Bob Micek
First Reading of Ordinance No. 077, 2009 Amending Chapter 26, Article VI, Division 4 of the City
Code Relating to Excess Circuit Charge.
Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinance on First Reading
This Ordinance allows the Utilities to respond promptly to a customer's request for excess capacity
service based on the proposed Code provision. The charges for the service will be stated in the Code
and revised when electric cost of service studies are updated.
Large commercial and industrial electric customers may request electrical distribution services
related to excess circuit capacity. Currently, the Electric Utility reviews individual customer
requests for these services, determines the impact to service disruption and the distribution system,
and forms a special services agreement setting the charges for this additional service. A special
services agreement with each customer allows the Utility to properly bill for the excess circuit
capacity requested. Ordinance No. 057, 2009, adopted June 2, 2009, requires the Utilities to bring
all special services agreements that modify rates, fees or charges before the Council for approval.
The excess circuit capacity charge is a modification of the standby charges.
The electric distribution system is designed with certain levels of redundancy whereby, if service
to a facility is disrupted, service can be rerouted through alternative routes to reconnect to a
customer. When a customer wants immediate backup service for an automatic throw over(ATO)
or by manually performing the same operation,the Utility will provide a service path that is always
available in case of a disruption, so that switching is immediate and no outage is experienced. The
charges for this service are based on the costs relevant to the facilities needed to provide immediate
switching capabilities. Current commercial tariffs have a Distribution Standby Charge designed to
recover the capital and operations and maintenance(O&M) expenses associated with the reserved
capacity, should a customer want to purchase it for intermittent or stand-by loads. A customer load
supplied for immediate backup does not need additional substation capacity. Without substation
costs, the facilities charge is 62.4% of the standard facilities charge. Immediate switching of
customer load from one source to another source increases infrastructure costs by 33%. Based on
July 7, 2009 -2- Item No. 20
this, the facilities charge for excess circuit capacity service calculates to 20.8% of the current
facilities charge (62.4% x 33%).
In order to accommodate and expedite the process for customers who may request excess circuit
capacity, utilities staff is recommending codification of the excess circuit capacity charge. This
would allow the Utilities to respond promptly to a customer request for this service.
The suggested Code change will be presented to the Electric Board at its regular July 1, 2009
meeting. Excerpts from the minutes of that meeting will not be available by the packet distribution
deadline for the July 7 Council meeting. Excerpts related to the Code change will be provided prior
to Second Reading on July 21, 2009.
ORDINANCE NO . 077, 2009
WHEREAS , the City' s electric utility has large commercial and industrial customers that are
interested in obtaining immediate backup service in the event electric service to a customer facility
is disrupted; and
WHEREAS , the City ' s electric utility is able to provide uninterruptible and immediate
backup service to its large commercial and industrial customers at a rate that accounts for the
increased electric utility operations, maintenance, and infrastructure costs associated with providing
such service; and
WHEREAS , staff has proposed revisions to the City Code in order to clarify the terms,
conditions and rates for this service.
COLLINS as follows :
Section 1 . That Section 26-467 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
to read as follows :
Sec. 26-467. General service 50, schedule GS50.
(a) Availability. The general service 50, schedule GS50 shall be available within
the corporate limits of the City and the suburban fringe.
(b) Applicability. This schedule applies to customers served at the established
secondary voltage of the City's distribution system. This schedule applies only to
individual services with an average metered demand not less than fifty (50) kilowatts
and not greater than seven hundred fifty (750) kilowatts.
(c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule are as follows :
( 1 ) Fixed charge, per account: Twenty-five dollars and zero cents ($25 .) . An
additional charge of forty dollars and zero cents ($40 .) may be assessed if
telephone communication service is not provided by the customer.
(2) Coincident demand charge, per kilowatt: Thirteen dollars and twelve cents
($ 13 . 12) but not less than one cent ($ . 01 ) per kilowatt-hour.
(3 ) Distribution facilities demand charge, per kilowatt: Four dollars and thirty-
one cents ($4 . 31 ) .
(4) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour: One and eighty-six one-hundredths cents
($0 . 0186) .
(5) In lieu of taxes and franchise : a charge at the rate of six and zero-tenths (6 . 0)
percent of all monthly service charges billed pursuant to this Section.
(d) Renewable resource. Energy generated by the power of wind may be
available at a premium price in accordance with the provisions of a special services
agreement between the utility and the customer, as such agreements are authorized
in this Section.
(e) Excess capacity charge. A monthly capacity charge of two dollars ($2 .) per
kilowatt may be added to the above charges for service to intermittent loads
in accordance with the provisions of the electric service rules and regulations .
(f) Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on
an annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service
demand (in kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the
utility according to the following:
( 1 ) Standby distribution charge.
a. The monthly standby distribution charge shall be three dollars and
sixty-two cents ($3 . 62) per kilowatt of contracted standby service . This
charge shall be in lieu of the distribution facilities charge . For all
metered kilowatts in excess of the contracted amount, the standby
distribution charge shall be ten dollars and eighty-six cents ($ 10 . 86) per
b. In the event the contractual kilowatt amount is exceeded, the beginning
date of the contract period will be reset. The first month of the new
contract period will become the current billing month and such month's
metered demand shall become the minimum allowable contract demand
for the standby service. Requests for standby service may be subject to
a waiting period. An operation and maintenance charge may be added
for special facilities required to provide standby service.
(2) Standby generation and transmission charge . All charges incurred by the
utility under Platte River Power Authority's applicable tariffs, as may be
amended from time to time, will be billed to the customer as a standby
generation and transmission charge.
(g) Excess circuit charge. In the event a utility customer in this rate class desires
excess circuit capacity for the purpose of controlling the available electric capacity
of a backup circuit connection, this service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable backup demand
(in kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the utility according
to the following :
( 1 ) The excess circuit charge shall be seventy-five cents ($0 . 75) per contracted
kilowatt of backup capacity per month. For any metered kilowatts in excess
of the contracted amount, the excess circuit charge shall be two dollars and
twenty-five cents ($2 .25) per kilowatt.
(2) In the event the contractual kilowatt limit is exceeded, a new annual contract
period will automatically begin as of the month the limit is exceeded. The
metered demand in the month of exceedance shall become the minimum
contracted demand level for the excess circuit charge .
Section 2 . That all subsequent subsections of Section 26-467 shall be renumbered
Section 3 . That Section 26-468 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
to read as follows :
Sec. 26468. General service 750, schedule GS750.
(a) Availability. The general service 750, schedule GS750 shall be available
within the corporate limits of the City and the suburban fringe .
(b) Applicability. This schedule applies to customers served at the primary
voltage of the City's electric system, thirteen thousand two hundred/seven thousand
six hundred twenty ( 13 ,200/7,620) volts nominal for three-phase power. This
schedule applies only to individual services with an average metered demand of
seven hundred fifty (750) kilowatts or greater. The General Manager, at his or her
option, may enter into individual, written agreements with customers having an
aggregated connected load of one thousand ( 1 ,000) kilowatts or more, which
agreements shall establish the services to be provided and the amount to be charged
to such customers .
(c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule are as follows :
( 1 ) Fixed charge, per account : Thirty dollars and sixty cents ($30 . 60) .
a. Additional charge for each additional metering point: Twenty-five
dollars and ninety-two cents ($25 . 92) .
b. An additional charge of forty dollars and zero cents ($40 .) for each
metering point may be assessed if telephone communication service is
not provided by the customer.
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(2) Coincident demand charge, per kilowatt: Twelve dollars and ninety-two cents
($ 12 . 92) but not less than one cent ($0 . 01 ) per kilowatt-hour.
(3 ) Distribution facilities demand charge, per kilowatt:
a. First seven hundred fifty (750) kilowatts : Four dollars and twenty-five
cents ($4 .25) .
b. All additional kilowatts : Two dollars and ninety-one cents ($2 . 91 ) .
(4) Energy charge, per kilowatt-hour: One and eighty-three one-hundredths cents
($0 . 0183) .
(5) In lieu of taxes and franchise : a charge at the rate of six and zero-tenths (6 . 0)
percent of all monthly service charges billed pursuant to this Section.
(d) Renewable resource. Energy generated by the power of wind may be
available at a premium price in accordance with the provisions of a special services
agreement between the utility and the customer, as such agreements are authorized
in this Section.
(e) Excess capacity charge. A monthly capacity charge of two dollars ($2 .) per
kilowatt may be added to the above charges for service to intermittent loads in
accordance with the provisions of the electric service rules and regulations .
(f) Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on
an annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service demand
(in kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the utility according
to the following :
( 1 ) Standby distribution charge.
a. The monthly standby distribution charge shall be two dollars and
eighty-four cents ($2 . 84) per kilowatt of contracted standby service .
This charge shall be in lieu of the distribution facilities charge. For all
metered kilowatts in excess of the contracted amount, the standby
distribution charge shall be eight dollars and fifty-two cents ($8 . 52) per
b. In the event the contractual kilowatt amount is exceeded, the beginning
date of the contract period will be reset. The first month of the new
contract period will become the current billing month and such month's
metered demand shall become the minimum allowable contract demand
for the standby service. Requests for standby service may be subject to
a waiting period. An operation and maintenance charge may be added
for special facilities required to provide standby service.
(2) Standby generation and transmission charge. All charges incurred by the
utility under the Platte River Power Authority's applicable tariffs, as may be
amended from time to time, will be billed to the customer as a standby
generation and transmission charge.
(g) Excess circuit charge. In the event a utility customer in this rate class desires
excess circuit capacity for the purpose of controlling the available electric capacity
of a backup circuit connection, this service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable backup demand
(in kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the utility according
to the following :
( 1 ) The excess circuit charge shall be fifty-nine cents ($0 . 59) per contracted
kilowatt of backup capacity per month. For any metered kilowatts in excess
of the contracted amount, the excess circuit charge shall be one dollar and
seventy-seven cents ($ 1 . 77) per kilowatt.
(2) In the event the contractual kilowatt limit is exceeded, a new annual contract
period will automatically begin as of the month the limit is exceeded. The
metered demand in the month of exceedance shall become the minimum
contracted demand level for the excess circuit charge.
Section 4 . That all subsequent subsections of Section 26-468 shall be renumbered
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 7th day of July,
A. D . 2009, and to be presented for final passage on the 21 st day of July, A.D . 2009 .
Deputy City Clerk
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Passed and adopted on final reading on the 21 st day of July, A.D . 2009 .
City Clerk