DATE: November 19, 2002
Alan Krcmarik
Items Relating to the 2003 Downtown Development Authority Budget.
Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinances on Second Reading.
A. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 163, 2002, Appropriating Operating Funds and Approving the
Budget of the Downtown Development Authority for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2003,
and Fixing the Mill Levy for the Downtown Development Authority for 2003.
The Downtown Development Authority(the"DDA")adopted the proposed DDA budget for 2003,totaling
$655,794, and determined the mill levy necessary to provide for payment of all properly authorized
expenditures incurred by the DDA, at its regular meeting of October 3,2002. Ordinance No. 163, 2002,f
was unanimously adopted on First Reading on November 5, 2002.
B. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 164, 2002, Appropriating Revenue in the Downtown
Development Authority Debt Service Fund for Payment of Debt Service for the Year 2003.
This Ordinance, which was unanimously adopted.on First Reading on November 5, 2002, appropriates
funds for 2003 from the tax increment received by the City for the DDA for debt service payments. Debt
service and annual lease payments include: the semi-annual payments of the 2001 DDA Tax Increment
Revenue Refunding Bonds in the amount of$1,355,938, the DDA share of the Parking Structure lease
payment of$281,987,the amount of$35,112 for the annual interest payment on the subordinate revenue
bonds issued in 2000, and$156,500 for various projects identified by the DDA board from tax increment
revenues from expanding the DDA boundaries to include the Mulberry/L.emay Crossing Property.
DATE: November 5, 2002
STAFF: Alan Krcmarik
Items Relating to the 2003 Downtown Development Authority Budget.
Staff recommends adoption of thCth
on st ea g. he owntown Development Authority
Board of Directors recommends this O i on Ft Reading, and recommends adoption
of a debt service budget for 2003 n m tfi by staff described in this Ordinance.
This Ordinance sets the Downtown Development Authority annual mill levy at 5.00 mills and appropriates
$655,794 in the operating fund for 2003. The mill levy is projected to generate $328,057. The mill levy is
being increased from 4.05 mills to 5.0 to the' s Hance and security services needed
in the downtown area. The mill y h en a s 991 through 2002. If adopted this
Ordinance would appropriate thktaxs incr ent r e r de ervice to be paid in 2003. The debt
includes DDA revenue bonds, Dub r ate ve a bonds, he DDA share of the lease purchase
certificates of participation for the enter in cture, monies for projects supported by the
Tax Increment Revenues from the expansion of the DDA boundaries. The total tax increment revenue for
2003 is projected to be$2,465,369. The 2003 appropriation in the Downtown Development Authority Debt
Service Fund is $1,829,537.
A. First Reading of Ordina No. 200 AP
at erasing Funds and Approving the
Budget of theDowntow evelop ntAu the calYearBeginningJanuary1,2003,
and Fixing the Mill Lev r the ntopme Authority for 2003.
The Downtown Development Authority (the "DDA") adopted the proposed DDA budget for 2003,
totaling $655,794, and determined the mill levy necessary to provide for payment of all properly
authorized expenditures incurred by the DDA, at its regular meeting of October 3, 2002.
B. First Reading of Ordinance No. 164, 2002, Appropriating Revenue in the Downtown
Development Authority Debt Service Fund for Payment of Debt Service for the Year 2003.
This Ordinance appropriates funds for 2003 from the tax increment received by the City for the DDA
for debt service payments. Debt service and annual lease payments include: the semi-annual payments
of the 2001 DDA Tax Increment Revenue Refunding Bonds in the amount of$1,355,938, the DDA
share of the Parking Structure lease payment of$281,987,the amount of$35,112 for the annual interest
payment on the subordinate revenue bonds issued in 2000,and$156,500 for various projects identified
by the DDA board from tax increment revenues from expanding the DDA boundaries to include the
Mulberry/Lemay Crossing Property.
DATE: November 5, 2002 2 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-B
Through action of the Council and the qualified electors, the City of Fort Collins created the DDA in
1981. According to state statute,the purpose of the DDA is to plan and implement improvements within
the boundaries of the DDA district. The DDA established a Plan of Development that specified the
types of projects that it would undertake. In order to undertake the plan of improvements, the City on
behalf of the DDA has issued various bond anticipation notes and revenue bonds. The first issuance of
revenue bonds for the DDA occurred in 1984. Subsequently, the bonds have been refunded to effect
savings and to better match the tax increment of the authority with the debt service of the bonds. The
first refunding of the bonds occurred in 1992 when the City issued $11,380,000 of Downtown
Development Authority Tax Increment Revenue and Refunding Bonds. The most recent refunding of
the bonds occurred in 2001.
In April of 2001, the City issu 3, 0 0 ]PP
n v pment Authority Tax Increment
Revenue and Refunding Bonds acco nce lic state law, only the City may issue
long-term debt on behalf of the A. T and pled tax incrementrevenues ofthe DDA
to debt retirement and establish debt tcnts. e Charter requires that Council
appropriate all funds that pass through City accounts. The tax increment from the DDA to be
appropriated by the City flows directly into the debt service account. In 2003, the debt service on the
2001 bonds is $1,355,938.
In addition to the debt service on the 2001 bonds, the DDA has entered into agreements or passed
resolutions that use additional amounts of tax increment.
According to an agreement with Cit o ort lli a L e ounty, the DDA is to pay a share
of the annual lease payment o e Civi ente tru e. In 2003, the DDA share of the
payment is $281,987.
In 2000, the DDA also issued subordinate revenue bonds to participate in the financing of other
improvements within the DDA's boundaries. This bond issue has an interest rate that readjusts with the
prime rate of Key Bank, the buyer of the bonds. Staff projects an interest rate on the bonds at 6.6%.
This interest rate generates an annual interest payment of$35,1 12.
In 2001, the DDA refunded its 1992 Bonds to create debt service savings. The interest rate decreased
from about 6.5%to 3.5%. The refu redu d the A d er ' payments by$214,000 in 2001,
and$5,645 in 2002. It is anticip th t re 'n wi e t service payments by$5,103 in
2003. The savings accumulate the deb ervic the ' and DDA may use them for other
The DDA also anticipates that it will participate in additional improvements in the DDA area in 2003.
The debt service appropriation Ordinance appropriates$156,500 for expenditure on three projects. The
$156,500 will be used as follows: $85,250 for the Mulberry/Lemay intersection,$15,000 for the Poudre
River Design Payments, and $56,250 for the Downtown Strategic Plan.
In addition to the projects financed using the tax increment from the DDA, the DDA has the ability to
impose a mill levy for the administration, operation, and maintenance of the entity. The mill levy for
2003 is being increased to 5.00 mills. The mill levy had been the 4.05 level since 1991. The increase
in mill levy is needed to fund the increase in maintenance and security services needed in the downtown
area. According to preliminary information from the County Assessor, this mill levy should generate
$328,057 of revenue in 2003. The total operating budget for the DDA is $655,794.
Staff has attached the corresponding resolutions adopted by the DDA Board of Directors.