Item # 10 Page 1
City Council
Rick Bachand, Environmental Program Manager
Resolution 2015-053 Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with Colorado State University Regarding
Biological Inventory and Data Analysis through the Colorado Natural Heritage Program
The purpose of this item is to approve by resolution an agreement for technical assistance from the Colorado
Natural Heritage Program (CNHP) at Colorado State University to complete tasks related to biological survey,
data analysis, rare species/communities conservation planning and ecological monitoring with such information
to be applied toward updating the Natural Areas Department 2015 work plan.
Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution.
The Natural Areas Department (Natural Areas), as part of the 2015 work plan, is in the process of preparing an
update to the Comprehensive Restoration Plan (CRP) and the Bobcat Ridge Natural Area Management Plan
(BRNMP). Natural Areas is requesting specialized technical assistance from the Colorado Natural Heritage
Program (CNHP), which is administered through Colorado State University (CSU), to complete tasks related to
biological survey, data analysis, rare species/communities conservation planning and ecological monitoring.
The value of the work is $31,044 and this work will be fully performed in 2015. The proposed
intergovernmental agreement specifically sets forth the following five tasks:
1. Identifying (rare species) restoration needs on existing natural areas.
2. Review the Department’s assessment tools and performance metrics with respect to wetland, riparian,
and grassland restoration projects. Recommend possible improvements.
3. Specialized analysis of all rare plant data occurring within natural areas.
4. Data analysis and Bell’s Twinpod (rare plant) data.
5. Inventory and analysis of Prebles Meadow Jumping Mouse at Bobcat Ridge.
When contracting with CSU, the agreement type required is an IGA. In accordance with City Code Section 1-
22 all IGAs are required to be submitted for approval to the City Council unless two exceptions apply, under
which the City Manager (or his designee) is authorized to execute the IGA. Under the first exception, the City
Manager is authorized to sign an IGA if it involves the direct monetary payment of less than $5,000 and does
not entail significant policy considerations. Under the second exception, the City Manager is authorized to sign
an IGA if it is in furtherance of a policy, work plan item, project, or agreement that has been specifically
approved by City Council and any direct monetary payment does not exceed $50,000. This contract does not
meet either of these exceptions, and therefore is coming before City Council for approval.
Agenda Item 10
Item # 10 Page 2
The value of the contract is $31,044 and will be performed within 2015. The value of this contract is within the
Natural Area Department’s 2015 budget for contractual assistance. In consultation with the City’s Purchasing
Department, it was recommended that this contract be a sole-source, as four of the five tasks involve
specialized expertise on rare plant and wildlife conservation. In this area of biological conservation in
Colorado, CNHP is the industry expert. Nevertheless, as intergovernmental agreements are not usually
required to be supported by sole-source justifications, the resolution does not make findings under that portion
of the Purchasing Code.
At its May 13, 2015 meeting, the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board will review the proposed
resolution and agreement; the Board’s recommendation will be provided to the Council in a read-before memo
on May 19.
1. Scope of Work (PDF)
Scope of Work
Updates to the City of Fort Collins Natural Area Department
Comprehensive Restoration Plan and the Bobcat Ridge Natural Area Plan
A. Scope Statement
1. Objective
The City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department is in the process of preparing an
update to the Comprehensive Restoration Plan (CRP) and the Bobcat Ridge Natural Area
Management Plan (BRNMP). We are requesting assistance from the Colorado Natural
Heritage Program (CNHP) to complete tasks related to biological survey, data analysis,
rare species/communities conservation planning and ecological monitoring. All
deliverables will be provided to NAP by CNHP on or before the completion date stated
below for each task.
2. Update to the Comprehensive Restoration Plan
Task 1 – Identify Priority Restoration Needs on existing NA lands
Completion by August 31, 2015
As part of updating the Natural Areas’ CRP, we are looking to CNHP expertise in
identifying important plants, wildlife and plant communities that could be
supported as part of ecological restoration on existing (city) natural area property.
These target sites will include areas that are considered rare habitat types or
habitats important to CNHP tracked species or communities. Targeted restoration
or conservation sites may include areas of tracked species in high quality
condition for preservation or poor condition that could benefit from ecological
restoration. We believe this would be primarily an office exercise supported by
limited field reconnaissance. CNHP biologists will use a habitat-based approach
(e.g. grassland, cottonwood gallery forest, mountain mahogany shrubland) to
identify restoration needs, as well as identify species that may benefit from
restoration efforts. This process will be guided by best professional knowledge,
CNHP BIOTICS database information, literature review, existing reports from
NAP, and aerial imagery. These recommendations will be provided to the NAP in
a report format. Staff from NAP will provide relevant background material and
reports to CNHP staff.
Task 2 – Evaluate Performance metrics related to assessing the success of wetland,
riparian, and grassland restoration projects.
Completion by August 31, 2015
Natural Areas staff is routinely asked to evaluate the success of extensive
restoration projects in the grassland and the river/riparian environment. Staff is
looking for tools to rapidly assess the progress (on an annual basis) of habitat
improvement (restoration) projects and wildlife utilizing restored sites. We are
requesting assistance in identifying possible indicator species and/or monitoring
protocols depending on the selected target. Ideally, selected indicators could be
monitored with minimal effort and gauge restoration success. This effort will
include a literature review of existing protocols, tools, and guidelines to monitor
restoration outcomes as well as a proposed framework developed from the
literature that can be implemented in future restoration activities. The proposed
framework will be created as an iterative process between CNHP ecologist and Ft
Collins staff.
Task 3 – Analysis of floristic quality index data
Completion by August 31, 2015
FQA data for NAP has been added to an Access database by NAP botanist Crystal
Strouse. CNHP staff will assist Strouse in data analysis and interpretation, and
will provide a short, written report about the FQA data. The report will provide an
interpretation of the condition of floristic quality in the natural areas, and will
make useful comparisons to other areas in Colorado that have existing FQA
3. Updated to the Bobcat Ridge Natural Area Management Plan
Task 4 – Data Analysis of Bell’s twinpod data
Completion by August 31, 2015
The update to the Bobcat Ridge Natural Area Management plan will include a
data analysis of Bell’s twinpod (Physaria bellii) data previously collected by
Natural Area staff based on the initial survey conducted by CNHP in 2004. We
wish to understand current distribution, trend, and any recommendations for
management. CNHP staff will use existing data provided by the NAP in a
spreadsheet or database electronic format to calculate density for Bell’s twinpod,
and an overall population size estimate based on work done by Anderson (2007).
The results will be provided to NAP in a short, written report summarizing
methods and results.
Task 5 – Inventory and analysis of Prebles Meadow Jumping Mouse
Completion by September 30, 2015
Assistance is requested from CNHP, conduct surveys for Preble’s meadow
jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei). The information provided by CNHP
will assist Natural Areas staff in completing the plan updates with the most
current information available for rare species and their associated habitats.
A presence/absence survey of Preble’s meadow jumping mouse, is requested in
order to provide current species information for the plan update. For the initial
BRNMP, CNHP identified several potential mouse habitat areas. When the trails
were being planned, more surveys were conducted and one Preble’s meadow
jumping mouse was found at one of the locations in 2005. The trail alignment was
re-routed to avoid the habitat per USFW direction. We’d like to verify this
population still exists and gain information on best management and restoration
potential to maintain or perhaps expand the population. These results are
requested to be submitted in a report style format. Assistance is also requested in
identifying important areas and habitats that may require special consideration for
restoration or protection of Preble’s meadow jumping mouse.
4. Objectives
Natural Areas staff needs data analyzed and summarized into short report format for
Tasks 1 through 4 by the end of August 2015 such that the information received may be
incorporated into the departments Comprehensive Restoration Plan.
Likewise, a summary of the field investigation and report for the Preble’s meadow
jumping mouse survey and report completed by September 30, 2015 such that the data
and recommendations may be incorporated into the Bobcat Ridge Management Plan.
B. Assumptions
The assumption is that the vendor will have the information and materials that they need to;
identify target restoration areas for tracked species, analyze data on Bell’s twinpod and floristic
quality, and conduct Preble’s meadow jumping mouse surveys. The data to be analyzed will be
provided by Natural Areas staff. Copies of the previous BRNMP and CRP will be provided.
C. Historical Information
The following is an excerpt from the 2005 BRNMP detailing the previous Preble’s meadow
jumping mouse survey.
“In August 2004, the City’s Natural Areas Program contracted with Jan Peterson, Ph.D.
to conduct a trapping survey on city-owned portions of Buffum Canyon. From August 24
to August 28, 175 traps were laid out in two transects, one on each side of the stream.
During the total of 700 trap-nights, 135 rodents were captured; 10 long-tailed voles
(Microtus longicaudus), 18 Mexican woodrats (Neotoma mexicana), 97 deer mice
(Peromyscus maniculatus), and 10 Northern rock mice (P. nasutus). No Preble’s meadow
jumping mice were detected at this site, however, the survey was limited to the
immediate vicinity of CR 32C in Buffum Canyon, at the entrance and parking lot area of
the site. The results are not applicable to any other area of Bobcat Ridge (see appendix 6
for the full survey report). Surveys of the potential habitats on the interior parts of Bobcat
Ridge will need to be conducted.”
D. Constraints
Due to limited budgets we are requesting a cost per each task be made as it may not be possible
to fund all tasks in one budget year.
The table below contains the cost of each of the five tasks to be completed under this
Agreement, as set forth in Exhibit A. Indirect rates for this project are 34%.
Task Indirect Staff Salaries Travel Total
Task 1 Restoration Priorities $1,483 $4,361 $5,844
Task 2 Restoration Monitoring $3,258 $6,581 $3,000 $12,839
Task 3 FQI data assistance $539 $1,584 $2,123
Task 4 Bell’s twinpod data assistance $1,108 $3,258 $4,366
Task 5 Preble’s jumping mouse surveys $1,490 $4,382 $5,872
Total $7,878 $20,166 $3,000 $31,044
- 1 -
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department is updating the
Department’s Comprehensive Restoration Plan (CRP) and the Bobcat Ridge Natural Area
Management Plan (BRNMP), as components of the Natural Areas 2015 workplan; and
WHEREAS, the Colorado Natural Heritage Program (CNHP) is a nonprofit organization,
administered by the Warner College of Natural Resources, Department of Fish, Wildlife &
Conservation Biology at Colorado State University (University); and
WHEREAS, the Natural Areas Department has identified resources available through the
CNHP that are necessary to complete the workplan updates, including biological survey, data
analysis, rare species/communities conservation planning and ecological monitoring; and
WHEREAS, the University is willing to provide environmental information and expertise
through CNHP to facilitate development of the Natural Areas workplan updates; and
WHEREAS, Natural Areas staff has recommended the City Council authorize the City
Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit
“A”, and incorporated herein by reference, addressing the scope of biological survey and data
analysis to be obtained through the CNHP; and
WHEREAS, the City is authorized to enter into intergovernmental agreements to provide
any function, service, or facility, as provided in Article II, Section 16 of the Charter of the City
of Fort Collins and Section 29-1-203, C.R.S.
FORT COLLINS that the City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into the
Intergovernmental Agreement Regarding Biological Inventory and Data Analysis with Colorado
State University and the Colorado Natural Heritage Program, upon the terms and conditions
described above and such other terms and conditions, or subsequent modifications or
amendments, as the City Manager, in consultation with the City Attorney, determines to be
necessary and appropriate to protect the interests of the City and effectuate the purposes set
forth herein, and not otherwise inconsistent with this Resolution.
- 2 -
Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins this
19th day of May, A.D. 2015.
City Clerk
IGA for Colorado Natural Heritage Program Research 1
INVENTORY AND DATA ANALYSIS ("Agreement"), is made and entered into on the day
and year that it is fully executed by all Parties ("Effective Date"), by and between the City of
Fort Collins, Colorado, a home rule municipality of the State of Colorado ("City") and The
Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System, acting by and through Colorado
State University, and its Warner College of Natural Resources, Department of Fish, Wildlife &
Conservation Biology, an institution of higher education of the State of Colorado ("University")
(collectively, the "Parties").
WHEREAS, the Fort Collins Natural Areas Department is in the process of updating the
Comprehensive Restoration Plan (CRP) and the Bobcat Ridge Natural Area Management Plan
(BRNMP), as part of the Department’s 2015 workplan; and
WHEREAS, established in 1979, the Colorado Natural Heritage Program (CNHP) is a
nonprofit organization, administered by the Warner College of Natural Resources, Department of
Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Biology at Colorado State University; and
WHEREAS, the Natural Areas Department has identified resources available through the
CNHP that will enable timely completion of the CRP and BRNP updates, with regards to
biological survey, data analysis, rare species/communities conservation planning and ecological
monitoring; and
WHEREAS, the University is willing to provide access to environmental information and
expertise through CNHP to facilitate development of the City’s Natural Areas Department
workplan; and
WHEREAS, the Parties desire to enter into an intergovernmental agreement setting forth
the terms for access to CNHP resources regarding biological inventory and data analysis; and
WHEREAS, on May 13, 2015, the Fort Collins Land Conservation and Stewardship
Board reviewed the scope of work for the proposed intergovernmental agreement, and
recommended approval by the Fort Collins City Council; and
WHEREAS, the Parties have authority pursuant to Article XIV, Section 18 of the
Colorado Constitution and Section 29-1-201, et seq., Colorado Revised Statutes, to enter into
intergovernmental agreements for the purpose of providing any service or performing any
function which they can perform individually.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the
parties hereto agree as follows:
IGA for Colorado Natural Heritage Program Research 2
1. Scope of Work. University agrees to provide biological inventory and data
analysis services in accordance with task summaries set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and
incorporated by this reference.
2. Term. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date, and shall
continue for one (1) year unless sooner terminated as provided herein. The Parties may
terminate this Agreement at any time, without cause, by giving not less than thirty (30) days
written notice to the other party, but such termination shall not relieve the parties from any
obligations incurred while the Agreement was in effect.
3. Compensation. As compensation for the services rendered under this
Agreement, City shall pay to University an amount to not to exceed Twenty Six Thousand Seven
Hundred twenty Two dollars ($31,044.00).
4. City Representative. The City will designate, prior to commencement of work,
its project representative who shall make, within the scope of his or her authority, all necessary
and proper decisions with reference to the project. All requests for contract interpretation, change
orders, and other clarification or instruction shall be directed to the City Representative.
5. Relationship of Parties; Assignment. Neither Party may assign or in any way
transfer its rights under this Agreement to any other persons or non-parties. Nothing in this
Agreement shall imply any partnership, joint venture, or other association between the
University and the City. Each Party shall have sole responsibility for the content and the
conduct of its activities. Neither the University's nor the City's name shall be used by the other
to suggest co-sponsorship or endorsement of any activity without prior written approval of the
other Party
6. Notices. Any notice, request, demand, consent or approval, or other
communication required or permitted hereunder will be in writing and will be deemed to have
been given when personally delivered or deposited in the United States mail or with an
overnight courier, with proper postage and address as follows:
If to University: […]
Executive Director
Colorado Natural Heritage Program
[…], Warner College of Natural
Resources, Department of Fish, Wildlife &
Conservation Biology
[…] Campus Delivery
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-6030
With a Copy to: Office of the General Counsel
01 Administration Building
0006 Camus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-000
IGA for Colorado Natural Heritage Program Research 3
If to City: City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
With a Copy to: City Attorney's Office
City of Fort Collins
300 LaPorte Avenue
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
7. Binding Effect; Third Party Beneficiaries. This writing, together with the
exhibits hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and shall be binding
upon the Parties, their officers, employees, successors, and permitted assigns, and shall inure
to the benefit of the respective successors, and permitted assigns of the Parties. It is expressly
understood and agreed that the enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Agreement
and all rights of action relating to such enforcement, shall be strictly reserved to the Parties.
Nothing contained in this contract shall give or allow any claim or right of action whatsoever
by any other third person. It is the express intention of the Parties that any such person or
entity, other than the Parties, receiving services or benefits under this Agreement shall be
deemed an incidental beneficiary only.
8. Amendment. No modification or amendment to this Agreement shall be valid
unless it is made in a writing signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties.
9. Default; Termination; Dispute Resolution.
a. Default. A Party will be considered in default of its obligations under this
Agreement if such party should fail to observe, to comply with, or to perform any term,
condition, or covenant contained in this Agreement and such failure continues for 10 days
after a non-defaulting Party gives the defaulting Party written notice thereof.
b. Termination for Cause. In the event of default, a non-defaulting Party,
upon written notice to the defaulting Party, may terminate this Agreement as of the date
specified in the notice.
c. Dispute Resolution. Any dispute concerning the performance of this
Agreement that cannot be resolved by the designated representatives of the Parties
shall be referred to superior departmental management staff designated by each party
(which, for University, shall be the Vice President for University Operations, and for
the City, shall be the City Manager), whose decisions shall be made within thirty (30)
days after notice or such other period as the Parties may agree. Failing resolution at
that level, either party has the right to bring legal action to recover only such damages
and remedies as are authorized pursuant to this Agreement, in accordance with
Colorado law, and only in a court of competent jurisdiction located within the City of
Fort Collins, County of Larimer, Colorado. Notwithstanding any other provision
contained herein, neither party shall be liable to the other for any indirect,
IGA for Colorado Natural Heritage Program Research 4
consequential, incidental, exemplary (punitive), or special damages. In the event of any
default or dispute, each party shall be solely responsible for its own attorneys' fees.
10. Appropriation. The City’s financial obligations under this Agreement are
contingent upon the annual appropriation, budgeting and availability of specific funds to
discharge those obligations. Nothing in this Agreement shall create a payment guaranty by either
Party or a debt or a multiple-fiscal year financial obligation under the Colorado Constitution or
any similar provisions of the City’s charter or ordinances.
11. Survival of Certain Terms. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the
Parties understand and agree that all terms and conditions of this Agreement and the exhibits and
attachments hereto which may require continued performance, compliance, or effect beyond the
termination date of this Agreement shall survive such termination date.
12. Waiver. The waiver by either party of a breach or violation of any
provision of this Agreement shall not operate as or be construed to be a waiver of any
subsequent breach of the same or other provision hereof.
13. Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held
unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full
force and effect.
14. Counterparts and Facsimiles. This Agreement may be executed with any number
of counterparts, each of which, when executed and delivered will constitute an original, but all
such counterparts will constitute one and the same instrument.
15. Special Provisions. The Special Provisions appearing on the following page are
required by Colorado law to be contained in every state contract of the state of Colorado, and are
hereby incorporated into this contract; except that Special Provisions 3 (first paragraph), 7, and
10 shall not apply. Any conflict between the Special Provisions and any other provision of this
contract, including any exhibit or attachment, shall be controlled by the Special Provisions.
IGA for Colorado Natural Heritage Program Research 5
[Attach most current version of State special conditions]
IGA for Colorado Natural Heritage Program Research 6
By: ______________________________________
Darin A. Atteberry
City Manager
City Clerk
Assistant City Attorney
John Hickenlooper GOVERNOR
Board of Governors of the Colorado State
University System, acting by and through Colorado
State University
Dean or Dept. Head
Name & Title: _________
[…], Executive Director of Colorado Natural
Heritage Program
Cynthia Coffman, Attorney General
Special Assistant Attorney General for Colorado
State University
C.R.S. §24-30-202 requires the State Controller to approve all State Contracts. This Contract is
not valid until signed and dated below by the State Controller or delegate. Contractor is not
authorized to begin performance until such time. If Contractor begins performing prior thereto,
the State of Colorado is not obligated to pay Contractor for such performance or for any goods
and/or services provided hereunder.
IGA for Colorado Natural Heritage Program Research 7
Robert Jaros, CPA
Authorized Delegate
Name: Linda Meserve
Scope of Work
Updates to the City of Fort Collins Natural Area Department
Comprehensive Restoration Plan and the Bobcat Ridge Natural Area Plan
A. Scope Statement
1. Objective
The City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department is in the process of preparing an
update to the Comprehensive Restoration Plan (CRP) and the Bobcat Ridge Natural Area
Management Plan (BRNMP). We are requesting assistance from the Colorado Natural
Heritage Program (CNHP) to complete tasks related to biological survey, data analysis,
rare species/communities conservation planning and ecological monitoring. All
deliverables will be provided to NAP by CNHP on or before the completion date stated
below for each task.
2. Update to the Comprehensive Restoration Plan
Task 1 – Identify Priority Restoration Needs on existing NA lands
Completion by August 31, 2015
As part of updating the Natural Areas’ CRP, we are looking to CNHP expertise in
identifying important plants, wildlife and plant communities that could be
supported as part of ecological restoration on existing (city) natural area property.
These target sites will include areas that are considered rare habitat types or
habitats important to CNHP tracked species or communities. Targeted restoration
or conservation sites may include areas of tracked species in high quality
condition for preservation or poor condition that could benefit from ecological
restoration. We believe this would be primarily an office exercise supported by
limited field reconnaissance. CNHP biologists will use a habitat-based approach
(e.g. grassland, cottonwood gallery forest, mountain mahogany shrubland) to
identify restoration needs, as well as identify species that may benefit from
restoration efforts. This process will be guided by best professional knowledge,
CNHP BIOTICS database information, literature review, existing reports from
NAP, and aerial imagery. These recommendations will be provided to the NAP in
a report format. Staff from NAP will provide relevant background material and
reports to CNHP staff.
Task 2 – Evaluate Performance metrics related to assessing the success of wetland,
riparian, and grassland restoration projects.
Completion by August 31, 2015
Natural Areas staff is routinely asked to evaluate the success of extensive
restoration projects in the grassland and the river/riparian environment. Staff is
looking for tools to rapidly assess the progress (on an annual basis) of habitat
improvement (restoration) projects and wildlife utilizing restored sites. We are
requesting assistance in identifying possible indicator species and/or monitoring
protocols depending on the selected target. Ideally, selected indicators could be
monitored with minimal effort and gauge restoration success. This effort will
include a literature review of existing protocols, tools, and guidelines to monitor
restoration outcomes as well as a proposed framework developed from the
literature that can be implemented in future restoration activities. The proposed
framework will be created as an iterative process between CNHP ecologist and Ft
Collins staff.
Task 3 – Analysis of floristic quality index data
Completion by August 31, 2015
FQA data for NAP has been added to an Access database by NAP botanist Crystal
Strouse. CNHP staff will assist Strouse in data analysis and interpretation, and
will provide a short, written report about the FQA data. The report will provide an
interpretation of the condition of floristic quality in the natural areas, and will
make useful comparisons to other areas in Colorado that have existing FQA
3. Updated to the Bobcat Ridge Natural Area Management Plan
Task 4 – Data Analysis of Bell’s twinpod data
Completion by August 31, 2015
The update to the Bobcat Ridge Natural Area Management plan will include a
data analysis of Bell’s twinpod (Physaria bellii) data previously collected by
Natural Area staff based on the initial survey conducted by CNHP in 2004. We
wish to understand current distribution, trend, and any recommendations for
management. CNHP staff will use existing data provided by the NAP in a
spreadsheet or database electronic format to calculate density for Bell’s twinpod,
and an overall population size estimate based on work done by Anderson (2007).
The results will be provided to NAP in a short, written report summarizing
methods and results.
Task 5 – Inventory and analysis of Prebles Meadow Jumping Mouse
Completion by September 30, 2015
Assistance is requested from CNHP, conduct surveys for Preble’s meadow
jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei). The information provided by CNHP
will assist Natural Areas staff in completing the plan updates with the most
current information available for rare species and their associated habitats.
A presence/absence survey of Preble’s meadow jumping mouse, is requested in
order to provide current species information for the plan update. For the initial
BRNMP, CNHP identified several potential mouse habitat areas. When the trails
were being planned, more surveys were conducted and one Preble’s meadow
jumping mouse was found at one of the locations in 2005. The trail alignment was
re-routed to avoid the habitat per USFW direction. We’d like to verify this
population still exists and gain information on best management and restoration
potential to maintain or perhaps expand the population. These results are
requested to be submitted in a report style format. Assistance is also requested in
identifying important areas and habitats that may require special consideration for
restoration or protection of Preble’s meadow jumping mouse.
4. Objectives
Natural Areas staff needs data analyzed and summarized into short report format for
Tasks 1 through 4 by the end of August 2015 such that the information received may be
incorporated into the departments Comprehensive Restoration Plan.
Likewise, a summary of the field investigation and report for the Preble’s meadow
jumping mouse survey and report completed by September 30, 2015 such that the data
and recommendations may be incorporated into the Bobcat Ridge Management Plan.
B. Assumptions
The assumption is that the vendor will have the information and materials that they need to;
identify target restoration areas for tracked species, analyze data on Bell’s twinpod and floristic
quality, and conduct Preble’s meadow jumping mouse surveys. The data to be analyzed will be
provided by Natural Areas staff. Copies of the previous BRNMP and CRP will be provided.
C. Historical Information
The following is an excerpt from the 2005 BRNMP detailing the previous Preble’s meadow
jumping mouse survey.
“In August 2004, the City’s Natural Areas Program contracted with Jan Peterson, Ph.D.
to conduct a trapping survey on city-owned portions of Buffum Canyon. From August 24
to August 28, 175 traps were laid out in two transects, one on each side of the stream.
During the total of 700 trap-nights, 135 rodents were captured; 10 long-tailed voles
(Microtus longicaudus), 18 Mexican woodrats (Neotoma mexicana), 97 deer mice
(Peromyscus maniculatus), and 10 Northern rock mice (P. nasutus). No Preble’s meadow
jumping mice were detected at this site, however, the survey was limited to the
immediate vicinity of CR 32C in Buffum Canyon, at the entrance and parking lot area of
the site. The results are not applicable to any other area of Bobcat Ridge (see appendix 6
for the full survey report). Surveys of the potential habitats on the interior parts of Bobcat
Ridge will need to be conducted.”
D. Constraints
Due to limited budgets we are requesting a cost per each task be made as it may not be possible
to fund all tasks in one budget year.
The table below contains the cost of each of the five tasks to be completed under this
Agreement, as set forth in Exhibit A. Indirect rates for this project are 34%.
Task Indirect Staff Salaries Travel Total
Task 1 Restoration Priorities $1,483 $4,361 $5,844
Task 2 Restoration Monitoring $3,258 $6,581 $3,000 $12,839
Task 3 FQI data assistance $539 $1,584 $2,123
Task 4 Bell’s twinpod data assistance $1,108 $3,258 $4,366
Task 5 Preble’s jumping mouse surveys $1,490 $4,382 $5,872
Total $7,878 $20,166 $3,000 $31,044