AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DATE: September 15, 2009
Kathleen Bracke
Second Reading of Ordinance No. 090, 2009, Authorizing the Transfer of Existing Appropriations
Between Capital Projects for the North College Improvements Project.
Staff recommends adoption of this Ordinance on Second Reading.
This Ordinance, unanimously adopted on First Reading on September 1, 2009, authorizes the use .
of the remaining Truck Route funds for the North College Project in order to further extend the
needed improvements along North College, from Vine Drive north to the Hickory/Conifer
Intersection, and to meet the intended construction schedule of 2011, as desired by the North Fort
Collins Business Association (NFCBA) and local business/property owners.
1. Copy of First Reading Agenda Item Summary - September 1,2009.
(w/o original attachments)
Kathleen Bracke
Items Relating to the North College I V provernentPvT-Phase-ll.
Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution and the Ordinance on First Reading.
The cost estimate to build the full-improvements along-North-C;ollege Avenue is approximately$12
to $15 million. (tel.y/$6.2--mi:liionlin[f)undin
�The City currently has approximg-available for this project, including
the original Building on Basics (BOB) 1/4 cent sales tax funding and federal funding from the
Colorado Department of Transportation and the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning
Organization(MPO). Staff is continuing to seek various local, state,and federal solutions to bridge
this funding gap.
Staff is requesting Council approval to transfer the remaining Truck Route project funding in the
amount of$1,830,944 into the North College Improvements Project Update: Phase II—Vine Drive
to the Hickory/Conifer Intersection.�This roposed_transfer will_allow improvements to extend
er I /� `��• I f\V ` C R,
further north and to maintain the accelerated project scheduleNfor construction to begin in 2011, as
desired by the North Fort Collin. , s Business, s Association i�ation (NFCBA) and local business/property
This funding request to transfer the approximately $1.8 million in remaining Truck Route funds is
supported by the Transportation Board and staff from various City departments including,
Transportation Planning, Engineering, Finance, City Manager's office, and City Attorney's office.
A. Resolution .2009-082 �pproving the Design anndScl�uling of the North College
Improvements Project—Phase hase�IIt
September 1, 2009 -2- Item No. 18
B. First Reading of Ordinance No. 090, 2009, Authorizing the Transfer of Existing
Appropriations Between Capital Projects for the North College Improvements Project.
The City of Fort Collins is in the final stage of the conceptual design phase for the North College
Corridor Improvements Project — Phase II, from Vine Drive north to the Hickory/Conifer
Intersection. The Project was initiated in accordance with the voter-approved Building on Basics
(BOB)Capital Improvement Program. Additional project funding was secured by the City from the
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and North Front Range Metropolitan Planning
Organization (MPO).
I'I ments
Staff is seeking Council approval of theorth N College Improve Project—Phase II,Vine Drive
to the Hickory/Conifer Intersection Conceptual Design Report)dated September 1,2009,as well as
the proposed schedule for the Project The P JedReport includes a summary of the conceptual
design phase of the Project, including the preferred conceptual design for the corridor and an
implementation phasing plan.
Staff is also seeking Council approval for the use of the remaining Truck Route funds for the North
College Project in order to further extend the needed improvements along this state highway corridor
and meet the intended construction schedule of 2011, as desired by the North Fort Collins Business
Association (NFCBA) and local business/property owners.
In 2005, Fort Collins voters approved a 1/4 cent sales tax to fund capital projects — Building on
Basics (BOB). One of the transportation projects funded through this package is "North College
Avenue Improvements Phase 2 — Vine Drive to Conifer." This Project is the next phase of the
improvements that were initially funded through the Building Community Choices (BCC) capital
plan. The prior BCC program funded improvements from Jefferson to Vine Drive(see Attachment
1 for a map of the project area).
The 2005 BOB ballot language/ dude d(ttI e folloivin pr6j_&c�cription:
"North College Avenue(Improvement PI)b s 12—Vine Drive to Conifer
�/ J L A
The project will provide for the re-design of North College Avenue to bring the road
to current arterial standards from Vine Drive to Conifer Street and for the acquisition
of right-of-way needed for construction along North College Avenue. Construction
will include curb,gutter and minor street patching;redefinition and consolidation of
driveway; bike lanes and sidewalks, new streetscape and other necessary
The voter-approved BOB funding-provides=approximately,$4-8 million for this phase of the North
College Project. In addition to the BOB fundingthe;Ci�y)secured an additional$885,000 in federal
ort funding from CDOT and the(1 h Front Range MPO to help cover costs associated with the
bicycle, pedestrian, streetscape'�\and+safety improvements. The total Project funding previously
secured was approximately$5.6 million dollars. An additional $600,000 in funding was approved
by the North Front Range MPO Council in August, thus the total budget for the North College
September 1, 2009 -3- Item No. 18
project is approximately$6.2 million. This additional funding will be appropriated into the Project
budget as a separate Council action once contracts are received from CDOT. The updated
engineer's estimate for the total cost of the corridor improvements from Vine to Conifer is between
$12 million and $15 million, depending on the level of improvements. Due to funding limitations,
full build-out of this Project is planned to be done in phases as funding becomes available. The City
continues to seek additional funding.
Project Coordination
Throughout the development ofthe North,C,M ege/WS287 design project,the City's Transportation
Planning Department has worked closely with)oth1er�City�departments, including Engineering,
Traffic Operations,Advance Planning,,Current Planning,Finance, Stormwater,Utilities,Transfort,
Historic Preservation,Parks,Nat ral'Resources and Art in Public Places.The City also has worked
with local and regional stakeholders, including the North Fort Collins Business Association
(NFCBA),the North College Urban Renewal Authority(URA),area property/business owners,City
boards and commissions, City Council, CDOT, and other interested stakeholders to develop a
recommended design package that meets the many important local and regional need's of this
Planned improvements for the corridor include installation of curb and gutter, consolidation of
driveways, improved bicycle and-pedestrian-facilities=new:streetscape design, and other necessary
improvements such as stormwa�ter facili1t'is. 11 IFts
The Project report for the North`l\Colleg \\Im e1pro/Iv✓elmerojelet is being presented to City Council
for approval. This report includes the conceptual design for the ultimate corridor improvements,
as well as a prioritized list of projects that can be implemented in phases based upon current and
future funding resources. (see Attachment 4)
Public Outreach
The public outreach process during the planning phase of the Project has included three public open
house meetings(April,May, and July as wel as individual-property and business owner meetings.
At the request of the NFCBA, a special hands-on workshop was held in May to develop possible
conceptual design alternatives(for the corridor.I In addition, alright-of--way informational meeting
was held at the request of property owners i�une_Project presentations took place in May, June
and July for various City boards and commissions. The second City Council work session for this
project was held July 28.
Conceptual Design and Phasing
The project conceptual design was developed through input from the public, NFCBA, CDOT,
property and business owners, the Commission on Disability, Bicycle Advisory Committee,
Transportation Board, and the Planning and
Zoning Board, as well as various City departments.
iI .l l rThe conceptual design supports�the North Corridor Plan,andCity Plan by providing a more
attractive and functional corridor for all modes o transportation The North College improvements
will help provide more safe and di er ci linkages for motorists,cyclists,transit riders,and pedestrians
to/from downtown and the greater Fort Collins community between North College area businesses,
September 1, 2009 -4- Item No. 18
employment, and residential neighborhoods. In addition, the improvements will help set the stage
for future infill and redevelopment opportunities to foster the City's economic health and
sustainability goals.
The conceptual design includes a reduced-width median, two 12-foot travel lanes, 8-foot on-street
bike lanes on each side, curb and gutter, a 7.5-foot landscaped parkway and an off-street 8-foot
shared use path(in lieu of sidewalk) on each side. Due to funding limitations, full build-out of this
project is planned to be done in phases as funding becomes available.
Preferred Option � � psts
Phasing Option 1 is preferred. P.hasngOp�ion I ofedge improvements,including
street and landscaping. The decision was reached by the Project team with input from the public,
boards and commissions, property owners,NFCBA, CDOT, and various City departments.
Completing the Project from south to north with the currently secured funding of$6.2 million will
provide full edge improvements, including consolidated driveways, landscaped parkways, bike
lanes, shared use paths, curb, gutter, and storm water facilities up to approximately Pinon Street.
In addition, the first phase of improvements will include basic safety improvements at the
Hickory/Conifer intersection as required by the CDOT Hazard Elimination Safety funding.
This. first phase will not include raised,(landscaped medians because these medians need to be
installed in the future when parallel alleys and street connections are available to provide alternative
access for businesses located along:the corridor/ J J
Advantages of Phasing Option 1 include:
• Supported by the public, Transportation Board, Planning and Zoning Board,
NFCBA liaison and property owners in the North College area.
• Number of disruptions to businesses is minimized.
• Provides a gateway to the North College area.
• Includes all elements of the BOB ballot language.
• Provides completeivisible,improvements, demonstrating what improvements
would look like along the corridor further=north.
• May help stimulate rem ddeevdlop`nt:int�t in the area, which would help pay
for future additional improvements.
• Finding.funding for landscaping alone may be challenging.
Funding Request
The current funding gap to implement the conceptual design for the entire length of the Project is
approximately$6 - $9 million, depending on the level of improvements.
To help address this budget shortfall;the NFCBA h eas rr que is ed thaTthe project team bring forward
to City Council a proposal to consider transferring the$JA million in remaining Truck Route funds
into the North College Project,. The/P�roject te'amlreviewed the NFCBA's requests with City
Management, the City Attorney's`-Office, as wellsas the Finance Department, Transportation
Planning, and Engineering departments.
September 1, 2009 -5- Item No. 18
Based on this review, staff supports this proposal to transfer the remaining Truck Route funds into
the North College Project budget and respectfully requests City Council approval of this transfer of
Transferring the$1.8 million in funding into the first phase of improvements would extend full edge
improvements to north of Hemlock Street.
Staff and key project stakeholders agree that this is an appropriate use of remaining truck route
funds. The North College corridor is the existing,designated truck route along US287. These funds
would be used to improve the exxisting truck route and provide/safety benefits for all modes of
transportation. r( — �� � ��.//
Another benefit of adding the Truck-Rou\t1t funds mto the North-I`College Project is that it allows the
Project to meet the accelerated construction schedule desired by the community. The NFCBA's
request to begin construction in 2011 presents a cash flow challenge to the Project's budget. The
original BOB program provided funding for right-of-way and engineering/design in 2011, leading
to a construction initiation in 2012. This time line was viewed-as too long by the community,based
upon the urgency of the necessary safety improvements. To move the Project construction schedule
up to 2011, design/engineering and right-of-way acquisition needs to occur.in 2010 to prepare the
Project for construction in 2011. Therefore,the City needs to identify funding for these key project
tasks in 2010 (prior to the availability-of 20:1-1,BOB-funds)—The amount needed to solve this 2010
cash flow challenge would be rr�esolved byll the use of the remamiing Truck Route funds.
The ability to use the remaining,Truck�Route'fu Ids benefits5the North College project in two
1. It would extend the project improvements further to improve safety for all
modes of transportation; and
2. It allows all the proposed improvements to begin construction in 2011, as
desired by the community.
The project team has met with the City's Finance Department to determine if there are other options
/��\ l f \'�• \ t _i
to provide funds for the right�of--way and design costs m 2009,2010. The Finance Department
supports the use of the Truck Rloute funding for)this-Project and has indicated there are no other
funding sources that would be appropriate�tt provide this funding bridge.
Unless additional funds are made available for the project in 2009/2010 (i.e., Truck Route), only
minor construction can begin in 2011. Construction for a majority of the North College
improvements would then start in 2012,when BOB funds become available. If the additional funds
are not transferred into the Project, the Project team can move forward with a limited construction
project at the Hickory/Conifer intersection with the funds currently secured for design in 2010.
The decision to transfer the Truck Route funds into another transportation capital project located
within the Northeast quadrantf thFe City�r alls under the purview of City Council and does not
require a citizen vote. (See Attachment 5"for the Truck!,Aout�ballot language.)
September 1, 2009 -6- Item No. 18
Project Schedule
The Project schedule was accelerated in response to requests from the North Fort Collins Business
Association and area property/business owners. The current project schedule is dependent on
funding right-of-way and design costs in 2009/2010:
2009 Planning, community engagement, visioning, alternatives analysis,
selection of preferred alternative, and development of prioritized
phasing plan for implementation.
2009/2010 Project erigineering�and,�,rights=of=way au Mtion.
2011 Construction be iris.
Staff will continue to work with the ProjectJ team, including CDOT, the NFCBA, area
property/business owners,and City Council to advance the Project through the engineering,right-of-
way, and construction phases.
More detailed information regarding the North College Improvement Project is available on-line at:
ATTACHMENTS lr�l lrl� Tf1�-7 7-
1. L
Project Area Map U
2. July 28, 2009 Work Session Summary
3. Recommendations from boards and commissions
- Transportation Board
- Bicycle Advisory Committee
- Planning and Zoning Board
- Commission on Disability
-North Fort Collins Business Association
4. North College Improvements Project — Phase II,'Vine Drive to the Hickory/Conifer
Intersection Conceptua�Design Report,,Sept in er`U 200 (Executive Summary)
5. Truck Route ballot language (ResolutiX2C 066--090)
6. PowerPoint presentation J�
ORDINANCE NO. 090, 2009
WHEREAS, in 2005, Fort Collins voters approved Ordinance No. 092, 2005 (the
"Ordinance) establishing a one-quarter cent sales tax to fund capital projects as part of a program
known as "Building on Basics" ("BOB"); and
WHEREAS, one of the projects to be funded by BOB is the 'North College Avenue
Improvements Phase II - Vine Drive to Conifer" project (the "Project") and
WHEREAS, the Ordinance states that the design, scheduling and amount of tax revenue to
be set aside for the construction and operation and maintenance of the BOB projects are to be
determined by the City Council; and
WHEREAS,the Council has determined the design and scheduling of the Project by adoption
of Resolution 2009-082; and
WHEREAS,the current estimated cost to build the entire Project is approximately$12 to$15
million depending on the level of improvements; and -
WHEREAS, the City has currently identified approximately$6.2 million in funding for the
Project from the following sources: BOB ($4.8 million), Colorado Departmentof Transportation
($885,000), and the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (`'MPO")($600,000);
WHEREAS, of this $6.2 million, $5.6 million has already been appropriated for the Project
by the City Council, and City staff anticipates presenting an ordinance appropriating the additional
$600,000 for Council's consideration as soon as arrangements for that additional funding have been
finalized with the MPO; and
WHEREAS,the Project is planned to be completed in phases as additional funding becomes
available; and
WHEREAS, City staff is requesting the transfer of additional funds for the Project in the
' amount of$1,830,944 from the SI-I 14 Truck Route Phase II (the "Truck Route") project; and
WHEREAS, in November, 2006, the voters of the City considered and approved a ballot
measure initiated by the City Council that authorized the-use of such funds to either pursue the
relocation of the Truck Route or to fund other transportation capital improvements in the northeast
quadrant of the City (the "Ballot Measure"); and
WHEREAS, using the Truck Route funds for the Project as authorized by the voters would
facilitate the eventual construction of the entire Project and would provide safety benefits on North
College for all modes of transportation; and
WHEREAS, Article V, Section 10, of the City Charter authorizes the City Council to
transfer by ordinance any unexpended and unencumbered appropriated amount or portion thereof
from one project to another project, provided that the purpose for which the transferred funds are
to be expended remains unchanged.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That the City Council hereby finds and determines that the Project is located
within the northeast quadrant of the City within the meaning and intent of the Ballot Measure.
Section 2. That the unexpended and unencumbered appropriated amount of ONE
DOLLARS ($1,830,944) is hereby authorized for transfer from the SH 14 Truck Route Phase It
capital project to the North College Avenue Improvements capital project and appropriated therein
for Phase If - Vine Drive to Conifer Street improvements.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this Ist day of
September, A.D. 2009, and to be presented for final passage on the I5th day of September, A.D.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading on the 15th day of September, A.D. 2009.
City Clerk