City of Fort Collins PROCLAMATION
WHEREAS,Meekness is a critical personal quality needed for lasting success;and
WHEREAS,we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort Collins a place where families
are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business is productive, neighbors care
about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices for their lives and families; and
WHEREAS,we recognize that the health of this community depends upon all of our citizens
being able to endure in their activities and their associations; and
WHEREAS,the tranquillity and orderly operation and development of our City demand that
we implement the key concepts of Meelmess: responding to emotions rather than being controlled by
the •identifying and clarifying ourfeelin s rather than ulsivel andne negative responding
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constructively to unpleasant and stressful conditions; balancing ancin our rights with our responsibilities;
facing conflict with calmness; avoiding unreasonable reactions by clarifying the issues and gaining a
broader perspective; and proceeding gracefully and gratefully in our interactions with others; and
WHEREAS, by following these suggestions, we as citizens individually and collectively can
improve the quality of our products and the efficiency of our services, can focus our efforts on
achieving our goals,can provide our communitywith an improving competitive edge,and can find new
avenues for enriching our lives - as we move boldly yet patiently into our developing future.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Doug Hutchinson, Mayor of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby
proclaim the character trait of
"Balancing personal responsibilities and rights by harnessing emotions and
responding constructively when faced with difficult and divisive conditions."
as the COMMUNITY OF CHARACTER focus for the month of August, 2006, in the City of Fort
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Fort
Collins this 15th day of August, A.D. 2006.
City Clerk
300 LaPorte Avenue • P.O.Box 580 • Fort Coffins,CO 80522-0580 • (970)221-6505 • FAX(970)224-6107 • TDD(970)224-6001