City of Fort Collins
WHEREAS,Diligence is a critical personal quality needed for lasting success; and
WHEREAS,we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort Collins a place where families
are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business is productive, neighbors care
about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices for their lives and families; and
WHEREAS,we recognize the health of this communitydepends upon all of our citizens being
able to endure in their activities and their associations; and
WHEREAS,the tranquility and orderly operation and development of our City demand that
we implement the key concepts of Diligence: understanding a task and developing a strategy that will
establish a successful process for accomplishing it; getting started with confidence and clarity of
purpose; focusing on priorities, using them as a guide for consistent daily implementation of the
strategic steps;maintaining quality by doing every step to the best of one's abilities;regularly evaluating
progress and deficiencies; remaining continuously motivated; achieving efficiency in methods and
excellence in results; and
WHEREAS, by following these suggestions for diligent behavior, we as citizens individually
and collectively can improve the quality of our products and the efficiency of our services,can focus
our efforts on achieving our collective and individual goals, can provide our community with an
improving competitive edge,and can find new avenues for enriching our lives- as we move boldly yet
patiently into our developing future as a Culture of Excellence.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Doug Hutchinson, Mayor of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby
proclaim the character trait of
"Continually defining,moving,focusing,pursuing and assessing the strategies
and outcomes of the tasks and goals we endeavorto achieve."
as the community of character focus for the month of October 2006 in the city of Fort Collins.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Fort
Collins this 3rd day of October, A.D. 2006,
City Clerk
300 LaPorte Avenue • P.O.Box 580 • Fort Collins,CO 80522-0580 • (970)221-6505 • FAX(970)224-6107 • TDD(970)224-6001