First Reading of Ordinance No. 084, 2007, Appropriating Unanticipated Grant Revenue in the
General Fund for the Poudre Valley Health System Choose the Right Road Driving Program.
Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinance on First Reading.
The Poudre Valley Health System has been awarded a $25,000 grant from the Alcohol and Drug
Abuse Division of the Colorado Department of Human Services. These funds will be disbursed
by the Colorado Department of Human Services to the City of Fort Collins, pursuant to State of
Colorado requirements, and then paid to the Poudre Valley Health System as the program
administrator. This grant carries no additional financial impact or responsibility for the City of
Fort Collins.
Poudre Valley Health System ("PVHS") developed a comprehensive prevention program called
"Choose the Right Road" to minimize the number of individuals who drive while intoxicated.
"Choose the Right Road" collaborates with local government, businesses, law enforcement,
health care providers, Colorado State University, Poudre School District and other community
sectors to reduce the number of individuals who drive intoxicated. The program uses many
strategies to decrease the number of people who drive intoxicated, such as public education and
dissemination of information about hazards of driving while intoxicated to youth in the
community. A listing of strategies and the program budget is attached.
The State of Colorado and the Alcohol and Drug Division of the Colorado Department of
Human Services require that the grant funds be dispersed to a "local public procurement unit."
A "local public procurement unit' means any county, city, municipality, or other public
subdivision of the state, any public agency of any such political subdivision, any public
authority, any education, health or other institution, and to the extent provided by law, any other
entity which expends public funds for the procurement of supplies, services and construction.
August 15, 2006 -2- Item No. 9
PVHS requested that the City serve as the local public procurement unit and a pass-through
recipient of the grant proceeds. This Ordinance will allow the City to disburse the grant funds to
PVHS (via the Hospital Foundation) upon completion of any grant-related documents and a
subgrant agreement between the City and PVHS.
1. Listing of Strategies
2. Program Budget
News of Organization: City of Fort Collins
Address: PO Box 590
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Phone Number: (970)221-6763
Fax Number: (970)224-6107
Contact Person: Christine Macrina,Executive Administrative Assistant
Sub Contractor: Poudre Valley Hospital Foundation
Contact Penon: Ruth Lytle-Barnaby,Executive Director,Poudre Valley Hospital Foundation
Address: 1024 South Lemay Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Phone: 970-297-6718
Fax: 970-297-6753
Total Request: $25,000
Choose the Right Road(ROAD)is a prevention program developed by the Pcudre Valley Health
System to decrease the number of people who drive while under the influence of alcohol in Larimer
County. The Choose the Right Road program has been working to prevent impaired driving, injuries and
accidents, and fatalities in Larimer County since 1999.This program works in collaboration with local
businesses,low enforcement, health care providers,Colorado State University, Larimer County School
Districts,and other community sectors to reduce the number of Individuals who drive while impaired.
The Choose the Right Road program includes a number of strategies that decrease the amount of people
who drive while intoxicated in the community. A primary strategy is prevention through education by
working in collaboration with community members and serving on community coalitions and
committees. This approach allows community organizations to come together to discuss issues around
impaired driving and develop and implement evidence based programs and activities to reduce the
prevalence of impaired driving in our county.
Established programs of Choose the Right Road include the Smart Ride designated driver campaign,a
workshop for youth ages 14.16,awareness pledge activities for pram,homecoming and National
Drugged Driving Prevention month,TIPS(Training Intervention Procedures)for college students and
supporting social norms campaigns. New programs include a teen driver safety committee that is
organizing to include addressing DUI prevention. Larimer County also has a DUI task force to
coordinate county wide enforcement efforts with the Sheriffs office.
Subshrndedols of need
In 2006,alcohol-related fatalities rose to 17,941, s 2.4 percent increase from 17,525 in 2005, according
to NHTSA.This is 40%of the total traffic fatalities for the year(NI TSA,2006). In 2006,NHTSA
established a goal to reduce the number if high BAC fatalities for the year 2006 as nearly half of all
alcohol related crashes have a driver with a BAC twice the legal limit(NHTSA,2006).
p. 5
State,County and Local
The number of alcohol related traffic crash fatalities, injuries, and arrests in the state of Colorado reflects
the national statistics. In 2005,606 people were killed in Colorado Motor Vehicle involved crashes. Of
these crashes 4(%, or 242.involved alcohol 0IHTSA,2005).During St. Patrick's Day in 2006,the
Colorado State Patrol reports 465 DUI arrests were made statewide. Of these 30 were made in Larimer
P ,
ring uring Memorial Day weekend in 2006, 629 DUI arrests were made statewide,up from 595 in
2005(Colorado State Patrol). Of the 629 DUI arrests made in 2006,36 were made in Larimer County,
In 2005,Lorimer County District Attorneys office reported 2,396 DUI offenses and 75 DWAI offenses.
In Fort Collins, the number of DUI offenses,traffic crash fatalities,and alcohol related accidents posts a
problem of concern. In Fort Collins alone law enforcement reported 1,136 DUI offenses.Impaired
driving is a problem that affects the entire community.
Local Youth SurvgX Results
Latimer County youth we at risk for alcohol related problems.The Estes Park 2005 Colorado Youth
Survey reports 47%of high school students plan to get drunk sometime in the next year.The results also
found-that during the 30 days before the survey was administered, 19014 of students consumed alcohol.
The 2005 Youth Risk Behavior Survey also reports 11%of high school students surveyed drove a car
when they had been drinking alcohol one or more times during the past 30 days. With underage alcohol
use there is an increased probability that individuals will drive while impaired(NHTSA,2005). The
younger teens drink,the more likely they are to become alcohol dependent and drunk drivers(Hingson,
Goals, Objectives, method of evaluation and activides for the ROAD progrem
Goal 2: Through education and prevention activities, reduce the prevalence of impaired driving
and ridingwith an impaired driver in Larlmer County,
Objective M. By June 30,2008, increase the knowledge of safe alternatives and responsible choices
involving the use of alcohol in 2,000 students in PQudre School District,Thornpeon School District, and
Park(Estes Park)R-3 School District.
Activities When Who
Develop and introduce anti-DUI prevention activities to youth ages 14• Ongoing Coordinator
ig in Poudre School Dlstrkt,Thompson School District,and Park Pear Counselors
(Estes Park)R-3 School District. Peer Ambassadors
Steps: School Counselors
1) Work in collaboration with peer counseling groups in Lorimer Driving School
County school districts to encourage healthy choices among youth TEAM Fort Collins
such as: Teen Motor Vehicle Safety
• Prom and Homecoming Pledge Campaigns Coalition
2) Disseminate educational materials that emphasize the importance of
reepoos'his behavior during Choose the Right Road Workshops and
other program activities such as:
• Drive Safe,Drive Sober Cards
• Alcohol Poisoning Cards
• Effective Intervention Toole
• DUI and Alcohol Awareness Information
Conduct Community Readinees Survey in Hewes Park and Berthoud Fall Coordinator
• Identify and interview k communi leaden
Assist implementation of a social twrms campaigns Ongoing Coordinator
TEAM Fort Collins
Colorado State University's
Research and Development
Attend and organizentectings that emphasize the reduction of alcohol Ongoing Coordinator
use and intoxicated driving among youth ages 14-19. Law Enforcement
DAs Office
1) Teen Driver Safety Coalition P
2) Social Norms Committee Team Fort Collins
3) Youth Activity Committee Poudre School District
Colorado State University
p. 7
Educational Materials
• Alcohol Poisoning Cards
The Alcohol Poisoning Cards are designed to inform students about the signs and symptoms of
alcohol poisoning and how to help someone who is suffering from alcohol poisoning.
• Parent Postcards
Parent postcards am designed to inform parents about the penalties for.serving alcohol to minors,It
serves as a reminder to parents at graduation time that it is against the law to serve alcohol to minors
even at home.
• Parenting Wisely
Parenting Wisely(PW)is an interactive CD-ROM based program designed for families at-risk with
children from early elementary to high school age, Estes Park has requested this program.
• Drive Safe,Drive Sober Cards
'These cards include messages encouraging teens to celebrate alcohol and drug free,to always wear a
safety belt, and to never ride with an impaired driver,
• Effective Intervention Tools
The Effective Intervention Tools are designed to give youth the skills to communicate offoctivcly
with their peers about intoxicated driving and the misuse of alcohol,
• Alcohol Educational Materials
The alcohol educational materials are designed to give youth information regarding the effects of
alcohol on the developing brain,DUI and DWAI information,costs involved with a DUI and DWAI
for youth and adults,and videos to help youth recognize the dangers of drinking and driving or
riding with and impaired driver.'
Objective 1.2. By June 30,2008,increase knowledge on safe alternatives and responsible choices
involving the use of alcohol in 2,000 of Colorado State University and Front Range Community College
students ages 18-20 who are exposed to ROAD program activities.
Activities: When Who
Develop and Introduce anti-DUI prevention activities to Ongoing Coordinator
college students ages 18-20 at Colorado State University and CSU
Front Rango Community College FRCC
Steps: TEAM Fad Collins
1) Work in oollabaratian with CSU to Implement programs Local Businesses
and activities such as:
• Social Norms Campaigm
• Alternative forms oftramportation '
• CMS)Treiniog Intervention Procedures
2) Disseminate educational materials that emphasize the
importance of responsible behavior such as:
• SMARTRIDE fliers
• Safe Rides Hama cards
Poudre Valley Health System recognizes that a key componem to reducing intoxicated driving among
young adults is to collaborate with the whole community. Choose the Right Road will join with
community organizationa such as Ladmer County Sheriff, Fort Collins Police Department, Colorado
State Patrol,Greek Life,The Downtown Business Association,Colorado State University Police
Department,Poudre Valley School District,Thompson Valley School District,local businesses, and
other sectors in the community.
p. 8
• Social Norma Campaign
Choose the Right Road will work in collaboration with CSU to continue implementing social norms
messaging in order to increase the perception of responsible behavior.
• Safe Alternative Transportation Programs
Alternative transportation programs are becoming common among college conununities nationwide
to help combat the tragedies associated with drunk driving. These programs encourage individuals
to make educated and responsible decisions regarding their actions before and after drinking alcohol.
ROAD will be involved in promoting such programs as Ram Ride SMARTRIDE and other safe
P B A gr
forms of transportation.
APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR; City offt.Collins/P6udro Valley H6enitelFoilzdtlg on Contractlk:
PROJECT/PROORAM TITLE: Choose the Rlght Rind=AM TIME PERIOD;July 1.2007 thou bat 30,2008
No.of Hmj Total ADAD Other Other Sources:
CATBOORYANDLOD3ITEM Mos. Week Budyat Pwtds Sources. Non.CaW
Cash 1 Ia-kind 2
A.,PERSONNEL—Position Titles
1. Chaos the Itight F.WCoordinuor. $21 12 is $lf 120 $13120
Subtotal Personnel
Mo es a 28% $4 33.60 34.233.60
Indircet 7% S17f0 $1750
TOTAL PERSONNEL $21 103.40 $21 103.6
1. IWWWoaWMeemid' $1,710 $1 50 $500
2sm S300 $600
3. ProanatimW Supplies astMwadmawnts $2 0 $850 $500 S1.000
4.Office Supplies,Ckanfa o
00 $ stlo
5• $700 $700
6. FoodanxiftSMSumlin Sf $100
7. Inecotive Items $996.40 $496,40 $400
& Cmalmolvit Educuion $900 $900
TO AL OPBRATR40 EXPENSE $9 796A0 f3796A0 $1900 $4 809
1. E ul etn/Pi11ns Over$1 000%sch
2. Other;CO Kit 100 $100
E. TOTAL PROGRAM COST $29 OSO S23 000 $1900 $4 00
p. 10
Inforsontion % EducationlW19 Altematives,_ _,% Enviromttent Yo
Community Based Process %Problem I.D. sad Mortal %
1. Source name and amount must be ideatified In budget na rative
2. Source name and amount must be identified in budget narrativo
Budged Narrative
Services with Poudre Valley Health System: Request Funds SZ5,000
A.Personnel and Consultants
Request Funds. $21,103.60
Project Director for the Choose the Right Road Program will work 15 hours per week, for 12 months,at
$21 per hour(total wage: S 15,120), These hours will cover the development and implementation of
prevention programs into Lorimer County and collaboration with community coalitions on issues
involving DUI prevention for youth.Benefits are calculated at 28 percent(S4,233.60 for ,4 M).
B. Operating Expense
1. Educational Materials:
Requested Funds: 11450 Other Funds: $500
Educational materials include substance abuse prevention school based curriculum m that display an anti-
DUI message and educate parents. Other materials may include survey costs,educational brochures,
fliers, and posters.
Z. Prinfluff
Requested Funds: $300 Other Funds. $600
Printing costs will be used to print materials that the PVH print shop is unable to complete. In-kind
donations from Poudre Valley Health System is for normal print requests.
3. Promotional Supplies and Advertisements
Requested Funds: $950 Other Funds: SZ,500
Funds are needed for the development of brochures,fliers,and posters. These marketing materials will
be distributed throughout the community and will promote responsible and safe behavior. Activities that
will be promoted In Lorimer County are SMARTRIDE and other anti-DUI including social norms
campaigns. Funds are also needed to run anti-DUI messages in newspapers,radio, and TV. Other
promotional items will be provided to support the Berthoud Community Coalition for Youth Social
Norms cam
4. Office Supplies._ Cleaning,and Occunaney
Requested Funds. $O Other Funds: $2,500
Office supplies, cleaning,and occupancy will be dbmated to ROAD ftom Poudre Valley,Health System
in.the form of an in-kind donation. This in-kind donation includes the use of space,telephone,fait,desk,
computer,general office supplies, and cleaning.
Requested Funds: $0 Other Funds: $700
The will be used for shipping of educational materials. These funds will also be used for the
mailing of newsletters and parent postcards.
6. Food and Hevefiate Supplies
Requested Funds: $0 Other Funds: $S00
Food and beverages will be provided at sponsored meetings.
7. Inceative Items
Requested Funds $496.40 Other Funds: $400
Incentive items will be given to volunteers in the form of gift certificates. These items will also be used
to encourage SMARTRIDE participants to implement the program.
S. ContinuinH Education
Requested Funds: $900 Other Funds: $0
This will include trainings and conferences that focus on prevention education and community
mobilization. Ovemight stays may be necessary due to the location of these events. Travel is calculated
at$.45 per mile and overnight lodging is estimated at$85 per night. The funds that we are requesting
will specifically cover costs of tuition,registration fees and travel.
Other: Evacuation CO HIT
Requested Funds:$100 Other Funds:$0
Colorado KIT(Knowledge-based Information Technology)is a web-based reporting and evaluation
system that PDD grantees use to enter and report data about their programs,participants and service
outcomes.The system offers a common framework for reporting and evaluation of prevention and
intervention services. Funds will be used for data management with OMNI. This system will be used to
measure progress and outcomes.
ORDINANCE NO. 084, 2007
WHEREAS, Poudre Valley Health System ("PVHS") has applied for and been awarded a
grant from the State of Colorado Department of Human Services,Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division
in the amount of$25,000; and
WHEREAS, PVHS developed a comprehensive prevention program called "Choose the
Right Road" (the"Program")which seeks to minimize the frequency of individuals driving while
intoxicated; and
WHEREAS,the Program calls for collaboration among local governments,businesses,law
enforcement agencies, healthcare providers,Colorado State University,Poudre School District,and
other sectors of the community to reduce the number of individuals who drive while intoxicated;and
WHEREAS,the Program uses a number of strategies to decrease the number of people who
drive while intoxicated in the community; and
WHEREAS,under the terms of the grant program,PVHS requested that the City receive the
grant funds as a pass-through agent and then pay the grant funds to PVHS for use consistent with
grant purposes; and
WHEREAS, upon completion of any grant-related documents and a subgrant agreement
between the City and PVHS,the City proposes to pay the above described grant proceeds to PVHS
(via the Hospital Foundation) for the Program; and
WHEREAS,Article V,Section 9,of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins permits the City
Council to make supplemental appropriations by ordinance at any time during the fiscal year,
provided that the total amount of such supplemental appropriations,in combination with all previous
appropriations for that fiscal year, does not exceed the current estimate of actual and anticipated
revenues to be received during the fiscal year; and
WHEREAS, City staff has determined that the appropriation of the grant funds from the
State of Colorado Department of Human Services,Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division to PVHS for
the Program, as described herein,will not cause the total amount appropriated in the relevant funds
to exceed the current estimate of actual and anticipated revenues to be received in that fund during
any fiscal year.
COLLINS that there is hereby appropriated from unanticipated grant revenue in the General Fund
the sum of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000) for expenditure in the General
Fund for the Poudre Valley Health System"Choose the Right Road"program, pursuant to related
grant and subgrant agreements.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 21st day of
August, A.D. 2007, and to be presented for final passage on the 4th day of September, A.D. 2007.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading on the 4th day of September, A.D. 2007.
City Clerk