DATE: October 15, 2002
Resolution 2002-098 Supporting the Effort to Encourage the Construction of Housing with
Features That Provide Basic Access and Functionality to All Occupants and Visitors.
Staff, the Home Builders Association of Northern Colorado, the Commission on Disability, and
Building Review Board recommend adoption of the Resolution.
The proposed draft resolution officially recognizes and endorses the 'Practical Housing for All"
(PHA) program. Project "Practical Housing for All" (PHA) is an effort by the Commission on
Disability to:
• Create awareness among designers, homebuilders, homebuyers, and the
community at large of the need for providing basic access and functionality
features in homes for people of all ages and widely varying mobility and
ambulatory-related abilities.
• Explore and develop public and private partnerships that encourage
homebuilders to voluntarily incorporate such fundamental built-in elements
being included on the first or main floor of new housing units.
Known around the country by various terms such as "Visitability" and "Universal Design", as
with "Practical Housing for All" (PHA) (coined by the Fort Collins effort), the concept typically
includes the following five basic features incorporated into the main or first floor:
1. A wheelchair-accessible exterior route to a no-step accessible entrance and entry
2. Minimum 32-inch wide, interior passage doors.
3. A minimum 36-inch wide wheelchair-accessible route maintained throughout the
first or main floor.
DATE: October 15, 2002 2 ITEM NUMBER: 19
4. At least one wheelchair-useable bathroom containing no less than a lavatory and a
water closet and provided with built-in structural reinforcement in walls for future
installation of assist bars.
5. Electrical switches, outlets, thermostats, and service panels are located within 15
and 48 inches above the floor.
Unlike most other similar programs nationwide, PHA is intended to be totally voluntary on the
part of homebuilders that incorporate the five fundamental built-in elements on the first or main
floor of new housing units, such as non-attached single-family and multi-story attached housing,
that are not otherwise regulated by federal, State of Colorado, or City of Fort Collins codes with
respect to accessibility.
The public-private partnerships and promotional strategies for PHA that are under exploration or
in progress include:
• Expedited City development review and permit processing.
• A limited pilot program to stimulate builder participation that would allow
starting construction before payment of certain City fees.
• Producing practical "template" construction details to facilitate builders including
PHA features as part of offered home design packages.
• Builder recognition awards and certifications.
• Public awareness and outreach with promotional materials and presentations to
the HBA, builders, the real estate industry, major regional employers, Chamber of
Commerce, and local media.
• Posting information on the City and various other websites.
• Mortgage coordination assistance through the "Community Reinvestment Act."
The COD began its efforts nearly two years ago with an ad hoc subcommittee composed of COD
members, City staff, the Home Builders Association of Northern Colorado, and other interested
people. The PHA Team has created a brochure and slide presentation, made presentations to
various builder and public groups.
• Building Review Board Minutes (July 2002)
• Affordable Housing Board Minutes (June 2002)
• Planning and Zoning Board Work Session (August 2002)
• PHA brochure
• RESOLUTION 2002-098
WHEREAS, no federal, State of Colorado, or City of Fort Collins regulations or programs
presently exist that encourage or require individual single-family houses,multiple-story townhouses,
multiple-housing unit buildings containing less than four housing units,and other multiple-housing
unit buildings located on properties that contain less than a total of eight housing units, to be
constructed with practical features that provide basic access and functionality for people of all ages
and widely varying mobility and ambulatory-related abilities; and
WHEREAS, many people of all ages and widely varying mobility and ambulatory-related
abilities are discouraged from visiting family and friends because of fundamental design barriers that
prohibit or make access to and functionality within most housing impractical to many; and
WHEREAS,there is a very limited number of residences available for purchase or rent with
features that provide basic access and functionality to people of all ages and widely varying mobility
and ambulatory-related abilities; and
WHEREAS, the proportion of the general population with special mobility needs who
continue to remain active is increasing due to medical and technological advances; and
• WHEREAS, at some point in life, many people incur an extended temporary or permanent
condition that results in physical limitations or special needs related to mobility or to performing
basic daily life tasks; and
WHEREAS, increasingly more people are facing or will face loss of independence and
having to leave their homes for institutional or assisted care living facilities, becoming more
dependant on social and public services because most homes do not provide basic access and
functionality features for people of all ages and widely varying mobility and ambulatory-related
abilities; and
WHEREAS, the cost of installing basic access and functionality features for people of all
ages and widely varying mobility and ambulatory-related abilities during the construction process
is significantly lower than the cost of installing those same features after construction; and
WHEREAS, the Commission on Disability has several functions as prescribed in Section
2-153 of the City Code, including the following:
"To form special committees including non-commission consultants or specialists
to address issues affecting the well-being of individuals with disabilities"
"To recommend to the city design requirements that ensure accessibility"
"To serve as advocates among city departments, private businesses and the
community on behalf of individuals with disabilities"; and
WHEREAS,the Commission on Disability formed a special committee with representatives
of the Commission on Disability, the Home Builders Association of Northern Colorado, private
consulting business, and City staff to investigate the concept of a voluntary program designed to
encourage construction of housing units that are not otherwise regulated by federal, State of
Colorado, or City of Fort Collins regulations with respect to accessibility features, to be built with
basic access and functionality for all residents and visitors; and
WHEREAS,the Commission's special committee is proposing a program entitled"Practical
Housing for All(PHA)",the purpose of which is: (a)to create awareness among designers,builders,
and the community at large of the need for providing basic access and functionality features for
people of all ages and widely varying mobility and ambulatory-related abilities;and(b)to encourage
those fundamental elements being included on the first or main floor of new housing units that are
not otherwise regulated by federal, State of Colorado, or City of Fort Collins with respect to
accessibility features; and
WHEREAS,the City Council believes it is in the interest of all citizens of and visitors to Fort
Collins, that the City encourage the construction of more housing with practical functional features
that offers residents and visitors alike, regardless of individual mobility and ambulatory abilities,
the fundamental freedom to enter and use a home.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That the Council supports the purpose of PHA and efforts to encourage the
voluntary inclusion of the minimum basic practical features as described herein which foster
independence and enable people of all ages and widely varying mobility and ambulatory-related
abilities to function in the residential environment. Accordingly,the Council supports promotional
efforts such as homebuilder and buyer awareness outreach, prioritized development review and
permit processing consideration,and certification and recognition awards to builders that voluntarily
construct PHA-eligible housing, including new housing units that are not otherwise regulated by
federal, State of Colorado, or City of Fort Collins with respect to accessibility features.
Section 2. For the purposes of this resolution,PHA-eligible housing shall be considered to
be housing which incorporates the following minimum basic access and functionality features in the
main or first floor:
I. A wheelchair-accessible exterior route,including any ramp in such route not
exceeding a slope of 1 in 12, to a ramped or no-step accessible entrance and
entry door having a minimum clear opening width of 32 inches.
2. A minimum of standard, 32-inch wide, interior passage doors.
3. A minimum 36-inch wide wheelchair-accessible route maintained throughout
the first or main floor except as otherwise provided at doorways.
4. Bathrooms and toilet rooms on the main or first floor constructed according
to the following:
(a) At least one such room containing no less than a lavatory and a water
closet is provided.
(b) Built-in structural reinforcement in walls for future installation of
assist bars.
(c) A minimum clear floor space is provided around the water closet that
inscribes a rectangle 56 inches measured perpendicular from the wall
behind the water closet by 48 inches measured from a point 18 inches
from the center line of the water closet on the side designated for the
future installation of the assist bar, with such clear floor space
unobstructed by walls or fixtures except for the overlapping area
occupied by a lavatory projecting from the wall that is located behind
the water closet.
(d) A 30-inch by 48-inch clear floor space beyond the arc of the door
. swing is provided where the access door to such rooms opens inward.
5. Electrical switches,outlets,thermostats,and service panels are located within
15 and 48 inches above the floor.
Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held this 15th day of October.
A.D. 2002.
City Clerk
What Are The Benefits of a "THE DAY WILL COME WHEN
homes in the community can welcome
guests who use wheelchairs or walkers, or OLD OR YOUNG,
who have varying degrees of mobility or WILL MOVE FREELY
ambulatory ability.
Yr Residents are more likely to be able to re- THROUGH ALL HOMES
main in their existing hornes,rather than WITHOUT BARRIERS,
having to move out or do extensive,expen-
sive renovation,if a family members devel- AS RESIDENTS
ops a temporary or permanent disability.
• All residents find it easier to bring in baby
strollers,grocery pull carts,furniture,lug- NOT ENDANGERED
gage,etc...... BY STAIRS,
♦Sale and resale of the home is enhanced BUT SAFE. NL
in an era where the senior demographic isgrowing rapidly and baby boomers are at- NOT EMBARRASSEDtracted to homes that welcome their aging
parents, and that provide life long access BY NARROW DOORS,
for themselves and their friends.
#! Changes design features require very BUT AT EASE.NOT AT HOME little frontup cost—unlike the higher post-
construction cost of renovation for widen-
in- BUT doors and adding ramps. -
(Benefits as described Concrete Change and the B Na-
tional Association of Hone Builders.) Concrete Change lS U
Where Can I Get An international effort to make Housing
all homes visitable!
More Information??? ConereteChange.home.rnindspring.com For All
" www.nahb.corWseniors 600 Dancing Fox Road
" concretechange.home.mindspring.com Decatur GA30032USA
a www.aarp.orgluniversalhome ----
• www.uniteddesigns.com
" www.housingzone com Project P.H.A.
" ANSI Accessible and Usable Buildings pha@ezlink.com
and Facilities Guide 117.1— 1998
" Mark Beck at 970-416-9956 or Ft.Collins,CO 80521
email to para@ezlink.com.
Project PH.A. Five Key Design Features Why Do We Need
of P.H.A. Homes Project EH.A.?
Project P.ELA., Practical Houshrg for All is
an effort by the City of Fort Collins Commis- One No-Step Entry It is estimated that one in every six Americans
siou on Disability subcommittee to create At least one ramped or no-step entrance on a wheel- will have a temporary or permanent physical
awareness among home builders and their can- chair accessible route from the street or driveway limitation sometime during their life. In sur-
sumers on simple ways to build practica homes with an entrance door that has a minimum clear veys,85%of people over 45 want to continue
for residents of all abilities and encourage build- opening of 32 inches width,(it can be at the front, living in their homes as they age. Designing
ers and designers to offer P.H.A. features in side,back of the house or in the garage). homes for the life span makes good business
floor plans presented to new home-buyers. - sense. Making these five basic design changes
Minimum 32 Inch Doorways in newly constructed homes will allow indi-
The five basic P.H.A.features include: Main floor interior passagedoors thathave a mini- viduals and families to remain in the homes
mum clear opening of 30 inches and preferably of their choice for many years!
♦ At least one level entrance into the home lever handle hardware.
♦ Minimum 32 inch wide doorways
♦ A minimum 36 inch wide clear passage 36 inch Clear Passage Throughout Cost of Including P.H.A.Features
throughout the main floor of the home A minimum 36 inch wide level route,except at
♦ A usable bathroom on the main floor with _the doors,throughout the fast floor of the dwell- The total cost of including P.H.A. features in
reinforced walls to support grab bars ing unit with ramped or beveled changes at door new home construction can be as little as$200-
♦ Reachable electrical plugs and switches thresholds. - $500 per single home or single living unit,
depending on the home.
The five basic features added to a newly con- Usable Main Floor.Bathroom 0 The cost of a no-step entry when designed
strutted home will provide livable homes with A main floor bathroom with at least a lavatory and
p into the grading of the lot is negligible.
barrier-free access to everyone. By building water closet and a minimum 32"doorway,mini- 0 Designing with standard 3'0",2'10"or TV
houses with these features, all individuals, mum clear pathway that measures 56 inches from doors costs only a few dollars more per door.
residents mid visitors alike,are able to easily the wall behind the water closet to the clear space
j in front of the water closet Where the bathroom
0 A 36"clear path does not require any square
use the home. It is estimated one in six people door swings inward,a 30 X 48 inch clear floor footage to be added to the layout.
will have physical limitations of some form
space is provided beyond the am of the door. Re- 0 Blocking in the bathroom only costs the time to
within their life, whether temporary or per- inforcement in walls utilizing lateral two-inch by do it. Materials often come from the scrap pile.
rnanent. Homes built with P.H.A.features al- eight inch nominal wood blocking installed flush 0 The cost of alarger,usable bathroom is neg-
low the disabled person to visit more freely in with stud edges of walls(centerline of blocking ligible when designed into the home.
a friend or relative's home-and to reside more must be 34 inches from and parallel to the floor) 0 It costs nothing to put the plugs and switches
safely in their own home. Including these fee- around toilet and tubtshower(if there is one). in a reachable position.
tures in the design and construction adds little
to the cost of a new home,when compared to Reachable Plugs and Switches
the cost of retrofitting an existing home. Main floor light switches and thermostats nohigher The REAL cost of including P.H.A. non-
Project P.H.A. is seeking builders in North- than 48 inches above the floor,receptacles at least in new home construction is a change in
ern Colorado to participate in this endeavor 15 inches above the floor,and electrical panels ad- seiousnesstooneofinclusion andincorporaF
by offering these five basic P.H.A.features as jacent to an accessible route with the same height ing Universal Building Design concepts.
an optional floor plan to new-home buyers. requirements.
Kay Rios, Chair
Isabel Garity, Vice Chair
Ken Waido, Staff Liaison, 970-221-6753
Board Members Present: Isabel Garity, Joe Hebert, Jon Fairchild, Mary Glode, and
Denise Rogers. Kathleen Cherroff and Kay Rios were excused.
Advance Planning Staff Present: Ken Waido, Maurice Head, and Joe Frank.
Council Members Present: None.
Also Present: Doug Smith, City of Fort Collins Finance Department; Julie Brewen,
Executive Director of the Fort Collins Housing Authority; Chip Steiner, Vice
Chairman of FCHA Board of Commissioners; Mark Beck, Commission on Disability
Chair; Felix Lee, City of Fort Collins Chief Building Official; Michelle Jacobs, Director
of Information for Practical Housing for All; Lou Stitzel, The Resource Assistance
Center; Grace Harris, League of Women Voters.
The meeting was held at 281 N. College Ave., Fort Collins, Colorado. Isabel Garity
called the meeting to order with a quorum present at 4:05 p.m.
New Business
Practical Housing For All Initiative
Mark Beck and Felix Lee gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the benefits of
Practical Housing, a concept created in Atlanta in 1990 to make all new houses
"visitable" by everyone, with or without disabilities. Practical Housing for All is a
voluntary program, based on incentives for homebuilders to include simple solutions
to access barriers in the original design and construction of single-family homes.
Practical Housing for All is asking for the Affordable Housing Board's support for a
proposed ordinance, a copy of which was distributed to the Board, to encourage
construction of such homes in Fort Collins. Lou Stitzel pointed out that on the state
level, any project using Housing Trust funds must have general accessibility. Felix
said the ordinance would cover projects not receiving government funding, and that
PHA was looking for general support from the Board and others. Jon expressed
concern that the copy of the ordinance distributed to the Board was too vague on
the cost of the incentives as well as the actual incentives proposed.
Isabel asked Felix to e-mail any additional details to Ken, and Board
members to read the ordinance and comment on it at the next meeting.
Respectfully submitted by
Kate Jeracki
. June 18, 2002
Minutes approved by the Board at the August 29, 2002 Meeting
Regular Meeting—July 25,2002
1:00 .m.
Council Liaison: Karen Weitkunat taff Liaison: Felix Lee (221-6760)
hai erson: Charles Fielder hone: 484-0117(W), 207-0505(H)
A regular meeting of the Building Review Board was held on Thursday July 25, 2002, in the
Council Chambers of the Fort Collins Municipal Building at 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins,
Charles Fielder
Leslie Jones
Bradley Massey
John McCoy
Jim Packard
Gene Little
Felix Lee, Building and Zoning Director
Delynn Coldiron, Contractor Licensing Administrator
Stacie Soriano, Staff Support to the Board
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Fielder, and roll call was taken.
Boardmember Massey made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 27, 2002, meeting.
Boardmember Packard seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Yeas: Fielder, Jones, Massey, McCoy, and Packard.
Nays: None.
BRB 07/25/02
Page 2
Lee met with Paul Eckman regarding making some changes to the Building Review Board's
bylaws. Lee informed the Board of those changes. Lee stated the election of Board officers will
occur in February or March due to term changes. Boardmembers were in agreement with the
proposed revisions.
4. Project P.H.A. (Practical Housing for All)
Lee told the Board that staff is asking for the Board's recommendation to send Project P.H.A.'s
proposal onto City Council.
Lee introduced Mark Beck, chairman for the Commission on Disability, and Paul Ostrof a
member of the Commission on Disability.
Mr. Beck gave an introduction to Project P.H.A. Project P.H.A. is an endeavor to create more
homes that provide basic access and more usable and welcoming living space to a larger
population including the aging population, individuals with mobility impairments, and others.
Beck explained that it is Project P.H.A.'s intention to create voluntary compliance from builders.
Beck asked for the Building Review Board's support.
A presentation was given by Michelle Jacobs, representative for the Homebuilders Association
of Northern Colorado. Jacobs stated the program was a voluntary incentive based program for
builders. Jacobs stated that the proposed P.H.A. consisted of five design elements: at least one
no step level entry from an accessible pathway into the dwelling unit; minimum 32" wide
doorways throughout the dwelling unit; minimum 36" wide clear passage throughout; a
wheelchair usable bathroom on the main level; and reachable plugs, switches, and electrical
panels, which are placed from between 15" to 48" from the floor. Jacobs noted the cost would
increase by approximately $200 to $2000 per home to incorporate the five basic design elements.
There was a discussion held regarding Ms. Jacobs presentation. Massey asked what the
incentives might be. Lee stated a sales tax rebate might be used as an incentive. Beck addressed
some alternative incentives. There was a discussion held regarding the costs of the design
elements. McCoy made a motion that the Board support the proposed resolution. Packard
seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Yeas: Fielder, Jones, Massey, McCoy, and Packard.
Nays: None.
5. Other Business
Lee introduced new boardmember Leslie Jones.
BRB 07/25/02
Page 3
Lee reported to the Board that the local code task group will be meeting
for the first time on August 7, 2002. Lee stated Massey and McCoy will be attending the
meetings. McCoy will act as an alternate to the task group.
Meeting adjourned at 2:04 p.m.
Felix Lee, Building & Zoning Director Charles Fielder, Chairperson