July 8, 2014
John Stokes, Natural Resources Director
City Council
Poudre River Downtown Project Master Plan.
The purpose of this work session is to review and discuss the Poudre River Downtown Master Plan. The City of
Fort Collins is developing a master plan for the Cache la Poudre River in the downtown corridor (Shields Street to
Mulberry Street) to improve in-river and bankside recreation, habitat connectivity, restoration and rehabilitation,
flood mitigation, channel bank protection, water quality, public safety and access, and transportation. The Master
Plan provides a long-term vision and identifies improvements that will take many years to complete.
1. Are there any specific Council reactions to the Master Plan?
2. Is the Master Plan meeting Council’s expectations?
The idea of (and the funding for) creating a Poudre River Downtown Master Plan for the core portion of the River
corridor from Shields to Mulberry river was launched in the 2013/14 BFO process. The overarching goal of the
Master Plan project is to design a comprehensive, long-term vision for stormwater mitigation, habitat, and
recreation improvements from Shields Street to Mulberry. The $675,000 planning budget also includes some
funds for engineering and permitting for project elements that can be selected from a menu of options after
Council has reviewed and approved the Plan.
The budget does not include any construction funds. A BFO offer to implement a portion of the Master Plan (the
river reach from College Avenue to the downstream Burlington Northern railroad bridge) has been submitted.
Additional potential funding sources include a renewed capital sales tax, other public sources such as Great
Outdoors Colorado and the Colorado Water Conservation Board, and private fundraising. Because the vision is
long-term in nature, it is anticipated that project elements will be funded and built over a period of perhaps
The key objectives of the project are:
Flood Mitigation
Improve public safety and protect properties from damaging floods
Eliminate 100-year flood overtopping of College Avenue, and if possible, eliminate the 100-year flow split
along Vine Drive
Reconnect the River to its floodplain while maximizing the beneficial environmental and recreation uses of
the river corridor
July 8, 2014 Page 2
Conserve and restore the existing riparian ecosystem to promote river health and resilience
Deliver continuous, connected aquatic and riparian habitat for fish, wildlife, trees and plants
Achieve and maintain diverse and sustainable native fish, wildlife and plant populations
Provide a mix of active and passive recreational amenities both in and along the River which encourage a
safe, healthy, outdoor lifestyle
Provide community gathering places and promote connectivity between recreational opportunities along
the River corridor
Key potential improvements that have been identified include:
A kayak park just below the College Avenue bridge
An iconic pedestrian bridge at the Powerhouse Energy Campus
Removing or substantially modifying the Coy Diversion dam
New parking and pedestrian connections at Shields Street
Safe, durable put-ins and take-outs for anglers, boaters, tubers, swimmers
Habitat improvements such as reconnecting the river to its floodplain in select locations, reconnecting in-
channel habitat, and replacing non-native vegetation with natives
Park improvements at Lee Martinez and Legacy
Aesthetic improvements, such as the removal and burial of unsightly rip rap and concrete
Flood mitigation improvements, in particular the prevention of the 100-year overtopping of College, as
well as numerous other improvements
An important facet of the Plan is the notion of transition (please see page 1 - 4, Figures 1.7 and 1.8 in the draft
Master Plan). At the western edge of the project area the emphasis is on nature and the experience of nature.
The area surrounded by Lee Martinez and Legacy Parks is considered a transition zone that begins to emphasize
more active recreation activities. Then, from College to the Burlington Northern bridge there is an area that has a
more urban character in terms of design and amenities. From that location downriver, the project transitions back
to a primary emphasis on nature. Each of the six “reaches” described in the Plan includes improvements related
to the three themes of flood mitigation, recreation and habitat. But there are different blends, or hierarchies, of
these values from reach to reach.
A great deal of attention in the planning process has been devoted to the area from College Avenue downstream
to the Burlington Northern railroad bridge. This area has some of the most interesting opportunities for
improvements, while at the same time presenting unique challenges. A key driver at this location is the fact that
the Coy diversion structure, a large irrigation dam, is no longer needed to deliver water. Thus, the possibility
exists for the structure to be removed or significantly modified to provide multiple benefits.
These benefits include:
1. Prevention of College Avenue bridge overtopping during a 100-year flood;
2. Reconnecting aquatic habitat that has been disconnected for over 100 years;
3. Using the drop associated with the Coy structure to develop several good kayaking play waves;
4. Narrowing an over-wide river channel which will provide opportunities for vegetation, and landscaping as
well as improvements to accommodate people such as seating areas, trails, a restroom, and parking on
Vine Street. (See Reach 3, page 2 - 13 of the draft Master Plan)
There has been extensive public outreach (Attachment 7). The great majority of comments have been favorable
and supportive. The primary concerns that have been expressed are related to the conceptual drawings for the
College Avenue to Burlington Northern bridge. The drawings for this area were created to provide a higher than
usual level of detail for a master plan. The rationale for this approach was based on several factors: (1) Staff
believes this is the first area that should be improved; and, (2) because there is the possibility of a kayak park
July 8, 2014 Page 3
here, staff wanted to be explicit about the infrastructure that would be necessary and desirable. While many
comments have expressed unqualified support for the concept drawings, there have been concerns expressed
such as: there is too much hardscape; the design should be oriented primarily or exclusively to habitat restoration;
and, that the design will invite too much visitation at this location.
From staff’s perspective the concept design certainly can be improved; nevertheless, the essence of the design
expresses what staff believes is desirable and needed in this location. The design is an effort to provide a
kayaking space, while also providing a focal point on the river where people can gather. From the perspective of
the river corridor as a whole, from Overland Trail to I-25, most of the corridor is dominated by habitat
improvements and flood mitigation. At this particular location, however, staff supports what it believes are
relatively modest facilities for enhanced recreation, while at the same time respecting the other themes of the plan
(flood mitigation and habitat).
1. Poudre River Master Plan (draft)(PDF)
2. Trout Unlimited Letter of Support (PDF)
3. Natural Resources Advisory Board memo, June 18, 2014 (PDF)
4. Senior Board Letter, June 16, 2014 (PDF)
5. Land Conservation and Stewardship Board memo (PDF)
6. Downtown Development Authority Letter, July 1, 2014 (PDF)
7. Public Engagement Plan (PDF)
8. Powerpoint presentation (PDF)
July 2, 2014
i | P a g e
Karen Weitkunat, Mayor
Gerry Horak, Mayor Pro-Tem
Gino Campana
Ross Cunniff
Bob Overbeck
Lisa Poppaw
Wade Troxell
John Stokes, Natural Areas
Craig Foreman, Park Planning & Development
Matt Day, Park Planning & Development – Project Manager
Mark Kempton, Utilities - Stormwater
Jennifer Shanahan, Natural Resources
Zoe Whyman, Natural Areas
Rich Bachand, Natural Areas
Marsha Hilmes-Robinson, Utilities - Stormwater
Matt Zoccali, Environmental Regulatory Specialist
Kathleen Benedict, Park Planning & Development
Bruce Hendee, Assistant City Manager
Cameron Gloss, Planning Manager
Lindsay Ex, Environmental Planner
Clark Mapes, City Planner
Pete Wray, Senior City Planner
Ted Sheppard, Chief Planner
Aaron Iverson, FC Moves
Paul Sizemore, FC Moves
Mark Jackson, Deputy Director Planning, Development, and Transportation
Randy Hensley, Parking Services
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Colorado State University, Campus Recreation
Colorado State University, Engineering
Colorado Water Trust
Downtown Development Authority
Downtown Business Association
East Larimer County (ELCO) Water District
Fort Collins Community Action Network
Fort Collins Museum of Discovery
Fort Collins Truck Sales
Kayakers – Local Enthusiasts
Lake Canal Reservoir Company
Mountain Whitewater Descents
The Neenan Company
New Belgium Brewing
North Fort Collins Business Association
Odell Brewing Company
Pinnacle Consulting Group
Poudre Heritage Alliance
Poudre Paddlers
Powerhouse Energy Institute
Ranch-way Feeds
Rocky Mountain Fly Casters
Save the Poudre
UniverCity Connections
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
ii | Page
Table of Contents
I. Master Plan Overview
Executive Summary ............................................................ 1‐1
Purpose and Need .............................................................. 1‐2
Project Mission ................................................................... 1‐2
Primary Objectives ............................................................. 1‐2
Outreach and Engagement ................................................. 1‐2
Relationship to Other Planning Documents ....................... 1‐3
Supporting Studies ............................................................. 1‐3
Land Use Transitions .......................................................... 1‐5
Character Zones .................................................................. 1‐5
Overview of the Poudre River Downtown Master Plan ..... 1‐5
II. Master Plan by Reach
Reach 1 Shields Street to Salyer Natural Area ...................... 2‐1
Reach 1 Background and Fundamental Opportunities ...... 2‐3
Related Projects .................................................................. 2‐3
Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization ............................. 2‐3
Habitat/Ecological Restoration and Protection .................. 2‐4
Recreation and Access ........................................................ 2‐4
Reach 2 Lee Martinez Park to the Museum of Discovery ..... 2‐7
Reach 2 Background and Fundamental Opportunities ...... 2‐9
Related Projects .................................................................. 2‐9
Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization ............................. 2‐9
Habitat/Ecological Restoration and Protection ................ 2‐10
Recreation and Access ...................................................... 2‐11
Reach 3 Museum of Discovery to BNSF Railroad ................ 2‐13
Reach 3 Background and Fundamental Opportunities .... 2‐15
Related Projects ................................................................ 2‐15
Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization ........................... 2‐15
Habitat/Ecological Restoration and Protection ................ 2‐17
Recreation and Access ...................................................... 2‐17
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment .......................... 2‐18
Reach 4 BNSF Railroad to Linden Street ............................. 2‐21
Reach 4 Background and Fundamental Opportunities .... 2‐23
Related Projects ................................................................ 2‐23
Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization ........................... 2‐23
Habitat/Ecological Restoration and Protection ................ 2‐23
Recreation and Access ...................................................... 2‐24
Reach 5 Linden Street to Lincoln Avenue ........................... 2‐27
Reach 5 Background and Fundamental Opportunities .... 2‐29
Related Projects and Documents ..................................... 2‐29
Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization .......................... 2‐29
Habitat/Ecological Restoration and Protection ................ 2‐31
Recreation and Access ...................................................... 2‐31
Reach 6 Lincoln Avenue to Mulberry Street ....................... 2‐35
Reach 6 Background and Fundamental Opportunities .... 2‐37
Related Projects and Documents ..................................... 2‐37
Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization .......................... 2‐37
Habitat/Ecological Restoration and Protection ................ 2‐38
Recreation and Access ...................................................... 2‐38
III. Visual Glossary/Design Guidelines
River Bed Stabilization ........................................................ 3‐1
River Bank Stabilization and Restoration ........................... 3‐2
Rock Riprap Toe Stabilization .......................................... 3‐2
Rock Riprap Toe Stabilization with Root Wads ............... 3‐3
Stacked Boulder Toe Stabilzation .................................... 3‐4
River Access ........................................................................ 3‐5
Put Ins/Take Outs ............................................................... 3‐6
In‐Channel Whitewater Features ....................................... 3‐7
iii | Page
LIST OF FIGURES (continued)
Figure 2.12 Informal River Access and Play Area on
the North River Bank Directly Upstream of the
Hickory Pedestrian Bridge .................................. 2‐9
Figure 2.13 View of the Mounded Tree Dump Site in
Lee Martinez Park .............................................. 2‐9
Figure 2.14 Bank Stabilization Needs Map for Reach 2 ...... 2‐10
Figure 2.15 Exposed Riprap on the North Bank at
Legacy Park ....................................................... 2‐10
Figure 2.16 Lake Canal Diversion Dam ................................ 2‐10
Figure 2.17 View of the Poudre River between
Lee Martinez Park and Legacy Park ................. 2‐11
Figure 2.18 Master Plan for Reach 3 ................................... 2‐14
Figure 2.19 View Looking East Just Downstream of
College Avenue ................................................. 2‐15
Figure 2.20 Coy Diversion Structure, Boat Chute ............... 2‐15
Figure 2.21 Cross Section Comparison of the Existing and
Proposed Channel East of College Avenue ...... 2‐16
Figure 2.22 Bank Stabilization Needs Map for Reach 3 ...... 2‐17
Figure 2.23 Bank Erosion, Concrete Rubble, and
Exposed Plastic Turf Mat on South Bank,
West of the BNSF Railroad ............................... 2‐18
Figure 2.24 Bank Erosion and Exposed Rock Riprap on
South Bank, West of the BNSF Railroad ........... 2‐18
Figure 2.25 Conceptual Site Plan for Reach 3 ..................... 2‐19
Figure 2.26 Character Sketch, View Looking Southeast
from the College Avenue Bridge ...................... 2‐20
Figure 2.27 Master Plan for Reach 4 ................................... 2‐22
Figure 2.28 River Access/Small Beach with Sentinel Boulders
at the Gustav Swanson Natural Area ............... 2‐23
Figure 2.29 Bank Stabilization Needs Map for Reach 4 ...... 2‐23
Figure 2.30 Poudre Trail along Old Heritage Park
(Block One Development is Under
Construction in the Background) ..................... 2‐24
Figure 2.31 Conceptual Site Plan for Reach 4 ..................... 2‐25
Figure 2.32 Master Plan for Reach 5 ................................... 2‐28
Figure 2.33 Historic Concrete Structure Obstructing the
Upstream Side of the Lincoln Avenue Bridge .. 2‐29
Figure 2.34 Adjacent Industrial Land Use and Concrete
Rubble along Southwest Bank ......................... 2‐29
Figure 2.35 Cross Section between Linden Street and
Lincoln Avenue (Looking Downstream)
Illustrating the Side Channel and the
Terraced Southwest Bank ................................ 2‐30
Figure 2.36 Bank Stabilization Needs Map for Reach 5 ...... 2‐31
Figure 2.37 View along the Northeast River Bank Looking
Downstream (the Oxbow Levee and paved
trail are on the left) .......................................... 2‐31
Figure 2.38 View from the Poudre Trail to the
Southeast across the River (Ranch‐Way
Feeds is in the Background) ............................. 2‐31
Figure 2.39 Conceptual Site Plan for Reach 5 ..................... 2‐32
Figure 2.40 Character Sketch, View Looking Southeast
from the Linden Street Bridge ......................... 2‐33
Figure 2.41 Master Plan for Reach 6 ................................... 2‐36
Figure 2.42 Side Channel Flowing Past the Mulberry
Wastewater Treatment Facility ....................... 2‐37
Figure 2.43 Steep High Bank Adjacent to the Former
Pickle Plant Site ................................................ 2‐37
Master Plan Overview
1-1 | P a g e
Executive Summary
The Cache la Poudre River is treasured by a community that values it for a
variety of recreational activities and the tranquility of a natural corridor,
while also depending on it as a water source for municipal and agricultural
uses. Moreover, the Poudre River corridor serves numerous other functions
such as carrying flood flows, providing vital habitat within and along the
river, enhancing water quality, and regulating climate. The Downtown reach
of the river – the section from Shields Street to Mulberry - is a gateway
feature that greets visitors as they enter the City from both the north and
This Master Plan envisions nearly three miles of sustainable river corridor
(Shields Street to Mulberry Street) that provides habitat, recreation, and
flood mitigation benefits. This is a long-term plan consisting of numerous
elements that will take many years to complete. This plan integrates
improvements to support many high-quality and safe recreational
experiences, better protection against flood damage, and restored habitat
connectivity for optimal river health and resiliency. Physical improvements
which support sustainable use of the river corridor by the community will
allow people to continue to enjoy their river, but in a way that supports a
functioning ecosystem by providing connected habitat for fish, terrestrial
wildlife, trees and plants, while also enhancing protection of the community
during floods.
Figure 1.1 Poudre River Looking West to the Shields Street Bridge
For many years, the City of Fort Collins has actively sought to preserve the
Poudre River corridor for the benefit of nature, people and flood protection.
A substantial portion of the river’s floodplain has been placed in public
ownership, as open space within the City’s system of Natural Areas.
On-going improvements at McMurry Natural Area near Shields Street, as
well as the recent addition of the 31-acre natural area upstream of Mulberry
Street, at the site of the old Link ‘n Greens Golf Course, demonstrates the
City’s continuing commitment to enhance the environmental and habitat
value along the river.
The Poudre River Trail system is a jewel that is the envy of many
communities and was recently lauded by visiting officials from the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. With respect to other recreation
enhancements, the City has established four parks adjacent to the river. Two
of these parks, Lee Martinez and Buckingham, have been cornerstones of
their respective neighborhoods for many years. The City is currently
planning improvements to Heritage, Lee Martinez and Legacy Parks to better
celebrate the river and enhance a wide variety of recreational opportunities
near the river.
Figure 1.2 Poudre River Looking Northwest at the Burlington Northern-
Santa Fe Railroad Bridge
The City of Fort Collins has long been a leader in flood awareness and
protection. This is particularly true along the river where flood mitigation
measures have been continually planned and implemented since the 1970s.
The City is recognized by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as one
of the most flood resistant communities in the country. This was most
fortunately demonstrated during the recent Flood of September 2013,
during which the river experienced it highest flood flow in more than 80
years, but suffered only minor damage to both private property and public
While the City has realized remarkable achievements along the Poudre River,
much more can be done in numerous areas, especially with regard to the
beneficial functions of reconnecting the river to in floodplain, flood
resilience, habitat enhancements, and providing opportunities for people to
responsibly access and enjoy the river. Indeed, much work will need to be
accomplished in order to accommodate and balance future demands that
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
1-2 | P a g e
Purpose and Need
During the planning process members of the community, stakeholders, City
Council and City staff have repeatedly expressed the importance of the
Poudre River to our community, and described it as “the lifeblood of our
city”, a “jewel”, the “heart of our city” and said that they’re “glad that the
Poudre River is getting the attention it deserves”. These words illustrate the
emotional connection that our community has with the Poudre River, and
the river’s importance as a part of our city.
This project is intended to design and facilitate a beautiful river corridor that
provides recreation and flood mitigation, while also restoring and preserving
vital habitat.
Figure 1.4 Concrete Rubble in Channel Bed and on Eroding Bank
Downstream of Linden Street
The Poudre River Downtown Master Plan was envisioned with multiple goals
in mind. Two of the goals are providing recreational opportunities and
conserving nature, and sometimes pursuing both simultaneously can result
in conflict. It is clear, however, that the quality of the recreational experience
is closely associated with the quality and health of the natural environment.
The river provides a focus for people’s health and wellbeing and there are
many associated physical and mental benefits for those people pursuing
various recreational activities. The Poudre River also serves as a valuable
resource for educating school children and the public alike, thus promoting
the ideals of environmental sustainability and wildlife conservation.
Figure 1.5 Lake Canal Diversion Structure near Lee Martinez Park
Flood-related challenges and opportunities are primarily linked to
constrictions of the river channel, and structures that have been placed in
the river, both of which inhibit flood flows. There are opportunities to
relieve constrictions and modify structures to reduce flood damage and
flooding impacts to private property and buildings, as well as public
In addition, constrictions of the river channel have generally resulted in the
river being disconnected from the floodplain and have adversely impacted
riparian habitat, while in-channel structures are impediments to aquatic and
boating connectivity up and down the river. Modifications to these features
would substantially improve aquatic and riparian habitat, overall stream
health and function, and the floating/boating experience.
High public use of the Poudre River through Downtown Fort Collins reflects
the intrinsic attractiveness of the river as well as the success of community-
funded improvements. Building on this success, and delivering a world class
example of a healthy working river, will require further improvements
related to biological health and resiliency, recreational access, flood
conveyance and floodplain connectivity.
Project Mission
Stewardship – Experience –Sustainability – Education
The Poudre River Downtown Project will plan and design integrated, and to
the extent possible, mutually supportive improvements related to habitat,
recreation and flood mitigation.
Primary Objectives
Conserve and restore the existing riparian ecosystem to promote river
health and resiliency.
Deliver continuous, connected aquatic and riparian habitat for fish,
wildlife, trees and plants.
Achieve and maintain diverse and sustainable native fish, wildlife and
plant populations.
Provide a mix of active and passive recreational amenities both in and
along the river which encourage a safe, healthy, outdoor lifestyle.
Master Plan Overview
1-3 | P a g e
Figure 1.6 Day on the River with City Staff and the Consultant Team
Several primary themes emerged from the outreach and engagement
process. These themes gravitated around:
improving access to the river;
providing recreational opportunities within and along the river;
desire for a whitewater park;
stewardship of existing riparian and aquatic habitat;
habitat enhancement along the riparian corridor;
improving aquatic connectivity; and
enhancing health and safety along the river through flood mitigation.
Relationship The river and lands to Other along the Planning Poudre River Documents have been the focus of a variety
of planning and management efforts through the years. Preparation of the
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan has included review of these other
planning documents. The current Master Plan has incorporated the ideas
and concepts of these previously-adopted plans in an effort to promote
consistency and continuities across the broad planning spectrum with the
City. These other planning documents include:
Framework for Environmental Action (1992). This plan identified action for
the Poudre River corridor including development of a land acquisition
program, natural areas plan, and mitigation manual.
City Land Use Code (1997). This code established a variety of river
protection regulations including land use districts and a development buffer
zone, which extends 300 feet from both sides of the river in most areas with
a smaller buffer in the downtown core.
Cache La Poudre River Master Drainageway Plan (2001). This plan
identified flood hazards and estimated potential flood damages along the
Poudre River from Taft Hill Road to I-25. The plan also evaluated alternatives
and estimated potential costs for protecting property, public safety, and
other resources within the study area.
Poudre River Enhancement Plan (2003). This plan identified improvements
directed at improving habitat along the river from Lincoln Avenue upstream
to College Avenue, with particular focus on the reach from Lincoln Avenue to
Linden Street. The plan also identified the need for a levee between Lincoln
and Linden; the Oxbow Levee has since been constructed.
North College Corridor Plan (2007). The mission of this planning effort is to
catalyze ongoing improvements to remove constraints and foster desirable
development and redevelopment. Among other things, this plan promotes
development activity that strengthens relationships – such as the corridor to
Downtown; and development and activity to the natural environs of the
river, canal corridors, and other outdoor spaces such as future drainageways.
North College Drainage Plan (2008). This plan developed alternatives to
mitigate local flooding in the area north of Vine Drive between the UPRRR
and Lemay Avenue, particularly along North College Avenue. The resulting
plan included an integrated system of large storm sewers, detention facilities
and an open channel/swale.
Fort Collins Park Policy Plan (2008). The purpose of the Parks and
Recreation Policy Plan Update is to assess the park and recreation needs of
the Fort Collins community, evaluate the City’s current services, and provide
clear and implementable recommendations to deliver the level of service
needed to meet the community’s changing needs for the next ten years.
City Plan Fort Collins (updated 2011). The City’s comprehensive City Plan
was first completed in 1997, updated in 2004, and updated again on
February 15, 2011 and titled: “City Plan Fort Collins.” City Plan Fort Collins
contains an array of principles and policies that underscore the community’s
support for the Poudre River ecosystem, Flood Management and Parks and
Recreation. The following are pertinent principles and polices:
Stormwater and Flood Management - Principle ENV 18
Poudre River Corridor - Principles ENV 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
1-4 | P a g e
Figure 1.7 Land Use Transition Concept
Figure 1.8 Land Use Transition Diagram
Master Plan Overview
1-5 | P a g e
Anderson Consulting Engineers, “Poudre River Downtown Project,
Qualitative Geomorphic Assessment of the Cache La Poudre River,
Shields Street to Mulberry Street,” December 19, 2013.
Miller Ecological Consultants, “Habitat Inventory Results for Cache La
Poudre River in Fort Collins and Summary of Fish Presence and
Swimming Speeds,” January 28, 2014.
Tatanka Historical Associates, “Historic Structures along the Cache La
Poudre River Corridor, Mulberry Street to Shields Street,” December 27,
Walsh Environmental, “Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Poudre
River Downtown Project, Fort Collins, Colorado,” May 30, 2014.
Land Use Transitions
The downtown reach of the Poudre River provides multiple opportunities for
the adjacent urbanized environment to interface with the natural
environment within the riparian corridor. At a macro-scale, this can be
envisioned by considering land use transitions moving both laterally (into
and out of the river corridor) and longitudinally (starting in the core
downtown area and traveling both east and west along the river corridor).
Progressive zones which provide transitions from areas of more human
activity to areas which emphasize habitat and the natural environment are
illustrated with the Land Use Transition Concept and Land Use Transition
Diagram provided in Figures 1.7 and 1.8 (at left).
The land use transition zones (Natural, Transition, Urban Interface) are
conceptual, not absolute. The concept of transitioning from Natural to
Urban was considered throughout the master planning process, but there
are numerous instances where specific sites blur the lines. For example, the
Gustav Swanson Natural Area is located within the Urban Interface Zone due
primarily to the proximity and intensity of surrounding urbanized
development, but the site will remain a natural riparian forest supporting
urban wildlife habitat and passive human use. Conversely, the McMurry
Natural Area is located within the Natural Use Zone and recreational uses
such as boating, fishing, picnicking are encouraged. The blending of land
uses, which blurs transition zones, is also illustrated in Figure 1.9 where
multiple land uses co-exist on opposite banks of the river between Linden
Street and Lincoln Avenue.
Considering these transitions at a finer level of detail requires thoughtful
consideration of the context that includes existing natural resources,
requirements for sustainable habitat, aquatic and terrestrial wildlife
activities, human behavior, and surrounding land uses. One of the most
challenging aspects of promoting riparian habitat health in an urban setting
is the ability to provide a continuum of habitat such that contiguous wildlife
movement up and down the river is supported along at least one river bank
and within the river itself.
Figure 1.9 Variations in Land Use and Character on Opposing Channel
Banks within the Reach between Linden and Lincoln
Character Zones
The Character Zone Map provided in Figure 1.10 was prepared in an effort to
better define areas which would best support habitat stewardship and
enhancements, areas where human activity could be focused and access to
the river provided, and approaches for resolving potential challenges in
sensitive areas where humans and wildlife will likely interact. The Character
Zones are generally defined as follows:
Habitat Conservation Area - A zone emphasizing conservation and
preservation of sensitive habitat.
Protection Area - A zone which prioritizes protecting existing habitat while
allowing trail-side activities.
Natural Experience Area - A zone which encourages visitors to connect
with nature and enjoy low-impact recreation.
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
1-6 | P a g e
Figure 1.10a Character Zone Map (West Side)
Master Plan Overview
1-7 | P a g e
Figure 1.10b Character Zone Map (East Side)
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
1-8 | P a g e
Figure 1.11a Master Plan Overview Map (West Side)
Master Plan Overview
1-9 | P a g e
Figure 1.11b Master Plan Overview Map (East Side)
2-1 | P a g e
Shields Street to Salyer Natural Area
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-2 | P a g e
Figure 2.1 Master Plan for Reach 1
Reach 1 Shields Street to Salyer Natural Area
2-3 | P a g e
Reach 1 Background and Fundamental Opportunities
The Poudre River begins its course through Fort Collins’ urban center as it
passes under Shields Street. This is a beautiful stretch of the river corridor
that feels rural in character due to the presence of McMurry Natural Area,
Salyer Natural Area, the mature cottonwood forest, and the larger privately
owned parcels adjacent to the corridor.
The City and County have either attended to or are currently addressing
several of the safety, flood mitigation, bank stabilization and habitat
restoration objectives in this reach as part of other projects. This project
complements previous efforts and places emphasis on the provision of
sustainable trails and access to the river.
Figure 2.2 Poudre River Looking West (McMurry Natural Area is on right)
Outside of the river itself, the most distinct features found in this reach are
the McMurry Ponds which encourage people to explore away from the
river’s edge. Visitors routinely participate in a wide range of activities from:
solitary nature reflection; birding; socializing with groups of friends; playing
in the water; walking with family, friends and dogs; fishing; floating the river;
kayaking the ponds; and picnicking.
The greenway corridor constricts as it crosses east past Shields Street. There
may be opportunities to expand the corridor through land acquisition from
willing landowners. The expansion would help provide opportunities to:
protect properties from flooding; reconnect the floodplain to its overbank
areas; enhance and restore the river ecosystem, and provide for additional
recreation opportunities. Opportunities for expansion of the river greenway
in this reach include:
Lowering the near-river portion of the Salyer Natural Area to reconnect
this area to the river during 2-year to 5-year flow events
Potential land acquisitions from willing landowners in areas that directly
adjoin the river and/or that adjoin public lands.
Related Projects
Shields Street Bridge replacement, including parking and river access
Poudre-o-meter – a combined river access/flood level demonstration
feature located just downstream of the Shields Street Bridge.
The McMurry Natural Area Ecological Restoration Project was completed
in Spring 2014.
Vegetative landscaping improvements for exposed riprap on the south
bank of the river near Wood Street.
Private Development. Natural area buffers located within adjacent
private properties will require designs intended to blend with the
existing river character.
Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with flood mitigation
and bank stabilization include the following:
Insurable structures are located within the regulatory (100-year, aka 1%
annual chance of occurrence) floodplain in the upper and middle portion
of this reach. In addition, at approximately mid-reach, a residential
development is proposed in the near overbank south of the river.
Consequently, particular care will be required to ensure that any project
which includes improvements within the river corridor (i.e., floodway) do
not increase 100-year water surface elevations.
Opportunities for reducing 100-year flood elevations should be
investigated in conjunction with future improvements within this reach.
On-going and potential future improvements through McMurry and
Salyer Natural Areas, which are intended to reconnect the river to its
floodplain by lowering extensive portions of the overbank, will promote
reduction in flood elevations and will help to maintain stable banks and
support riparian vegetation.
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-4 | P a g e
Habitat/Ecological Restoration and Protection
McMurry Natural Area restoration projects were completed in Spring 2014
and helped meet the following objectives:
Protecting existing high quality riparian forests, wetlands, and native
Improving streambanks by lowering high banks and reconnecting the
floodplain to river (for 2 to 5+ year events), removing rubble/debris, and
repairing severely eroding banks.
Improving riparian habitat and connectivity, both lateral and
longitudinally, by creating wetlands, expanding riparian forest and shrub
cover, and increasing diversity for native birds, amphibians, and other
Moving the trail back from river’s edge to improve corridor for small
riparian mammals.
Maintaining backwater channel habitat.
Removing concrete rubble from channel banks.
Maintaining in-stream habitat connectivity and diversity.
Providing specified public access area for protection of near shore
vegetation, and re-establish near shore vegetation to contribute to
in-stream productivity.
Potential opportunities for improvements in Salyer Natural Area include:
Increasing diversity by enhancing the mosaic of native riparian plant
Creating backwater channel wetlands.
Enhancing 2-year to 5-year overbank flooding opportunities.
Protecting existing native plant zones, particularly in northern portion of
this natural area.
Stabilizing actively eroding banks and re-establish riparian vegetation.
Recreation and Access
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with recreation and
access include the following:
Creating settings where people are encouraged to interact with and
learn about nature and local heritage. Potential interpretive and
educational topics for this section of the river include: wetlands; water
birds; hydrology; flood level awareness at the “Poudre-o-meter” at
McMurry (Figure 2.5); and the historic Mason & Hottel Mill Race.
Figure 2.5 Poudre-o-meter at McMurry Natural Area
Designating and creating beaches and river access areas in both
McMurry Natural Area and Salyer Natural Area; these areas could be
identified and managed as anticipated high-use, focal points.
Providing sustainable trail connections.
Collaborating with Larimer County on the design and reconstruction of
the Shields Street Bridge to include pedestrian river access, a trailhead
parking lot, and other amenities consistent with visitor needs.
Figure 2.6 Tubing Enthusiasts Enjoying the River
A large concrete headgate structure (Figure 2.7), that appears to be
associated with the historic Mason & Hottel Mill Race (Auntie Stone’s
Mill Race), is located where a line drawn due north from Loomis Street
meets the trail and south bank of the river. Design and install
interpretive signs describing this structure’s original function and
historical significance. Further information concerning this structure is
provided in the Historical Structures report (Tatanka, 2014).
Improving the physical and visual connection to and from Shields Street
to the river. This could be accomplished with additional signage, trail
connections, bridge enhancements, and/or landscape enhancements.
Providing wayfinding signs to assist visitors in navigating between
various destinations along the river.
Figure 2.7 Historic Mason & Hottel Mill Race Headgate Structure
Reach 1 Shields Street to Salyer Natural Area
2-5 | P a g e
restrooms, picnic shelter, basketball, in-line hockey, a ball field, a
multi-purpose open turf play area, a dog park, and a BMX area.
Figure 2.8 Tributary Stream at McMurry Natural Area Showing Impacts
Caused by Heavy Visitor Use
The existing pedestrian bridge located at the east edge of McMurry
Natural Area should be renovated or replaced to provide a safe and
accessible route across the river (Figure 2.9).
Figure 2.9 McMurry Pedestrian Bridge, Note Non-Compliant Railing
A recurring comment is that there is a general lack of public access to the
river from areas on the north side of the river. To address this issue, the
master plan recommends development of additional potential parking in
Legacy Park and/or Salyer Natural Area. Parking should be consolidated
where possible to preserve the natural river environment.
The following table provides a summary of both existing and proposed
public parking located within or near the river corridor in this reach.
Parking in these areas is provided for multiple uses and is not guaranteed
for river use.
Parking Location Number of Spaces
Shields Street, Larimer County (gravel) 42 (proposed)
Utility Service Center (paved) TBD
McMurry Natural Area (gravel) 6 to 8
Soft Gold Park (paved) 29
Larimer County is currently designing a new parking lot west of Shields
Street, on the north side of the river. The new parking lot will include a
total of 42 spaces.
Wood Street will be extended north to serve the proposed residential
development (Pateros Creek) located east of Wood Street, south of the
river. Wood Street could be designed to accommodate on-street parking
(parallel or diagonal) in order to provide convenient public parking for
trail and river users.
The master plan illustrates a potential public parking lot within the
existing Utility Service Center parking lot. This parking area, if provided,
should open to the public and signed appropriately.
Bike parking spaces should be provided in close proximity to each river
put-in/take-out. The location and number of spaces will vary depending
on individual site characteristics.
2-7 | P a g e
Lee Martinez Park to the Museum of Discovery
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-8 | P a g e
Figure 2.10 Master Plan for Reach 2
Reach 2 Lee Martinez Park to the Museum of Discovery
2-9 | P a g e
Reach 2 Background and Fundamental Opportunities
This section of the river is flanked by Lee Martinez Park, Legacy Park, Rivers
Edge Natural Area, The Farm, and The Museum of Discovery Museum. Other
prominent man-made features found within the river corridor include the
Hickory Pedestrian Bridge, the Lake Canal Diversion Structure, and the Union
Pacific Railroad trestle bridge.
A unique and wonderful aspect of this river reach is the native riparian forest
found in the west portion of Lee Martinez Park, which is the most expansive
tree gallery within the project area. According to Colorado Natural Heritage
mapping of riparian areas in the lower Poudre River watershed, this is one of
only a handful of contiguous forests greater than 15 acres in size remaining
between the mouth of the canyon and Greeley. It is a wild and magical place
that is home to a diverse collection of wildlife, and is a place where people
go to “escape” from the city to experience nature’s beauty and wonder
(Figure 2.11).
Figure 2.11 View of the Riparian Forest in Lee Martinez Park
It’s also interesting to note that within the City of Fort Collins there are a
total of three public parks having direct access to the Poudre River and two
of the parks are located in this reach on opposing sides of the river. For this
reason, these parks offer unique recreational and educational opportunities
that cannot be found in other parks. At the same time these parks should be
carefully integrated into the riparian corridor to respect and preserve the
natural beauty found here.
Opportunities for expansion of the river greenway in this reach include
potential land acquisitions from landowners in areas that directly adjoin the
river and/or public lands using the City’s “Willing Seller - Willing Buyer”
Figure 2.12 Informal River Access and Play Area on the North River Bank
Directly Upstream of the Hickory Pedestrian Bridge
Related Legacy Projects Park and Lee Martinez Park (which includes The Farm and the
Museum of Discovery) will be master planned by the City’s Park Planning
Department as part of a separate effort and public process.
The Old Town Basin Water Quality Master Plan (2012) identifies the need
for water quality pond expansion in Lee Martinez Park.
The North College Drainage Plan (2008) identifies the need for a large
water quality pond in River’s Edge Natural Area.
Museum of Discovery’s future plans include additional enhancements
within the museum grounds between the building and the river.
The Tree dump in Lee Martinez Community Park is identified as an area
to mitigate, make improvements to the flood plain, and enhance natural
and recreational opportunities.
Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with flood mitigation
and bank stabilization include the following:
There are a limited number of insurable structures located within or
close to the regulatory floodplain in the lower portion of this reach.
Consequently, particular care will be required to ensure that any project
which includes improvements within the river corridor (i.e., floodway) do
not increase 100-year water surface elevations.
Currently, 100-year flows would overtop College Avenue; however, the
solution for eliminating overtopping of College Avenue requires that
tailwater be reduced in the reach downstream of College.
Improvements required to eliminate overtopping of College Avenue are
addressed in Reach 3.
Even with the proposed downstream improvements, College Avenue
may still overtop if a sufficient amount of woody debris collects on the
numerous wooden piers associated with the UPRR Bridge. It is
recommended that discussions be held with the UPRR in an effort to
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-10 | P a g e
Implementing the previously identified water quality pond
improvements within Lee Martinez Park, while exploring opportunities
to enhance and protect valuable bird habitat and avoiding
encroachments into usable park space.
Implementing the previously identified water quality pond
improvements within the River’s Edge Natural Area, while incorporating
both wetland and upland habitat enhancements.
Lowering the bank elevation and improving the hardened (riprap) river
bank in Legacy Park by replacing the riprap with boulder toe erosion
protection, burying the existing riprap, or a combination of both. In
either case, the upper bank should be vegetated with native grasses and
shrubs along with trees planted on the upper bank.
Creating a cobble point bar, underlain with native sand and gravel, on
the right bank of the river on the inside bend upstream of the Lake Canal
Diversion Structure, and incorporating alternating bars consisting of
cobble, gravel and sand in order to narrow the width of the channel in
the relatively straight reach downstream of the Hickory Bridge.
Stabilizing the south channel bank in the vicinity and upstream of the
UPRR Bridge by installing rock riprap toe protection (backfilled) with
vegetative cover (grasses, shrubs and/or willows) along the upper bank.
Figure 2.14 Bank Stabilization Needs Map for Reach 2
Optional bank improvements for the areas illustrated in Figure 2.14
above include:
o Rock riprap toe protection (backfilled and/or buried) with
revegetation (native grasses, willows and shrubs); or
o Stacked boulder toe protection with revegetation (native grasses,
willows and shrubs).
Habitat/Ecological Restoration and Protection
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with habitat/ecological
restoration and protection include the following:
Protecting large and continuous patches of native riparian forest and
wetland mosaics.
Improving ecological diversity of the riparian forest understory and
upland shrub habitat for native bird species.
Removing of undesirable non-native tree/plant species.
Burying existing riprap on the river bank in Legacy Park and revegetating
with native grasses, willows and shrubs (Figure 2.15).
Figure 2.15 Exposed Riprap on the North Bank at Legacy Park
Improving travel corridors for riparian wildlife by providing a
combination of a vegetated river’s edge, larger offsets to parking and
trails from the river, and providing designated river access and
recreation areas. Wildlife connectivity would be improved; however,
limited fragmentation may persist.
Designing future stormwater quality ponds to integrate habitat features
and prevent or minimize impact to mature forest and high quality bird
Providing in-stream cover in the backwater upstream of the Lake Canal
Diversion Structure to improve aquatic habitat structure.
The Lake Canal Diversion Structure, in its current form (Figure 2.16),
causes significant impact to the river’s health. The diversion dam
prevents fish passage and causes unnatural pooling that extends nearly
1,300 feet upstream, negatively impacting fish habitat.
o Short-term opportunities include: Providing fish and boat passage
to avoid bank erosion due to portage activities, by either modifying
the west end of the diversion dam, or creating a bypass channel.
o Long-term opportunities include: Evaluating potential of removing
the diversion dam which could help improve river health. If the
ditch company is willing to explore opportunities with the City, and
Reach 2 Lee Martinez Park to the Museum of Discovery
2-11 | P a g e
Recreation and Access
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with recreation and
access include the following:
Lee Martinez Park and Legacy Park will be master planned as part of a
separate public design process.
Lee Martinez Park is defined as a Community Park in the Parks and
Recreation Policy Plan and currently includes the following amenities:
o Trails
o Parking
o Tennis Courts (4) - lighted
o One Shelter (drop-in only)
o Playground
o Ball Diamonds (2) – lighted
o Basketball Courts (3) – lighted
o The Farm
o Museum of Discovery
As part of Lee Martinez Park, The Farm has provided family fun since
1985, and serves as an educational and interactive experience for Fort
Collins residents and visitors. Features include:
o Farm animals
o Hands-on experiences
o Interactive family fun
o Birthday party rentals
o Museum & The Farm Store
o Hayrides (routed through Parks, Natural Areas)
o Pony rides
o Special events
Strengthen the relationship between the Museum of Discovery, Parks,
Natural Areas, the river and downtown by incorporating educational and
demonstration areas.
Legacy Park currently includes a gravel parking area and a small shelter,
but the majority of the site is currently undeveloped. The Legacy Park
site is utilized for community events such as the Sustainable Living Fair
and the Poudre River Festival.
The section of river between Lee Martinez and Legacy Park is unique in
that it is the only place in the city having public parks on both sides of
the river (Figure 2.17), and is already very popular for recreation.
Improved amenities should enhance the swimming, wading
tubing/boating, and play experience while protecting the environment
from further degradation caused by intensive use. River bank
improvements should be designed to withstand the existing and
anticipated use of this area. Bank stabilization and other improvements
may include hardscape/stone terraces, ADA river access, picnic shelters,
benches and other features intended to support river-related recreation.
The Lake Canal diversion dam backs up water in this reach, so the river is
generally deeper and slower moving, and this has become a favorite area
for swimmers (Figure 2.12).
Figure 2.17 View of the Poudre River between Lee Martinez Park and
Legacy Park
Formalizing put-ins/take-outs for boaters and tubers at the following
three locations:
o Lee Martinez Park across from Legacy Park
o East end of Legacy Park
o Upstream of the UPRR Bridge in Lee Martinez Park
Preserving the existing riparian forest in the northwest section of Lee
Martinez Park, as it is a valuable refuge for wildlife and a peaceful setting
Removing the existing Hickory Pedestrian Bridge and relocating it to
2-13 | P a g e
Museum of Discovery to BNSF Railroad
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-14 | P a g e
Figure 2.18 Master Plan for Reach 3
Reach 3 Museum of Discovery to BNSF Railroad
2-15 | P a g e
Reach 3 Background and Fundamental Opportunities
Reach 3 is located east of Lee Martinez Park and north of Downtown Fort
Collins, and is surrounded by considerable urban development.
Consequently, the river and its floodplain are highly altered and influenced
by structures including bridges, two railroads, concrete flood walls, a
diversion structure and adjacent private development. Channelization of the
river is extreme between College and the BNSF Railroad Bridge (Figure 2.19).
Likewise, limited riparian forest habitat and a minimal corridor for wildlife
movement reflect the most acute confinement on the river’s 12-mile journey
through Fort Collins.
Figure 2.19 View Looking East Just Downstream of College Avenue
The master plan envisions a major remodel of this river reach, creating an
active and vibrant setting where people are encouraged to engage with and
play in the river in an urban setting.
The transformation would begin by removing the existing Coy Ditch
Diversion structure and boulder-lined “boat chute” (Figure 2.20). After
removing these structures, the river channel would be narrowed to a more
natural, sustainable width and deepened by implementing a variety of
terraces to improve natural river function, increase flood capacity, to provide
additional space for bank improvements and riparian habitat. Changes to
channel cross section in this area are illustrated in Figure 2.21 (provided on
the following page). The improved channel would be stabilized by
constructing four in-stream sloping rock features, two of which would
incorporate whitewater wave features and “holes”. An added benefit is that
the new sloping rock features would be designed to allow fish passage
creating aquatic connectivity that hasn’t existed in this reach of the river
since the Coy Diversion was constructed.
Additional space on the river banks, created by narrowing the river channel,
may incorporate: a river overlook; terraced seating areas on the south river
bank; ADA river access; put-in/take-out areas, habitat enhancements; and a
pedestrian bridge over the river between College and the BNSF Bridge.
Facilities such as parking, restrooms, new trails and trail improvements, the
pedestrian bridge, terraced viewing areas, put-in/take-out areas and water
play areas would be needed to support the anticipated use of this area.
Opportunities for expansion of the river greenway in this reach include
potential land acquisitions from landowners in areas that directly adjoin the
river and/or public lands using the City’s “Willing Seller - Willing Buyer”
program. Specific examples could include:
Consider purchasing private property located between the river and Vine
Street, between College Avenue and the BNSF Railroad, in order to
remove existing structures from the
floodway and to create visitor
amenities, such as additional open space
and parking.
Explore the possibility of purchasing the
existing Xcel property and relocating
Xcel’s existing natural gas pump station
to a location near Vine Street. If
successful, this area could be converted
to a combination of habitat and
recreational features.
Related Projects
Private Development. Natural area buffers located within adjacent
private properties shall be designed to blend with the existing river
character. Refer to the City Land Use Code for natural area buffer
standards and requirements.
Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with flood mitigation
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-16 | P a g e
Figure 2.21 Cross Section Comparison of the Existing and Proposed Channel East of College Avenue
Reach 3 Museum of Discovery to BNSF Railroad
2-17 | P a g e
Figure 2.22 Bank Stabilization Needs Map for Reach 3
Habitat/Ecological Restoration and Protection
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with habitat/ecological
restoration and protection include the following:
The Coy Diversion structure and boat chute significantly impact fish
passage and create a large upstream pool within the river. In addition,
these structures are unattractive and visually dominant features in the
landscape. Fish passage and aquatic habitat improvements would be
integrated into the recreational improvements when both the Coy
Diversion and boat chute are removed.
Existing river banks near the Coy Diversion are dominated by vertical
concrete walls, a variety of rail fences, and steep slopes. Remove,
replace, mask or enhance walls and fences where possible to create an
attractive corridor.
If compatible with other improvements within this reach, lowering the
Poudre River Trail along the south side of the river would reconnect the
river to at least a narrow portion of the floodplain.
This stretch of the river is envisioned as an area that can accommodate
visitor use that is higher than adjoining reaches. Wildlife connectivity
improvements would be provided along the river banks to the greatest
extent possible, although some fragmentation will likely remain.
Wildlife connectivity is currently provided beneath College Avenue by
the bridge’s northernmost span and can be enhanced by improving
vegetation along the north bank.
Improving the backwater and poor fish habitat condition upstream of
Coy Diversion Structure by reconfiguring/modifying/lowering the
in-stream structures.
Creating riffles and pools similar to those present in the river upstream
and downstream of this reach.
This area contains a significant amount of non-native vegetation. As the
area is improved, non-native vegetation will be replaced with native
Historically, the John G. Coy Ditch flowed through two small ponds in the
Gustav Swanson Natural Area. However, water is no longer being
diverted at the Coy Diversion, and as a result the ditch and the ponds
have dried up. The ditch and the ponds should be filled and these areas
should be restored to blend with the surroundings.
Recreation and Access
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with recreation and
access include the following:
The area north of the river is envisioned to have a park-like setting that is
blended into the natural river setting. Activities and amenities may
include a beach, river play, unstructured imaginative natural play areas,
picnic shelters, restrooms, trails and parking.
The historic character, architectural forms and materials found in the
Power House Energy Institute could be incorporated into an iconic
pedestrian bridge and hardscape features within the river corridor to
blend the old and the new.
Potential interpretive/educational topics for this section of the river
include: historic power generation techniques, geothermal, coal,
demonstration water wheel, in-stream flow measurements, Coy ditch,
irrigation, the grotto, old water works facility (Gustav Swanson), etc.
Approximately 9 feet of fall exists within the channel between College
Avenue and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Bridge making
this the most suitable location for a whitewater play park in the project
area. The master plan includes two whitewater wave features, each
having 1.5 to 2 feet of fall.
It is proposed that the College Avenue Bridge and areas surrounding the
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-18 | P a g e
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
As part of this master planning effort, a Phase II Environmental Site
Assessment was completed for the reach between College Avenue and the
BNSF Railroad. The primary objective of this assessment was to determine
whether or not construction of river improvements through this reach might
be expected to encounter non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) contamination
from the nearby Poudre River‒Aztlan Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Removal Action Site.
Based on this assessment, there were no indications that NAPL
contamination in the underlying bedrock was present or would be
Other contaminants, not associated with the NAPL plume, were identified
during the subsurface investigation; however, most of these substances were
present at levels below USEPA/State standards, or established background
levels. Some potential contaminants of concern were identified, including
asbestos, petroleum hydrocarbon and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
compounds, and arsenic.
Due to the possibility of encountering one or more of these compounds in
the soil, it is recommended that the previously-approved Soil
Characterization and Management Plan for the site be followed during
construction. If contaminated soils are encountered during construction, it is
recommended that these soils be managed in accordance with a Materials
Management Plan which is aimed at limiting exposure and ensuring proper
disposal of all impacted materials (Walsh, 2014).
Figure 2.23 Bank Erosion, Concrete Rubble, and Exposed Plastic Turf Mat
on South Bank, West of the BNSF Railroad
Figure 2.24 Bank Erosion and Exposed Rock Riprap on South Bank, West
of the BNSF Railroad
Reach 3 Museum of Discovery to BNSF Railroad
2-19 | P a g e
Figure 2.25 Conceptual Site Plan for Reach 3
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-20 | P a g e
Figure 2.26 Character Sketch, View Looking Southeast from the College Avenue Bridge
2-21 | P a g e
BNSF Railroad to Linden Street
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-22 | P a g e
Figure 2.27 Master Plan for Reach 4
Reach 4 BNSF Railroad to Linden Street
2-23 | P a g e
Reach 4 Background and Fundamental Opportunities
This Reach is located north of Downtown Fort Collins, east of the Burlington
Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad Bridge and west of Linden Street. Like
Reach 3, it is surrounded by considerable urban development; the river and
its floodplain have been highly altered and influenced by structures including
bridges and private development. The river is bordered on the north by
Gustav Swanson Natural Area, and on the south by Old Fort Collins Heritage
Park/Northside Aztlan Community Center, United Way and the recently
constructed Legacy Apartments.
Figure 2.28 River Access/Small Beach with Sentinel Boulders at the Gustav
Swanson Natural Area
Portions of Old Heritage Park and Northside Aztlan Community Center were
identified as part of the Poudre River-Aztlan Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Site. Historical uses of
properties adjacent to these sites included a coal gasification plant, a gas
station, a land fill and a petroleum distribution facility. Per an order from
EPA, focused removal actions reduced exposure and migration of NAPL
(non-aqueous phase liquid) contaminants to the public and river waters. As
part of the cleanup, significant site reclamation occurred. Restoration of the
riverbed and both banks, as well as extensive revegetation with native plants
along both banks, was completed to improve overall habitat quality. The
presence of these underground contaminants limits the city’s ability to
disturb and reshape the ground within Old Heritage Park, the south river
bank, and the adjacent channel bed.
Opportunities for expansion of the river greenway in this reach include:
Potential land acquisitions from landowners in areas that directly adjoin
the river and/or public lands using the City’s “Willing Seller - Willing
Buyer” program.
Other opportunities to enhance the corridor, Downtown culture, and
local vibe should be evaluated if and when adjacent properties become
Related Projects
The Master Plan for Old Fort Collins Heritage Park will be developed by
the Park Planning Department as part of a separate public process.
Private Development. Natural area buffers located within adjacent
private properties shall be designed to blend with the existing river
character. Refer to the City Land Use Code for natural area buffer
standards and requirements.
Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with flood mitigation
and bank stabilization include the following:
There are no insurable structures located within the regulatory
floodplain through this reach; however, there are numerous insurable
structures located adjacent to the floodplain north of the river.
Consequently, care will be required to ensure that any project which
includes improvements within the river corridor (i.e., floodway) does not
increase 100-year water surface elevations such that private property or
insurable structures are adversely impacted.
Currently, 100-year flows would spill east along Vine Drive starting west
of the BNSFRR, requiring the definition of a regulatory split flow path
from Linden Street to Dry Creek, near Lemay Avenue. It appears that a
combination of improvements, including widening of the north overbank
through the BNSFRR Bridge, and elimination of the floodplain
constriction upstream of Linden Street, along with lowering/removal of
the Coy Diversion and boat chute would likely eliminate (or reduce to
nuisance/non-regulatory flood levels) this 100-year flow split.
Other opportunities for reducing 100-year flood elevations within this
reach are not likely practical given the presence of contaminated soils in
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-24 | P a g e
Creating low vegetated bench features along the river’s edge to reduce
the channel width in over-widened areas, where feasible, and providing
riparian habitat enhancements.
Recreation and Access
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with recreation and
access include the following:
Upgrading the Linden Street Bridge (i.e., vertical monuments,
architectural treatments, enhanced railings, appropriate lighting,
signage, public art, and elevated river overlook areas) is suggested to
strengthen the visual connection between Downtown Fort Collins and
the Poudre River.
Figure 2.30 Poudre Trail along Old Heritage Park (Block One Development
is Under Construction in the Background)
Providing wayfinding signs within the river corridor to make visitors
aware of the local destinations and attractions.
Adding bank enhancements, landscape treatments, and park amenities
along the Poudre Trail to create a more inviting atmosphere within Old
Fort Collins Heritage Park, with the understanding that improvements
must comply with CERCLA requirements for the site.
Adding a terraced river access area on the right bank upstream of Linden
Street to provide a connection from Linden Street to the river.
Developing a “Poudre Interpretive Walk” on the south side of the river.
Portions of this area are associated with the earliest historic roots of the
City and were part of the original Fort/Encampment site. The Heritage
Walk would extend between Linden Street and the Museum of
Discovery, telling Fort Collins’ story using the character of the downtown
alleys with brick pavers, seating areas, and interactive/interpretive
features. The Heritage Walk could be incorporated into future
improvements within Old Fort Collins Heritage Park, in a manner similar
to that illustrated in Figure 2.31.
Potential interpretive and educational topics for this section of the river
include: the river’s history, the “Fort”, founding of the city, local railroad
history, agricultural use of the river, and early industry.
Providing wheelchair access to the river’s edge where possible.
Including one put-in/take-out area immediately downstream of the BNSF
Railroad Bridge on the south bank.
Providing two small river access points on the north river bank.
Strengthening pedestrian connections to the river greenway at Linden
Street from the north and south, and through the Aztlan Center/Old Fort
Collins Heritage Park from the south, to provide identifiable, safe and
attractive access to the river.
Regrading under the existing Linden Street Bridge, or replacing the
bridge, in order to accommodate routing of the Poudre Trail under the
northernmost bridge span would eliminate the at-grade crossing at
Linden Street; the only at-grade street crossing for the trail within the
project area.
The following is a summary of the existing and proposed public parking
located within or near the river corridor in this reach. Parking in these
areas is provided for multiple uses and is not guaranteed for river use.
Additional parking may be required with increased use of the river
corridor and surrounding areas.
Parking Location Number of Existing Spaces
Aztlan Center (paved) 180
Gustav Swanson Natural Area (paved) 10 to 12
Linden Street (on-street parking south of
the river – paved) 68
Adding on-street parking on Linden Street north of the river.
Where appropriate, bike parking spaces should be provided in close
Reach 4 BNSF Railroad to Linden Street
2-25 | P a g e
Figure 2.31 Conceptual Site Plan for Reach 4
2-27 | P a g e
Linden Street to Lincoln Avenue
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-28 | P a g e
Figure 2.32 Master Plan for Reach 5
Reach 5 Linden Street to Lincoln Avenue
2-29 | P a g e
Reach 5 Background and Fundamental Opportunities
This reach is located in the City’s “River District” which is described in the
City’s Land Use Code as an area “intended to reestablish the linkage between
Old Town and the River through redevelopment in the Cache la Poudre River
(the "River") corridor. This District offers opportunities for more intensive
redevelopment of housing, businesses and workplaces to complement
Downtown. Improvements should highlight the historic origin of Fort Collins
and the unique relationship of the waterway and railways to the urban
environment as well as expand cultural opportunities in the Downtown area.”
In this reach the river is bordered by considerable urban development along
the southwest bank. Like reaches upstream, the river and its floodplain are
highly altered and influenced by structures including bridges, the levee, and
adjacent private development. Channelization of the river is extreme, and
associated riparian forest habitat and wildlife movement are impacted by the
acute confinement of the river corridor.
Figure 2.33 Historic Concrete Structure Obstructing the Upstream Side of
the Lincoln Avenue Bridge
The transformation of this area will support each of the primary project
objectives (habitat restoration, flood mitigation, recreation); however, the
emphasis in this Reach is placed on habitat restoration. When completed
the northeast overbank areas will be lowered and converted into a side
channel and backwater wetland having a diverse wetland mosaic that will
enhance opportunities for natural processes to drive ecosystem renewal. In
addition, the steep southwest bank will be cleaned up, terraced/stabilized
and re-vegetated adding beauty and improving the River’s health.
Figure 2.34 Adjacent Industrial Land Use and Concrete Rubble along
Southwest Bank
Opportunities for expansion of the river greenway in this reach include
potential land acquisitions from landowners in areas that directly adjoin
the river and/or public lands using the City’s “Willing Seller - Willing
Buyer” program.
Related Projects and Documents
Poudre River Enhancement Plan (2003). Many of the ideas presented in
the Poudre River Enhancement Plan (2003) have been carried forward in
this master plan. However some modifications have been made to
address public comments and current circumstances.
The City’s Land Use Code, Section 4.17 – River Downtown
Redevelopment District, identifies both opportunities and requirements
associated with improvements specific to this reach.
The newly-adopted Fort Collins River Downtown Redevelopment Zone
Guidelines (2014) provides enhanced design standards for this area in an
effort to better address neighborhood, site, and building attributes,
while maintaining the agricultural-industrial character of this unique
portion of the City. In addition, specific streetscape improvements are
identified for Willow Street.
The recently-adopted Lincoln Corridor Plan (2014) seeks to provide an
enhanced level of amenities along Lincoln Avenue that restores its
importance as a primary entry to the heart of the City, as well as
providing an important connection from Downtown to the east and
northeast. This plan also identifies a priority list of related neighborhood
Private Development. Natural area buffers located within adjacent
private properties should be designed to enhance and blend with
proposed river improvements. Refer to the City Land Use Code for
natural area buffer standards and requirements.
Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with flood mitigation
and bank stabilization include the following:
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-30 | P a g e
Figure 2.35 Cross Section between Linden Street and Lincoln Avenue (Looking Downstream) Illustrating the Side Channel and the Terraced Southwest Bank
Reach 5 Linden Street to Lincoln Avenue
2-31 | P a g e
Other opportunities for reducing 100-year flood elevations within this
reach are not currently practical due to limitations with respect to the
presence of the Oxbow Levee, as well as private landownership and
current land use along the southwest bank. However, future
improvements should investigate the possibility of incorporating
additional flood mitigation elements.
Figure 2.36 Bank Stabilization Needs Map for Reach 5
Bank stabilization and improvements for the areas illustrated in
Figure 2.36 include revegetation of both banks along with either rock
riprap toe protection or, where banks are near vertical, stacked boulder
toe protection. The southwest bank within this reach will require special
treatment with terracing of two of more stacked boulder installations
(forming low walls similar to those used along Block One), as shown in
Figure 2.35. The northeast bank through this reach would be an
appropriate location for incorporating root wad installations
(in conjunction with rock riprap toe protection).
Habitat/Ecological Restoration and Protection
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with habitat/ecological
restoration and protection include the following:
Lowering floodplain and expand riparian and upland vegetation width
between river and the soft trail on the northeast bank (Figure 2.35).
Replacing concrete rubble and riprap with bank treatments that include
natural elements and improving edge habitat for riparian and aquatic
species on the southwest bank.
Figure 2.37 View along the Northeast River Bank Looking Downstream
(the Oxbow Levee and paved trail are on the left)
Integrating additional wetland and backwater habitat features into
proposed enhancements while improving lateral connectivity to
floodplains at high flows.
Improving wildlife travel corridor/buffer near the river’s edge and
creating a designated visitor access area along the northeast bank.
Creating low vegetated bench features along the river’s edge to reduce
the channel width in over-widened areas, where feasible, and providing
riparian habitat enhancements.
Improving in-stream cover for native aquatic species.
Expanding the riparian forest on the northeast bank, where possible,
while maintaining a minimum offset of 15 feet from the toe of the levee
for all woody plantings.
Recreation and Access
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with recreation and
access include the following:
Providing a trail spur to connect with the Poudre Trail underpass at
Linden Street identified in Reach 4.
The high steep bank on southwest side limits access to the river, but
offers an opportunity for a public overlook (as shown in Figure 2.39) to
coincide with future alley improvements southwest of the river.
Incorporating visual buffering and noise reduction with southwest bank
Potential interpretive and educational topics for this section of the river
include: Auntie Stone’s Mill (which is incorporated in the Ranch-Way
Feeds facility) and the Poudre stream gage.
Figure 2.38 View from the Poudre Trail to the Southeast across the River
(Ranch-Way Feeds is in the Background)
Utilizing the bridges that bookend this reach to celebrate and announce
the river’s presence, and to strengthen the relationship between the
river and Downtown Fort Collins.
Upgrading these bridges (i.e., vertical monuments, architectural
treatments, enhanced railings, lighting, signage, public art, and elevated
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-32 | P a g e
Figure 2.39 Conceptual Site Plan for Reach 5
Reach 5 Linden Street to Lincoln Avenue
2-33 | P a g e
Figure 2.40 Character Sketch, View Looking Southeast from the Linden Street Bridge
2-35 | P a g e
Lincoln Avenue to Mulberry Street
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-36 | P a g e
Figure 2.41 Master Plan for Reach 6
Reach 6 Lincoln Avenue to Mulberry Street
2-37 | P a g e
Reach 6 Background and Fundamental Opportunities
This western portion of this Reach is bordered by a collection of industrial
sites on the north, and the Udall Natural Area on the south. A change in
character is found to the east as the greenway transitions into the newly
acquired and enhanced 31-acre Natural Area, the former Pickle Plant Site,
and the Mulberry Wastewater Treatment Facility.
Figure 2.42 Side Channel Flowing Past the Mulberry Wastewater
Treatment Facility
A majority of the significant changes in this reach are currently taking place
in the newly acquired Natural Area. This 31-acre natural area was formerly
part of the Link-n-Greens Golf Course and was donated to the City by
Woodward, Inc. in 2013. The new Natural Area is included in this master
plan, but its conversion to a natural area is occurring now. These
improvements, combined with the existing ponds and upland areas within
the Udall Natural Area offer an important respite for wildlife.
Improvements to the high steep banks adjacent to the former Pickle Plant
and Udall Natural Area are anticipated as part of this Master Plan, as well as
a new river overlook/outdoor classroom on the southwest river bank
downstream of Lincoln Avenue.
The master plan also identifies a new trail underpass of Riverside Avenue
and the UP Railroad, at the intersection with Olive Street, providing a
convenient, separated-grade linkage from the residential neighborhoods
southwest of Riverside Avenue to the Udall Natural Area and the Poudre
Opportunities for expansion of the river greenway in this reach include
potential land acquisitions from landowners in areas that directly adjoin the
river and/or public lands using the City’s “Willing Seller - Willing Buyer”
program. Expansion of the would provide space for improving the riparian
corridor and the trail users’ experience of the river environment.
Related Projects and Documents
Potential Solar Farm at former Pickle Plant site.
Magnolia Street Stormwater Outfall Project.
Mulberry Street (State Hwy 14) Bridge and Streetscape Improvements.
Lincoln Corridor Plan.
Previous Cache La Poudre River Restoration planning within the Udall
Natural Area.
Woodward Technology Center development.
Private Development. Natural area buffers located within adjacent
private properties should be designed to blend with the natural river
setting. Refer to the City Land Use Code for natural area buffer standards
and requirements.
Flood Mitigation and Bank Stabilization
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with flood mitigation
and bank stabilization include the following:
There are several insurable structures located within the regulatory
floodplain north of the river through of this reach. Consequently,
particular care will be required to ensure that any project which includes
improvements within the river corridor (i.e., floodway) does not increase
100-year water surface elevations.
Proposed bank improvements along the Udall Natural Area may provide
modest reductions in 100-year flood elevations. Other opportunities for
reducing 100-year flood elevations within this reach are limited due to
the close proximity of the dedicated water quality ponds within the Udall
Natural Area and the presence of private property north of the river.
However, future improvements should investigate the possibility of
incorporating additional flood mitigation elements.
A portion of the City’s Mulberry Wastewater Treatment Facility,
including several insurable structures, are located within the regulatory
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
2-38 | P a g e
Figure 2.44 Bank Stabilization Needs Map for Reach 6
Investigating wetland and habitat enhancements in conjunction with the
planned water Quality pond enlargement in the Udall Natural Area.
Bank stabilization and improvements for the areas illustrated in
Figure 2.44 include revegetation of both banks along with either rock
riprap toe protection or, along steeper banks, stacked boulder toe
protection. The southwest bank along the Pickle Plant Site will require
special treatment with earthen terracing (as shown in Figure 2.46,
provided on the following page) or terracing of two or more stacked
boulder installations (as identified previously in Figure 2.35 for Reach 5).
The banks through this reach provide opportunities for incorporating
root wad installations (in conjunction with rock riprap toe protection).
Habitat/Ecological Restoration and Protection
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with habitat/ecological
restoration and protection include the following:
The new 31-acre Natural Area is being converted from a golf course to a
natural area. Changes include: re-grading (lowering) much of the site to
improve lateral connectivity to floodplains at high flows, an oxbow pond,
wetlands, expansion of the riparian forest (native tree plantings),
riparian grasslands, native landscape restoration, and realignment of the
Poudre Trail away from the river.
Increasing the upland vegetation buffer between the river and urban
development within the western portion of this reach.
Restoring the southwest riverbank directly downstream of Lincoln Street
to: increase riparian forest width and enhance in-channel wetlands.
Removing old automobiles, concrete rubble, and other non-natural
materials from the riverbank and improving near shore aquatic
habitat, including in-stream cover.
Relocating the large storm drain outfall and headwall located
downstream of Lincoln Avenue back away from the river channel, and
creating an outfall pool.
Protecting existing riparian forest and the wetland mosaic,
including offsetting trails to maintain buffers.
Re-grading and improving the southwest river bank at the Pickle
Plant Site using a natural terraced treatment.
Integrating upland shrub plantings along the edge of the forest to
increase structural diversity for improved riparian bird habitat.
Creating low vegetated bench features along the river’s edge to
reduce the channel width in over-widened areas, where feasible, and
providing riparian habitat enhancements.
Figure 2.45 Fisherman Enjoying a Beautiful Autumn Afternoon on the
Poudre River
Recreation and Access
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with recreation and
access include the following:
Incorporating a public education feature in the Udall Natural Area
concerning the treatment of stormwater runoff in a natural setting.
Incorporating a river overlook with the planned bank restoration in the
Udall Natural Area.
Providing visual and sound damping buffers, to the extent possible,
between the Poudre Trail and the adjacent industrial sites in the
northwestern portion of this reach. This leg of the trail is one of the least
inviting sections within the entire master planning area due to the
adjacent chain link fencing, outdoor storage of industrial equipment and
materials, and noise.
Including two put-ins/take-outs in this reach; with one to be located on
the northeast bank downstream of Lincoln Avenue, and the other to be
located on the north bank upstream of Mulberry Street. (It is worth
Reach 6 Lincoln Avenue to Mulberry Street
2-39 | P a g e
Figure 2.46 Cross Section (Looking Downstream) Illustrating the Terraced Bank Adjacent to the Pickle Plant Site and Lowering of the Northeast Overbank
Visual Glossary/Design Guidelines
3-1 | P a g e
River Bed Stabilization
A number of specific reaches of the Poudre River through Fort Collins have
incised downstream of irrigation diversion structures. This has resulted in
over-steepened bed slopes which generally preclude the passage of fish and
other aquatic species, particularly in the upstream direction, and typically
cannot easily be navigated by boaters and floaters. In order to reduce the
local river bed slope in these areas, thereby reconnecting aquatic habitat and
promoting safe passage for humans, a series of sloping rock features are
envisioned in these locations.
On the Poudre River, these features may consist of a crest formed by small
to moderate size boulders, followed downstream by a field of rock riprap
placed at no greater than an 8 to 10 percent slope. This riprap should be
backfilled with native gravel and cobble bed material to produce a bed
surface that is natural in appearance and texture. Small to moderate size
boulders should be placed randomly within the riprap field such that they
protrude above the plane of the bed, creating an uneven channel bed
surface and providing shelter zones that promote fish passage. The
maximum vertical transition across any one of these sloping rock features
should be less than 2 feet. Shallow pools should be formed at the
downstream end of these features to provide water depth variability,
particularly during low flows, and to control hydraulic conditions during
larger flow events.
Two sloping rock features are shown in the accompanying photographs:
1. A single sloping rock feature operating under a moderate flow rate.
2. A series of two sloping rock features (A and B) operating under a
moderate flow rate in a recently stabilized river reach.
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
3-2 | P a g e
1 2
River Bank Stabilization and Restoration
In many places through Fort Collins, the Poudre River’s banks have been
altered by any number of historical impacts, and/or they show signs of
erosion or bank retreat. Generally through confined areas, such as the
Poudre Downtown reach, bank instabilities or bank movement are not
acceptable for a variety of reasons. Overall goals of river bank stabilization
and restoration are to create banks that are stable, safe for ingress/egress
under emergency conditions, ecologically functioning, and aesthetically
pleasing. To achieve these goals, stream banks should not be unnaturally
steep and should have native vegetation to provide riparian and aquatic
habitat value. Ideally, the stream banks would allow overbank flooding at
progressively higher levels, reflecting typical conditions for an alluvial
stream. Depending on local geomorphic conditions and available space,
stream bank improvements may include removing concrete and other
debris, re-grading steep eroded banks, creating low and mid-level terraces,
and planting with native trees, shrubs, and herbaceous species.
In natural settings, lateral river bank stability is often afforded by an
interweaving root matrix of streamside trees, shrubs and willows; this
condition cannot be replicated in the short-term by a stream bank
improvement project. In lieu of a live root matrix, river bank stabilization is
promoted by the installation of hardened toe materials overlain with native
plantings. The hardened materials provide short-term stabilization, while
the native plantings are intended to provide long-term stability, streamside
shade and cover, and biotic mass in the riparian zone.
Rock Riprap Toe Stabilization
Within the Poudre Downtown reach, hardened toe protection will generally
take the form of rock riprap or stacked boulders. With the former, the rock
riprap should be backfilled with native gravel, sand and cobble to provide
further stability, promote a more natural surface appearance, and offer an
initial substrate for establishing streamside vegetation such as willows or
shrubs. The backfilled riprap can be fully buried to create a softer surface for
ingress and egress, but maintenance will be required as the finer cover soils
(such as sand and silt) will likely be carried away during even low annual flow
The accompanying photographs show the southwest bank of the Poudre
River, along the Northside – Aztlan Community Center:
1. Soon after installation of the CERCLA remediation measures and rock
riprap toe protection.
2. After eight years of vegetation re-establishment along the bank.
Visual Glossary/Design Guidelines
3-3 | P a g e
River Bank Stabilization and Restoration (continued)
In general, it is beneficial to add wood and biotic mass to the river in order to
promote the health of aquatic species.
Rock Riprap Toe Stabilization with Root Wads
In locations where conditions allow, root wads can be installed along with
rock riprap toe protection, with the woody materials providing physical
cover, disrupting local flow patterns, promoting the formation of local scour
holes, and delivering immediate biota loading. These features cannot be
built in all locations, as robust root wad installations designed to withstand
severe flow conditions require a large construction disturbance zone. In
addition, installing these root wads, such as those shown here, are relatively
labor intensive compared to placing standard riprap.
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
3-4 | P a g e
River Bank Stabilization and Restoration (continued)
In many locations, existing river banks may be too steep to support a stable
rock riprap installation. In these cases, alternative bank toe stabilization
measures need to be identified.
Stacked Boulder Toe Stabilization
As an alternative to rock riprap in locations where the banks are steep,
stacked boulders can be used to provide the requisite hardened toe
protection. Where banks are exceedingly tall and space is not available to
move the top of bank back away from the river, multiple offset stacked
boulder groups can be used. This results in a bank treatment which
essentially consists of a series of two or more stacked boulder walls.
The near-channel, stacked boulder toe can also be utilized as a hardened
access point to the river by increasing the batter of the stacked boulders,
providing a stepped river edge that is conducive to ingress/egress and
The accompanying photographs show a recently completed stacked boulder
toe installation, prior to the establishment of mature vegetation. However, it
is evident that most of the existing mature vegetation was preserved during
Visual Glossary/Design Guidelines
3-5 | P a g e
River Access
River access areas are envisioned as informal spaces that are natural in
character and are accessed from either the river or the trails. They are
typically separated from vehicular access and their use is less intensive as
compared to Put-ins/Take-outs. The scale of each river access will vary
depending on its location, site specific features and anticipated use. Trails
connecting to these areas (other than the Poudre Trail) should be narrow,
soft paved and roughly perpendicular to the river bank in order to minimize
impacts to habitat connectivity along the river.
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
3-6 | P a g e
Put-ins/Take-outs are planned in areas where more intensive recreational
access to the river is anticipated. They are typically associated with major
street crossings, parks and/or trailhead parking lots. The scale and character
of each Put-in/Take-out will vary depending on its setting, physical site
characteristics, and anticipated use. Trails connecting to these areas may be
paved or soft, and where practical they should be roughly perpendicular to
the river bank in order to minimize impacts to habitat connectivity along the
river. Width of connecting trails will depend on anticipated use.
Visual Glossary/Design Guidelines
3-7 | P a g e
In-Channel Whitewater Features
The primary objective for the whitewater park is to create a fun and dynamic
place to kayak, float, wade and play in the Poudre River that also meets the
project’s joint goals of habitat improvement and flood mitigation. The
whitewater park should provide recreation opportunities for all of the
visitors to the river corridor, not just those who choose to enter the river,
and it should be constructed from natural materials that complement the
remainder of the restoration project. The improvements should also include
solutions to address fish passage or flood mitigation.
Project Formulation, Phasing and Costs
4-1 | P a g e
Project Formulation and Prioritization
Based on all of the planning work conducted for the Poudre River Downtown
Project, the River Team – a group consisting of City staff and members of the
consultant team – developed a list of project elements intended to address
the objectives and opportunities identified along the entire study reach,
from Shields Street to Mulberry Street. These project elements were specific
items that would eventually need to be grouped into bundled projects for
purposes of implementation. All suggestions received as a result of the
outreach and engagement efforts were carefully considered, with particular
emphasis placed on stakeholder feedback and public comments. The list of
potential project elements was compiled in the context of previous and on-
going planning efforts across all City departments.
An initial list of more than 30 project elements and/or concepts was
developed, such as: river bank habitat enhancements at Legacy Park; trail
underpass at Linden Street; modify/lower the Coy Diversion; tree dump
remediation; and many others. These items represented improvements
necessary to promote completion of the Master Plan, but excluded
enhancements that would be implemented by other City projects or on-
going projects by other entities. Each of the project elements were
evaluated by the River Team using a decision matrix which utilized the
following nine objectives:
Conserve and restore riparian ecosystem;
Aquatic connectivity;
Terrestrial connectivity;
Protect properties from damaging floods;
Eliminate overtopping of College Avenue and the Vine Flow Split;
Reconnect the river to its floodplain
Provide a mix of recreational opportunities in and along the river;
Provide community gathering places; and
Connectivity between recreational opportunities along the river.
The results of this evaluation served to identify project elements which
would meet multiple objectives, and attempted to find common ground
where conflicting priorities were inevitable.
Given this evaluation, the potential list of project elements was refined and a
number of additional project components, concepts, and action items
identified, resulting in a more robust inventory of more than 40 elements.
These potential project elements were then prioritized by each member of
the River Team using a ranking/scoring system. The results of this effort
were compiled and a composite project element priority list prepared.
Project Grouping and Phasing
Each of the items on the resulting priority list was evaluated with respect to
location, proximity to other project elements, and types of construction
required. Project groupings were defined with the primary objective of
ensuring that no section of the river channel would be disturbed more than
once during the course of implementing this Master Plan. The resulting
project grouping is shown in the Project Roster provided at the end of this
section. The location and approximate extent of the grouped projects are
identified in Figure 4.1.
Phasing of the projects was determined based on the previously identified
priority of the individual project elements, as well as logical sequencing of
adjacent or related projects. The phasing priority indicated in the Project
Roster, as well as in Figure 4.1, provides only a guide for implementing the
numerous Poudre River enhancement projects which comprise this Master
Plan. Many other factors may influence the actual project implementation
sequence, such as opportunities to dovetail with other roadway, utility,
stormwater, or development projects.
Opinion of Project Implementation Costs
An opinion of project implementation cost was identified for each of the
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
4-2 | P a g e
Figure 4.1a Project Phasing Map (West Side)
7 1
Project Formulation, Phasing and Costs
4-3 | P a g e
Figure 4.1b Project Phasing Map (East Side)
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
4-4 | P a g e
Project Roster
(Including Opinion of Implementation Costs)
Modify/Lower Coy Diversion Structure 250 North Bank Habitat Enhancements/Stabilization between BNSFRR and Linden 300
Modify/Lower Boat Chute Structure 150 Miscellaneous Site Improvements (trail spurs, river access, plantings, etc) 400
Lower Trail on South Bank between College Ave and BNSFRR 150 5 ICONIC PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE EAST OF COLLEGE AVENUE $1,500,000
River Habitat Enhancements/Stabilization between College Ave and BNSFRR 500 New Pedestrian Bridge East of College Ave 1,500
Hardscape Terraced Urban River Edge(s) East of College Ave 500 6 OLD FORT COLLINS HERITAGE PARK $1,400,000
River Put-in / Take-out between College Ave and BNSFRR (3) 150 Old Fort Collins Heritage Park Enhancements 700
Construct Parking Lot along South Side of Vine, w/ Vine Drive Improvements 430 Expanded Parking at Aztlan Center 300
Miscellaneous Site Improvements (trail to river, restroom, landscaping, etc) 650 River Put-in / Take-out Downstream of BNSFRR (1) 150
Whitewater Park 1,000 Terraced River Access Upstream of Linden 200
New Pedestrian Bridge East of College Ave, Foundation Only 100 Heritage Walk 150
Connect North Bank Trail through BNSFRR Bridge 140 7 SALYER AND MCMURRY NATURAL AREAS $1,150,000
Construct New Trail along North Side of River West of BNSFRR 100 Salyer Natural Area Restoration / Improvements 500
Heritage Walk 220 Modify / Replace Existing McMurry Bridge 300
Hazardous Materials Remediation 400 River Bank Enhancements/Stabilization 200
Design, Permitting, Art in Public Places, and Contingency 1,260 River Put-in / Take-out Near McMurry Bridge (1) 50
2 LEE MARTINEZ PARK / LEGACY PARK CORRIDOR $5,600,000 River Accesses in McMurry and Salyer Natural Areas (3) 100
River Bank Habitat Enhancements at Legacy Park 300 8 WOOD STREET AREA $50,000
River Play Improvements/Cobble Trail along Legacy and Lee Martinez Parks 200 River Put-in / Take-out Near Woods St (1) 50
Lower/Remediate Tree Dump Area, Reconnect Floodplain 500 9 UDALL PROPERTY $300,000
Wild Zone Natural Play Zone in Tree Dump Area 500 South Bank Habitat Enhancements through Udall Property 300
Lee Martinez Park Improvements, South of the Poudre Trail 2,000 10 PICKLE PLANT SITE $1,500,000
Remove/Relocate Hickory Pedestrian Bridge 300 South Bank Habitat Enhancements through Pickle Plant Property 1,500
Reconfigure Parking and Access to Legacy Park 400 11 MULBERRY STREET AREA $200,000
Regrade Portion of Legacy Park to Reconnect Floodplain 100 River Put-in / Take-out Upstream of Mulberry St (1) 100
Legacy Park Improvements 1,000 Expand Existing Parking Area Upstream of Mulberry St (gravel) 100
Modify Lake Canal Diversion Structure for Fish and Tubing Passage 150 12 RIVERSIDE AVENUE / OLIVE STREET $6,200,000
River Put-in / Take-out at Lee Martinez and Legacy (3) 150 Riverside/UPRR Underpass at Olive 6,000
3 PREP AREA – LINDEN STREET TO LINCOLN AVENUE $2,700,000 Trail Connection along UPRR, Lincoln to Pickle Plant Site 200
Implement Poudre River Enhancement Plan between Linden and Lincoln 2,000 FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES (no costs identified)
Trail Underpass at Linden Street 200 Opportunities Fund for Maintaining In-Stream Flows
South Bank Overlook 200 Willing Seller Property Acquisition
River Put-in / Take-out Downstream of Linden and Lincoln (2) 100 Other Opportunities Identified in the Reach Descriptions (Section II)
Construct Parking Lot (or On-Street Parking) East of Linden and Lincoln (2) 200
5‐1 | Page
Outreach and Engagement
Day on the River – July 1, 2013 ‐ The River Team and the consultant team
spend a full day touring the project corridor.
Stakeholders Listening Session – July 9, 2013 – included representatives
from Poudre Heritage Alliance, CSU Campus Recreation, Poudre Paddlers,
Rocky Mountain Flycasters, Save the Poudre, UniverCity Connections,
Colorado Water Trust, Museum of Discovery, New Belgium Brewery, North
Fort Collins Business Association, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, The Neenan
Company, Odell Brewing, Woodward, Fort Collins Downtown Development
Authority, Ranch‐Way Feeds, ELCO, Fort Collins Truck Sales, Mountain
Whitewater Descents, and Fort Collins Community Action Network.
Design Charette – July 11 & 12, 2013 ‐ The consultant team facilitated a two‐
day design charette with the River Team to kick‐off the design process and to
discuss big picture opportunities and issues related to the project. Attendees
included staff members from Natural Areas, Parks & Recreation, Stormwater
Department, Water Department, Planning and key members of the
consultant team.
River Team Meetings – periodic meetings have taken place throughout the
master planning process. Attendees included representatives from Natural
Areas, Parks & Recreation and Stormwater.
Meetings and Discussions with Other City Departments – Lindsay
Ex/Planning, Matt Zoccali/Utilities ‐ Regulatory and Government Affairs,
Donny Dustin/Water Department, Adam Jokerst/Water Department.
Poudre River Projects Open House – June 26, 2013
The public was invited to learn about and give input on over 25 projects
happening in the Cache la Poudre River corridor. This Master Plan was
represented alongside other construction projects, trail closures, drought
and fire work, habitat restoration, flood mitigation and planning efforts.
Project Open House #1/Whitewater Park Meeting – Sept 5, 2013
Participation was extensive with approximately 175 people participating in
the open house. During the open house questionnaires were distributed to
attendees and 84 responses were received.
An online “virtual” open house presented the same information and posed
the same feedback questions. Nineteen (19) people participated online.
Board Meetings. John Stokes presented the conceptual master plan to the
following City boards and commissions.
Natural Resources Advisory Board – Sept 18, 2013
Land Conservation and Stewardship Advisory Board’s ‐ Sept 18, 2013
Parks and Recreation Board – Sept 25, 2013
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) and U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
(USACOE) – River Team representatives and the consultant team attended
two on‐site meetings with CPW and USACOE to discuss early ideas for the
Terrestrial Habitat and Wildlife Connectivity Site Visit – Aug 14, 2013 –
CPW, City NA Staff, and key members of the consultant team
Aquatic Habitat and Connectivity Site Visit – Sept 27, 2013 – CPW,
USACE, City NA Staff, and key members of the consultant team
ELCO and Lake Canal ‐ John Stokes attended meetings with ELCO and Lake
Vine Drive Property Owners – John Stokes attended meetings with
individual property owners along Vine Drive
Council Work Session – John Stokes gave a brief project overviews to City
Council – Oct 8, 2013 and July 8, 2014
Kayaker Meeting – River Team representatives and key members of the
consultant team hosted 2 meetings with a small group of the kayaking
Hydrology meeting – August 23, 2013
Whitewater park options – Dec 2, 2013
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
5‐2 | P a g e
This is an extremely managed system, with many constraints, and
many opportunities. There should be considerable ability to please
almost everyone, as long as everyone is reasonable.
Flood mitigation, habitat and recreation are all important. These are all
things that are good for Fort Collins.
General beautification of the area is important to make it more of an inviting
area to recreate and appreciate.
Connections / Access to River
Promote commercial/ retail connecting from Maple to Conifer to
better connect social, economic, and ecological values of the
downtown river area.
Improve bike access to northern community and provide more access
to Vine Drive.
Make canoe put‐in and take‐out places readily accessible by auto near
major road intersections.
Some liked the idea of an iconic bridge that will bring people and make
downtown an even better place to be.
Support restoration opportunities, and would like to see more
restoration action.
Naturalize river corridor as much as possible, include flood plains.
Remove all concrete in the riverbanks, and create a more natural
Habitat restoration is a priority. Community benefit secondary
Do not clear vegetation for “Views”! Increase (not decrease) riparian
Flood Mitigation
Reduce flood potential on East Vine.
The 2013 flood occurred during the master planning process and
heightened the interest in the impacts of potential flooding.
River Flows
With most of the proposed actions based on current river flows, some
asked how the City plans to manage for the variability in river flow
based on future water demands.
Some community members would like to see some acknowledgement
of the impact of water withdrawals on the Poudre in town to educate
and possibly generate more public support to mitigate these.
Explore management options to maintain current river flows, or even
increase flows if possible.
Concerns about Additional Recreation
Excited about the recreation projects but concerned about the
additional draw this may have and the impact “extra” people have on
the tranquility of the Poudre River today.
Minimize parking lots, asphalt; concrete structures/surfaces along the
corridor….people need further exercise, let them ride/walk further to
access the corridor (except for vehicles of handicapped).
Support for Additional Recreation
Create an area that attracts people to the Poudre River.
This town sorely needs a revitalized river corridor for ALL, kayakers and
Would love some swimming holes, rope swings and other activities
that cater to families.
Support Whitewater Park
Please consider a whitewater park. It offers economic and community
Whitewater parks are good for communities. Supporters encouraged
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Relationship to
‘City Plan Fort Collins’
City Plan Fort Collin (2011) – The City’s comprehensive City Plan was first
completed in 1997, updated in 2004, and updated again on February 15,
2011 and entitled “City Plan Fort Collins.” City Plan Fort Collins contains an
array of principles and policies that underscore the community’s support for
the Poudre River ecosystem, Flood Management and Parks & Recreation.
The following are pertinent principles and polices:
Principle ENV 18: The City will minimize potentially hazardous conditions
associated with flooding, recognize and manage for the preservation of
floodplain values, adhere to all City mandated codes, policies, and goals,
and comply with all State and Federally mandated laws and regulations
related to the management of activities in flood prone areas.
Policy ENV 18.1 – Balance Environmental, Human and Economic
Recognize and manage floodplains with the intent to provide a balance
between economic, environmental, and human (including safety)
considerations within floodplain lands.
Policy ENV 18.2 – Manage Risks
Seek to minimize risk to life and property by structural and
non‐structural design or modification of actions in the floodplain where
it is not otherwise practical to place structures and human activities
outside of the floodplain. Discourage new development in the 100‐year
floodplain to avoid additional modifications and structural controls.
Policy ENV 18.3 – Minimize Flood Damage
Recognize that maintenance, restoration, and enhancement of the
natural resources and the beneficial functions of floodplains is a
concurrent goal with reducing human and wildlife vulnerability to flood
Policy ENV 18.4 – Manage Floodplain
Require structures and facilities that are unavoidably located in the
floodplain to be designed to be consistent with the intent of the
standards and criteria of the City of Fort Collins and the National Flood
Insurance Program.
Policy ENV 18.5 – Provide Education
Inform the public about the hazards of flooding and develop and
disseminate the most accurate information obtainable on local flood
hazards. Educate the public about the natural and beneficial functions
and uses of floodplains.
Policy ENV 18.6 – Modify Detention Requirements for Redevelopment
Modify detention requirements to allow for greater flexibility of options
for meeting National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
rules and create mechanisms to satisfy detention requirements through
a more holistic approach that includes Low Impact Development (LID)
tools and satisfying such requirements on a sub‐watershed basis rather
than exclusively on an individual parcel specific basis.
Principle ENV 24: The City will support a healthy and resilient Cache la
Poudre ecosystem, and protect, enhance and restore the ecological values
of the River.
Policy ENV 24.1 – Support Ecological Resilience
Support a healthy river ecosystem that is resilient; i.e., a river ecosystem
that has the capacity to persist and adapt over time in the face of natural
and human‐caused challenges. Protect or enhance opportunities for
natural processes to drive ecosystem renewal.
Policy ENV 24.2 – Conserve Natural Features
Conserve and protect important natural areas and natural values within
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
5‐4 | P a g e
Policy ENV 26.2 – Integrate Watershed and Stormwater Management
Design stormwater systems within the Poudre River watershed to
minimize the introduction of human‐caused pollutants. Educational
programs and demonstration projects will be pursued to enhance public
understanding of pollution prevention efforts.
Policy ENV 26.3‐ Ensure Setbacks for Channel Instability and Improve
Channel Migration
Apply buffer zones and consider vertical and lateral channel stability with
new development and redevelopment to ensure adequate setbacks are
provided to account for lateral migration of the River channel across the
floodplain and vertical degradation. The resiliency of the Poudre River
ecosystem is tied directly to the ability of the channel to migrate back
and forth across the floodplain. Therefore, make efforts to protect the
capacity of the channel to move laterally across the landscape and to
seek opportunities to improve or restore the function of channel
Policy ENV 26.4 – Development in the Floodplain
The Poudre River 100‐year floodplain will be protected by implementing
best management conservation techniques and floodplain regulations.
Floodplain regulations shall promote public safety, protect the Poudre
River corridor, and allow natural hydraulic and hydrologic processes to
Principle ENV 27: Historic landmarks, cultural landscapes, and scenic and
aesthetic qualities will be protected within the Poudre River Corridor.
Policy ENV 27.1 – Protect Historic Landmarks and Cultural Landscapes
Protect historic landmarks and significant cultural landscapes within the
Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area, which extends for 45 miles
and includes the lands within the River’s 100‐year floodplain. Protection
of the historic and cultural resources will be accomplished using land
acquisition, local landmark designation, conservation easements, land
use policies, and development and design standards.
Policy ENV 27.2 – Maintain and Enhance Visual Resources
Locate and design development within the Poudre River Corridor to best
maintain or enhance views of the River, its natural setting, the protected
corridor features, and the foothills and mountains.
Policy ENV 27.3 – Develop Landscape Guidelines
Develop guidelines for landscape treatment and streetscapes within the
Poudre River Corridor that include the use of materials that are native to
the Poudre River Corridor and will integrate developed areas within the
natural context of the River corridor.
Policy ENV 27.4 – Restore and Enhance
Restore or enhance degraded or disturbed areas of the Poudre River
Corridor to improve ecological conditions, aesthetics, and recreation
access. Restoration and enhancement projects may be performed
cooperatively with private landowners and volunteer community groups.
Principle ENV 28: The City will encourage learning and community
awareness of the Poudre River’s historic, cultural and natural heritage
through education and interpretation.
Policy ENV 28.1 – Support Educational and Environmental Learning
Support and provide historical, cultural, and environmental learning
opportunities in the Poudre River Corridor. The Cache la Poudre River
National Heritage Area was formed to provide for the interpretation of
the unique and significant contributions of cultural and historic lands,
waterways, and structures to our national heritage. Integrate education
with interpretation, which may include interpretive trails and
educational facilities as well as outdoor laboratories for lessons on
wildlife habitat, gravel extraction and reclamation, floodplain
5‐5 | Page
Policy LIV 44.1 – Maintain System of Open Lands
Maintain a system of publicly‐owned open lands to protect the integrity
of wildlife habitat and conservation sites, protect corridors between
natural areas, conserve outstanding examples of Fort Collins' diverse
natural heritage, and provide a broad range of opportunities for
educational, interpretive, and recreational programs to meet community
needs. (Also see the Open Lands section in the Environmental Health
Policy LIV 44.2 – Provide Parks Facilities
Maintain and facilitate the development of a well balanced system of
parks, trails, and recreation facilities to provide a variety of recreational
opportunities, as identified in the Parks and Recreation Policy Plan
(2008). (Also see the Culture, Parks and Recreation chapter’s Parks and
Recreation section.)
Policy LIV 44.3 – Retain Water Corridors
Retain water corridors to provide adequate drainage in order to maintain
the safety of lives and property and provide land for recreation, habitat
conservation, and wildlife movement. Water corridors help define the
edges of the community and form parts of community separators and
other open lands, in addition to serving their primary function as
drainage corridors. (Also see the Stormwater and Water Resources
sections of the Environmental Health chapter.)
Policy LIV 44.4 – Utilize Buffers
Utilize buffers and other requirements for development along water
corridors and near other natural features to preserve, protect, enhance,
and restore important wildlife habitat, riparian areas, wildlife corridors,
and other natural features, and to maintain channel stability, water
conveyance, and flood protection.
Policy LIV 44.5 – Interconnect Trails/Paths
Integrate a trail/path system that connects open lands, parks, and water
corridor areas, excluding motorized vehicles (except emergency and
maintenance vehicle access). Pay special attention to environmentally
sensitive trail design, location, and construction.
Principle LIV 45: Adjacent land uses will be carefully managed to ensure
that the diverse community values of the Poudre River Corridor are
protected and enhanced.
Policy LIV 45.3 – River Segments
The Poudre River Corridor has distinct segments containing unique
characteristics, opportunities, and constraints as defined below and
shown in Figure LIV 5.
2. Community River Segment (Shields Street to College Avenue)
In this segment, existing neighborhoods are located in close proximity to
existing public parks and natural areas and the recreational trail along
the river. This segment should emphasize convenient access and way
finding for residents to the river corridor for both active and passive
recreational and leisure opportunities. The cottonwood forests, adjacent
wetlands and ponds, and associated wildlife habitat in close proximity to
downtown make this an ideal section for people of all ages to experience
the natural setting of the Poudre River. Natural habitat and floodplain
values will be preserved and protected.
3. Historic and Cultural Core Segment (College Avenue to Lemay
This segment of the river includes many of the community’s oldest and
most significant historic and cultural features, the Old Town Historic
District, and Downtown. It also contains innovative, and integrated,
stormwater and natural area features. Land uses in the area should be
more flexible than in other river segments and emphasize connecting the
1609 Wagon Tongue Ct. Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 (970) 481-2924
To conserve, protect and restore North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.
Dear Mayor Weitkunat; Council Members Campana, Cunniff, Horak, Overbeck, Poppaw,
Troxell and Manager Atteberry
I write this today to share with you, and express publicly, the support of Rocky Mountain
Flycasters and Trout Unlimited for the Poudre River Downtown Project. We are greatly
impressed by the planning on this project to date and we believe the project has been
well conceived and designed. It effectively satisfies many of the principles that are core
to the mission of Trout Unlimited.
Trout Unlimited believes that conservation should be a true partnership between
landowners, agencies, municipalities, and all stakeholders. We work to protect critical
habitat, to reconnect degraded waterways and restore populations to coldwater fisheries.
Through sound science, we shape our priorities with critical data on the health of these
The Poudre River Downtown Project is an outstanding model that reflects the spirit of a
partnering process. John Stokes and his team at Natural Areas Department are to be
commended for the inclusive and professional manner by which they have developed this
fine project. With your approval, this project presents the City the opportunity to bring to
fruition a much needed restoration. In many of its lower reaches the Poudre has become
nothing more than a simple and efficient resource conduit. In those reaches its inability
to function as a natural waterway prevents the existence of a healthy riparian area;
increases the impacts of flooding; and fails to allow the full enjoyment of the river by the
community at-large.
The Board of Trustees of Rocky Mountain Flycasters, which locally represents over 1,000
members, fully supports the Poudre River Downtown Project, including the proposed
white water park. We extend to the City and the Natural Areas Department the
cooperation and assistance of Trout Unlimited through our local chapter. Most
importantly, to us, we support the inclusion of recommendations offered by Colorado
Parks and Wildlife and other natural resources regulatory agencies. We also ask that the
Council be forward looking in future budgeting so that the initial improvements are
sustained with adequate operations and maintenance dollars to prevent deterioration of
the improvements over time. We anticipate that this area will become a high use area.
As long as it is well maintained and incorporates controlled access that minimizes user-
caused stream bank degradation, there is reason to believe that the Poudre River
Downtown Project can become a world-class improvement in a world-class City
Dick Jefferies, President
Rocky Mountain Flycasters
Board of Trustees
Dick Jefferies
Sean Cronin
Tom Culbertson
Lance Asherin
Past President
Leland Evans
At Large:
Bill Perrill
Gil Coleman
Leadership Team
Community Outreach
Wil Huett
Natural Areas Department
1745 Hoffman Mill Road
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.416-2211 - fax
To: The Fort Collins City Council
From: The Fort Collins Land Conservation and Stewardship Board (LCSB), Trudy
Haines, Chair
Subject: LCSB feedback re: Poudre River Downtown Project & Kayak Park Design
The Fort Collins Land Conservation and Stewardship Board (LCSB) reviewed the planning
documents and artistic renderings of the Poudre River Downtown Project. The LCSB recently
toured the area with City staff. The LCSB lists the following concerns and makes the following
Re: The Overall Poudre River Downtown Project Comments
x The LCSB supports various design aspects of the Master Plan and sees benefits.
x Funding sources should be the City General fund, Keep Fort Collins Great, Building
on Basis II and private contributions. Open Space funds derived from dedicated City
and County sales taxes should contribute to the Project only to the extent that the Project
increases the acreage of Natural Areas
x Overall, the Master Plan costs for the Poudre River Downtown Project could be as high
as $20 million to the City of Fort Collins. There is an opportunity cost for such a
major investment by the City. A recent citizen survey, Our Lands, Our Future,
clearly indicates the main desire of the citizenry is to “preserve more natural areas”.
Given the tremendous growth pressures facing the area and citizen opinion, the LCSB
believes that investing in more natural areas land is where money should be allocated.
Re: Specific Comments Regarding the Kayak Park
x Habitat protection, both flora and fauna, at the Kayak Park location is the major
concern of the LCSB. A poor design could be extremely harmful to plant and animal
x The LCSB recognizes the benefits of removing upstream fish passage disruptions
and creating more uniform grades with small drops. Within the whitewater recreation
area, these drops should be designed with slow water passages parallel to the more
concentrated recreation flow features.
x As currently illustrated, the design accommodates too many people at one location
on the river. The LCSB requests the park be designed to disseminate people in small
group settings with more vegetation and less rock and/or concrete. Small groups are
much less impactful to the environment which also translates to reduced maintenance and
patrol costs. The LCSB recommends a design with these objectives in mind.
x As illustrated, the amphitheater-like design could encourage
competitive events and other intense usage, e.g. concerts and event-staging (weddings,
parties, etc.). Requests for such event-type venues would require continual policing,
particularly if groups had to perpetually be told, “No”. Because of this, we do not
support this design element.
x Maintenance and upkeep fees are a concern. Where will these funds originate? It is the
understanding of the LCSB that construction of the kayak park would be paid for by
private donations only. However, continual funds will be needed for upkeep, especially in
the event of a natural disaster.
x The recent Our Lands, Our Future citizen survey specifically identified the citizens’ top
priority for land use as: “trails for walking, biking, and hiking”. The citizen survey
listed “kayaking” at their lowest end of preference. Public money should be spent for
the greater good as requested by the citizens.
x Citizens indicate they prefer a natural, tranquil experience along the river. The
design, as it stands, would encourage grouping and discourage tranquility.
In summary: Habitat preservation and protection, while providing opportunities for the
enjoyment of natural areas where appropriate, is the main focus of the LCSB. The “look and
feel” of the Downtown River Project should promote a tranquil, natural environment for low-
impact, outdoor recreation rather than large, “venue-type” gatherings. The LCSB believes that a
variety of recreational river opportunities can exist in tandem with maintaining the
environmental integrity of the Poudre River. The key is to scatter small, carefully planned
activity areas along the river. Additionally, constructed river features should be evaluated
periodically on a scheduled basis, to ensure continuous benefits to the Poudre River flora and
fauna. Please refer to the sketches and comments below.
This area of the Poudre River is of great concern to the LCSB. As this illustration suggests, the
river at this point resembles more of an “amusement park” genre than a tranquil place of respite.
The citizens have clearly indicated they want their experiences on the Poudre River to be
peaceful and tranquil.
This illustration indicates an “amphitheater” type gathering place as well as an “observation
deck” with a roof. The LCSB is concerned that this design will lend itself to continual requests
for venue events that require policing, high maintenance, and harm to habitat and wildlife.
BOTTOM LINE QUESTION: What are your thoughts on the Master Plan?
KEY STAKEHOLDERS: Visitors to the area, recreationists, environmental interests, neighbors, landowners,
ditch companies, business community (especially downtown), City Council, City Leaders
June 6, 2013 Project Kick-Off Meeting
June 26, 2013 Poudre River Open House (also included other projects)
July 2013 Stakeholder Listening Sessions
Sept 5, 2013 Open House –Concept plans, kayaking
opportunities/constraints presentation
Oct 8, 2013 City Council Work Session
Oct 2013 Design Scenario Formulation/Plan Assessment
Nov 2013 Open House #2 – Draft Master Plan
Winter/Spring 2013 Prepare Master Plan Document
Spring 2014 Present draft plan to boards, commissions
July 8, 2014 Present draft plan to Council
August 19, 2015 Council adoption by resolution of draft plan
Key Messages:
Please share your input.
The Poudre River Downtown Project will plan and design integrated and mutually supportive
improvements related to flood mitigation, habitat, and recreation.
• Improve public safety and protect properties from damaging floods.
• Eliminate 100-year flood overtopping of College Avenue and, if possible, eliminate the 100-year
flow split along Vine Drive.
• Reconnect the river to its floodplain while maximizing the beneficial environmental and
recreational uses of the river corridor.
Conserve and restore the existing riparian ecosystem to promote river health and resiliency.
Deliver continuous, connected aquatic and riparian habitat for fish, wildlife, trees and plants.
Achieve and maintain diverse and sustainable native fish, wildlife and plant populations.
• Provide a mix of active and passive recreational amenities both in and along the river which
encourage a safe, healthy, outdoor lifestyle.
• Provide community gathering places and promote connectivity between recreational opportunities
along the river corridor.
Tools and Techniques
Broad invitations to open houses including direct mail to neighbors, online calendar listings,
website coverage, press releases
Communication to Boards and Commissions, also e-newsletters, social media, and email to
interested individuals and groups
Website devoted to this project with feedback form and “river projects” website
Board and commission presentations
Stakeholder listening sessions, as needed
Presentations to Date:
Presentations on multiple occasions to the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board, Parks and
Recreation Board, Water Board
Presentations to Youth Advisory Board, Commission on Disability, Landmark Preservation
Commission, Senior Advisory Board, Transportation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission
Presentations to Trout Unlimited, Save the Poudre, Downtown Development Authority, Downtown
Business Authority, North College Business Association, Fort Collins Convention and Visitors Bureau,
Chamber of Commerce
Council work session presentation on October 8, 2013
Two open houses, June 26, 2013 and February 27, 2014. Attended by over 200 and 175
people respectively. The June open house included a break out session for kayak enthusiasts.
Site tours were conducted with the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board, Natural Resources
Advisory Board, Colorado Parks and Wildlife staff, and United States Army Corps of Engineers
Additional outreach:
• Early meeting in 2013 with about two dozen key stakeholders including landowners, business
representatives, recreation advocates, and environmental interests
• Several meetings with kayak park advocates
• Coloradoan column by John Stokes
• Online calendars
• Postcard handed out at events prior to Open House
• Natural Areas Enews, Economic Health Enews, Fort Shorts
• City utility bill insert listing
• Email invites to the open houses to over 200 people including boards and commissions, neighbors,
natural areas stakeholders, recreation stakeholders, community groups, media, and businesses.
• Posters at 125 locations around town, in natural area kiosks
• Cable 14 bulletin board slide
• News release to print, radio and tv
• City website and Citynet spotlight
• Ads in Coloradoan and on KUNC
• Social media (facebook, twitter, NextDoor)
• Project managers developed project-specific mailing lists/outreach
Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
July 8, 2014
Habitat - Stewardship - Experience Sustainability
The Poudre River Downtown Project will plan and
design integrated, and to the extent possible,
mutually supportive improvements related to
habitat, recreation and flood mitigation.
Reconnecting Habitat
Fish Bypass
Dam Deconstruction
Recreation – Blue Trail
Access to the River
Access and Parking
Flood Mitigation
Stable Banks
College Avenue to the BNSF
College Avenue to BNSF
College Avenue to the BNSF
Rebuild the Channel
College Avenue Perspective
Dave Piske
Fishing Trips
Mark Miller
Linda Jefferies
Bob Green
Brad Kiehne
Project Healing Waters
Bill Perrill
Cullen Emsing
Web Master
Paul Wehr
Youth Outreach
Dennis Cook
Collaborations and
Coalition for the
Poudre River
Dick Jefferies
Big Thompson River
Restoration Coalition
Dave Piske
Eagles Nest
Guy Turenne
Phantom Canyon
Scott Baily
Gateway Park
Dave Morse
river to Downtown, providing multi‐purpose spaces that celebrate the
historic relevance of the river to the community, continuing the
important and unique relationship between the waterway and
surrounding urban environment, and maintaining those natural elements
of the river as it passes through Downtown. The natural and beneficial
floodplain functions will be protected. Natural habitat, wildlife
movement, and flood hazards will be managed to protect public safety
while maintaining recreational values. Redevelopment opportunities are
permitted and shall be harmonious with the river corridor and its values.
Principle CPR 4: The City will maintain and provide a variety of high quality
recreational opportunities to the community through an interconnected
and diverse network of parks, trails, recreation facilities, public spaces, and
natural areas.
Policy CPR 4.1 ‐ Provide World‐Class Facilities
Maintain and facilitate the development of a well‐balanced system of
parks, trails, and recreation facilities to provide a variety of recreational
opportunities, as identified in the Parks and Recreation Policy Plan
Policy CPR 4.2 – Interconnect the System
Support an interconnected regional and local system of parks, trails and
open lands, and promote community interaction. Where
environmentally appropriate, line irrigation ditches and storm
drainageways with trails to connect to destinations such as schools, open
lands, and Neighborhood Centers. Special attention must be paid to
environmentally sensitive trail design, location and construction. (Also
see the Environmental Health chapter’s Open Lands section.)
Policy CPR 4.3 – Adhere to Best Management Practices
Follow Environmental Best Management Practices for the maintenance
of parks and recreation facilities, such as water conservation and the use
of untreated water for irrigation purposes in appropriate areas,
managing turf and adhering to policies for weed and pest control,
utilizing low emission equipment and providing renewal energy
opportunities, reducing solid waste through composting and recycling,
and certifying sanctuary areas through Audubon International.
Policy CPR 4.4 – Forge and Maintain Partnerships
Develop and maintain effective public and private partnerships to
provide a comprehensive system of parks, common open lands, and
outdoor spaces.
Principle CPR 5: The City will adapt parks and recreation facilities to meet
the range of needs of a changing community.
Policy CPR 5.1 ‐ Address Changing Needs
Seek input from the public, and review recreation trends to adapt
existing facilities and programs and provide new types of parks and
recreation facilities and programs that meet the needs of a changing
population and community (e.g., increasing recreational options for the
growing senior population, providing coordinated recreational/ cultural
activities for youth, providing more frequent resting places along
sidewalks, etc.).
Policy CPR 5.2 – Provide Multi‐Purpose Lands
Maintain and develop partnerships among City departments (e.g., Parks
and Recreation, Open Lands, Transportation, Stormwater, etc.) and other
organizations to provide multi‐purpose parks and open lands to
maximize and leverage available resources. (Also see the Environmental
Health and Transportation chapters.)
management, rural heritage, farming, pollution prevention, and
conservation/reconstruction of historic sites and structures.
Principle ENV 29: The City will collaborate with gravel mining interests to
ensure that mining operations are conducted to meet community values
and restore ecological function.
Policy ENV 29.1 – Gravel Mined Land Purchases
Evaluate areas along the Poudre River that have been mined for gravel
for acquisition for public open lands purposes.
Policy ENV 29.2 – Reclaim Gravel Mined Areas
Collaborate with gravel mining interests to develop innovative
approaches to gravel mine reclamation that will provide wildlife habitat,
restoration of native landscapes, recreational opportunities, water
storage, and other public values.
Principle LIV 32: The Downtown will serve as a focal point and primary
destination and activity center for the community, with the design of
buildings, streets, parking areas, and public spaces reinforcing the area’s
unique and distinctive character.
Policy LIV 32.3 – Encourage After‐Hour Activities
Encourage uses that expand the range of activities, such as
entertainment (cinema, music, and live theater), restaurants,
hotel/convention facilities, and residential uses, for all segments of the
population, including families, students, retirees, couples, and singles.
By incorporating a mix of uses within the Downtown District, a more
active environment will be created during working hours and at night.
Policy LIV 32.5– Maintain Visual Character
Maintain and reinforce the visual distinctiveness of Downtown and its
component sub‐districts. With new buildings and public spaces, respect
and be sensitive to the design integrity by enhancing visual continuity
and sense of place through the use of building materials and design
features sensitive to the character of Downtown and by reflecting
excellence and high quality in their design.
Policy LIV 32.8 – Design for Safety
Provide a sense of security and safety for users through the design of
buildings, parking areas, and streets. Add to a secure 24‐hour
Downtown environment for employees, students, and visitors by
collectively addressing adequate lighting, visibility, and location of public
Policy LIV 32.9– Design to Enhance Activity
Design streets and public spaces Downtown to be attractive, accessible,
functional, and designed to enhance pedestrian and bicycle activity:
a. Use public art, landscaping, way finding signage, and other street
features to create a comfortable and pleasant environment for the
pedestrian while also providing continuous and clearly‐expressed
pedestrian circulation linkages to interconnect the Downtown
District with surrounding neighborhoods and districts.
b. Ensure that city streets and gathering spaces will link and provide
connections between Old Town, the Civic Center, surrounding
neighborhoods, and the Poudre River.
Principle LIV 44: Open Lands, Parks, and Water Corridors form an
interconnected system that provides habitat essential to the conservation
of plants, animals, and their associated ecosystems; serves the needs for
drainage and water conveyance; and provides opportunities for
recreational, educational, environmental, transportation, and other
the Poudre River Corridor. This will include acquiring land for public
natural areas and conservation easements to protect natural area values
on privately‐owned lands, establishing appropriate cooperative
agreements with adjacent landowners, developing and applying
development regulations and design standards, and promoting public
education and outreach programs, and other techniques as appropriate.
Policy ENV 24.3 – Provide Natural Area Protection Buffers
Maintain natural area protection buffers along both banks of the Poudre
River to protect natural features and scenic qualities, and to account for
the natural instability of the River channel. The buffer should be a
minimum of three hundred (300) feet wide, beginning at the outer limits
of the river bank, or areas of riparian vegetation. One known exception
to this general policy is the stretch of the river between North College
Avenue and Lincoln Avenue, where a narrower minimum buffer distance
is more appropriate due to the constraints of existing development and
the area’s proximity to downtown.
Policy ENV 24.4 – Restore and Enhance
Restore or enhance degraded or disturbed areas of the Poudre River
Corridor to improve natural habitat conditions, biodiversity, and
aesthetic and recreational values. Restoration and enhancement
projects may be performed cooperatively with adjacent private
landowners and volunteer community groups.
Policy ENV 24.5 – Coordinate to Provide Adequate Instream Flows
Work to quantify and provide adequate instream flows to maintain the
ecological functionality, recreational, and scenic values of the Cache la
Poudre River through Fort Collins.
Principle ENV 25: The City will provide enhanced recreation opportunities
within the Poudre River Corridor, with an emphasis on scenic values,
heritage education, and interpretation while avoiding or minimizing
impacts to environmentally sensitive areas.
Policy ENV 25.1 – Minimize Impacts
Locate and design recreational features within the Poudre River Corridor
in a way that avoids or minimizes impacts to natural areas, wildlife
habitat, water quality, and other environmental values.
Policy ENV 25.2 – Integrate Parks and Recreation Sites
In addition to existing facilities such as Lee Martinez Park, the Parks and
Recreation Policy Plan identifies future recreation facilities in the Poudre
River Corridor. Place emphasis on integrating natural, environmental,
historic, and cultural values within new public recreation sites.
Policy ENV 25.3 – Extend the Poudre River Trail
Extend the Poudre River Trail system downstream to Harmony Road and
then to Greeley through partnerships with Larimer County, Weld County,
and other Northern Colorado interests. Location and design will account
for and avoid or minimize impact to environmentally sensitive areas.
Policy ENV 25.4 – Develop Trail/Path Linkages
Develop additional trails or paths, as appropriate, to link the Poudre
River Corridor to adjacent city neighborhoods and districts to provide
public access within the Poudre River Corridor. These trail/path
connections will be located and designed to avoid or minimize impacts to
environmentally sensitive areas.
Principle ENV 26: The City will manage the Poudre River floodplain to
minimize potentially hazardous conditions while promoting natural
processes associated with flooding, erosion, and channel migration to
occur over time as appropriate.
City Council members to familiarize themselves with other whitewater
parks in: Colorado; Casper, WY; Charles City, IA; and Farmington, NM.
After 20 years of watching the topic of a whitewater recreation project
come up and down, several participants were excited that the Poudre
River Downtown Project will see it through to completion.
The proposed whitewater park will be a unique opportunity to show
case our active community that cherishes boating. Please don’t let this
project fail our community and families. Will use this for decades to
Small children up to centurions partake in the fun and activities these
places provide. It is truly an opportunity for our community to have an
amazing experience.
Concerns about Whitewater Park
Several participants would prefer not to have a whitewater park
because of concerns about overuse of the river. However, if a
whitewater park is built they would prefer that it be located just east
of College.
Some would prefer not to have a whitewater park if habitat can’t be
adequately maintained.
Concerns were expressed about the intensity of development between
College and the Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge. Some
recommended that the current design for this specific portion of the
proposed project be scaled back considerably. The river can still offer
some kayak and rafting “whitewater features” and some parking, but
blend restoration more harmoniously with the existing natural areas
and make a few family‐friendly water features too.
With the limited flows, it doesn’t make sense to focus on the
whitewater park. Focus instead on trying to return the river to a
natural state while providing access for people to enjoy as they see fit
(hiking, biking, fishing, picnics, etc.).
The full blown whitewater park does not seem feasible. Some
expressed concerns about the City investing a significant amount of
money into something that gets used 30‐40 days of the year.
Sometimes less during low water years. Invest it in natural areas or
parks that a larger segment of the population can enjoy, not just the
Boating and Tubing
Would like to see friendly portages around diversion dams and coy
ditch. Hauling a 40 lb. boat up a steep rocky bank is no fun. Also, if
boating/ tubing is a goal, the river hazards need to be managed from a
RECREATION stand point as well as a flood stand point.
Encourage family canoeing by rebuilding obstructions that now require
portaging. Especially restore access near Mulberry Street and Shields
Would like the whole section between Shields and Mulberry be usable,
connected and safe for tubing.
Public Open House #2 – February 27, 2014
The online “virtual” open house web site will be updated presenting the
same information and posed the same feedback questions.
Additional Presentations to Stakeholder Groups
Presentation at a Save the Poudre event on March 25.
Meeting with Save the Poudre board members on March 26.
Presentation to the North College Business Association on March 26.
Presentation to DDA on April 10.
Presentation to Trout Unlimited and Rocky Mountain Flycasters on
April 21.
Presentation to the FC Convention and Visitors Bureau on April 22.
Additional Presentations to Boards and Commissions
Site walk with the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board and the
Natural Resources Advisory Board on May 2.
Presentation to the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board on May
Presentations to the Water Board and Planning and Zoning Board on
June 5.
Master Plan Adoption by City Council – Planned for August, 2014
Public Comments
Comments received during the public outreach process include several
recurring themes which are briefly summarized below. The comments
received were insightful, represented diverse points of view, and greatly
influenced the development of the project goals and master plan.
Comments Regarding Master Plan
The plans are thoughtful …can hardly wait to see them implemented!
Like the offerings which came together with much thought!
Importance of the Poudre River
This project represents a great opportunity for the community to
rediscover the lifeblood of our city – The Cache La Poudre River!
Glad the Poudre River is getting the attention it deserves….the jewel
not every town can own!
Love the idea of creating a community focused river corridor. The
Poudre is the heart of our city and the concepts presented all appear
to enhance this great treasure of ours.
Impressed by the collaboration and plan. Eager to support and keep
track of the project’s many phases.
Public Process
Some said that they were impressed by the number of people who
came to the Open Houses, and that they enjoyed the public process.
Balanced Approach
Improvements need to balance benefits related to flood
damage/safety, public parks and recreation opportunities and river
function (aquatics and wildlife)
Multiuse to promote habitat for fish, birds and inverts as well as
recreation is a must….balance must be achieved. More water in stream
is needed for all things.
items within the Project Roster based on a concept-level understanding of
specific construction items required for each project. Costs for the College
to BNSFRR Project were refined to a higher degree than the other projects,
due to a need to support preliminary budgeting efforts for what was
envisioned as the initial project to be carried forward from this Master Plan.
The resulting concept-level opinion of implementation cost associated with
each project is provided in the Project Roster provided at the end of this
noting that access to public parking is limited at both locations, as well as
along this entire reach.)
Providing two small river access points on the north river bank across
from the Wastewater Treatment Facility that will be served by soft
surface connecting trails.
Access to the river corridor between Lincoln and Mulberry is limited due
to private ownership of adjacent property, the presence of the UP
Railroad paralleling Riverside Avenue, and a lack of intervening streets
and bridges crossing the river. Where possible, trail connections to the
Poudre Trail should be pursued.
Providing a trail underpass of Riverside Avenue and the UP Railroad at
the Olive Street intersection. This underpass would connect the
historical residential neighborhood to the southwest with the Udall
Natural Area and the Poudre River. This project should be designed and
coordinated with the proposed Magnolia Street Stormwater Outfall
The intersection of Mulberry and Riverside represents an opportunity to
create a gateway to Downtown Fort Collins. Improvements could
include enhanced streetscaping, gateway monuments, lighting, and
public art. These improvements should be designed in conjunction with
the potential solar farm and CDOT’s Mulberry Street Bridge Project.
Adding on-street parking near the river along Lincoln Avenue, or consider
purchasing property near the Lincoln Avenue Bridge to construct a
trailhead and a parking area.
Informal gravel parking is available near the entrance to the Mulberry
Wastewater Treatment Facility, but street access to that site is
Several parking spaces have been designated as “Trail Parking” in front
of Home Depot along the east side of Lemay Avenue; however this does
not provide convenient access to the river. More convenient parking
opportunities should be pursued.
floodplain southwest of the river, directly upstream of Mulberry Street.
While the wastewater treatment plant’s buildings and facilities have
been flood proofed, particular care will be required to ensure that any
project which includes improvements within the river corridor (i.e.,
floodway) does not increase 100-year water surface elevations.
Figure 2.43 Steep High Bank Adjacent to the Former Pickle Plant Site
Flood mitigation measures are currently being implemented as part of
the new 31-acre Natural Area Project. These consist primarily of
lowering a significant portion of the overbank north and east of the river,
thereby reconnecting the river to the floodplain.
Flood levels should be reduced when CDOT completes the replacement
of the Mulberry Bridge (project for completion in 2015).
Opportunities for eliminating overtopping of Lemay Avenue during the
100-year flood are being addressed by the City and CDOT as part of
another project.
river overlook areas) to strengthen the visual connection between
Downtown Fort Collins and the Poudre River, and provide safe,
accessible and convenient multi-modal connections to the river. Views
of the bridges from the street and the greenway corridor should be
considered in their design (Figures 2.39 and 2.40).
Including one put-in/take-out for tubers and boaters on the northeast
bank directly downstream of Linden Street (Figures 2.39 and 2.40).
Buckingham Park is served by 24 on-street parking spaces located along
the west side of 1st Street, northeast of the river. There are no other
public parking spaces located near the river at Lincoln Avenue. If
possible, Lincoln Avenue should be designed to accommodate on-street
parking in close proximity to the river. Alternatively, the City may
consider purchasing property near the Lincoln Avenue Bridge in order to
construct a small trailhead and parking for the greenway corridor.
The River Downtown Redevelopment Zone Guidelines align with
additional on-street parking to be constructed on Willow Street. This
parking would be relatively close to the river and could accommodate
trail users.
There are no insurable structures located within the regulatory
floodplain through this reach. However, the Buckingham Neighborhood
and other existing buildings, houses, and infrastructure to the northeast
are protected from flooding by the Poudre River during a 100-year event
by a regulatory levee which spans this entire reach. Freeboard
requirements along the levee must be maintained in order to preserve
the levee’s regulatory status with FEMA. Consequently, particular care
will be required to ensure that any project which includes improvements
within the river corridor (i.e., floodway) do not increase 100-year water
surface elevations.
Implementing the Poudre River Enhancement Project (PREP) Plan, or a
modestly altered version of that plan. Features included in the PREP
Plan are: bank stabilization improvements, in conjunction with limited
riparian vegetation enhancements, along the southwest bank;
stabilization and vegetative improvements along the northeast bank; and
the creation of a secondary slough-like channel located between the
river channel and the levee. The secondary channel would greatly
expand the riparian habitat corridor and provide flood flow conveyance
when flows in the river exceed roughly a 2-year event. This flood
mitigation benefit may lower 100-year flood levels and may allow for
additional habitat enhancements along the southwest bank. These
improvements are represented in the cross section illustrated in
Figure 2.35 (provided on the following page).
Removing the historic cconcrete structure currently located on northeast
river bank upstream of Lincoln Avenue to increase the flood conveyance
capacity of the channel and the Lincoln Avenue Bridge.
Extending the bank stabilization and restoration techniques used
adjacent to the Block One Development to create a cohesive appearance
along the southwest bank between Linden Street and Lincoln Avenue.
proximity to each river put-in/take-out. The location and number of
spaces will vary depending on individual site characteristics.
the Aztlan Site and the contaminant mitigation countermeasures along
the southwest bank through much of this reach. However, future
improvements should investigate the possibility of incorporating
additional flood mitigation elements.
Figure 2.29 Bank Stabilization Needs Map for Reach 4
Bank stabilization and improvements for the areas illustrated in
Figure 2.29 include revegetation of both banks along with either rock
riprap toe protection or, where banks are near vertical, stacked boulder
toe protection.
Habitat/Ecological Restoration and Protection
Specific issues and potential opportunities associated with habitat/ecological
restoration and protection include the following:
Severely eroding and steep banks specifically in the vicinity of the
BNSFRR’s Linden Street Bridge and at the informal river access point with
the Gustav Swanson Natural Area should be stabilized and replanted
with native vegetation.
Protecting and improving diversity of existing forest and shrubs, as well
as enhancing riparian grasslands.
It would be beneficial to create riffles and pools similar to those present
in the river upstream and downstream of this reach. However, the
possibilities for this occurring are limited due to the previous CERCLA
remediation efforts.
Similarly, improving lateral connectivity to the south bank floodplain at
high flows will not be possible in this reach due to the CERCLA
remediation measures.
Removing concrete rubble, along with reshaping and vegetating banks,
to improve near shore aquatic habitat.
bridge be enhanced to highlight river’s presence and to reinforce the
downtown gateway. Improvements could include: architectural bridge
treatments, enhanced bridge railings, streetscape improvements,
appropriate lighting, signage, public art, etc. Bridge detailing and
character should incorporate materials and forms found in the recently
constructed Lake Canal pedestrian bridges and “tree like” vertical
features on the west side of College Avenue near Vine Drive (see Figures
2.25 and 2.26 provided at the end of this section).
The experience of walking along College Avenue to the river should be
enhanced. Streetscape treatments should extend up to and across the
Gateway Bridge.
The Grotto near the Power House Energy Institute is a designated
historic landmark/landscape. Originally, the Grotto acted a cooling pond
for the Power Plant prior to putting the water back in the river. Future
grotto enhancements should honor the original historic design intent.
Blind spots and sharp turns are a safety concern where the existing
Poudre Trail crosses under the BNSF Railroad Bridge. Options for
realigning the trail to address this issue should be evaluated.
Providing a trail connection to Gustav Swanson Natural Area under the
north side of BNSF Railroad Bridge. There is a long range opportunity to
locate the trail in a new culvert under the BNSF farther away from the
river which could enhance wildlife connections along the river and
provide additional flood conveyance and mitigation.
A new iconic pedestrian bridge (i.e. suspension bridge) is illustrated in
the master plan downstream of the College Avenue Bridge which would
greatly improve the north/south connection across the river and provide
a unique overlook for the river (see Figures 2.25 and 2.26 provided at the
end of this section).
A “History Walk” is planned along the River, Linden Street, and Willow
Street. Representatives from the City, Museum of Discovery and CSU
should coordinate needs and opportunities.
There are no existing public parking spaces located within or near the
river corridor in this reach, and public parking would be needed to
support increased use associated with the whitewater park. Fortunately,
the City Stormwater Department owns a lot abutting the south side of
Vine Drive which can accommodate a new parking lot.
Where appropriate, bike parking spaces should be provided in close
proximity to river put-in/take-outs and other significant stopping points.
Location and number of spaces would vary depending on individual site
Where lighting is required for safe access, it will be low level, down
directional, accent type lighting that will terminate at 11 p.m.. Lighting
would be confined to areas such as stairs, and other areas with potential
safety concerns.
Provide ADA river access and accessible fishing.
and bank stabilization include the following:
There are numerous insurable structures located within the regulatory
floodplain north of the river through of this reach. Consequently,
particular care would be required to ensure that any project which
includes improvements within the river corridor (i.e., floodway) do not
increase 100-year water surface elevations.
Currently, 100-year flows overtop College Avenue. Removal of the Coy
Ditch Diversion structure and the boat chute, while lowering the channel
bed through this reach, would eliminate overtopping of College Avenue
during the 100-year flood (provided adequate real-time maintenance is
provided at the UPRR Bridge upstream of College Avenue).
Currently, 100-year flows spill east along Vine Drive, requiring the
definition of a regulatory split flow path from Linden Street to Dry Creek,
near Lemay Avenue. It appears that by removing the Coy Diversion and
the boat chute, as well as implementing a combination of additional
improvements (which include opening up the north overbank under the
BNSFRR Bridge and reducing the floodplain constriction at Linden) it
would be possible to eliminate the 100-year flow split along Vine Drive or
reduce the split to nuisance/non-regulatory flood levels.
Figure 2.20 Coy Diversion Structure (left photo),
Boat Chute (right photo)
Other opportunities for reducing 100-year flood elevations should be
investigated in conjunction with future improvements within this reach.
Bank stabilization and improvements for the areas illustrated in
Figure 2.22 include revegetation of both banks along with either rock
riprap toe protection or, where banks are near vertical, stacked boulder
toe protection.
provide a direct connection between Lee Martinez Park and Legacy Park.
Potential interpretive and educational topics for this section of the river
include: local railroad history, bird nesting and migration, water quality
needs, and local settlement history (the mill race which served Auntie
Stone’s Mill passed through Lee Martinez Park).
Significant opportunity exists to announce the river’s presence and to
strengthen the connection to the river by providing consistent and
recognizable wayfinding signs. Specific examples include:
o Installing signage at the north end of the Mason Street Corridor to
direct visitors to the Poudre River Trail/Greenway.
o Cherry Street. The existing wayfinding sign is mounted on a power
pole east of Sherwood Street. This sign should be updated or
replaced in order to include directional information for the Poudre
River Trail/Greenway.
The following is a summary of the existing public parking located within
or near the river corridor in this reach. Parking in these areas is provided
for multiple uses and is not guaranteed for river use. Additional parking
may be required with increased use of the river corridor and surrounding
Parking Location Number of Existing Spaces
Lee Martinez Park (paved) 70
The Farm (paved) 41 (approx.)
Legacy Park (gravel) 20 to 30
Fort Collins Museum of Discovery (paved) 85
Where appropriate, bicycle parking spaces should be provided in close
proximity to each river put-in/take-out and other significant stopping
points. The location and number of spaces will vary depending on
individual site characteristics.
if the water rights and delivery rights of the ditch company can be
protected, there may be opportunities to evaluate alternative
diversion structure designs and water delivery options.
Figure 2.16 Lake Canal Diversion Dam
reduce the number of bridge piers and/or implement an emergency
maintenance program which would remove woody debris from the
bridge piers in an expedited manner during flood events.
Other opportunities for reducing 100-year flood elevations should be
investigated in conjunction with future improvements within this reach.
Proposed improvements through Lee Martinez Park, which are intended
to reconnect the river to its floodplain by lowering the grade of the tree
dump site, will promote the reduction in flood elevations (Figure 2.13).
Figure 2.13 View of the Mounded Tree Dump Site in Lee Martinez Park
Developing improved river access areas including safe areas for water
based recreation including tubing, playing, nature art, splashing, etc.
Three river accesses are illustrated on the master plan for this reach.
The trail along the north river bank crosses a stream and has become
devoid of vegetation through the years due to heavy visitor use
(Figure 2.8). This area will continue to be a place where people can get
muddy and wet.
Improving trail connection between Soft Gold Park and the river. Soft
Gold Park is a Neighborhood Park located north of the river greenway,
adjacent to Magpie Meander Natural Area, which provides additional
recreational use opportunities. Park features include: parking, trails,
Lowering the river bank at the upstream end of Salyer Natural Area to
allow higher flows to enter the proposed backwater wetland area during
larger events.
Bank improvement options for the areas illustrated in Figure 2.3 include:
rock toe protection and revegetation in areas where river migration
and/or bank retreat is not acceptable; or bio-stabilization for areas
where river movement and/or bank retreat is acceptable.
Figure 2.3 Bank Stabilization Needs Map for Reach 1
The south river bank includes a section of exposed riprap armoring near
the proposed extension of Wood Street (shown in Figure 2.4). A plan has
been developed, as part of the McMurray Natural Area Ecological
Restoration Project, to enhance this river bank; the City Stormwater
Department will take the lead on implementing this plan. Ultimately,
this bank will be enhanced to blend with the natural surroundings by
adding soil cover and installing willow plantings.
Figure 2.4 Exposed Riprap Bank Armoring near Wood Street
Focal Recreation Area- A zone supporting a variety of recreational
Park Natural Feature - A zone that is a blend of nature, recreation and
stormwater improvements.
Urban Area - A zone which includes existing development and adjacent land
suitable for future development.
Much time was spent debating the location and extent of the Character
Zones, particularly the Focal Recreation Zone. Opinions varied widely on this
subject. Passionate arguments were made by participants with respect to
increased recreational use of the river, both for and against. Some felt
strongly that the river should be preserved and enhanced as a natural
resource with limited passive recreational use, while others felt that
additional recreational opportunities in and around the river would add to
the vibrancy and culture of the City. Compromises were made and the
character zones attempt to strike a balance serving both perspectives.
As with the land use transition zones, the character zone boundaries are not
absolute. The size and shape of each zone will likely be refined in the future
as specific projects are carried toward implementation.
Overview of the Poudre River Downtown Master Plan
The Master Plan Overview Map, presented in Figure 1.11, represents the
culmination of the master planning process for the Poudre River Downtown
Project. Preparation of the Master Plan Overview Map considered the needs
voiced by the community, and requirements identified by professionals with
expertise covering a wide range of scientific and social disciplines. For
detailed information, reference is made to the ‘Master Plan by Reach’
descriptions provided in the following section.
Downtown District – Principle LIV 32
Open Lands, Parks, Water Corridors – Principle LIV 44
Poudre River Corridor Overlay – Principle LIV 45
Parks and Recreation – Principles CPR 4 & 5
(The full text of each of the Principles listed above is provided in the
Appendix of this document)
Cache la Poudre River Natural Areas Management Plan (updated 2011).
The Cache la Poudre River Management Plan Update is divided into two
parts. Part I (Chapters 1 - 6) provides broad background, context,
overarching management goals, objectives, and strategies for all natural
areas along the river including a broad review of management since the first
management plan was adopted in 2002 and the new management zoning
system. Part II (Chapters 7 - 13) describes key issues, actions, and
management zones for each planning unit or individual natural area.
Old Town Basin Water Quality Master Plan (2012). This plan evaluated
existing water quality features in the Old Town Basin, identified under-
served areas, and formulated a plan of water quality facilities intended to
meet federal, state and local water quality treatment requirements.
Fort Collins Master Street Plan (Amended 2013). The Fort Collins street
master plan identifies anticipated roadway enhancements, including street
realignment and widening needs, and potential grade separated rail
Lincoln Corridor Plan (2014). This plan seeks to provide an enhanced level of
amenities along Lincoln Avenue that restores its importance as a primary
entry to the heart of the City, as well as providing an important connection
from Downtown to the east and northeast. This plan also identifies a priority
list of related neighborhood improvements.
Fort Collins River Downtown Redevelopment Zone Guidelines (2014). These
guidelines provides enhanced design standards for the R-D-R zone district in
an effort to better address neighborhood, site, and building attributes, while
maintaining the agricultural-industrial character of this unique portion of the
Supporting Studies
As part of the Poudre River Downtown planning effort, several supporting
studies encompassing a range of specific disciplines were completed by the
project’s consultant team. These studies included an aquatic habitat
analysis, a geomorphic assessment of the river subsequent to the 2013
Flood, an evaluation of historical resources, and a Phase II environmental
assessment for the area between College Avenue and the BNSF Railroad.
The reports produced by the consultant team are cited below.
Provide community gathering places and promote connectivity between
recreational opportunities along the river corridor.
Flood Mitigation
Improve public safety and protect properties from damaging floods
Eliminate 100-year flood overtopping of College Avenue and, if possible,
eliminate the 100-year flow split along Vine Drive.
Reconnect the river to its floodplain while maximizing the beneficial
environmental and recreational uses of the river corridor.
Outreach and Engagement
The Fort Collins community’s connection to the Poudre River is wide ranging
and deeply emotional. In an effort to ensure that the spectrum of opinions,
views, and visions held by the community is represented in the Poudre River
Downtown Project Master Plan, a broad cross-section of community
members and city staff were invited to share their thoughts about this plan.
This community engagement occurred through many avenues and numerous
occasions throughout the planning process, including: inter-departmental
staff meetings and a design charette, public open houses and focused
stakeholder outreach meetings, project website development, presentations
to and discussions with numerous City Boards, and City Council work
Outreach for the Poudre River Downtown Project Master Plan extended to
both state and federal agencies in the form of site visits, meetings and
correspondence. In particular, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers were engaged in the planning effort.
A list of specific outreach and engagement events and a summary of the
feedback received can be found in the Appendix.
will be placed on the river.
In recent decades, water rights along the river have been utilized to a greater
extent, thereby reducing the water available for in-stream habitat and
recreation purposes. At the same time, particularly during the summer,
thousands of people throng to the area to swim, tube, picnic, walk, bike, fish,
bird watch, and generally enjoy the river corridor. A survey conducted in
2008 determined that over 500,000 people a year use the river corridor, with
much of that use occurring in the downtown area. Over the last few years,
City staff has noticed a dramatic increase in summer use. The City expects
this trend to continue, especially with the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery
and the Mason Street Transportation Corridor projects, as well as various
downtown residential redevelopment and infill projects.
Several unmet flood mitigation needs exist, particularly reducing the
potential for flood flows to overtop College Avenue/Hwy 287 during large
floods. In addition, development may further constrict the river corridor and
reduce its capacity to carry flood flows.
Careful planning and thoughtful foresight now will provide the basis for
implementing future improvements which seek to maximize the three
equally important themes of the Downtown river corridor: (1) Enhanced
Habitat; (2) Improved Recreational Opportunities; and (3) Increased Flood
The City has been diligent with, and continues to be dedicated to, working
with all facets of the community, and its broad spectrum of interests, to
rehabilitate and enhance the downtown portion of the Poudre River
Figure 1.3 Poudre River Looking South to the Mulberry Street Bridge
Figure 2.44 Bank Stabilization Needs Map for Reach 6 ...... 2‐38
Figure 2.45 Fisherman Enjoying a Beautiful Autumn
Afternoon on the Poudre River ........................ 2‐38
Figure 2.46 Cross Section (Looking Downstream)
Illustrating the Terraced Bank Adjacent to the
Pickle Plant Site and Lowering of the
Northeast Overbank ......................................... 2‐39
Figure 4.1a Project Phasing Map (West Side) ....................... 4‐2
Figure 4.1b Project Phasing Map (East Side) ......................... 4‐3
IV. Project Formulation, Phasing and Costs
Project Formulation and Prioritization ............................... 4‐1
Project Grouping and Phasing ............................................ 4‐1
Opinion of Project Implementation Costs .......................... 4‐1
V. Appendix
Outreach and Engagement ................................................. 5‐1
Public Comments ................................................................ 5‐1
Relationship to ‘City Plan Fort Collins’ ............................... 5‐3
Figure 1.1 Poudre River Looking West to the Shields
Street Bridge ....................................................... 1‐1
Figure 1.2 Poudre River Looking Northwest at the
Burlington Northern‐Santa Fe Railroad Bridge ... 1‐1
Figure 1.3 Poudre River Looking South to the Mulberry
Street Bridge ....................................................... 1‐1
Figure 1.4 Concrete Rubble in Channel Bed and on
Eroding Bank Downstream of Linden Street ...... 1‐2
Figure 1.5 Lake Canal Diversion Structure near
Lee Martinez Park ............................................... 1‐2
Figure 1.6 Day on the River with City Staff and the
Consultant Team ................................................. 1‐3
Figure 1.7 Land Use Transition Concept .............................. 1‐4
Figure 1.8 Land Use Transition Diagram .............................. 1‐4
Figure 1.9 Variations in Land Use and Character on
Opposing Channel Banks within the Reach
between Linden and Lincoln ............................... 1‐5
Figure 1.10a Character Zone Map (West Side) ........................ 1‐6
Figure 1.10b Character Zone Map (East Side) ......................... 1‐7
Figure 1.11a Master Plan Overview Map (West Side) ............. 1‐8
Figure 1.11b Master Plan Overview Map (East Side) .............. 1‐9
Figure 2.1 Master Plan for Reach 1 ..................................... 2‐2
Figure 2.2 Poudre River Looking West
(McMurry Natural Area is on right) .................... 2‐3
Figure 2.3 Bank Stabilization Needs Map for Reach 1 ......... 2‐3
Figure 2.4 Exposed Riprap Bank Armoring near
Wood Street ........................................................ 2‐3
Figure 2.5 Poudre‐o‐meter at McMurry Natural Area ........ 2‐4
Figure 2.6 Tubing Enthusiasts Enjoying the River ................ 2‐4
Figure 2.7 Historic Mason & Hottel Mill Race
Headgate Structure ............................................. 2‐4
Figure 2.8 Tributary Stream at McMurry Natural Area
Showing Impacts Caused by Heavy Visitor Use .. 2‐5
Figure 2.9 McMurry Pedestrian Bridge,
Note Non‐Compliant Railing ............................... 2‐5
Figure 2.10 Master Plan for Reach 2 ..................................... 2‐8
Figure 2.11 View of the Riparian Forest in
Lee Martinez Park ............................................... 2‐9
Commission on Disability
Cultural Resources Board
Downtown Development Authority
Economic Advisory Commission
Land Conservation Stewardship Board
Landmark Preservation Commission
Natural Resources Advisory Board
Parking Advisory Board
Parks and Recreation Board
Planning and Zoning Board
Senior Advisory Board
Transportation Board
Water Board
Youth Advisory Board
Many property owners, business owners, and several hundred members of
the public participated in this planning effort. Thank you to all who
contributed to this Plan.
Anderson Consulting Engineers – Lead Consultant
BHA Design
Miller Ecological
S2O Design
Tatanka Historical Associates
Walsh Environmental