City of Fort Collins January 23, 2007
Doug Hutchinson, Mayor Council Information Center
Karen Weitkunat, District 2, Mayor Pro Tern City Hall West
Ben Manvel, District 1 300 LaPorte Avenue
Diggs Brown, District 3 Fort Collins, Colorado
Kurt Kastein, District 4 6:00 p.m.
Kelly Ohlson, District 5 Cablecast on City Cable Channel 14
David Roy, District 6 on the Comcast cable system
The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City services,programs,and activities and
will make special communication arrangements for persons with disabilities. Please call 221-6515(TDD 224-6001)for
1. Call Meeting to Order.
2. Potential Amendments to the City Charter for the April Municipal Election.
� (1 hour discussion)
The following potential amendments to the City Charter are proposed for the April Municipal
1 Election Board Composition
2. Term Length for Office of Mayor
3. City Council Compensation
4. 20-Year Limit on Franchises and Leases
l. Shall the City Attorney prepare a Charter amendment modifying the composition of
the Election Board?
2. Shall the City Attorney prepare a Charter amendment expanding the term for Mayor
from two to four years?
3. Shall the City Attorney prepare a Charter amendment changing the current level of
City Council compensation?
4. Shall the City Attorney prepare a Charter amendment eliminating the 20-year limit
on leases while leaving the 20-year limit on franchises?
3. Financial Forecasting Model for the City's General Fund. (30 minute discussion)
Staff would appreciate Council feedback and comments regarding the financial forecasting
model presented by Economic Planning Systems:
1. Is the financial forecasting model understandable?
2. Does the model provide more confidence in the accuracy of forecasting revenues that
will serve as the foundation for budget development?
3. What other questions and/or suggestions does Council have regarding the methods
for forecasting General Fund revenues?
4. Economic Action Plan and Creation of Economic Advisory Commission.
(1 hour discussion)
A. Economic Action Plan Update.
This work session provides the City Council with an overall update on the Economic Action
Plan, focusing on achievements from 2006 and outlining steps that are proposed for 2007.
Council requested regular updates on economic health issues throughout the year. This is
the first of three updates planned for 2007.
B. Proposed Economic Advisory Commission.
This work session item will focus on a proposal for the formation of an Economic Advisory
Commission that will take the place of the Economic Vitality and Sustainability Group
(EVSAG), appointed by City Council in February 2004.
Council discussed this issue at its Fall retreat and requested that staff bring the idea of
creating an ongoing Economic Advisory Commission back to the Council for further
discussion and consideration. Following are some key questions for Council to discuss
regarding this proposal:
1. Do the specific task and responsibilities for the Commission address City Council's
2. What is the Council s reaction to the number of members?
3. How does Council feel about the proposed professions that Commission members
might represent?
4. What are other general comments does Council have?
5. Other Business.
6. Adjournment.