% 5% 4% 2% Average 27% 27% 24% 24% 25% 25% Lot Width The portion of the size of a house front to the width of the lot impacts the perception of build- ing mass. The concentration of similarly sized lot widths is a key indicator in each of the Character Areas that differentiates one from another. Lot Coverage The percentage of the lot that is covered with building footprints is an indicator of the relative perception of intensity of development. Character Area 6, for example, has a relatively low lot cover- age, with more than half of its properties in the middle range. Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 105 APPENDIX CHARACTER AREA SUMMARY Character Area 1 Character Area 2 Character Area 3 Character Area 4 Character Area 5 Character Area 6 Year Built Typical Range 1882-1920 1901-1920 1881-1920 1901-1960 1941-1960 1941-1960 Average 1912 1916 1914 1934 1951 1956 Year Remodeled Typical Range 2000-2009 2000-2009 1980-2009 2000-2009 1990-2009 1970-2009 Percent Remodeled 51% 39% 45% 34% 30% 24% Building Size Typical Range 500 - 2,499 sf 500 - 1,499 sf 500 - 999 sf 500 - 1,499 sf 500 - 1,499 sf 1,000 - 1,499 sf 999 sf or less 14% 37% 69% 40% 43% 26% 1,000 - 1,499 sf 35% 40% 27% 34% 40% 56% 1,500 - 1,999 sf 23% 16% 3% 13% 14% 14% 2,000 - 2,499 sf 18% 5% 1% 9% 2% 3% 2,500 sf or greater 10% 1% - 3% %3 4% Year Built A range of typical building years is shown for each Character Area. Some have relatively narrow time spans, such as Character Area 1. This suggests that a higher degree of consistency in building scale and character may be found there. Year Remodeled The percentage of properties that have been remodeled may help predict the degree of con- sistency or diversity that exists in each Character Area. Those with a higher percentage of remod- 106Appendix APPENDIX CHARACTER AREA SUMMARY Character Area 1 Character Area 2 Character Area 3 Character Area 4 Character Area 5 Character Area 6 Average 1,670 sf 1,220 sf 895 sf 1,280 sf 1,148 sf 1,225 sf Building Height Typical Range 1-2 stories 1-1.5 stories 1 story 1-2 stories 1 story 1 story 1 story 48% 79% 93% 78% 90% 91% 1.5 story 25% 13% 4% 10% 5% 1% 2 story 25% 9% 2% 12% 5% 8% 2.5 story 1% - - 0% - - Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Typical Range 0.4 or less 0.3 or less 0.11-0.2 0.3 or less 0.3 or less 0.11-0.2 0.0-0.11 8% 12% 13% 11% 11% 8% 0.11-0.2 42% 56% 72% 54% 63% 78% 0.21-0.3 32% 24% 11% 20% 24% 13% 0.31-0.4 14% 6% 5% 5% 1% 1% 0.4 + 5% 2% - 1% 1% - Average 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.16 Building Height Those areas with buildings that are predominantly one story appear in this chart. Character Areas 3, 5 and 6 are noteworthy in this respect. Maintain- ing this sense of scale will be important. Other Character Areas have buildings that include a mix of one and two story homes. Some areas exhibit a high degree of similarity in height, while others are more diverse. This may be a factor in considering the compatibility of new construction. Floor Area Ratio The percentage of building square footage to lot size is a ratio that can suggest relative intensity of development. Some of the Character Areas have notably low ratios and with a high degree of consistency (Character Area 6 for example). Oth- ers have a wider range of FAR (such as Character Area 1). Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 107 APPENDIX Resource List CITY OF FORT COLLINS RESOURCES: Historic Preservation Programs and Processes: http://www.fcgov.com/historicpreservation/ Design Assistance Program: http://www.fcgov. com/historicpreservation/design-assistance.php Landmark Rehabilitation Loans: http://www.fcgov. com/historicpreservation/landmark-rehabilita- tion.php Land Use Code: https://www.municode.com/ library/co/fort_collins/codes/land_use NATIONAL PARK SERVICE PRESERVATION BRIEF SERIES: Preservation Brief 1: Assessing Cleaning and Water-Repellent Treatments for Historic Ma- sonry Buildings: http://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to- preserve/briefs/1-cleaning-water-repellent.htm Preservation Brief 2: Repointing Mortar Joints in Historic Masonry Buildings: http://www.nps.gov/ tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/2-repoint-mortar- joints.htm Preservation Brief 3: Improving Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings: http://www.nps.gov/tps/ how-to-preserve/briefs/3-improve-energy- efficiency.htm Preservation Brief 4: Roofing for Historic Build- ings: https://www.nps.gov/TPS/how-to-preserve/ briefs/4-roof ing.htm Preservation Brief 6: Dangers of Abrasive Cleaning to Historic Buildings: https://www.nps.gov/TPS/ how-to-preserve/briefs/6 -dangers-abrasive- cleaning.htm Preservation Brief 8: Aluminum and Vinyl Siding on Historic Buildings: https://www.nps.gov/TPS/ how-to-preserve/briefs/8-aluminum-vinyl- siding.htm Preservation Brief 9: The Repair of Historic Wooden Windows: http://www.nps.gov/tps/ how-to-preserve/briefs/9-wooden-windows.htm Preservation Brief 10: Exterior Paint Problems on Historic Woodwork: http://www.nps.gov/tps/ how-to-preserve/briefs/10-paint-problems.htm Preservation Brief 13: The Repair and Thermal Upgrading of Historic Steel Windows: http:// www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/13- steel-windows.htm Preservation Brief 14: New Exterior Additions to Historic Buildings: Preservation Concerns: https:// www.nps.gov/TPS/how-to-preserve/briefs/14- exterior-additions.htm Preservation Brief 16: The Use of Substitute Materials on Historic Building Exteriors: http:// www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/16- substitute-materials.htm Preservation Brief 17: Architectural Character - Identifying the Visual Aspects of Historic Buildings as an Aid to Preserving Character: http://www. nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/17-architec- 108Appendix APPENDIX Glossary Addition: New construction added to an existing building or structure. Alteration: Any act or process that changes one or more of the exterior architectural features of a structure, including, but not limited to, the erec- tion, construction, reconstruction, addition, sand blasting, water blasting, chemical cleaning, chemi- cal stopping, or removal of any structure, but not including changes to the color of exterior paint. Alignment: The arrangement of objects along a straight line. Appropriate: Especially suitable or compatible. Asphalt shingles: A type of roofing material composed of layers of saturated felt, cloth or pa- per, and coated with a tar, or asphalt substance, and granules. Attic: The upper level of a building, not of full ceiling height, directly beneath the roof. Baluster: Vertical member, usually of wood, which supports the railing of a porch or the hand- rail of a stairway. Balustrade: A railing or parapet consisting of a handrail on balusters, sometimes also includes a bottom rail. Bargeboard: A board, often decoratively carved, that hangs from the projecting edge of a roof gable. Bay window: A projecting window that forms an extension to the floor space of the internal rooms; usually extends to the ground level. Board and batten: Vertical plank siding with joints covered by narrow wood strip. Bracket: A supporting member for a projecting element or shelf, sometimes in the shape of an inverted L and sometimes as a solid piece or a triangular truss. Bulkhead: In commercial buildings, the area below the display windows at the sidewalk level. Bungalow: Common house form of the early 20th century distinguished by horizontal empha- sis, wide eaves, large porches and multi-light doors and windows. Capital: The head of a column or pilaster. Casement window: A window with one or two sashes which are hinged at the sides and usually open outward. Clapboard: Large wood boards which taper slightly so they overlap; applied horizontally on buildings of frame construction. Clipped gable: A gable roof where the ends of the ridge are terminated in a small, diagonal roof surface. Column: A supporting post found on storefronts, porches and balconies; may be fluted or smooth. Compatible: In harmony with location and sur- roundings. Contemporary: Reflecting characteristics of the current period. Contemporary denotes Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 109 APPENDIX Context: The setting in which a historic element, site, structure, street, or district exists. Corbel: A bracket form produced by courses of wood or masonry which extend in successive stages from the wall surface. Corinthian order: Most ornate classical order characterized by a capital with ornamental acan- thus leaves and curled fern shoots. Cornerboard: A board used to cover the exposed ends of wood siding to give a finished appearance and make the building watertight. Cornice: The projecting uppermost portion of a wall, often treated in a decorative manner with brackets. Cross-gable: A secondary gable roof which meets the primary roof at right angles. Dentil: One of a row of small blocks used as part of the decoration in a frieze or cornice. Doorframe: The part of a door opening to which a door is hinged. A doorframe consists of two vertical members called jambs and a horizon- tal top member called a lintel or head. Doric order: A classical order with simple, un- adorned capitals, and with no base. Dormer: A structural extension of a building’s roof, intended to provide light and headroom in an attic space; usually contains window(s) on its vertical face. Double-hung window: A window with two balanced sashes, with one sliding over the other vertically to open. Eave: The lower portion of the sloping surface of a roof, especially the part that overhangs the building’s wall. Ell: The rear wing of a house, generally one room wide and running perpendicular to the principal building. Engaged column: A round column attached to a wall. Facade: The “face” of the building; usually refers to the main side of the building, though it can be applied to all sides. Fanlight: A semi-elliptical design used both over doors and in gables either as a window or as a board. Fascia: A flat horizontal wooden member used as a facing at the ends of roof rafters and in the cornice area. Fenestration: The arrangement of windows and other exterior openings on a building. Finial: A projecting decorative element, usually of metal, at the top of a roof turret or gable. Fishscale shingles: A decorative pattern of wall shingles composed of staggered horizontal rows of wooden shingles with halfround ends. Form: The overall shape of a structure (i.e., most structures are rectangular in form). Foundation: The lowest exposed portion of the 110Appendix APPENDIX Head: The top horizontal member over a door or window opening. Hipped roof: Roof with uniform slopes on all sides. Historic imitation: New construction or reha- bilitation where elements or components mimic an architectural style but are not of the same historic period as the existing buildings (historic replica). Hood mold: Decorative, projecting element placed over a window; may extend down the sides of a window as well as surround the top. In-Kind replacement: To replace a feature of a building with materials of the same characteristics, such as material, texture, color, etc. Integrity: A property retains its integrity, if a sufficient percentage of the structure retains its historic fabric. The majority of a building’s original structural system, materials, and character defin- ing features also should remain intact. These may include architectural details, such as dormers, porches, ornamental brackets, moldings and ma- terials, as well as the overall mass and form of the building. Ionic order: One of the five classical orders used to describe decorative scroll capitals. Infill: New construction where there had been an opening before, such as a new building between two older structures. Keystone: The wedge-shaped top or center member of an arch. Landmark: A property, structure or natural object designated as a “landmark” by ordinance of the city council, pursuant to procedures pre- scribed in this title, that is worthy of rehabilita- tion, restoration and presentation because of its historic or architectural significance to the city. Lap siding: See clapboards. Lattice: Criss-cross pattern of thin wooden slats most often found covering the open space beneath a porch. Lintel: Horizontal structural element at the top of a window or door; in masonry walls, may be of wood, stone or metal. Maintain: To keep in an existing state of preser- vation or repair. Mansard roof: A roof with a double slope on all four sides, with the lower slope being almost vertical and the upper almost horizontal. Masonry: Construction materials such as stone, brick, concrete block or tile. Metal standing seam roof: A roof composed of overlapping sections of metal such as copper- bearing steel or iron coated with a terne alloy of lead and tin. These roofs were attached or crimped together in various raised seams for which the roof are named. Modillion: A horizontal bracket or scroll which appears at the building or porch cornice. Known Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 111 APPENDIX Molding: A decorative band or strip of material with a constant profile or section designed to cast interesting shadows. It is generally used in cornices and as trim around window and door openings. Mortar: A mixture of sand, lime, cement, and water used as a binding agent in masonry con- struction. Mullion: A wooden vertical piece that divides window sash, doors or panels set close together in a series. Multi-light window: A window sash composed of more than one pane of glass. Muntin: The wooden pieces that make up the small subdivisions in a multiple-pane glass window. New construction: Construction which is char- acterized by the introduction of new elements, sites, buildings, or structures or additions to existing buildings and structures in historic areas and districts. Obscured: Covered, concealed or hidden from view. Opaque fence: A fence that one cannot see through. Orientation: Generally, orientation refers to the manner in which a building relates to the street. The entrance to the building plays a large role in the building’s orientation, and in most cases it should face the street. Ornamentation: Decoration, usually non- structural and not essential from a practical stand- point, which is applied to a building to increase its distinctiveness and visual interest. Palladian Window: A three-part window, with a round-arched central window flanked by two rectangular windows whose height reaches the point where the arch begins on the central window. Panel: A sunken or raised portion of a door with a frame-like border. Parapet: The portion of an exterior wall which rises entirely above the roof, usually in the form of a low retaining wall; the parapet may be shaped or stepped. Pediment: The triangular face of a roof gable; or a gable which is used in porches, or as decoration over windows, doors and dormers. Piazza: Early Americans described a piazza as the open space alongside a house shelted by a roof and supported by pillars. The term is used interchangeably with veranda and can be directly applied to Charleston architecture. Pitch: The degree of the slope of a roof. Portico: An entrance porch, usually supported by columns and sheltering only the entry. Preservation: The act or process of applying measures to sustain the existing form, integrity and materials of a building or structure, and the existing form and vegetative cover of a site. It may 112Appendix APPENDIX Prism Glass: Small panes of glass, usually set in a wooden or metal framework in the transom over a storefront or entrance; the glass is molded in a special pattern such that small prisms project daylight into the interior of the building. Quoins: A series of stone, bricks, or wood panels ornamenting the outside of a wall. Reconstruction: The act or process of repro- ducing by new construction the exact form and detail of a vanished building, structure or object, or part thereof, as it appeared at a specific period of time. Rehabilitation: The act or process of returning a property to a state of utility through repair or alteration which makes possible an efficient con- temporary use while preserving those portions or features of the property which are significant to its historical, architectural and cultural value. Restoration: The act or process of accurately recovering the form and details of a property and its setting as it appeared at a particular period of time by means of the removal of later work or by the replacement of missing earlier work. Retain: To keep secure and intact. In the guide- lines, “retain” and “maintain” describe the act of keeping an element, detail, or structure and continuing the same level of repair to aid in the preservation of elements, sites and structures. Ridge: The top horizontal member of a roof where the sloping surfaces meet. Roof Rafter: Long wooden structural members which run from ridge to eaves and which provide structural support for the roof sheathing and roof- ing materials. Sash: The moveable framework containing the glass in a window. Scale: Proportional elements that demonstrate the size, materials, and style of buildings. Segmental Arch: A type of circular arch which does not extend on the sides to a full half circle; often found at the tops of windows. Sheathing: A sub-surface material, usually wood, which covers exterior walls or roofs before ap- plication of siding or roofing materials. Shed roof: A gently-pitched, almost flat roof with only one slope. Shingles: Wood which is split into flat shingles and different shapes. Wood shingles are common elements to the Queen Anne and Bungalow styles. Sidelight: A glass panel, usually of multiple panes, to either side of a door; often used in conjunction with a transom. Siding: The exterior wall covering or sheathing of a structure. Sill: The lowest horizontal member in a frame or opening for a window or door. Also, the lowest horizontal member in a framed wall or partition. Soffit: A flat wooden member used as a finished Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines | February 2017 113 APPENDIX Spindles: Slender, elaborately turned wood dow- els or rods often used in screens and porch trim. Transom: A glass panel, sometimes fixed and sometimes movable, which is placed over a door or window to provide additional natural light to the interior of the building. Used on both residen- tial and commercial buildings. Trim: The decorative framing of openings and other features on a facade. Turret: Projecting corner bay or tower, usually round, often with a conical roof. Vapor Barrier: A waterproof material which is used to prevent moisture from migrating from damp to dry areas where it may condense and cause problems. Veranda: A broad sweeping porch, typically run- ning the length of the facade. Vergeboard: The vertical face board following and set under the roof edge of a gable, sometimes decorated by carving. Vernacular: Architecture which draws more on folk traditions and plain straightforward building techniques rather than on the rules, principles and ornamentation of architectural styles. Visual Continuity: A sense of unity or belonging together that elements of the built environment exhibit because of similarities among them. 114Appendix APPENDIX -1- ORDINANCE NO. 036, 2017 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 013, 1996, REGARDING ADOPTION OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE EASTSIDE AND WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOODS IN FORT COLLINS WHEREAS, on February 20, 1996, Council adopted on second reading the “Neighborhood Character Design Guidelines for the Eastside and Westside Neighborhoods in Fort Collins” attached hereto as Exhibit “A”; and WHEREAS, the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines adopted by Resolution 2017-023 replace the Neighborhood Character Design Guidelines for the Eastside and Westside Neighborhoods in Fort Collins; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the repeal of the Neighborhood Character Design Guidelines for the Eastside and Westside Neighborhoods in Fort Collins and replacement by the Old Town Neighborhoods Design Guidelines in the best interests of the City and its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2. That Ordinance No. 013, 1996, which adopted the Neighborhood Character Design Guidelines for the Eastside and Westside Neighborhoods in Fort Collins is hereby repealed. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 21st day of February, A.D. 2017, and to be presented for final passage on the 7th day of March, A.D. 2017. __________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk -2- Passed and adopted on final reading on the 7th day of March, A.D. 2017. __________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk EXHIBIT A undersurface for any overhead exposed part of a building, such as a cornice. Quoins Shed roof Sidelight Spindles include initial stabilization work, where necessary, as well as ongoing maintenance of the historic building materials. Molding Muntin Pediment Portico as a block modillion if a flat block. Hipped roof Keystone Metal standing seam roof. Lap siding Masonry building wall, which supports the structure above. Gable roof: A pitched roof with one downward slope on either side of a central, horizontal ridge. Cross-gable Eave Gable roof Finial Fishscale shingles Foundation Foundation characteristics which illustrate that a building, structure, or detail was constructed in the pres- ent or recent past rather than being imitative or reflective of a historic design. Baluster Board and batten Bracket Clapboards Clipped Gable tural-character.htm Preservation Brief 19: The Repair and Replace- ment of Historic Wooden Shingle Roofs: https:// www.nps.gov/TPS/how-to-preserve/briefs/19- wooden-shingle-roofs.htm Preservation Brief 22: The Preservation and Re- pair of Historic Stucco: https://www.nps.gov/TPS/ how-to-preserve/briefs/22-stucco.htm Preservation Brief 36: Protecting Cultural Land- scapes: Planning, Treatment and Management of Historic Landscapes: https://www.nps.gov/TPS/ how-to-preserve/briefs/36-cultural-landscapes. htm NATIONAL TRUST OF HISTORIC PRESER- VATION RESOURCES: Window Retrofit Article from the National Trust for Historic Preservation web site: http://www. preservationnation.org/who-we-are/press- center/press-releases/2012/new-windows-study. html Window Treatments, National Park Service Tech Notes: http://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/ tech-notes.htm Provided below is a list of weblinks that occur throughout the document and more. Please use these resources to further understand the concepts and intent of the design guidelines. eled buildings are likely to exhibit more variety in character. Building Size Typical building size varies substantially across the different Character Areas. Character Area 3, for example, has some of the smallest houses (and smallest lots). This could be a factor in considering the appropriate scale for new infill construction. 8,999 sf 10% 6% 0% 15% 11% 10% 9,000- 9,999 sf 28% 25% 2% 17% 12% 6% 10,000 sf or more 11% 5% 1% 16% 10% 11% Average 8, 020 sf 7,285 sf 6,540 sf 8,590 sf 7,085 sf 7,385 sf Character Area Summary Charts to the historic context or that relate to the historic property.  Figure 194: Use materials that are common to the historic context or that relate to the historic property.  isn’t available, consider a small drive to the side of the house. Garage roof form.      vertical boards highlight the gable end in a unique design approach.   in scale, while expressing its true age. HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD (Example) CHARACTER AREA ADJACENT PROPERTIES SURROUNDING CONTEXT/ BLOCK Figure 127: This diagram illustrates the levels of context that are considered in review of a project. seasonal cycles of use, and can also provide perspective on the payback of investment for potential work on the building. For example, an energy audit, when examined based on an overall strategy, may demonstrate that priori- ties should be on increasing insulation in walls, ceilings and foundations, rather than replacing windows. Figure 125: Install collectors on an addition or accessory building.  improve energy efficiency without negatively impacting historic building elements. Noninvasive strategies such as increased insulation, weather- ization improvements and landscaping should be employed. Step 5: Add Energy-Generating Technologies Sensitively. The flexibility of many historic buildings allows for the respectful integration of energy efficient technologies like solar panels and geo-thermal systems. Energy-generating technologies are the most commonly known strategies. However, the efficiency of a historic structure will often be great enough that generation technologies aren’t the most practical solutions. Utilize strategies to reduce energy consumption prior to undertaking an energy generation project. For More Information See web link to Preservation Brief 3: Improving Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings http://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/3- improve-energy-efficiency.htm   is provided instead of balusters, this color should match the base color. For trim, columns, balusters and edge boards the trim color is typically the same color as the trim on the main building plane (B). Two color paint scheme: B B B B A B B A B B  For More Information See web link to Preservation Brief 10: Exterior Paint Problems on Historic Woodwork http://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/10- paint-problems.htm Figure 115: Re-point historic masonry foundations to match the historic design. Figure 114: Maintain and repair a historic foundation.   are inappropriate. Figure 101: A porch is one of the most important character-defining features of a façade.     › On a non-primary façade, accessory building or addition › On a primary façade if no other option is available Alternative window designs should: › Match the general profile and details of the historic window. › Use materials that match the historic appearance in dimension, profile and finish. construction of the building.  layer (patina). › Do not paint, unless masonry was painted historically (painting can seal in moisture, which may cause extensive damage over time). › Re-point deteriorated masonry mortar joints with mortar that matches the strength, composition, color style and texture of the historic material. › If replacing damaged brick that cannot be saved, use bricks of same length, width, color and height and apply them in the same pattern. Wood › Maintain paint and other protective coatings to retard deterioration and ultraviolet damage. › Provide proper drainage and ventilation. Metal › Maintain protective coatings, such as paint, on exposed metals. › Provide proper drainage.    › Front entries are defined with small landings. › Home and lot sizes are in a “middle” range, with respect to the neighborhoods as a whole. › Lot widths are largest relative to the neighborhoods as a whole. › One-story homes predominate. › Side yard setbacks allow sunshine into windows of neighboring homes. Figure 51: Ranch style homes predominate in Character Area 6, typically having limited, simple detailing, and rectangular forms with shallow roofs running parallel to the street. Building fronts generally align and front yards are similar Figure 52: Old Town Character Area Map - East of in depth. College Avenue LOCATION SITE FEATURES CHARACTER AREA 6 Figure 50: Building Figure Ground Map of Character Area 6. Uniform front yard setbacks occur along a block face (highlighted in green). › Architectural details are more limited but help establish a sense of human scale. › Building scale is typically consistent within individual blocks. › Front entries are defined with small porches or landings. › Home and lot sizes are small to middle range, with respect to the neighborhoods as a whole. › One-story homes predominate. › Side yard setbacks allow sunshine into windows of neighboring homes. Figure 42: Old Town Character Area Map - East of College Avenue Figure 44: Character Area 5 includes primarily one-story post-war home styles on narrow, deep lots. The alignment of one-story porches along the street is also a key characteristic of the neighborhood. LOCATION SITE FEATURES CHARACTER AREA 5 Figure 43: Building Figure Ground Map of Character Area 5. Uniform front yard setbacks occur along a block face (highlighted in green). PUBLIC LIBRARY KEY FEATURES › Homes typically date from 1901-1960. › Homes have a moderate to high degree of architectural details. › Front entries are defined with moderate porches. › Building scale is typically consistent within individual blocks. › Building style varies widely within individual blocks. › Home and lot sizes are small with respect to the neighborhoods as a whole. › One-story homes predominate, 1.5 and 2 story homes are also typical. › Side yard setbacks allow sunshine into windows of neighboring homes. Figure 32: Old Town Character Area Map - East of College Avenue Figure 34: There is a large variety in building style and form across individual blocks in Character Area 4. The alignment of one-story porches along the street is also a key characteristic of the neighborhood. LOCATION SITE FEATURES CHARACTER AREA 4 Figure 33: Building Figure Ground Map of Character Area 4. Uniform front yard setbacks occur along a block face (highlighted in green). FT COLLINS PUBLIC LIBRARY KEY FEATURES › Homes typically date from 1881-1920. › Architectural details are more limited but help establish a sense of human scale. › Building scale and style are typically consistent within individual blocks. › Front entries are defined with moderate porches. › Home and lot sizes are in a “middle” range, with respect to the neighborhoods as a whole. › One story homes predominate. › Side yard setbacks allow sunshine into windows of neighboring homes. Figure 22: Old Town Character Area Map - East of College Avenue Figure 24: A typical house in Character Area 3 has a moderate, one-story front porch, which when aligned with others along the block, establishes a consistent sense of scale. The alignment of one-story porches along the street is also a key characteristic of the neighborhood. LOCATION SITE FEATURES CHARACTER AREA 3 Figure 23: Building Figure Ground Map of Character Area 3. Uniform front yard setbacks occur along a block face (highlighted in green). › Home have a moderate to high degree of architectural detail. › Building scale and style are typically consistent within individual blocks. › Front entries are defined with large porches. › Home and lot sizes are in a “middle” range, with respect to the neighborhoods as a whole. › 1-1.5 story homes typical. › Side yard setbacks allow sunshine into windows of neighboring homes. Figure 14: Old Town Character Area Map - East of College Avenue Figure 16: Most homes in Character Area 2 were built prior to 1945, and are in the “middle” range of building size with respect to the Old Town Neighborhoods at large. The alignment of one-story porches along the street is also a key characteristic of the neighborhood. LOCATION SITE FEATURES CHARACTER AREA 2 Figure 15: Building Figure Ground Map of Character Area 2. Uniform front yard setbacks occur along a block face (highlighted in green). › 1, 1.5, and 2-story homes typical. › Large variety in lot sizes with largest typical lot size overall. › Side yard setbacks allow sunshine into windows of neighboring homes. Figure 3: Old Town Character Area Map - East of College Avenue Figure 4: Aerial Image of Character Area 1 Figure 6: Character Area 1 includes portions of the neighborhoods with richly- detailed homes that are somewhat larger in scale than those found in other parts of the Old Town Neighborhoods. The alignment of one-story porches along the street is also a key characteristic of the neighborhood. LOCATION SITE FEATURES CHARACTER AREA 1 Figure 5: Building Figure Ground Map of Character Area 1. Uniform front yard setbacks occur along a block face (highlighted in green). language. In these Design Guidelines, the term “rehabilitation” should be used when identify- ing the project type and applicable guidelines. Determining a Historic Property: The U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, National Register Criteria for Evaluation defines a historic property as a property achieving significance within the past 50 years if it is of architectural or historical importance. If your original property is not built within the last 50 years, staff review will be necessary to determine if the property is historic. out this document are marked to indicate whether they represent compatible or less compatible solutions.  A check mark indicates more com- patible and permitted solutions.  An “X” mark indicates less compatible solutions that are inappropriate. these properties. Many proposed changes may be approved administratively by staff; otherwise the proposed work goes to the Landmark Preserva- tion Commission (LPC) for review. The LPC and City staff take the following factors into consideration when reviewing proposed work: › The significance of the property › The context, with respect to other historic properties › The location of any key, character-defining features › The condition of those features › The historic designation status In addition, there are many cases in which these guidelines state that one particular solution is preferred, such as for the replacement of a dam- aged or missing feature, but the text further notes that some alternatives may be considered if the preferred approach is not feasible. In determining such feasibility, the LPC and City staff will also consider: › The reasonable availability of the preferred material › The skill required to execute the preferred approach › The quality, appearance and character of alternative solutions, such as new materials Operations, FCMoves, Streets, Pavement Management, Planning Street Maintenance Program C 1.1 C 1.2 C 1.3 Implement additional location(s) for new or enhanced arterial crossings identified as part of ongoing neighborhood mobility analysis Traffic Operations, Streets, FCMoves, Engineering BFO, General Fund C 2.3 Create complementary parallel routes, such as Magnolia Street, to arterials where cost, vehicle efficiency, or timelines for improvements are prohibitive. Traffic Operations, FCMoves, Streets Street Maintenance Program, General Fund C 2.4 Create network of neighborhood low-stress pedestrian and bicycle routes (neighborhood greenways) with streetscape improvements that may include additional landscaping, curb extensions, stormwater improvements, and more over time. FCMoves, Planning, Traffic Operations BFO, General Fund Staff Time S 6.1 S 6.2 S 6.3 Provide education to residents and the development community on floodplain regulations. Utilize the Historic Preservation review process to help inform residents early in the process if their property is located in a floodplain. Planning, Historic Preservation, Utilities Staff Time Character & Compatibility NCC 4.1 NCC 4.2 Complete additional outreach to review new standards for Carriage Houses or other Accessory Dwelling Units in the NCB, NCM, and NCL zone districts to support opportunities for additional housing options while maintaining neighborhood character. Consider changes to Carriage House minimum lot size requirements and a new type of internal accessory unit that is subordinate to the primary dwelling. Planning Staff Time Program Character & Compatibility NCC 3.1 NCC 3.2 NCC 3.3 Develop, adopt, and promote new design guidelines for the Neighborhood Conservation Medium Density (NCM) and Neighborhood Conservation Low Density (NCL) zone districts. Planning, Historic Preservation General Fund (2014) S MASON ST N MASON ST REMINGTON ST STOVER ST W LAUREL ST W LAKE ST E LAUREL ST E ELIZABETH ST E PITKIN ST W PROSPECT RD E PROSPECT RD W MOUNTIAN AVE S SHIELDS ST N SHIELDS ST W MULBERRY ST E MULBERRY ST NN Lee Martinez Park Udall Natural Area LIND LINDEN LINDE NDD N NDE Buckingham Park City Park Red Fox Meadows Natural Area rbrooke Pond S TAFT HILL Avery Park Legacy Park W WM M Sheldon Lake Cache la Poudre River Spring Creek DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD 287 287 14 14 N New Street Tree Planted in 2016 and funding prior to implementation. Who: Fort Collins Planning, FCMoves, Traffic Operations, Fort Collins Streets, Stormwater / Utilities Timeline: Immediate, Short, and Mid Term Actions Sustainable Policy S 2 Policies, Strategies & Implementation Implementation N 15% 20% 25% 30% Distribution of Lot Sizes in the Old Town Neighborhoods Eastside Neighborhood Westside Neighborhood To permit a detached accessory unit in the NCL zone district, a 12,000 square foot lot is required. A 10,000 square foot lot is required in the NCM and NCB zone districts.. Policies, Strategies & Implementation Lot Size (sf) Lot Size (sf) E LINCOLN AVE LINDEN ST S HOWES ST N HOWES ST S COLLEGE AVE N COLLEGE AVE S LEMAY AVE N LEMAY AVE S MASON ST N MASON ST STOVER ST W LAKE ST E ELIZABETH ST W PROSPECT RD E PROSPECT RD CHERRY ST DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD Transit Routes Bus Stops Transit Center Potential Intersection & Crossing Enhancement Locations N recommendations for optional changes by segment on the following pages. If feasible, the improvements such as restriping, sidewalk and crossing improvements, or parallel routes, could be implemented in phases as funding, additional study, and scheduled roadway maintenance occurs. The green-yellow-red segments in the figure below are reflective of a factors influencing implementation, with green being easier and red being more difficult. Elements affecting implementation include available right-of-way, traffic volumes, estimated costs, and whether additional study or analysis is required. Shields & Mulberry Corridor Segments Lower traffic volumes & enhancement costs; shorter implementation timeline High traffic volumes; additional study required;mid-term actions Higher traffic volumes or enhancement costs; short & mid-term actions N VINE DR BUCKINGHAM ST E LINCOLN AVE LINDEN ST S HOWES ST N HOWES ST S COLLEGE AVE N COLLEGE AVE S MASON ST N MASON ST STOVER ST W LAKE ST E ELIZABETH ST W PROSPECT RD E PROSPECT RD CHERRY ST DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD N N For travel by foot or bike, the short, tree-lined streets of the Old Town Neighborhoods are regarded as some of the best in the community. To further enhance local neighborhood trips by pedestrians and bicyclists, a connected network of neighborhood greenways will be implemented. Neighborhood greenways are residential streets with low volumes of traffic and enhanced bike, pedestrian, and streetscape amenities. Neighborhood greenways are modeled after the Remington Greenway project along Remington Street and will help implement the 2014 Bicycle Master Plan’s low-stress network. N W MOUNTIAN AVE S SHIELDS ST N SHIELDS ST W MULBERRY ST E MULBERRY ST Lee Martinez Park Udall Natural Area LIND LINDE INDEE INNDE D Buckingham Park rk Fox dows l Area W WM M Sheldon Lake Cache la P Spring Creek Spring Creek DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD 287 287 14 2016 Residential Parking Permit (RP3) Zones Shields Street from Laporte Avenue to Vine Drive may be able to accommodate new buffered bike lanes to improve travel for bikes within the existing right-of-way.. In the long-term, additional sidewalk widening may also improve the pedestrian experience. N completing and maintaining the neighborhood sidewalk network Fort Collins Pedestrian Priority Model. Warmer colors indicate higher priority for sidewalk maintenance and construction. NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD Bike Wayfinding Routes Neighborhood Greenway Magnolia Parallel Route Routes S. Shields St. Enhancements N. Shields St. Enhancements W. Mulberry St. Enhancements E. Mulberry St. Enhancements Street Crossing Improvements N will be designated as areas for preservation and enhancement. The majority of the neighborhoods should be expected to remain predominantly residential with single family homes and a smaller collection of duplexes and appropriately-scaled multifamily buildings. Proposed Rezoning Several areas of mixed-use or commercial zoning in the Eastside and Westside Neighborhoods are proposed to be rezoned to neighborhood conservation zoning districts. The proposed changes will occur in areas where the existing development pattern and land-uses are similar to adjacent blocks of neighborhood conservation zoning. These areas also represent limited redevelopment potential for commercial uses or where commercial/office development interior to the neighborhoods along local streets would be disruptive to neighborhood character and compatibility. Proposed Rezoning: Limited Commercial to Neighborhood Conservation Medium Density or Buffer N Proposed Rezoning: Low Density Mixed Use Neighborhood to Employment (Utility Service Center) this information as more examples of new construction and home additions are available for review. RIVERSIDE AVE VINE DR BUCKINGHAM ST E LINCOLN AVE LINDEN ST S COLLEGE AVE N COLLEGE AVE S LEMAY AVE N LEMAY AVE S MASON ST N MASON ST STOVER ST E ELIZABETH ST E PROSPECT RD Udall Natural Area Cache la Poudre River Spring Creek Eastside Park DOWNTOWN EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD covery useum University Center For The Arts At CSU Public Library 287 287 14 14 Centennial High School Laurel Elementary Harris Bilingual Immersion Lesher Middle School STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD 287 287 14 14 Floodplain & Neighborhood Infrastructure The Old Town Neighborhoods Plan encompasses the Old Town, West Vine, and the Canal Importation floodplains. The floodplain acreage and number of structures within the Plan area is shown in the table on the following page. The Old Town floodplain has a higher number of structures at risk for being damaged in a flood than any other drainage basin in Fort Collins. Further, in this floodplain there is little to no warning time to alert residents of potential flooding hazards. The Old Town floodplain is subject to flash flooding if the streets and stormwater system are unable to handle the flows. Flood waters can quickly spread through the blocks and into basements, causing significant damage. The Westside Neighborhood is also impacted by inadvertent spills from irrigation canals that can cause flooding of neighborhoods during flood events. Large capital improvement projects have been completed since the 1997 flood to improve drainage in Old Town. However, there is more work to be done. N FEMA Designated Floodway FEMA Designated High-Risk Floodplain FEMA Designated Moderate Floodplain City Designated Floodway City Designated High-Risk Floodplain City Designated Moderate-Risk Floodplain Size 2,018 Duplex 0.8 7 1,251 Multifamily 1.3 Total Units 12 73 11 73 1,054 Additions 27 243 -- 637 13.6 122 -- 532 Single Family 8.1 Secondary Bldg. New Unit Permit Locations 2005-2014 Westside Neighborhood Eastside Neighborhood ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! housing to rental housing. While this trend is occurring both at the community and national levels, it has been more pronounced in the Old Town Neighborhoods, especially the Eastside Neighborhood. In 2014, two thirds of all units in the Eastside neighborhood were renter occupied. Pond S TAFT HILL Avery Park Legacy Park W WM WW M Sheldon Lake Cache la Poudre River Cache la Poudre River Spring Creek DOWNTOWN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EASTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD 287 287 14 14 N Public trees (located either within street right-of-way or within parks) are shown in the map above. The neighborhoods also contain an extensive and mature urban tree canopy located on private lots (not depicted). There are slightly over 8,200 trees in parks or within street right-of-ways in the neighborhoods, each represented by a single green dot in the map below. The network of trees themselves help outline the neighborhood’s gridded street network. Several notable holes exist in the street tree network where attached sidewalks began to appear in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s in the northwest corner of the Westside Neighborhood and the far eastside of the Eastside Neighborhood. Character Area 4 typically features one-story homes with larger lots and side yard setbacks. of the six different character areas, which are defined by characteristics such as building size and age, roof forms, architectural styles, and setbacks. Neighborhood Eastside Neighborhood Neighborhood Population Neighborhoods Total: 11,500 Age Distribution College Enrollment 33% 67% 28% 72% Westside Neighborhood Eastside Neighborhood Residents enrolled in undergrad & graduate education Median Household Income $ $ $ Westside Neighborhood Eastside Neighborhood Fort Collins $36,031 $37,325 $53,485 14 287 Lee Martinez Park Mulberry St Prospect Rd Vine Dr Taft Hill Rd Shields St College Ave Lemay Ave 14 Riverside Ave Neighborhood transitions are areas where residential blocks abut more intense commercial and institutional land uses near Downtown/CSU. The Neighborhood Conservation Buffer (NCB) district exists along many neighborhood edges, and includes standards to enhance compatibility between the neighborhoods and larger nearby buildings or intense land uses. While NCB zoning is synonymous with neighborhood transition areas, any nearby areas with intense land uses or larger structures can represent a transition. Neighborhood Conservation Buffer (NCB) Zone District Transition Areas N • Improved enforcement of property maintenance and nuisance standards. • Reconfiguration of neighborhood street classifications and street network design changes to reduce neighborhood cut-through traffic. • Establishment of residential parking permit programs near the CSU campus and Downtown edges. Beyond the original 1980’s neighborhood plans, previous planning efforts or zoning changes in the neighborhoods have included the first neighborhood design guidelines in 1996, and more stringent requirements for carriage houses and the elimi- nation of other alley-loaded dwelling units in 2004.