HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL - AGENDA ITEM - 09/02/2003 - RESOLUTION 2003-101 SUBMITTING TO THE REGISTERED E AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ITEM NUMBER: 34 DATE: September 2, 2003 lip FORT COLLINS CITY COUNCIL FROM: Diane Jones Ron Phillips SUBJECT : Resolution 2003-101 Submitting to the Registered Electors of the City a Proposed Ballot Measure Which Would Authorize a Change in the Use of Certain Building Community Choices Tax Revenues (Option A and Option B). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the August 12, 2003 Study Session, City Council directed staff to bring forward a proposal to place a measure on the November election ballot that would reallocate funds from two Building Community Choices transportation projects toward two higher priority transportation projects. In 1997, voters approved the Building Community Choices capital improvement program, including 20 specific projects in three sales and use tax funded packages. Voter approval of the projects means that the City cannot change the projects without voter approval. However, changing circumstances suggest that these funds could be more effectively used for other transportation needs. If the Council wishes to reallocate a portion of these funds, voter approval would be required. The Resolution would authorize City staff to submit the proposed reallocation to the voters and change the use of the funds from the Truck Route and Prospect Road projects to the Timberline Road and Harmony Road projects. Two options of the Resolution are presented for Council's consideration. Option A presents a single ballot measure to the voters. Option B divides the measure into two separate questions. RESOLUTION OPTIONS Option A presents the reallocation of the funds in one ballot measure. The measure provides for the release of $5.1 million from the Prospect Road project and $1.4 million from the Truck Route project, for a total of reallocated resources of$6.5 million. These funds are then directed toward completing the Timberline Road and Harmony Road projects. By presenting one ballot measure, a complete funding strategy is presented to the voters for approval and both projects detailed in the ballot language would be completed. While this option does not offer voters the opportunity to support one reallocation and reject the other reallocation, the single ballot measure provides a more direct, clear and accurate description of the funding strategy. If the measure is approved, the funds will be available to complete both the Timberline and Harmony projects. DATE: September 2, 2003 ITEM NUMBER: 34 Option B presents two reallocation questions to voters. Ballot Question No. 1 asks voters to release $5.1 million from the Prospect Road Building Community Choices sales tax fund, and Ballot Question No. 2 asks voters to release $1.4 million from the Truck Route BCC fund. Both questions identify two projects that the funds will "help pay the costs" of: Timberline Road and Harmony Road. Neither funding source alone will provide adequate resources to complete both projects, so voters would need to approve both ballot measures to implement the full funding strategy. If one measure passes and the other fails, only a portion of the work described in the ballot measures could be completed. The ballot structure may confuse or mislead voters is a couple of ways: a. Voters may believe that they can voter for one measure or the other and still ensure completion of both projects; or b. Voters may believe they are voting to support one project or another rather than voting whether or not to release and reallocate existing funds. If only Question No. 2 ($1.4 million from the Truck Route) is approved by voters, the City would be unable to complete either of the projects because funds would not be adequate. This potential for confusion and misunderstanding are the basis of staff's recommendation to place Option A, with one measure, on the November 4 ballot. PROJECT SUMMARY Four separate transportation projects are involved in the reallocation proposal: Truck Route In 1999, voters approved an ordinance that significantly restricted the location and construction of a Northeast Truck Route. High cost estimates and the requirement that the route be well outside the city limits of Fort Collins have made it impossible for the project to proceed without the involvement of Latimer County and Colorado Department of Transportation. The $1.4 million that the City has available for the project represents less than 2% of the over $80 million in projected costs for the completion of a truck bypass outside the city Growth Management Area. Construction remains unlikely, given the lack of funding and priority status from Latimer County and CDOT, so staff has recommended that a portion of the BCC funding for this project be redirected to higher priority transportation needs within the City. The City would continue to pursue non- route based strategies for reducing pass thru truck traffic, and has reserved $1 million of the remaining BCC funds to fund implementation of these strategies. The balance of $1.4 million of the remaining $2.4 million could then be reallocated to other transportation needs. Prospect Road In the BCC program, the Prospect Road project included a 2-lane arterial with sidewalks and bike lanes at an estimated cost of $5.4 million. This level of funding would only provide a portion of the needed improvements along Prospect Road, and would not include adding vehicle travel lanes or any improvements from Summitview to I-25. This incomplete funding and changing traffic patterns make the project a lower priority than September , 2003 DATE: ITEM NUMBER: 34 other nearby needs, such as Timberline Road. If the project were completed as originally envisioned, portions of the work would need to be removed when full funding later becomes available. Prospect Road improvements have become less critical than other needs, so staff is also recommending reallocating these funds. Some funds have been expended on preliminary engineering work, so voters would be asked to reallocate the remaining $5.1 million of project funding. Prospect Road improvements would then be postponed until full funding is available in the future. Significant existing resources from these two projects would be reallocated to higher priority transportation needs, without increasing any taxes: Prospect Road improvements, Poudre River to Summitview $5.1 million Highway 14 truck by-pass project $1.4 million Balance for contingency $0.2 million TOTAL $6.5 Million Harmony Road. Seneca to BNSF Railroad The proposed improvements to Harmony Road would include a full feature 4-lane arterial from Seneca Avenue to the BNSF Railroad and full improvements to the Shields/Harmony intersection. Existing Street Oversizing funds provide the balance of funding to complete this project. The project would not include funding for bike lanes between the railroad tracks and College Avenue. These improvements would address one of the most significant traffic bottlenecks in the community and make improvements to the intersection with the highest accident rate in the city—Harmony Road and Shields Street. The reallocation of funding from the Prospect Road and Truck Route projects would add $3.2 million to the Harmony Road project and to better ensure adequate funds for its completion. Street Oversizing share $4.3 million Unfunded share (to be funded by reallocated resources) $3.2 million Total Project Cost $7.5 million Timberline Road.Drake to Prospect The proposed improvements to Timberline Road would include full feature arterial improvements from Drake Road to Prospect Road with four vehicle lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks, medians and parkways. Some funding is already available for a portion of these improvements from developer Street Oversizing Fees and the developer share of local streets. These funds, plus the funds reallocated from the Prospect Road and Truck Route projects, would be combined with $2.3 million in additional financing from developers along Timberline, to better ensure adequate funding for completion of a full arterial. Developers' local access shares $1.5 million Street Oversizing share $4.5 million Unfunded share (to be funded by reallocated resources) $3.1 million Unfunded share (development pledged financing) $2.3 million Total Project Cost 1 $11.4 million DATE: ITEM NUMBER: .34 A balance for contingency of $200,000 remains available from the reallocated funds if both projects are completed within the total projected costs. FUNDING SUMMARY The funding strategy provides funds for two of the highest priority needs, and does not ask voters to increase taxes to accomplish the projects. The approach is a short-term solution to the significant funding gap that the City still has in addressing capital needs. This strategy addresses two urgent needs in our community. Funds Needed - Best Option Reallocated Funds Available $6,500,000 Potentially Funded by SID $2,300,000 TOTAL $8,600,000 Timberline (full improvements) <$5,400,000 > Harmony (Seneca to BNSF RR) <$3,200,000> Balance for Contingency $200,000 If voters approve the reallocation, funds for engineering and design work would be available immediately, and construction would likely begin in 2005. BALLOT MEASURE The proposed ballot measure(s) would ask voters to do two things: • Reallocate funds from two projects: ➢ Prospect Road--$5.1 Million ➢ Highway 14 Truck Route--$1.4 Million • Allow the funds to be used for two higher priority projects: ➢ Timberline Road ➢ Harmony Road The ballot measure would also provide that any excess revenues remaining after the completion of the projects would be used tp remedy other deficiencies in the City's transportation system. This Resolution would place the measure(s) on the November 4 coordinated election ballot. Early voting for this election begins on October 20. List of Attachments: Maps • RESOLUTION 2003-101 OPTION A OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS SUBMITTING TO THE REGISTERED ELECTORS OF THE CITY A PROPOSED BALLOT MEASURE WHICH WOULD AUTHORIZE A CHANGE IN THE USE OF CERTAIN BUILDING COMMUNITY CHOICES TAX REVENUES WHEREAS,on April 8, 1997,the registered electors of the City approved a quarter cent sales and use tax for a period of eight years for the purpose of obtaining funds to construct certain community enhancement capital projects,which projects included improvements to Prospect Road from the Poudre River to Summitview Drive,as well as certain costs related to a proposed northeast truck route (the "Truck Route"); and WHEREAS,on November 2, 1999,the registered electors of the City also approved Citizen- Initiated Ordinance No. 142, 1999,which changed the purpose for which the tax revenues previously earmarked for the northeast truck route were to be expended and directed the City to instead use such funds to pursue the relocation of the Truck Route to a location outside of the City's then current urban growth area and for certain other related purposes; and WHEREAS,the City Council believes that the monies currently earmarked for the Prospect Road improvements and the majority of the monies remaining to be used for the purposes described in Citizen-Initiated Ordinance No. 142, 1999, would be better utilized by the City if they were expended to fund certain other transportation capital projects,including improvements to Timberline Road between Drake Road and Prospect Road and improvements to Harmony Road between Seneca Street and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad tracks; and WHEREAS, by the adoption of Ordinance No. 102, 2003, the City Council has called a special municipal election to be held in conjunction with the November 2003 Larimer County Coordinated Election, and the Council wishes to submit to the voters at such election the foregoing proposed change of use of these Building Community Choices tax revenues. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS that the following question shall be submitted to the registered electors of the City of Fort Collins at the special municipal election to be held on November 4, 2003: CITY OF FORT COLLINS BALLOT ISSUE 2_ Without increasing taxes, shall the City of Fort Collins change its use of approximately six million five hundred thousand dollars($6,500,000)in revenues derived from an existing 0.25 percent voter-approved sales and use tax for "Building Community Choices-Street Transportation Projects," so that such revenues shall be used, to the extent they are sufficient, to help pay the cost of: • improvements to Timberline Road, from Drake Road to Prospect Road, including the intersection of Prospect Road and Timberline Road, and • improvements to Harmony Road between Seneca Street and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad tracks, including the intersection of Shields Street and Harmony Road, with any excess revenues remaining after the completion of such projects to be used for any other transportation capital project that the City Council may authorize for the purpose of remedying other deficiencies in the City's transportation system, instead of using approximately five million one hundred thousand dollars($5,100,000)of such revenues for Prospect Road improvements from the Poudre River to Summitview Drive, as presently required by Ordinance No. 31, 1997, and instead of using approximately one million four hundred thousand dollars($1,400,000)of such revenues for the relocation of the Colorado Highway 14 Truck Route,as presently required by citizen-initiated Ordinance No. 142, 1999? Yes No Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held this 2nd day of September, A.D. 2003. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk • RESOLUTION 2003-101 OPTION B OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS SUBMITTING TO THE REGISTERED ELECTORS OF THE CITY TWO PROPOSED BALLOT MEASURES WHICH WOULD AUTHORIZE CHANGES IN THE USE OF CERTAIN BUILDING COMMUNITY CHOICES TAX REVENUES WHEREAS,on April 8, 1997,the registered electors of the City approved a quartercent sales and use tax for a period of eight years for the purpose of obtaining funds to construct certain community enhancement capital projects,which projects included improvements to Prospect Road from the Poudre River to Summitview Drive,as well as certain costs related to a proposed northeast truck route (the "Truck Route"); and WHEREAS,on November 2, 1999,the registered electors of the City also approved Citizen- Initiated Ordinance No. 142, 1999,which changed the purpose for which the tax revenues previously earmarked for the northeast truck route were to be expended and directed the City to instead use such funds to pursue the relocation of the Truck Route to a location outside of the City's then current urban growth area and for certain other related purposes; and WHEREAS,the City Council believes that the monies currently earmarked for the Prospect Road improvements and the majority of the monies remaining to be used for the purposes described in Citizen-Initiated Ordinance No. 142, 1999, would be better utilized by the City if they were expended to fund certain other transportation capital projects,including improvements to Timberline Road between Drake Road and Prospect Road and improvements to Harmony Road between Seneca Street and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad tracks; and WHEREAS, by the adoption of Ordinance No. 102, 2003, the City Council has called a special municipal election to be held in conjunction with the November 2003 Larimer County Coordinated Election, and the Council wishes to submit to the voters at such election the foregoing proposed change of use of these Building Community Choices tax revenues. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS that the following questions shall be submitted to the registered electors of the City of Fort Collins at the special municipal election to be held on November 4, 2003: • QUESTION NO. 1: CITY OF FORT COLLINS BALLOT ISSUE 2_ Without increasing taxes, shall the City of Fort Collins change its use of approximately five million one hundred thousand dollars($5,100,000)in revenues derived from an existing 0.25 percent voter-approved sales and use tax for "Building Community Choices-Street Transportation Projects," so that such revenues shall be used, to the extent they are sufficient, to help pay the cost of: • improvements to Timberline Road, from Drake Road to Prospect Road, including the intersection of Prospect Road and Timberline Road, and/or • improvements to Harmony Road between Seneca Street and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad tracks, including the intersection of Shields Street and Harmony Road, with any excess revenues remaining after the completion of such projects to be used for any other transportation capital project that the City Council may authorize for the purpose of remedying other deficiencies in the City's transportation system, instead of using such revenues for Prospect Road improvements from the Poudre River to Summitview Drive,as presently required by Ordinance No. 31, 1997? Yes No QUESTION NO. 2: CITY OF FORT COLLINS BALLOT ISSUE 2_ Without increasing taxes,shall the City of Fort Collins change its use of approximately one million four hundred thousand dollars ($1,400,000) in revenues derived from an existing 0.25 percent voter-approved sales and use tax for "Building Community Choices-Street Transportation Projects," so that such revenues shall be used, to the extent they are sufficient, to help pay the cost of: • improvements to Timberline Road,from Drake Road to Prospect Road, including the intersection of Prospect Road and Timberline Road,and/or • improvements to Harmony Road between Seneca Street and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad tracks,including the intersection of Shields Street and Harmony Road, with any excess revenues remaining after the completion of such projects to be used for any other transportation capital project that the City Council may authorize for the • purpose of remedying other deficiencies in the City's transportation system,instead of using such revenues for the relocation of the Colorado Highway 14 Truck Route, as presently required by citizen-initiated Ordinance No. 142, 1999? Yes No Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held this 2nd day of September, A.D. 2003. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk