City of Fort Collins PROCLAMATION
WHEREAS, the character quality of Loyalty is a critical personal quality needed for lasting
success; and
WHEREAS,we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort Collins a place where families
are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business is productive, neighbors care
about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices for their lives and families; and
WHEREAS,we recognize that the health of this community depends upon all of our citizens
being able to endure in their activities and their associations; and
WHEREAS,the tranquility and orderly operation and development of our city demand that
we implement the keyconcept of Loyalty: making people a priorityregardless of constraints;supporting
one another during difficult circumstances; keeping commitments in spite of pressures and changes;
staying connected in order to resolve conflicts;looking for positive bases to build upon;staying on track
when complications arise; and fulfilling responsibilities during all times and seasons; and
WHEREAS,by following these suggestions for loyal behavior,we as citizens individually and
collectively can improve interaction with fellow citizens,can minimize distractions from our objectives,
can create credibility in our relationships within our homes and workplaces, can improve morale by
building trust and confidence in one another,and can stay true to our mutual expectations as we move
boldly yet patiently into our future as a culture of excellence.
NOW THEREFORE, I, Doug, Hutchinson, Mayor of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby
proclaim the character trait of
"Demonstrating our commitment to one another by supporting those we serve
through good times and bad,persisting and sacrificing to honor their trust and
our promises."
as the community of character focus for the month of November 2006 in the city of Fort Collins.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Fort
Collins this 7th day of November,A.D. 2006.
City Clerk
300 LaPorte Avenue • P.O.Box 580 • Fort Collins,CO 80522-0550 • (970)221-6505 • FAX(970)224-6107 • TDD(970)224 6i001