FROM: John Fischbach
Resolution 2003-096 Adopting the City Council's 2003-2005 Policy Agenda.
Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Every two years, the City Council adopts a Policy Agenda that outlines the policy initiatives it
wishes to undertake in the two-year Council term. This proposed Policy Agenda has been developed
through discussions with and among Councilmembers during a Council retreat and subsequent study
The 2003- 2005 Policy Agenda includes major theme areas on which Council would like to focus
its policy work during the coming two years. The themes are supported by a number of policy
targets and objectives that will provide focus and guidance to staff over the next two years.
A few edits have been made to the Policy Agenda since the prior draft was distributed and discussed
at the July 22, 2003 study session, including:
- Theme areas are now listed in a rank order of importance and urgency. This ranking was
determined based on the combined input of Council members. This input was submitted to staff
following the study session. II
- Within each theme, the individual targets have been ranked according to priority. As with the
themes, this ranking is based on the combined input of Council members.
- Additional wording changes were made throughout at the suggestion of individual Council
members. These are intended to clarify, rather than change, the intent of some targets and
objectives as needed.
After Council has adopted the Policy Agenda,the City Manager will work with staff and the boards
and commissions to create work plans which support these themes. Staff will also work to share
information with the community regarding Council's goals.
List of Attachments:
2003-2005 Draft Council Policy Agenda (redlined version)
2003-2005 Council Policy Agenda (final document- attached as Exhibit "A" to the Resolution)
- Formatted:Font:12 pt
City of Fort Collins
2003-2005 Council Policy Agenda
Draft with Revisions Shown
August 19, 2003
City of Port Collins
Policy Agenda Theme Areas
Listed by Urgency and Importance
1. Budget and Financial Policies
2. Public Health and Safety
3. Economy
4. Transportation
5. Water
6. Environment
7. Neighborhoods
8. Land Use Plans
9. City Governance
10. Community Affordability
It. Parks and Recreation
G:MGRS/Policy/Policy Agenda Targets v. 5.doc Page 2
Theme 1: Budget and Financial Policies
Budget and Financial Policies Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Balance the 2004-05 budget using a
variety of strategies
Target 2: Develop and utilize the Council's a. Form a budget advisory committee to review budget priorities
budget priority policy b. Develop specific priorities within the primary,secondary, and support
services model
c. Define budget priorities within the service categories
Target 3: Examine the City's pay and benefit a. Examine appropniate level of employee contribution to health care costs
policies to ensure they are fair to citizens and b. Reevaluate the 70"percentile target for salaries within the market
competitive in the marketplace
Target 4: Review plans to extend Building
Community Choices taxes
Target 5: Review and update key financial a. Examine alternatives for use of revenues gained from property tax
policies and practices reassessments
b. Reexamine reserve policies
c Assess fee structure for secondary services
d. Examine potential for Library, Park and otherspecial districts
e. Revisit outsourcing opportunities
f. Reexamine Art in Public Places policy for Utility projects
- Deleted:A/12P_001
G:MGRS/Policy/Policy Agenda Targets v. S.doc Page 3
Theme 2: Public Health and Safety
Public Health and Safety Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Ensure appropriate Police staffing a. Establish performance benchmarks that are appropriate,measurable and
levels achievable
b. Review financial resources to achieve target benchmarks
c. Work with Police Services to understand the Cit 's highest needs
Target 2: Improve traffic safety a. Aggressively enforce traffic laws within neighborhoods and on city streets
Target 3: E.xmuine availability of adequate a. Review police capital improvement plans {Deleted.Ensure J
facilities for Police Services
Target 4: Jixamine efficiency and effectiveness a. Promote interoperability between agencies Deleted:Ensu,e J
of the community's emergency communication b. ,Rvaluate response time performance standards Deleted:Add.
Target 5: Enhance safety in the community for at a. Explore options for a local Detox facility
risk populations b. Support efforts to provide a homeless day shelter
Target 6: Ensure safety of citizens and businesses a. Continue to address safety issues in Old Town through appropriate City
in the Old Town Area actions
Target 7: Protect the health of citizens through b. Discourage smoking through disincentives
aggressive anti-tobacco policies c. Ensure enforcement of and education about existing smoking ordinances
G:MGRS/Policy/Policy Agenda Targets v. 5.doc Page 4
Theme 3: Economy
Economy Proposed Objectives
Target 1: J)etermine actions the City can a. J)evelop a sustainable economic vitality plan that: Deleted:Ddlue me k t vledge ofthe
undertake to strengthen the econouq• . Analyzes the impact of changing demographics and economic (address geco„ nue s 1°ly'nb Bird
trends on Fort Collins Deleted:Work will)mohiple anurces i I
• Identifies key indicators of a healthy community the connnunity In gather data and develop,
consensus on indicators of a healthy
• Identifies key indicators of a diversified economy(large versus community
small business& employment versus retail,etc.). Fo matted:Bullets and Numbering I
• Identifies and defiues opportunities for Fort Collins to capitalize
on its market niches in creating primary jobs
• Identifies policies to encourage job retention
• Encourages redevelopment
• Show how to work with and utilize the expertise of CSG and
community organizations 1 Deleted Hold a C c io nmuty Livability 1
Workshop to gather id a and develop
key ins6wl rts..f.I, ehhy inul Ihuvwp
b. rSupporl appropriate efforts to strengthen the role of the Foothills Mall and envbnnn°olndll,E nmm�iexewlnnl ,
in our
c. .onduct a community formn to create awareness of all of the key or Deleted:urt�upl,Conduct
M Ine ve n ,nice groan I r
issues important to maintaining a bealthv local economy the
Deleted.Work itl nd utihrP the j
d. Enhance and revitalize the downtown with an r updated Civic Centel- espenee nrcsu inld b slness
Alaster Plan and by examining enhancements such as a convention -_
" Deleted:Identify,define and review
center opportunities for Fou Collins to caporfiev
a. on its market niches
Deleted:Target E: Develop an
econconc policy and noplentenl related
b agtnns the City can undeuaka to
strengthen the ion Collins eunanny I
C. "- - - Deleted:Enact Imlrer to menu ago
lob retention and de,eI.pnu,nt
Deleted:Encourage re development
efforts(See Land tlsel
-- Deleted:0./1 2/.Oer
G:MGRS/Policy/Policy Agenda Targets v. 5.doc Page 5
Economy Proposed Objectives
d, _ _ _ - 'I Deleted:Develop k y mdiemom Inr
lec.000ac dieersrh wi n_.
e, c __. . . "r Deleted Analyze the nnpaq of l
I chanbmg demobraphr s ou lire Im I
Deleted "M=Focus on pnnraryjob
to ductionl
' I Deleted:Target1 Ittvrew the use of
— l and update tireF.tl unpa I uux lY
FDeleted:Target 4 Enhance and
re dahzc down n F I Collins
Deleted k>Explore e crilwocenreins to
t downtown such as a e,orvenfirn ecolerl
Deleted!C.ofinue unplenwntanahh of
the Do nto vn Slratepw and Poudr
Rh er Corridhr plans
(.Formatted:Bullets and Nutntaering,�
Deleted Targets Sulp rte11'oto..
strengthen the role t the rootlulls Mall
in our Inh.al ecommnyY
G:MGRS/Policy/Policy Agenda Targets v. 5.doc Page 6
Theme 4: Transportation
Transportation Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Re-examine long-term funding a. Explore additional funding stategies including such things as license fees,
strategies for transportation capital needs gas tax, etc.
b. Re-assess street impact fees
c. Examine role of Building Community Choices tax renewals in overall
funding strategy
d. Consider seeking voter approval to reallocate Building Community Choices
funds to corn lete Timberline Road and Harmony Road projects
Target 2: Continue policies that encourage the a. Continue and increase options and programs to reduce VMTs
use of alternative transportation modes b. Review transit options and strategies, including transits stem fare
c. Make transit services available to citizens across the community and along
all major transportation corridors, in accordance with established
productivity goals
Target 3: Balance land use decisions with impact a. Monitor impacts of increased density on congestion,mobility,and air
on the transportation system quality vs. the alternative model
b. Re-examine the adequacy of parking standards for larger developments
Target 4: Analyze the creation of a new Regional
Transportation Authority to develop regional
transportation planning and programs
Target 5: Ensure that the community's a. Explore Homeland Security Funds for relocation of railroads
transportation system is safe b. Review pedestrian safety standards
c. Explore additional off-street bike routes
Target 6: Examine the City's policies regarding a. Evaluate the balance between the cost of those standards and quality
street level-of-service standards
G:MGRS/Policy/Policy Agenda Targets v. 5.doc Page 7
Theme 5: Water
Water Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Determine the community's need for a. Analyze water needs at population and geographic build out
expanded water storage capacity b. Study the environmental impact,economic costs and mitigation costs for
expanded storage
c. Continue and expand water conservation education programs
Target 2: Enhance understanding of on-going a. Establish an annual review of water pricing policies and practices, includingn
water issues sales to other entities and the concept of water budgeting
it b. Develop a reporting mechanism that will enhance Council understanding of
' water issues
Target 3: Create a process for monitoring a. Work in partnership with upstream storage entities and developments to
upstream(river and stream)water quality ensure maintenance of the cit 's water quality
_ - Deleted:8/12/2003
G:MGRS/Policy/Policy Agenda Targets v. 5.doc Page 8
Theme 6: Environment
Environment Proposed Objectives
Target l: Develop a comprehensive Energy a. Promote sustainable practices, including green building techniques
Policy for City operations and the community b. Increase public education regarding energy consumption,compliance,etc.
c. Review and implement the Cit 's green purchasing practices
d. Study and implement additional ways to reduce environmental impact of
City operations
Target l: Work with Larimer County to expand a. Explore opportunities to expand curbside recycling program to include
solid waste management efforts additional materials
b. Implement multi-family,commercial,construction,demolition and yard
waste recycling ro rams
c. Explore opportunities to expand the City's drop-off recycling program
Target 3: Aggressively pursue Natural Areas and a. Acquire land and development rights as quickly as revenues allow
Open Space purchases b. Partner with Larimer County Open Lands Department
c. Implement Community Separators Policy including Wellington community
separator and acquisitions east of I-25
d. Implement provisions of the"Open Space,Yes"ballot initiative, including
the Open Lands Board and purchase procedures
e. Increase frequency of progress reports to Council
Target 4: Enhance air quality policies a. Explore active radon mitigation
b. Explore possibility of establishing a local vehicle emissions control
c. Continue to evaluate sources of clean energy,especially hydrogen
Target 5: Strengthen enforcement of natural a. Explore the appropriate role of City boards in reviewing modifications and
resources protection standards variances to existing environmental standards
_ Deleted:Nil L2001
G:MGRS/Policy/Policy Agenda Targets v. 5.doc Page 9
Theme 7: Neighborhoods
Neighborhoods Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Preserve the character,safety and a. Explore potential for rental licensing
beauty of the city's neighborhoods
b. Reexamine policies on and increase enforcement of Health and Safety
ordinances i.e. noise,three unrelated,traffic mitigation)
c. Develop a better Council understanding of needs and problems in
d. Explore increased restrictions and enforcement on parking in
Target 2: Support neighborhood-based services a. Maintain programs through Neighborhood Resources Office
and programs
Target 3: Broaden support for youth by providing a. Assist the gymnasium addition to the Youth Activity Center �oetMed:c�w>loir
equal access recreational and employment b. Explore additional partnerships with agencies that can provide facilities and
opportunities programs
Deleted:8'12,2001 )
G:MGRS/Policy/Policy Agenda Targets v. 5.doc Page
Theme 8: Land Use Plans
Land Use Plans Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Improve the City Development Review a. Examine and im lement improvements to the development review process
Process b. Streamline development review for qualified affordable housing projects
Target 2: Examine policies for protecting a. Examine impact of alley houses,particularly regarding non-conforming
neighborhood character while increasing density uses and over abundance of variances
through infill and redevelopment b. Considerspecial zoning options that preserve neighborhood character
c. Reexamine and identify strategic infill and redevelopment locations that
support the City Plan vision
d. Identify and address existing disincentives to infill and redevelopment
e. Ex lore use of urban renewal districts for redevelopment and infill projects
Target 3: Examine City policies regarding a. m dement the Community Separators Policy
development at the edges of the GMA b. Determine appropriate zoning east of 1-25 Formatted:Font color:Red
c. Complete the 1-25 sub area plan ---- _—
Target 4: Continue regional planning efforts a. Review and update intergovernmental agreements for Cooperative Planning
where appropriate Areas
Target 5: Examine the role of the market in a. Evaluate opportunities to balance the goals of the land use code with the
guiding land use plans needs of the current market
Theme 9: City Governance
City Governance Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Examine governance issues a. Explore optimum number of City Council Members
b. Review conflict of interest provisions
c. Re-examine City Code campaign laws and reporting requirements
G:MGRS/Policy/Policy Agenda Targets v. S.doc Page
Theme 10: Community Affordability
Community Affordability Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Pursue new strategies for making a. Pursue regional strategies
housing more affordable b. Examine inclusionary zoning
c. Examine and implement incentives for production of affordable housing
d. Review the impact of development costs(fee structure,reviewprocess)
Target 2: Pursue adopted production goals and a. Review, update and analyze progress in meeting targets
strategies contained in the report"Priority b. Support current policy to increase stock of affordable housing via the Land
Affordable Housing Needs and Strategies." Banking Program
Target 3: Identify factors that contribute to a. Examine transit routes for links to low income community and public
affordable living facilities and services
b. Create cost-of-living report(housing, utilities, food, wages,etc.
c. Examine impacts of implementing Living Wage Ordinance
d. Review and compare Fort Collins affordable housing programs with other
Colorado affordable housing programs
Deleted:Ail '12003
G:MGRS/Policy/Policy Agenda Targets v. 5.doc Page
Theme 11: Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation Proposed Objectives
Target 1• Build a new Northside Aztlan
Community Center with Building Community
Choices funds
Target l: Explore additional funding strategies a. Examine options for and impacts of increasing various fees
for creating,operating and maintaining parks b. Examine implementation schedule for developing and opening new parks
c. Pursue additional GOCO funds for trails
Target 3: Continue to improve park design and a. Reevaluate park development and design standards to make them less
construction to reduce operation and maintenance expensive
costs b. Consider modifications to trail system to enhance bicycle commuting
Target 4: Examine natural areas use policy a. Include a variety of groups in reviewing this issue, including Parks and
regarding recreational uses Recreation Board,Natural Resources Board and citizens
G:MGRS/Policy/Policy Agenda Targets v. 5.doc Page
• RESOLUTION 2003-096
WHEREAS, under Article II of the City Charter, the City Council is responsible for the
determination of all matters of City policy and for the provision of all public services; and
WHEREAS, the Council has met with the City Manager to discuss the Council's vision
for the Council's policy work over the next two years; and
WHEREAS, the Council has identified seven major theme areas in which it wishes to
concentrate its efforts during the two-year period; and
WHEREAS, the Council has identified a number of policy goals and objectives that it
will consider as it works to achieve this vision; and
WHEREAS, the Council wishes to formally establish a Policy Agenda which will
provide a guideline for the Council and citizens of the community for tracking the goals
established by the Council and evaluating the accomplishments of the organization.
• COLLINS that the 2003-2005 Policy Agenda, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and incorporated
herein by this reference, is hereby adopted to serve as the basis for such future legislative and
administrative actions as may subsequently be deemed necessary and appropriate to address and
resolve the various issues identified therein.
Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins held
this 2nd day of September, A.D. 2003.
City Clerk
City of Fort Collins
2003-2005 Council Policy Agenda
August 19, 2003
City of Port Collins
Policy Agenda Theme Areas
Listed by Urgency and Importance
1. Budget and Financial Policies
2. Public Health and Safety
3. Economy
4. Transportation
5. Water
6. Environment
7. Neighborhoods
8. Land Use Plans
9. City Governance
10. Community Affordability
11. Parks and Recreation
G:MGRS/Policy/2003-2005 Policy Agenda Page 2
Theme 1: Budget and Financial Policies
Budget and Financial Policies Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Balance the 2004-05 budget using a
variety of strategies
Target 2: Develop and utilize the Council's a. Fonn a budget advisory committee to review budget priorities
budget priority policy b. Develop specific priorities within the primary, secondary, and support
services model
c. Define budget priorities within the service categories
Target 3: Examine the City's pay and benefit a. Examine appropriate level of employee contribution to health care costs
policies to ensure they are fair to citizens and b. Reevaluate the 70"percentile target for salaries within the market
competitive in the marketplace
Target 4: Review plans to extend Building
Community Choices taxes
Target 5: Review and update key financial a. Examine alternatives for use of revenues gained from property tax
policies and practices reassessments
b. Reexamine reserve policies
c. Assess fee structure for secondary services
d. Examine potential for Library, Park and otherspecial districts
e. Revisit outsourcing opportunities
f. Reexamine Art in Public Places policy for Utility projects
G:MGRS/Policy/2003-2005 Policy Agenda Page 3
Theme 2: Public Health and Safety
Public Health and Safety Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Ensure appropriate Police staffing a. Establish performance benchmarks that are appropriate, measurable and
levels achievable
b. Review financial resources to achieve target benchmarks
c. Work with Police Services to understand the Cit 's highest needs
Target 2: Improve traffic safety a. Aggressively enforce traffic laws within neighborhoods and on city streets
Target 3: Examine availability of adequate a. Review police capital improvement plans
facilities for Police Services
Target 4: Examine efficiency and effectiveness of a. Promote interoperability between agencies
the community's emergency communication b. Evaluate response time performance standards
Target 5: Enhance safety in the community for at a. Explore options for a local Detox facility
risk populations b. Support efforts to provide a homeless day shelter
Target 6: Ensure safety of citizens and businesses a. Continue to address safety issues in Old Town through appropriate City
in the Old Town Area actions
Target 7: Protect the health of citizens through b. Discourage smoking through disincentives
aggressive anti-tobacco policies c. Ensure enforcement of and education about existing smoking ordinances
G:MGRS/Policy/2003-2005 Policy Agenda Page 4
Theme 3: Economy
Economy Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Determine actions the City can a. Develop a sustainable economic vitality plan that:
undertake to strengthen the economy, 1. Analyzes the impact of changing demographics and economic trends
on Fort Collins
2. Identifies key indicators of a healthy community
3. Identities key indicators of a diversified economy (large versus small
business & employment versus retail, etc.).
4. Identifies and defines opportunities for Fort Collins to capitalize on its
market niches in creating primary jobs
5. Identifies policies to encourage job retention
6. Encourages redevelopment
7. Shows how to work with and utilize the expertise of CSU and
community organizations
b. Support appropriate efforts to strengthen the role of the Foothills Mall in
our local economy
c. Conduct a community forum to create awareness of all of the key issues
important to maintaining a healthy local economy
d. Enhance and revitalize the downtown with an updated Civic Center Master
Plan and by examining enhancements such as a convention center
G:MGRS/Policy/2003-2005 Policy Agenda Page 5
Theme 4: Transportation
Transportation Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Re-examine long-term funding a. Explore additional funding strategies including such things as license fees,
strategies for transportation capital needs gas tax, etc.
b. Re-assess street impact fees
c. Examine role of Building Community Choices tax renewals in overall
funding strategy
d. Consider seeking voter approval to reallocate Building Community Choices
funds to complete Timberline Road and Harmony Road projects
Target 2: Continue policies that encourage the a. Continue and increase options and programs to reduce VMTs
use of alternative transportation modes b. Review transit options and strategies, including transits stem fare
c. Make transit services available to citizens across the community and along
all major transportation corridors, in accordance with established
productivity goals
Target 3: Balance land use decisions with impact a. Monitor impacts of increased density on congestion, mobility, and air
on the transportation system quality vs. the alternative model
b. Re-examine the adequacy of parking standards for larger developments
Target 4: Analyze the creation of a new Regional
Transportation Authority to develop regional
transportation planning and programs
Target 5: Ensure that the community's a. Explore Homeland Security Funds for relocation of railroads
transportation system is safe b. Review pedestrian safety standards
c. Explore additional off-street bike routes
Target 6: Examine the City's policies regarding a. Evaluate the balance between the cost of those standards and quality
street level-of-service standards
G:MGRS/Policy/2003-2005 Policy Agenda Page 6
Theme 5: Water
Water Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Determine the community's need for a. Analyze water needs at population and geographic build out
expanded water storage capacity b. Study the environmental impact, economic costs and mitigation costs for
expanded storage
c. Continue and expand water conservation education programs
Target 2: Enhance understanding of on-going a. Establish an annual review of water pricing policies and practices, including
water issues sales to other entities and the concept of water budgeting
b. Develop a reporting mechanism that will enhance Council understanding of
water issues
Target 3: Create a process for monitoring a. Work in partnership with upstream storage entities and developments to
upstream (river and stream) water quality ensure maintenance of the cit 's water quality
G:MGRS/Policy/2003-2005 Policy Agenda Page 7
Theme 6: Environment
Environment Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Develop a comprehensive Energy a. Promote sustainable practices, including green building techniques
Policy for City operations and the community b. Increase public education regarding energy consumption, compliance, etc.
c. Review and implement the Cit 's green purchasing practices
d. Study and implement additional ways to reduce environmental impact of
City operations
Target 2: Work with Latimer County to expand a. Explore opportunities to expand curbside recycling program to include
solid waste management efforts additional materials
b. Implement multi-family, commercial, construction, demolition and yard
waste recycling ro ams
c. Explore opportunities to expand the City's drop-off recycling program
Target 3: Aggressively pursue Natural Areas and a. Acquire land and development rights as quickly as revenues allow
Open Space purchases b. Partner with Larimer County Open Lands Department
c. Implement Community Separators Policy including Wellington community
separator and acquisitions east of I-25
d. Implement provisions of the"Open Space, Yes" ballot initiative, including
the Open Lands Board and purchase procedures
e. Increase frequency of progress reports to Council
Target 4: Enhance air quality policies a. Explore active radon mitigation
b. Explore possibility of establishing a local vehicle emissions control
c. Continue to evaluate sources of clean energy, especially hydrogen
Target 5: Strengthen enforcement of natural a. Explore the appropriate role of City boards in reviewing modifications and
resources protection standards variances to existing environmental standards
G:MGRS/Policy/2003-2005 Policy Agenda Page 8
Theme 7: Neighborhoods
Neighborhoods Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Preserve the character, safety and a. Explore potential for rental licensing
beauty of the city's neighborhoods
b. Reexamine policies on and increase enforcement of Health and Safety
ordinances (i.e. noise, three unrelated, traffic mitigation)
c. Develop a better Council understanding of needs and problems in
d. Explore increased restrictions and enforcement on parking in
Target 2: Support neighborhood-based services a. Maintain programs through Neighborhood Resources Office
and programs
Target 3: Broaden support for youth by providing a. Assist the gymnasium addition to the Youth Activity Center
equal access recreational and employment b. Explore additional partnerships with agencies that can provide facilities and
opportunities programs
G:MGRS/Policy/2003-2005 Policy Agenda Page 9
Theme 8: Land Use Plans
Land Use Plans Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Improve the City Development Review a. Examine and implement improvements to the development review process
Process b. Streamline development review for qualified affordable housing projects
Target 2: Examine policies for protecting a. Examine impact of alley houses, particularly regarding non-conforming
neighborhood character while increasing density uses and over abundance of variances
through infill and redevelopment b. Considerspecial zoning options that preserve neighborhood character
c. Reexamine and identify strategic infill and redevelopment locations that
sup ort the City Plan vision
d. Identify and address existing disincentives to infill and redevelopment
e. Explore use of urban renewal districts for redevelopment and infill projects
Target 3: Examine City policies regarding a. Implement the Community Separators Policy
development at the edges of the GMA b. Determine appropriate zoning east of 1-25
c. Complete the 1-25 sub area plan
Target 4: Continue regional planning efforts a. Review and update intergovernmental agreements for Cooperative Planning
where appropriate Areas
Target 5: Examine the role of the market in a. Evaluate opportunities to balance the goals of the land use code with the
guiding land use plans needs of the current market
Theme 9: City Governance
City Governance Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Examine governance issues a. Explore optimum number of City Council Members
b. Review conflict of interest provisions
c. Re-examine City Code campaign laws and reporting requirements
G:MGRS/Policy/2003-2005 Policy Agenda Page 10
Theme 10: Community Affordability
Community Affordability Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Pursue new strategies for making a. Pursue regional strategies
housing more affordable b. Examine inclusionary zoning
c. Examine and implement incentives for production of affordable housing
d. Review the impact of development costs (fee structure, reviewprocess)
Target 2: Pursue adopted production goals and a. Review, update and analyze progress in meeting targets
strategies contained in the report "Priority b. Support current policy to increase stock of affordable housing via the Land
Affordable Housing Needs and Strategies." Banking Program
Target 3: Identify factors that contribute to a. Examine transit routes for links to low income community and public
affordable living facilities and services
b. Create cost-of-living report (housing, utilities, food, wages, etc.)
c. Examine impacts of implementing Living Wage Ordinance
d. Review and compare Fort Collins affordable housing programs with other
Colorado affordable housing programs
G:MGRS/Policy/2003-2005 Policy Agenda Page 11
Theme 11: Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation Proposed Objectives
Target 1: Build a new Northside Aztlan
Community Center with Building Community
Choices funds
Target 2: Explore additional funding strategies a. Examine options for and impacts of increasing various fees
for creating, operating and maintaining parks b. Examine implementation schedule for developing and opening new parks
c. Pursue additional GOCO funds for trails
Target 3: Continue to improve park design and a. Reevaluate park development and design standards to make them less
construction to reduce operation and maintenance expensive
costs b. Consider modifications to trail system to enhance bicycle commuting
Target 4: Examine natural areas use policy a. Include a variety of groups in reviewing this issue, including Parks and
regarding recreational uses Recreation Board, Natural Resources Board and citizens
G:MGRS/Policy/2003-2005 Policy Agenda Page 12